""" Visualize Test Plots This script will go through all the plots in the ``mpld3/test_plots`` directory, and save them as D3js to a single HTML file for inspection. """ import os import glob import sys import gc import traceback import itertools import json import contextlib import matplotlib MPLBE = os.environ.get('MPLBE', False) if MPLBE: import matplotlib matplotlib.use(MPLBE) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 from mpld3 import urls from mpld3._display import NumpyEncoder from mpld3.mpld3renderer import MPLD3Renderer from mpld3.mplexporter import Exporter plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6, 4.5) plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 80 TEMPLATE = """
""" MPLD3_TEMPLATE = """
""" JS_TEMPLATE = """ !function(mpld3){{ {extra_js} mpld3.draw_figure("fig{figid:03d}", {figure_json}); }}(mpld3); """ @contextlib.contextmanager def mpld3_noshow(): """context manager to use mpld3 with show() disabled""" import mpld3 _show = mpld3.show mpld3.show = lambda *args, **kwargs: None yield mpld3 mpld3.show = _show @contextlib.contextmanager def use_dir(dirname=None): """context manager to temporarily change the working directory""" cwd = os.getcwd() if dirname is None: dirname = cwd os.chdir(dirname) yield os.chdir(cwd) class ExecFile(object): """ Class to execute plotting files, and extract the mpl and mpld3 figures. """ def __init__(self, filename, execute=True, pngdir='_pngs'): self.filename = filename if execute: self.execute_file() if not os.path.exists(pngdir): os.makedirs(pngdir) basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] self.pngfmt = os.path.join(pngdir, basename + "_{0:2d}.png") def execute_file(self): """ Execute the file, catching matplotlib figures """ dirname, fname = os.path.split(self.filename) print('plotting {0}'.format(fname)) # close any currently open figures plt.close('all') # close any currently open figures plt.close('all') with mpld3_noshow() as mpld3: with use_dir(dirname): try: # execute file, forcing __name__ == '__main__' exec(open(os.path.basename(self.filename)).read(), {'plt': plt, 'mpld3': mpld3, '__name__': '__main__'}) gcf = matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf fig_mgr_list = gcf.get_all_fig_managers() self.figlist = sorted([manager.canvas.figure for manager in fig_mgr_list], key=lambda fig: fig.number) except: print(80 * '_') print('{0} is not compiling:'.format(fname)) traceback.print_exc() print(80 * '_') finally: ncol = gc.collect() def iter_png(self): for fig in self.figlist: fig_png = self.pngfmt.format(fig.number) fig.savefig(fig_png) yield fig_png def iter_json(self): for fig in self.figlist: renderer = MPLD3Renderer() Exporter(renderer, close_mpl=False).run(fig) fig, fig_json, extra_css, extra_js = renderer.finished_figures[0] yield (json.dumps(fig_json, cls=NumpyEncoder), extra_js, extra_css) def combine_testplots(wildcard='mpld3/test_plots/*.py', outfile='_test_plots.html', pngdir='_pngs', d3_url=None, mpld3_url=None): """Generate figures from the plots and save to an HTML file Parameters ---------- wildcard : string or list a regexp or list of regexps matching files to test outfile : string the path at which the output HTML will be saved d3_url : string the URL of the d3 library to use. If not specified, a standard web address will be used. mpld3_url : string the URL of the mpld3 library to use. If not specified, a standard web address will be used. """ if isinstance(wildcard, str): filenames = glob.glob(wildcard) else: filenames = itertools.chain(*(glob.glob(w) for w in wildcard)) fig_png = [] fig_json = [] fig_name = [] for filename in filenames: result = ExecFile(filename, pngdir=pngdir) fig_png.extend(result.iter_png()) for r in result.iter_json(): fig_json.append(r) fig_name.append(filename) left_col = [MPLD3_TEMPLATE.format(figid=i, fname=fig_name[i]) for i in range(len(fig_json))] js_commands = [JS_TEMPLATE.format(figid=figid, figure_json=figjson, extra_js=figjs) for figid, (figjson, figjs, _) in enumerate(fig_json)] right_col = ['
png version
\n'.format(fig) for fig in fig_png] extra_css = [tup[2] for tup in fig_json] print("writing results to {0}".format(outfile)) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(TEMPLATE.format(left_col="".join(left_col), right_col="".join(right_col), d3_url=json.dumps(d3_url), mpld3_url=json.dumps(mpld3_url), js_commands="".join(js_commands), extra_css="".join(extra_css))) def run_main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Run files and convert " "output to D3")) parser.add_argument("files", nargs='*', type=str) parser.add_argument("-d", "--d3-url", help="location of d3 library", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("-m", "--mpld3-url", help="location of the mpld3 library", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="output filename", type=str, default='_test_plots.html') parser.add_argument("-j", "--minjs", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-l", "--local", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolaunch", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if len(args.files) == 0: wildcard = ['mpld3/test_plots/*.py', 'examples/*.py'] else: wildcard = args.files if args.d3_url is None: args.d3_url = urls.D3_URL if args.mpld3_url is None: args.mpld3_url = urls.MPLD3_URL if args.local: args.d3_url = urls.D3_LOCAL if args.minjs: args.mpld3_url = urls.MPLD3MIN_LOCAL else: args.mpld3_url = urls.MPLD3_LOCAL else: if args.minjs: args.mpld3_url = urls.MPLD3MIN_URL print("d3 url: {0}".format(args.d3_url)) print("mpld3 url: {0}".format(args.mpld3_url)) combine_testplots(wildcard=wildcard, outfile=args.output, d3_url=args.d3_url, mpld3_url=args.mpld3_url) return args.output, args.nolaunch if __name__ == '__main__': outfile, nolaunch = run_main() if not nolaunch: # Open local file (works on OSX; maybe not on other systems) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new('file://localhost' + os.path.abspath(outfile))