# Meteor Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3 Some snippets for working with the [Meteor](http://meteor.com) framework (v1.0). Includes snippets for * CoffeeScript (✔) * HTML (✔) * JavaScript (✔) - Updated to 1.0 ## Installation You can install them now via [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) (search for "Meteor Snippets") or manually via git: ##### OS X ``` git clone git://github.com/mrtnbroder/meteor-snippets.git "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Meteor Snippets" ``` ##### Linux ``` git clone git://github.com/mrtnbroder/meteor-snippets.git "~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Meteor Snippets" ``` ##### Windows ``` git clone git://github.com/mrtnbroder/meteor-snippets.git "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Meteor Snippets" ``` ## Examples __tp__ ```html ``` __Meteor.render__ ```javascript Meteor.render(function () { ... }); ``` __Meteor.publish__ ```javascript Meteor.publish('name', function () { ... }); ``` __if__ ```handlebars {{#if guyIs 'male'}} ... {{/if}} ``` __ea__ ```handlebars {{#each player}} ... {{/each}} ``` ... and a whole lot more! ## Todo's * remap some tab triggers * fix some snippets (missing semicolons, whitespace, tab behaviour etc.) ## Contributing Got some neat Meteor snippets you want to share? fork this repro and send me a pull request!