// ==UserScript== // @name Monster Minigame AutoScript // @author /u/mouseasw for creating and maintaining the script, /u/WinneonSword for the Greasemonkey support, and every contributor on the GitHub repo for constant enhancements. // @version 2.4.3 // @namespace https://github.com/mouseas/steamSummerMinigame // @description A script that runs the Steam Monster Minigame for you. // @match *://steamcommunity.com/minigame/towerattack* // @match *://steamcommunity.com//minigame/towerattack* // @grant none // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mouseas/steamSummerMinigame/master/main.user.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mouseas/steamSummerMinigame/master/main.user.js // ==/UserScript== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ___ __ __ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _ _ _____ // // |_ _| \/ | _ \ / _ \| _ \_ _|/ \ | \ | |_ _| // // | || |\/| | |_) | | | | |_) || | / _ \ | \| | | | // // | || | | | __/| |_| | _ < | |/ ___ \| |\ | | | // // |___|_| |_|_| \___/|_| \_\|_/_/ \_\_| \_| |_| // // // // Increment the @version parameter every time you // // update the script (2.0.1, 2.0.2, etc.). Otherwise // // Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey users will NOT update // // automatically!! // // // // Do not update version number in pull requests; // // It usually causes a merge conflict. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Options. Can also be set in the options menu below game. var purchaseUpgradeToggle = false; var clickRate = 10; // change to number of desired clicks per second // Do not touch these var isAlreadyRunning = false; var timer = 0; var lastAction = 500; //start with the max. Array length var clickTimer; var purchasedShieldsWhileRespawning = false; var ABILITIES = { "MORALE_BOOSTER": 5, "GOOD_LUCK": 6, "MEDIC": 7, "METAL_DETECTOR": 8, "COOLDOWN": 9, "NUKE": 10, "CLUSTER_BOMB": 11, "NAPALM": 12 }; var ITEMS = { "REVIVE": 13, "CRIPPLE_SPAWNER": 14, "CRIPPLE_MONSTER": 15, "MAXIMIZE_ELEMENT": 16, "GOLD_RAIN": 17, "CRIT": 18, "PUMPED_UP": 19, "THROW_MONEY": 20, "GOD_MODE": 21, "TREASURE": 22, "STEAL_HEALTH": 23, "REFLECT_DAMAGE": 24, "FEELING_LUCKY": 25, "WORMHOLE": 26, "LIKE_NEW": 27 }; var ENEMY_TYPE = { "SPAWNER": 0, "CREEP": 1, "BOSS": 2, "MINIBOSS": 3, "TREASURE": 4 }; // Each elemental damage, lucky shot and loot have their own type in m_rgTuningData var UPGRADE_TYPES = { "ARMOR": 0, "DPS": 1, "CLICK_DAMAGE": 2, "ELEMENTAL_FIRE": 3, "ELEMENTAL_WATER": 4, "ELEMENTAL_AIR": 5, "ELEMENTAL_EARTH": 6, "LUCKY_SHOT": 7, "ABILITY": 8, "LOOT": 9 }; if (thingTimer){ window.clearInterval(thingTimer); } function firstRun() { // if the purchase item window is open, spend your badge points! if (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_UI.m_spendBadgePointsDialog.is(":visible")) { purchaseBadgeItems(); } createOptionsMenu(); // disable particle effects - this drastically reduces the game's memory leak if (g_Minigame !== undefined) { g_Minigame.CurrentScene().DoClickEffect = function() {}; g_Minigame.CurrentScene().DoCritEffect = function( nDamage, x, y, additionalText ) {}; g_Minigame.CurrentScene().SpawnEmitter = function(emitter) { emitter.emit = false; return emitter; }; } // disable enemy flinching animation when they get hit if (CEnemy !== undefined) { CEnemy.prototype.TakeDamage = function() {}; CEnemySpawner.prototype.TakeDamage = function() {}; CEnemyBoss.prototype.TakeDamage = function() {}; } // flat disable Throw Money At Screen item - it causes more harm than benefit in every conceivable case disableAbilityItem(ITEMS.THROW_MONEY); } function doTheThing() { if (!isAlreadyRunning){ isAlreadyRunning = true; try { goToLaneWithBestTarget(); if (purchaseUpgradeToggle){ purchaseUpgrades(); } useGoodLuckCharmIfRelevant(); useCritIfRelevant(); useReviveIfRelevant(); useMedicsIfRelevant(); useMoraleBoosterIfRelevant(); useClusterBombIfRelevant(); useNapalmIfRelevant(); useTacticalNukeIfRelevant(); useCrippleSpawnerIfRelevant(); useMetalDetectorAndTreasureIfRelevant(); useGoldRainIfRelevant(); attemptRespawn(); if (clickRate > 0) { startGoldRainClick(); } } catch (e) { console.log("An error occurred, but we'll keep running."); console.log(e); } isAlreadyRunning = false; } } function purchaseBadgeItems() { // Spends badge points (BP's) when joining a new game. // Dict contains the priority in terms of amount to buy (percentage of purchase). Probably a nicer way to do this... // First version of priorities is based on this badge point table 'usefulness' from reddit: // http://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/39i0qc/psa_how_the_monster_game_works_an_indepth/ var abilityItemPriority = [ [ITEMS.GOLD_RAIN, 50], [ITEMS.CRIT, 20], [ITEMS.TREASURE, 6], [ITEMS.MAXIMIZE_ELEMENT, 5], [ITEMS.CRIPPLE_MONSTER, 5], [ITEMS.CRIPPLE_SPAWNER, 5], [ITEMS.REVIVE, 5], [ITEMS.STEAL_HEALTH, 4], [ITEMS.GOD_MODE, 3], [ITEMS.REFLECT_DAMAGE, 2], [ITEMS.PUMPED_UP, 1] //[ITEMS.THROW_MONEY, 0] //[ITEMS.FEELING_LUCKY, 0] //[ITEMS.WORMHOLE, 0] //[ITEMS.LIKE_NEW, 0] // Only go up to the second-last item. Throw money should never be used, // but it's here just in case. Similarly, feeling lucky, wormhole, and // like new are ridiculously priced and honestly aren't worth it ]; // Being extra paranoid about spending, since abilities update slowly. var safeToBuy = true; var intervalID = window.setInterval( function() { var queueLen = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPurchaseItemsQueue.length; if (safeToBuy && queueLen > 0) safeToBuy = false; else if (!safeToBuy && queueLen === 0) safeToBuy = true; }, 100); var buyItem = function(id) { g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TrySpendBadgePoints(document.getElementById('purchase_abilityitem_' + id)); }; var badgePoints = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.badge_points; for (var i = 0; i < abilityItemPriority.length; i++) { var abilityItem = abilityItemPriority[i]; var cost = $J(document.getElementById('purchase_abilityitem_' + abilityItem[0])).data('cost'); // Maximum amount to spend on each upgrade. i.e. 100 BP on item with a 10% share = 10 BP var maxSpend = badgePoints * abilityItem[1] / 100; var spent = 0; // Don't over-spend the budget for each item, and don't overdraft on the BP while (spent < maxSpend && cost <= g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.badge_points) { if (!safeToBuy) continue; buyItem(abilityItem[0]); spent += cost; } } // Get any stragling 1 or 2 BP left over, using the last item (1 BP) in the priority array while (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.badge_points > 0) { if (!safeToBuy) continue; buyItem(abilityItemPriority[abilityItemPriority.length - 1][0]); } // Get rid of that interval, it could end up taking up too many resources window.clearInterval(intervalID); } function goToLaneWithBestTarget() { // We can overlook spawners if all spawners are 40% hp or higher and a creep is under 10% hp var spawnerOKThreshold = 0.4; var creepSnagThreshold = 0.1; var targetFound = false; var lowHP = 0; var lowLane = 0; var lowTarget = 0; var lowPercentageHP = 0; // determine which lane and enemy is the optimal target var enemyTypePriority = [ ENEMY_TYPE.TREASURE, ENEMY_TYPE.BOSS, ENEMY_TYPE.MINIBOSS, ENEMY_TYPE.SPAWNER, ENEMY_TYPE.CREEP ]; var skippingSpawner = false; var skippedSpawnerLane = 0; var skippedSpawnerTarget = 0; var targetIsTreasureOrBoss = false; for (var k = 0; !targetFound && k < enemyTypePriority.length; k++) { if (enemyTypePriority[k] == ENEMY_TYPE.TREASURE || enemyTypePriority[k] == ENEMY_TYPE.BOSS){ targetIsTreasureOrBoss = true; } else { targetIsTreasureOrBoss = false; } var enemies = []; // gather all the enemies of the specified type. for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(i, j); if (enemy && enemy.m_data.type == enemyTypePriority[k]) { enemies[enemies.length] = enemy; } } } // target the enemy of the specified type with the lowest hp for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) { if (enemies[i] && !enemies[i].m_bIsDestroyed) { if (lowHP < 1 || enemies[i].m_flDisplayedHP < lowHP) { targetFound = true; lowHP = enemies[i].m_flDisplayedHP; lowLane = enemies[i].m_nLane; lowTarget = enemies[i].m_nID; } var percentageHP = enemies[i].m_flDisplayedHP / enemies[i].m_data.max_hp; if (lowPercentageHP == 0 || percentageHP < lowPercentageHP) { lowPercentageHP = percentageHP; } } } // If we just finished looking at spawners, // AND none of them were below our threshold, // remember them and look for low creeps (so don't quit now) if (enemyTypePriority[k] == ENEMY_TYPE.SPAWNER && lowPercentageHP > spawnerOKThreshold) { skippedSpawnerLane = lowLane; skippedSpawnerTarget = lowTarget; skippingSpawner = true; targetFound = false; } // If we skipped a spawner and just finished looking at creeps, // AND the lowest was above our snag threshold, // just go back to the spawner! if (skippingSpawner && enemyTypePriority[k] == ENEMY_TYPE.CREEP && lowPercentageHP > creepSnagThreshold ) { lowLane = skippedSpawnerLane; lowTarget = skippedSpawnerTarget; } } // go to the chosen lane if (targetFound) { if (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane != lowLane) { //console.log('switching langes'); g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryChangeLane(lowLane); } // target the chosen enemy if (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nTarget != lowTarget) { //console.log('switching targets'); g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryChangeTarget(lowTarget); } // Prevent attack abilities and items if up against a boss or treasure minion if (targetIsTreasureOrBoss) { // Morale disableAbility(ABILITIES.MORALE_BOOSTER); // Luck disableAbility(ABILITIES.GOOD_LUCK); // Nuke disableAbility(ABILITIES.NUKE); // Clusterbomb disableAbility(ABILITIES.CLUSTER_BOMB); // Napalm disableAbility(ABILITIES.NAPALM); // Crit disableAbilityItem(ITEMS.CRIT); // Cripple Spawner disableAbilityItem(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_SPAWNER); // Cripple Monster disableAbilityItem(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_MONSTER); // Max Elemental Damage disableAbilityItem(ITEMS.MAXIMIZE_ELEMENT); // Reflect Damage disableAbilityItem(ITEMS.REFLECT_DAMAGE); } else { // Morale enableAbility(ABILITIES.MORALE_BOOSTER); // Luck enableAbility(ABILITIES.GOOD_LUCK); // Nuke enableAbility(ABILITIES.NUKE); // Clusterbomb enableAbility(ABILITIES.CLUSTER_BOMB); // Napalm enableAbility(ABILITIES.NAPALM); // Crit enableAbilityItem(ITEMS.CRIT); // Cripple Spawner enableAbilityItem(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_SPAWNER); // Cripple Monster enableAbilityItem(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_MONSTER); // Max Elemental Damage enableAbilityItem(ITEMS.MAXIMIZE_ELEMENT); // Reflect Damage enableAbilityItem(ITEMS.REFLECT_DAMAGE); } } } function purchaseUpgrades() { var oddsOfElement = 1 - (0.75*0.75*0.75); //This values elemental too much because best element lanes are not focused(0.578) var avgClicksPerSecond = 1; //Set this yourself to serve your needs var upgrades = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgTuningData.upgrades.slice(0); var buyUpgrade = function(id) { console.log("Buying " + upgrades[id].name + " level " + (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeLevel(id) + 1)); if(id >= 3 && 6 >= id) { //If upgrade is element damage g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryUpgrade(document.getElementById('upgr_' + id).childElements()[3]); } else { g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryUpgrade(document.getElementById('upgr_' + id).childElements()[0].childElements()[1]); } }; var myGold = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.gold; //Initial values for armor & damage var bestUpgradeForDamage,bestUpgradeForArmor; var highestUpgradeValueForDamage = 0; var highestUpgradeValueForArmor = 0; var bestElement = -1; var highestElementLevel = 0; var critMultiplier = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.damage_multiplier_crit; var critRate = Math.min(g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.crit_percentage, 1); var dpc = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.damage_per_click; var basedpc = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgTuningData.player.damage_per_click; for( var i=0; i< upgrades.length; i++ ) { var upgrade = upgrades[i]; if ( upgrade.required_upgrade != undefined ) { var requiredUpgradeLevel = upgrade.required_upgrade_level != undefined ? upgrade.required_upgrade_level : 1; var parentUpgradeLevel = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeLevel(upgrade.required_upgrade); if ( requiredUpgradeLevel > parentUpgradeLevel ) { //If upgrade is not available, we skip it continue; } } var upgradeCurrentLevel = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeLevel(i); var upgradeCost = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeCost(i); switch(upgrade.type) { case UPGRADE_TYPES.ARMOR: if(upgrade.multiplier / upgradeCost > highestUpgradeValueForArmor) { // hp increase per moneys bestUpgradeForArmor = i; highestUpgradeValueForArmor = upgrade.multiplier / upgradeCost; } break; case UPGRADE_TYPES.CLICK_DAMAGE: if((critRate * critMultiplier + (1 - critRate)) * avgClicksPerSecond * upgrade.multiplier * basedpc / upgradeCost > highestUpgradeValueForDamage) { // dmg increase per moneys bestUpgradeForDamage = i; highestUpgradeValueForDamage = (critRate * critMultiplier + (1 - critRate)) * avgClicksPerSecond * upgrade.multiplier * basedpc / upgradeCost; } break; case UPGRADE_TYPES.DPS: if(upgrade.multiplier * basedpc / upgradeCost > highestUpgradeValueForDamage) { // dmg increase per moneys bestUpgradeForDamage = i; highestUpgradeValueForDamage = upgrade.multiplier / upgradeCost; } break; case UPGRADE_TYPES.ELEMENTAL_FIRE: case UPGRADE_TYPES.ELEMENTAL_WATER: case UPGRADE_TYPES.ELEMENTAL_AIR: case UPGRADE_TYPES.ELEMENTAL_EARTH: /*if(upgradeCurrentLevel > highestElementLevel){ highestElementLevel = upgradeCurrentLevel; bestElement = i; }*/ break; case UPGRADE_TYPES.LUCKY_SHOT: if(upgrade.multiplier * dpc * critRate * avgClicksPerSecond / upgradeCost > highestUpgradeValueForDamage) { // dmg increase per moneys bestUpgradeForDamage = i; highestUpgradeValueForDamage = upgrade.multiplier / upgradeCost; } break; default: break; } } /* if(bestElement != -1) { //Let user choose what element to level up by adding the point to desired element upgradeCost = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeCost(bestElement); var dps = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.dps; dps = dps + (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.damage_per_click * avgClicksPerSecond); if(0.25 * oddsOfElement * dps * upgrades[bestElement].multiplier / upgradeCost > highestUpgradeValueForDamage) { //dmg increase / moneys //bestUpgradeForDamage = bestElement; // Not doing this because this values element damage too much } }*/ var currentHealth = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.hp; var myMaxHealth = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.max_hp; // check if health is below 30% var hpPercent = currentHealth / myMaxHealth; if (hpPercent < 0.3) { // Prioritize armor over damage // - Should we by any armor we can afford or just wait for the best one possible? // currently waiting upgradeCost = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeCost(bestUpgradeForArmor); // Prevent purchasing multiple shields while waiting to respawn. if (purchasedShieldsWhileRespawning && currentHealth < 1) { return; } if(myGold > upgradeCost && bestUpgradeForArmor !== undefined) { buyUpgrade(bestUpgradeForArmor); myGold = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.gold; purchasedShieldsWhileRespawning = currentHealth < 1; } } else if (purchasedShieldsWhileRespawning) { purchasedShieldsWhileRespawning = false; } // Try to buy some damage upgradeCost = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeCost(bestUpgradeForDamage); var upgradeCostBestArmor = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetUpgradeCost(bestUpgradeForArmor); if(myGold - upgradeCostBestArmor > upgradeCost && bestUpgradeForDamage !== undefined) { buyUpgrade(bestUpgradeForDamage); } } function useReviveIfRelevant() { // Use resurrection if doable if (numItem(ITEMS.REVIVE) === 0 || isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.REVIVE)) { return; } var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; // Check if anyone needs reviving var numDead = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgGameData.lanes[ currentLane ].player_hp_buckets[0]; var numPlayers = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgLaneData[ currentLane ].players; var numRevives = currentLaneHasAbility(ABILITIES.REVIVE); if (numPlayers === 0) return; // no one alive, apparently var deadPercent = numDead / numPlayers; // If it was recently used in current lane, don't bother ('instants' take a few seconds to // register and last for 5 seconds). Also skip if number of dead players < 1/3 of lane team or // lane consists of < 20% of total team players. if (numRevives === 0 && deadPercent > 0.33 && getLanePercent() > 0.2) { console.log('We have revive, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.'); triggerItem(ITEMS.REVIVE); } } function useMedicsIfRelevant() { var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; var HPbuckets = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgGameData.lanes[ currentLane ].player_hp_buckets; var playersAlive = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgLaneData[ currentLane ].players - HPbuckets[0]; // Get players between health buckets 2 and 6 of 10 (0 means dead). var playersInjured = HPbuckets.slice(1,6).reduce(function(a, b) {return a + b}); if (playersAlive === 0) return; var injuredPercent = playersInjured / playersAlive; // Check if medic is already active, health is below 50%, // lane consists of > 20 % of total team players, or if really hurt players > 40% var myHP = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.hp; var myMaxHealth = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.max_hp; var hpPercent = myHP / myMaxHealth; if (currentLaneHasAbility(ABILITIES.MEDIC) > 0 || ( (hpPercent > 0.5 || myHP < 1) && (getLanePercent() < 0.2 || injuredPercent < 0.4) )) { return; // no need to heal - HP is above 50% or already dead } // check if Medics is purchased and cooled down if(numItem(ITEMS.PUMPED_UP) > 0 && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.PUMPED_UP)) { // The item PUMPED UP will be the first used in order to regenerate our health // This is because PUMPED_UP is basically a better version of "MEDIC" // and it gets dropped by monsters as loot console.log('We can pump up our HP. Trigger it.'); triggerItem(ITEMS.PUMPED_UP); } else if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.MEDIC) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.MEDIC)) { // Medics is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it. console.log('Medics is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.'); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.MEDIC); } else if (hpPercent <= 0.5 && myHP > 0 && numItem(ITEMS.GOD_MODE) > 0 && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.GOD_MODE)) { // Only use on yourself, not if others need healing. // Don't have Medic or Pumped Up? // We'll use godmode so we can delay our death in case the cooldowns come back. // Instead of just firing it, we could maybe only use godmode // if the medic / pumped up ability is going to be back before godmode expires console.log('We have god mode, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.'); triggerItem(ITEMS.GOD_MODE); } else if(numItem(ITEMS.STEAL_HEALTH) > 0 && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.STEAL_HEALTH)) { // Use Steal Health as a last resort as that // allows us to gain HP depending on our click-damage console.log("Last resort for survival: STEALING HEALTH"); triggerItem(ITEMS.STEAL_HEALTH); } } // Use Good Luck Charm if doable function useGoodLuckCharmIfRelevant() { // check if Good Luck Charms is purchased and cooled down if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.GOOD_LUCK)) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.GOOD_LUCK)) { return; } if (! isAbilityEnabled(ABILITIES.GOOD_LUCK)) { return; } // Good Luck Charms is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it. console.log('Good Luck Charms is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.'); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.GOOD_LUCK); } } function useClusterBombIfRelevant() { //Check if Cluster Bomb is purchased and cooled down if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.CLUSTER_BOMB)) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.CLUSTER_BOMB)) { return; } //Check lane has monsters to explode var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; var enemyCount = 0; var enemySpawnerExists = false; //Count each slot in lane for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(currentLane, i); if (enemy) { enemyCount++; if (enemy.m_data.type == 0) { enemySpawnerExists = true; } } } //Bombs away if spawner and 2+ other monsters if (enemySpawnerExists && enemyCount >= 3) { // Wait 60 seconds if the cooldown ability // is within 1 minute of coming back if (getCooldownTime(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) > 60 || !hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) || (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN))) { if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !currentLaneHasAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN)) { console.log("Cooling down prior to long-downtime ability use"); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN); } else { triggerAbility(ABILITIES.CLUSTER_BOMB); } } } } } function useNapalmIfRelevant() { //Check if Napalm is purchased and cooled down if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.NAPALM)) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.NAPALM)) { return; } //Check lane has monsters to burn var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; var enemyCount = 0; var enemySpawnerExists = false; //Count each slot in lane for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(currentLane, i); if (enemy) { enemyCount++; if (enemy.m_data.type == 0) { enemySpawnerExists = true; } } } //Burn them all if spawner and 2+ other monsters if (enemySpawnerExists && enemyCount >= 3) { // Wait 60 seconds if the cooldown ability // is within 1 minute of coming back if (getCooldownTime(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) > 60 || !hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) || (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN))) { if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !currentLaneHasAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN)) { console.log("Cooling down prior to long-downtime ability use"); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN); } else { triggerAbility(ABILITIES.NAPALM); } } } } } function useMoraleBoosterIfRelevant() { // Check if Morale Booster is purchased if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.MORALE_BOOSTER)) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.MORALE_BOOSTER)) { return; } //Check lane has monsters so the hype isn't wasted var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; var enemyCount = 0; var enemySpawnerExists = false; //Count each slot in lane for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(currentLane, i); if (enemy) { enemyCount++; if (enemy.m_data.type == 0) { enemySpawnerExists = true; } } } //Hype everybody up! if (enemySpawnerExists && enemyCount >= 3) { console.log("Morale Booster is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Rally around, everyone!"); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.MORALE_BOOSTER); } } } function useTacticalNukeIfRelevant() { // Check if Tactical Nuke is purchased if(hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.NUKE)) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.NUKE)) { return; } //Check that the lane has a spawner and record it's health percentage var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; var enemySpawnerExists = false; var enemySpawnerHealthPercent = 0.0; //Count each slot in lane for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(currentLane, i); if (enemy) { if (enemy.m_data.type == 0) { enemySpawnerExists = true; enemySpawnerHealthPercent = enemy.m_flDisplayedHP / enemy.m_data.max_hp; } } } // If there is a spawner and it's health is between 60% and 30%, nuke it! if (enemySpawnerExists && enemySpawnerHealthPercent < 0.6 && enemySpawnerHealthPercent > 0.3) { console.log("Tactical Nuke is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Nuke 'em."); // Wait 60 seconds if the cooldown ability // is within 1 minute of coming back if (getCooldownTime(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) > 60 || !hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) || (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN))) { if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN) && !currentLaneHasAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN)) { console.log("Cooling down prior to long-downtime ability use"); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.COOLDOWN); } else { triggerAbility(ABILITIES.NUKE); } } } } } function useMetalDetectorAndTreasureIfRelevant() { var enemy = g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.GetEnemy(g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgPlayerData.current_lane, g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgPlayerData.target); if (enemy && enemy.m_data.type == ENEMY_TYPE.BOSS) { var enemyBossHealthPercent = enemy.m_flDisplayedHP / enemy.m_data.max_hp; if (enemyBossHealthPercent < 0.3) { if (hasPurchasedAbility(ABILITIES.METAL_DETECTOR) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ABILITIES.METAL_DETECTOR)) { console.log('Metal detector is purchased and cooled down, Triggering it on boss'); triggerAbility(ABILITIES.METAL_DETECTOR); } if (numItem(ITEMS.TREASURE) && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.TREASURE)) { console.log('Treasure! is purchased and cooled down, Triggering it on boss'); triggerItem(ITEMS.TREASURE); } } } } function useCrippleSpawnerIfRelevant() { // Check if Cripple Spawner is available if(numItem(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_SPAWNER) > 0) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_SPAWNER)) { return; } //Check that the lane has a spawner and record it's health percentage var currentLane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane; var enemySpawnerExists = false; var enemySpawnerHealthPercent = 0.0; //Count each slot in lane for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(currentLane, i); if (enemy) { if (enemy.m_data.type == 0) { enemySpawnerExists = true; enemySpawnerHealthPercent = enemy.m_flDisplayedHP / enemy.m_data.max_hp; } } } // If there is a spawner and it's health is above 95%, cripple it! if (enemySpawnerExists && enemySpawnerHealthPercent > 0.9 && Math.random() < 1/10) { console.log("Cripple Spawner available, and needed. Cripple 'em."); triggerItem(ITEMS.CRIPPLE_SPAWNER); } } } function useGoldRainIfRelevant() { // Check if gold rain is purchased if (numItem(ITEMS.GOLD_RAIN) > 0) { if (isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.GOLD_RAIN)) { return; } if(Math.random() > g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgGameData.level / 10000) { return; } var enemy = g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.GetEnemy(g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgPlayerData.current_lane, g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgPlayerData.target); // check if current target is a boss, otherwise its not worth using the gold rain if (enemy && enemy.m_data.type == ENEMY_TYPE.BOSS) { var enemyBossHealthPercent = enemy.m_flDisplayedHP / enemy.m_data.max_hp; if (enemyBossHealthPercent >= 0.3) { // We want sufficient time for the gold rain to be applicable // Gold Rain is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it. console.log('Gold rain is purchased and cooled down, Triggering it on boss'); triggerItem(ITEMS.GOLD_RAIN); } } } } // Upgrades the crit by 1% if we have the CRIT item available for use. function useCritIfRelevant() { if(numItem(ITEMS.CRIT) > 0 && !isAbilityCoolingDown(ITEMS.CRIT)) { triggerItem(ITEMS.CRIT); } } //If player is dead, call respawn method function attemptRespawn() { if ((g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_bIsDead) && ((g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.time_died) + 5) < (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nTime)) { RespawnPlayer(); } } function isAbilityActive(abilityId) { return g_Minigame.CurrentScene().bIsAbilityActive(abilityId); } function numItem(itemId) { for ( var i = 0; i < g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.ability_items.length; ++i ) { var abilityItem = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.ability_items[i]; if (abilityItem.ability == itemId) { return abilityItem.quantity; } } return 0; } // This calculates a 5 second moving average of clicks per second based // on the values that the game is recording. function updateAvgClickRate() { // Make sure we have updated info from the game first if (previousTickTime != g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nLastTick){ totalClicksPastFiveSeconds -= avgClickRate; totalClicksPastFiveSeconds += g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nLastClicks / ((g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nLastTick - previousTickTime) / 1000); avgClickRate = totalClicksPastFiveSeconds / 5; previousTickTime = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nLastTick; } } // disable enemy flinching animation when they get hit function disableFlinchingAnimation() { if (CEnemy !== undefined) { CEnemy.prototype.TakeDamage = function() {}; CEnemySpawner.prototype.TakeDamage = function() {}; CEnemyBoss.prototype.TakeDamage = function() {}; } } // disable damage text from clicking function disableDamageText() { g_Minigame.CurrentScene().DoClickEffect = function() {}; g_Minigame.CurrentScene().DoCritEffect = function( nDamage, x, y, additionalText ) {}; } function getCooldownTime(abilityId) { return g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetCooldownForAbility(abilityId); } function isAbilityCoolingDown(abilityId) { return g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetCooldownForAbility(abilityId) > 0; } function hasPurchasedAbility(abilityId) { // each bit in unlocked_abilities_bitfield corresponds to an ability. // the above condition checks if the ability's bit is set or cleared. I.e. it checks if // the player has purchased the specified ability. return (1 << abilityId) & g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.unlocked_abilities_bitfield; } function triggerItem(itemId) { var elem = document.getElementById('abilityitem_' + itemId); if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) { g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryAbility(document.getElementById('abilityitem_' + itemId).childElements()[0]); } } function triggerAbility(abilityId) { var elem = document.getElementById('ability_' + abilityId); if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) { g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryAbility(document.getElementById('ability_' + abilityId).childElements()[0]); } } function toggleAbilityVisibility(abilityId, show) { var vis = show === true ? "visible" : "hidden"; var elem = document.getElementById('ability_' + abilityId); if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) { elem.childElements()[0].style.visibility = vis; } } function disableAbility(abilityId) { toggleAbilityVisibility(abilityId, false); } function enableAbility(abilityId) { toggleAbilityVisibility(abilityId, true); } function isAbilityEnabled(abilityId) { var elem = document.getElementById('ability_' + abilityId); if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) { return elem.childElements()[0].style.visibility == "visible"; } return false; } function toggleAbilityItemVisibility(abilityId, show) { var vis = show === true ? "visible" : "hidden"; var elem = document.getElementById('abilityitem_' + abilityId); if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) { elem.childElements()[0].style.visibility = show; } } function disableAbilityItem(abilityId) { toggleAbilityItemVisibility(abilityId, false); } function enableAbilityItem(abilityId) { toggleAbilityItemVisibility(abilityId, true); } function isAbilityItemEnabled(abilityId) { var elem = document.getElementById('abilityitem_' + abilityId); if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) { return elem.childElements()[0].style.visibility == "visible"; } return false; } function currentLaneHasAbility(abilityID) { var lane = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.current_lane; if (typeof(g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgLaneData[lane].abilities[abilityID]) == 'undefined') return 0; return g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgLaneData[lane].abilities[abilityID]; } function getLanePercent(lane) { // Gets the percentage of total players in current lane. Useful in deciding if an ability is worthwhile to use lane = lane || g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane var currentPlayers = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgLaneData[ lane ].players var numPlayers = 0; for (var i=0; i < g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgGameData.lanes.length; i++) { numPlayers += g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgLaneData[ i ].players; } if (numPlayers === 0) return 0; return currentPlayers / numPlayers; } function clickTheThing() { // If we're going to be clicking, we should reset g_msTickRate // There's a reddit thread about why and we might as well be safe g_msTickRate = 1100; g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.DoClick({ data: { getLocalPosition: function () { var enemy = g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.GetEnemy( g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgPlayerData.current_lane, g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.m_rgPlayerData.target); var laneOffset = enemy.m_nLane * 440; return { x: enemy.m_Sprite.position.x - laneOffset, y: enemy.m_Sprite.position.y - 52 } } } }); timer--; // clear the click timer if it's done. if (timer <= 0){ clearInterval(clickTimer); console.log('It has stopped raining.'); timer = 0; } } function startGoldRainClick() { var activeAbilities = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgLaneData[g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane].abilities; // check if the current lane has Gold Rain active if (activeAbilities[ITEMS.GOLD_RAIN] !== undefined) { clearInterval(clickTimer); if (timer <= 0) { console.log('Let the GOLD rain!'); } clickTimer = window.setInterval(clickTheThing, 1000 / clickRate); timer = clickRate * 2; // click for 2 seconds; this will be topped off as long as Gold Rain is still active. } } function createOptionsMenu() { // remove any existing options menu before adding a new one jQuery('.options_box').remove(); // Remove the junk at the bottom to make room for options node = document.getElementById("footer"); if (node && node.parentNode) { node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); } jQuery('.leave_game_helper').remove(); // Make space for option menu var options_menu = document.querySelector(".game_options"); var sfx_btn = document.querySelector(".toggle_sfx_btn"); sfx_btn.style.marginLeft = "2px"; sfx_btn.style.marginRight = "7px"; sfx_btn.style.cssFloat = "right"; sfx_btn.style.styleFloat = "right"; var music_btn = document.querySelector(".toggle_music_btn"); music_btn.style.marginRight = "2px"; music_btn.style.cssFloat = "right"; music_btn.style.styleFloat = "right"; var leave_btn = document.querySelector(".leave_game_btn"); leave_btn.style.marginRight = "2px"; leave_btn.style.cssFloat = "right"; leave_btn.style.styleFloat = "right"; var pagecontent = document.querySelector(".pagecontent"); pagecontent.style.padding = "0"; var info_box = document.createElement('div'); options_menu.insertBefore(info_box, sfx_btn); info_box.innerHTML = '
' + ((typeof GM_info !== "undefined") ? ' (v' + GM_info.script.version + ')' : ''); // reset the CSS for the info box for aesthetics info_box.className = "options_box"; info_box.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; info_box.style.width = "300px"; info_box.style.padding = "12px"; info_box.style.boxShadow = "2px 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 )"; info_box.style.color = "#ededed"; info_box.style.margin = "2px auto"; info_box.style.overflow = "auto"; info_box.style.cssFloat = "left"; info_box.style.styleFloat = "left"; var options = document.createElement("div"); options.style["-moz-column-count"] = 1; options.style["-webkit-column-count"] = 1; options.style["column-count"] = 1; options.style.width = "100%"; options.style.float = "left"; options.appendChild(makeNumber("setAutoClickRate", "CPS during gold rain", "45px", clickRate, 0, 30, updateAutoClickRate)); options.appendChild(makeCheckBox("purchaseUpgradeToggle", "Auto upgrade items", purchaseUpgradeToggle, toggleAutoUpgrade)); info_box.appendChild(options); } function makeCheckBox(name, desc, state, listener) { var label= document.createElement("label"); var description = document.createTextNode(desc); var checkbox = document.createElement("input"); checkbox.type = "checkbox"; checkbox.name = name; checkbox.checked = state; checkbox.onclick = listener; window[checkbox.name] = checkbox.checked; label.appendChild(checkbox); label.appendChild(description); label.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); return label; } function makeNumber(name, desc, width, value, min, max, listener) { var label= document.createElement("label"); var description = document.createTextNode(desc); var number = document.createElement("input"); number.type = "number"; number.name = name; number.style.width = width; number.style.marginRight = "5px"; number.value = value; number.min = min; number.max = max; number.onchange = listener; number.addEventListener("keypress", function (evt) { if (evt.which === 13) number.onchange(); else if (evt.which < 48 || evt.which > 57) evt.preventDefault(); }); window[number.name] = number; label.appendChild(number); label.appendChild(description); label.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); return label; } function handleCheckBox(event) { var checkbox = event.target; window[checkbox.name] = checkbox.checked; return checkbox.checked; } function updateAutoClickRate(event) { if(event !== undefined && event.target.value != "") { var val = event.target.value; if (val > event.target.max) clickRate = event.target.max; else if (val < event.target.min) clickRate = event.target.min; else clickRate = val; console.log('Click rate is now ' + clickRate); } } function toggleAutoUpgrade(event) { if(event !== undefined) { purchaseUpgradeToggle = handleCheckBox(event); } } var thingTimer = window.setInterval(function(){ if (g_Minigame && g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_bRunning && g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree) { window.clearInterval(thingTimer); firstRun(); thingTimer = window.setInterval(doTheThing, 1000); } }, 1000);