# CCC '04 J1 - Squares """ Gigi likes to play with squares. She has a collection of equal-sized square tiles. Gigi wants to arrange some or all of her tiles on a table to form a solid square. What is the side length of the largest possible square that Gigi can build? For example, when Gigi has 9 tiles she can use them all to build a square whose side length is 3. But when she has only 8 tiles, the largest square that she can build has side length 2. Write a program that inputs the number of tiles and then prints out the maximum side length. You may assume that the number of tiles is less than ten thousand. """ # Note: # When optimizing the side length of a square, we can square root the tiles to get the best side length # import statements from math import sqrt, floor # input tiles = int(input()) # int() is a type casting function that converts its argument to integer # processing # answer = tiles ** 0.5 # answer = floor(sqrt(tiles)) answer = sqrt(tiles) answer = floor(answer) # output print(f"The largest square had a side length {answer}.")