#!/bin/bash ORIGIN_REPO="https://github.com/${GIT_OWNER:-mrworf}/plexupdate" FULL_PATH="/opt/plexupdate" CONFIGFILE="/etc/plexupdate.conf" CONFIGCRON="/etc/plexupdate.cron.conf" CRONWRAPPER="/etc/cron.daily/plexupdate" VERBOSE=yes #to be inherited by get-plex-token, do not save to config # default options AUTOINSTALL=yes AUTOUPDATE=yes PUBLIC= # variables to save in config CONFIGVARS="AUTOINSTALL AUTODELETE DOWNLOADDIR TOKEN FORCE FORCEALL PUBLIC AUTOSTART AUTOUPDATE PLEXSERVER PLEXPORT CHECKUPDATE NOTIFY" CRONVARS="CONF SCRIPT LOGGING" install() { echo "'$req' is required but not installed, attempting to install..." sleep 1 [ -z "$DISTRO_INSTALL" ] && check_distro if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then sudo $DISTRO_INSTALL $1 || abort "Failed while trying to install '$1'. Please install it manually and try again." else $DISTRO_INSTALL $1 || abort "Failed while trying to install '$1'. Please install it manually and try again." fi } check_distro() { if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && hash dnf 2>/dev/null; then DISTRO="redhat" DISTRO_INSTALL="dnf -y install" elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && hash yum 2>/dev/null; then DISTRO="redhat" #or CentOS but functionally the same DISTRO_INSTALL="yum -y install" elif hash apt 2>/dev/null; then DISTRO="debian" #or Ubuntu DISTRO_INSTALL="apt install" elif hash apt-get 2>/dev/null; then DISTRO="debian" DISTRO_INSTALL="apt-get install" else DISTRO="unknown" fi } yesno() { case "$1" in "") default="Y" ;; yes) default="Y" ;; true) default="Y" ;; no) default="N" ;; false) default="N" ;; *) default="$1" ;; esac default="$(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< "$default")" if [ "$default" == "Y" ]; then prompt="[Y/n] " else prompt="[N/y] " fi while true; do read -n 1 -p "$prompt" answer answer=${answer:-$default} answer="$(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< "$answer")" if [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then echo return 0 elif [ "$answer" == "N" ]; then echo return 1 fi done } noyes() { yesno N } abort() { echo "$@" exit 1 } install_plexupdate() { echo read -e -p "Directory to install into: " -i "/opt/plexupdate" FULL_PATH while [[ "$FULL_PATH" == *"~"* ]]; do echo "Using '~' in your path can cause problems, please type out the full path instead" echo read -e -p "Directory to install into: " -i "/opt/plexupdate" FULL_PATH done if [ ! -d "$FULL_PATH" ]; then echo -n "'$FULL_PATH' doesn't exist, attempting to create... " if ! mkdir -p "$FULL_PATH" 2>/dev/null; then sudo mkdir -p "$FULL_PATH" || abort "failed, cannot continue" sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) "$FULL_PATH" || abort "failed, cannot continue" fi echo "done" elif [ ! -w "$FULL_PATH" ]; then echo -n "'$FULL_PATH' exists, but you don't have permission to write to it. Changing owner... " sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) "$FULL_PATH" || abort "failed, cannot continue" echo "done" fi if [ -d "${FULL_PATH}/.git" ]; then cd "$FULL_PATH" if git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep -q "plexupdate"; then echo -n "Found existing plexupdate repository in '$FULL_PATH', updating... " if [ -w "${FULL_PATH}/.git" ]; then git pull &>/dev/null || abort "unknown error while updating, please check '$FULL_PATH' and then try again." else sudo git pull &>/dev/null || abort "unknown error while updating, please check '$FULL_PATH' and then try again." fi else abort "'$FULL_PATH' appears to contain a different git repository, cannot continue" fi echo "done" cd - &> /dev/null else echo -n "Installing plexupdate into '$FULL_PATH'... " git clone --branch "${BRANCHNAME:-master}" "$ORIGIN_REPO" "$FULL_PATH" &> /dev/null || abort "install failed, cannot continue" echo "done" fi } configure_plexupdate() { [ -f "$CONFIGFILE" ] && source "$CONFIGFILE" echo echo -n "Do you want to install the latest PlexPass releases? (requires PlexPass account) " # The answer to this question and the value of PUBLIC are basically inverted if [ "$PUBLIC" == "yes" ]; then default=N fi if yesno $default; then PUBLIC=no # If they already have a VALID token, leave it alone if [ -z "$TOKEN" ] || ! verifyToken; then if getPlexServerToken; then # Only store the token if it's not in PMS TOKEN= elif ! getPlexToken; then error "Unable to get Plex token, falling back to pulic release" PUBLIC=yes fi fi else # don't forget to erase old settings if they changed their answer EMAIL= PASS= TOKEN= PUBLIC=yes fi echo echo -n "Would you like to automatically install the latest release when it is downloaded? " if yesno "$AUTOINSTALL"; then AUTOINSTALL=yes [ -z "$DISTRO" ] && check_distro if [ "$DISTRO" == "redhat" ]; then AUTOSTART=yes else AUTOSTART= fi echo echo -n "When using the auto-install option, would you like to check if the server is in use before upgrading? " #We can't tell if they previously selected no or if this is their first run, so we have to assume Yes if yesno; then if [ -z "$PLEXSERVER" ]; then PLEXSERVER="" fi while true; do read -e -p "Plex Server IP/DNS name: " -i "$PLEXSERVER" PLEXSERVER if ! ping -c 1 -w 1 "$PLEXSERVER" &>/dev/null ; then echo -n "Server $PLEXSERVER isn't responding, are you sure you entered it correctly? " if yesno N; then break fi else break fi done if [ -z "$PLEXPORT" ]; then PLEXPORT=32400 fi while true; do read -e -p "Plex Server Port: " -i "$PLEXPORT" PLEXPORT if ! [[ "$PLEXPORT" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then echo "Port $PLEXPORT isn't valid, please try again" PLEXPORT=32400 else break fi done else PLEXSERVER= PLEXPORT= fi else AUTOINSTALL=no PLEXSERVER= PLEXPORT= fi save_config "$CONFIGVARS" "$CONFIGFILE" } configure_cron() { if [ ! -d "$(dirname "$CRONWRAPPER")" ]; then echo "It seems like you don't have a supported cron job setup, please see README.md for more details." return 1 fi if [ -f "$CONFIGCRON" ]; then #this is redundant since null is evaluated as yes anyway, but including for readability CRON=yes source "$CONFIGCRON" fi echo echo -n "Would you like to set up automatic daily updates for Plex? " if yesno $CRON; then CRON=yes if [ $(sudo find -L "${FULL_PATH}" -perm /002 -or -not -uid 0 -or -not -gid 0 | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "WARNING: For security reasons, plexupdate needs to be installed as root in order to run automatically. In order to finish setting up automatic updates, we will change the ownership of '${FULL_PATH}' to root:root." echo -n "Do you wish to continue? " yesno || return 1 echo echo -n "Changing ownership of '${FULL_PATH}'... " sudo chown -R root:root "${FULL_PATH}" || abort "unable to change ownership, cannot continue" sudo chmod -R o-w "${FULL_PATH}" || abort "unable to change permissions, cannot continue" echo "done" fi CONF="$CONFIGFILE" SCRIPT="${FULL_PATH}/plexupdate.sh" LOGGING=${LOGGING:-false} echo echo -n "Do you want to log the daily update runs to syslog so you can examine the output later? " if yesno $LOGGING; then LOGGING=true fi echo echo -n "Should cron send you an email if an update is available/installed? " if yesno $NOTIFY; then NOTIFY=yes save_config "$CONFIGVARS" "$CONFIGFILE" fi save_config "$CRONVARS" "/etc/plexupdate.cron.conf" echo echo -n "Installing daily cron job... " sudo ln -sf "${FULL_PATH}/extras/cronwrapper" "$CRONWRAPPER" echo "done" elif [ -f "$CRONWRAPPER" -o -f "$CONFIGCRON" ]; then echo echo -n "Cleaning up old cron configuration... " if [ -f "$CRONWRAPPER" ]; then sudo rm "$CRONWRAPPER" || echo "Failed to remove old cron script, please check '$CRONWRAPPER'" fi if [ -f "$CONFIGCRON" ]; then sudo rm "$CONFIGCRON" || echo "Failed to remove old cron configuration, please check '$CONFIGCRON'" fi echo done fi } save_config() { CONFIGTEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/plexupdate.XXX) for VAR in $1; do if [ ! -z "${!VAR}" ]; then echo "${VAR}='${!VAR}'" >> $CONFIGTEMP fi done echo echo -n "Writing configuration file '$2'... " # most likely writing to /etc, so we need sudo sudo tee "$2" > /dev/null < "$CONFIGTEMP" sudo chmod 640 "$2" # only root can modify the config, but the user can still read it sudo chown 0:$(id -g) "$2" rm "$CONFIGTEMP" echo "done" } if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "This script needs to install files in system locations and will ask for sudo/root permissions now" sudo -v || abort "Root permissions are required for setup, cannot continue" elif [ ! -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then echo abort "This script will ask for sudo as necessary, but you should not run it as sudo. Please try again." fi for req in wget git sudo; do if ! hash $req 2>/dev/null; then install $req fi done if [ -f ~/.plexupdate ]; then echo echo -n "Existing configuration found in ~/.plexupdate, would you like to import these settings? " if yesno; then echo "Backing up old configuration as ~/.plexupdate.old. All new settings should be modified through this script, or by editing ${CONFIGFILE} directly. Please see README.md for more details." source ~/.plexupdate mv ~/.plexupdate ~/.plexupdate.old fi fi if [ -f "$(dirname "$0")/../plexupdate.sh" -a -d "$(dirname "$0")/../.git" ]; then FULL_PATH="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")/../")" echo echo "Found plexupdate.sh in '$FULL_PATH', using that as your install path" else install_plexupdate fi source "${FULL_PATH}/plexupdate-core" configure_plexupdate configure_cron echo echo -n "Configuration complete. Would you like to run plexupdate with these settings now? " if yesno; then if wget --show-progress -V &> /dev/null; then PROGRESS_OPT="-P" fi if [ "$AUTOINSTALL" == "yes" -o "$CRON" == "yes" ]; then sudo -E "$FULL_PATH/plexupdate.sh" $PROGRESS_OPT --config "$CONFIGFILE" else "$FULL_PATH/plexupdate.sh" $PROGRESS_OPT --config "$CONFIGFILE" fi fi