{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "mozPipelineMetadata": { "bq_dataset_family": "telemetry", "bq_metadata_format": "telemetry", "bq_table": "crash_v4" }, "properties": { "application": { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "architecture": { "type": "string" }, "buildId": { "pattern": "^[0-9]{10}", "type": "string" }, "channel": { "type": "string" }, "displayVersion": { "pattern": "^[0-9]{2,3}\\.", "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "platformVersion": { "pattern": "^[0-9]{2,3}\\.", "type": "string" }, "vendor": { "type": "string" }, "version": { "pattern": "^[0-9]{2,3}\\.", "type": "string" }, "xpcomAbi": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "architecture", "buildId", "channel", "name", "platformVersion", "version", "vendor", "xpcomAbi" ], "type": "object" }, "clientId": { "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$", "type": "string" }, "creationDate": { "pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{3}Z$", "type": "string" }, "environment": { "properties": { "addons": { "properties": { "activeAddons": { "additionalProperties": { "properties": { "appDisabled": { "description": "True if this add-on cannot be used in the application based on version compatibility, dependencies, and blocklisting. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": "boolean" }, "blocklisted": { "description": "Whether or not the add-on appears in the blocklist. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": "boolean" }, "description": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "foreignInstall": { "description": "True or false depending on whether the add-on is a third party add-on installation or not. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": [ "integer", "boolean" ] }, "hasBinaryComponents": { "description": "True or false depending on whether the add-on has binary components. This is always false since Firefox 60. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": "boolean" }, "installDay": { "description": "The days since epoch that the add-on was first installed. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "minimum": 0, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "isSystem": { "description": "Whether or not the add-on is a system add-on. This field is available at startup.", "type": "boolean" }, "isWebExtension": { "description": "Whether or not the add-on is a WebExtension add-on. This field is available at startup.", "type": "boolean" }, "multiprocessCompatible": { "description": "Whether or not the add-on is a compatible with e10s. Since Firefox 61, this is always true. This field is available at startup.", "type": "boolean" }, "name": { "description": "The add-on name, limited to 100 characters. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": "string" }, "quarantineIgnoredByApp": { "description": "Whether or not the add-on has quarantine ignored by the app.", "type": "boolean" }, "quarantineIgnoredByUser": { "description": "Whether or not the add-on has quarantine ignored by the user.", "type": "boolean" }, "scope": { "description": "Indicates what scope the add-on is installed in, per profile, user, system, or application. This field is available at startup.", "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "signedState": { "description": "The state of the signature of the add-on. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": "integer" }, "signedTypes": { "description": "A JSON-stringified array of signature types found for the add-on.", "type": "string" }, "type": { "type": "string" }, "updateDay": { "description": "The day the add-on was last updated. This field is optional, but available at startup if present.", "minimum": 0, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "userDisabled": { "description": "Whether or not the user disabled the add-on. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified.", "type": [ "boolean", "integer" ] }, "version": { "description": "The version of the add-on. This field is available at startup.", "type": [ "string", "number" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "activeExperiment": { "properties": { "branch": { "type": "string" }, "id": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "activeGMPlugins": { "additionalProperties": { "properties": { "applyBackgroundUpdates": { "type": [ "integer", "boolean" ] }, "userDisabled": { "type": "boolean" }, "version": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "activePlugins": { "items": { "properties": { "blocklisted": { "type": "boolean" }, "clicktoplay": { "type": "boolean" }, "description": { "type": "string" }, "disabled": { "type": "boolean" }, "mimeTypes": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "updateDay": { "type": "integer" }, "version": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "persona": { "description": "The id of the active persona (theme).", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "theme": { "properties": { "appDisabled": { "description": "True if this theme cannot be used in the application based on version compatibility, dependencies, and blocklisting.", "type": "boolean" }, "blocklisted": { "description": "Whether or not the theme appears in the blocklist.", "type": "boolean" }, "description": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "foreignInstall": { "description": "True or false depending on whether the theme is a third party theme installation or not.", "type": [ "boolean", "integer" ] }, "hasBinaryComponents": { "description": "True or false depending on whether the theme has binary components. This is always false since Firefox 60.", "type": "boolean" }, "id": { "description": "The id of the theme.", "type": "string" }, "installDay": { "description": "The days since epoch that the theme was first installed.", "minimum": 0, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "name": { "description": "The theme name, limited to 100 characters.", "type": "string" }, "scope": { "description": "Indicates what scope the theme is installed in, per profile, user, system, or application.", "type": "integer" }, "updateDay": { "description": "The day the theme was last updated.", "minimum": 0, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "userDisabled": { "description": "Whether or not the user disabled the theme.", "type": "boolean" }, "version": { "description": "The version of the theme.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "build": { "properties": { "applicationId": { "description": "The application UUID.", "type": "string" }, "applicationName": { "description": "The application name.", "type": "string" }, "architecture": { "description": "The build architecture for the active build.", "type": "string" }, "architecturesInBinary": { "description": "For Mac universal builds, this is a string containing a list of architectures delimited by '-'. Architecture sets are always in the same order: ppc > i386 > ppc64 > x86_64 > (future additions). This is only available on Mac.", "type": "string" }, "buildId": { "description": "The build ID/date of the application.", "pattern": "^[0-9]{10}", "type": "string" }, "displayVersion": { "description": "The display version of the application.", "pattern": "^[0-9]{2,3}\\.", "type": "string" }, "hotfixVersion": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "platformVersion": { "description": "The version of the XULRunner platform.", "pattern": "^[0-9]{2,3}\\.", "type": "string" }, "updaterAvailable": { "description": "True if the application was built with the support for the updater component.", "type": "boolean" }, "vendor": { "description": "The application vendor.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "version": { "description": "The version of the application.", "pattern": "^[0-9]{2,3}\\.", "type": "string" }, "xpcomAbi": { "description": "A string tag identifying the binary ABI of the current processor and compiler vtable. This is taken from the TARGET_XPCOM_ABI configure variable. It may not be available on all platforms, especially unusual processor or compiler combinations. The result takes the form -, for example: x86-msvc, ppc-gcc3, ... . This value should almost always be used in combination with the 'OS'.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "applicationId", "applicationName", "architecture", "buildId", "version", "vendor", "platformVersion", "xpcomAbi" ], "type": "object" }, "experiments": { "additionalProperties": { "properties": { "branch": { "type": "string" }, "enrollmentId": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "partner": { "properties": { "distributionId": { "description": "The value of the `distribution.id` pref that identifies the Firefox distribution.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "distributionVersion": { "description": "The value of the `distribution.version` pref.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "distributor": { "description": "The value of the `app.distributor` pref.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "distributorChannel": { "description": "The value of the `app.distributor.channel` pref.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "partnerId": { "description": "The value of the `mozilla.partner.id` pref.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "partnerNames": { "description": "The list of names from the `app.partner` children prefs, as `app.partner.=`.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }, "profile": { "properties": { "creationDate": { "description": "The creation date of the user profile as the integer number of days since UNIX epoch.", "type": "number" }, "firstUseDate": { "type": "number" }, "isStubProfile": { "type": "boolean" }, "resetDate": { "description": "The date the user profile was reset, as the integer number of days since UNIX epoch. This is optional.", "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" }, "services": { "properties": { "accountEnabled": { "type": "boolean" }, "syncEnabled": { "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "settings": { "properties": { "addonCompatibilityCheckEnabled": { "description": "Whether application compatibility is respected for add-ons.", "type": "boolean" }, "attribution": { "properties": { "campaign": { "description": "Identifier of the particular campaign that led to the download of the product.", "type": "string" }, "content": { "description": "Identifier to indicate the particular link within a campaign.", "type": "string" }, "dlsource": { "description": "Identifier that indicates where installations of Firefox originate, see bug 1827233", "type": "string" }, "dltoken": { "description": "Unique token created at Firefox download time, see bug 1677497", "type": "string" }, "experiment": { "description": "funnel experiment parameters, see bug 1567339", "type": "string" }, "medium": { "description": "Category of the source, such as 'organic' for a search engine.", "type": "string" }, "source": { "description": "Referring partner domain, when install happens via a known partner.", "type": "string" }, "ua": { "description": "derived user agent, see bug 1595063", "type": "string" }, "variation": { "description": "funnel experiment parameters, see bug 1567339", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "blocklistEnabled": { "description": "True if the blocklist is enabled.", "type": "boolean" }, "defaultPrivateSearchEngine": { "type": "string" }, "defaultPrivateSearchEngineData": { "properties": { "loadPath": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "origin": { "type": "string" }, "submissionURL": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "defaultSearchEngine": { "description": "Contains the string identifier or name of the default search engine provider. Deprecated.", "type": "string" }, "defaultSearchEngineData": { "properties": { "loadPath": { "description": "The anonymized path of the engine xml file, e.g. e.g. jar:[app]/omni.ja!browser/engine.xml (where ‘browser’ is the name of the chrome package, not a folder) [profile]/searchplugins/engine.xml [distribution]/searchplugins/common/engine.xml [other]/engine.xml [other]/addEngineWithDetails [other]/addEngineWithDetails:extensionID [http/https]example.com/engine-name.xml [http/https]example.com/engine-name.xml:extensionID", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "name": { "description": "The name of the default search engine.", "type": "string" }, "origin": { "description": "The origin of the search engine: the value will be default for engines that are built-in or from distribution partners, verified for user-installed engines with valid verification hashes, unverified for non-default engines without verification hash, and invalid for engines with broken verification hashes.", "type": "string" }, "submissionURL": { "description": "The HTTP url we would use to search. For privacy, we don’t record this for user-installed engines.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "e10sCohort": { "type": "string" }, "e10sEnabled": { "description": "True if the E10S is enabled.", "type": "boolean" }, "e10sMultiProcesses": { "description": "maximum number of processes that will be launched for regular web content", "type": "integer" }, "fissionEnabled": { "description": "whether fission is enabled this session, and subframes can load in a different process", "type": "boolean" }, "intl": { "properties": { "acceptLanguages": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "appLocales": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "availableLocales": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "regionalPrefsLocales": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": [ "array", "null" ] }, "requestedLocales": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "systemLocales": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": [ "array", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "isDefaultBrowser": { "description": "Identifier to indicate the particular link within a campaign.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "isInOptoutSample": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "launcherProcessState": { "type": "integer" }, "locale": { "description": "The best locale that the application should be localized to.", "type": "string" }, "sandbox": { "properties": { "contentWin32kLockdownState": { "description": "The status of Win32k Lockdown for Content process.", "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "effectiveContentProcessLevel": { "description": "The effective sandbox. The values are OS dependent.", "type": [ "integer", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "searchCohort": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "telemetryEnabled": { "description": "The state of the `toolkit.telemetry.enabled` pref.", "type": "boolean" }, "update": { "properties": { "autoDownload": { "description": "The state of the `app.update.auto` pref.", "type": "boolean" }, "background": { "description": "Indicates whether updates may be installed when Firefox is not running.", "type": "boolean" }, "channel": { "description": "The update channel from the defaults only. Does not include the partner bits.", "type": "string" }, "enabled": { "description": "The state of the `app.update.enabled` pref.", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "userPrefs": { "additionalProperties": { "type": [ "boolean", "string", "number", "null" ] }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "system": { "properties": { "appleModelId": { "description": "The model IDs for Apple desktop devices. This is Mac only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "cpu": { "properties": { "cores": { "description": "The number of physical CPU cores. Desktop only, e.g. 4, or `null` on failure.", "maximum": 2048, "minimum": 1, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "count": { "description": "The number of logical CPUs. Desktop only, e.g. 8, or `null` on failure.", "maximum": 1024, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "extensions": { "description": "This lists the avaible CPU extensions as strings. E.g.: 'hasMMX', 'hasSSE', 'hasSSE2', 'hasSSE3', 'hasSSSE3', 'hasSSE4A', 'hasSSE4_1', 'hasSSE4_2', 'hasAVX', 'hasAVX2', 'hasAES', 'hasEDSP', 'hasARMv6', 'hasARMv7', 'hasNEON'.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "family": { "description": "The CPU family, `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "isWindowsSMode": { "description": "Whether or not the system is Windows 10 or 11 in S Mode. S Mode existed prior to us being able to query it, so this is unreliable on Windows versions prior to 1810.", "type": "boolean" }, "l2cacheKB": { "description": "The CPU L2 cache size in KB. `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "number", "null" ] }, "l3cacheKB": { "description": "The CPU L3 cache size in KB. `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "number", "null" ] }, "model": { "description": "The CPU model, `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "name": { "description": "The CPU name, e.g. 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz', or `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "speedMHz": { "description": "Only available on Firefox desktop. The CPU clock speed in MHz.", "type": [ "number", "null" ] }, "stepping": { "description": "The CPU stepping, `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "vendor": { "description": "The CPU vendor, e.g. 'GenuineIntel', or `null` on failure. Desktop only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "device": { "properties": { "hardware": { "type": "string" }, "isTablet": { "type": "boolean" }, "manufacturer": { "type": "string" }, "model": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "gfx": { "properties": { "ContentBackend": { "description": "The name of the content backend.", "type": "string" }, "D2DEnabled": { "description": "Whether or not Direct2D is enabled. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "DWriteEnabled": { "description": "Whether or not DirectWrite is enabled. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "EmbeddedInFirefoxReality": { "description": "Whether or not Firefox desktop is embedded by Firefox Reality. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "Headless": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "LowEndMachine": { "type": "boolean" }, "TargetFrameRate": { "description": "Frame rate in Hz, typically 60 or more, see bug 1840381", "type": "integer" }, "adapters": { "items": { "properties": { "GPUActive": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "RAM": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "description": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "deviceID": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "driver": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "driverDate": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "driverVendor": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "driverVersion": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "subsysID": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "vendorID": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "features": { "properties": { "advancedLayers": { "properties": { "noConstantBufferOffsetting": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "compositor": { "description": "The name of the compositor. This is one of 'd3d9', 'd3d11', 'opengl', 'basic', or 'none' ('none' indicates no compositors have been created).", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "d2d": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "version": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "d3d11": { "properties": { "blacklisted": { "description": "Indicates whether the d3d11 compositor was blocklisted due to driver bugs. (This field was renamed to blocklisted in bug 1647225).", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "blocklisted": { "description": "Indicates whether the d3d11 compositor was blocklisted due to driver bugs. (This field replaces blacklisted as of bug 1647225).", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "textureSharing": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "version": { "type": [ "number", "null" ] }, "warp": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "gpuProcess": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "hwCompositing": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "omtp": { "description": "Indicates whether the off-main-thread painting is enabled.", "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "openglCompositing": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "webrender": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "wrCompositor": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "wrQualified": { "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "wrSoftware": { "description": "Indicates whether the software backend to WebRender is enabled.", "properties": { "status": { "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "monitors": { "items": { "properties": { "pseudoDisplay": { "type": "boolean" }, "refreshRate": { "type": "number" }, "scale": { "type": "number" }, "screenHeight": { "type": "integer" }, "screenWidth": { "type": "integer" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" } }, "type": "object" }, "hasWinPackageId": { "description": "Is the process running with a package identity (e.g. from an MSIX install)? See bug 1709892. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "hdd": { "properties": { "binary": { "properties": { "model": { "description": "The model of the hdd where the application binaries are located. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "revision": { "description": "The revision of the hdd where the application binaries are located. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "type": { "enum": [ "SSD", "HDD", null ], "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "profile": { "properties": { "model": { "description": "The model of the hdd where the profile directory is located. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "revision": { "description": "The revision of the hdd where the profile directory is located. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "type": { "enum": [ "SSD", "HDD", null ], "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "system": { "properties": { "model": { "description": "The model of the hdd where the system files are located. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "revision": { "description": "The revision of the hdd where the system files are located. This is Windows only.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "type": { "enum": [ "SSD", "HDD", null ], "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" } }, "type": "object" }, "isWow64": { "description": "The availability of the WoW64 subsystem. This is Windows only.", "type": "boolean" }, "isWowARM64": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "memoryMB": { "description": "The machines amount of RAM.", "type": "number" }, "os": { "properties": { "distro": { "description": "The name of the Linux distribution. This is Linux only. `null` on failure.", "type": "string" }, "distroVersion": { "description": "The version of the Linux distribution. This is Linux only. `null` on failure.", "type": "string" }, "hasPrefetch": { "description": "Whether or not the OS-based prefetch application start-up optimization is set. This is Windows-only. `null` on failure.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "hasSuperfetch": { "description": "Whether or not the OS-based superfetch application start-up optimization service is running and using the default settings. This is Windows-only. `null` on failure.", "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "installYear": { "description": "The year Windows was installed. This is Windows only. `null` on failure.", "type": [ "number", "null" ] }, "kernelVersion": { "description": "The kernel version of Android. This is Android only. `null` on failure.", "type": "string" }, "locale": { "description": "The locale of the OS, e.g. 'en'. This is `null` on failure.", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "The name of the OS, e.g. 'Windows_NT'. This is `null` on failure.", "type": "string" }, "servicePackMajor": { "description": "The Windows service pack major version. This is Windows only. `null` on failure.", "type": "number" }, "servicePackMinor": { "description": "The Windows service pack minor version. This is Windows only. `null` on failure.", "type": "number" }, "version": { "description": "The version of the OS, e.g. '6.1'. This is `null` on failure.", "type": [ "string" ] }, "windowsBuildNumber": { "description": "The Windows build number. This is Windows only. `null` on failure.", "type": "number" }, "windowsUBR": { "description": "The Windows UBR. This is Windows 10 only. `null` on failure.", "type": [ "number", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "sec": { "properties": { "antispyware": { "description": "The name of the registered antispyware software. Windows only.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": [ "array", "null" ] }, "antivirus": { "description": "The name of the registered antivirus software. Windows only.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": [ "array", "null" ] }, "firewall": { "description": "The name of the registered firewall software. Windows only.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": [ "array", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "virtualMaxMB": { "description": "Total virtual memory size in MB. This is Windows only. `null` on failure.", "type": [ "number", "null" ] }, "winPackageFamilyName": { "description": "Windows package family name. This is only sent for Mozilla produced MSIX packages.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "build", "partner", "settings", "system" ], "type": "object" }, "id": { "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$", "type": "string" }, "payload": { "properties": { "crashDate": { "pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$", "type": "string" }, "crashId": { "description": "Optional, ID of the associated crash. Added to schema in bug 1604666.", "type": "string" }, "crashTime": { "description": ", time of crash. Per-hour resolution", "type": "string" }, "hasCrashEnvironment": { "type": "boolean" }, "metadata": { "properties": { "AsyncShutdownTimeout": { "description": ", Optional, present when a shutdown blocker failed to respond within a reasonable amount of time", "type": "string" }, "AvailablePageFile": { "description": ", Windows-only, available paging file in bytes", "type": "string" }, "AvailablePhysicalMemory": { "description": ", Windows-only, available physical memory in bytes", "type": "string" }, "AvailableSwapMemory": { "description": ", Amount of free swap space in bytes. - Under macOS, populated with the contents of\n sysctl \"vm.swapusage\" :: xsu_avail.\n- Under Linux, populated with /proc/meminfo's SwapFree. - Not available on other platforms.", "type": "string" }, "AvailableVirtualMemory": { "description": ", Windows-only, available virtual memory in bytes", "type": "string" }, "BackgroundTaskName": { "description": ", If the app was invoked in background task mode via `--backgroundtask `, the string \"task name\".", "type": "string" }, "BlockedDllList": { "description": ", Windows-only, see WindowsDllBlocklist.cpp for details", "type": "string" }, "BlocklistInitFailed": { "description": "1, Windows-only, present only if the DLL blocklist initialization failed", "type": "string" }, "BuildID": { "description": "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS", "type": "string" }, "ContainsMemoryReport": { "description": "1, Optional, if set indicates that the crash had a memory report attached", "type": "string" }, "CrashTime": { "description": "