@APP_ID@ CC0-1.0 MIT Errands Manage your tasks Vlad Krupinskii

Todo application for those who prefer simplicity.


@APP_ID@.desktop errands #a9a9da #45457c https://github.com/mrvladus/Errands/issues https://github.com/mrvladus/Errands https://github.com/mrvladus/Errands/blob/main/DONATIONS.md https://github.com/mrvladus/Errands/blob/main/TRANSLATIONS.md https://github.com/mrvladus/Errands/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrvladus/Errands/main/screenshots/main.png Main Window View errands touch keyboard pointing tablet always mobile 360


  • Added Norwegian Bokmaal translation (Brage Fuglseth)
  • Updated Polish translation (Marcin Stasiak)
  • Updated Croatian translation (Milo Ivir)
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Gabriel de Moura)

Fixed bug with task date changing while using sync.


  • Added Hindi translation (Scrambled777)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)
  • Updated Hungarian translation (zoli111)

Bug fixes and UI improvements


  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)

Improved perfomance. Startup time and memory consumption is now cut by up to 50%.


  • CalDAV and ical errors


  • Updated German translation (Philipp Kiemle)
  • Updated French translation (Wedone)


  • Colors for Task Lists (Compatable with Nextcloud)
  • Right-click menu for Tasks. Moved all task actions from toolbar menu to it.
  • If task has attachments - attachments button will have blue accent


  • Sending notification for completed and deleted tasks
  • CalDAV sync errors


  • Updated Occitan translation (Mejans)
  • Updated Japanese translation (Gnuey56)


  • Task Attachments. Add any local files to your Tasks.


  • Sync indicator now has animation


  • App reloading

Fix bug with export


  • Improved Import / Export
  • Now only number of un-completed Tasks shows in sidebar rows
  • All overdue tasks now showing inside of Today page
  • Shortcut for adding Task List from Ctrl+A to Ctrl+Shift+A


  • Info button in sync url entry
  • Better sync errors
  • Red accent color for date button of overdue tasks
  • Logs are now written in log.txt file
  • Setting for disabling autostart


  • Updated German translation (Otmar Grünn)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Japanese translation (Gnuey56)


  • "Task is Due" notification icon


  • Notifications not showing correctly


  • Updated Japanese translation (Lemon73)


  • Right-click menu instead of menu buttons on sidebar items
  • Accent color now applied for check button and progress bar
  • Preference for disabling running the app in background


  • Quit menu item for completely closing the app


  • Trash errors


  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)
  • Updated Czech translation (32GRat)
  • Updated German translation (Otmar Grünn)


  • CATEGORIES field not showing tags correctly in ical format on sync remote


  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation (jexjws)

One year anniversary release!

Some fun statistics for the past year:

  • New contributors: 50
  • Commits: 1610
  • Lines of code: 6980
  • Installs on Flathub: 26 350

Changes in this release:

  • Details panel is replaced with toolbar for each task
  • Added Today page for tasks planned for today
  • Added Tags page where you can manage your tags
  • Added desktop notifications for due tasks
  • Errands now will run in the background and on startup
  • Completed tasks now moved down the list
  • Toggle for each list for hiding / showing completed tasks
  • Added Tags bar under task text. If task have tags, they will be visible.
  • Added priority flags
  • Added setting for selecting new task position
  • Sidebar redesign
  • Using GNOME 46 platform with latest libadwaita widgets


  • Notes white background with dark theme


  • Updated Ukranian translation (Volkov)


  • Moving tasks to different lists with Drag and Drop
  • Markdown syntax highlighting in the task notes (using gtksourceview5)
  • Progress bar that shows completion percent. It can be disabled in settings.


  • Reduced sync requests resulting in faster sync
  • Editing notes or task text with sync enabled. Now if sync is enabled and text or notes are changed Save button appears for confirmation to avoid cursor jumping and text not saving properly.


  • Added Greek translation (itsnotAZ)
  • Added Hungarian translation (zoli111)
  • Added Persian translation (Danial Behzadi)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Spanish translation (Vicente015)
  • Updated Occitan translation (ensag-dev)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)


  • Preference for complete button size
  • Details now saved automatically
  • Copy text button for notes
  • UI improvements


  • Gnome Online Accounts usernames containing '@' symbol
  • Apostrophs in CalDav calendar names
  • Completion percent with sync enabled


  • Added French translation (Irénée THIRION)
  • Updated Occitan translation (ensag-dev)
  • Updated German translation (Philipp Kiemle)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Japanese translation (Gnuey56)


  • If Gnome Online Accounts is installed, Nextcloud credentials will be pulled from it
  • Nextcloud url prefix will autocomplete to "https" instead of "http"
  • Sidebar can be closed with click on empty space in the task list
  • Completion percent changes with completion of sub-tasks


  • Drag and drop deleting tasks
  • Dark theme contrast

Thanks to the work of @david-swift Errands now has:

  • Preference for side of the Details panel
  • Preference for task click primary action. Now you can either expand task (and show details button) or open details panel.

Also added:

  • Sync indicator
  • Increased max width of tasks


  • Delete completed tasks button not activating


  • Added Danish translation (Peter Normann)
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Guilherme Berbet)


  • Time presets for date and time picker


  • Lists export
  • Details not showing
  • Flatpak permissions


  • Deleting task with drag and drop on top of the trash button


  • App icon having black background on KDE
  • Drag and Drop bug on KDE, where task's "+" drop area stays shown
  • Some strange Details behaviour


  • Updated Russian translation
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)
  • Updated Spanish translation (Clay Gomera)


  • More options in the date picker
  • Ctrl+S shortcut to save changed details
  • Ctrl+F shortcut to sync
  • Increased max sidebar sizes
  • Second click on task will close details panel now


  • Some icons not being shown
  • SSL error when connecting to Nextcloud with self-signed certificate
  • Calendar widget background on dark theme


  • Added Japanese translation (Gnuey56)
  • Updated French translation (Irénée THIRION)
  • Updated Turkish translation (Sabri Ünal)
  • Updated German translation (Philipp Kiemle)
  • Updated Ukrainian translation (volkov)


  • Typos
  • Icons in dark style
  • Tags sync


  • Updated Russian translation
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)

It's a BIG update!

New features:

  • Multiple task lists
  • Improved Nextcloud Tasks and CalDAV sync with support for multiple calendars and task properties
  • Import and Export lists and tasks in universal .ics format
  • Task properies panel: Notes, Start Date, End Date, Priority, Complete %, Tags
  • Tasks remembers their "expanded" / "folded" state
  • Better adaptivity for mobile screens
  • Accessebility improvements
  • Tweaked accent colors for better contrast with dark mode


  • Added Simplified Chinese translation (Petalzu)
  • Updated German translation (Milo Ivir, Philipp Kiemle)
  • Updated Croatian translation (Milo Ivir)
  • Updated Spanish translation (Sergio Varela)


  • Task status not being updated when deleting completed tasks button is clicked


  • Updated Catalan translation (Arnau Ferreres)


  • Store password safely using libsecret (Thanks to Rafael Mardojai CM)
  • Startup with sync enabled is now async and faster
  • Sync button appears when sync provider is selected now


  • Contrast for links in dark mode


  • Added Chinese Traditional translation
  • Updated German translation (Philipp Kiemle)
  • Updated Occitan translation (ensag-dev)
  • Updated French translation (Irénée THIRION)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Leandro Cunha)


  • Sync errors


  • Bug when all sub-tasks becomes unfinished when new sub-task added or moved.
  • Some sync errors


  • CalDAV: changing calendar name now updates UI


  • Updated Ukranian translation (Volkov)
  • Updated French translation (Irénée THIRION)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)

Fixed bug with empty list

Sync is here!

If you have a Nextcloud or any CalDAV server you can go to settings and enter your server credentials, including URL, username, password and name of the calendar you wish to sync ("Errands" by default). Then test your connection and you are ready to sync!

It's using CalDAV protocol and python3-caldav library.

Other updates:

  • New libadwaita-1.4 look, including new sidebar
  • Using new GNOME 45 flatpak runtime
  • More adaptive controls
  • Improved Import/Export for non-latin languages
  • A bit faster app startup


  • Added Ukranian translation (volkov)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated German translation


  • Added setting to expand Tasks on startup


  • Added Polish translation (Szymon Zielonka)
  • Added Occitan translation (Quentin PAGÈS)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)
  • Updated Spanish translation (Ian Jose Ferrero)


  • Now you can add sub-tasks to sub-tasks! As a result of that, it is possible to add accent colors to sub-tasks now.
  • Remove statusbars and replaced width subtitles.
  • Removed "Delete Completed Sub-Tasks" button. Now it's only one button inside of headerbar to delete any completed tasks. New shortcut for this: "Ctrl+Delete"
  • Improvements to drag and drop. Now it's possible to move tasks as you want, including moving tasks inside sub-tasks and back.
  • Improve contrast with accent colors
  • Added theme switcher to preferences window for those who use window managers.
  • Fixed couple of bugs with UI


  • Added Spanish translation (Ian Jose Ferrero)
  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)
  • Updated Italian translation (Davide Ferracin)
  • Updated Turkish translation (Sabri Ünal)
  • Updated French translation (CastelJeremy)
  • Updated Czech translation (Amerey)
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Leandro Cunha)
  • Fixed translations


  • Added confirmation dialog before clearing trash
  • Added button to close trash


  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)


  • New cool app icon. Big thanks to Tobias Bernard!
  • Added shortcuts window
  • Improved contrast and accessibility


  • Updated Turkish translation (Sabri Ünal)


  • App renamed to Errands
  • Added sidebar with history of deleted tasks. You can restore them individually or all at once. Supports Drag and Drop.
  • Cleaner UI with task menus
  • Accent colors selector moved to task's menu
  • Added menu item for quick text copy to clipboard
  • Improved Drag and Drop experience. Now you don't need to click edit button to access it. Just drag tasks as you want!
  • Removed expand button. Click everywhere on Task to expand it.
  • Added expand indicator on mouseover
  • Moved "Delete completed tasks" button to the headerbar
  • Removed unnecessary settings
  • Added toast notifications
  • Added "Export Tasks..." item to the main menu
  • Added "Import Tasks..." item to the main menu


  • Added Czech translation (Amerey.eu)
  • Added Portuguese translation (Vitor Gabriel Gomes)
  • Added German translation (Christoph Bähr)
  • Improved text alignment
  • Fixed Drag and Drop widget being too long
  • UI improvements
  • Added support for Drag and Drop operations. Now you can easily move tasks around. Moving sub-tasks between tasks now works too.
  • Removed "Quit" menu as unnecessary
  • "Undo" button renamed to "Undo deletion" for clearer understanding of its purpose
  • Minor preferences window improvements
  • Added smooth fade effect on top of the tasks list
  • Tasks list now scrolls when new task added
  • Added button to scroll to the top


  • Updated .desktop file for better mobile support


  • Added Catalan translation (cubells)


  • Set minimum window size to 250px for better phone screen support
  • Added new setting for disabling sub-tasks if you don't need them


  • Added animation for task and sub-task edit mode switching
  • Remember if window is maximized
  • Small color tweaks for better contrast
  • Updated symbolic icon


  • Added task add/remove animations
  • Added sub-task add/remove animations


  • Updated Italian translation (Albano Battistella)
  • Updated Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)


  • Added animations for progress bars
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added Turkish translation (Sabri Ünal)
  • Fixed bug with app not opening
  • Added animations for accent color switching


  • Added undo button for restoring deleted tasks and sub-tasks
  • Added new setting for clearing history on startup (OFF by default)
  • Added new setting for history size (20 items by default)
  • Added new setting for hiding accent color button if you don't use it
  • UI improvements
  • Accessibility improvements


  • Updated Russian translation
  • Add progress bar for completed tasks and sub-tasks
  • Add button for deleting completed tasks
  • UI improvements
  • Code improvements and refactoring
  • Updated application icon
  • Bug fixes
  • Added Italian translation. Thanks to Albano Battistella.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Added buttons for moving tasks and sub-tasks up and down in list. To show them just click edit button.


  • Added Dutch translation. Thanks to Heimen Stoffels.
  • Added French translation. Thanks to Jeremy Castel.


  • New custom widgets for tasks
  • Task widgets are wider
  • URL's are now clickable
  • Better and more intuitive editing of tasks
  • Info of how many sub-task are completed
  • Button for deleting completed sub-tasks
  • Tasks can now be marked as completed too
  • Fixed icon size


  • New setting for tasks expansion on startup


  • You can now help translate this application! For more info visit GitHub project page.
  • Added Russian translation.


  • Rewritten most of the app. Reorganized project structure.
  • Use Meson build system instead of Make.
  • Fixed bug with apostrophe character being displayed incorrectly (Thanks to CastelJeremy)
  • Fixed another one bug with URL's
  • Fixed bug with URL's not being visible (Thanks to fastrizwaan)
  • Checkbox to mark sub-task as completed
  • UI improvements
  • Color tags
  • Tasks and sub-task editing
  • UI improvements.
  • You can now add sub-tasks!
  • Redesigned interface for better visibility and contrast

Fixed add task button not being clickable.

Added menu with theme switcher.

Bug fixes.

Bug fixes.

First release.