#!/bin/bash # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Nimbus Feature Manifest Language Generator # # For more information, check out https://experimenter.info/fml-spec # # This script generates Swift definitions for all the experimentable features supported by Nimbus. # It generates Swift code to be included in the final build. # # To use it in a Swift project, follow these steps: # 1. Import the `nimbus-fml.sh` script into your project. # 2. Edit the `nimbus-fml-configuration.sh` file to suit your project. # 3. Add a `.fml.yaml` feature manifest file. Check out https://experimenter.info/fml-spec for the spec. # 4. Test the new file by running this file from SOURCE_ROOT. # 5. Add a new "Run Script" build step and set the command to `bash $PWD/nimbus-fml.sh`. # 6. Run the build. # 7. Add the "FML.swift" file in the `Generated` folder to your project. # 8. Add the same "FML.swift" from the `Generated` folder as Output Files of the newly created "Run Script" step. # 9. Start using the generated feature code. set -euo pipefail DIRNAME=$(dirname "$0") # CMDNAME is used in the usage text below. # shellcheck disable=SC2034 CMDNAME=$(basename "$0") USAGE=$(cat < Version or reference of nimbus-fml to use. If missing, derives from the project.pbxproj file. -F, --fresh Re-download the nimbus-fml binary. -h, --help display this help message. HEREDOC ) helptext() { echo "$USAGE" } # fail_trap is executed if an error occurs. fail_trap() { local result=$1 local line_number=$2 echo "Error calling nimbus-fml.sh at line ${line_number}" exit "$result" } #Stop execution on any error trap 'fail_trap $? $LINENO' ERR if [ -z "${SOURCE_ROOT:-}" ] ; then echo "Warning: No \$SOURCE_ROOT defined." echo " Execute this script as a build step in Xcode." echo " Guessing it as CWD" SOURCE_ROOT="$(pwd)" fi if [ -z "${PROJECT:-}" ]; then echo "Warning: No \$PROJECT defined." echo " Execute this script as a build step in Xcode." xcodeproj=$(ls -d "${SOURCE_ROOT}"/*.xcodeproj || exit 2 | head -n 1 ) PROJECT=$(basename -s .xcodeproj "$xcodeproj") echo " Detected it as $PROJECT" fi if [ -z "${CONFIGURATION:-}" ] ; then echo "Warning: No \$CONFIGURATION defined." echo " Execute this script as a build step in Xcode." echo " Guessing it as Debug" CONFIGURATION=Debug fi find_as_version() { # We can derive the version we need by looking at the project file. number_string=$(grep -A 3 $'https://github.com/mozilla/rust-components-swift' "$SOURCE_ROOT/$PROJECT.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" | grep -E -o "\d+\.\d+\.\d+") if [ -z "$number_string" ]; then # If there is no rust-components then perhaps we're building with a local versions of rust_components, using rust_components_local.sh . # We try to resolve that, and find the version from the Package.swift file in that local directory. # https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios/issues/12243 rust_components_path=$(grep -A 3 $'XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "rust-components-swift"' "$SOURCE_ROOT/$PROJECT.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj" | grep 'repositoryURL = "file://' | grep -o -E '/\w[^"]+') number_string=$(grep 'let version =' "$rust_components_path/Package.swift" | grep -E -o "\d+\.\d+\.\d+") fi if [ -z "$number_string" ]; then echo "Error: No https://github.com/mozilla/rust-components-swift package was detected." echo "The package must be added as a project dependency." exit 2 fi ## We try and differentiate between two version types. ## Nightlies: 121.0.20231027173509 --> 121.20231027173509 ## Releases: 120.0.0 --> 120.0 ## 120.0.1 --> 120.0.1 ## 120.1.0 --> 120.1.0 # Get the last component, i.e. the patch number… local patch=${number_string##*.} # … and check if it's more that 2 digits in length if [[ ${#patch} -gt 2 ]] ; then # If so, then it's likely a date stamp, so a nightly. # We have a middle 0 which we need to get rid of, # because taskcluster's versions are MAJOR.DATETIME AS_VERSION=${number_string//\.0\./\.} else # Otherwise, it's a release! # These versions have rules about zero # minor number and patch numbers, so we # rationalize that. AS_VERSION=${number_string/\.0\.0/.0} fi } FRESHEN_FML= AS_VERSION= MOZ_APPSERVICES_LOCAL= REPO_FILES= NIMBUS_DIR="$SOURCE_ROOT/build/nimbus" export CACHE_DIR="$NIMBUS_DIR/fml-cache" export APP_FML_FILE="$PROJECT/nimbus.fml.yaml" export GENERATED_SRC_DIR= export MOZ_APPSERVICES_MODULE=MozillaAppServices export MODULES=$PROJECT echo "Using $DIRNAME/nimbus-fml-configuration.sh as config" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "$DIRNAME/nimbus-fml-configuration.sh" local_config="$DIRNAME/nimbus-fml-configuration.local.sh" if [ -f "$local_config" ] ; then echo "Modifying with $local_config" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$local_config" fi while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -o|--output) GENERATED_SRC_DIR=$2 shift 2 ;; -h|--help) helptext exit 0 ;; -a|--use-fml-version) AS_VERSION=$2 shift 2 ;; -F|--fresh) FRESHEN_FML="true" shift 2 ;; --verbose) set -x shift 1 ;; --) # end argument parsing shift break ;; --*=|-*) # unsupported flags echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) # preserve positional arguments APP_FML_FILE=$1 shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$APP_FML_FILE" ]; then if [ -z "$SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT" ] || [ "$SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error: No input files provided for the Nimbus Feature Manifest." exit 2 fi APP_FML_FILE=$SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0 fi if [ -n "$MOZ_APPSERVICES_LOCAL" ] ; then # If we've specified where app-services lives, perhaps we can run from a local copy. LOCAL_FML_DIR="$MOZ_APPSERVICES_LOCAL/components/support/nimbus-fml" export BINARY_PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo run --manifest-path $LOCAL_FML_DIR/Cargo.toml --" else if [ -z "$AS_VERSION" ] ; then find_as_version fi # Otherwise, we should download a pre-built copy AS_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/app-services/releases/$AS_VERSION" CHECKSUM_URL="$AS_DOWNLOAD_URL/nimbus-fml.sha256" FML_URL="$AS_DOWNLOAD_URL/nimbus-fml.zip" RELEASE_STATUS_CODE=$(curl -L --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --output /dev/null "$CHECKSUM_URL" ) if [ "$RELEASE_STATUS_CODE" != "200" ]; then AS_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/index/v1/task/project.application-services.v2.nimbus-fml.$AS_VERSION/artifacts/public%2Fbuild%2F" CHECKSUM_URL="${AS_DOWNLOAD_URL}nimbus-fml.sha256" FML_URL="${AS_DOWNLOAD_URL}nimbus-fml.zip" fi FML_DIR="$NIMBUS_DIR/$AS_VERSION/bin" export BINARY_PATH="$FML_DIR/nimbus-fml" # Check whether the cached copy is still the right one to use. if [[ -f $FML_DIR/nimbus-fml.sha256 ]]; then echo "Checking if we need to redownload the FML" NEW_CHECKSUM=$(curl -L "$CHECKSUM_URL") OLD_CHECKSUM=$(cat "$FML_DIR/nimbus-fml.sha256") if [ ! "$OLD_CHECKSUM" == "$NEW_CHECKSUM" ]; then FRESHEN_FML="true" echo "The checksums don't match, redownloading the new FML" fi fi if [ -n "$FRESHEN_FML" ]; then rm -Rf "$FML_DIR" fi mkdir -p "$FML_DIR" if [[ ! -f "$FML_DIR/nimbus-fml.zip" ]] ; then echo "Downloading to $FML_DIR" # We now download the nimbus-fml from the github release curl -L "$FML_URL" --output "$FML_DIR/nimbus-fml.zip" # We also download the checksum curl -L "$CHECKSUM_URL" --output "$FML_DIR/nimbus-fml.sha256" pushd "${FML_DIR}" || exit 1 shasum --check nimbus-fml.sha256 popd fi ## We definitely have a zip file on disk, but we might already have done the work of unzipping it. if [[ ! -f "$BINARY_PATH" ]] ; then ## So we've looked and there's no executable file of that name ## Now work out what arch version of the executable we want. ARCH=$(uname -m) if [[ "$ARCH" == 'x86_64' ]] then EXE_ARCH=x86_64-apple-darwin elif [[ "$ARCH" == 'arm64' ]] then EXE_ARCH=aarch64-apple-darwin else echo "Error: Unsupported architecture. This script can only run on Mac devices running x86_64 or arm64" exit 2 fi # -o overwrites a file (if the file existed but isn't executable) # -j junks the path, so we don't have to have $EXE_ARCH/release/ in our directory # -d outputs to the directory of our choice. unzip -o -j "$FML_DIR/nimbus-fml.zip" $EXE_ARCH/release/nimbus-fml -d "$FML_DIR" fi fi echo_eval() { local CMD="$*" # Truncating the absolute paths into something easier to read. local display=${CMD//"$SOURCE_ROOT"/\$SOURCE_ROOT} echo "$display" eval "$CMD" } echo "SOURCE_ROOT=$SOURCE_ROOT" pushd "${SOURCE_ROOT}" > /dev/null || true # We're going to assemble the repo args from the repo files that repo_args= for repo_file in $REPO_FILES ; do repo_args="$repo_args --repo-file $repo_file" done # Now validate the FML file. This will load the YAML and print warnings or errors for each channel. echo_eval "$BINARY_PATH validate $repo_args --cache-dir $CACHE_DIR $APP_FML_FILE" # We'll generate the command, and output some nice copy/pastable version of the command to the Build console… for module in $MODULES ; do output_dir="" input_pattern="$module" output_dir=${GENERATED_SRC_DIR:-"${module}/Generated"} # If $module is a file, then set the output directory to $PROJECT/Generated # otherwise, if [ -f "$module" ] ; then output_dir="$PROJECT/Generated" fi mkdir -p "$output_dir" echo_eval "$BINARY_PATH generate $repo_args --channel $CHANNEL --language swift --cache-dir $CACHE_DIR $input_pattern $output_dir" done popd > /dev/null || exit 0