#!/usr/bin/env bash function list_sinks() { pacmd list-sinks | grep -E 'index:|name:' } function switch_sink_default() { echo switching default pacmd set-default-sink $1 || echo failed } function switch_sink_applications() { echo switching applications pacmd list-sink-inputs | awk '/index:/{print $2}' | xargs -r -I{} pacmd move-sink-input {} $1 || echo failed } function switch_sink_kmix_master() { qdbus org.kde.kmix >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 0 # kmix not found typeset name mixer # get the device name in pulseaudio name="$( pacmd list-sinks | awk -v search=$1 ' /index:/{found=$2} /* index:/{found=$3} /name:/&&found==search{print $2} ' )" # format device name to a name in kmix name="${name#<}" name="${name%>}" name="${name//[.-]/_}" # grab full path in kmix dbus mixer="$( qdbus org.kde.kmix | \grep "/${name}$" )" mixer="${mixer#/Mixers/}" mixer="${mixer%/*}" # get the kmix ids name="$( qdbus org.kde.kmix "/Mixers/${mixer}/${name}" org.kde.KMix.Control.id)" mixer="$(qdbus org.kde.kmix "/Mixers/${mixer}" org.kde.KMix.Mixer.id )" echo "set master channel in kmix" qdbus org.kde.kmix /Mixers org.kde.KMix.MixSet.setCurrentMaster "$mixer" "$name" >/dev/null || echo failed } function switch_sink() { switch_sink_default "$@" switch_sink_applications "$@" switch_sink_kmix_master "$@" } # Use a zenity gui to switch audio outputs function switch_gui() { # get current output id, all output ids and the sink names current_id=$(pacmd list-sinks | egrep '\* index:' | egrep -o '[0-9]+$') ids=( $(pacmd list-sinks | egrep 'index:' | egrep -o '[0-9]+$' | tr '\n' ' ') ) names=( $(pacmd list-sinks | egrep 'name:' | egrep -o '\..*>$' | tr -d '>' | tr '\n' ' ') ) zen_pars="--list --radiolist --column '' --column 'ID' --column 'Sink_name'" # construct the zenity command for i in "${!ids[@]}" do if [ ${ids[$i]} = $current_id ]; then zen_pars="$zen_pars TRUE" else zen_pars="$zen_pars FALSE" fi zen_pars="$zen_pars ${ids[$i]} ${names[$i]}" done # change the audio sink with the switch_sink function new_sink_id=$(zenity $zen_pars || echo "") if [ -n $new_sink_id ]; then switch_sink $new_sink_id fi } function help_me() { echo "Usage: $0 [gui|list|<sink name to switch to>]" } case "${1:-}" in (""|list) list_sinks ;; ([0-9]*) switch_sink "$@" ;; (gui) switch_gui ;; (*) help_me ;; esac