#!/usr/bin/env python3 r'''Convert an hg-exported patch to a patch suitable for use by git am. >>> hg_patch_to_git_patch(StringIO('# HG changeset patch\n# User Foo <foo@bar.com>\n# Node ID deadbeef\n# Parent cafebabe\nCommit\n\nMsg\n\ndiff -\ndiffdiff')) From: Foo <foo@bar.com> Subject: Commit <BLANKLINE> Msg <BLANKLINE> diff - diffdiff ''' from __future__ import print_function import sys from io import StringIO def hg_patch_to_git_patch(hg_patch_file): hg_patch = hg_patch_file.read().split('\n') # First, skip any blank lines. for i in range(len(hg_patch)): line = hg_patch[i] if line != "": break author = None date = None # not currently used for i in range(i, len(hg_patch)): line = hg_patch[i] if not line.startswith('#'): break if line.startswith('# User '): author = line[len('# User '):] if line.startswith('# Date '): date = line[len('# Date '):] epoch, utcoffset = date.split() # Mercurial's timezone offsets are negative and in seconds # We could also convert the epoch to RFC822 format, but # git am is happy with it. utcoffset = int(utcoffset) / 60 date = '%s %s%02d%02d' % ( epoch, '+' if utcoffset <= 0 else '-', abs(utcoffset) // 60, abs(utcoffset) % 60, ) commit_msg = [] for i in range(i, len(hg_patch)): line = hg_patch[i] if line.startswith('diff -'): break commit_msg.append(hg_patch[i]) if len(commit_msg) == 1 and not commit_msg[0].strip(): commit_msg[0] = hg_patch_file.name if len(commit_msg) > 1 and not commit_msg[1].strip(): del commit_msg[1] # Remove blank lines at the end of the commit message. while commit_msg and not commit_msg[-1].strip(): del commit_msg[-1] diff = hg_patch[i:] if author: # XXX ensure this has the Foo <foo@bar.com> form. # XXX Do I have to worry about text encoding here? print('From: %s' % author) else: print('From: unknown@unknown.com') if date: print('Date: %s' % date) if commit_msg: print('Subject: %s' % commit_msg[0]) print() print('\n'.join(commit_msg[1:])) print() print('\n'.join(diff)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--test': import doctest doctest.testmod() sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) == 1: file = sys.stdin elif len(sys.argv) == 2: file = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') else: print('Error: Specify one file, or pipe input on stdin.') sys.exit(1) hg_patch_to_git_patch(file)