# BracketSpacer As seeked by [/u/HighR0ller](https://www.reddit.com/r/SublimeText/comments/64car3/automatically_add_space_in_braces/). ## Adds space on the matching bracket (on the same line) Press spacebar twice to add spaces. Binding to a single spacebar press is unfortunately not possible with sublime. With `|` being the cursor: ``` [|foo] [ |foo ] ``` ``` {|{ foo: bar }} { |{ foo: bar } } ``` ``` (|) ( | ) ``` ## Removes space on the matching bracket (on the same line) Press backspace after a space char inside of brackets. ``` [ |foo ] [|foo] ``` ``` { |{ foo: bar } } {|{ foo: bar }} ``` ``` ( | ) (|) ```