# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.3.6] Bug fix. - [Fix: multiple requests in offset_request by mrtc0 · Pull Request #37 · mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/pull/37) ## [0.3.5] Supports v4 Cluster API. - [Supports v4 Cluster API by mrtc0 · Pull Request #36 · mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/pull/36) ## [0.3.4] Support Vulnerability API. - [Support Vulnerability API by mrtc0 · Pull Request #33 · mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/pull/33) ## [0.3.3] ## [0.3.2] Bug fix. - [Couldn't support proc object in old faraday · mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client@d601b09](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/commit/d601b090bfa9a74d3fb24d0534ce9f4ac5f454f6) ## [0.3.1] Bug fix. - [Base64.encode is included return code #30](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/pull/30) ## [0.3.0] - Support some v4 API (Thanks @pyama86) ## [0.2.9] - Adds availability to ignore env proxy settings [#25](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/pull/25). Thanks @falegk - Add the `ca_file` option to Wazuh.Config to specify a CA file [#26](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/pull/26). Thanks @k1LoW ## [0.2.8] - fix bug. return with response body. ## [0.2.7] - Returns `Wazuh::Api::Errors` when an error is returned from a non wazuh api ## [0.2.6] - Support agent upgrade endpoint - `/agents/:agent_id/upgrade_custom` - `/agents/:agent_id/upgrade` ## [0.2.5] - Get all items with `offset_request` - So far only 500 items(Wazuh API default) have been retrieved that contain a `totalItems` field such as `#all_agents` . - For such an endpoint, implemented `offset_request` to fetch all items. - This change does not change the type of the return value. However, it may take some time because it sends repeated requests to get all the items. ## [0.2.4] - 2020-03-31 - `agents_by_group` also returns the `item` field. ## [0.2.3] - 2019-02-18 - Added some methods for agents and groups - `delete_agent()` - `agent_config()` - `delete_agent_by_group()` - `agent_sync_status()` - `add_agents_to_group()` - `add_agent_to_group()` - `create_group()` - `get_file_in_group()` - `agents_by_group()` - `agents_by_no_group()` - `group_configuration()` - `group_files()` - `groups()` - `update_group_ossec_configuration()` - `remove_agent_of_group()` - `remvoe_agents_of_group()` - `remove_all_agent_of_group()` - `remove_group()` - `agent_os_summary()` - `agent_summary()` ## [0.2.2] - 2019-02-18 - Added options to `syscheck_files()` ## [0.2.1] - 2019-02-10 - Fix `syscheck_files()` duplicated and confused ## [0.2.0] - 2019-02-03 ### Adds - `Wazuh::Client#delete_agent` - `Wazuh::Client#syscheck_files` ### Changed - `Wazuh::Client#cdb_files` rename to `Wazuh::Client#cdb_files_path` - Using sawyer instead of faraday for http client. - This can the return vaule to be handle like an object. ```ruby > agents = client.all_agents > agents.class => Array > agent = agents.first > agent.id => "000" > agent.os.arch => "x86_64" ```