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= \"example-name\"\n description = \"example-description\"\n\n}", "doc": "Defines google_storage_bucket resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "google_storage_bucket", "matches": { "tf-google_storage_bucket": true } }, "010dd2cf-8d32-33a4-b678-3cae100d9ae6": { "content": "#define ${1}", "doc": "", "filetype": "arduino", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "def": true } }, "011318be-4038-3973-ab00-630ca2417eae": { "content": "g ${1:shell}", "doc": "\"g\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "g builtin", "matches": { "g": true } }, "01133b9c-8391-37fe-9c76-b4880c1d1cc5": { "content": "resource \"aws_cloudfront_distribution\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_cloudfront_distribution", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_cloudfront_distribution", "matches": { "tf-aws_cloudfront_distribution": true } }, "01158e36-9666-3bba-8c66-1aa0168acbfc": { "content": "DELETE FROM ${1:tableName}\n\tWHERE ${3:condition};", "doc": "Delete records", "filetype": "sql", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "delete", "matches": { "delete": true } }, "011990f5-366c-3909-a624-3590cc89357a": { "content": "${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FileField($2)", "doc": "", "filetype": "django", "grammar": "snu", "label": "FileField", "matches": { "mfile": true } }, "011bdd15-60c9-3220-b723-10c874c646a7": { "content": "${1:map}.with_options ${2:controller}: '${3:thing}' do |$3|\n\t${0}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mapwo": true } }, "0123e4bb-5490-372d-9d6e-954a07d5ffd7": { "content": "use ${0:test_class};\n$1->runtests();", "doc": "", "filetype": "perl", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "trunner": true } }, "0126cb34-dd46-384e-8043-bea508adcc43": { "content": "-moz-border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${7:stretch};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdi:m+": true } }, "012cb500-4a29-35ee-83e2-0ea85fd59c52": { "content": "\n$2\n$0", "doc": "keep-alive element", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "keep-alive", "matches": { "keepAlive": true } }, "012f9ec1-2ec3-32f3-91d2-59341c34ecb9": { "content": "$.parseXML(${1:data})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "parsexml": true } }, "012fde97-3f06-31e7-a10b-fa48233649e6": { "content": "{% extends \"${1}\" %}${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "snu", "label": "twig extends", "matches": { "ext": true } }, "0137834d-bf92-3817-b0c4-943740b7cbf6": { "content": "begin\n\t$1\nrescue ${2:StandardError} => ${3:exception}\n\t$4\nensure\n\t$0\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Exception block with ensure", "matches": { "begin ensure": true } }, "0138c27c-6b23-319d-a652-d16046203138": { "content": "${1:name}\t${2:type}\t${3:default ''}\t${0:not null}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sql", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "col": true } }, "013b4fc1-5ff5-3825-bfc0-dfad37399fc4": { "content": "$_FILES['${1:variable}']", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "F": true } }, "013e47dd-b2f3-38e5-a424-8a24040bddaf": { "content": "System.out.println(${0});", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "sout": true } }, "013e6ea1-6350-375e-bbe4-29fd7e3c3502": { "content": "export default class ${1:className} extends ${2:baseclassName} {\n\t$0\n};", "doc": "Export default class which extends a base one in ES6 syntax", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "exportClassExtends", "matches": { "ece": true } }, "01458b41-6524-376d-952a-0782eec4f902": { "content": "font-variant: small-caps", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fv:sc": true } }, "0146ac51-280e-3329-9095-b1a1fd1f4f01": { "content": "${1:command} | group-by ${2:grouper}", "doc": "\"group-by\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "group-by builtin", "matches": { "group-by": true } }, "014779bc-65cd-36a9-a350-cc06083bbd19": { "content": "pure @safe nothrow", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "psn": true } }, "0147f177-2060-32a7-b959-344ef4d6a2c7": { "content": "font-family: ${0:Monaco,'Courier New'},monospace;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ff:m": true } }, "014df607-6957-3be3-a542-2cc15b69a1fa": { "content": "The BSD3 License (BSD3)\n\nCopyright (c) ${CURRENT_YEAR} ${0:Author}. All rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\nnotice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\nnotice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\ndocumentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n3. Neither the name of the nor the\nnames of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products\nderived from this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY $1 ''AS IS'' AND ANY\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\nWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL $1 BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\nLOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\nON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\nSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "doc": "BSD3 License", "filetype": "license", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "BSD3", "matches": { "BSD3": true } }, "014ed918-a08b-3773-93a4-1741fec40b03": { "content": "resource \"digitalocean_tag\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines digitalocean_tag", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "digitalocean_tag", "matches": { "tf-digitalocean_tag": true } }, "015060d0-1fc8-3b71-b4d2-b969261aae84": { "content": "${1:$CURRENT_YEAR}-${2:$CURRENT_MONTH}-${3:$CURRENT_DATE} ! \"${4:Payee}\" \"${5:Narration}\"\n $0", "doc": "Add an incomplete transaction.", "filetype": "beancount", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "incomplete transaction directive", "matches": { "txn!": true } }, "015b7d00-148a-38f3-934a-517c3846b947": { "content": "truncatewords:${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "htmldjango", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "truncatewords": true } }, "015ee7a0-8c18-38c6-a40c-ee7cabffde85": { "content": "align-self: stretch", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "as:st": true } }, "016dbc88-444e-3fa8-adfd-2e2b0d5aecf5": { "content": "resource \"dme_record\" \"${myResourceName}\" {\n name = \"my-${myResourceName}\"\n description = \"my-description-${myResourceName}\"\n domainid = \"123456\"\n name = \"www\"\n type = \"A\"\n value = \"\"\n ttl = 3600\n gtdLocation = \"DEFAULT\"\n}", "doc": "define dme_record resource.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "dme_record", "matches": { "tf-dme_record": true } }, "01700ce8-507e-3239-b9e9-038015259d18": { "content": "import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'\n\ntype Props = {}\n\nclass ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends PureComponent {\n render() {\n return (\n
    \n )\n }\n}\n\nexport default ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}", "doc": "Creates a React pure component class with ES7 module system and TypeScript interface", "filetype": "generated", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "typescriptReactClassExportPureComponent", "matches": { "tsrpce": true } }, "01711e2d-5f78-3eb1-a16c-db232891fed6": { "content": "${1:generate_label}: if ${2:condition} generate\n\t$0\nend generate $1;", "doc": "If Generate Statement", "filetype": "vhdl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "if_generate", "matches": { "ifgen": true } }, "0174de30-1541-332a-8252-17ace6fe6623": { "content": "{% for image in craft.assets.\n\t.sourceId(\"${1:1}\")\n\t.kind(\"${2:image}\")\n\t.limit(${3:10})\n}).all() %}\n\t\"{{\n{% endfor %}\n$0", "doc": "craft.assets", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "assets", "matches": { "assets": true } }, "0177f3d1-1682-3cf2-835d-a243cf7eea2b": { "content": ".. attention:: ${0:#:CURSOR}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rst", "grammar": "snu", "label": "attention", "matches": { "attention": true } }, "01811c18-2a5c-325f-9f9d-2efc9e380a02": { "content": "for all ${1} ${2:in} ${3} => ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "ada", "grammar": "snu", "label": "for all", "matches": { "for_all": true } }, "018aa236-6029-347e-866c-cce2ebfbfae5": { "content": "<%= ${1:f}.submit \"${0:submit}\" %>", "doc": "", "filetype": "eruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ffs": true } }, "018ab93d-36c8-3970-bc81-26c1a5dd4d77": { "content": "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => {${1:first}}", "doc": "Called right before mutations are made (e.g. before the DOM is updated)", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate", "matches": { "gsbu": true } }, "01935ce2-577c-38a5-a52f-81854ae92df5": { "content": "list-style-type square", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "list:s": true } }, "01954b0f-ddfa-321f-8fc1-9e79c6e2217d": { "content": "if(${1}) {\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "if": true } }, "019afea9-f1a0-31cc-adee-12bfb71f72dc": { "content": "logger.fatal", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "logger.fatal", "matches": { "logf": true } }, "019dc74d-c2fe-3a9d-be1d-ec6f4f626535": { "content": "$.cssHooks['${1:CSS prop}'] = {\n\tget: (elem, computed, extra) ->\n\t\t${2: // handle getting the CSS property}\n\tset: (elem, value) ->\n\t\t${0: // handle setting the CSS value}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "csshooks": true } }, "01a63618-8bf0-30f0-96e2-f71366de2747": { "content": "(${1:name} [${2:this} ${3:args}]\n\t${0:code})", "doc": "", "filetype": "clojure", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "met": true } }, "01a9a51b-1ecb-3636-993d-1e7c83f0c295": { "content": "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "python", "grammar": "snu", "label": "#!/usr/bin/env python3", "matches": { "#!3": true } }, "01ab64cd-827c-30ce-a0a7-bc7094248ac3": { "content": "fn(${1}) { ${0:${VISUAL}} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "gleam", "grammar": "snu", "label": "anonymous fn", "matches": { "af": true } }, "01b1a215-ef5a-3d55-ab68-4dea781bf27b": { "content": "validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, on: :${3:create}, if: proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "validates_associated if (vaif)", "matches": { "vaif": true } }, "01b5766f-e752-3a1c-8e1a-8175fbd1f981": { "content": "${1:document}.removeEventListener('${2:event}', ${3:listener})", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "removeEventListener", "matches": { "rel": true } }, "01b66a90-68a5-3cb9-9a0d-b54f73e46e2f": { "content": "cattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "crw": true } }, "01b80f25-76e2-3d76-a559-6ef2f43c15cf": { "content": "${1:div}(:class=\"[${2:classNameA}, ${3:classNameB}]\")", 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"azurerm_dns_txt_record", "matches": { "tf-azurerm_dns_txt_record": true } }, "01fdf435-44ad-363c-9d5f-0fb158973aae": { "content": "<%include file=\"${0:filename}\" />", "doc": "", "filetype": "mako", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "include": true } }, "02003175-dd6f-3055-b234-b1c767d49afd": { "content": "<%def name=\"${1:name}\">\n\t${2:}\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "mako", "grammar": "snu", "label": "definition", "matches": { "def": true } }, "02061f17-ecf2-3613-9413-eef87cc88958": { "content": "try {\n ${0:TARGET}\n} finally {\n ${1}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "try {} finally {}", "matches": { "try_f": true, "try_finally": true } }, "02089957-60cf-3281-ac7b-0a950883ea42": { "content": "class ${1:MODELNAME}Form(forms.ModelForm):\n\t\"\"\"${2:Form definition for $1}.\"\"\"\n\n\tclass Meta:\n\t\t\"\"\"Meta definition for ${1}form.\"\"\"\n\n\t\tmodel = $1\n\t\tfields = ('$3',)", "doc": "ModelForm", "filetype": "forms", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "ModelForm", "matches": { "ModelForm": true } }, "020ce168-2737-3763-804d-9f5fd3ad136f": { "content": "${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ulcircle": true } }, "020deda0-73af-30c5-a4da-e12ad153faac": { "content": "#include ", "doc": "", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "binc": true } }, "020eeba7-e562-32fd-98f9-117ef5c05f26": { "content": "module ${1:(* Name *)} : ${2:(* SIG *)} = struct\n\t${3:(* BODY *)}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "ocaml", "grammar": "snu", "label": "module with signature", "matches": { "Mod": true } }, "020f7263-29e3-3dec-8e24-6bcff288025e": { "content": "opacity: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "op": true } }, "0212f4de-3c1c-379b-99ae-cfd6500a4bf5": { "content": "{% filter ${1:filter} %}\n\t$2\n{% endfilter %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "jinja2", "grammar": "snu", "label": "filter", "matches": { "filter": true } }, "021655cc-4f91-3a77-98d8-22573b785829": { "content": "list-style-type decimal", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "list:dc": true } }, "02173c92-041d-3068-9036-699236f16551": { "content": "import 'package:flutter/material.dart';\n \nvoid main() => runApp(MyApp());\n \nclass MyApp extends StatelessWidget {\n @override\n Widget build(BuildContext context) {\n return MaterialApp(\n title: 'Material App',\n home: Scaffold(\n appBar: AppBar(\n title: Text('Material App Bar'),\n ),\n body: Center(\n child: Container(\n child: Text('Hello World'),\n ),\n ),\n ),\n );\n }\n}", "doc": "Create a MaterialApp", "filetype": "flutter", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Material App", "matches": { "mateapp": true } }, "02191580-1866-34c0-b436-bf22a570eb6a": { "content": "GetWorld()->OverlapMultiByChannel(${1:OverlapsArray}, ${2:Location}, ${3:FQuat::Identity}, ${4|ECC_Visibility,ECC_Camera,ECC_GameTraceChannel1|}, FCollisionShape::${5:MakeSphere(Radius)}, ${6:TraceParams});", "doc": "Trace shape against world and return all overlapping actors using Collision Channel", "filetype": "unreal", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Unreal Overlap Multi Channel", "matches": { "uoverlap_multi_channel": true } }, "021b61dc-a274-3186-b7ac-f73c770d9e6f": { "content": "overflow-y: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ovy": true } }, "0223223e-b660-35f9-a55d-cf55bf58bd32": { "content": "resource \"aws_emr_instance_group\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_emr_instance_group", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_emr_instance_group", "matches": { "tf-aws_emr_instance_group": true } }, "0224e431-d11b-3b70-8210-67ec22bd0783": { "content": "props.${1};", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-react", "grammar": "snu", "label": "props", "matches": { "pp": true } }, "02252131-80fb-39ea-8252-8bcdf3a854c1": { "content": "text-justify auto", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tj:a": true } }, "022c71bc-d0f3-3b72-99cf-cb3c56ab883b": { "content": "export default {\n\tstate: {\n\t\tvalue: 'my value'\n\t},\n\tgetters: {\n\t\tvalue: state => {\n\t\t\treturn state.value;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\tmutations: {\n\t\tupdateValue(state, payload) {\n\t\t\tstate.value = payload;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\tactions: {\n\t\tupdateValue({commit}, payload) {\n\t\t\tcommit('updateValue', payload);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};", "doc": "vuex module", "filetype": "vue-script-vuex", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Vuex Module", "matches": { "vmodule": true } }, "022d1da7-f4d8-32a8-97dd-254e01fd5afb": { "content": "emissive(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${0:value3});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "emissive": true } }, "022e8664-4e52-3bea-a206-84130b7e5196": { "content": "
    $2", "doc": "HTML - Defines header 6", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "h6", "matches": { "h6": true } }, "02312623-a679-3167-84db-56d70ae8edbc": { "content": "define \"${1:#name}\", [\"${2:#dependencies1}\"], (${3:#dependencies2}) ->\n\t${0:TARGET}", "doc": "", "filetype": "requirejs_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "defn": true } }, "023933b7-416b-3792-9879-a30950c93e2c": { "content": "begin\n\t${0}\nend;", "doc": "", "filetype": "plsql", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "beg": true } }, "023aa40a-cf8a-32f5-945a-364b2b5c1ddb": { "content": "class ${1:MyClass} {\npublic:\n\t$1() = default;\n\t$1($1 &&) = default;\n\t$1(const $1 &) = default;\n\t$1 &operator=($1 &&) = default;\n\t$1 &operator=(const $1 &) = default;\n\t~$1() = default;\n\nprivate:\n\t$2\n};", "doc": "Code snippet for class with inline constructor/destructor", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "classi", "matches": { "classi": true } }, "0242b97e-93cb-3fa8-bd22-db1b729cb06f": { "content": "uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_export #(${1:className}) ${2:name};", "doc": "UVM nonblocking_get_peek_export template", "filetype": "systemverilog", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_export", "matches": { "uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_export": true } }, "02492dea-bc42-3161-9f23-2875af2d4713": { "content": "ceil(${0:value});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ceil": true } }, "024a8166-951e-3803-898f-6e800e76b014": { "content": "// @flow\nimport * as React from 'react';\ntype Props = {\n $0\n};\ntype State = {\n $1\n};\nexport class ${2:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends React.Component{\n render() {\n return (\n
    \n \n
    \n );\n };\n};", "doc": "Creates a React component class with FlowTypes", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "flowClassComponent", "matches": { "fcc": true } }, "024c39c8-0827-32da-9658-4df0c4559be5": { "content": "for ${1:item} <- ${2:items}, do: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "elixir", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "for:": true } }, "024ca173-8adc-32c4-8f23-84f337fb787b": { "content": "{% include \"${1:template}\" with {\n\t${2:key}: ${3:\"${4:value}\"}\n} %}\n$0", "doc": "include w/ key/value", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "inckv", "matches": { "inckv": true } }, "02514720-9698-344d-a95b-3c967315e36d": { "content": "reversed", "doc": "For loops option", "filetype": "jekyll", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Tag Option reversed", "matches": { "reversed": true } }, "025648f4-ef30-3499-b3d8-c0fb7ae5d9b9": { "content": "case ${1:expression} of\n ${2:case1} → ${3:result}\n ${4:case2} → ${5:result}$0", "doc": "Case statement", "filetype": "purescript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "case", "matches": { "case": true } }, "025c6886-82dd-3ecc-b1dc-96a93156d8b0": { "content": "#if ${1:SYMBOL}\n ${0:TARGET}\n#endif", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ifdef": true } }, "025c6905-d338-3e1d-9573-efb2278f2128": { "content": "bind($1)\n$0", "doc": "The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "bind", "matches": { "bind": true } }, "0269fafa-4794-3245-9cd6-8df2f2c1c0e7": { "content": "uvm_transport_port #(${1:REQ className}, ${2:RSP className}) ${3:name};", "doc": "UVM transport_port template", "filetype": "systemverilog", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "uvm_transport_port", "matches": { "uvm_transport_port": true } }, "026e2a1e-055d-3f31-ba2b-ec1adffac9df": { "content": "grid-gap: 0;", "doc": 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"filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "femp:a": true } }, "028ef384-c98d-3a97-bcfa-91c5f5a3f770": { "content": "$.grep(${1:array}, (item, index) >\n\t${2}\n${0:, true})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "grep": true } }, "029407ee-303e-340a-af35-35d913ad11af": { "content": "${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "xslt", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "text": true } }, "029c92c5-ed60-3ce0-9e4f-42a693937b01": { "content": "-ifdef(${1:TEST}).\n${0}\n-endif.", "doc": "", "filetype": "erlang", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ifd": true } }, "02a739dc-f879-31cd-8537-9030522768d9": { "content": "{@docRoot", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "{docRoot": true } }, "02afa149-2862-3be0-b5bb-71a60aadee36": { "content": "\\begin{itshape}\n\t${1:TARGET}\n\\end{itshape}", "doc": "", "filetype": "tex", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "\\begin{itshape} \\itshape": true, "itshape": true } }, "02b532be-b011-317e-988f-5cab9d5153f9": { "content": "static_cast<${1:unsigned}>(${2:expr})${3}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "sca": true } }, "02b812f3-bce5-31de-b12a-bb0360c40905": { "content": "function* ${1:name}(${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "named generator function (ES6)", "filetype": "base", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "named-generator-function-es6-", "matches": { "base function generator named": true } }, "02c81ec0-1a19-3d2c-a86a-9baf9ea1d61d": { "content": "${1:ptr} = (${2:type}*) malloc(sizeof($2));", "doc": "", "filetype": "c", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mlc": true } }, "02c860a3-c937-33f2-99d4-bc1e73e55e93": { "content": "must_match /${0:regex}/", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mm": true } }, "02cb81eb-642d-3c52-97d0-b1f451487c5f": { "content": "provider \"vault\" {\n address = \"${1:myVaultAddress}\"\n token = \"${2:myVaultToken}\"\n}", "doc": "define vault provider.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "vault", "matches": { "tf-vault": true } }, "02d0a69f-c357-3bf5-b005-353065564bd9": { "content": "import React, { Component } from 'react'", "doc": "", "filetype": "react", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "import-react-component", "matches": { "imrc": true, "react import component": true } }, "02d62cdd-ef08-3416-909f-66037b74be1c": { "content": "


    ", "doc": "HTML - Defines a paragraph", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "p.", "matches": { "p.": true } }, "02dfc888-f6c9-3436-8727-2355a8837d29": { "content": "class ${1:Name} extends InheritedWidget {\n const ${1:Name}({super.key, required super.child});\n\n static ${1:Name}? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {\n return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<${1:Name}>();\n }\n\n @override\n bool updateShouldNotify(${1:Name} oldWidget) {\n return ${2:true};\n }\n}", "doc": "Class used to propagate information down the widget tree", "filetype": "flutter", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Inherited Widget", "matches": { "inheritedW": true } }, "02e7d32b-03fe-3296-99d6-9f1a4c3b3402": { "content": "import pudb; pudb.set_trace()", "doc": "", "filetype": "python", "grammar": "snu", "label": "import pudb..", "matches": { "pudb": true } }, "02e8ab88-3c59-3575-bec2-4cce11d50841": { "content": "@interface ${1:NSObject} (${2:Category})\n@end\n\n@implementation ${1} (${2})\n${0}\n@end", "doc": "", "filetype": "objc", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Category", "matches": { "cat": true } }, "02ec04e3-dcab-37d1-87fe-70fd471403c5": { "content": "Js.trace(${1:something})", "doc": "", "filetype": "rescript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "console.trace", "matches": { "ct": true, "ctr": true } }, "02f26a1b-1dac-3c9a-aef2-971be4af46f4": { "content": "counter-reset: ${1};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "cor": true } }, "02f78a33-4785-33db-878e-69e753919870": { "content": "${1:obj}.removeProp('${2:property name}')", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jquery", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "remp": true } }, "02f9fe9e-0d79-3601-9f49-6aa1425da5be": { "content": "width: auto", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "w:a": true } }, "02fc044f-5bbf-3503-bb63-2fdd6f3896ce": { "content": "${1:#:action} unless ${2:#:condition}", "doc": "", "filetype": "coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "unl": true } }, "0316d4c5-0e7f-3fa9-9805-30adace0ad1a": { "content": "resource \"aws_iam_instance_profile\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_iam_instance_profile", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_iam_instance_profile", "matches": { "tf-aws_iam_instance_profile": true } }, "0317e011-7c1a-378d-953d-7510c9557189": { "content": "background-clip: no-clip", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bgcp:nc": true } }, "031c55b8-2140-3a32-81d9-d86029a83fa5": { "content": "{%- post_url ${url:} -%}", "doc": "Tag: post_url", "filetype": "jekyll", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Tag Post URL", "matches": { "posturl": true } }, "03213498-331b-3dcd-a2dc-58118d2e6f5d": { "content": "expect(${1:target}).toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'})", "doc": "", "filetype": "coffee-jasmine", "grammar": "snu", "label": "expect to have attribute (coffee)", "matches": { "eha": true } }, "03218966-f53d-3707-a8b5-0e05005f9878": { "content": "$this->assertCount(${1:$expectedCount}, ${2:$haystack});", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "$this->assertCount($count, $haystack)", "matches": { "asco": true } }, "03276f48-b566-31c7-b6c2-fb6dd3662949": { "content": "def new\n\t@${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.new\n\n\trespond_to do |format|\n\t\tformat.html # new.html.erb\n\t\tformat.json { render json: @$1 }\n\tend\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "defnew": true } }, "032855fc-c87a-3037-b3b9-d8e0b1bc8d23": { "content": "function ${1:name}(${2:arguments})\n\t$0\nend", "doc": "Code snippet to create a function.", "filetype": "julia", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "function", "matches": { "fun": true, "func": true, "function": true } }, "0328b6e7-d0fd-38ff-934f-0630c4079b75": { "content": "static defaultProps = {\n\t${1}: ${2}\n};", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-react", "grammar": "snu", "label": "static defaultProps", "matches": { "sdp": true } }, "032fc6f6-504c-3c8d-a8e6-775787fe227b": { "content": "align-items: ${1|flex-start,flex-end,center,baseline,stretch,auto|};", "doc": "initial value: auto", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "align-self", "matches": { "as": true } }, "03327152-6979-3725-b6dc-f22438845091": { "content": "${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "xslt", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "with-param": true } }, "0339bfb5-89dc-3893-ba87-9cf0376d9f2c": { "content": "{%- include ${snippet} -%}", "doc": "Tag: include", "filetype": "jekyll", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Tag include", "matches": { "include": true } }, "033eecbc-f659-3830-a620-212d7b19007e": { "content": "
    • ${1}
    • \n\tli+${0}\n
    ", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ul+": true } }, "0349d60a-f200-39e9-944e-29fdf55a4e4e": { "content": "_.clone(${value})", "doc": "var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];\n\nvar shallow = _.clone(objects);\nconsole.log(shallow[0] === objects[0]);\n// => true\n\nCreates a shallow clone of `value`.\n\n**Note:** This method is loosely based on the\n[structured clone algorithm](https://mdn.io/Structured_clone_algorithm)\nand supports cloning arrays, array buffers, booleans, date objects, maps,\nnumbers, `Object` objects, regexes, sets, strings, symbols, and typed\narrays. The own enumerable properties of `arguments` objects are cloned\nas plain objects. An empty object is returned for uncloneable values such\nas error objects, functions, DOM nodes, and WeakMaps.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-clone", "matches": { "lodash clone": true } }, "034b6eeb-1dbf-35c4-a174-8820259f41a0": { "content": "{% include \"${0}\" %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "htmldjango", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "include": true } }, "03536f4f-5f5f-36c7-a53a-ddfa860e2d22": { "content": "expect(${1:target}).not.toEqual(${2:value});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jasmine", "grammar": "snu", "label": "expect not to equal (js)", "matches": { "note": true } }, "035b4bd7-c5fe-387e-adaa-18ab98c7d044": { "content": "break ${0}", "doc": "The break command tells Bash to leave the loop straight away.\n\nEnter the break or break (n) where n=number of loops.", "filetype": "shell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "break", "matches": { "break": true } }, "035c90d9-5715-3f40-ac3c-31806120c5f5": { "content": "font-weight: lighter;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fw:lr": true } }, "0363fafd-5b3e-37ca-a7d5-8c0dc173f840": { "content": "when others => ${1};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "ada", "grammar": "snu", "label": "when others", "matches": { "when_others": true } }, "036a1c2a-cdbc-3991-b392-14aa4e95f610": { "content": ".. caution:: ${0:#:CURSOR}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rst", "grammar": "snu", "label": "caution", "matches": { "caution": true } }, "0377b0d8-0890-3a9d-9a52-171a890ea532": { "content": "\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "label:i": true } }, "037f6c3e-06c0-3a26-8943-2a4ea30850df": { "content": "${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FileField($2)", "doc": "", "filetype": "django", "grammar": "snu", "label": "FileField", "matches": { "ffile": true } }, "0382d83b-a687-38de-b0fd-6d571c54c7b2": { "content": "int ${1:z} = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;", "doc": "", "filetype": "cuda", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Get current Z index (1D)", "matches": { "iz": true } }, "038526c9-1629-3e20-b43a-b8848cf477eb": { "content": "import PropTypes from 'prop-types'\nimport React, { Component } from 'react'\nimport { connect } from 'react-redux'\n\nexport class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends Component {\n static propTypes = {\n ${2:second}: ${3:third}\n }\n\n render() {\n return (\n
    \n )\n }\n}\n\nconst mapStateToProps = (state) => ({})\n\nconst mapDispatchToProps = {}\n\nexport default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}})", "doc": "Creates a React component class with PropTypes with connected redux and ES7 module system", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reactClassComponentReduxPropTypes", "matches": { "rcreduxp": true } }, "0385a343-5e9e-3d4a-878e-15de9bd4453e": { "content": "else if ($1)\n{\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "else if", "matches": { "elif": true } }, "038afdde-0850-3c46-aa86-f2b2aec8f0ad": { "content": "font-family: ${1:\"Times New Roman\",Georgia,Serif};${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ff": true, "font-family": true } }, "03910a54-2abb-3b2c-8099-92226b4aa1c7": { "content": "_.plant(${value})", "doc": "function square(n) {\n return n * n;\n}\n\nvar wrapped = _([1, 2]).map(square);\nvar other = wrapped.plant([3, 4]);\n\nother.value();\n// => [9, 16]\n\nwrapped.value();\n// => [1, 4]\n\nCreates a clone of the chain sequence planting `value` as the wrapped value.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-plant", "matches": { "lodash plant": true } }, "039974a1-db90-3a4c-8453-32e2a2e5d972": { "content": "import ${0:module_name}", "doc": "", "filetype": "elixir", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "imp": true } }, "039beae5-92c1-3fdf-ad00-b9f6c2ec5219": { "content": "while $1; do\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\ndone", "doc": "", "filetype": "zsh", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "wh": true } }, "03a46574-f1d4-361f-8914-eeb1f5d3200d": { "content": "$.getJSON '${1:mydomain.com/url}',\n\t${2:{ param1: value1 },}\n\t(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->\n\t\t${0:// success callback}", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "getjson": true } }, "03a73594-8ff9-3ae6-8704-f34878a7b499": { "content": "must_be_kind_of ${0:Class}", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mbko": true } }, "03a9a292-132e-3775-af4c-2f206c38696b": { "content": "{\n\t\"type\": \"link_list\",\n\t\"id\": \"${1}\",\n\t\"label\": \"${2}\",\n\t\"info\": \"${0}\"\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "_link_list": true } }, "03aab681-1070-3398-9162-2e23a0486ab5": { "content": "resource \"heroku_drain\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines heroku_drain", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "heroku_drain", "matches": { "tf-heroku_drain": true } }, "03acd7e5-d93c-3fba-bc9e-f59753955a1e": { "content": "($3 *)realloc(${1:OLD}, ${2:N_MEMBERS} * sizeof(${3:TYPE}));\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "c", "grammar": "snu", "label": "realloc(old, size)", "matches": { "realloc": true } }, "03b2a25e-17b1-3508-8ff5-0b045e9b2843": { "content": ".. sidebar:: ${1:Title}\n\n\t${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rst", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "sid:": true } }, "03b67b26-a7d0-3281-a8d1-e830a7a496b8": { "content": "grid-gap: ${1};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "gg": true } }, "03bcdfd6-012b-341c-8075-d2b70b3db70c": { "content": "try {\n\t${0:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}\n}\nfinally {\n\t${2:<#Do this after the try block regardless of whether an exception occurred or not#>}\n}", "doc": "Attempt a block of code and perform an action regardless of the outcome. Useful for cleanup or gracefully disconnecting active sessions even if there was a terminating error. More: Get-Help about_Try_Catch_Finally", "filetype": "PowerShell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "try-finally", "matches": { "try-finally": true } }, "03bf9ccf-2fc6-3045-9d39-7db1d7a5779d": { "content": "\\begin{scshape}\n\t${1:TARGET}\n\\end{scshape}", "doc": "", "filetype": "tex", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "\\begin{scshape} \\scshape": true, "scshape": true } }, "03c3d60b-5cc8-3de7-81c3-727668d20dda": { "content": "resource \"azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"profile1\"\n resource_group_name = \"\\${azurerm_resource_group.test.name}\"\n profile_name = \"\\${azurerm_traffic_manager_profile.test.name}\"\n target = \"terraform.io\"\n type = \"externalEndpoints\"\n weight = 100\n}", "doc": "Defines azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint", "matches": { "tf-azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint": true } }, "03c6996b-45ae-355e-b740-4fd69c583232": { "content": "int ${1:x} = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;\nint ${2:y} = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;", "doc": "", "filetype": "cuda", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Get current X,Y index (2D)", "matches": { "ixy": true } }, "03c8a5e5-fa85-3da3-913c-dbbae16e63fd": { "content": "text-align-last: auto", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tal:a": true } }, "03cceb92-8ab6-34e4-af06-0ed7f2053eb0": { "content": "$1 ? $2 : $0", "doc": "", "filetype": "actionscript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Ternary: `condition ? true : false`", "matches": { "t": true } }, "03ced8ae-72d2-3307-bf60-b7cc005a1f03": { "content": "subtype ${1:subtype_name} is ${2:base_type} range ${3:0} ${4|to,downto|} ${5:7};", "doc": "Subtype declaration", "filetype": "vhdl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "subtype", "matches": { "subt": true } }, "03d28689-c493-322c-b2f9-102c924152c6": { "content": "try {\n ${0:TARGET}\n} catch (${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {\n ${3:e.printStackTrace();}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "try": true } }, "03de7021-9291-3bee-85bf-a74fb2833cf0": { "content": "augroup ${1:AU_NAME}\n\tautocmd!\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\naugroup END", "doc": "", "filetype": "vim", "grammar": "snu", "label": "augroupvisual ... autocmd block with visual placeholder", "matches": { "auv": true } }, "03e1573a-a121-3a3c-87ce-9c7e00773d82": { "content": "after :${1:each} do\n\t${0}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "aft": true } }, "03e936fa-b291-33fa-a494-bdaaecf14c2f": { "content": "_.reduce(${collection}, ${iteratee}, ${accumulator})", "doc": "_.reduce([1, 2], function(sum, n) {\n return sum + n;\n}, 0);\n// => 3\n\n_.reduce({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }, function(result, value, key) {\n (result[value] || (result[value] = [])).push(key);\n return result;\n}, {});\n// => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] } (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n\nReduces `collection` to a value which is the accumulated result of running\neach element in `collection` thru `iteratee`, where each successive\ninvocation is supplied the return value of the previous. If `accumulator`\nis not given, the first element of `collection` is used as the initial\nvalue. The iteratee is invoked with four arguments:\n(accumulator, value, index|key, collection).\n\nMany lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like\n`_.reduce`, `_.reduceRight`, and `_.transform`.\n\nThe guarded methods are:\n`assign`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`, `includes`, `merge`, `orderBy`,\nand `sortBy`", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-reduce", "matches": { "lodash reduce": true } }, "03ec62b8-4eda-3e31-b594-4f70188113d6": { "content": "var $1 = new sap.ui.core.Icon({\n\t\t\t\tsrc :$2 , //sap.ui.core.URI\n\t\t\t\tsize :$3 , //sap.ui.core.CSSSize\n\t\t\t\tcolor :$4 , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor\n\t\t\t\thoverColor : $5 , // sap.ui.core.CSSColor\n\t\t\t\tactiveColor :$6 , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor\n\t\t\t\twidth :$7 , //sap.ui.core.CSSSize\n\t\t\t\theight : $8 ,//sap.ui.core.CSSSize\n\t\t\t\tbackgroundColor :$8 , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor\n\t\t\t\thoverBackgroundColor :$9 , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor\n\t\t\t\tactiveBackgroundColor :$10 , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor\n\t\t\t\tvisible :$11 , //boolean (default: true)\n\t\t\t\tdecorative : $12 ,//boolean (default: true)\n\t\t\t});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-openui5", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "sapicon": true } }, "03ec82dc-eeab-39a2-bb77-42f233fb842d": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "HTML - Defines a fieldset", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "fieldset", "matches": { "fieldset": true } }, "03ee2efa-12b8-3c81-894f-b7e602dc8100": { "content": "\\\\maketitle", "doc": "", "filetype": "tex", "grammar": "snu", "label": "maketitle", "matches": { "mkt": true } }, "03f57e79-a311-3023-810b-3dcc211cbbc9": { "content": "scan(${1:/pattern/}) { |${2:match}| ${0} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "sca": true } }, "03f64f24-4edc-3374-81bd-086e595c411c": { "content": "Ada.Text_IO.New_Line(${1:1});\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "ada", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Ada.Text_IO.New_Line", "matches": { "newline": true } }, "03f80f55-78f1-3fcd-b680-cd3028f83d9f": { "content": "$.parseJSON(${1:data})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "parsejson": true } }, "03fe8414-3c7b-3981-9b67-36964d213594": { "content": "FUNCTION NATIONAL-OF(${1:alphanumeric-string},${2:replacement-char})$0", "doc": "convert alphanumeric-string to the national coded character set representation", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "FUNCTION-NATIONAL-OF", "matches": { "FUNCTION NATIONAL-OF": true } }, "040648e0-5141-3eee-93c1-b763c4fb8720": { "content": "{% increment ${0:variable} %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "increment": true } }, "04114367-ed86-3c60-a1aa-0fab593bfecb": { "content": "overflow: scroll;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ov:s": true } }, "0411a07c-b600-33a8-b411-c630714bc79e": { "content": "`uvm_do_on_with(${1:SEQ_OR_ITEM}, ${2:SEQR}, ${3:CONSTRAINTS})", "doc": "uvm_do_on_with macro", "filetype": "systemverilog", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "uvm_macro_do_on_with", "matches": { "`uvm_do_on_with": true } }, "0416f0b3-9f50-33c2-9c12-458a2d16bc49": { "content": "router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {\n\t${1:next();}\n});", "doc": "Vue Router global guards beforeEach", "filetype": "vue-script-router", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Vue Router beforeEach", "matches": { "vbeforeeach": true } }, "041a4127-724d-3ca2-85a4-5796c20c4278": { "content": "function numval(${1:string})$0", "doc": "corresponding numeric value for string", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "function-numval", "matches": { "function numval": true } }, "04317cdc-45c9-306a-8ff7-a40f092a5965": { "content": "textLeading(${0:size});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "textLeading": true } }, "0431a7e5-03e6-340e-8d63-15fd8cc8a6de": { "content": "if $1, do: ${2}, else: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "elixir", "grammar": "snu", "label": "if .. do: .. else:", "matches": { "ife:": true } }, "0431ead9-b656-36ec-829d-ab6b8861a211": { "content": "mlply(${1:matrix}, ${0:function})", "doc": "", "filetype": "r", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ml": true } }, "043548f1-8fe1-3b36-ba6d-ba52a728c197": { "content": "justify-items: end;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ji:e": true } }, "04366d37-27b9-38db-a8d3-768d149c64f9": { "content": "assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:model}_path(${13:@}${14:$12})}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "assert_redirected_to (path)", "matches": { "artp": true } }, "043c1256-7ab2-3b38-965b-c56ec999d11e": { "content": "if (${1:true})\n{\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "if": true } }, "043c7802-6968-33d9-8715-79397f7349ae": { "content": "(library\n (name $1)\n (public_name $2)\n (libraries $3))", "doc": "Snippet for a library stanza", "filetype": "dune", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "library", "matches": { "library": true } }, "043e46b4-3ca3-3f19-8642-5bd0b95b7c54": { "content": "<% error_messages_for :${1:model} %>\n\n<%= form_for @${2:model} do |f| %>\n\t${0}\n<% end %>", "doc": "", "filetype": "eruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ffe": true } }, "043efd8b-ffe2-3845-a8c0-b5a2d6cb8ce4": { "content": "content: attr(${1});${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ct:a": true } }, "04421fdc-3e29-3747-b9c6-58df8fd15703": { "content": "$this->markTestSkipped(${1});", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "$this->markTestSkipped()", "matches": { "marks": true } }, "044547dd-d3cc-3322-af4a-fb1354739736": { "content": "__import__('nose').tools.set_trace()", "doc": "", "filetype": "python", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "nosetrace": true } }, "04468606-3aa7-3e05-9476-a74abe4b17a7": { "content": "${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "legend": true } }, "044b1370-ce7b-3c4b-8a3d-95e49741f904": { "content": "resource \"gitlab_project_hook\" \"${example}\" {\n project = \"${example}/hooked\"\n url = \"https://${example}.com/hooke/example\"\n}", "doc": "define a gitlab_project_hook resource.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "gitlab_project_hook", "matches": { "tf-gitlab_project_hook": true } }, "044c2043-b1f0-3057-b4cf-39fdb4fdb351": { "content": "PropTypes.bool,", "doc": "Bool prop type", "filetype": "prop-types", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "prop-type-bool", "matches": { "prop-types bool": true, "ptb": true } }, "044f4aa4-2013-3251-bbb5-91120f576599": { "content": "Object.assign(${1:dest}, ${2:source})", "doc": "Object.assign", "filetype": "base", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "object-assign", "matches": { "base object assign": true } }, "044f8ba8-e929-31a7-845d-6cf639aa9132": { "content": "catch ${1:/${2:#:pattern: empty, E484, Vim(cmdname):{errmsg\\\\}\\}/}", "doc": "", "filetype": "vim", "grammar": "snu", "label": "catch /pattern/", "matches": { "catch": true } }, "04500eb6-c3b9-3ec5-a840-512291d69529": { "content": "align-items first baseline", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ai:fb": true } }, "0450c800-99ab-373e-9ebe-d6d869604a1b": { "content": "private void OnWizardUpdate() {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "This is called when the wizard is opened or whenever the user changes something in the wizard.", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "ScriptableWizard OnWizardUpdate", "matches": { "OnWizardUpdate()": true } }, "04518136-95f4-3d67-b040-6d1d48362e12": { "content": "}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "seealso": true } }, "04526eae-f492-3f20-a156-1ac4c6c9cc82": { "content": "using UnityEngine;\n\npublic class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE} : MonoBehaviour {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Unity MonoBehaviour class template.", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Unity MonoBehaviour", "matches": { "MonoBehaviour": true } }, "0465c240-b898-31b2-b95e-969fd5cd071a": { "content": "{${1:array}.map((item) => {\n\treturn <${2:elementName} key={item.id}>\n\t$0\n\n})}", "doc": "an element self closed", "filetype": "react", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "jsx elements map with return", "matches": { "jmr": true } }, "0467f079-4507-35d2-a9dd-3d3963dd78bf": { "content": "", "doc": "", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Scaffold ", "doc": "", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "vbase": true } }, "0673d0de-bdc2-33d7-8add-63a6a8fb837f": { "content": "cycle", "doc": "cycle", "filetype": "fortran", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "cy", "matches": { "cy": true } }, "06741121-757a-386d-8e86-15ce2ac7e731": { "content": "rectangle:", "doc": "", "filetype": "kivy", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "rectangle: from pykv-snippets", "matches": { "rect": true } }, "06779a0b-b0b2-3b65-afe9-e4dfa0a13dc2": { "content": "valuetype-id $1 ${2:public}.\n01 item string ${2:public}.\n\nmethod-id new ${2:public}.\nprocedure division.\n $0\nend method.\n\nend valuetype.", "doc": "valuetype", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "valuetype", "matches": { "valuetype-id": true, "vi": true } }, "067ec2fc-7576-3b45-8bc4-eff5cba35698": { "content": "class ${0:ModelName}Inline(admin.TabularInline):\n\tmodel = $1", "doc": "", "filetype": "django", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tabularinline": true } }, "0680184a-72cc-3308-8d7c-c1de3de06cb2": { "content": "public", "doc": "", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pub": true } }, "06816707-1951-3c5e-965e-6a1773369f8d": { "content": "$this->assertFalse(${1});", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "$this->assertFalse($a)", "matches": { "asf": true } }, "0681c9ab-22c8-3a2a-88d6-02c1b7938311": { "content": "word-wrap ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "wow": true } }, "06848922-9830-3563-bdd1-dcb706b22901": { "content": "func ${1:handler}(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {\n ${0:fmt.Fprintf(w, \"hello world\")}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "http.HandlerFunc", "matches": { "hf": true } }, "06884af1-06c5-3955-a632-5e09dbb56c7f": { "content": "@error('${1:record}')\n $2\n@enderror", "doc": "error", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "error", "matches": { "b:error": true } }, "06890ae5-f167-337e-80a1-13abe7a67c29": { "content": "quotes: '\\00AB' '\\00BB' '\\201E' '\\201C';", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "q:ru": true } }, "0693ada6-c179-3dd6-a0b4-b800a39e203a": { "content": "import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'", "doc": "", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "importRouterLink", "matches": { "imbrl": true } }, "069594ef-a334-3cfb-8860-946898b3bfb8": { "content": "// https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2020\r\n// https://github.com/IoBuilders/em-token (example)\r\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\r\n/*\r\nThe E-Money Standard Token aims to enable the issuance of regulated electronic money on blockchain networks, and its practical usage in real financial applications.\r\n\r\nFinancial institutions work today with electronic systems,\r\nwhich hold account balances in databases on core banking systems.\r\nIn order for an institution to be allowed to maintain records of client balances segregated and available for clients,\r\nsuch institution must be regulated under a known legal framework and must possess a license to do so.\r\nMaintaining a license under regulatory supervision entails ensuring compliance (i.e. performing KYC on all clients and ensuring good AML practices before allowing transactions)\r\nand demonstrating technical and operational solvency through periodic audits,\r\nso clients depositing funds with the institution can rest assured that their money is safe.\r\n*/\r\npragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.8.0;\r\n\r\ninterface EMoneyToken /* is ERC-1996, ERC-2018, ERC-2019, ERC-2021 */ {\r\n function currency() external view returns (string memory);\r\n function version() external pure returns (string memory);\r\n function availableFunds(address account) external view returns (uint256);\r\n function checkTransferAllowed(address from, address to, uint256 value) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkApproveAllowed(address from, address spender, uint256 value) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkHoldAllowed(address from, address to, address notary, uint256 value) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkAuthorizeHoldOperatorAllowed(address operator, address from) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkOrderTransferAllowed(address from, address to, uint256 value) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkAuthorizeClearableTransferOperatorAllowed(address operator, address from) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkOrderFundAllowed(address to, address operator, uint256 value) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkAuthorizeFundOperatorAllowed(address operator, address to) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkOrderPayoutAllowed(address from, address operator, uint256 value) external view returns (byte status);\r\n function checkAuthorizePayoutOperatorAllowed(address operator, address from) external view returns (byte status);\r\n}", "doc": "Draft: EIP-2020: E-Money Standard Token. The E-Money Standard Token aims to enable the issuance of regulated electronic money on blockchain networks, and its practical usage in real financial applications.", "filetype": "solidity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "erc2020i", "matches": { "erc2020i-draft": true } }, "069960a8-b380-3121-b492-bc3484ce367f": { "content": "list-style-position: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "lisp": true } }, "069c24b9-b8de-3cad-8bba-c3d08b74ebcd": { "content": "height: auto", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "h:a": true } }, "069cd82d-c745-3b43-bcda-0d19db5b086e": { "content": "font-emphasize-style: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fems": true } }, "069ebe4d-dec6-3765-81e3-b634d4bba669": { "content": "defer {\n ${0:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "swift", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "defer": true } }, "06a04083-18be-3a81-a55b-d8d89627b01d": { "content": "vertical-align: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "va": true } }, "06a23339-0602-3fee-9c1f-f0e544fe4bda": { "content": "${1:obj}.keydown(function (${2:e}) {\n\t${0:// event handler}\n});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jquery", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "kdown": true } }, "06a7a79b-e2dc-3843-a548-f51da9f7749e": { "content": "if ${1:#:condition}:\n ${0:pass}", "doc": "", "filetype": "nim", "grammar": "snu", "label": "if ...: ...", "matches": { "if": true } }, "06adda1d-6f22-3a6c-844a-057569ca4ea5": { "content": "_.findLast(${collection}, ${predicate}, ${fromIndex})", "doc": "_.findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {\n return n % 2 == 1;\n});\n// => 3\n\nThis method is like `_.find` except that it iterates over elements of\n`collection` from right to left.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-findlast", "matches": { "lodash findlast": true } }, "06b03f5f-f1fa-3ef6-971c-2edea3a0c05f": { "content": "::: {layout=\"[$1]\"}\n$0\n:::", "doc": "", "filetype": "quarto", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lay", "matches": { "lay": true } }, "06b37303-fd06-3ffa-bbc1-9d4c2e6ff9d2": { "content": "try\n$2\ncatch ${1:Exception}\n$0\nend-try", "doc": "try catch", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "try", "matches": { "try": true } }, "06b4bd20-57b6-37a3-ab45-a9332d439909": { "content": "justify-items: center;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ji:c": true } }, "06b97d96-e668-39c6-bd12-43268e4849c5": { "content": "overflow-x: visible;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ovx:v": true } }, "06ba10a3-82ae-30c4-bebd-7807554a3eb5": { "content": "text-align center", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ta:c": true } }, "06bc54ff-24df-3b30-a7dd-645f3383eda6": { "content": "white-space pre", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "whs:p": true } }, "06be4ed4-82a7-3c45-b6fd-66432dc85f16": { "content": "initial begin\n\t${0}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "verilog", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ini": true } }, "06bee58b-e272-30ac-b105-d118e4781de6": { "content": "${1:actionName}() {\n\tthis.\\$store.dispatch('${1:actionName}', ${2:payload});\n}", "doc": "dispatch to vuex store in methods for action", "filetype": "vue-script", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Vue Dispatch Vuex Store in Methods", "matches": { "vdispatch": true } }, "06c5d49b-7192-3d57-9746-4fe19cf741e9": { "content": "PropTypes.oneOfType([\n\t$0\n]),", "doc": "An object that could be one of many types", "filetype": "react-ts", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "propTypeOneOfType", "matches": { "ptet": true } }, "06cd5f4e-ee03-3847-9c3d-74841940f6d3": { "content": "$.isXMLDoc(${1:node})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "isxml": true } }, "06cd977b-0ec2-3fb4-8026-1a96da9b1aca": { 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"06d203af-19b5-3be9-9aac-1be68276e596": { "content": "new RegExp(r'${1}')", "doc": "", "filetype": "dart", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "rgx": true } }, "06d2aa18-6629-3c1c-928e-ae712dd46116": { "content": "{# ${1:comment} #}", "doc": "", "filetype": "htmldjango", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "#": true } }, "06dfdbb0-052a-3fca-b676-37565be2a02e": { "content": "<%= link_to '${1:link text...}', action: '${2:edit}', id: ${0:@item} %>", "doc": "", "filetype": "eruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "liai": true } }, "06e0527c-43de-3aea-9559-80a247b99325": { "content": "case ${1:/* variable case */}:\n\t${2}\n\t${3:break;}", "doc": "", "filetype": "lpc", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "case": true } }, "06e0f78a-9755-37b4-a417-64ea1d57e085": { "content": "padding-left: ${1};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pl": true } }, "06e30b06-0709-3de1-8e61-d158da818914": { "content": 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"cypress-cookies-get-all", "matches": { "cypress cookies get all": true } }, "070023e6-1382-3737-9033-4988dc52807f": { "content": "image::${1:filepath}[\"${2:alt}\"]\n$0", "doc": "Insert image block macro", "filetype": "asciidoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "image block macro", "matches": { "image": true } }, "0704aaaa-51c7-3e42-85f9-66326f552eb3": { "content": "borderBottomColor: ${1},", "doc": "borderBottomColor", "filetype": "react-native", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "borderBottomColor", "matches": { "bor": true } }, "0706cd08-24a7-3a9f-857e-2c5674846330": { "content": "fieldsets = (\n\t(None, {\n\t\t'fields': (\n\t\t\t$1\n\t\t),\n\t}),\n)", "doc": "", "filetype": "admin", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "fieldsets", "matches": { "fieldsets": true } }, "070a8b8f-3574-39c5-a68c-9dba98b9e959": { "content": "if err != nil {\n\t${1}\n\treturn\n}\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "if err != nil { ... return }", "matches": { "errh": true } }, 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"label": "function-current-date", "matches": { "function current-date": true } }, "07218c56-897a-3ff1-b56c-1a3efb85ef36": { "content": "\"${1:key}\": \"${0:value}\",", "doc": "", "filetype": "json", "grammar": "snu", "label": "String", "matches": { "s": true } }, "0725313f-db50-3180-be18-da3faa5a7900": { "content": "MOVE 0 to ${2:COUNTER}\nINSPECT ${1:SOURCE} TALLYING ${2:COUNTER} FOR ${3|ALL SPACES,ALL $4,CHARACTERS|}", "doc": "Inspect a tallying counter for ...", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "INSPECT TALLYING", "matches": { "INSPECT": true } }, "072a99b2-1b32-30f7-a49f-7891cc1a0ef8": { "content": "private void OnMouseEnter() {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Called when the mouse enters the GUIElement or Collider.", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "MonoBehaviour OnMouseEnter", "matches": { "OnMouseEnter()": true } }, "0736a629-6512-347c-9a67-3b2bdf1fd95d": { "content": "fontFamily: '${1}',", "doc": "fontFamily", "filetype": "react-native-ts", "grammar": 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    ", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "figcaption": true } }, "076ced21-212c-3413-b6a3-385c327d4f8d": { "content": "module ${1} =\n\t${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "fsharp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mod": true } }, "0771978b-cc21-3ff2-97fe-cc330d27f539": { "content": "import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'\n\nexport default class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends PureComponent {\n render() {\n return (\n
    \n )\n }\n}", "doc": "Creates a React pure component class with ES7 module system", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reactClassPureComponent", "matches": { "rpc": true } }, "0775d7c8-b494-354d-bf87-e41e56b47727": { "content": "type\t\tfixedValue;\nvalue\t\tuniform ${0};", "doc": "", "filetype": "openfoam", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fv": true } }, "07770b71-65d3-32c2-91d0-1ca6d6e5ba47": { "content": "resource \"aws_opsworks_stack\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_opsworks_stack", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_opsworks_stack", "matches": { "tf-aws_opsworks_stack": true } }, "077ea8ee-fa4b-3a99-af96-33095b8072a1": { "content": "// http://snipplr.com/view.php?codeview&id=1986 // modified\nclass CSVIterator implements Iterator\n{\n\tprivate $f;\n\tprivate $curr;\n\tprivate $rowCounter;\n\n\t /* opts keys:\n\t\t* row_size\n\t\t* escape\n\t\t* enclosure\n\t\t* delimiter\n\t\t*/\n\tpublic function __construct( $file_or_handle, $opts = [4096, ','] )\n\t{\n\t\t$d = function($n) use(&$opts){ return isset($opts[$n]) ? $opts[$n] : false; };\n\n\t\t$this->combine = $d('combine');\n\t\t$this->headers = $d('headers');\n\t\t$this->headerCheckFunction = $d('header_check_function');\n\n\t\t$this->f =\n\t\t\tis_string($file_or_handle)\n\t\t\t? fopen( $file_or_handle, 'r' )\n\t\t\t: $file_or_handle;\n\t\tif (!$this->f) throw new Exception('bad file descriptor');\n\t\t$this->fgetcsv_args = [\n\t\t\t\t$this->f,\n\t\t\t\tisset($opts['row_size']) ? $opts['row_size'] : 4096,\n\t\t\t\tisset($opts['delimiter']) ? $opts['delimiter'] : ',',\n\t\t\t\tisset($opts['enclosure']) ? $opts['enclosure'] : '\"',\n\t\t\t\tisset($opts['escape']) ? $opts['escape'] : '\\\\',\n\t\t];\n\t\t$this->start();\n\t}\n\n\tprotected function readRow(){\n\t\t$this->curr = call_user_func_array('fgetcsv', $this->fgetcsv_args );\n\t\t$this->rowCounter++;\n\t\tif ($this->rowCounter == 1){\n\t\t\t$this->processHeader();\n\t\t} elseif ($this->curr) {\n\t\t\t$this->processRow();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function processHeader(){\n\t\tif ($this->headers || $this->combine){\n\t\t\t$this->header = $this->curr;\n\t\t\tif ($this->headerCheckFunction){\n\t\t\t\t$f = $this->headerCheckFunction;\n\t\t\t\t$f($this->header);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t$this->readRow();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function processRow(){\n\t\tif ($this->combine)\n\t\t\t$this->curr = array_combine($this->header, $this->curr);\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function start(){\n\t\t$this->rowCounter = 0;\n\t\trewind( $this->f );\n\t\t$this->readRow();\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function rewind()\n\t{\n\t\t$this->start();\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function current()\n\t{\n\t\t$curr = $this->curr;\n\t\t$this->readRow();\n\t\treturn $curr;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function key()\n\t{\n\t\treturn $this->rowCounter;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function next()\n\t{\n\t\treturn $this->curr;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function valid(){\n\t\tif( !$this->next() )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tfclose( $this->f );\n\t\t\treturn FALSE;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn TRUE;\n\t}\n\n} // end class", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "CSVIterator": true } }, "078273f2-d678-3fe0-86d7-dd4cc10e6e26": { "content": "@throws ${1:#:class} ${0:#:description}", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "throws": true } }, "0784500f-5ce8-3de3-b101-34e4f3c98b1f": { "content": "sscanf($1, \"$2\"$0);", "doc": "Generic sscanf() snippet", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "sscanf", "matches": { "sscanf": true } }, "07850a61-0bad-3e41-991f-bbc16154ca3f": { "content": "axios.get('${1:uri}')\n.then(function (response) {\n\t${2:success}\n})\n.catch(function (error) {\n\t${3:error}\n})", "doc": "Use Axios to make a get request - promise based", "filetype": "axios", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "axios-get-promise", "matches": { "axios get promise": true } }, "07947956-90cb-3607-a5be-0790e3e73944": { "content": "func _process(delta):\n\\t${1:pass}", "doc": "", "filetype": "gdscript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "process": true } }, "0797b6dc-97e9-3b59-9170-9d66a6919d1a": { "content": "warning(\"${1:message}\")", "doc": "", "filetype": "puppet", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "warning": true } }, "079e27ef-b06b-3fb3-a331-32c400496667": { "content": "<%= javascript_include_tag \"${0}\" %>", "doc": "", "filetype": "eruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "jsit": true } }, "07a094a9-3413-3a04-aa31-8529bf32797f": { "content": "~~${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}}~~$0", "doc": "Insert strikeout", "filetype": "rmarkdown", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Insert strikeout", "matches": { "strikeout": true } }, "07a1047d-3d7c-30c2-af4a-1146a470f370": { "content": "LayoutBuilder(\n builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {\n return ${0:};\n },\n),", "doc": "Similar to the Builder widget except that the framework calls the builder function at layout time and provides the parent widget's constraints.", "filetype": "flutter", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Layout Builder", "matches": { "layoutBldr": true } }, "07a26cd0-0b95-38b2-8c66-1a906dbbf780": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ol#": true } }, "07a5a9fe-4d97-36f4-9471-42b4c59a7c21": { "content": "_.flip(${func})", "doc": "var flipped = _.flip(function() {\n return _.toArray(arguments);\n});\n\nflipped('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');\n// => ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']\n\nCreates a function that invokes `func` with arguments reversed.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-flip", "matches": { "lodash flip": true } }, "07ae4ba6-ca46-3c32-af69-d70e3f8e80b6": { "content": "environment:\n\t\t${1:name}: ${2:value}", "doc": "", "filetype": "docker-compose", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Environment", "matches": { "env": true } }, "07b2533e-afb9-39c9-abe6-355f5dbd5d62": { "content": "warn(\"${1:%s}\"$0);", "doc": "warn() snippet", "filetype": "c", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "warn", "matches": { "warn": true } }, "07b6cb71-bdfe-3063-ad12-ed9df39aef57": { "content": "dispatch_get_global_queue(${1:intptr_t identifier}, ${2:uintptr_t flags})", "doc": "Create a dispatch_get_global_queue", "filetype": "objc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Dispatch get global queue", "matches": { "dispatchgetglobalqueue": true } }, "07b7c0f9-ff33-30f8-943c-6b9f6258b5e5": { "content": "=head2 ${1:MethodName}\n\n${0:Summary...}\n\n\n=cut", "doc": "", "filetype": "perl", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "psubi": true } }, "07bb5b58-5a6f-378f-92d5-9c8105013012": { "content": "${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "s": true } }, "07bd9efa-e9fa-3dc5-ba26-62f69556964e": { "content": "{% include '${1:snippet}', ${2:variable}: ${3:value} %}", "doc": "Theme tag: include with parameters", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Tag include with parameters", "matches": { "includewith": true } }, "07c02ac1-86b1-3d5d-97ba-2324337dbafa": { "content": "grid-row-gap: ${1};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "grg": true } }, "07c7c179-4b86-3d1f-adf8-cb1b5ae84318": { "content": "TSubclassOf ${2:VarName};", "doc": "Reference to Class (assign using \"AMyClass::StaticClass()\")", "filetype": "unreal", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Unreal Subclass", "matches": { "usubclassof": true } }, "07d85f31-d83a-3050-9ccf-078c088cdc3f": { "content": "border: ${1:1px} ${2|solid,dashed,dotted,double,groove,ridge,inset,outset,none,hidden|} ${0:#000};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "border", "matches": { "bor": true } }, "07db0b2a-0508-3c91-9af1-b4ddd65682de": { "content": "border-image none", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdi:n": true } }, "07dc8822-b60a-39e2-a64b-a59f68b79564": { "content": "justify-content: right", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "jc:r": true } }, "07debcd7-d180-35a9-b391-313f214b73e4": { "content": "else {\n\t${0:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "else": true } }, "07e0974c-3f64-3685-8bc9-6b138fdbe0ff": { "content": "(* ${1}\n\t${0})", "doc": "", "filetype": "scheme", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "*": true } }, "07e1a896-a706-3acd-ba1c-fb88ba763abd": { "content": "if(${1:true}) ${0};", "doc": "", "filetype": "lpc", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ifi": true } }, "07e1eac2-a441-3beb-b92b-33a4fca99220": { "content": "1. ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}}", "doc": "Insert ordered item", "filetype": "rmarkdown", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Insert ordered item", "matches": { "ordered item": true } }, "07e7f2db-ff6f-3db0-92b0-e16e5d3a97bb": { "content": "tanh($2)", "doc": "return the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter", "filetype": "glsl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "tanh", "matches": { "tanh": true } }, "07ea1844-d42d-30a3-8ec8-1fae44e7125a": { "content": "function ${1:Verb-Noun} {\n\t[CmdletBinding()]\n\tparam (\n\t\t$0\n\t)\n\t\n\tbegin {\n\t\t\n\t}\n\t\n\tprocess {\n\t\t$TM_SELECTED_TEXT\n\t}\n\t\n\tend {\n\t\t\n\t}\n}", "doc": "Script advanced function definition snippet. More: Get-Help about_Functions_Advanced", "filetype": "PowerShell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Function-Advanced", "matches": { "cmdlet": true, "function-advanced": true } }, "07ee9e1d-bfbf-382c-af73-dae4a282c965": { "content": "replaceAll($1, $2)\n$0", "doc": "The replaceAll() method returns a new string with all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement. The pattern can be a string or a RegExp, and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match. The original string is left unchanged.", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "replaceAll", "matches": { "replaceAll": true } }, "07f072c3-792a-37cd-b7f6-852b74c298d2": { "content": "${1:obj}.select(function (${2:e}) {\n\t${0:// event handler}\n});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jquery", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "select": true } }, "07f860c4-06b7-3193-99df-373340ea8007": { "content": "integer, intent(in) ::", "doc": "", "filetype": "fortran", "grammar": "snu", "label": "integer intent(in)", "matches": { "ini": true } }, "07fcc772-a4f6-31a4-8aa0-1b6f4cd1a38a": { "content": "after_validation :${0:method}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mav": true } }, "08022dcb-b413-3af7-a517-44f3528ae703": { "content": "\\${${0:interpolation${VISUAL}}\\}", "doc": "", "filetype": "freemarker", "grammar": "snu", "label": "${interpolation}", "matches": { "int": true } }, "08055a86-7a15-32af-95f3-52725b3005b1": { "content": "pos_hint={'${1|x,right,center_x|}': $2, '${3|y,top,center_y|}': $4}$0", "doc": "keyword argument of Widget", "filetype": "kivy", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "pos_hint from pykv-sippets", "matches": { "pos_hint": true } }, "080697d8-6817-30b0-a8f6-e29e385e9c09": { "content": "match {\n\tcase ${1} => ${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "scala", "grammar": "snu", "label": "match {\\n case .. => ..", "matches": { "match": true } }, "0809b3fb-429e-3c0e-8bd2-c937fbbb3847": { "content": "if (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0}\n} else {\n\t\n}", "doc": "if/else statement", "filetype": "base", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "if-else-statement", "matches": { "base if else": true } }, "0819ad76-32fb-340d-98d8-d3f2a10c5c9e": { "content": "${1:command} | path relative-to ${2:path/to/directory}", "doc": "\"path-relative-to\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "path relative-to builtin", "matches": { "path-relative-to": true } }, "081a7e82-927e-3b18-8d86-ef1a85a3e894": { "content": "if (${1}) {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n} else {\n\t${2}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "if (cond) { ... } else { ... }", "matches": { "ife": true } }, "0824b5b3-877a-383e-8cb0-26ad946d931c": { "content": "import { Text, View } from 'react-native'\nimport React, { Component } from 'react'\n\nexport default class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends Component {\n render() {\n return (\n \n ${1:first}\n \n )\n }\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reactNativeComponent", "matches": { "rnc": true } }, "082731bc-818d-34f9-9f7e-f2b62a95d689": { "content": "bulk collect into ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "plsql", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bc": true } }, "0829342f-e56f-38df-a88f-d25ceb2abaca": { "content": "", "doc": "", "filetype": "xslt", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "include": true } }, "082f68af-c677-3da8-b390-d8de4e814bbb": { "content": "resource \"google_compute_target_http_proxy\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"example-name\"\n description = \"example-description\"\n url_map = \"\\${google_compute_url_map.default.self_link}\"\n}", "doc": "Defines google_compute_target_http_proxy resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "google_compute_target_http_proxy", "matches": { "tf-google_compute_target_http_proxy": true } }, "0832df39-f145-3f27-9dd5-6996bd3d3bdb": { "content": "print(${0})", "doc": "", "filetype": "lua", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "print", "matches": { "p": true } }, "08347c0b-67d7-391d-b798-ff64f934da24": { "content": "::: {.callout-$1}\n$0\n:::", "doc": "", "filetype": "quarto", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "callout", "matches": { "call": true } }, "083a58c8-c3d0-3aa3-9096-00d6a704c536": { "content": "it { should validate_confirmation_of :${0} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "isvc": true } }, "083aab6f-24d4-343e-8d1a-81c362d4ac03": { "content": "resource \"aws_iam_user\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_iam_user", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_iam_user", "matches": { "tf-aws_iam_user": true } }, "08403f2b-c11d-315a-8d69-bdf7b2130e54": { "content": "border-right-image: none", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdri:n": true } }, "0848bde2-c9ac-3eb8-bb38-9762ec99e1d7": { "content": "void keyReleased(){\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "keyReleased": true } }, "085712eb-c432-341c-bc13-e3684603461a": { "content": "cursor: url($1);$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "cursor: url (cursor)", "matches": { "cursor": true } }, "085c3039-1cf4-3add-8a6c-c7caaeadfbfb": { "content": ".. warning::\n\t${0:attention!}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rst", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "war:": true } }, "08605ceb-475e-3052-a2de-016ff5c01824": { "content": "white-space: pre;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "whs:p": true } }, "086072f9-2e3d-3df6-b3db-52c77f32911f": { "content": "CREATE INDEX ${1:_name} ON ${2:cities} (${3:name});", "doc": "", "filetype": "sql", "grammar": "snu", "label": "CREATE INDEX ... ON ... ( ... )", "matches": { "CREATE_INDEX": true } }, "0860bae8-dfd6-3f21-a29b-8fe5c596663d": { "content": "${1}:\nwhile ${2} loop\n\t${0}\nend loop $1;", "doc": "", "filetype": "ada", "grammar": "snu", "label": "named while", "matches": { "named_while": true } }, "086580db-9011-39a7-a44b-94672c259e0b": { "content": "int ${1:x} = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;", "doc": "", "filetype": "cuda", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Get current X index (1D)", "matches": { "ix": true } }, "086aaa5e-3de9-36a1-a077-d1575353eeb0": { "content": "use GenServer\n\n@doc false\ndef start_link(init_args) do\n\tGenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, init_args, name: __MODULE__)\nend\n\n@impl true\ndef init(state) do\n\t{:ok, state}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "elixir", "grammar": "snu", "label": "basic genserver structure", "matches": { "genserver": true } }, "087153be-bab0-3238-b271-af3c539ac444": { "content": "ports:\n\t\t- ${1:value}", "doc": "", "filetype": "docker-compose", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Ports", "matches": { "po": true } }, "08721a31-84ae-378c-8010-90061cdfd9e5": { "content": "FUNCTION YEAR-TO-YYYY(${1:yy},${2:[yy-cutoff, default: 50},${3:yy-execution-time, default: now})$0", "doc": "convert yy to yyyy with optional yy-cutoff to delineate centuries", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "FUNCTION-YEAR-TO-YYYY", "matches": { "FUNCTION YEAR-TO-YYYY": true, "FY": true } }, "08748ad5-5868-3a1c-9015-42bac0d96e45": { "content": "'path.to.FilterClass',\n\t\t\t\t'propertyName'=>'propertyValue',\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n\tpublic function actions()\n\t{\n\t\t// return external action classes, e.g.:\n\t\treturn array(\n\t\t\t'action1'=>'path.to.ActionClass',\n\t\t\t'action2'=>array(\n\t\t\t\t'class'=>'path.to.AnotherActionClass',\n\t\t\t\t'propertyName'=>'propertyValue',\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\t*/\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "yii", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ycontroller": true } }, "0874ade5-5dfe-3236-a374-333b8b69cc58": { "content": 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"08812fa6-8329-32cb-95b8-ee99d57505ee": { "content": "resources :${1:posts}${2: do\n\t$3\nend}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "resources", "matches": { "res": true } }, "08840f8c-925a-33a1-8f5f-e3876f6143a5": { "content": ". . .", "doc": "", "filetype": "quarto", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "pause", "matches": { "pause": true } }, "08851d04-9164-3ad3-a33e-c5c8b54a69f7": { "content": "{% with $1 as $2 %}\n$3\n{% endwith %}", "doc": "with tag django template", "filetype": "djangohtml", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "with", "matches": { "with": true } }, "08871f12-50be-38be-8529-5a35a47fc0b9": { "content": "def ${1:VIEWNAME}(request):", "doc": "View", "filetype": "views", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "view", "matches": { "view": true } }, "0888b984-5040-3776-911b-2ea0c198f0af": { "content": "padding-top: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pt": true } }, "088ce4bc-8890-3806-aa21-154d750413c4": { "content": "array.required()", "doc": "array.required(message?: string | function): Schema\n\nThe same as the mixed() schema required, except that empty arrays are also considered 'missing' values.", "filetype": "yup", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "array-required", "matches": { "yup array required": true } }, "089f77bc-084a-3cca-a5ec-450fa8d2dd06": { "content": "while(${1:/*condition*/})\n{\n\t${VISUAL}$2\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "while (wh)", "matches": { "wh": true } }, "089fb001-092f-36c1-9e5f-884c6f9903e2": { "content": "define('${1:VARIABLE_NAME}', ${2:'definition'});", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "define('VARIABLE_NAME', 'definition')", "matches": { "def": true } }, "08a47fd7-ecf7-3796-b345-9d5fac462603": { "content": "", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "meta:utf5": true } }, "08ab0de9-e3ba-3cf5-a204-131da780d9b1": { "content": "borderWidth: ${1},", "doc": "borderWidth", "filetype": "react-native", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "borderWidth", "matches": { "bor": true } }, "08b4590a-a76d-33b6-a9ad-8a5ea7d6fab7": { "content": "$.inArray(${1:value}, ${0:array})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "inarr": true } }, "08bc04ac-34f3-33c4-b1c9-ae9a48e022f2": { "content": "\\${${1:name}}= Catenate SEPARATOR=${2:---} ${3:Hello} ${4:world}", "doc": "", "filetype": "robot", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Catenate", "matches": { "cat": true } }, "08bc1931-4258-36cf-a7d5-66740936365e": { "content": "align-items: baseline;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "align-items: baseline", "matches": { "aib": true } }, "08be7e36-4e10-39cd-815f-2fbc933dba9e": { "content": "toSentence([${1:'car'}, ${2: 'truck'}, ${3: 'van'}], { separator: ', ', lastSeparator: ', or ' })", "doc": "Convert an array to a sentence", "filetype": "edge", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "edge: toSentence", "matches": { "toSentence": true } }, "08c2665d-0787-3647-973b-dbb17a8711ba": { "content": "mixed.strip()", "doc": "mixed.strip(stripField: boolean = true): Schema\n\nMarks a schema to be removed from an output object. Only works as a nested schema.let schema = object({\n useThis: number(),\n notThis: string().strip()\n});\n\nschema.cast({ notThis: \"foo\", useThis: 4 }); // => { useThis: 4 }", "filetype": "yup", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "mixed-strip", "matches": { "yup mixed strip": true } }, "08c88934-9e0c-3ba0-a1a1-cf2446f15b19": { "content": "border-collapse: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdcl": true } }, "08cbf7e9-c538-34d4-af52-de48c4e9ca63": { "content": "resource \"aws_vpc_dhcp_options\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_vpc_dhcp_options", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_vpc_dhcp_options", "matches": { "tf-aws_vpc_dhcp_options": true } }, "08cd470f-2207-3e45-8519-c44404df7a0c": { "content": "border-left-image: none", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdli:n": true } }, "08cdf778-32d4-318c-9449-f54b7af0e251": { "content": "display: table-row", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "d:tbr": true } }, "08d0acb6-b0e4-397c-8786-9668f789583d": { "content": "{{ head() }}\n$0", "doc": "head", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "head", "matches": { "head": true } }, "08d10327-6ce5-3bdd-98b5-38755c5ea6af": { "content": "if !exists(\"g:${1:MyUltraImportantVar}\")\n\tlet g:$1 = ${2:\"${3:}\"}\nendif", "doc": "", "filetype": "vim", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Global / configuration variable", "matches": { "gvar": true } }, "08db4254-0e7b-3d30-a262-26b21b4dfd6f": { "content": "do {\n\t${0}\n} while (${1:cond})", "doc": "", "filetype": "actionscript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "do": true } }, "08dee669-1b56-3135-9353-a51c77857d1b": { "content": "Logger.debug(${1:param});", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "debug": true } }, "08e58ac4-4c14-3d8e-a4a4-3b6fc6484dd5": { "content": "list-style-type: ${1:none/disc/circle/square};$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "list-style-type: marker(list)", "matches": { "list": true } }, "08e6934f-52a6-33ae-8eb5-39f4e8a99a0e": { "content": "private void OnWillRenderObject() {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "OnWillRenderObject is called for each camera if the object is visible.", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "MonoBehaviour OnWillRenderObject", "matches": { "OnWillRenderObject()": true } }, "08e7d740-8405-3e2c-8b85-bf0303c88126": { "content": "PropTypes.node,", "doc": "Anything that can be rendered: numbers, strings, elements or an array", "filetype": "react-ts", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "propTypeNode", "matches": { "ptnd": true } }, "08ef3e09-3f33-318d-aa93-271cbdc659ef": { "content": "-webkit-box-shadow ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bxsh:w+": true } }, "08f2c7c3-7325-3cae-91bb-3a15588f406a": { "content": "new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t${0}\n})", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "new Promise", "matches": { "np": true } }, "08f8a554-269c-346f-9439-8d9ff69a8b06": { "content": "_.zipWith(${arrays}, ${iteratee})", "doc": "_.zipWith([1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200], function(a, b, c) {\n return a + b + c;\n});\n// => [1, 222]\n\nThis method is like `_.zip` except that it accepts `iteratee` to specify\nhow grouped values should be combined. The iteratee is invoked with the\nelements of each group: (...group).", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-zipwith", "matches": { "lodash zipwith": true } }, "09014466-4497-3a0a-8d72-64f9e1ada6ab": { "content": "${1:obj}.nextUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "nextu": true } }, "09042000-b07d-3b17-a352-376cd327d609": { "content": "-moz-box-shadow: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bxsh:m": true } }, "0905254a-28bc-3767-a75d-392671e4ab84": { "content": "<#function ${1:function_name} ${2:param1}>\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "freemarker", "grammar": "snu", "label": "<#function function_name param1>...", "matches": { "fun": true } }, "09085da6-711b-3003-b903-80a39a8d0a98": { "content": "_.reverse()", "doc": "var array = [1, 2, 3];\n\n_(array).reverse().value()\n// => [3, 2, 1]\n\nconsole.log(array);\n// => [3, 2, 1]\n\nThis method is the wrapper version of `_.reverse`.\n\n**Note:** This method mutates the wrapped array.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-reverse", "matches": { "lodash reverse": true } }, "09088758-1acb-3e75-adeb-5c915dbfed17": { "content": "place-content: start;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pc:s": true } }, "090985b1-629b-3bea-9960-a78025c1d227": { "content": "grid-column-end: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "gce": true } }, "0909acea-1869-3d07-a019-b9e7fee36d6d": { "content": "resource \"aws_iam_group_policy\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_iam_group_policy", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_iam_group_policy", "matches": { "tf-aws_iam_group_policy": true } }, "090c4f12-3752-3206-8289-21a2ec113beb": { "content": "${1:obj}.hide('${2:slow/400/fast}')", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jquery", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "hide": true } }, "09119fa3-a1cb-3308-9488-cf9d072a9063": { "content": "while getopts '${1:o}' ${2:opts}\ndo\n\tcase $$2 in\n\t${3:o0})\n\t\t${0:#staments};;\n\tesac\ndone", "doc": "", "filetype": "sh", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "go": true } }, "09152b2a-4417-36f4-a50a-2e655a0ae896": { "content": "local ${1:var} = require(${2:module})", "doc": "Require module as a variable", "filetype": "lua", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "locreq", "matches": { "lreq": true } }, "091741ee-05cc-3ec0-b232-1937110afe1c": { "content": "", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "button#": true } }, "09190ee7-14ff-31ff-be23-d4aac8040b33": { "content": "quotes: '\\00AB' '\\00BB' '\\201E' '\\201C'", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "q:ru": true } }, "091b6edd-31f1-31e4-8b72-be7c173f129c": { "content": "
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The predicate is\ninvoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-dropwhile", "matches": { "lodash dropwhile": true } }, "097d63bc-49e4-3ac4-bfff-6984c4ec27a1": { "content": "$1$2", "doc": "HTML - Defines a table cell", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "td", "matches": { "td": true } }, "097e0c56-46cf-3fbd-bf51-4db9073c9528": { "content": "after_destroy :${0:method}", "doc": "after_destroy", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "lsp", "label": " destroy", "matches": { "ad": true } }, "098ceaf8-a42e-3443-abb9-298c0974bd51": { "content": "\nopt+${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "opt+": true } }, "0998bb79-85b7-3a74-aaaf-306c9b0f9cd0": { "content": "while (${1}) {\n ${2:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "while": true } }, "09a3f71a-ffb9-3ba6-9648-7b8f2c9fdb29": { "content": "->(${1:args}) { ${0} }", "doc": "", 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atan(vec2 y_over_x)\nvec3 atan(vec3 y_over_x)\nvec4 atan(vec4 y_over_x)\n\nThe atan function returns the arctangent of an angle in radians. It is the inverse function of tangent. The input parameter can be a floating scalar or a float vector. In case of a float vector the arctangent is calculated separately for every component.\n\nfloat atan(float y, float x)\nvec2 atan(vec2 y, vec2 x)\nvec3 atan(vec3 y, vec3 x)\nvec4 atan(vec4 y, vec4 x)\n\nThere is also a two-argument variation of the atan function (in other programming languages often called atan2). For a point with Cartesian coordinates (x, y) the function returns the angle θ of the same point with polar coordinates (r, θ).", "filetype": "glsl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "atan", "matches": { "atan": true } }, "0a2d21e5-f7e2-364a-88a4-d2f4176194be": { "content": "for=\"${1}\"", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "for": true } }, "0a2db505-9348-3031-88cd-5324b4f936da": { "content": "${1:command} | drop nth ${2:rows}", "doc": "\"drop nth\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "drop nth builtin", "matches": { "drop-nth": true } }, "0a36024a-7264-30a4-b777-0245dfd9f1af": { "content": "spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}')$0;", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jasmine", "grammar": "snu", "label": "spy on (js)", "matches": { "s": true } }, "0a36f29f-0fda-3d88-8294-5b4691f792fa": { "content": "flex-flow: ${1|row,row-reverse,column,column-reverse|} ${2|wrap,wrap-reverse,nowrap|};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "flex-flow", "matches": { "flf": true } }, "0a37ba6e-86dc-3f3b-9dce-dc53e35503a4": { "content": "{% do view.registerCssFile(\"${1:/resources/css/global.css}\") %}\n$0", "doc": "registerCssFile", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "css1", "matches": { "css": true } }, "0a389bb5-099f-306e-9e2b-58533d4420c4": { "content": "{% static \"${VISUAL}\" %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "htmldjango", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "static": true } }, "0a3ccffc-d3c8-380f-8639-f169cd8e3317": { "content": "belongs_to", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "belongs_to", "matches": { "bt": true } }, "0a3f5c41-3855-3271-9496-be2202bb60f6": { "content": "[${1}]", "doc": "", "filetype": "lpc", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { ".": true } }, "0a41cae4-745e-35c9-83ad-6f4da60066d6": { "content": "@each ${1:$item} in ${2:items} {\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "scss", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "each": true } }, "0a4204de-1b7d-314e-b36c-7b5140d15b72": { "content": "align-self: center", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "as:c": true } }, "0a45dd9c-944b-306a-b9de-89cea03da53a": { "content": "filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=${0:100})", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "op:ie": true } }, "0a46e509-5a5d-3ec7-af5c-6b1b1dbbc1a2": { "content": "NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];", "doc": "", "filetype": "objc", "grammar": "snu", "label": "NSDictionary (dict)", "matches": { "dict": true } }, "0a4967e2-f2f0-35a2-b803-ce27eaf3f1f3": { "content": "{% endif %}$0", "doc": "endif", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "endif", "matches": { "endif": true } }, "0a4d208d-cd21-3e21-84ac-aa0682ce703d": { "content": "
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have full access to ${2:ClassName} privates\n //\n ${4:throw new System.NotImplementedException();}\n return default(${3:ElementType});\n }\n }\n \n public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<${3:ElementType}> GetEnumerator()\n {\n for (int i = 0; i < this.Length; i++)\n {\n yield return this[i];\n }\n }\n}", "doc": "Named iterator/indexer pair using a nested class", "filetype": "csharp", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Named iterator/indexer pair using a nested class", "matches": { "iterindex": true } }, "0ac82046-09ba-37b4-94c3-732f10238d78": { "content": "return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t${1}\n});", "doc": "Creates and returns a new Promise in the standard ES6 syntax", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "promise", "matches": { "prom": true } }, "0ad0dd3c-83d3-3ec9-8dc1-bfb83de89743": { "content": "transition=", "doc": "keyword argument of ScreenManager", "filetype": "kivy", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "transition from pykv-snippets", "matches": { 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})\n}", "doc": "Remix action function", "filetype": "remix-ts", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Remix action function", "matches": { "rxa": true } }, "0ae81cb9-d8db-3856-a88f-78cefb7d2496": { "content": "
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{\n\t\t\t${4:Application.setPage(\"show\")}\n\t\t\t${5:Application.loadUser(id)}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}", "doc": "In Mint routes of an application are defined at the top level with the routes block.", "filetype": "mint", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Routes", "matches": { "routes": true } }, "0b754a79-2133-3bd3-b292-57b11a5b83ba": { "content": "cut:\"${0}\"", "doc": "", "filetype": "jinja", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "cut": true } }, "0b7900ed-92bd-3c75-bc4d-6b5945f30294": { "content": "\\begin{align}\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n\\end{align}", "doc": "", "filetype": "texmath", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Align", "matches": { "al": true } }, "0b7b0a9d-c5fd-30df-82bc-2ea344977e9a": { "content": "expect($1).toBeInstanceOf($0);", "doc": "expects the argument is less than", "filetype": "jest", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "jest-tobeinstanceof", "matches": { "jest expect tobeinstanceof": true, "tbi": true } }, "0b7e8cbd-db9a-315f-8fda-f17435ce74eb": { "content": "$1: .word $2", "doc": "", 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}\n\n${1:name} <- function(input, output, session) {\n ns <- session\\$ns\n}\n\n# Copy in UI\n#${1:name}ui(\"${1:name}ui\")\n\n# Copy in server\n#callModule(${1:name}, \"${1:name}ui\")", "doc": "Shiny module", "filetype": "r-snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Shiny module", "matches": { "shiny module": true } }, "0b8fb9c9-20b8-3dfb-bb3e-1bafb737c4ba": { "content": "$.queue(${1:element}${2:, name}${3:, newQueue})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "queuee": true } }, "0b9abf8b-b0c2-39f8-83ca-0938e9750e25": { "content": "@external(${1:erlang}, \"${2}\", \"${0}\")", "doc": "external attribute", "filetype": "gleam", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "External attribute", "matches": { "external": true } }, "0b9bd556-598d-388f-9d7a-3e90eadbcf46": { "content": "const ${1} = styled.${2}.attrs({\n ${3}: ${4}\n})`\n ${5}\n`;", "doc": "Styled-Component with attributes", "filetype": "styled-components", "grammar": "lsp", "label": 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alternating, with each key being followed by its associated value.)", "filetype": "tcl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Create a dict", "matches": { "dict create": true } }, "0c305b55-7fc8-3244-9fdd-48644360ecf1": { "content": "", "doc": "add styles to your svelte file", "filetype": "svelte", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "svelte-style-tag", "matches": { "s-style": true } }, "0c325f08-ca23-330c-b74e-09e954396b73": { "content": "try {\n\t${1:expression}\n} catch {\n| ${2:MyException} => ${3:expression}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rescript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Try", "matches": { "try": true } }, "0c330f93-9709-3687-bce5-f54f71dc3bad": { "content": "@article{${1:name},\n\tauthor={${2:author}},\n\ttitle={${3:title}},\n\tjournaltitle={${4:journal}},\n\tvolume={${5:NN}},\n\tnumber={${6:NN}},\n\tyear={${7:YYYY}},\n\tpages={${8:NN}--${9:NN}}\n}\n$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "bib", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Article reference", "matches": { "article": true } }, "0c371ea7-8475-3603-a015-747cbd418a41": { "content": "import '${1:module}';$0", "doc": "Imports entire module in ES6 syntax without module name", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "importNoModuleName", "matches": { "imn": true } }, "0c3b8237-02ee-3ed5-867f-1ad8137dfef9": { "content": "page-break-after: left;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pgba:l": true } }, "0c3dbf08-11f4-3b69-b3ed-c33987fbe573": { "content": "if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest == TRUE)\n{\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "yii", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "yifisajax": true } }, "0c3dc9a2-a138-32e3-8590-e04c652af96e": { "content": "order(${1:...}, ${2:na.last = ${3:TRUE}}, ${4:decreasing = ${5:FALSE}})", "doc": "Order", "filetype": "r-snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "ord", "matches": { "order": true } }, "0c3f1c38-950c-3109-95a3-f7be5b650924": { "content": "mov $1, %ecx\ndec %ecx\n\net_for:\n\t$2\n\n\tloop et_for", "doc": "", "filetype": "asm", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Loop n-1 times", "matches": { "loopnn": true } }, "0c417684-804e-3e2a-93b6-243c4a58ad99": { "content": "justify-items: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ji": true } }, "0c4d18a1-9326-3b79-905c-213742f7f9e0": { "content": "_.isArray(${value})", "doc": "_.isArray([1, 2, 3]);\n// => true\n\n_.isArray(document.body.children);\n// => false\n\n_.isArray('abc');\n// => false\n\n_.isArray(_.noop);\n// => false\n\nChecks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-isarray", "matches": { "lodash isarray": true } }, "0c4f2595-3b4b-3a4d-bafa-4ba10451e47f": { "content": "_.uniqWith(${array}, ${comparator})", "doc": "var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];\n\n_.uniqWith(objects, _.isEqual);\n// => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]\n\nThis method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `comparator` which\nis invoked to compare elements of `array`. The order of result values is\ndetermined by the order they occur in the array.The comparator is invoked\nwith two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-uniqwith", "matches": { "lodash uniqwith": true } }, "0c5764a1-1adc-3f8f-ae44-27cb7a190b13": { "content": "::: incremental\n\n${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}}$0\n\n:::", "doc": "Insert incremental fenced block", "filetype": "rmarkdown", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Insert incremental fenced block", "matches": { "incremental fenced block": true } }, "0c5f399b-c631-3c97-8b94-6f3e26cb0846": { "content": "const ${1:store} = writable(${2:initialValue}, () => {\n\t${3:console.log('got a subscriber');}\n\treturn () => ${4:console.log('no more subscribers');}\n});", "doc": "", "filetype": "svelte", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "svelte-writeable-set", "matches": { "svelte writeable set": true, "svwt": true } }, "0c63e58c-a3a3-30d1-91a4-d1b356c65ab4": { "content": "<%= ${1} %>", "doc": "", "filetype": "eruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "rce": true } }, "0c653a18-ca98-3de4-851a-9f035adff087": { "content": "private void OnValidate() {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (Called in the editor only).", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "MonoBehaviour OnValidate", "matches": { "OnValidate()": true } }, "0c657ec2-4bbf-3f2c-989f-e88bf38ba669": { "content": "require('${1:module}');", "doc": "require", "filetype": "base", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "require", "matches": { "base require": true } }, "0c68ea4e-fae7-3830-a667-f93b650458b6": { "content": "#include \n\nint main(int argc, char* argv[])\n{\n std::cout << \"hello, world!\" << std::endl;\n return 0;\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "#include int main...", "matches": { "helloworld": true } }, "0c6c6920-4470-3650-bc9c-519aef78f809": { "content": "process (${1:clk})\nbegin\n\tif rising_edge ($1) then\n\t\t${2}\n\tend if;\nend process;", "doc": "", "filetype": "vhdl", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "prc": true } }, "0c6d2092-2590-3a38-8109-bdbc6fc338d7": { "content": "variable \"vpc_id\" {}\n\ndata \"aws_vpc\" \"${selected}\" {\n id = \"\\${var.vpc_id}\"\n}\n\nresource \"aws_subnet\" \"example\" {\n vpc_id = \"\\${data.aws_vpc.${selected}.id}\"\n availability_zone = \"us-west-2a\"\n cidr_block = \"\\${cidrsubnet(data.aws_vpc.${selected}.cidr_block, 4, 1)}\"\n}", "doc": "aws_vpc provides details about a specific VPC. This resource can prove useful when a module accepts a vpc id as an input variable and needs to, for example, determine the CIDR block of that VPC.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_vpc", "matches": { "tf-aws_vpc": true } }, "0c6e127a-3bd5-337a-a734-7274bbb07eb0": { "content": "{% comment %}\n\t${0}\n{% endcomment %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "jinja", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "comment": true } }, "0c6e16a8-ad46-38b6-9121-d5bb90bd1a81": { "content": "(others => '0')", "doc": "Zero Others", "filetype": "vhdl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "zeroes", "matches": { "oth": true } }, "0c78723e-838b-399a-b3dc-b79533cd1111": { "content": "shininess(${0:shine});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "shininess": true } }, "0c79f56d-411b-32e8-924f-e284047c30a3": { "content": "\n\tServerAdmin ${3:webmaster@example.com}\n\tDocumentRoot ${4:/www/example.com}\n\tServerName ${0:www.example.com}\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "apache", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "virtualhost": true } }, "0c8fa40d-8a9a-3631-968c-8f2a0e78d97c": { "content": "padding ${1:0} ${0:0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "p:2": true } }, "0c8fa5da-9273-3379-ae10-07d80862b1eb": { "content": "${1:map}.catch_all \"*${2:anything}\", controller: \"${3:default}\", action: \"${4:error}\"", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "map.catch_all", "matches": { "mapca": true } }, "0c8ffd43-bc90-39fe-aedd-3fe49abce8af": { "content": "", "doc": "", "filetype": "jsp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "cremove": true } }, "0c96d4b2-66bc-3d70-8ba5-e6b1c5ef2128": { "content": "font-emphasize-position: ${1};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "femp": true } }, "0c9bc250-8544-3447-a181-5aff3c45991c": { "content": "text-transform: ${1};${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "text-transform": true, "tt": true } }, "0c9ded28-a703-3576-8abe-325c2ccb6066": { "content": "pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2}) -> ${3:Nil} {\n\t${0:todo}\n}", "doc": "public function", "filetype": "gleam", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Public Function", "matches": { "pub": true, "pub fn": true } }, "0c9e5b84-c1ff-3290-91d9-3690b43357b5": { "content": "${1:command} | each while {|${2:el}| ${3:closure} }", "doc": "\"each while\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "each while builtin", "matches": { "each-while": true } }, "0c9f5b60-3d52-3646-adfb-d15a63d0d248": { "content": "it('${1:description}', () => {\n\t${0}\n})", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "it synchronous", "matches": { "its": true } }, "0ca1da39-d1e2-352a-af2d-0db7070f093d": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "Angular ngSwitch", "filetype": "angular", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "ngswitch", "matches": { "a-ngswitch": true, "angular ng switch": true } }, "0ca53edc-7671-3dc2-8a52-328b365b253e": { "content": "import { Link } from \"gatsby\"", "doc": "", "filetype": "gatsby", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "gatsby-link-import", "matches": { "gatsby link import": true } }, "0caaf687-834a-323b-871f-23e335a56cc5": { "content": "\n\t${0}\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "menu:t": true } }, "0cb26aa3-87a7-3899-afdf-49ff810eebc6": { "content": "function* ${1:function_name}(${2}) {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fun*": true } }, "0cb69bba-6f69-3bb2-bf0b-9a1ce8eacfb9": { "content": "#include \n\nint main (int argc, char *argv[]) {\n\t$1\n\n\treturn 0;\n}", "doc": "Standard starter template for a tiny C++ program", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Starter Template", "matches": { "st": true } }, "0cb83e02-1e61-32d6-aa79-1c42d64d4b45": { "content": "connect ${1:StoreName}.Store exposing { $0 }", "doc": "The connect directive lets you connect a component to a store which allows you to call the stores functions and properties without using the stores name.", "filetype": "mint", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Connect", "matches": { "con": true } }, "0cc4f3f2-5829-3331-b467-315f4b36975f": { "content": "loess(${1:yCol} ~ {2:xCol}, data = ${3:data}, subset = ${4:subset}, weights = ${5:weights}, span = ${6:span},\ndegree = ${7:degree}, na.action = {8:na.action})", "doc": "Local polynomial regression", "filetype": "r-snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "loess", "matches": { "loess": true } }, "0cc94ee2-787e-34fc-8407-943a85d960b0": { "content": "if ${1:condition} then ${2:undefined} else ${3:undefined}$0,", "doc": "If inline", "filetype": "haskell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "if_inline", "matches": { "if inline": true } }, "0cd0418d-42e7-3426-8cdd-dafb0938be23": { "content": "# https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/\napiVersion: v1\nkind: Service\nmetadata:\n name: ${1:myjob}\n namespace: ${2:default}\nspec:\n selector:\n app: ${1:myjob}\n type: ${3|ClusterIP,NodePort,LoadBalancer|}\n ports:\n - name: ${1:myjob}\n protocol: ${4|TCP,UDP|}\n port: ${5:80}\n targetPort: ${6:5000}\n nodePort: ${7:30001}\n---\n$0", "doc": "k8s Service", "filetype": "kubernetes", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "k8s Service", "matches": { "k-service": true } }, "0cd2d99d-6a7d-38bd-8230-6c35ce341454": { "content": "render nothing: ${1:true}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "render (nothing) (rn)", "matches": { "rn": true } }, "0cd923a1-f99e-3e88-8408-62aadd0246c3": { "content": "#line ${0:#:number}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "line": true } }, "0cd92c73-ca40-388a-bd0e-0c97c872dbbf": { "content": "import React, { Component } from 'react'", "doc": "", "filetype": "generated", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "importReactWithComponent", "matches": { "imrc": true } }, "0cdf623f-a219-3143-9db5-08a8552f2a02": { "content": "border-top-style: ${1};${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "border-top-style": true, "bts": true } }, "0ce002aa-8f55-3379-b572-a064c5fe5f19": { "content": "import { createSelector } from 'reselect'\n\nexport const ${1:first} = state => state.${2:second}", "doc": "", "filetype": "generated", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reduxSelector", "matches": { "rxselect": true } }, "0ce003fc-d42d-3f7a-b4af-9da4689ce298": { "content": "{% break %}", "doc": "Iteration tag: break", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Tag break", "matches": { "break": true } }, "0ce228e9-c447-39b5-9a7c-1769f83bc101": { "content": "else if $1\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "eif": true } }, "0ce27f8e-420f-3270-9be1-d714d054dd1d": { "content": "@layout('${1:name}')", "doc": "Edge: layout tag allows you define the layout template for the current template.", "filetype": "edge", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "edge: Layout", "matches": { "@layout": true } }, "0ce66d13-ace4-309b-8822-8b10bc64c898": { "content": "if $1; then\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\nfi", "doc": "", "filetype": "zsh", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "if": true } }, "0cf0ef00-a759-3c44-a3b0-47eea3aa2c25": { "content": "NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN\n\n@interface ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} : ${2:NSObject}\n\n$3\n\n@end\n\nNS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END", "doc": "Create an Objc Class interface", "filetype": "objc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Create Class interface", "matches": { "@interface": true, "class": true } }, "0cf67d44-5693-3288-b116-40b4700192b2": { "content": "border-style: outset", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bds:o": true } }, "0cf6ba31-bb3e-39c0-9477-ab94a81d5953": { "content": "import { Routes } from '@angular/router'\n\nexport const routes: Routes = [${0}]", "doc": "Route definitions", "filetype": "typescript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Route definitions", "matches": { "a-routes": true } }, "0cf76400-b5ad-3e05-ac88-cc53e12f8c9d": { "content": "(${1}) => {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "=>": true } }, "0cff404a-434e-330f-ba6f-3e7ba27ad57c": { "content": "else {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "else { ... }", "matches": { "el": true } }, "0cff551a-ce82-3060-ab00-341a5b9a4758": { "content": "font-style normal", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fs:n": true } }, "0d01611e-a0c2-364a-afe3-d51867c8cfda": { "content": "func Benchmark$1(b *testing.B) {\n\tfor ${2:i} := 0; ${2:i} < b.N; ${2:i}++ {\n\t\t$0\n\t}\n}", "doc": "Snippet for Benchmark function", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "benchmark function", "matches": { "bf": true } }, "0d01bf9f-e53d-3811-a306-bebef399de4f": { "content": "{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ${0:hide} #-}", "doc": "", "filetype": "haskell", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "haddock": true } }, "0d0e4f29-a988-36f3-a3dc-f0f12b63a40d": { "content": "class ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} extends uvm_env;\n\t$2\n\t\n\t`uvm_component_utils(${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE});\n\n\tfunction new(string name = \"${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}\", uvm_component parent);\n\t\tsuper.new(name, parent);\n\tendfunction\n\n\t$0\nendclass", "doc": "UVM env class template", "filetype": "systemverilog", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "uvm_env", "matches": { "uvm_env": true } }, "0d13551e-3c52-3961-8617-1821fed03414": { "content": "${1}:\nfor ${2:I} in ${3} loop\n\t${0}\nend loop $1;", "doc": "", "filetype": "ada", "grammar": "snu", "label": "named for", "matches": { "named_for": true } }, "0d13dbf8-dd6f-3c26-8362-f99abe8c4ee2": { "content": "align-content: first baseline;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ac:fb": true } }, "0d1b9e3b-70df-3d48-9fd6-163e0163bef6": { "content": "$.isPlainObject(${1:obj})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "isobj": true } }, "0d248084-f8d9-3a9a-96bb-41389a5373c4": { "content": "class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE} extends Component {\n\trender () {\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t
    \n\t\t)\n\t}\n}", "doc": "Creates a React component class", "filetype": "react-ts", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reactJustClassCompoment", "matches": { "rcjc": true } }, "0d28543f-a20e-3bfa-959f-f4d9e64eab51": { "content": "after_validation $0", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "after_validation", "matches": { "aftv": true } }, "0d2ade2c-cf72-3f49-9ad4-d34403a05bfa": { "content": "using UnityEngine;\n\npublic class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE} : StateMachineBehaviour {\n\tpublic override void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) {\n\t\t$0\n\t}\n}", "doc": "Unity StateMachineBehaviour class template.", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Unity StateMachineBehaviour", "matches": { "StateMachineBehaviour": true } }, "0d2cfea2-87a8-37ad-841c-c4fed18b931b": { "content": "afterEach(function() {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-mocha", "grammar": "snu", "label": "afterEach(function() { ... })", "matches": { "afte": true } }, "0d332412-92b1-3621-a72d-39e623ff0ac6": { "content": "map[${1:keytype}]${2:valtype}", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Map type", "matches": { "map": true } }, "0d380682-65d3-3e6e-8a67-a9053ef2a1c5": { "content": "list-style-image: url(${1});${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "lisi": true } }, "0d39f31a-7864-3bfd-b95e-6a3b30da7a17": { "content": "size(${1:200}, ${2:200}${0:, OPENGL});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "opengl", "matches": { "size": true } }, "0d4503d0-5a4a-315b-a529-1aba2cfe6a61": { "content": "box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${0:000}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bxsh+": true } }, "0d47d403-78ba-3df4-98bf-5d41e1508288": { "content": "border-left-color: ${1};${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "blc": true, "border-left-color": true } }, "0d480a7d-ed67-3499-aa80-6ec3045c4e1a": { "content": "assert_eq!(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});", "doc": "", "filetype": "rust", "grammar": "snu", "label": "assert_eq!", "matches": { "ase": true } }, "0d529352-d3fc-31e4-bfa0-6bc06993c7f2": { "content": "try\n\t${1:${VISUAL}}\ncatch ${2}\n\t${0}\nendtry", "doc": "", "filetype": "vim", "grammar": "snu", "label": "try ... catch statement", "matches": { "t": true } }, "0d533c49-bcdf-3dca-9a29-5af3f677c644": { "content": "push($1)\n$0", "doc": "The push() method adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "push", "matches": { "push": true } }, "0d58c122-f1c0-3432-a78c-60a0b0b2789c": { "content": "import styled from 'styled-components/native';\n\nexport const ${1:Container} = styled.${2:View}`\n ${3}\n`;", "doc": "Create React Native Styled Components file", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "styles", "matches": { "styled-react-native": true } }, "0d5b97a2-f08f-33f7-9460-929d6f53a226": { "content": "mixed.strict()", "doc": "mixed.strict(isStrict: boolean = false): Schema\n\nSets the strict option to true. Strict schemas skip coercion and transformation attempts,\nvalidating the value \"as is\".", "filetype": "yup", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "mixed-strict", "matches": { "yup mixed strict": true } }, "0d5d897d-ddf4-3d8c-b6c2-ac1dbb3b3d8e": { "content": "@label$0", "doc": "The @label tag can be used to give an overloaded signature a name that it can be referenced with via a declaration reference.", "filetype": "tsdoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "label", "matches": { "@label": true } }, "0d646a52-0cc4-3514-86a2-771c3510a9f2": { "content": "\\pdv[${1:${VISUAL}}]{${2}}{${3}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "texmath", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Partial Derivative", "matches": { "pdv": true } }, "0d662fc8-106d-335d-b083-6d796d74c885": { "content": "provider \"opsgenie\" {\n api_key = \"${myApiKey}\"\n}", "doc": "define a opsgenie provider.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "opsgenie", "matches": { "tf-opsgenie": true } }, "0d6aa1e6-3678-3c2b-a79c-a92af5fc0d8b": { "content": "resource \"aws_internet_gateway\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_internet_gateway", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_internet_gateway", "matches": { "tf-aws_internet_gateway": true } }, "0d6f4cd3-8826-3425-a0c5-0c39d8a84e7e": { "content": "try {\n\t${1:TARGET}\n} catch (${2:#:Exception} $e) {\n\t${3:#:code}\n} finally {\n\t${4:#:code}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tryf": true } }, "0d70eb9d-be1e-316b-b6bf-cecc8ce4bdf6": { "content": "sign($2)", "doc": "float sign(float x)\nvec2 sign(vec2 x)\nvec3 sign(vec3 x)\nvec4 sign(vec4 x)\n\nThe sign function returns 1.0 when x is positive, 0.0 when x is zero and -1.0 when x is negative. The input parameter can be a floating scalar or a float vector. In case of a float vector the operation is done component-wise.", "filetype": "glsl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "sign", "matches": { "sign": true } }, "0d713342-a2c7-3247-99dd-b9031c666319": { "content": "getDefaultProps: ->\n\t${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}\n\t$3", "doc": "", "filetype": "coffee-react", "grammar": "snu", "label": "React define getDefaultProps", "matches": { "getDefaultProps": true } }, "0d74c181-2b16-3d15-8249-c1a65915597c": { "content": "#+begin_example\n$0\n#+end_example", "doc": "", "filetype": "org", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ex": true } }, "0d77346f-9c7c-3ad0-ad2f-149d6d6c4a2c": { "content": "dist(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${0:z2});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "3D", "matches": { "dist": true } }, "0d77991a-4caf-3255-9aea-730029efa6b7": { "content": "sentenceCase(${1:'${2:value}'})", "doc": "Convert a string to sentenceCase", "filetype": "edge", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "edge: sentenceCase", "matches": { "sentenceCase": true } }, "0d7bac33-78cd-37ce-925b-e9c464237a89": { "content": "${1:obj}.mouseup(function (${2:e}) {\n\t${0:// event handler}\n});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jquery", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mup": true } }, "0d834fbb-ed5a-33eb-b211-393288795d70": { "content": "sin(${0:rad});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "sin": true } }, "0d84f6ef-c347-373d-9f68-e8d32f1bdad8": { "content": "head () {\n\treturn {\n\t\ttitle: '${1:title}',\n\t\tmeta: [\n\t\t\t{ hid: '${2:description}', name: '${3:description}', content: '${4:custom description}' }\n\t\t]\n\t}\n},", "doc": "Use the head method to set the HTML Head tags for the current page", "filetype": "nuxt", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "nuxt-head", "matches": { "nuxt head": true } }, "0d88b3c9-944e-32a8-a077-1cf263b4d51e": { "content": "import ${1:std.stdio};", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "import (imp)", "matches": 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${5:2Gi}\n---\n$0", "doc": "k8s PersistentVolumeClaim", "filetype": "kubernetes", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "k8s PersistentVolumeClaim", "matches": { "k-pvc": true } }, "0ddb3a60-4397-3746-8253-28995bf13be6": { "content": "pid: ${1:host}", "doc": "", "filetype": "docker-compose", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "PID", "matches": { "pi": true } }, "0ddec74e-d1c5-3431-8439-53bbb60a2130": { "content": "for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:Object}\n\t${0:# body...}", "doc": "", "filetype": "coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Object Comprehension", "matches": { "foro": true } }, "0de35670-ca6a-3bc8-9006-108a3c35b647": { "content": "which ${1:command}", "doc": "\"which\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "which builtin", "matches": { "which": true } }, "0deada27-de70-36fb-af13-749bb793e34c": { "content": "${1:obj}.prev('${2:selector expression}')", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jquery", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "prev": true } }, 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${1:Description.}$0\n//!\n//! # Examples\n//! ```rust\n//! ${2:write me later}\n//! ```", "doc": "A special Rust comment to describe a crate, with description and examples.", "filetype": "rustdoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "crate", "matches": { "//!": true } }, "0dfc4102-7961-33d4-b072-ed46a9654233": { "content": "unset key", "doc": "", "filetype": "gnuplot", "grammar": "snu", "label": "unset key", "matches": { "key!": true } }, "0dfe9379-9445-3792-8f9c-a24abe2395b0": { "content": "write(*,*) '$1 = ', $1", "doc": "", "filetype": "fortran", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "dpr": true } }, "0e0c3b90-0959-399e-8f93-67c547af7026": { "content": "@dd($1)", "doc": "dump and die", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "dd", "matches": { "b:dd": true } }, "0e16c018-b4b0-3bf9-9f17-7312196d81a6": { "content": "{% set ${1:x} = ${0:y} %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "htmltornado", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "set": true } }, 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    \n )\n}\n\n${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}.propTypes = {}\n\nexport default ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}", "doc": "Creates a React Arrow Function Component with ES7 module system with PropTypes", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reactArrowFunctionComponentWithPropTypes", "matches": { "rafcp": true } }, "0e2f0cdf-7ca0-3c22-a825-dfb58e49057b": { "content": "reg${1:#: nbit} ${2:reg}_r, $2_w;${3:TARGET}", "doc": "", "filetype": "verilog", "grammar": "snu", "label": "reg [] _r, _w;", "matches": { "rw": true } }, "0e3293d8-6ca6-3b03-8908-e25a98c1c9eb": { "content": "expect(${1:target})$0;", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-jasmine", "grammar": "snu", "label": "expect (js)", "matches": { "ex": true } }, "0e34a729-ca46-3581-9116-b7c26aba33b1": { "content": "{% do $1 %}$0", "doc": "do", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "do", "matches": { "do": true } }, "0e35197b-9357-38db-afac-c028c5f83df5": { "content": "<%namespace file=\"${1:name}\" />", "doc": "", "filetype": "mako", "grammar": "snu", "label": "namespace", "matches": { "namespace": true } }, "0e394ecc-0eb7-36c8-80ab-467aec05292b": { "content": "setInterval(() => {\n\t${0}\n}, ${1:delay});", "doc": "setInterval", "filetype": "base", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "setinterval", "matches": { "base set interval": true } }, "0e3d6412-25b5-336b-a4fc-ef04b1abe373": { "content": "configure_file(\n\t${1:\\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR\\}/includes/version.h.in}\n\t${2:\\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR\\}/includes/version.h}\n\t@ONLY\n)", "doc": "Add the snippet for configure_file()", "filetype": "cmake", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "configure_file", "matches": { "conf": true } }, "0e3dbedb-4ecb-3424-8485-118d026e27db": { "content": "//#region ${1}\n${2}\n//#endregion", "doc": "Create region", "filetype": "react-native-ts", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "regionStartEnd", "matches": { "#regionStartEnd": true } }, "0e40fc15-1ea6-3cbb-8c1d-2e53be097a03": { "content": "{% javascript %}\n\t${0}\n{% endjavascript %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "javascript": true } }, "0e452b89-0e96-3285-a31e-98e38ff03159": { "content": "onBeforeUpdate(() => {${1}})", "doc": "Vue onBeforeUpdate Lifecycle hook", "filetype": "vue-script", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Vue Lifecycle Hooks - onBeforeUpdate", "matches": { "v3onbeforeupdate": true } }, "0e453dd4-3ec6-37ee-a95c-2257d41166cc": { "content": "PropTypes.oneOf(['$0']).isRequired", "doc": "Prop type limited to specific values by treating it as an enum required", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "propTypeEnumRequired", "matches": { "pter": true } }, "0e47fd68-fce1-3b02-b3d5-ad61db6763f6": { "content": "useEffect(() => {\n\t$1\n\n\treturn () => {\n\t\t$2\n\t}\n}, [${3:dependencies}])$0", "doc": "React useEffect() hook with return statement", "filetype": "react", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "useEffect with return", "matches": { "uer": true } }, "0e4ca825-1ccf-3b78-a7cc-94f336955d73": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "footer": true } }, "0e59edc1-7975-3653-803a-cb1332b84b8d": { "content": "${1:property_name}: computed('${3:argument}', function() {\n\t${0://body...}\n}),", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-ember", "grammar": "snu", "label": "property_name: computed('...', function() {...}),", "matches": { "cpro": true } }, "0e5b579d-a5d5-39ac-80da-742303a69865": { "content": "componentWillUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->\n\t$1", "doc": "", "filetype": "coffee-react", "grammar": "snu", "label": "React define componentWillUpdate", "matches": { "componentWillUpdate": true } }, "0e5f49d0-b80f-3fda-9c54-a99106ebd43f": { "content": "const [${2:second}] = ${1:first}", "doc": "Creates and assigns a local variable using array destructing", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "destructingArray", "matches": { "dar": true } }, "0e696875-9cb5-3116-94d9-99b78821aa3f": { "content": "", "doc": "script setup vue composition api element", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "script-composition", "matches": { "scriptSetup": true } }, "0e6a3094-3c55-369f-ad53-5667dd96f673": { "content": "crossTable <- xtabs(~${1:varNames}, data= ${2:dataName}, exclude = c(${3:exclude}), subset = ${4:subset})\nftable(crossTable) # print crosstabs\nsummary(crossTable) # chi-square tests", "doc": "Crosstabulations for variables in a data frame", "filetype": "r-snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Crosstabs", "matches": { "xtabs": true } }, "0e6ff402-2887-3893-9d5e-acba6275ceb6": { "content": "enter-class=\"$1\"$0", "doc": "enter-class=''. Expects: string.", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "vue-enter-class", "matches": { "enterclass": true, "vue enter-class": true } }, "0e70f3b8-c534-3c33-b8d2-9b8ee690020b": { "content": "@!group ${2:Rescription.}$0", "doc": "Defines a group listing. All methods (and attributes) seen after this directive are placed into a group with the given description as the group name. The group listing is used by templates to organize methods and attributes into respective logical groups. To end a group listing use @!endgroup.", "filetype": "rdoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "@!group", "matches": { "@!group": true } }, "0e71f1c9-96f6-3430-8428-6eaed7ef52e1": { "content": "${1:obj}.prependTo('${2:selector expression}')", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "prependto": true } }, "0e7552a6-0778-3786-a0c5-41a21dccac53": { "content": "{% for ${1:item} in ${2:items} %}\n\t$3\n{% else %}\n\t$0\n{% endfor %}", "doc": "for ... else", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "fore", "matches": { "fore": true } }, "0e75c48f-3bd0-32c0-a4db-f0db58b53735": { "content": "JSON.stringify ${1}, void, 2", "doc": "", "filetype": "ls", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "str": true } }, "0e75eacf-c573-361e-be70-5e196bbe2c9f": { "content": "${1:obj}.eq(${2:element index})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "eq": true } }, "0e7fd73d-677a-3f95-83f6-74e0eab1bf1c": { "content": "overflow-style scrollbar", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ovs:s": true } }, "0e863f29-c50d-3f5d-9efc-d515c51d82a1": { "content": "display: run-in;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "d:ri": true } }, "0e884aae-114d-3f6a-92b6-a4c7a4242ca3": { "content": "func Example${1:Method}() {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n\t// Output:\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "func ExampleXYZ() { ... }", "matches": { "example": true } }, "0e8e63d4-9a0a-3a7e-8923-6ff409466d5e": { "content": "page-break-after: right", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pgba:r": true } }, "0e8ea65b-cf25-343f-9a92-3bf660ece24f": { "content": "mixed.test()", "doc": "mixed.test(options: object): Schema\n\nAlternative test(..) signature. options is an object containing some of the following options:Options = {\n // unique name identifying the test\n name: string;\n // test function, determines schema validity\n test: (value: any) => boolean;\n // the validation error message\n message: string;\n // values passed to message for interpolation\n params: ?object;\n // mark the test as exclusive, meaning only one of the same can be active at once\n exclusive: boolean = false;\n}\nIn the case of mixing exclusive and non-exclusive tests the following logic is used.\nIf a non-exclusive test is added to a schema with an exclusive test of the same name\nthe exclusive test is removed and further tests of the same name will be stacked.If an exclusive test is added to a schema with non-exclusive tests of the same name\nthe previous tests are removed and further tests of the same name will replace each other.let max = 64;\nlet schema = yup.mixed().test({\n name: \"max\",\n exclusive: true,\n params: { max },\n message: \"${path} must be less than ${max} characters\",\n test: value => value == null || value.length <= max\n});", "filetype": "yup", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "mixed-test", "matches": { "yup mixed test": true } }, "0e9212a9-8754-3233-bdd0-89f4912cc318": { "content": "@param ${1:name} ${2:type} ${3:Parameter description.}$0", "doc": "Describe function parameters. It requires the name of the parameter and its description.", "filetype": "luadoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "@param", "matches": { "@param": true } }, "0e94dc6c-472d-3400-94c8-d8a9b590a190": { "content": "import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'\n\n@Component({\n\tselector: '${1:selector-name}',\n\ttemplate: `$0`\n})\n\nexport class ${2:Name}Component implements OnInit {\n\tconstructor() { }\n\n\tngOnInit() { }\n}", "doc": "Angular component with an inline template", "filetype": "typescript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Angular Component with Inline Template", "matches": { "a-component-inline": true } }, "0e977d73-f46a-3368-be9d-19c590e8663b": { "content": "border-color: ${1};${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bc": true, "border-color": true } }, "0e984d49-a325-3890-8793-0c282ad512ff": { "content": "elif [ $1 ]; then\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sh", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "elif": true } }, "0e9d07ae-73f2-321b-be5a-4f0fe24ec328": { "content": "background-size: contain;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bgz:ct": true } }, "0e9e33ed-2182-380d-a94b-b5c830fbb14a": { "content": "loop (my ${1:$i} = 0; $$1 < ${2:count}; $$1++) {\n\t${3}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "perl6", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "loop": true } }, "0ea79be3-d276-3a56-8a6d-885faf0aebb8": { "content": "\n\t${3}${4}\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "xslt", "grammar": "snu", "label": "with-param", "matches": { "apply-templates": true } }, "0eb06da2-bba7-3a51-9a3d-0706a7aad376": { "content": "dbg!(&${1});\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rust", "grammar": "snu", "label": "dbg! debugging macro statement", "matches": { "d;": true } }, "0eb10e46-b940-38d3-9fba-162d5020b2b7": { "content": "{namespace ${1:name}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "soy", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Namespace", "matches": { "ns": true } }, "0eb4eb24-0088-3695-b4b7-0ea7bb515737": { "content": "$scope.${1:variable} = ${2:variable}\n${3}", "doc": "", "filetype": "angular_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "$va": true } }, "0ebbebff-14e8-323b-94d0-83f64355326f": { "content": "cy.wait(${1:time});", "doc": "Wait for a number of milliseconds or wait for an aliased resource to resolve before moving on to the next command.", "filetype": "cypress", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "cypress-wait", "matches": { "cypress wait": true } }, "0ebdf2d4-0f3e-3c81-a379-ff0f94bf9f63": { "content": "(if ${1}\n\t(let (${2})\n\t\t${3})\n\t${0})", "doc": "", "filetype": "racket", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ifl": true } }, "0ec073a7-9c3a-3682-81ff-ea6d076fba84": { "content": "FUNCTION SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT()$0", "doc": "current time of day expressed as the total number of elapsed seconds since midnight", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "FUNCTION-SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT", "matches": { "FUNCTION SECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT": true } }, 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"superscript": true } }, "0eceb9ba-23fd-3435-b625-72288e504b6c": { "content": "text-replace ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tr": true } }, "0ed4edfc-a08f-3b82-81f4-9bac1bd45f41": { "content": "{ ${1:try} } always { ${0:always} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "zsh", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "always": true } }, "0ed80e72-9efb-3b59-85a9-7d77688cde53": { "content": "border-fit repeat", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdf:r": true } }, "0ee95710-10a7-33cd-ac69-276975d2f221": { "content": "$this->db->get(\"${1:table}\", ${2:limit}, ${3:offset});${4}", "doc": "", "filetype": "codeigniter", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ci_db-get": true } }, "0eed5118-4dd0-3536-8a41-8d4842e57060": { "content": "${2:LinkTitle}", "doc": "Path routing link", "filetype": "vue-template", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Vue Path Routing Link", "matches": { "vroutepath": true } }, "0ef06121-0839-3c28-9e93-1926716d0d37": { "content": "[Test]\npublic void ${1:#:Name}Test() {\n ${0:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "test": true } }, "0ef1191a-6c0a-3a5f-99ee-c8eedfb9735a": { "content": "expect($1).toBeCloseTo(${2:number}, ${3:delta});$0", "doc": "expects the first argument to be close to the second one base on the delta", "filetype": "jest", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "jest-tobecloseto", "matches": { "jest expect tobecloseto": true, "tbct": true } }, "0ef5189a-5585-30f1-b89a-ef2fd064f811": { "content": "while ${1:condition} { ${2:block} }", "doc": "\"while\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "while builtin", "matches": { "while": true } }, "0ef921f8-b12e-3804-9845-ed1cb9cedbe2": { "content": "PropTypes.number.isRequired", "doc": "Number prop type required", "filetype": "generated", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "propTypeNumberRequired", "matches": { "ptnr": true } }, "0efa7380-23f3-3749-a7ed-9ad1ae4d6d07": { "content": "display: table-header-group;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "d:tbhg": true } }, "0f019b1a-a2a3-3729-9cfe-89bf576ce592": { "content": "function ${1:name}(${2:params}:${3:type}) {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Function Statement", "filetype": "typescript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Function Statement", "matches": { "function": true } }, "0f02f56e-9727-366d-9b3e-5f894432c582": { "content": "align-self last baseline", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "as:lb": true } }, "0f050886-865b-38f5-9a01-1e2e8286e67a": { "content": "PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape($0)),", "doc": "An object whose keys are known ahead of time", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "propTypeObjectOfShape", "matches": { "ptoos": true } }, "0f06200b-789a-382a-b3b3-cbb93de61480": { "content": "import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'\n\nconst initialState = {\n\n}\n\nconst ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} = createSlice({\n name: ${2:second},\n initialState,\n reducers: {}\n});\n\nexport const {} = ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}.actions\n\nexport default ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}.reducer", "doc": "", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reduxSlice", "matches": { "rxslice": true } }, "0f06a08a-c1a1-3c6b-b6b4-228420d13311": { "content": "render partial: '${1:item}', object: ${0:@$1}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "rpo": true } }, "0f06b1f7-9a01-300b-b96b-13a6a81fb271": { "content": "project(${1:project_name})\n\nset(${2:PROJECT}_VERSION_MAJOR 0)\nset($2_VERSION_MINOR 0)\nset($2_VERSION_TEENY 1)\nset(PACKAGE_VERSION \"${$2_VERSION_MAJOR}.${$2_VERSION_MINOR}.${$2_VERSION_TEENY}\")\n\ncmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${3:2.8})\n\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cmake", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "new_project": true } }, "0f08451a-7b09-3504-910e-94bca53b3d46": { "content": 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uniq", "matches": { "uniq": true } }, "0f137abe-cd02-328f-a7e7-346b65086056": { "content": "const ${1:x} = useSpring(${2:0}, { ${3:stiffness}: ${4:300} })", "doc": "useSpring()\nCreates a MotionValue that, when set, will use a spring animation to animate to its new state.", "filetype": "framer-motion", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "framer-use-spring", "matches": { "framer-motion use-spring": true, "use-spring": true } }, "0f1579aa-ab27-38f3-a355-b7f2a88765ee": { "content": "// Package $1 provides ...\npackage ${1:main}", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Package declaration", "matches": { "/^package/": true } }, "0f16f14c-d05b-3d29-8fd3-44a9d53c883d": { "content": "(license $1)\n(authors \"$2\")\n(maintainers \"$3\")\n(source (${4|uri,github|} $5))\n(bug_reports \"$6\")\n(homepage \"$7\")\n(documentation \"$8\")", "doc": "Snippet to add info related stanzas", "filetype": "dune-project", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "info", "matches": { "info": true } }, "0f178b1f-f5f8-31d5-a75b-1fe0aa68d817": { "content": "/**\n * ${0:TARGET}\n */", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "comment": true } }, "0f19b8fd-2f11-30bc-af1f-86082b041cd9": { "content": "text-decoration: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "td": true } }, "0f232f6c-44f4-3a99-9a43-e125f81b5519": { "content": "animate:${1:name}={${2:params}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "svelte", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "svelte-animate", "matches": { "sva": true, "svelte animate": true } }, "0f24d581-1d20-3eeb-a925-e189e46ecfd1": { "content": "public ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "p+|": true } }, "0f27ebe8-660c-3933-9a0d-4e7d245c4bc6": { "content": "ref=\"${1:reference}\"$0", "doc": "Expects: string. ref is used to register a reference to an element or a child component. The reference will be registered under the parent component’s $refs object. If used on a plain DOM element, the reference will be that element; if used on a child component, the reference will be component instance.", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "ref", "matches": { "ref": true } }, "0f29e3d4-4889-32c5-ad5f-a2514decdfc0": { "content": "text-transform: uppercase;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tt:u": true } }, "0f332dad-1405-3c32-acb5-9ea4ab55d064": { "content": "resource \"newrelic_alert_condition\" \"${1:myVarId}\" {\n name = \"${2:myVarName}\"\n type = \"${3:myVarType}\"\n entities = \"[${4:entities}\"]\n metric = \"${5:metric}\"\n}", "doc": "define a newrelic_alert_condition resource.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "newrelic_alert_condition", "matches": { "tf-newrelic_alert_condition": true } }, "0f375e55-1d43-3de8-ad97-5b1b6c17541e": { "content": "margin-top: ${0:0};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "margin-top", "matches": { "mart": true } }, "0f42f3f2-a509-3773-85c9-9c9c4cccdcdb": { "content": "echo CHtml::hiddenField('${1:name}', '${2:value}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));", "doc": "", "filetype": "yii-chtml", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "yhhf": true } }, "0f450738-008c-395e-a651-699d1af75907": { "content": "(case ${1}\n ((${2}) ${3})\n (${0:else}))", "doc": "", "filetype": "scheme", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "case": true } }, "0f527559-e57f-3fa2-b924-6e4e0fa49897": { "content": "enum ${1:#:name} {\n ${2:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "enum {}", "matches": { "enum": true } }, "0f5901a1-f9f5-38c6-9821-60fc1a044582": { "content": "overflow: hidden;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "overflow: hidden", "matches": { "ovh": true } }, "0f5a153d-bc95-3ec8-9361-b66bf952ba15": { "content": "\\dv[${1:${VISUAL}}]{${2}}{${3}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "texmath", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Derivative", "matches": { "dv": true } }, "0f5bbbea-dc95-3920-a76a-f078b9236f97": { "content": "else if ${1}\n\t${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "julia", "grammar": "snu", "label": "else if part of if statement", "matches": { "eif": true } }, "0f5c8fef-f7f3-3b4a-98fd-d81b9c9e7c4d": { "content": "empty-cells: hide", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ec:h": true } }, "0f617467-958f-332c-8797-9b45549d06cd": { "content": "it { should respond_to :${0} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "isres": true } }, "0f61788d-e505-3feb-80a0-470fe9d74c3a": { "content": "assert_nil ${1:instance}", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "asn": true } }, "0f63318f-de6a-31ef-80be-2d92a26850c6": { "content": "private", "doc": "", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pri": true } }, "0f63b610-4f4d-3cea-9b8b-3a54ecdda0fa": { "content": "export const ${1} = styled.${2}.attrs({\n ${3}: ${4}\n})`\n ${5}\n`;", "doc": "Export styled-component with attributes", "filetype": "styled-components", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "styled-components-export-styled-component-with-attributes", "matches": { "exscattrs": true, "styled-components export component with attributes": true } }, "0f651b6a-2afa-3714-8ed2-0d150e125759": { "content": "| round: ${1:0}", "doc": "Math filter: round", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Filter round", "matches": { "round": true } }, "0f6f022e-1feb-38a7-8845-ee60604f53a4": { "content": "async function ${1:function_name}(${2}) {\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "async function", "matches": { "asf": true } }, "0f723bad-669c-3cd2-ad51-b2505c756b6d": { "content": "while (${1:#:condition}) {\n ${0:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "while () {}", "matches": { "while": true } }, "0f76df94-828e-369e-b3f8-802db90cc10e": { "content": "render partial: '${1:item}', status: ${0:500}", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "rps": true } }, "0f81a864-a6ec-3c27-9227-4ac8db2be61e": { "content": "@emits ${1:className}#[event:]${2:eventName}$0", "doc": "Describe the events this method may fire. Synonysm of @fires.", "filetype": "jsdoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "emits", "matches": { "@emits": true } }, "0f855114-78f7-3806-a3ba-051400e3fed9": { "content": "import { Route, Switch, NavLink, Link } from 'react-router-dom'", "doc": "", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "importRouterSetup", "matches": { "imbrc": true } }, "0f883bd9-8c52-3e18-bbcc-b8e22ae11d96": { "content": "public function test${1}()\n{\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "public function testXYZ() { ... }", "matches": { "test": true } }, "0f899bdb-1463-3def-8506-0f04bf7458f7": { "content": "caption-side: top;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "cps:t": true } }, "0f8cebb9-225f-30d9-a148-a43e22b6f3ed": { "content": "text-emphasis: before", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "te:b": true } }, "0f91bb00-290f-3eb1-9b7c-261533d8004f": { "content": "switch (${1}) {\n ${2:TARGET}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "switch": true } }, "0f958491-3e81-3c39-a72b-0dd70be8e6a7": { "content": "include_once '${1:file}';", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "inc1": true } }, "0f978c34-b444-31a8-aa1a-0b932bdcb691": { "content": "assertEquals(${1:anObject}, ${2:anotherObject});", "doc": "assert equals", "filetype": "java-tests", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Assert - equals", "matches": { "test_equals": true } }, "0fa79ed6-a6cc-3274-9e54-29b4a4d79b56": { "content": "${${0:0}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "neosnippet", "grammar": "snu", "label": "${..}", "matches": { "$": true } }, "0fa99324-fa0f-3402-ac6b-363351be2181": { "content": "CREATE USER '${1:username}'@'${2:localhost}' IDENTIFIED BY '${3:password}';", "doc": "Create User", "filetype": "sql", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "creteuser", "matches": { "createuser": true } }, "0fadc7f3-ef31-3b68-b12b-f5635532049b": { "content": "describe '${1:#method}' do\n\t${0:pending 'Not implemented'}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Insert describe block", "matches": { "descm": true } }, "0fb60bcf-009c-3d6a-95da-eed3d6fbfa99": { "content": "fmt.Println(\"${1:${VISUAL}}\")", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "fmt.Println(...)", "matches": { "fn": true } }, "0fb7879a-7a67-3aae-8d2c-ce780b1ce9e8": { "content": "typedef ${1:void} ${2:Emptiness};", "doc": "'typedef' snippet", "filetype": "c", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "typedef", "matches": { "typedef": true } }, "0fbe2490-3121-3211-ad5d-599130dab322": { "content": "fill(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fill": true } }, "0fc46ddb-ac10-34d5-8dbe-292179a075f4": { "content": "|${1}|", "doc": "", "filetype": "textile", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "|": true } }, "0fc4f563-e97f-3976-b14b-6207bbdc6748": { "content": "word-spacing: ${1:10px};$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "word-spacing: length (word)", "matches": { "word": true } }, "0fc4f8f3-02b9-39f9-9d91-bb145e344d6f": { "content": "class $1Mixin(models.Model):\n\t${2:# TODO}\r\n\n\tclass Meta:\n\t\tabstract = True", "doc": "", "filetype": "models", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "modelmixin", "matches": { "modelmixin": true } }, "0fc86f02-c5a2-3990-a961-997359e7e9a6": { "content": "Object.entries(${1:obj})", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Object.entries", "matches": { "oe": true } }, "0fca5da2-2631-33b6-8c0c-3dd7e703cbf2": { "content": "If ${1:condition 1} Then\n\t${2:; True code}\nElseIf ${3:condition 2} Then\n\t${4:; True code}\nElse\n\t${0:; Else code}\nEndIf", "doc": "", "filetype": "autoit", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ifelif": true } }, "0fcdddf2-3b11-3d4b-85e4-49520d4d0b85": { "content": "if [ $1 ]; then\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\nfi", "doc": "", "filetype": "sh", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "if": true } }, "0fd393ee-e0ee-3ac8-abb0-7fa709b51b30": { "content": "resource \"cloudstack_egress_firewall\" \"${myResourceName}\" {\n network_id = \"6eb22f91-7454-4107-89f4-36afcdf33021\"\n\n rule {\n cidr_list = [\"\"]\n protocol = \"tcp\"\n ports = [\"80\", \"1000-2000\"]\n }\n}", "doc": "define cloudstack_egress_firewall resource.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "cloudstack_egress_firewall", "matches": { "tf-cloudstack_egress_firewall": true } }, "0fd5e5e9-39cb-3cf2-a506-e839e162d8e0": { "content": "flex-direction: ${1|row,row-reverse,column,column-reverse|};", "doc": "initial value: row", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "flex-direction", "matches": { "fld": true } }, "0fd89870-5eea-3a07-a5a4-72d0931e59c5": { "content": "cursor text", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "cur:t": true } }, "0fd93122-dc52-35fa-ba97-248126d2438a": { "content": "export default function ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}() {\n return (\n
    \n )\n}", "doc": "Creates a React Functional Component with ES7 module system, compatible with Vite", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "reactFunctionalViteComponent", "matches": { "rfcv": true } }, "0fde90d4-af89-3edc-a65b-01710e1bfb92": { "content": "display table-row-group", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "d:tbrg": true } }, "0fe599cf-d85a-3f5e-8bf7-4c5f6cdf1161": { "content": "assertTrue(\"${1:Failure message}\", $2);", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "at": true } }, "0fe5b7a6-3b6f-3c92-b11b-e37fe78a4b0a": { "content": "for ${1:name},${2:val} in pairs(${3:table_name}) do\n\t$0\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "lua", "grammar": "snu", "label": "pair for loop", "matches": { "forp": true } }, "0fe8fc87-eb6f-3c4b-82c5-60dde3726e5a": { "content": "resource \"google_compute_https_health_check\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"example-name\"\n request_path = \"/health_check\"\n timeout_sec = 1\n check_interval_sec = 1\n}", "doc": "Defines google_compute_https_health_check resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "google_compute_https_health_check", "matches": { "tf-google_compute_https_health_check": true } }, "0feed86c-1bee-3d30-84a9-72106854fc6e": { "content": "console.error(${0:TARGET})", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ce": true, "console-error": true } }, "0ff97f6d-5c36-3999-bea0-c4c8f40de294": { "content": "plot(${1:x}, ${0:y})", "doc": "", "filetype": "r", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pl": true } }, "0ffd2260-26ad-3efc-bd9c-26508e12ee7c": { "content": "resource \"azurerm_lb_probe\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"SSH Running Probe\"\n location = \"West US\"\n resource_group_name = \"\\${azurerm_resource_group.test.name}\"\n loadbalancer_id = \"\\${azurerm_lb.test.id}\"\n port = 22\n}", "doc": "Defines azurerm_lb_probe resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "azurerm_lb_probe", "matches": { "tf-azurerm_lb_probe": true } }, "1003be7b-2e56-3a58-b237-fdcc5c9bd45f": { "content": "rule ${1:pattern} = parse\n| $0", "doc": "Snippet for a rule", "filetype": "ocamllex", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "rule", "matches": { "rule": true } }, "10046119-c714-3b01-a9ea-20f800f99004": { "content": "param(${0:s});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "param": true } }, "100af6d1-049d-3d91-bb00-b149900a3963": { "content": "$.data('${1:selector expression}', '${2:key}'${3:, 'value'})", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "dataa": true } }, "100cd423-514f-36db-bfa9-f29747eb5088": { "content": "${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DecimalField($2, required=${3:False})", "doc": "DecimalField (fdecimal)", "filetype": "forms", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "fdecimal", "matches": { "fdecimal": true } }, "10115bc4-5195-3ec3-a430-735614dfc077": { "content": "rgb(${1:255}, ${2:255}, ${3:255})$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "color rgb", "matches": { "rgb": true } }, "1012fd63-cb56-318e-9fea-9bcba4665cc4": { "content": "${1|onBeforeMount,onMounted,onBeforeUpdate,onUpdated,onBeforeUnmount,onUnmounted,,onActivated,onDeactivated,onErrorCaptured,onRenderTracked,onRenderTriggered|}(() => {${2}})", "doc": "Lifecycle hooks can be registered with directly imported `onXXX` functions:", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "vue-v3lifecyclehook", "matches": { "vue v3 lifecyclehook": true } }, "10130ce9-8d71-3a34-8bb9-ca5ca432d3ce": { "content": "${0:#:description}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "example": true } }, "1019f9cf-47be-3cd0-9c7b-4278e3b8fd34": { "content": "// rotate, x-axis, y-axis, z-axiz\ngl.glRotatef(${1:angle}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}, ${0:z});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "gl rotate f", "matches": { "gl": true } }, "101eb0be-a3a4-32ae-80a1-ec361386fd13": { "content": "$this->${1:method}()->shouldNotStartWith(${2:'string'});", "doc": "", "filetype": "php-phpspec", "grammar": "snu", "label": "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotStartWith('string')", "matches": { "snstart": true } }, "1022ac29-112a-3d2f-b453-ab8f093294ba": { "content": "| url_escape", "doc": "String filter: url escape", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Filter url escape", "matches": { "url_escape": true } }, "1022d846-be02-3053-9a3d-e9a785c8e513": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "HTML - Defines a section in a document", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "div#", "matches": { "div#": true } }, "1023d7ef-032a-3650-a0b8-08bd77a2156f": { "content": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${1:tableName} (\n\t${2:attribute(s)}\n);", "doc": "Create table with conditional", "filetype": "sql", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "createti", "matches": { "createti": true } }, "1028bce3-b842-3a88-8435-d459237c09d1": { "content": "resource \"aws_db_security_group\" \"${MyAWSResource}\" {\n}", "doc": "Defines aws_db_security_group", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws_db_security_group", "matches": { "tf-aws_db_security_group": true } }, "102d46a1-bf98-3f93-8604-900a36798f0a": { "content": "echo CHtml::radioButton('${1:name}', ${2:false},array(${3:optionName}=>${0:optionValue} );", "doc": "", "filetype": "yii-chtml", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "yhrb": true } }, "1033ee6c-c80f-3e4e-adbe-63376461f937": { "content": "script ${1:#:new_object}\n\ton run\n\t\t${2:TARGET}\n\tend run\nend script", "doc": "", "filetype": "applescript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "script": true } }, "10382c7a-37d1-368d-b1b3-c6633b1ad341": { "content": "import ${0:List}", "doc": "", "filetype": "idris", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "imp": true } }, "1040eadc-db60-3147-98e2-75baf190495e": { "content": "func Test$1(t *testing.T) {\n\ttestCases := []struct {\n\t\tdesc\tstring\n\t\t$2\n\t}{\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdesc: \"$3\",\n\t\t\t$4\n\t\t},\n\t}\n\tfor _, tC := range testCases {\n\t\tt.Run(tC.desc, func(t *testing.T) {\n\t\t\t$0\n\t\t})\n\t}\n}", "doc": "Snippet for table driven test", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "table driven test", "matches": { "tdt": true } }, "1042bd67-19ac-31e1-a03e-bbf5118c813e": { "content": "must_be_empty", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mbe": true } }, "10434077-c40f-37f2-8e48-9970746e8db1": { "content": 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"content": "for ${2:i} = 0, ${1:#:Things} do\n ${0:TARGET}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "lua", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "for": true } }, "10621114-4cb4-3df7-9a30-0bf609418733": { "content": "this->assertArrayNotHasKey(${1:$key}, ${2:$array});", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "$this->assertArrayNotHasKey($key, $array)", "matches": { "asnhk": true } }, "1065b6fe-f1b4-32fa-b9e0-f52992d40966": { "content": "case class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} ${0:}", "doc": "", "filetype": "scala", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "casecl": true } }, "10667b3c-5ffa-30e0-ab74-221b6369c310": { "content": "FUNCTION NUMVAL(${1:string})$0", "doc": "corresponding numeric value for string", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "FUNCTION-NUMVAL", "matches": { "FUNCTION NUMVAL": true } }, "106958e8-6afa-39c6-97ff-cba539a67982": { "content": "expect.hasAssertions();$0", "doc": "expects the test to make at least one assertion (useful for async)", "filetype": "jest", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "jest-expect-hasassertions", "matches": { "expha": true, "jest expect hasassertions": true } }, "10695e05-5da3-336b-8fc2-d31a1817ed81": { "content": "provider \"statuscake\" {\n username = \"username\"\n apikey = \"apikey\"\n}", "doc": "define a statuscake provider.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "statuscake", "matches": { "tf-statuscake": true } }, "106c51ab-8f4f-3a84-8768-731b69727300": { "content": "url(\"${1:path}\", ${2:{foo:\"1\", bar:\"2\"\\}}, ${3:\"http\"}, ${4:false})$0", "doc": "url w/ arguments", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "urla", "matches": { "urla": true } }, "106da981-04cf-3809-bcd4-5990bbb08589": { "content": "form_radio(\"${1:name}\", \"${2:value}\");${3}", "doc": "", "filetype": "codeigniter", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ci_form_radio": true } }, "106e1a5d-96f4-3534-a719-e07cdd41f30f": { "content": "font-emphasize-style: ${1};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fems": true } }, "1073d546-727a-3448-a305-a13449c726ce": { "content": "| rstrip", "doc": "", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "rstrip": true } }, "10743a56-9a53-3812-a496-337ed80cdab6": { "content": "${1:value_key}:\n service:\n\tannotations: {}\n\tlabels: {}\n\tclusterIP: \"\"\n\texternalIPs: []\n\tloadBalancerIP: \"\"\n\tloadBalancerSourceRanges: []\n\texternalTrafficPolicy: \"\"\n\thealthCheckNodePort: 0\n\ttargetPorts:\n\t http: http\n\t https: https\n\ttype: LoadBalancer\n\tnodePorts:\n\t http: \"\"\n\t https: \"\"\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "helm", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "service_values": true } }, "107a0412-4ed5-3f11-90cd-31a3ada23439": { "content": "$this->renderDynamic('${0:callback}');", "doc": "", "filetype": "yii", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "yrd": true } }, "10825ec2-f7f1-36e5-a9a8-0bd504e33001": { "content": "@option [${1:Types}] ${2:option_key} (${3:default_value} ${4: Descripiton.})$0", "doc": "Describe an options hash in a method. The tag takes the name of the options parameter first, followed by optional types, the option key name, a default value for the key and a description of the option. The default value should be placed within parentheses and is optional (can be omitted). Note that a @param tag need not be defined for the options hash itself, though it is useful to do so for completeness.", "filetype": "rdoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "@option", "matches": { "@option": true } }, "10860213-120b-353c-9a6d-9c9da335d396": { "content": "{% case ${1:#:condition} %}\n{% when ${2:#:TARGET} %}\n ${3}\n{% endcase%}", "doc": "", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "snu", "label": "case when endcase", "matches": { "case": true } }, "10877701-c566-3f86-b0d2-4e0df0c9358a": { "content": "{% if ${1} %}\n\t${0:TARGET}\n{% endif %}", "doc": "", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "snu", "label": "{% if ... %} ... {% endif %}", "matches": { "if": true } }, "108799ca-6d04-3146-8a98-c216f098dec8": { "content": "real, intent(in) ::", "doc": "", "filetype": "fortran", "grammar": "snu", "label": "real intent(in)", "matches": { "rei": true } }, "108c62fd-219b-393d-a7ef-e996a1a9f98f": { "content": "border-left-style: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdls": true } }, "10911abd-99d9-3ee8-ad6b-e7d53cab72f7": { "content": "for ${1:name} from ${2:start} to ${3:finish} by ${4:step}\n\t${5}", "doc": "", "filetype": "ls", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "forrb": true } }, "109b5602-8245-36b2-9d77-a40f69edb865": { "content": "_.join(${array}, ${separator})", "doc": "_.join(['a', 'b', 'c'], '~');\n// => 'a~b~c'\n\nConverts all elements in `array` into a string separated by `separator`.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-join", "matches": { "lodash join": true } }, "109ffa1d-7925-3425-b37d-8db9e65cb297": { "content": "align-self: baseline", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "as:b": true } }, "10a1e81b-3263-3bed-9cb8-77f0a6d4d4c3": { "content": "url = {${1}},\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "bib", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "url": true } }, "10a58ede-eb51-3e0e-9259-d294ae5a617e": { "content": "\"ap-northeast-2\"", "doc": "Define a aws-region-ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul) region code", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "aws-region-ap-northeast-2", "matches": { "tf-aws-region-ap-northeast-2": true } }, "10adb181-9f6a-372c-8b7b-67340cd53173": { "content": "while ${1} ${2:<=} ${3}\n\t${0}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "julia", "grammar": "snu", "label": "while loop", "matches": { "wh": true } }, "10ae8195-50b1-3611-9caa-db698ae6f4c6": { "content": "resource \"google_compute_disk\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"example-name\"\n type = \"pd-ssd\"\n zone = \"us-central1-a\"\n image = \"debian7-wheezy\"\n}", "doc": "Defines google_compute_disk resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "google_compute_disk", "matches": { "tf-google_compute_disk": true } }, "10b07915-0543-3950-a585-f7b2f728076b": { "content": "\\begin{tabular}{${1}}\n\t${2:TARGET}\n\\end{tabular}", "doc": "", "filetype": "tex", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "\\begin{tabular} \\tabular": true, "tabular": true } }, "10b425a4-0688-3963-b759-28f0672670a3": { "content": "import { connect } from 'react-redux'\nimport React, { Component } from 'react'\n\ntype Props = {}\n\ntype State = {}\n\nexport class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} extends Component {\n state = {}\n\n render() {\n return (\n
    \n )\n }\n}\n\nconst mapStateToProps = (state) => ({})\n\nconst mapDispatchToProps = {}\n\nexport default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}})", "doc": "Creates a React component class with connected redux and ES7 module system and TypeScript interfaces", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "typescriptReactClassComponentRedux", "matches": { "tsrcredux": true } }, "10b7e8c8-cb62-375a-87c2-cead300e6b1d": { "content": "resource \"azurerm_virtual_network_peering\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"peer2to1\"\n resource_group_name = \"\\${azurerm_resource_group.test.name}\"\n virtual_network_name = \"\\${azurerm_virtual_network.test1.name}\"\n remote_virtual_network_id = \"\\${azurerm_virtual_network.test2.id}\"\n}", "doc": "Defines azurerm_virtual_network_peering resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "azurerm_virtual_network_peering", "matches": { "tf-azurerm_virtual_network_peering": true } }, "10b7fd62-8756-3b93-947a-aec24fbca64d": { "content": "export default function ${1:name} (${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "module default export function", "matches": { "edf": true } }, "10bf282f-b281-3328-bd94-0a9dbcbeadf9": { "content": "↓", "doc": "", "filetype": "slim", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "down": true } }, "10c11f29-7b4e-3e26-971d-87b0487d1ab4": { "content": "#+begin_html\n---\nlayout: ${1:default}\ntitle: ${2:title}\n---\n#+end_html\n$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "org", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "entry": true } }, "10c8c3cb-9941-39b3-bc27-272e404b44bc": { "content": "| strip", "doc": "String filter: strip", "filetype": "liquid", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Filter strip", "matches": { "strip": true } }, "10c9a34d-6f4d-3775-88f0-b741825d638c": { "content": "${1}", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { " { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n\nThis method is like `_.assign` except that it accepts `customizer`\nwhich is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns\n`undefined`, assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer`\nis invoked with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source).\n\n**Note:** This method mutates `object`.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-assignwith", "matches": { "lodash assignwith": true } }, "10cf2fba-3216-3527-9475-52c0a2bb0cf1": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fieldset": true } }, "10d20dbd-c811-3358-b412-1f17867f09ab": { "content": "${1:FIELDNAME} = serializers.EmailField(${2})", "doc": "Django-rest Serializers ``EmailField``", "filetype": "serializers", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "DRF EmailField", "matches": { "semail": true } }, "10d99687-d950-30f0-a931-166d8d924aa8": { "content": "public static void ${1:index}(${2:args}) { ${0} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "action": true } }, "10daf5d6-bf10-3554-afe6-2e75b3f9487f": { "content": "watch: {\n\t${1:data}: {\n\t\timmediate: ${2:true},\n\t\tdeep: ${3:true},\n\t\thandler(${4:newValue}, ${5:oldValue}) {\n\t\t\t${0}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n},", "doc": "vue watcher with options", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "vue-watchers-with-options", "matches": { "vue watchers with options": true, "vwatcher-options": true } }, "10dd7923-27c5-3732-952a-cabd96d2a976": { "content": "render inline: \"${0:<%= 'hello' %>}\"", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ri": true } }, "10e0906f-17e8-3ac7-b2be-aefdbd0f3d1b": { "content": "#[ignore]", "doc": "", "filetype": "rust", "grammar": "snu", "label": "#[ignore]", "matches": { "ig": true } }, "10eaafb4-0b30-3f0b-b4cb-39cdb90c1e70": { "content": "_.noConflict()", "doc": "var lodash = _.noConflict();\n\nReverts the `_` variable to its previous value and returns a reference to\nthe `lodash` function.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-noconflict", "matches": { "lodash noconflict": true } }, "10ec9371-a23d-35cd-9650-502f024787a4": { "content": "resource \"azurerm_subnet\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"testsubnet\"\n resource_group_name = \"\\${azurerm_resource_group.test.name}\"\n virtual_network_name = \"\\${azurerm_virtual_network.test.name}\"\n address_prefix = \"\"\n}", "doc": "Defines azurerm_subnet resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "azurerm_subnet", "matches": { "tf-azurerm_subnet": true } }, "10f18da2-ec9d-3241-8382-e7dde499df7f": { "content": "private void OnTransformChildrenChanged() {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Called when the list of children of the transform of the GameObject has changed.", "filetype": "unity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "MonoBehaviour OnTransformChildrenChanged", "matches": { "OnTransformChildrenChanged()": true } }, "10f637d1-7d29-3b11-a138-1746c96d246a": { "content": "\n\t${0:${VISUAL}}\n", "doc": "", "filetype": "apache", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ifmodule": true } }, "10f77bc8-bf0b-39cf-875f-6e2ee971e418": { "content": "@component('$1')\n\t${2:${VISUAL}}\n@endcomponent", "doc": "", "filetype": "blade", "grammar": "snu", "label": "@component directive", "matches": { "component": true } }, "11010cb2-99de-3762-8c3d-cf4355f109e8": { "content": "text-decoration: overline;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "td:o": true } }, "11039626-da41-3f33-a7e5-822b76f5d20b": { "content": "PropTypes.array.isRequired", "doc": "Array prop type required", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "propTypeArrayRequired", "matches": { "ptar": true } }, "1107d182-690e-3fbb-9b53-cec668c94112": { "content": "import ${1:String}\n${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "elm", "grammar": "snu", "label": "import", "matches": { "imp": true, "import": true } }, "1108d494-36cd-30d3-a613-b4a9cd69eab8": { "content": "let ${1} = ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "gleam", "grammar": "snu", "label": "let binding", "matches": { "l": true } }, "110ac7cf-0512-3df7-b7f9-105acdb418f3": { "content": "{% firstof %}", "doc": "firstof tag django template", "filetype": "djangohtml", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "firstof", "matches": { "firstof": true } }, "110bbbcc-659f-33a0-866c-fc2283d5d237": { "content": "extension ${1:Type} {\n\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "extension declaration", "filetype": "swift", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "extension", "matches": { "extension": true } }, "111fac1a-bce7-38cd-ab7d-be47da882ab9": { "content": "#+BEGIN_SRC ${1:lang}\n$0\n#+END_SRC", "doc": "#+BEGIN_SRC ... block", "filetype": "org", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "src block", "matches": { ",\n ) -> AsyncComponentParts {\n let model = AsyncComponentModel {};\n let widgets = view_output!();\n AsyncComponentParts { model, widgets }\n }\n\n async fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Input, sender: AsyncComponentSender, _root: &Self::Root) {\n match message {\n\n }\n }\n}", "doc": "Relm4 Component Widget", "filetype": "components", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Relm4 Async Component", "matches": { "relm-async-component": true } }, "11205952-3c93-35a5-bbaf-a1a9cc14dd96": { "content": "try:\n\t${1:pass}\nexcept ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:\n\t${4:raise $3}", "doc": "try/except blocks", "filetype": "python", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "try/except", "matches": { "try": true } }, "1123d09f-5c66-321b-baf0-7a74be3e40cc": { "content": "\\left${1:(} ${3:#:body} \\right${2:)}${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "tex", "grammar": "snu", "label": "\\left \\right", "matches": { "\\left": true, "left": true } }, "11260cd3-8d2a-379e-8548-9ddc312fa3f5": { "content": "resource \"azurerm_dns_aaaa_record\" \"${MyResource}\" {\n name = \"example-name\"\n zone_name = \"\\${azurerm_dns_zone.test.name}\"\n resource_group_name = \"\\${azurerm_resource_group.test.name}\"\n ttl = \"300\"\n records = [\"2607:f8b0:4009:1803::1005\"]\n}", "doc": "Defines azurerm_dns_aaaa_record resource", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "azurerm_dns_aaaa_record", "matches": { "tf-azurerm_dns_aaaa_record": true } }, "112cdfaf-e11d-3fec-832d-bb94ab85c2f5": { "content": "/*\n *\t${0: comment ...}\n */", "doc": "", "filetype": "plsql", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "doc": true } }, "112de8e8-ed93-30e0-ba5e-abbb1827a850": { "content": "foreach(${1:/*elem*/}; ${2:/*range*/})\n{\n\t${VISUAL}$3\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "foreach (fore)", "matches": { "fore": true } }, "11303e25-7fe5-3ad6-b68d-965d460e5573": { "content": "| ${1:Column1} | ${2:Column2} | ${3:Column3} | ${4:Column4} | ${5:Column5} |\n| --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- |\n| ${6:Item1.1} | ${7:Item2.1} | ${8:Item3.1} | ${9:Item4.1} | ${10:Item5.1} |\n${0}", "doc": "Insert table with 2 rows and 5 columns. First row is heading.", "filetype": "markdown", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Insert 2x5 table", "matches": { "2x5table": true } }, "11341653-3f00-34dd-a939-8a755d40340f": { "content": "font-emphasize-style: disc", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fems:ds": true } }, "113501f9-2008-3388-97f9-00cf11d427c5": { "content": "componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Invoked when a component is receiving new props. This method is not called for the initial render. [DEPRECATION NOTE]: This method is deprecated in React 16.3", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "componentWillReceiveProps", "matches": { "cwr": true } }, "113846f2-77e2-3b74-9237-0211a911f257": { "content": "view source ${1:value}", "doc": "\"view source\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "view source builtin", "matches": { "view-source": true } }, "11396526-0221-3b1b-8657-b45c7b12a0c8": { "content": "final", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "fin": true } }, "11400b62-7dad-3667-9be9-1f30707adb02": { "content": "file attributes ${1:name} ${0:?option value option value?}", "doc": "This subcommand returns or sets platform-specific values associated with a file. If no option is provided, a list of the platform-specific options and their values are returned. If the name of a single option is provided, the value for the given option is returned. When an options are specified with values, they are set on the file.", "filetype": "tcl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Get/Set file attributes", "matches": { "file attributes": true } }, "11471cf2-efb4-32e2-b8f9-c16e1217452c": { "content": "/**\n * Gets the value of ${1:foo}\n *\n * @return ${2:string}\n */\n${3:public} function get${4:$1}()\n{\n\treturn $this->${5:$1};\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "PHP Class Getter Setter", "matches": { "gm": true } }, "114842e3-07d1-389b-9545-4fd18d85b935": { "content": "${1:obj}.parents('${2:selector expression}')", "doc": "", "filetype": "jquery_coffee", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "parents": true } }, "1149e708-0b45-3916-ba8c-fcf4c7659716": { "content": "animation-delay: ${0:1s};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "animation-delay", "matches": { "anide": true } }, "114bc5b3-3194-36fc-8f91-105fe49471b4": { "content": "class $1 extends ${2:Reference}\n\t$3", "doc": "", "filetype": "gdscript", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Inner class", "matches": { "class": true } }, "11538aa5-1514-3b12-af39-cc1c3cdcab9b": { "content": "```{${1|python,r,julia,ojs,sql,bash|}}\n${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}$0\n```", "doc": "Insert executable code block", "filetype": "quarto", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Insert executable code block", "matches": { "executable codeblock": true } }, "1158fa4b-3f57-3d36-96c0-1822867affa3": { "content": "if (${1}) begin\n\t${0}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "verilog", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "if": true } }, "115bb8ed-3a55-35ba-bd9f-b2109b3c1947": { "content": "finally\n\t${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "julia", "grammar": "snu", "label": "finally statement", "matches": { "fin": true } }, "115bc338-9800-3994-9725-9ab01f949ac0": { "content": "\\$_POST['${1:#:variable}']", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "post": true } }, "115c48ea-a51b-39e0-897d-8079d6d9195c": { "content": "from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtRemoveInputHook\npyqtRemoveInputHook()\nimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()", "doc": "", "filetype": "python", "grammar": "snu", "label": "removeInputHook...pdb", "matches": { "qtpdb": true } }, "115ebb9f-e088-3c21-a554-ae7964b5a9aa": { "content": "content open-quote", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ct:oq": true } }, "115f0d7d-72b1-3d19-8813-e20f1abd78fb": { "content": "{% do view.registerJsFile(\"${1:/resources/js/global.js}\") %}\n$0", "doc": "registerJsFile", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "js1", "matches": { "js": true } }, "11637b26-44ab-31b7-a6a3-992ef61f606f": { "content": "parameter ${1:#:name} = ${2:#:val};${3:TARGET}", "doc": "", "filetype": "verilog", "grammar": "snu", "label": "parameter ... = ...", "matches": { "pa": true, "parameter": true } }, "11639240-8042-350b-aaa2-58c7b414e7bf": { "content": "right: ${0:0};", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "right", "matches": { "rig": true } }, "11658107-c64e-3933-8864-1d73e4ba0d83": { "content": "logger.fatal { '${1:message}' }", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "logf": true } }, "1169895c-893f-39d0-a9d1-bcb57835bfe3": { "content": "(using $1 $2)", "doc": "Snippet for an using stanza", "filetype": "dune-project", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "using", "matches": { "using": true } }, "11707a33-94a5-3ddb-83a6-5ecb553bc7cb": { "content": "background-position: ${1};${2}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "backposition": true, "bp": true } }, "11716b1d-a1f6-3ba9-ba81-4f9a82adbb9f": { "content": "t.timestamp :${1:title}\n$0", "doc": "", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Create timestamp column", "matches": { "tcts": true } }, "11761bdc-b973-39a6-8a4e-fa31f25dd55a": { "content": "Page Should Contain Image ${1:${locator}} ${2:${message=}} ${3:loglevel=INFO}", "doc": "", "filetype": "robot", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Page Should Contain Image", "matches": { "psci": true } }, "117ae87a-ec67-37c7-84d4-b492e6fa3a55": { "content": "_.propertyOf(${object})", "doc": "var array = [0, 1, 2],\n object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array };\n\n_.map(['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.propertyOf(object));\n// => [2, 0]\n\n_.map([['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.propertyOf(object));\n// => [2, 0]\n\nThe opposite of `_.property`; this method creates a function that returns\nthe value at a given path of `object`.", "filetype": "lodash", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "lodash-propertyof", "matches": { "lodash propertyof": true } }, "117ba77f-5901-3489-91c9-5643587b51ad": { "content": "-> { ${1} }.must_output '${0}'", "doc": "", "filetype": "ruby", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mout": true } }, "117e1d10-e467-3ef0-901b-e9fd00e7ca6d": { "content": "/*! \\brief ${1:Brief function description here}\n *\n * ${2:Detailed description of the function}\n *\n * \\param $3 ${4:Parameter description}\n * \\return ${5:Return parameter description}\n */\n${6:void} ${7:function_name}(${8:Type} ${3:Parameter})\n{\n\t${9}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "c", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "dfun1": true } }, "11851a66-94a7-3353-b865-570e0f8f0ed4": { "content": "# https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment\nmetadata:\n name: ${1:myjob}\n namespace: ${2:default}\n labels:\n app: ${1:myjob}\nspec:\n selector:\n matchLabels:\n app: ${1:myjob}\n replicas: 1\n strategy:\n rollingUpdate:\n maxSurge: 25%\n maxUnavailable: 25%\n type: RollingUpdate\n template:\n metadata:\n annotations:\n kubectl.kubernetes.io/default-container: ${1:myjob}\n labels:\n app: ${1:myjob}\n spec:\n # initContainers:\n # Init containers are exactly like regular containers, except:\n # - Init containers always run to completion.\n # - Each init container must complete successfully before the next one starts.\n containers:\n - name: ${1:myjob}\n image: ${3:myjob:latest}\n imagePullPolicy: ${4|IfNotPresent,Always,Never|}\n resources:\n requests:\n cpu: 100m\n memory: 100Mi\n limits:\n cpu: 100m\n memory: 100Mi\n livenessProbe:\n tcpSocket:\n port: ${5:80}\n initialDelaySeconds: 5\n timeoutSeconds: 5\n successThreshold: 1\n failureThreshold: 3\n periodSeconds: 10\n readinessProbe:\n httpGet:\n path: /_status/healthz\n port: ${5:80}\n initialDelaySeconds: 5\n timeoutSeconds: 2\n successThreshold: 1\n failureThreshold: 3\n periodSeconds: 10\n env:\n - name: DB_HOST\n valueFrom:\n configMapKeyRef:\n name: ${1:myjob}\n key: DB_HOST\n ports:\n - containerPort: ${5:80}\n name: ${1:myjob}\n volumeMounts:\n - name: localtime\n mountPath: /etc/localtime\n volumes:\n - name: localtime\n hostPath:\n path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei\n restartPolicy: Always\n---\n$0", "doc": "k8s Deployment", "filetype": "kubernetes", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "k8s Deployment", "matches": { "k-deployment": true } }, "118852e4-74b3-30b9-97ca-4b5c56769bbd": { "content": "{% requireLogin %}\n$0", "doc": "requireLogin", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "requirelogin", "matches": { "requirelogin": true } }, "118ae213-d661-3279-a417-f3a8269fe8b0": { "content": "\\${0:${0:default}}", "doc": "", "filetype": "neosnippet", "grammar": "snu", "label": "${0:default}", "matches": { "0:": true } }, "118ae7c2-e3c5-3b03-ab39-e383b984dc79": { "content": "provider \"mailgun\" {\n api_key = \"${api_key}\"\n}", "doc": "define a mailgun provider.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "mailgun", "matches": { "tf-mailgun": true } }, "118e2f43-00f0-3697-9e0a-9d27d8051e67": { "content": "unique(${1:x}, ${2:incomparables = ${3:FALSE}}, ${4:...})", "doc": "Unique", "filetype": "r-snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "uni", "matches": { "unique": true } }, "119041ec-1273-3df7-83d4-06c63400ca25": { "content": "package ${1:packageName}", "doc": "Snippet for package statement", "filetype": "kotlin", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "package", "matches": { "package": true } }, "1191e99a-0c33-3f43-bb2f-24d9ebd884d3": { "content": "expect(${1:}).to.deep.equal(${0});", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-mocha", "grammar": "snu", "label": "expect(...).to.deep.equal(...)", "matches": { "expd": true } }, "119e7c2c-7591-3f39-acac-06d56d7800c7": { "content": "if (${1:#:condition}) {\n ${2:TARGET}\n} else {\n ${3}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript", "grammar": "snu", "label": "ife", "matches": { "if-else": true } }, "11a4b003-592d-3e1e-984f-8fe9e9b94576": { "content": "const {${1:data},${2:pending},${3:error},${4:refresh}} = await useFetch('$5', {\n$0\n})", "doc": "This composable provides a convenient wrapper around useAsyncData and $fetch. It automatically generates a key based on URL and fetch options, provides type hints for request url based on server routes, and infers API response type.", "filetype": "nuxt-script", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "useFetch", "matches": { "useFetch": true } }, "11a536ce-d389-307b-81d2-4378f1efdebd": { "content": "resource \"openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1\" \"${myResourceName}\" {\n name = \"my-${myResourceName}\"\n description = \"my-description-${myResourceName}\"\n\n region = \"RegionOne\"\n size = 3\n}", "doc": "define openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1 resource.", "filetype": "terraform", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1", "matches": { "tf-openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1": true } }, "11a7ff55-aa1b-326b-bd17-c383b9183f4b": { "content": "assertNotSame(\"${1:Failure message}\", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});", "doc": "", "filetype": "java", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "asns": true } }, "11a9fd0c-6261-3710-a2b6-0a8439a264c7": { "content": "${1:public} int ${2} { get; set; }", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "pi": true } }, "11ab87f0-fb55-3185-b10c-baf0a901187f": { "content": "grid-auto-flow: column dense;", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "gaf:cd": true } }, "11ac91ee-0ec6-303f-8bb1-4f1d1e510bc3": { "content": "${1:X} <- ${2:List}${3:, gen}", "doc": "", "filetype": "erlang", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Generator Expression", "matches": { "gen": true } }, "11af8b19-673a-3f06-a467-f16f4af43fcd": { "content": "type tt_${1:name} is table of tr_${0:name} index by binary_integer;", "doc": "", "filetype": "plsql", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "tti": true } }, "11b4e86e-ffbc-35ad-be38-d1006140503d": { "content": "foreach my \\$${1:element} ( @${2:array} ) {\n\t${3:body}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "perl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "foreach loop", "matches": { "foreach": true } }, "11b4eb9a-76a1-3512-9aaf-e80ec889a543": { "content": "<#local ${1:variable_name} = ${0:value${VISUAL}} />", "doc": "", "filetype": "freemarker", "grammar": "snu", "label": "<#local variable_name = value />", "matches": { "loc": true } }, "11bb1394-f46a-33f5-b9ee-62511f774849": { "content": "|> ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "fsharp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "p": true } }, "11bc1a8f-47d9-31d3-bfc9-c4b01be14183": { "content": "{% endjs %}$0", "doc": "endjs", "filetype": "twig", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "endjs", "matches": { "endjs": true } }, "11bc7102-8f03-3796-be1d-278c8aa93e9c": { "content": "has_many :${1:object}, dependent: :${0:destroy}", "doc": "has_many dependent", "filetype": "rails", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Has many dependent", "matches": { "hmd": true } }, "11bfdfa4-ce77-3d5e-a46a-dcf2a2cbde34": { "content": "
    ", "doc": "HTML - Defines a section in a document", "filetype": "html", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "div", "matches": { "div": true } }, "11c5c85f-6536-39e5-96ad-ea41bbeb67f5": { "content": "{% csrf_token %}", "doc": "csrf token django template", "filetype": "djangohtml", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "csrf", "matches": { "csrf": true } }, "11c79fb6-a9b5-3269-bd37-22a12620a449": { "content": "try\n{\n\t${VISUAL}${1:/*code to try*/}\n}\ncatch($2Exception e)\n{\n\t${3:/*handle exception*/}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "d", "grammar": "snu", "label": "try/catch (try)", "matches": { "try": true } }, "11c808a3-05ca-3d05-98d5-d1ad4a22e995": { "content": "curveVertex(${1:x}, ${0:y});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "curveVertex": true } }, "11cc0a53-f0ba-3ab9-b181-cd3a1806c81d": { "content": "function integer-of-formatted-date(${1:format},${2:date})$0", "doc": "converts date in specified format to an internal integer", "filetype": "vscode_cobol", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "function-integer-of-formatted-date", "matches": { "function integer-of-formatted-date": true } }, "11cc4df5-61ba-37de-ada9-a5ec59759154": { "content": "header (\"HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\");\nheader (\"Location: \".URL);\nexit();", "doc": "", "filetype": "php", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "http_redirect": true } }, "11ce973a-f288-3dd2-a793-5af832bfbb80": { "content": "if $1\n\t${2:${VISUAL}}\nelse\n\t${0}\nend", "doc": "", "filetype": "crystal", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ife": true } }, "11d055f7-99a8-37b6-8596-fc571ff7d1dc": { "content": "trunc($2)", "doc": "find the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter", "filetype": "glsl", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "trunc", "matches": { "trunc": true } }, "11d5b905-6ec3-33e3-906a-777fa471420d": { "content": "var ${1:t} ${0:string}", "doc": "", "filetype": "go", "grammar": "snu", "label": "variable initialization", "matches": { "vr": true } }, "11d5caf3-594a-3eae-a13a-133edc99c3db": { "content": "let\n\t${1} =\n\t\t${2}\nin\n\t${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "idris", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "let": true } }, "11de4607-3810-3cc4-9278-144055b638f0": { "content": "// FIXME: $0", "doc": "", "filetype": "rust", "grammar": "snu", "label": "FIXME comment", "matches": { "fixme": true } }, "11e9540a-45bb-35d5-be55-3a9c121dd71b": { "content": "nfs(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});", "doc": "", "filetype": "processing", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "nfs": true } }, "11f0955c-b4fe-3c32-a856-6d24deaeb564": { "content": "shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n\t$0\n}", "doc": "Invoked before rendering when new props or state are being received.", "filetype": "snippets", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "shouldComponentUpdate", "matches": { "scu": true } }, "11f65c6c-71bd-3eb3-9fd5-8ee6f5cce066": { "content": "${1:args}: ${0:T}*", "doc": "", "filetype": "scala", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "args": true } }, "120c1aac-8b12-33dd-ac13-872dd4b165c7": { "content": "yup.ref()", "doc": "yup.ref(path: string, options: { contextPrefix: string }): Ref\n\nCreates a reference to another sibling or sibling descendant field. Refs are resolved\nat validation/cast time and supported where specified. Refs are evaluated in the proper order so that\nthe ref value is resolved before the field using the ref (be careful of circular dependencies!).let schema = object({\n baz: ref(\"foo.bar\"),\n foo: object({\n bar: string()\n }),\n x: ref(\"$x\")\n});\n\nschema.cast({ foo: { bar: \"boom\" } }, { context: { x: 5 } });\n// => { baz: 'boom', x: 5, foo: { bar: 'boom' } }", "filetype": "yup", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "yup-ref", "matches": { "yup ref": true } }, "121a3b6d-4aeb-3ef8-89e2-61455584b50a": { "content": "console.groupEnd()", "doc": "Closes out the corresponding console.group().", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "consoleGroupEnd", "matches": { "cge": true } }, "121c9013-e65f-341f-aaea-ae089964a06f": { "content": "shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n\t${1}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "javascript-react", "grammar": "snu", "label": "shouldComponentUpdate", "matches": { "scu": true } }, "1220507d-1af4-37b0-99d4-455804297c3f": { "content": "${1:command} | join ${2:table} ${3:column}", "doc": "\"join\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "join builtin", "matches": { "join": true } }, "1222507a-2c3e-3894-8a30-4a49ceeea67c": { "content": "${1:${2:std::}${3:ranges::}views::}transform($4)", "doc": "", "filetype": "cpp", "grammar": "snu", "label": "ranges::views::transform", "matches": { "transform": true } }, "1224a565-2246-3976-b082-dc4a231c84c2": { "content": "background-origin: border-box", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bgo:bb": true } }, "122b42b5-cf78-38ba-bb68-d19fd1bc2e41": { "content": "margin-right: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "mr": true } }, "122b5e15-618e-381d-8ce3-2a9cd3cb4db8": { "content": "counter-increment ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "coi": true } }, "122bfbf6-e611-304e-aae3-001869d7a7c4": { "content": "border-radius: ${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "sass", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "bdrz": true } }, "122df0b4-9744-3033-8801-6df0ade24ab3": { "content": "#![doc(html_favicon_url = \"${1:https://example.com/favicon.ico}$0\")]", "doc": "This form of the doc attribute lets you control the favicon of your docs.\n\n* How to use: This style option must be added at the top of the src/lib.rs or main.rs file in your binary project.", "filetype": "rustdoc", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "html_favicon_url", "matches": { "#![doc(html_favicon_url)]": true } }, "1237934b-b942-3b1b-947d-c4e7445291d6": { "content": "while ${1:true} do\n ${2:TARGET}\ndone", "doc": "", "filetype": "ocaml", "grammar": "snu", "label": "while ... do; ... done", "matches": { "while": true } }, "12430e64-8dba-3c93-aa82-c8772c5e8f7f": { "content": "if (${1}) {\n\t${2}\n} {\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "supercollider", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ife": true } }, "1246c063-db61-33e0-87ed-e4570e7eeeaf": { "content": "*args, **kwargs${1:,}${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "python", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "akw": true } }, "1246d3ae-302c-323c-b4b0-996a986673c5": { "content": "const { ${1:first} } = this.state", "doc": "Creates and assigns a local variable using state destructing", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "destructState", "matches": { "cs": true } }, "124fccd9-9826-3f6f-94ff-a549a65ecf70": { "content": "test('should ${1:first}', async () => { ${2:second} })", "doc": "Testing `asynchronous test` block", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "testAsyncBlock", "matches": { "testa": true } }, "1255564f-1606-3594-b748-b9fd30ba6ce8": { "content": "###### ${0}", "doc": "Add header level 6", "filetype": "markdown", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "header 6", "matches": { "h6": true } }, "12594316-4c9c-30d0-9ad7-2f4573a4d062": { "content": "Blade::renderComponent(new ${1:HelloComponent}(${2:\\$params}));", "doc": "Render a given class component by passing the component instance to the method (Laravel 9.x)", "filetype": "blade", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "Blade-renderComponent", "matches": { "Blade::renderComponent": true } }, "125e0a57-cd3c-3f91-8741-a975066d1183": { "content": "safe(${1:'${2: markup}'})", "doc": "Render HTML markup without escaping it", "filetype": "edge", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "edge: safe", "matches": { "safe": true } }, "12642bbc-b3ed-3cca-9fe0-da53de14d8f2": { "content": "color: #${1:000};${0}", "doc": "", "filetype": "css", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "c": true } }, "12651c72-8aac-3d7e-9bff-383f444b6d12": { "content": "${1:expression} while ${2:condition};", "doc": "", "filetype": "perl", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Loop one-line (xwhile)", "matches": { "xwhile": true } }, "1266405f-37a5-3d35-9397-1e800a86f04f": { "content": "if $${1:variable} {\n\t${2}\n} else {\n\t${0}\n}", "doc": "", "filetype": "puppet", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ife": true } }, "1269e64e-01af-3d7a-a0c8-82cb66fc0546": { "content": "clear none", "doc": "", "filetype": "stylus", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "cl:n": true } }, "126f5cd8-3f2e-387d-bf39-4dac8e8264d5": { "content": "PropTypes.bool.isRequired,", "doc": "Bool prop type required", "filetype": "prop-types", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "prop-type-bool-required", "matches": { "prop-types bool required": true, "ptbr": true } }, "1274f1c3-79d3-3ecf-a8af-177cfcc0d72c": { "content": "private string ${1} { get; set; }", "doc": "", "filetype": "cs", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "ps-": true } }, "12769a6d-a259-3911-b21d-da82c493aa94": { "content": "it.each([${1:[1, 2], [2, 4]}])(\n\t'${2:double(%d)}',\n\t(${3:input, expected}) => {\n\t\t${0:expect(double(input)).toBe(expected);}\n\t}\n);", "doc": "creates an it block with different test data sets", "filetype": "jest", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "jest-it-each", "matches": { "ite": true, "jest it each": true } }, "1277d399-aa98-3ee3-80e5-0496c27e4ecc": { "content": "\\begin{note}\n\t${1:TARGET}\n\\end{note}", "doc": "", "filetype": "tex", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "\\begin{note} \\note": true, "note": true } }, "1278124e-c567-34c9-adb8-0c5025f0decd": { "content": "enum ${1:Name} {${2:item1}, ${3:item2} }", "doc": "", "filetype": "solidity", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "enum declaration", "matches": { "enum": true } }, "127f6e6f-eebf-3105-b00f-600d4c4b10e4": { "content": "#if ${1}\n${0}\n#endif", "doc": "", "filetype": "c", "grammar": "snu", "label": "", "matches": { "#if": true } }, "128299ce-36db-38a5-8334-9b3d392bc5ae": { "content": "console.time('${1:first}')", "doc": "Console time wrapper", "filetype": "react-es7", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "consoleTime", "matches": { "ctm": true } }, "1282fd3f-8617-37a2-a2c4-af1ab3d2ebac": { "content": "date format ${1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}", "doc": "\"date format\" invocation", "filetype": "nushell", "grammar": "lsp", "label": "date format builtin", "matches": { "date-format": true } }, "12852ed9-eba8-3f96-8eaa-dc6e2ef0c253": { "content": "", "doc": "", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Scaffold ", "doc": "", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Scaffold ", "doc": "", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Scaffold ", "doc": "", "filetype": "vue", "grammar": "snu", "label": "Scaffold