# Fluxor - documentation ## Flux pattern Often confused with Redux. Redux is the name of a library, Flux is the name of the pattern that Redux and Fluxor implement. ![](./../Images/flux-pattern.jpg) **Rules** * State should always be read-only. * To alter state our app should dispatch an action. * Every reducer that processes the dispatched action type will create new state to reflect the old state combined with the changes expected for the action. * The UI then uses the new state to render its display. ## Tutorials ### Basic concepts * [State, actions, and reducers](../Source/Tutorials/01-BasicConcepts/01A-StateActionsReducersTutorial/) * [Effects](../Source/Tutorials/01-BasicConcepts/01B-EffectsTutorial/) * [Middleware](../Source/Tutorials/01-BasicConcepts/01C-MiddlewareTutorial/) * [ActionSubscriber](../Source/Tutorials/01-BasicConcepts/01E-ActionSubscriber/) ### Blazor for web * [State, actions, and reducers](../Source/Tutorials/02-Blazor/02A-StateActionsReducersTutorial/) * [Effects](../Source/Tutorials/02-Blazor/02B-EffectsTutorial/) * [Middleware](../Source/Tutorials/02-Blazor/02C-MiddlewareTutorial/) * [Redux Dev Tools](../Source/Tutorials/02-Blazor/02D-ReduxDevToolsTutorial/)