#! /bin/bash # test if OpenCV already installed for python function test_opencv_installed() { RC=0 python3 -c "import cv2" > /dev/null 2>&1 || RC=$? if [ $RC -eq 0 ] ; then echo ""; echo "OpenCV already setup for python3"; echo ""; exit 0 fi; } # install_opencv - installs OpenCV function install_opencv() { # install package lsb-release if application lsb_release isn't installed APT_QUIET="-qq" [ "${VERBOSE}" = "yes" ] && APT_QUIET="" RC=0 command -v lsb_release > /dev/null || RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ] ; then exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET update -y" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y lsb-release" fi if [[ `lsb_release -d` =~ .*Raspbian.* ]] then echo "" echo "************************ Please confirm *******************************" echo " Installing OpenCV on Raspberry Pi may take a long time." echo " You may skip this part of the installation in which case some examples " echo " may not work without modifications but the rest of the SDK will still " echo " be functional. Select n to skip OpenCV installation or y to install it." read -p " Continue installing OpenCV (y/n) ? " CONTINUE if [[ "$CONTINUE" == "y" || "$CONTINUE" == "Y" ]]; then echo ""; echo "Installing OpenCV"; echo ""; exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET update -y" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y build-essential cmake pkg-config" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y libgtk2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y libatlas-base-dev gfortran" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y python2.7-dev python3-dev wget python3-pip" cd $HOME VERSION="3.3.0" exec_and_search_errors "wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/archive/${VERSION}.zip" ZIP_QUIET="-q" [ "${VERBOSE}" = "yes" ] && ZIP_QUIET="" unzip ${ZIP_QUIET} opencv.zip exec_and_search_errors "wget -O opencv_contrib.zip https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/archive/${VERSION}.zip" unzip ${ZIP_QUIET} opencv_contrib.zip cd ${HOME}/opencv-${VERSION}/ mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DBUILD_opencv_xfeatures2d=OFF -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \ -D INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=OFF \ -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=${HOME}/opencv_contrib-${VERSION}/modules \ -D BUILD_DOCS=OFF \ -D BUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF \ -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF \ -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF .. # build and trap for errors in case we ran out of memory running make -j ${MAKE_NJOBS} RC=0 make -j ${MAKE_NJOBS} || RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ] ; then echo -e "${RED} Running make -j ${MAKE_NJOBS} failed." if [ ${MAKE_NJOBS} -gt 2 ] ; then echo "MAKE_NJOBS=${MAKE_NJOBS}, suggestion is to increase swap space and edit ncsdk.conf to uncomment #MAKE_NJOBS=1 and change to MAKE_NJOBS=2 or MAKE_NJOBS=1 and try again" else if [ ${MAKE_NJOBS} -gt 1 ] ; then echo "MAKE_NJOBS=${MAKE_NJOBS}, suggestion is increase swap space and edit ncsdk.conf to uncomment #MAKE_NJOBS=1 and try again" else echo "MAKE_NJOBS=${MAKE_NJOBS}, suggestion is to increase swap space and try again" fi fi echo -e "Error on line $LINENO. Will exit${NC}" exit 1 fi $SUDO_PREFIX make install $SUDO_PREFIX ldconfig else echo ""; echo "Skipping OpenCV installation based on user input"; echo ""; fi else echo "Installing opencv python for non-Raspbian"; # check if pip2 & pip3 are available on the system via 'command' RC=0 command -v pip3 > /dev/null || RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ] ; then exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET update -y" exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y python3-pip" fi command -v pip2 > /dev/null || RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ] ; then exec_and_search_errors "$SUDO_PREFIX apt-get $APT_QUIET install -y python-pip" fi PIP_QUIET=--quiet [ "${VERBOSE}" = "yes" ] && PIP_QUIET="" exec_and_search_errors "$PIP_PREFIX pip3 install $PIP_QUIET opencv-python>=" exec_and_search_errors "$PIP_PREFIX pip3 install $PIP_QUIET opencv-contrib-python>=" exec_and_search_errors "$PIP_PREFIX pip2 install $PIP_QUIET opencv-python>=" exec_and_search_errors "$PIP_PREFIX pip2 install $PIP_QUIET opencv-contrib-python>=" fi } # main - this is the main function that runs the OpenCV install function main() { echo "OpenCV Installation Starting" # Test if OpenCV is installed. If OpenCV is already installed for python, script will exit test_opencv_installed ### initialization # read in functions shared by installer and uninstaller source $(dirname "$0")/install-utilities.sh # enable trapping for error (function is in install-utilities.sh) set_error_handling ### get constants (function is in install-utilities.sh) initialize_constants ### Ask for sudo priviledges (function is in install-utilities.sh) ask_sudo_permissions ### read config file (function is in install-utilities.sh) read_ncsdk_config ### install opencv install_opencv echo "OpenCV Installation Finished" } main