--- invoice-nr: 2015-11-04 author: Max Mustermann city: Musterstadt from: - Musterstraße 37 - 12345 Musterstadt to: - Erika Mustermann - Musterallee 1 - 12345 Musterstadt - Germany VAT: 20 service: - description: The first service provided price: 320.00 details: - description: And another one, with a list of details price: 245.00 details: - Some more detailed explanation - of the service provided - Looking good - description: The last service provided price: 65.00 closingnote: | Please transfer the due amount to the following bank account within the next 14 days: Mustermann GmbH Kreditinstitut: Deutsche Postbank AG IBAN: DE18 3601 0043 9999 9999 99 BIC: PBNKDEFF We really appreciate your business and look forward to future projects together. Best regards, # Invoice settings currency: EUR # commasep: true lang: english # Typography and layout seriffont: Hoefler Text sansfont: Helvetica Neue fontsize: 10pt geometry: a4paper, left=43mm, right=43mm, top=51mm, bottom=17mm # letterhead: true # To include personalized letterheads ---