#NEXUS [ File output by Morphobank v3.0 (http://www.morphobank.org); 2019-10-03 11.57.14 ] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=76; TAXLABELS 'Yilingia spiciformis' 'Namacalathus' 'Novocrania' 'Lingula' 'Pelagodiscus atlanticus' 'Terebratulina' 'Phoronis' 'Flustra' 'Amathia' 'Loxosomella' 'Canadia spinosa' 'Serpula' 'Capitella' 'Sipunculus' 'Wirenia' 'Chaetoderma' 'Acaenoplax hayae' 'Kulindroplax perissokomos' 'Phthipodochiton thraivensis' 'Calvapilosa kroegeri' 'Glaphurochiton carbonarius' 'Polysacos vickersianum' 'Mopalia' 'Tonicella' 'Leptochiton' 'Neopilina' 'Conocardium elongatum' 'Dentalium' 'Pojetaia runnegari' 'Mytilus' 'Pelagiella' 'Haliotis' 'Odontogriphus omalus' 'Wiwaxia corrugata' 'Siphogonuchites multa' 'Orthrozanclus' 'Halkieria evangelista' 'Dailyatia' 'Acanthotretella spinosa' 'Alisina' 'Askepasma toddense' 'Micromitra' 'Antigonambonites planus' 'Botsfordia' 'Clupeafumosus socialis' 'Coolinia pecten' 'Craniops' 'Eccentrotheca' 'Eoobolus' 'Gasconsia' 'Glyptoria' 'Heliomedusa orienta' 'Kutorgina chengjiangensis' 'Lingulosacculus' 'Lingulellotreta malongensis' 'Longtancunella chengjiangensis' 'Micrina' 'Mickwitzia muralensis' 'Mummpikia nuda' 'Nisusia sulcata' 'Orthis' 'Paterimitra' 'Salanygolina' 'Siphonobolus priscus' 'Tomteluva perturbata' 'Ussunia' 'Yuganotheca elegans' 'Bactrotheca' 'Conotheca' 'Cotyledion tylodes' 'Cupitheca holocyclata' 'Haplophrentis carinatus' 'Maxilites' 'Paramicrocornus' 'Pauxillites' 'Pedunculotheca diania' ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=354; FORMAT DATATYPE=STANDARD MISSING=? GAP=- SYMBOLS="0123456"; CHARLABELS [1] 'Brephic shell: Embryonic shell' [2] 'Brephic shell: Morphology' [3] 'Brephic shell: Embryonic shell extended in larvae' [4] 'Brephic shell: Surface ornament' [5] 'Brephic shell: Larval attachment structure' [6] 'Brephic shell: Setulose' [7] 'Brephic shell: Setal sacs' [8] 'Brephic shell: Setal sacs: Number' [9] 'Larval setae: Paired bundles' [10] 'Adult setae' [11] 'Adult setae: Secretion' [12] 'Adult setae: Secretion: Microvillar diameter' [13] 'Adult setae: Secretion: Microvillar canal aspect' [14] 'Adult setae: Composition: Organic constituent' [15] 'Adult setae: Composition: Enamel' [16] 'Adult setae: Composition: Mineralized core' [17] 'Adult setae: Distribution' [18] 'Adult setae: Distribution: Present on anteriormost segment' [19] 'Adult setae: Internal constitution' [20] 'Adult setae: Distinct shaft' [21] 'Adult setae: Hooks' [22] 'Adult setae: Capitium' [23] 'Adult setae: Projecting knobs' [24] 'Adult setae: Circling coronae' [25] 'Body organization: Serial repetition' [26] 'Body organization: Annulae' [27] 'Body organization: Subdivided head' [28] 'Body organization: Pedal groove' [29] 'Body organization: Pedal groove: Foot' [30] 'Body organization: Coelom' [31] 'Body organization: Coelomoducts: Number' [32] 'Body organization: Gills' [33] 'Body organization: Gills: Ctenidia' [34] 'Body organization: Circulatory system' [35] 'Pedicle: Presence' [36] 'Pedicle: Constitution' [37] 'Pedicle: Biomineralization' [38] 'Pedicle: Bulb' [39] 'Pedicle: Distal rootlets' [40] 'Pedicle: Tapering' [41] 'Pedicle: Coelomic region' [42] 'Pedicle: Surface ornament' [43] 'Pedicle: Nerve impression' [44] 'Mantle cavity: Presence' [45] 'Mantle cavity: Reduced' [46] 'Mantle cavity: Open face' [47] 'Mantle cavity: Sac opening' [48] 'Mantle cavity: Pallial line' [49] 'Mantle canals: Presence' [50] 'Mantle canals: Morphology' [51] 'Mantle canals: vascula lateralia' [52] 'Mantle canals: vascula media' [53] 'Mantle canals: vascula terminalia' [54] 'Perioral apparatus: Presence' [55] 'Perioral apparatus: Origin' [56] 'Perioral apparatus: Forms closed loop' [57] 'Perioral apparatus: Musculature' [58] 'Perioral apparatus: Coiling direction' [59] 'Perioral apparatus: Adjustor muscle' [60] 'Perioral apparatus: Innervation' [61] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentaculate' [62] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Disposition' [63] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Rows per side in trocholophe stage' [64] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Rows per side in post-trocholophe stage' [65] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Median tentacle in early development' [66] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Site of addition' [67] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Inner nerve ring' [68] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Outer nerve ring' [69] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Vascular system' [70] 'Perioral apparatus: Tentacles: Filter system' [71] 'Radula' [72] 'Radula: Extent' [73] 'Radula: Subradular membrane' [74] 'Radula: Alary processes' [75] 'Radula: Bolster vesicles' [76] 'Radula: Subradular organ' [77] 'Radula: Teeth: Heterodonty' [78] 'Radula: Teeth: Bending plane' [79] 'Radula: Teeth: More teeth per row in larger individuals' [80] 'Radula: Teeth: Lateral tooth base' [81] 'Radula: Teeth: Lateral tooth head' [82] 'Radula: Teeth: Apatite' [83] 'Radula: Teeth: Magnetite' [84] 'Digestive tract: Prominent pharynx' [85] 'Digestive tract: Buccal organ: Eversible' [86] 'Digestive tract: Buccal organ: Papillae' [87] 'Digestive tract: Salivary glands' [88] 'Digestive tract: Oesophageal folds' [89] 'Digestive tract: Oral sphincter' [90] 'Digestive tract: Oral sphincter: Reduced' [91] 'Digestive tract: Paired pharyngeal diverticulae' [92] 'Digestive tract: Foregut: Locomotory cilia' [93] 'Digestive tract: Midgut: Subdivisions' [94] 'Digestive tract: Midgut: Glands' [95] 'Digestive tract: Anus: Presence' [96] 'Digestive tract: Anus: Location' [97] 'Digestive tract: Anus: Migration: Within ring of tentacles' [98] 'Digestive tract: Anus: Migration: Position' [99] 'Sclerites: Present in adult (excluding setae)' [100] 'Sclerites: Periodically shed and replaced' [101] 'Sclerites: Prominent major valves' [102] 'Sclerites: Accessory sclerites: Reduced' [103] 'Sclerites: Accessory sclerites: Arrangement' [104] 'Sclerites: Accessory sclerites: Symmetry' [105] 'Sclerites: Prominent major valves: Side slope shape' [106] 'Sclerites: Prominent major valves: Additional major valves' [107] 'Sclerites: Prominent major valves: Additional valves: Nature' [108] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Serially repeated' [109] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Number' [110] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Apophyses' [111] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Jugal ridges' [112] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Insertion plates' [113] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Insertion plates: Slit' [114] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Insertion plates: Slit: Nature' [115] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Insertion plates: Pectinate' [116] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Differentiated intermediate shell fields' [117] 'Sclerites: Posterior valves: Laterally divided shell fields' [118] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Hinge line shape' [119] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Enclosing filtration chamber' [120] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Commissure: Exact correspondence of valve margins' [121] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Commissure: Sulcate' [122] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Commissure: Circular' [123] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Commissure: Lateral margins' [124] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Apophyses' [125] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Apophyses: Morphology' [126] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Apophyses: Dental plates' [127] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Sockets' [128] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Socket ridges' [129] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Ventral ' [130] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Ventral: Position' [131] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Adjustor' [132] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Dorsal adductors' [133] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Adductors: Position' [134] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Dermal muscles' [135] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Unpaired median (levator ani)' [136] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Dorsal diductor' [137] 'Sclerites: Bivalved: Muscle scars: Dorsal diductor: Position' [138] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Coiling direction' [139] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Growth direction' [140] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Aspect' [141] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Anterior projection' [142] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Anterior projection: Angle' [143] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Posterior projection' [144] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Rostrum' [145] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Ligament' [146] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Posterior surface: Differentiated' [147] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Differentiated posterior surface: Morphology' [148] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Posterior surface: Medial groove' [149] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Posterior surface: Notothyrium' [150] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Posterior surface: Notothyrium: Shape' [151] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Posterior surface: Notothyrium: Chilidial plates' [152] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Notothyrial platform' [153] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Medial septum' [154] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Cardinal shield' [155] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Cardinal processes' [156] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Cardinal teeth' [157] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Clavicles' [158] 'Sclerites: Dorsal valve: Clavicles: Type of clavicles' [159] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Growth direction' [160] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Relative size' [161] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Ligula' [162] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Differentiated' [163] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Growth direction' [164] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Planar' [165] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Extent' [166] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium' [167] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Shape' [168] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Shape: Aspect of rounded opening' [169] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Cover' [170] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Cover: Extent' [171] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Cover: Identity' [172] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Pseudodeltidium: Shape' [173] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Posterior surface: Delthyrium: Pseudodeltidium: Hinge furrows' [174] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Umbonal perforation' [175] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Umbonal perforation: Shape' [176] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Colleplax, cicatrix or pedicle sheath' [177] 'Sclerites: Ventral valve: Median septum' [178] 'Sclerites: Ornament: Concentric ornament' [179] 'Sclerites: Ornament: Concentric ornament: Symmetry' [180] 'Sclerites: Ornament: Radial ornament' [181] 'Sclerites: Ornament: Shell-penetrating spines' [182] 'Sclerites: Composition: Mineralogy' [183] 'Sclerites: Composition: Carbonate nucleation site' [184] 'Sclerites: Composition: Cuticle or organic matrix' [185] 'Sclerites: Composition: Incorporation of sedimentary particles' [186] 'Sclerites: Composition: Microstructure: Number of distinct layers' [187] 'Sclerites: Composition: Microstructure: Format' [188] 'Sclerites: Structure: Stratiform lamellae expressed at surface' [189] 'Sclerites: Structure: Stratiform laminae separated' [190] 'Sclerites: Structure: Stratiform laminae with polygonal ornament' [191] 'Sclerites: Structure: Canals' [192] 'Sclerites: Structure: Punctae' [193] 'Sclerites: Structure: Pseudopunctae' [194] 'Sclerites: Structure: External polygonal ornament' [195] 'Sclerites: Structure: Aesthete canals' [196] 'Sclerites: Structure: Aesthete canals: Orientation' [197] 'Sclerites: Structure: Aesthete canals: Size variation' [198] 'Sclerites: Structure: Aesthete canals: Megalaesthete bulbs' [199] 'Sclerites: Structure: Subapical tunnels' [200] 'Sclerites: Structure: Articulamentum' [201] 'Gametes: Gonocoel' [202] 'Gametes: Gonad position' [203] 'Gametes: Ovary wall saccular' [204] 'Gametes: Testis wall saccular' [205] 'Gametes: Asexual reproduction' [206] 'Gametes: Sexes' [207] 'Gametes: Fertilization' [208] 'Gametes: Egg: Size' [209] 'Gametes: Egg: Protective membrane' [210] 'Gametes: Egg: Site of maturation' [211] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Nucleus: Aspect' [212] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Nucleus: Shape' [213] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Nucleus: Nuclear filament' [214] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Anterior nuclear fossa' [215] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Acrosome' [216] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Acrosome: Shape' [217] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Acrosome: Differentiated internally' [218] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Acrosome: Subacrosomal basal plate' [219] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Acrosome: Subacrosomal basal plate: Basal granule' [220] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Mid-piece' [221] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Mid-piece: Mitochondrial location' [222] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Centrioles: Orientation' [223] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Centrioles: Fusion' [224] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Satellite fibre complex' [225] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Mitochondria: Shape' [226] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Mitochondria: Cristae: Configuration' [227] 'Gametes: Spermatozoa: Mitochondria: Midpiece' [228] 'Embryo: Micromere size' [229] 'Embryo: Cleavage: Equal' [230] 'Embryo: Cleavage: Cross pattern' [231] 'Embryo: Cleavage: Polar lobe formation' [232] 'Embryo: Cleavage: Spiral' [233] 'Embryo: Origin of mesoderm' [234] 'Larva: Apical organ: Muscles extending to the hyposphere' [235] 'Larva: Apical organ: Serotonergic cells' [236] 'Larva: Apical organ: Develops into adult brain' [237] 'Larva: Brain persists into adulthood' [238] 'Larva: Origin of body cavity' [239] 'Larva: Formation of coelomoducts' [240] 'Larva: Retractor muscles' [241] 'Larva: Velum muscle ring' [242] 'Larva: Enrolling muscle' [243] 'Muscles: Enrolling muscle' [244] 'Larva: Rectus muscle' [245] 'Muscles: Rectus muscle' [246] 'Larva: Ventrolateral muscle' [247] 'Larva: Ventromedian muscle' [248] 'Larva: Dorsoventral muscles' [249] 'Muscles: Dorsoventral muscles: Medioventral intercrossing' [250] 'Larva: Foot' [251] 'Larva: Foot: Pedal gland' [252] 'Larva: Foot: Pedal gland: Retained to adulthood' [253] 'Larva: Coelom: Paired' [254] 'Larva: Coelom: Paried: Includes pericardium' [255] 'Larva: Feeding' [256] 'Larva: Cilia: Metatroch' [257] 'Larva: Cilia: Telotroch' [258] 'Larva: Cilia: Ciliated food groove' [259] 'Larva: Cilia: Ciliary bands: Downstream' [260] 'Larva: Cilia: Ciliary bands: Upstream' [261] 'Larva: Cilia: Adoral ciliary band' [262] 'Larva: Cilia: Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ' [263] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Accessory centriole' [264] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Aggregation of granules below basal plate' [265] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Basal foot: Radiating tubular fibres' [266] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Basal plate' [267] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Brush border of microvilli' [268] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Centriolar triplet derivative in basal body' [269] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Ciliary necklace with connecting strands' [270] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Monociliate epidermal cells' [271] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Compound cilia: Presence' [272] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Compound cilia: Origin' [273] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Glycocalyx ultrastructure' [274] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Microvilli on epidermal surface: Branched' [275] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Vertical ciliary rootlet: Length' [276] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Vertical ciliary rootlet: Shape' [277] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Secondary ciliary rootlet: Presence' [278] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Secondary ciliary rootlet: Length' [279] 'Ciliary ultrastructure: Secondary ciliary rootlet: Shape' [280] 'Nephridia: Podocytes' [281] 'Nephridia: Rhogocytes' [282] 'Nephridia: Serve as excretory organs' [283] 'Nephridia: Serially repeated' [284] 'Nephridia: Protonephridia' [285] 'Nephridia: Metanephridia' [286] 'Cuticle: Layers' [287] 'Cuticle: Composition' [288] 'Cuticle: Fibrous layer with thick fibrils' [289] 'Cuticle: Homogeneous layer' [290] 'Cuticle: Resilience' [291] 'Cuticle: Microvilli' [292] 'Muscles: Longitudinal muscle bands' [293] 'Muscles: Circular muscles' [294] 'Muscles: Hydrostatic muscular system' [295] 'Muscles: Exposed visceral sac with transverse musculature' [296] 'Muscles: Cephalic retractors' [297] 'Muscles: Cytology' [298] 'Muscles: Histology' [299] 'Nervous system: Orthogonal' [300] 'Nervous system: Glial system' [301] 'Nervous system: Dorso-terminal sense organ' [302] 'Nervous system: Statocysts' [303] 'Nervous system: Nuchal organs' [304] 'Nervous system: Buccal nerve ring' [305] 'Nervous system: Anterior nerve loop' [306] 'Nervous system: Suprarectal commissure' [307] 'Nervous system: Suprarectal commissure: Ganglionated' [308] 'Nervous system: Formation of ganglia' [309] 'Nervous system: Cerebral ganglia: Presence' [310] 'Nervous system: Cerebral gangila: Fused' [311] 'Nervous system: Cerebral ganglia: Transverse commissures' [312] 'Nervous system: Cerebral ganglia: Transverse commissures: Number' [313] 'Nervous system: Serially repeated ganglia' [314] 'Nervous system: Serially repeated segmental nerves' [315] 'Nervous system: Nerve cords' [316] 'Nervous system: Nerve cords: Medulla' [317] 'Nervous system: Ventral longitudinal nerves' [318] 'Nervous system: Ventral cord location' [319] 'Nervous system: Ventral cord commissures' [320] 'MicroRNA: Brachiopod candidate 1' [321] 'MicroRNA: mir-36' [322] 'MicroRNA: mir-76' [323] 'MicroRNA: mir-124' [324] 'MicroRNA: mir-190' [325] 'MicroRNA: mir-219' [326] 'MicroRNA: mir-242' [327] 'MicroRNA: mir-278' [328] 'MicroRNA: mir-1984' [329] 'MicroRNA: mir-1985' [330] 'MicroRNA: mir-1986' [331] 'MicroRNA: mir-1987' [332] 'MicroRNA: mir-1988' [333] 'MicroRNA: mir-1989' [334] 'MicroRNA: mir-1990' [335] 'MicroRNA: mir-1991' [336] 'MicroRNA: mir-1994' [337] 'MicroRNA: mir-1995' [338] 'MicroRNA: mir-1996' [339] 'MicroRNA: mir-1997' [340] 'MicroRNA: mir-1998' [341] 'MicroRNA: mir-1999' [342] 'MicroRNA: mir-2000' [343] 'MicroRNA: mir-2001' [344] 'MicroRNA: mir-2685' [345] 'MicroRNA: mir-2686' [346] 'MicroRNA: mir-2687' [347] 'MicroRNA: mir-2688' [348] 'MicroRNA: mir-2689' [349] 'MicroRNA: mir-2690' [350] 'MicroRNA: mir-2691' [351] 'MicroRNA: mir-2693' [352] 'MicroRNA: mir-2693' [353] 'MicroRNA: mir-2722' [354] 'MicroRNA: mir-5045' ; STATELABELS 1 'Absent' 'Present' , 2 '[Transformational character]' 'Flat, disc-like (cf. Micrina)' 'Three prominent lobes forming a Y (cf. Paterimitra)' 'Spherical' 'High, conical' 'Fusiform' , 3 '[Transformational character]' 'Not extended; embryonic shell contiguous with adult shell' 'Extended into larval shell, separated from adult shell by prominent nick' , 4 '[Transformational character]' 'Smooth' 'Rounded pits' 'Polygonal impressions' 'Pustulose' , 5 '[Transformational character]' 'Without evidence of pedicle' 'With evidence of pedicle' , 6 'No evidence of setae in embryonic shell' 'Setae present' , 7 'Absent' 'Present' , 8 '[Transformational character]' 'One pair' 'Two pairs' 'Three pairs' , 9 'Absent' 'Present' , 10 'Absent' 'Present' , 11 '[Transformational character]' 'By basal microvilli' 'Epicuticular' , 12 '[Transformational character]' 'Uniform' 'Decreasing towards seta margin' , 13 '[Transformational character]' 'Round' 'Polygonal; close-packed' , 14 '[Transformational character]' 'Chitin' 'Horny protein' , 15 'Absent' 'Present' , 16 'Absent' 'Present' , 17 '[Transformational character]' 'Uniform ' 'Only present at margins of shell' 'In bundles, repeated on each metamere if serial repetition present' 'In digestive tract' , 18 '[Transformational character]' 'Chaetae present on prostomium' 'Prostomium and peristomium lack chaetae' , 19 '[Transformational character]' 'Solid, blade-like' 'Basal invagination' , 20 'Absent' 'Present' , 21 'Absent' 'Present' , 22 'Absent' 'Present' , 23 'Absent' 'Individual peripheral projections present' , 24 'Absent' 'Present' , 25 'Absent' 'Present' , 26 'Absent' 'Prominent annulation of epidermis' , 27 'Undivided' 'Comprising prostomium and peristomium' , 28 'Absent' 'Present' , 29 'Absent' 'Present' , 30 'Absent: adults acoelomate' 'Present: true coelomic cavities differentiated' , 31 '[Transformational character]' 'Single' 'Multiple' , 32 'Absent' 'Present' , 33 '[Transformational character]' 'Gills without filaments or leaflets' 'Ctenidia: possessing filaments or leaflets' , 34 '[Transformational character]' 'Epithelially lined' 'Poorly defined, involving sinuses and lacunae' 'Closed circulatory system' 'Blood within mesenteria of coelomic cavities' , 35 'Absent' 'Present' , 36 '[Transformational character]' 'Massive or uniform' 'Densely stacked tabular discs' , 37 '[Transformational character]' 'Absent' 'Present' , 38 'Absent' 'Present' , 39 'Absent' 'Present' , 40 '[Transformational character]' 'Uniform thickness' 'Tapering' , 41 '[Transformational character]' 'Absent' 'Present' , 42 '[Transformational character]' 'Smooth' 'Regular annulations' 'Irregular wrinkles' , 43 'Absent' 'Present' , 44 'Absent' 'Present' , 45 'Not reduced' 'Reduction of mantle cavity' , 46 '[Transformational character]' 'Open face' 'Blind sac' , 47 '[Transformational character]' 'Posteriad' 'Posteroventrally' 'Ventrally' , 48 'Absent' 'Present' , 49 'Absent' 'Present' , 50 '[Transformational character]' 'Pinnate (=lemniscate)' 'Bifurcate' 'Baculate' 'Saccate' , 51 'Absent' 'Present' , 52 'Absent' 'Present (in dorsal valve)' , 53 '[Transformational character]' 'Exclusively marginal (peripheral)' 'Directed peripherally and (intero)medially' , 54 'Absent' 'Present' , 55 '[Transformational character]' 'Prostomium (i.e. anterior of larval prototroch)' 'Second pair of coelomic sacs, at metamorphosis' 'Mid-trunk, prior to metamorphosis' , 56 '[Transformational character]' 'Diverging laterally' 'Closed loop' , 57 '[Transformational character]' 'Outer main tentacle muscle; two pairs of inner longitudinal muscles' 'Peripheral muscle fibres' 'Core of longitudinal muscle fibres surrounded by circular muscles' , 58 '[Transformational character]' 'Anteriad' 'Posteriad' , 59 'Absent' 'Present' , 60 '[Transformational character]' 'Extensions of a circumoral nerve ring' 'Nerve rings within the tentacle ring itself' , 61 '[Transformational character]' 'Lacking subsidiary tentacles' 'Tentaculate' , 62 '[Transformational character]' 'Single side' 'Both sides' , 63 'No additional ablabial row' 'Adlabial and ablabial row' , 64 'No additional ablabial row' 'Adlabial and ablabial row' , 65 'Absent' 'Present' , 66 '[Transformational character]' 'At two points located behind the mouth' 'At the tip of each lophophore arm' , 67 'Not reduced (whether present or absent due to absence of lophophore nerve rings)' 'Reduced, weakly developed or absent in adults' , 68 'Not reduced (whether present or absent due to absence of lophophore nerve rings)' 'Reduced, weakly developed or absent in adults' , 69 '[Transformational character]' 'Absent' 'Present' , 70 '[Transformational character]' 'Upstream' 'Downstream' , 71 'Absent' 'Present' , 72 '[Transformational character]' 'Single row of teeth' 'Restricted: two to three tooth rows' 'Extensive: myriad tooth rows' , 73 'Absent' 'Present' , 74 'Absent' 'Present' , 75 'Absent' 'Present' , 76 'Absent' 'Present' , 77 '[Transformational character]' 'Homodont: lateral teeth have identical morphology, size differences notwithstanding' 'Heterodont: lateral teeth with different morphologies' , 78 '[Transformational character]' 'Stereoglossate' 'Flexoglossate' , 79 '[Transformational character]' 'Ontogenetic increase in tooth number' 'Number of teeth per row fixed throughout ontogeny' , 80 'Absent' 'Present' , 81 'Scarcely differentiated' 'Prominently differentiated' , 82 'Absent' 'Present' , 83 'Absent' 'Present' , 84 'Absent' 'Present' , 85 '[Transformational character]' 'Permanently inverted' 'Eversible' , 86 'Absent' 'Present' , 87 'Absent' 'Present' , 88 'Absent' 'Present' , 89 'Absent' 'Present' , 90 'Not reduced' 'Secondarily reduced' , 91 'Absent' 'Present' , 92 'Absent' 'Present' , 93 'Not subdivided' 'Functional subdivisions' , 94 'Absent' 'Present' , 95 'Anus present: through-gut' 'Anus lost: digestive tract is blind sac' , 96 '[Transformational character]' 'Straight gut with [dorso] posterior anus' 'Anus opening to rear of pedal sole, causing slight U-shape to gut' 'Anus migrated posteriad to create U-shaped gut' , 97 '[Transformational character]' 'Not within ring of tentacles' 'Anterior - within ring of feeding tentacles' , 98 '[Transformational character]' 'Left' 'Right' 'Dorsally' 'Ventrally' , 99 'Absent' 'Present' , 100 '[Transformational character]' 'Retained ' 'Periodically shed and replaced' , 101 'Scleritomous: without differentiated dorsal valve' 'Scleritome dominated by prominent dorsal valve (and, optionally, accompanying ventral or posterior valves)' , 102 '[Transformational character]' 'Accessory sclerites not reduced' 'Accessory sclerites absent: primary valves only' , 103 'Single field' 'Peripheral and medial fields with distinct sclerite arrangements' , 104 'Dextral and sinistral forms absent' 'Occuring in dextral and sinistral forms' , 105 '[Transformational character]' 'Straight' 'Convex' , 106 'Absent' 'Present' , 107 '[Transformational character]' 'Prominent ventral valve' 'One or more valves posterior to ''head plate''' , 108 '[Transformational series]' 'Single valve' 'Serially repeated valves' , 109 '[Transformational character]' 'Six (including tail valve)' 'Seven' , 110 'Absent' 'Present' , 111 'Absent' 'Present' , 112 'Absent' 'Present' , 113 'Absent' 'Present' , 114 '[Transformational character]' 'Cluster of small slits' 'Single slit' , 115 '[Transformational character]' 'Not pectinate' 'Pectinate' , 116 '[Transformational character]' 'Intermediate shell fields homonomous' 'Intermediate shell fields distinct from one another' , 117 '[Transformational series]' 'Undifferentiated: Each shell field comprises a single plate' 'Differentiated into multiple plates' , 118 '[Transformational character]' 'Astrophic' 'Strophic' , 119 'No filtration chamber, or open chamber' 'Shells close to form enclosed filtration chamber' , 120 'Margins of different shape or size' 'Margins align exactly when valves closed' , 121 '[Transformational character]' 'Rectimarginate' 'Uniplicate' 'Sulcate' , 122 '[Transformational character]' 'Continuous round outline with no corners (save at the hinge)' 'Lateral margins linear' , 123 '[Transformational character]' 'Subparallel' 'Diverging' 'Initially diverging, becoming subparallel' , 124 'Absent' 'Present' , 125 '[Transformational character]' 'Deltidiodont' 'Cyrtomatodont' 'Pseudodont' , 126 'Absent' 'Present' , 127 'Absent' 'Present' , 128 'Absent' 'Present' , 129 'Absent' 'Present' , 130 '[Transformational character]' 'Posterolateral and medial attachments' 'Medial attachments only' , 131 'Absent' 'Present' , 132 '[Transformational character]' 'Dispersed' 'Radially arranged' 'Quadripartite' , 133 '[Transformational character]' 'Oblique' 'At high angle' , 134 'Absent or weakly developed' 'Strongly developed' , 135 'Absent' 'Present' , 136 'Absent' 'Present' , 137 '[Transformational character]' 'Close to commissural plane' 'Oblique to commissural plane' 'At high angle to commissural plane' , 138 '[Transformational character]' 'Endogastric (towards posterior)' 'Exogastric (towards anterior)' , 139 '[Transformational character]' 'Holoperipheral' 'Mixoperipheral' 'Hemiperipheral' , 140 '[Transformational character]' 'Elongate: longer than wide' 'Equant: length ~ width' 'Transverse: wider than long' , 141 'Absent' 'Present' , 142 '[Transformational character]' 'Less than 15 degrees' 'Greater than 45 degrees' , 143 'Absent' 'Present' , 144 'Absent' 'Present' , 145 'Absent' 'Present' , 146 'Posterior face of dorsal valve not differentiated' 'Posterior face of dorsal valve forms distinct cardinal area or pseudointerarea' , 147 'Convex lateral profile' 'Planar lateral profile' 'Concave lateral profile' , 148 'Absent' 'Present' , 149 'Absent' 'Present' , 150 '[Transformational character]' 'Parallel-sided cleft' 'Triangular' , 151 '[Transformational character]' 'Open' 'Covered by chilidial plates' , 152 'Absent' 'Present' , 153 'Absent' 'Present' , 154 'Absent' 'Present' , 155 'Absent' 'Present' , 156 'Absent' 'Present' , 157 'Absent' 'Present' , 158 '[Transformational character]' 'Monoclavicle' 'Triclavicle' , 159 '[Transformational character]' 'Holoperipheral' 'Mixoperipheral' 'Hemiperipheral' , 160 '[Transformational character]' 'Ventral valve markedly larger than dorsal valve (ventribiconvex)' 'Equivalve (subequally biconvex)' 'Dorsal valve markedly larger than ventral valve (dorsibiconvex)' , 161 'Absent' 'Present' , 162 'Posterior surface of shell not differentiated' 'Posterior surface of shell forms distinct cardinal area or pseudointerarea' , 163 '[Transformational character]' 'Inward-growing' 'Outward-growing' , 164 'Curved lateral profile' 'Planar lateral profile' , 165 '[Transformational character]' 'Low: Wider than deep' 'High: Deeper than wide' , 166 'Absent' 'Present' , 167 '[Transformational character]' 'Parallel sided' 'Triangular' 'Round' , 168 '[Transformational character]' 'Elongate: oval to rhombic' 'Essentially circular' 'Wider than long' , 169 '[Transformational character]' 'Open' 'Covered, at least in part' , 170 '[Transformational character]' 'Covered only partially; partially open' 'Completely covered' , 171 '[Transformational character]' 'Pseudodeltidium' 'Deltidial plate(s)' 'Continuation of shell' , 172 '[Transformational character]' 'Concave' 'Convex' , 173 'Absent' 'Present' , 174 'Umbo imperforate (or ventral valve absent)' 'Umbonal perforation' , 175 '[Transformational character]' 'Circular (or subcircular)' 'Rhombic to oval' 'Arising through decollation' , 176 'Absent' 'Present' , 177 'Absent' 'Present' , 178 '[Transformational character]' 'Smooth, or growth lines only' 'Concentric ornament present' , 179 '[Transformational character]' 'Asymmetric fila, with outer faces' 'Symmetric fila' , 180 'Absent' 'Present' , 181 'Absent' 'Present' , 182 '[Transformational character]' 'Organic (non-mineralized)' 'Phosphatic' 'Calcitic' 'Aragonitic' , 183 '[Transformational character]' 'Endoepithelial' 'Exoepithelial' , 184 '[Transformational character]' 'GAGs, chitin and collagen' 'Glycoprotein' , 185 'Absent' 'Present' , 186 '[Transformational character]' 'Single microstructural layer' 'Two microstructurally differentiated layers' 'Inner and outer laminae enclosing medial void' 'Three microstrurally differentiated layers' , 187 '[Transformational character]' 'Laminated' 'Fibrous bundles' 'Nacreous / crossed lamellar' 'Spherulitic prisms' , 188 '[Transformational character]' 'Lamellae not expressed at surface' 'Lamellae correspond to external shell ornament' , 189 '[Transformational character]' 'Contiguous stratified layer' 'Laminae separated by organic layers or voids' , 190 '[Transformational character]' 'Absent' 'Present' , 191 'Absent' 'Present' , 192 'Absent' 'Present' , 193 'Absent' 'Present' , 194 'Absent' 'Present' , 195 'Absent' 'Present' , 196 '[Transformational character]' 'Predominantly perpendicular to valve surface' 'Predominantly parallel to valve surface' , 197 '[Transformational character]' 'Uniform' 'Heterogeneous' , 198 '[Transformational character]' 'Irregularly spaced' 'Linear arrangement with orderly spacing' , 199 'Absent' 'Present' , 200 'Absent' 'Present' , 201 'Absent' 'Retroperineal gonads' , 202 '[Transformational character]' 'Dorsal to gut' 'Ventral to gut' , 203 'Plain' 'Saccular' , 204 'Plain' 'Saccular' , 205 'Never exhibited' 'Frequently exhibited' , 206 '[Transformational character]' 'Gonochoristic' 'Hermaphroditic' , 207 '[Transformational character]' 'External' 'Internal' , 208 '[Transformational character]' 'Small: < 100 um, little yolk' 'Large: > 110 um, much yolk' , 209 'Absent' 'Present' , 210 '[Transformational character]' 'Body cavity' 'Mantle canals' 'Ovicell' 'Ovaries' , 211 'Equant: length comparable to width' 'Elongate: length more than twice width' , 212 '[Transformational character]' 'Convex (i.e. round)' 'Concave (i.e. with invagination)' , 213 'Absent' 'Present' , 214 'Absent' 'Present' , 215 'Absent' 'Present' , 216 '[Transformational character]' 'Pear-shaped' 'Needle-shaped' 'Disc-shaped' 'Conical' 'Vesicle, i.e. subspherical' , 217 'No internal differentiation' 'Acrosome differentiated internally' , 218 'Absent' 'Present' , 219 'Absent' 'Present' , 220 'Multiple mitochondria' 'Single ring-shaped mitochondrion' , 221 '[Transformational character]' 'In sheath around flagellum' 'In ring around centrioles' 'In ring around offset basal body' 'Lateral and anterior mitochondria' , 222 'Orthogonal' 'Parallel' , 223 'Discrete' 'Fused' , 224 'Annulus not associated with satellite fibres' 'Annulus associated with satellite fibres' , 225 '[Transformational character]' 'Spherical to subspherical' 'Rods' 'Elongate, sac-like' 'Fused spiral' , 226 'Unmodified' 'Arranged in parallel plates' , 227 '[Transformational character]' 'Extremely short' 'Long' 'Forms continuous sheath' , 228 '[Transformational character]' 'Similar to macromeres' 'Small relative to macromeres' , 229 '[Transformational character]' 'Unequal' 'Equal' , 230 'Absent' 'Cross, whether "molluscan" or "annelid"' , 231 '[Transformational character]' 'Absent' 'Present' , 232 '[Transformational character]' 'Absent' 'Present' , 233 '[Transformational character]' ' 4d cell, from the blastopore ridge, or as ectomesoderm' 'Archenteron' , 234 'Absent' 'Present' , 235 '[Transformational character]' 'Two flask-shaped cells' 'Four flask-shaped cells' 'Cluster of c. eight flask-shaped cells' 'Aggregation of multiple cells of multiple types' , 236 '[Transformational character]' 'Brain has other origin' 'Adult brain derived from larval apical organ / apical pole' , 237 '[Transformational character]' 'Brain lost' 'Brain retained to adulthood' , 238 '[Transformational character]' 'Mesenchyme' 'Coelom' , 239 '[Transformational character]' 'Outgrowth' 'Ingrowth' , 240 'Absent' 'Present' , 241 'Absent' 'Present' , 242 'Absent' 'Present' , 243 'Absent' 'Present' , 244 'Absent' 'Present' , 245 'Absent' 'Present' , 246 'Absent' 'Present' , 247 'Absent' 'Present' , 248 'Absent' 'Present' , 249 '[Transformational character]' 'Not intercrossing' 'Intercrossing' , 250 'Absent' 'Present' , 251 'Absent' 'Present' , 252 'Absent' 'Present' , 253 'Absent' 'Paired coelom originating from two teloblasts derived from 4d' , 254 'Paired coelom absent, or does not include pericardium' 'Paired coelom includes pericardium' , 255 '[Transformational character]' 'Lecithotrophic (or otherwise non-feeding)' 'Planktotrophic (or otherwise feeding)' , 256 'Absent' 'Present' , 257 'Absent' 'Present' , 258 'Absent' 'Present' , 259 'Absent' 'Present' , 260 'Absent' 'Present' , 261 'Absent' 'Present' , 262 'Absent' 'Present' , 263 'Absent' 'Present' , 264 'Absent' 'Present' , 265 'Absent' 'Present' , 266 '[Transformational character]' 'Thin' 'Thick / blurry' , 267 'Absent' 'Present' , 268 '[Transformational character]' '9 + 2 pattern' '9 + 3 pattern' , 269 'Absent' 'Present' , 270 'Absent' 'Present' , 271 'Absent' 'Present' , 272 '[Transformational character]' 'Several monociliate cells' 'On multiciliated cell' , 273 '[Transformational character]' 'Homogeneous' 'Layered' , 274 'Unbranched' 'Branched' , 275 '[Transformational character]' 'Short' 'Long' , 276 '[Transformational character]' 'Conical' 'Flat' , 277 'Absent' 'Present' , 278 '[Transformational character]' 'Short' 'Long' , 279 '[Transformational character]' 'Conical' 'Flat' , 280 'Absent' 'Present' , 281 'Absent' 'Present' , 282 'No' 'Yes' , 283 '[Transformational character]' 'Not repeated' 'Serially repeated' , 284 'Absent' 'Present' , 285 'Absent' 'Present' , 286 'Simple (i.e. glycocalyx)' 'Distinct epicuticle and endocuticle' , 287 '[Transformational character]' 'Chitinous' 'Collagen' , 288 'Absent' 'Present' , 289 'Absent' 'Present' , 290 '[Transformational character]' 'Labile' 'Robust' , 291 'Absent' 'Microvilli present in the cuticle' , 292 'Absent' 'Present' , 293 'Absent' 'Present' , 294 'Absent' 'Present' , 295 'Absent' 'Present' , 296 'Absent' 'Present' , 297 '[Transformational character]' 'Smooth' 'Obliquely striated' 'Smooth on abfrontal face; striated on frontal face' , 298 '[Transformational character]' 'Fibre-type' 'Epithelially organized' , 299 'Not orthogonal' 'Orthogonal' , 300 'Absent' 'Present' , 301 'Absent' 'Present' , 302 'Absent' 'Present' , 303 'Absent' 'Present' , 304 'Absent' 'Present' , 305 'Absent' 'Present' , 306 'Absent' 'Present' , 307 'Ganglia absent' 'Strongly ganglionated' , 308 '[Transformational character]' 'From cerebral region' 'In situ' 'Invagination of epithelium' , 309 'Absent' 'Present' , 310 '[Transformational character]' 'Pair of distinct ganglia' 'Single ganglion, or fused ganglia' , 311 'Absent' 'Present' , 312 '[Transformational character]' 'One' 'Two' 'Three' 'Four' , 313 'Absent' 'Present' , 314 'Absent' 'Present' , 315 '[Transformational character]' 'Ventral nerve cords only' 'Tetraneury: one pair of ventral and one pair of lateral nerve cords' , 316 '[Transformational character]' 'Not medullary' 'Medullary' , 317 'Separate' 'Paired or secondarily fused' , 318 '[Transformational character]' 'Subepidermal' 'Intraepidermal' , 319 '[Transformational character]' 'Not segmentally arranged' 'Segmentally arranged' , 320 'Absent' 'Present' , 321 'Absent' 'Present' , 322 'Absent' 'Present' , 323 'Absent' 'Present' , 324 'Absent' 'Present' , 325 'Absent' 'Present' , 326 'Absent' 'Present' , 327 'Absent' 'Present' , 328 'Absent' 'Present' , 329 'Absent' 'Present' , 330 'Absent' 'Present' , 331 'Absent' 'Present' , 332 'Absent' 'Present' , 333 'Absent' 'Present' , 334 'Absent' 'Present' , 335 'Absent' 'Present' , 336 'Absent' 'Present' , 337 'Absent' 'Present' , 338 'Absent' 'Present' , 339 'Absent' 'Present' , 340 'Absent' 'Present' , 341 'Absent' 'Present' , 342 'Absent' 'Present' , 343 'Absent' 'Present' , 344 'Absent' 'Present' , 345 'Absent' 'Present' , 346 'Absent' 'Present' , 347 'Absent' 'Present' , 348 'Absent' 'Present' , 349 'Absent' 'Present' , 350 'Absent' 'Present' , 351 'Absent' 'Present' , 352 'Absent' 'Present' , 353 'Absent' 'Present' , 354 'Absent' 'Present' ; MATRIX 'Yilingia spiciformis' ????????????????????????1???0?????0--00---0????0??????????????????????????????????????????????????11011120---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-?--0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-001-0?1???-----???0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Namacalathus' ?????????0----00-?-0??000??00?????0--00---0????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????010-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-?--0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--003??03111110000---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Novocrania' 0----11310----00---0000000000120-10--00---000--0111{0,1}1122211?210112????0-0000---00001-00100010001-3111200211--0000----21111-0-0001103101121130-0001000--010000-1300-010------00-0021003?202111101000---0012000112020201121??01000103120112021121?0????????000002000010010010?0111102212100?10102??101000?3101000000020-0-001?02-1?????????????????????????????????1 'Lingula' 1111210-111221102-10000100000120-111110221100--0121021?2210221111210??0-0000---00001-0010001000312111200211--0000----1111230-00011021100-1310-0001010--010000-32012010------00-001-002?102111(1,2)01000---00120001110102?1111??0?000?03120112041121?0????????000002000010010010?0111102212100?1010(1,2)01101000?3101010000020-0-001?02-1?????????????????????????????????1 'Pelagodiscus atlanticus' 11212113111221102?10??1000000120-111100121100--0121121?1211?211112????0-0000---00000??0?0001000323111200211--0000----11111-0-0001-031100-1120-0000000--000000-1300-01131----00-011-002?102111110000---0012??01?1?1???1111??0?0?0???120112??11???0????????00000?????????????????????????0???010(1,2)01?0??00?31110?0000020-0-001?0????????????????????????????????????? 'Terebratulina' 0----112111221102?10??1000000120-111111111000--011111122210222010210210-0000---00001??0?00010013-4111200211--0000----111(1,2)1-120111213200111210-0001100--000100-220121112-212-00-001-003?2022---01000---0012??0112?2???0130??1?1?0???120112?311???0????????00000210001??10010?0111102111?00??010(1,2)00?0??00?31110?0000020-0-001?0????????????????????????????????????? 'Phoronis' 0----00-00----00-?-0??0000000120-10--00---000--00-00-132220222000110210-0000---00000??0100010003130-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00--11-----00000---0002001221010??0120??0?0002?212012204112??1????????0000021010101100111010-1021111101?11021011??00?110100000002120-001?0??01101101000000000000000100000000000 'Flustra' 0----00-00----00---0000000000120-10--00---000--00-00-122?20221000101110-0000-?-00000??000001000314010-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---000?001222031201140??0111020211011114122??1????????0000010000011000111000-1021121000?00020110??00?2110000000031???001?0????????????????????????????????????? 'Amathia' 0----00-011121004?20??0000000120-10--00---000--00-00-1?2?20221000101110-0000---00000??000001000314010-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---000?001222031??1?40??0?11?20?1???1114122??1????????000001?000011000111000-1021121?????0?20110??00?2110000000031113001?0????????????????????????????????????? 'Loxosomella' 0----00-00----00---0000010001020-20--00---000--00-00-122120121000?00120-0000---00000??00000100022-010-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---00010012210?12?1040??13?0021222112113121-?1?1????1211100110110110001010?1211220--000?10111011??00?2(1,2)1000011001120-002?1????????????????????????????????????? 'Canadia spinosa' 0----00-?11??1?031100010100001?12?0--00---000--00-00-11-?-?11-?0?-????0-0000---0000120??????0?01--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-?--0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00---0-----00000---00??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1????1??????1?11????2??????????????????????????????????? 'Serpula' 0----00-11121110321?110011100120-30--00---000--00-00-112220122000?00220-0000---00000-00000010001--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---00121101111?0??0130??0?1?01012212211?2212?1??????111001011011011101211001210211111012111210211100?2211001110021114111?11???????????????????????????????????? 'Capitella' 0----00-111211003211111011100120-40--00---000--00-00-0----0---000-00--0-0000---00001210000010001--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---00121101221112001410011000302221?21?122???1????11111001??01010??????????????????????2????????1100???1?0011100?1111111??12?111111100010111111111111111111110? 'Sipunculus' 0----00-012--2?0--20000011100110-10--00---000--00-00-112220121000100120-0000---00001100000010003-30-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---001?110112110??1131??0??10111221221132222?1????????1001011000011011202101221211211011011210201100?2211001110021112001?111?000110000000100111100111000101000? 'Wirenia' 0----00-011???011?11??0010010111120--00---0112200-00-0----0---000-00--1300001--00000-00110?00002--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---001100022(1,2)14120?14111?1?0?4?311122????????111101112111???010????01120?10121121121?????????????100(0,1)??1?1001111?120-0022?????????????????????????????????????? 'Chaetoderma' 0----00-012--??11?10??0010000111220--00---0112100-00-0----0---000-00--111100---00000-00110?0110(1,2)--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000----0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-?-0-----00000---001100011?1?12001501002?0?1?1??????0?22??01????????100??1010111?01111?10122021112?????????????1000??1?1000111?120-0022????010000100000011100000010000000001? 'Acaenoplax hayae' ?????????1?????13?10??001??101?11?0--00---0112100-00-0----0---000-00??0-0000---00000??????????01--111200212220000--21100---0-0000-0--000-1120-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-001-004??0????????00---0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Kulindroplax perissokomos' ?????????1?????11?10??001??001?12?0--00---0112100-00-0----0---000-00??0-0000---00000??????????0(1,2)--111200212210000--11100---0-0000-0--000-1230-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-001-00(3,4)??0????????00---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Phthipodochiton thraivensis' ?????????1?????11??0???????10?????0--00---0??2200-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111200212220000--11100---0-0000-0--000-1230-0001200--000000---00-0-0------00-001-00(3,4)??0????????00---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Calvapilosa kroegeri' ?????????1?????11?20??00???11?????0--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00??13????2??????0??????????0(1,2)--11120020---0000----100---0-0000-0--000-1110-0001200--000000---00-0-0------00-002100(3,4)??0????????0121?00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Glaphurochiton carbonarius' ?????????1?????11??0??0?1?????????0--00---0????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111200212221000--21100---0-0000-0--000-12(2,3)0-0001200--000000---00-0-0------00-002100(3,4)??0????????0????01?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Polysacos vickersianum' ????????????????????????1?????????0--00---0????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111111212211110-222100---0-0000-0--000-1130-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-001-103??0????????0121201?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Mopalia' 0----00-011111001-11000010011111220--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00--13111122111110-01110?01102--1112002122211112111100---0-0000-0--000-1230-0001200--000000-110120112-223-00-001-0041?0?????00001221011100011?1?0110151100401?301????2???????01???1??121101??000????01120?10121121112???1????????11000??1?1001110?120-0022?11??????????????????????????????????? 'Tonicella' 0----00-011111001-10000010011111220--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00--13111122111110-011?0101102--1112002122210112121100---110000-0--000-1330-000110121000000-1(2,1)0120112-223-00-001-0041?043---0000121101110001121?1110151000401130122012113221101???1???211011100010110112021012112111211110011012011000111110011101120-002?111??????????????????????????????????? 'Leptochiton' 0----00-011112011-10000010011111220--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00--13111122111110-01110?01102--111200212221100--11100---0-0000-0--000-1230-0001200--000000-1(2,3)0120-0------00-00210041?04(3,4)---0000122201110?011?140100140110200?101????2???????011111111211011?000????01120?10121121112???1????????11000??1?1001110?120-0022?11??????????????????????????????????? 'Neopilina' 1321100-00----00---0000010011111220--00---0101-10-00-0----0---000-00--13111111210000-01010101102--11120020---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-2210-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00221041?02(3,4)---00000---00120001120402011400002001101?????????2?????1????1???1?1???????????????????????????121?????2?00000??1?0101100?120-0122011??????????????????????????????????? 'Conocardium elongatum' 1121100-0??????????????????11?????0--00---0101-10-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????11120020---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-211111001210--000000---00-0-0------00-0022104??02(3,4)---00000---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Dentalium' 0----00-00----00---0000000011111120--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00--13100112210000-00111101101--111200?0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-2-?111000010--000000---00-0-0------00-001-00-?-0-----00000---00110001120?12?0140??0?01110121022102221?0000000011111111010101101121210122121111111?001101100011111010101000211110021111??????????????????????????????????? 'Pojetaia runnegari' 1121100-00----00---000000?????????0--00---0????10-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????11120020---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-211121110010--000000---00-0-0------00-001-004??014---00000---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Mytilus' 1121100-00----00---0000000011111220--00---0101-10-00-0----0---000-00--0-1000---00000-00111?01101--11120020---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-211121110010--000000---00-0-0------00-001-0042204(3,4)---00000---0011110111041201141100200?101210221?22???11??????1?11111????10??01121?101220210--??????????????010??0?1101100?1111002?0110?????????????????????????????????0 'Pelagiella' 1421100-?1?????03-1000000?????????0--00---0????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????11120020---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-1210-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-001-104??04(1,2)--?00000---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Haliotis' 1321100-(0,1)0----00---0000000011111220--00---0102300-00-0----0---000-00--13110112210000-01110?01102--11120020---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-1(3,1)10-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-001-10422044---00000---0011000122(0,1)412001410001001101221221?422??11??????11111111000101?01120?1012(1,2)0210--???1????????00101??111101100?110-002?011?111111111101111100000010000000001? 'Odontogriphus omalus' ????????????????????????100111?12?0--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00??1211??12100000????????(0,1)101--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-?--0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00---0-----00000---00??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Wiwaxia corrugata' ?????????11111?031110000100111?1??0--00---0101-00-00-0----0---000-00??121???12100000????????{0,1}101--0-0-00-0---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-?--0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-00--00-??0-----00000---00????0?????????????????????????????????????1???????????????????????????????????????????????????0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Siphogonuchites multa' ?????????1?????11?20??00???????????????????????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111???2?????????????????????????????????1(1,2,3)0-0000000--000000-???????????????????1-004??0?????0000(0,1)(-,1)(-,2)(-,1)00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Orthrozanclus' ?????????0----00-?-0??000?????????0--00---0????00-00-?????????????????0-0???---0000???????????01--12111120---0000----100---0-0000-0--000-1120-0001100--000000---00-0-0------00-002?00(3,4)??0????????00---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Halkieria evangelista' ???????????????0????????0?????????0--00---0????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????1211112121-0000---1100---0-0000-0??00??1120-0000000--000000-22012110------00-0021004??012---00000---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Dailyatia' 0----00-??????????????????????????????????0????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????1?011120---0000-----00---0-0000-0--000-1--0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-0021002??01121100010---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Acanthotretella spinosa' 1????????1??????1?????????????????11110122??????1311?1?2?1????????????0-0000-?-0000???????????031?111200?????????????11111-0-0001{1,2}???1???12?0-0001010--0?0000-210121213-----00-0?1-01{1,2,3,4}??0-----?100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Alisina' 0----????1??????2?????????????????12(1,2)0?2120?????131111?2?1????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????2111221201112?32001112?0-000110111100000-220121112-22{1,2}10110021003??0?????0000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Askepasma toddense' 1123?112?1????????????????????????1???????0?????11111?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????211{1,2}210-00012?21?0{0,1}?12?0-0001100--100000-210121112-1---00-0022002??0312120000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Micromitra' 1124?112?1??????2?????????????????1?10????0?????14111?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????2111210-000110??0?{0,1}?12?0-0001100--{0,1}00000-210121112-221200-0121102??0311?10000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Antigonambonites planus' 11212112?1????????????????????????11200222????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????211121111111{1,2}02?0???12?0-000110122110100-220121{1,2}12-22121121121103??0411110010???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Botsfordia' 1122?111??????????????????????????????????1?????13112?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????1111220-00011021?00-12?0-0001010--010000-210110112-1---00-011-002??0211110000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Clupeafumosus socialis' 11222112?1????????????????????????????????0?????1111??????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11111-0-00011021100-1(3,1)?0-0001110--010000-{2,1}101212132----00{1,2}011-002??0211221000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Coolinia pecten' 11212112?1????????????????????????1???0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????211121111111{1,2}02?001213?0-000110122100100-220121112-2212111101-103??0211110010???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Craniops' 11211?????????????????????????????0--00---0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11111-0-00011031?1??11?0-0000000--000000-1200-010------00-1021003??0211110000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Eccentrotheca' ?????00-??????????????????????????????????0?????0-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????110100?????????????-00---0-0000-0--000-1-?0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-0021002??0112120000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Eoobolus' 11222112??????????????????????????1???????1?????13112??????????????????????????????1??????????????111200?????????????1111220-00011021?00-12?0-0001110--010000-2{2,3}0110112-211100-011-00(2,3)??0211110000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Gasconsia' ??????????????????????????????????0--00---0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????21111-0-(0,1)101{1,2}011001212?0-0000000--000000-2(2,1)0121112-221100-0121104??0211110000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Glyptoria' 0----?????????????????????????????11??????0?????11111?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????2112211100011121001312?0-000110121100000-220121112-1---00-001-103??022---0000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Heliomedusa orienta' 1????????1??????1?????????????????0--00---??????111111?1?2??21?1??????0-0000-?-00001??????????????111200?????????????11111-0-0001{1,2}?1?????11?0-0000000--010000-21012010------00-(0,1)02200{1,2}??0??????100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Kutorgina chengjiangensis' 0----????1??????2?????????????????12(1,2)001220????????????2?1????????????0-0000-?-0000???????????01-3111200?????????????{2,1}111211300011021001212?0-000110122000000-210121{1,2}1??221?11?001-103??022---0000??????????0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Lingulosacculus' 1??????????????????????????????0??1?????????????131121?2?1????????????0-0000-?-00001??????????0312111200?????????????11111-0-0001{1,2}???1?0-12?0-000???0--0?0000-2101??2132----0??0?1-00{1,4}??0-----?000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Lingulellotreta malongensis' 11112{0,1}{0,1}??1??????2??????????????0??111101221?????1311?1?2?1??21?0??????0-0000-?-00001??????????0312111200?????????????1111220-00011???100-12?0-0001010--010000-2101102131----00-011-002??0??????000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Longtancunella chengjiangensis' ?????????1??????2??????????????0??12100212??????11?1?1?1?1??2?????????0-0000-?-0000???????????0312111200?????????????211122???001{1,2}???????12?0-000????--?00000-2{2,1}01211????????11101-00???0??????000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Micrina' 11212111?1??????1?????????????????1?1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????100---110001{1,2}???????12?0-0001000--000000-210120212-211200-002(2,1)002??0212221100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Mickwitzia muralensis' 122?2112?1??????1?????????????????1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11111-0-0000-0--?00-11?0-0000000--000000-110120(1,2)1(2,3)3221200-0022102??0211111100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Mummpikia nuda' ??????????????????????????????????1???0?2?1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????1111220-0001????????12?0-000??????000000-220111111-1---00-011-003??01111(1,2)1000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Nisusia sulcata' 0----?????????????????????????????1110022(3,2)0?????11????????????????????????????????????????????0???111200?????????????2111211300011021001212?0-000110121000000-210121(1,2)12-2112111001-113??022---0000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Orthis' 0----?????????????????????????????11??????0?????14111?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????21111-111111-13?001112?0-000100121110100-220121112-1---00-001-103??022---0000??????????0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Paterimitra' 1223100-????????-???????0??00?????1?1??????????00-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111101211--0000----100---0-000?????????1130-0001100--000000-210120212-211200-0021002??02122200000---00?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Salanygolina' 12212112?1????????????????????????1???????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????2111210-0001{1,2}?2100??12?0-000110122(0,1)00000-210120{1,2}11-2112111102200{2,3}??0212220000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Siphonobolus priscus' 11211112?1??????1?????????????????1???????0?????1311??????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11111-0-00011???????12?0-0001{1,0}(0,1)0--010000-(2,1)1012{1,0}1132----00-11(1,2)-112?10211110100?????????????1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Tomteluva perturbata' 0----?????????????????????????????1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11121-0-0001{1,2}???????12?0-000100122000100-110120111-2222111{0,1}01-103??0?????0000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Ussunia' ??????????????????????????????????0--00---0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11111-0-0001{1,2}?1??11?12?0-0000000--000000-2200-010------00-001-004??0????????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Yuganotheca elegans' ?????????1??????2??????????????0??11210222??????111011?1?1??21?0??????0-0000-?-00001??????????031?111200??????????????11122??????????????1??0-000????--0?0000-1{2,1}0?201????????1?101-001??1----????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Bactrotheca' 1321100-0?????????????????????????0--00---0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????110---0-000?????????11?0-0001(1,0)00--000100-1100-020------0???01-004??0????????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Conotheca' 1321100-0?????????????????????????0--00---0?????????????????????????????????????????????????0?03?1111200?????????????110---0-0001????????11?0-0001(1,0)00--000100-1100-020------00-001-004??0????????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Cotyledion tylodes' ?????????0----0?-?-???000???{0,1}??0??{0,1}--00---??????0-00-1?2??0?21?0??????0-0000-?-00000????????0?032-1?0100?????????????-00---0-0000-0--000-1-?0-0000000--000000---00-0-0------00-002100(2,3,4)??0????????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Cupitheca holocyclata' 1121100-0?????????????????????-???0--00---0?????0-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?????????????11(1,0)(-,1)(-,1)-0-00??????????11?0-0001000--001?00-1100-0-0------0130022004??022---1000??????????0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Haplophrentis carinatus' 1321100-00----0?-?-???000???01?0??0--00---???????????1?1?2??21?0??????0-0000-?-00001????????0?0312111200?11--0000----1111220-0001?0(1,2)?????11?0-0001100--001101111112120------00-0022004??0????????0??????????0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Maxilites' ??????????????????????????????????0--00---0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?11--0000----1111230-0001?02?????11?0-0001100--001111111112020------00-001-104??0111110000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Paramicrocornus' ??????????????????????????????????0--00---0?????0-00-?????????????????????????????????????????????111200?11--0000----11?1220-000?????????11?0-0001000--001101111112120------00-001-004??022---1000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Pauxillites' 1511(1,2)00-0??????????????????????????--00---0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????111200?11--0000----1111220-000?????????11?0-0001?00--001111211112120------00-001-004??0????????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Pedunculotheca diania' 11{1,2}1100-0?????????????????????????(0,1)(-,1)(-,2)0(0,1)(-,2)(-,2)(-,2)????????????????????????????????????????????????????03??111200?11--0000----110---0-0001????????11?0-0001{1,0}00--00110??110(0,1)2120------01?(0,1)022004??0????????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN NOTES; [Taxon comments] TEXT TAXON=9 TEXT='Senior synonym of Bowerbankia'; TEXT TAXON=24 TEXT='Selected as sperm morphology well documented by Buckland-Nicks et al. 1988'; TEXT TAXON=35 TEXT='= Maikhanella'; TEXT TAXON=43 TEXT='Strophomenata -> Billingsellida -> Polytoechiidae'; TEXT TAXON=44 TEXT='General references: *Skovsted & Holmer (2005); Popov (1992); Williams et al (2000); Ushatinskaya & Koronikov 2016R; Popov et al. 2015'; TEXT TAXON=45 TEXT='Phylum: Brachiopoda, Class: Lingulata, Order: Acrotretida, Family: Acrotretidae'; TEXT TAXON=46 TEXT='Strophomenata -> Orthotetida -> Chilidiopsidae'; TEXT TAXON=50 TEXT='Phylum: Brachiopoda, Class: Craniata, Order: Trimerellida, Family: Trimerellidae, Genus: Gasconsia'; TEXT TAXON=51 TEXT='Rhynchonellata - Protorthida - Protorthidae'; TEXT TAXON=52 TEXT='Chen et al. (2007) interpret the weakly subconical valve with interarea as dorsal, but subsequent authors (Williams et al. 2007, Zhang et al. 2009) prefer the original interpretation that sees this valve as ventral; we follow this latter reconstruction.'; TEXT TAXON=59 TEXT='A phosphatic obolellid.^n^nIf another is desired, try Alisina (known from Chengjiang).'; TEXT TAXON=62 TEXT='The S1 sclerite is taken to be homologous with the ventral valve of brachiopods; the S2 sclerite presumably corresponds to the dorsal valve.'; TEXT TAXON=66 TEXT='Included because Gorjansky & Popov (1986) consider it intermediate between Trimerallids and Craniidae'; TEXT TAXON=72 TEXT='Skeletal microstructure is not known from Haplophrentis. ^nHere we assume that the microstructure is equivalent to that described by Kouchinsky (2000).'; [Character comments] TEXT CHARACTER=1 TEXT='The embryonic shell or protegulum is secreted by the embryo immediately before hatching. Corresponds to character 12 in @Vinther2017.'; TEXT CHARACTER=2 TEXT='The brephic shell is the shell possessed by the young organism (see @Ushatinskaya2016R and @Popov2010 for discussion of terminology).^n^nMicrina resembles linguliforms (@Holmer2011): in both, the brephic mitral shell has one pair of setal sacs enclosed by lateral lobes, whereas the brephic ventral shell has two lateral setal tubes.^n^nPaterimitra and Salanygolina have "identical" ventral brephic shells (@Holmer2011), resembling the shape of a ship''s propeller.^n^nHaplophrentis is coded following typical hyoliths, which have a spherical brephic shell; Pedunculotheca''s, in contrast, is seemingly cap-shaped.'; TEXT CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Many taxa add to their embryonic shell (the protegulum possessed by the embryo upon hatching) during the larval phase of their life cycle. The shell that exists at metamorphosis, marked by a halo or nick point, is variously termed the "first formed shell", "metamorphic shell" or "larval shell" (Bassett & Popov 2017).^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Pitting of the larval shell characterises acrotretids and their relatives. Pustules occur on Paterinidae. See Character 3 in @Williams2000, tables 5-6.'; TEXT CHARACTER=5 TEXT='Embryonic shells of Micrina and certain linguliforms exhibit a transversely folded posterior extension that speaks of the original presence of a pedicle in the embryo.^n^nThis is independent of the presence of an adult pedicle, which may arise after metamorphosis.'; TEXT CHARACTER=6 TEXT='The protegulum of Micrina is penetrated with canals that were originally associated with setae, a character that it has in common with linguliforms (Holmer et al. 2011).'; TEXT CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Setal sacs are recognizable as raised lumps on the juvenile shell [see @Bassett2017].^n^nMicrina and linguliforms have setal sacs on their mitral/dorsal embryonic shell, whereas these are absent in Paterimitra [@Holmer2011].'; TEXT CHARACTER=8 TEXT='Two pairs on e.g. Coolina; one on e.g. Micrina'; TEXT CHARACTER=9 TEXT='Annelid chaetae are equivalent to the bundled setae expressed in certain brachiopod larvae. See character 12 in @Vinther2008.'; TEXT CHARACTER=10 TEXT='@Luter2000 demonstrates that the setae of larval and adult brachiopods exhibit fundamental structural differences and are conceivably not homologous structures. Larval setae are thus described separately.^n^nAlthough preservation of setae in fossil brachiopods is exceptional, their presence can be inferred from shelly material (see @Holmer2006F).^n^nThe girdle elements of aculiferan molluscs include chitinous material that is secreted by microvilli; following @Vinther2017, these are coded as potential homologues of setae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=11 TEXT='The majority of lophotrochozoan sclerites bear a characteristic striated texture that denotes their secretion by basal microvilli [@Butterfield1990]. The seta-like hooks of sipunculans lack this texture, suggesting that they may not be homologous with other setae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=12 TEXT='The diameter of secretory microvilli may vary across the diameter of a seta [@Smith2014]'; TEXT CHARACTER=13 TEXT='@Luter2000 distinguishes between the polygonal outline of microvillar canals in adult brachiopod setae and the oval outline of larval setae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=14 TEXT='The majority of lophotrochozoan sclerites are chitinous, occasionally hosting secondary biominerals.'; TEXT CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Certain setae are encapsulated in a 20 nm wide electron dense layer, termed "enamel" by @Gustus1973. Enamel may be absent in larval setae [@Luter2003]; this character refers to the condition in adult setae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=16 TEXT='Per character 4 in @Vinther2017, the sclerites and spicules of many aculiferans have a calcareous core.'; TEXT CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Setae penetrate the valves of many brachiopods. In certain taxa, they are apparent only at the margins of the valves, in association with the commissure, being reduced or lost over the surface of the shell. ^n^nThe ''fascicles'' of @Vinther2017 are a specific case of the ''bundles'' described here.'; TEXT CHARACTER=18 TEXT='This character attempts to reflect character 115 in @Parry2016, as modified by @Nanglu2018. This character seeks to capture the fact that both Canadia and Phragmochaeta are interpreted as bearing chaetal bundles on their anterior segments [@Parry2015]. Wiwaxia does too.^n^nI treat the character as transformational, coding it as inapplicable where trunk chaetae or parapodia are absent, as it is not possible to independently verify the ancestral state of this character.'; TEXT CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Sipunculan "setae" are basally invaginated, suggesting that they may not be homologous with annelid chaetae. Certain aculiferans also exhibit basally hollow sclerites [@Vinther2017, character 6].'; TEXT CHARACTER=20 TEXT='The setae of certain taxa (e.g. Wiwaxia, Mopalia) have a differentiated shaft that inserts into the body wall.'; TEXT CHARACTER=21 TEXT='Hooked chaetae arise through the reorientation of the chaetoblast during secretion [@Hausen2005]. @Rouse1997 and @Parry2016 distinguish falcate (sickle-shaped) hooks (characters 121 and 98 respectively), dentate hooks (characters 122 and 92) and uncini (characters 123 and 94) as fundamentally different types of chaetae. A dentate hook, however, can be seen as a falcate hook with additional adrostral teeth or processes [@Tilic2016]. We therefore code simply for the presence of apical curvature in any chaetae, with a view that a gain of a ''hook'' represents an evolutionary novelty that might then be expressed in various locations and complemented by the addition of subsidiary dentition (i.e. adrostral hooks).^n^nFor terminology, see @Bartolomaeus2002 and @Holthe1986.'; TEXT CHARACTER=22 TEXT='Character 81 in @Capa2011. The capitium is a region on the convex surface of the rostrum (if present) that contains containing multiple teeth, each secreted by an individual microvillus [@Bartolomaeus2002;@Holthe1986;@Hausen2005], and in a consistent orientation with the margin of the chaeta.'; TEXT CHARACTER=23 TEXT='Terebratulids and discinids instead exhibit knob-like individual spines. These are distinct from the rings of spines that fringe lingulid setae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=24 TEXT='Lingulid setae bear crown-like rings of fine spines delimiting vertical sections, recalling the nodes of Equisetum stems. These arise by the addition of an additional circlet of microvilli [see @Luter2000, fig. 1e]. '; TEXT CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Serial repetition in adult, whether expressed in valves, soft tissues or exoskeletal elements. See character 13 in @Rouse1999; 19 in @Vinther2008; 38 in @Haszprunar1996; 40--41 in @Sutton2012; @Wanninger2009^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=26 TEXT='The trunk of Sipunculus and many annelid worms bear annulations.'; TEXT CHARACTER=27 TEXT='The annelid head comprises a differentiated prostomium and peristomium. See character 119 in @Parry2019^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=28 TEXT='Certain aculiferans have secondarily lost a foot, but retain a pedal groove.'; TEXT CHARACTER=29 TEXT='See characters 8 in @Haszprunar1996; 4 in @Vinther2008; 137 in @Rouse1999; 21 in @BucklandNicks2008; 37 in @Sutton2012; 1, 3 and 4 in @Haszprunar2008.^nIt is assumed that the adult foot is homologous with (and thus contingent on) the larval foot.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=31 TEXT='Character 27 in @Haszprunar2000. Coelomoducts are excretory organs derived from the coelom, also in some cases serving as genital ducts (gonoducts); they replace (and may resemble) nephridia [@Goodrich1945].'; TEXT CHARACTER=32 TEXT='Gills (or ctenidia) surround the molluscan foot.^nCharacters 1.59-60, 2.09, 4.49 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 10--11 in @Haszprunar2000; 45 in @Sutton2012'; TEXT CHARACTER=34 TEXT='After character 23 in @Haszprunar1996; 24 in @Haszprunar2000; 41 in @Rouse1999; 16 in @Scheltema1993; 16 in @Vinther2008; 5 in @Haszprunar2008'; TEXT CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The brachiopod pedicle is a fleshy protuberance that emerges from the posterior part of the body wall -- as denoted in fossil taxa by its occurrence between the dorsal and ventral valves. ^n^nIt is important to distinguish the pedicle from the "pedicle sheath", a tubular extension of the umbo that grows by accretion from an isolated portion of the ventral mantle. For discussion see @Holmer2018T and @Bassett2017.'; TEXT CHARACTER=36 TEXT='The pedicle of certain chengjiang rhynchonelliforms comprises "densely stacked, three dimensionally preserved, tabular discs" (@Holmer2018E).^nThis contrasts with the uniform (''massive'') pedicles of living taxa.'; TEXT CHARACTER=38 TEXT='A bulb is an expanded region of the distal pedicle, often embedded into the sediment to improve anchorage.'; TEXT CHARACTER=39 TEXT='Observed in Pedunculotheca and Bethia [@Sutton2005].'; TEXT CHARACTER=40 TEXT='@Holmer2018T remark that the tapering aspect of the Nisusia pedicle recalls that of certain Chengjiang taxa (Alisina, Longtancunella) whilst distinguishing it from many other taxa (Eichwaldia, Bethia) in which the pedicle is a constant thickness.'; TEXT CHARACTER=41 TEXT='Certain brachiopods, such as Acanthotretella, exhibit a coelomic cavity within the pedicle or pedicle sheath.^n^nTreated as transformational as it is not clear that either state is necessarily ancestral.'; TEXT CHARACTER=42 TEXT='Annulations are regular rings that surround the pedicle, and are distinguished from wrinkles, which are irregular in magnitude and spacing, and may branch or fail to entirely encircle the pedicle.'; TEXT CHARACTER=43 TEXT='In certain taxa the impression of the pedicle nerve is evident in the shell. See character 28 in @Williams1998T appendix 1. Care must be taken not to code an impression as absent when the preservational quality is insufficient to safely infer a genuine absence. Treated as neomorphic as the presence of an innervation is considered a derived state.'; TEXT CHARACTER=44 TEXT='Character 8 in @Haszprunar2000'; TEXT CHARACTER=45 TEXT='Reduced in aplacophorans; see @Scheltema1993'; TEXT CHARACTER=46 TEXT='The mantle cavity (pallial cavity) has an open face in polyplacophorans, but forms a blind sac in taxa such as gastropods. See @Simone2009.'; TEXT CHARACTER=47 TEXT='Caudofoveate and solenogaster aplacophorans can be distinguished based on the direction that their mantle cavity opens [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT CHARACTER=48 TEXT='The pallial line is a mark on inner surface of a shell reflecting the attachment of the mantle.'; TEXT CHARACTER=49 TEXT='Whether impressed on a shell or expressed solely in soft tissue.'; TEXT CHARACTER=50 TEXT='The morphology of dorsal and ventral canals is identical in all included taxa, so is assumed not to be independent - hence the use of a single character [contra @Williams2000].^n^nFor a description of terms see @Williams1997;@Williams2000.^n^nPinnate = "rapidly branch into a number of subequal, radially disposed canals"^nBifurcate = "vascula lateralia in both valves divide immediately after leaving the body cavity"^nBaculate = "extend forward without any major dichotomy or bifurcation" [@Williams1997, p. 418]^nSaccate = "pouchlike sinuses lying wholly posterior to the arcuate vascula media" (ibid., p412)'; TEXT CHARACTER=51 TEXT='We treat the vascula lateralia as equivalent to the vascula genitalia of articulated brachiopods, allowing phylogenetic analysis to test their proposed homology.^n^n@Williams1997 write: "The mantle canal system of most of the organophosphate-shelled species consists of a single pair of main trunks in the ventral mantle (vascula lateralia) and two pairs in the dorsal mantle, one pair (vascula lateralia) occupying a similar position to the single pair in the ventral mantle and a second pair projecting from the body cavity near the midline of the valve. This latter pair may be termed the vascula media, but whether they are strictly homologous with the vascula media of articulated brachiopods is a matter of opinion. It is also impossible to assert that the vascula lateralia are the homologues of the vascula myaria or genitalia of articulated species, although they are likely to be so as they arise in a comparable position." ^n^n"In inarticulated brachiopods, two main mantle canals (vascula lateralia) emerge from the main body cavity through muscular valves and bifurcate distally to produce an increasingly dense array of blindly ending branches near the periphery of the mantle (fig. 71.1-71.2)."'; TEXT CHARACTER=52 TEXT='@Williams1997 note that in addition to the vascula lateralia, "Discinisca has two additional mantle canals emanating from the body cavity into the dorsal mantle (vascula media)."^n^nThese structures are only evident in the dorsal valve for the included taxa, so only a single character is necessary.'; TEXT CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Presumed to be connected with setal follicles in life @Williams1998T. See @Williams2000 for discussion.'; TEXT CHARACTER=54 TEXT='The lophophore is a ring of tentacles that surrounds the mouth. @Temereva2017Innervationof suggests that true lophophores must also encompass the anus, which excludes the tentacular apparatus of entoprocts from the definition; as homology between the tentacular apparatuses of entoprocts and other lophophorates has often been assumed, we prefer to take a more inclusive stance and code the structures as potentially homologous.^n^nTentacles also surround the mouth in certain sipunculans. On the basis of their position and innervation, the perioral tentacles of sipunculans (character 171 in @Parry2016 and 1 in @Schulze2007) are treated as potential homologs of palps in annelids. Palps exhibit a broad diversity of morphologies, but can be identified based on their innervation [@Orrhage2005;@Purschke2015] [following @Parry2016]. They typically originate as paired projections of the prostomium.^n^nAlthough it is unlikely that palps and sipunculan tentacles correspond to the lophophore, homology is not inconceivable. We therefore capture the presence of a tentacular apparatus in this very broad character, with arguments against homology reflected in separate transformation series.'; TEXT CHARACTER=55 TEXT='The tentacles of annelids and sipunculans originate from a dorsal pair of buds on the prostomium [@Adrianov2006], whereas the brachiopod lophophore arises from the second pair of coelomic sacs [@Nielsen1991].'; TEXT CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Whereas the lophophore of crown-group brachiopods typically forms a closed loop, those of Haplophrentis and Heliomedusa diverge laterally @Moysiuk2017.'; TEXT CHARACTER=58 TEXT='The lophophore arms of Heliomedusa and Haplophrentis arch posteriad, rather than anteriad as in lingulids. See @Zhang2009;@Moysiuk2017.'; TEXT CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Following character 55 in @Carlson1995. Not possible to code in most fossil taxa.'; TEXT CHARACTER=60 TEXT='Annelid tentacles are innervated by palp nerves [@Orrhage2005]; lophophores ancestrally contained a pair of nerve rings [@Temereva2017Innervationof]'; TEXT CHARACTER=61 TEXT='The palps of serpulid worms, and the tentaculate crown of sipunculans, bear secondary tentacles whose appearance corresponds to the tentaculate lophophore of brachiopods. In contrast, the palps of Canadia and the captacula of scaphopods lack secondary tentacles. Coded as transformational as the presence of tentacles is not self-evidently the derived condition.'; TEXT CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Tentacles may occur along one or both sides of the axis of the lophophore arm [@Carlson1995].'; TEXT CHARACTER=63 TEXT='After @Carlson1995, character 37. Lophophore tentacles are commonly arranged into an ablabial and adlabial row, with ablabial tentacles sometimes added later in development.'; TEXT CHARACTER=64 TEXT='After @Carlson1995, character 37. Lophophore tentacles are commonly arranged into an ablabial and adlabial row, with ablabial tentacles sometimes added later in development (and thus interpreted as a neomorphic addition).'; TEXT CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Following character 28 in @Carlson1995. Certain taxa exhibit a median tentacle early in development that is lost during ontogeny. '; TEXT CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT CHARACTER=67 TEXT='Juvenile lophophorates exhibit two nerve rings in the tentacles; one of these rings is often reduced or lost at adulthood [@Temereva2017Innervationof]'; TEXT CHARACTER=68 TEXT='Juvenile lophophorates exhibit two nerve rings in the tentacles; one of these rings is often reduced or lost at adulthood [@Temereva2017Innervationof]'; TEXT CHARACTER=69 TEXT='A blood vessel supplies the tentacles in brachiopods, phoronids and annelids, but not entoprocts or ectoprocts [@Nielsen1998]. Coded as transformational as the ancestral condition is uncertain.'; TEXT CHARACTER=70 TEXT='The cilia on the tentacles of adult lophophores invoke currents that are ''upstream'' or ''downstream'' [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT CHARACTER=71 TEXT='Character 25 in @Vinther2017. Any apparatus comprising multiple denticulate rows arranged serially in the sagittal plane is treated as potentially homologous with the molluscan radula.'; TEXT CHARACTER=72 TEXT='Character 26 in @Vinther2017. The radulae of Wiwaxia and Odontogriphus are conspicuously similar in their configuration.'; TEXT CHARACTER=73 TEXT='Character 38 in @Haszprunar2000. A radular membrane is "a distinct layer below the radular teeth", present in all molluscs except solenogastres.'; TEXT CHARACTER=74 TEXT='A robust structure (alary process/hyaline shield) attached to the radula, with thickened margins, increasingly labile towards the rear, and constructed from the same material (chitin) as the radular teeth [@Smith2012M].^nAlso referred to as a ''hyaline shield''. ^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=75 TEXT='Hollow fluid-filled radula-supporting structures found in Polyplacophora and Monoplacophora [@Katsuno2008]'; TEXT CHARACTER=76 TEXT='Character 3g in @Waller1998; Character 58 in @Haszprunar2000'; TEXT CHARACTER=77 TEXT='Character 29 in @Vinther2017. Heterodonty is sometimes used to denote that different teeth have a different number of cusps, but a is used here in a broader sense to incorporate any differences in tooth morphology. Inapplicable if multiple lateral teeth are not present.'; TEXT CHARACTER=78 TEXT='Character 60 in @Ponder1997; 2.20 in @SalviniPlawen1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=79 TEXT='@Smith2012M'; TEXT CHARACTER=80 TEXT='Presence of a distinct base in lateral teeth; see character 9 in @Reynolds1999 and 15 in @Steiner1998^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=81 TEXT='In polyplacophorans, the head of the lateral tooth is elaborate or clearly differentiated from the shaft [@Steiner1999, character 8]'; TEXT CHARACTER=82 TEXT='Polyplacophoran teeth are reinforced with apatite [@Haszprunar2000, character 69]'; TEXT CHARACTER=83 TEXT='The tips of polyplacophoran teeth contain magnetite [@Waller1998, character 4e]'; TEXT CHARACTER=84 TEXT='The buccal organ describes the structures that arise from the larval mouth region. This may include the foregut, which if eversible is termed a proboscis, and whose muscular regions are termed the pharynx [@Tzetlin2005P].^n^nHyoliths exhibit a prominent protrusible muscular pharynx at the base of the lophophore [@Moysiuk2017]. This is considered as potentially equivalent to the anterior projection of the visceral cavity in Heliomedusa, and, by extension, in Lingulosacculus and Lingulotreta.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=85 TEXT='Character 133 in @Parry2019'; TEXT CHARACTER=86 TEXT='Character 134 in @Parry2019'; TEXT CHARACTER=87 TEXT='Character 2.27 in @SalviniPlawen1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=88 TEXT='Following character 86 in @Giribet2002.'; TEXT CHARACTER=89 TEXT='Character 133 in @Grobe2007'; TEXT CHARACTER=90 TEXT='Character 133 in @Grobe2007'; TEXT CHARACTER=92 TEXT='Character 66 in @Haszprunar2000'; TEXT CHARACTER=93 TEXT='The molluscan midgut is functionally subdivided into a sorting area (stomach), digestion area (midgut sac or gland), and transport tube (intestine). Characters 42 in @Haszprunar2000, 1.38 in @SalviniPlawen1996.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=94 TEXT='Characters 1.40, 2.30 and 4.59 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 42 in @Haszprunar2000.'; TEXT CHARACTER=95 TEXT='The digestive tract may either constitute a blind sac, or a through gut with anus. The loss of an anus is known to be derived within spiralia, so this character is treated as neomorphic.'; TEXT CHARACTER=96 TEXT='"The relative position of the mouth and anus in the larvae of brachiopods and phoronids is similar: posterior anus and anterior mouth" -- @Williams2007, p. 2884. See also character 6 in @Haszprunar2008.'; TEXT CHARACTER=97 TEXT='A migrated anus may be located laterally or within the lophophore ring (as in entoprocts).'; TEXT CHARACTER=98 TEXT='If the anus is not within the ring of tentacles, in which direction is it oriented?'; TEXT CHARACTER=99 TEXT='Plate-like (wider than tall) skeletal elements, whether mineralized or non-mineralized. Corresponds to character 8 in @Vinther2017.^nThe definition deliberately excludes setae (which are taller than wide).^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Certain taxa periodically slough and replace some of their individual sclerites during growth. Others continue to add to sclerites by marginal accretion throughout life.'; TEXT CHARACTER=101 TEXT='Equivalent to "Sclerites: Bivalved" in @Sun2018H, rephrased to reflect the variation in the number of conceivably homologous ''major'' shell plates in Aculifera.^n^nA differentiated ventral or posterior valve may be present in addition to a prominent anterior/dorsal valve, corresponding to the ''head valve'' of chitons or the dorsal valve of brachiopods.'; TEXT CHARACTER=102 TEXT='Taxa in the bivalved condition may retain sclerites as small additional elements, such as the L-elements of Paterimitra [@Skovsted2015]. Hyolithid helens are coded as potentially homologous to these elements [following @Moysiuk2017].^n^nThis character is treated as neomorphic, with accessory sclerites ancestrally present, recognizing the likely origin of brachiozoans (and Lophotrochozoans more generally) from a scleritomous organism.'; TEXT CHARACTER=103 TEXT='Following @Zhao2017, and reflecting character 5 in @Vinther2017.'; TEXT CHARACTER=104 TEXT='Following @Zhao2017'; TEXT CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Following character 12 in @Cherns2004'; TEXT CHARACTER=106 TEXT='To reflect the single valve present in Orthrozanclus and the conceivable homology between the tail valve of Halkieria and the ventral valve of brachiopods.'; TEXT CHARACTER=107 TEXT='The ventral valve of brachiopods is unlikely to be equivalent to the tail valve of Halkieria or chitons.'; TEXT CHARACTER=109 TEXT='@Vinther2017 (character 19) report five intermediate shell fields in Kulindroplax, Acaenoplax, multiplacophorans, and the larvae of Chaetoderma.'; TEXT CHARACTER=110 TEXT='Character 31 in @Vinther2017. Sutural laminae or apophyses are teeth that articulate adjacent shell plates in many polyplacophorans.'; TEXT CHARACTER=111 TEXT='A jugal ridge is a medial longitudinal ridge. Following character 13 in @Cherns2004.'; TEXT CHARACTER=112 TEXT='Character 32 in @Vinther2017.^n"In the majority of recent chitons the articulamentum may form extensions beyond the margin of the tegmentum. These extensions, called insertion plates, occur on the lateral margins of intermediate valves, on the anterior margin of the head valve and posteriorly on the tail valve" [@Schwabe2010]'; TEXT CHARACTER=113 TEXT='Character 33 in @Vinther2017.^n"The distal edge of the insertion plates may be slitted or solid in different taxa. The bridges between the slits (or incisions) are called teeth and may either be smooth at their outside, roughened, or even strongly pectinate." [@Schwabe2010]'; TEXT CHARACTER=114 TEXT='Character 34 in @Vinther2017'; TEXT CHARACTER=115 TEXT='Character 35 in @Vinther2017'; TEXT CHARACTER=116 TEXT='Following character 17 in @Vinther2017, itself derived from character 7 in @Sigwart2007. A satisfactory definition for this character is not available; it is here taken to mean "intermediate shell fields are differentiated from one another", rather than "differentiated from the head/tail valves" or "spatially non-overlapping".'; TEXT CHARACTER=117 TEXT='Per character 18 in @Vinther2017, the intermediate shell fields of multiplacophorans comprise multiple plates.'; TEXT CHARACTER=119 TEXT='In crown-group brachiopods, the two primary shells close to form an enclosed filtration chamber. Further down the stem, taxa such as Micrina do not.'; TEXT CHARACTER=120 TEXT='Orthothecid hyoliths can retract their operculum into their conical shell, in contrast to most other taxa, where the valves align exactly when they are closed, save perhaps for a pedicle notch or, in the case of hyolithids, depressions that allow the helens to protrude. Precise correspondence of valve margins is considered to represent a derived feature, so this character is treated as neomorphic [contra @Sun2018H].'; TEXT CHARACTER=121 TEXT='The anterior commissure can be rectimarginate (i.e. straight), uniplicate (i.e. median sulcus in ventral valve), or sulcate (with median sulcus in dorsal valve).^nInapplicable where valves do not enclose a filtration chamber.'; TEXT CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Shape of the commissure in plan view, ignoring any deflection arising due to articulation at the hinge (e.g. delthyrium/notothyrium). This character seeks to discriminate the essentially conical ''conchs'' of orthothecid hyoliths from the polygonal ''conchs'' of hyolithids. Triangular and oblong outlines are not distinguished, as this is not entirely independent of the strophic/astrophic nature of the hinge.^nInapplicable where valves do not enclose a filtration chamber.'; TEXT CHARACTER=123 TEXT='If lateral margins are linear, are the subparallel (i.e. commissure profile oblong, with long hinge) or diverging (i.e. commissure profile triangular, with short hinge)?'; TEXT CHARACTER=124 TEXT='Micrina, like many brachiopods, bears tooth-like structures or processes that articulate the two primary valves. Caution must be applied before taxa are coded as "absent", as teeth can be subtle and may be overlooked.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=125 TEXT='Deltidiodont teeth are simple hinge teeth developed by the distal accretion of secondary shell; Cyrtomatodont teeth are knoblike or hook-shaped hinge teeth developed by differential secretion and resorption of the secondary shell [fig. 322 in @Williams1997].^n^nKutorginata (here represented by Kutorgina and Nisusia) don''t have teeth (apophyses) or dental sockets, but their shells are articulated by "two triangular plates formed by dorsal interarea, bearing oblique ridges on the inner sides" [@Williams2000, p. 211]; this simple hinge mechanism is different from other rhynchonelliforms [@Williams2000, p.208; table 13 character 30], and is described as a "pseudodont articulation" [@Holmer2018E].'; TEXT CHARACTER=126 TEXT='@Williams1997 (p362) write: "Teeth [...] are commonly supported by a pair of variably disposed plates also built up exclusively of secondary shell and known as dental plates (Fig. 323.1, 323.3)."^n^n@Dewing2001 elaborates: "Dental plates are near-vertical, narrow sheets of shell tissue between the anteromedian edge of the teeth and floor of the ventral valve. They are a composite structure, resulting from the growth of teeth over the ridge that bounds the ventral-valve muscle field."^n^n@Williams2000 (p.201) write: "The denticles lack supporting structures in all Obolellida, but in Naukatida they are supported by an arcuate plate below the^ninterarea, the anterise (Fig. 119.3a)".^n^nThe anterise is conceivably homologous with the dental plates, thus the presence of either is coded "present" for this character.'; TEXT CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Simplified from @Bassett2001 character 16.^nThis character is independent of apophyses, as several taxa bear sockets without corresponding teeth; the function of these sockets is unknown.^nSee figs 323ff in @Williams1997.'; TEXT CHARACTER=128 TEXT='After @Bassett2001, character 17. May be difficult to distinguish from a brachiophore [see Fig 323 in @Williams1997], so the two structures are not distinguished here.'; TEXT CHARACTER=129 TEXT='After character 6 in @Bassett2001'; TEXT CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Muscles can attach to the ventral valve posterolaterally to, as well as between, the vascula lateralia [@Popov1992]'; TEXT CHARACTER=131 TEXT='After character 7 in @Bassett2001.^nThis character is contingent on the presence of a pedicle. Extreme caution must be used in inferring an absent state, as adjustor scars can be extremely difficult to distinguish from the adductor scars.'; TEXT CHARACTER=132 TEXT='After character 8 in @Bassett2001, character 35 in @Williams1996, and character 54 in @Williams2000 (p. 160)^n^nIn the dorsal valve, the anterior and posterior adductor scars of articulated brachiopods form a single (quadripartite) muscle field (Williams et al. 2000, p. 201)^n^nIn contrast, the anterior and posterior scars of e.g. trimerellids have prominently separate attachment points, with anterior and posterior muscle fields clearly distinct, and coded as "dispersed".^n^nIn e.g. kutorginates, adductor muscles are separated into left and right fields; the same is the case in lingulids, where there are more separate muscle groups and the left and right fields conspire to produce a radial arrangement; both of these configurations are scored as "radially arranged".'; TEXT CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Position of adductor muscles relative to commissural plane.^nAfter character 11 in @Bassett2001.^n^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Based on character 11 in @Zhang2014.^nWell developed dermal muscles present in the body wall of recent lingulates, which are absent in all calcareous-shelled brachiopods. These muscles are responsible for the hydraulic shell-opening mechanism, and possibly present in all organophosphatic-shelled brachiopods, with the possible exception of the paterinates [@Williams2000, p. 32]^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=135 TEXT='The levator ani is a diminutive unpaired medial muscle found in certain calcitic brachiopods [@Williams2000; see fig. 89, character 34 in table 13]'; TEXT CHARACTER=136 TEXT='After character 9 in @Bassett2001'; TEXT CHARACTER=137 TEXT='After character 10 in @Bassett2001'; TEXT CHARACTER=138 TEXT='A mollusc shell is termed endogastric if the shell coils towards the posterior, and exogastric if the coiling direction is to the anterior.'; TEXT CHARACTER=139 TEXT='See Fig. 284 in @Williams1997. Corresponds to character 15 in @Sutton2012N; and cf. character 3 in @Wagner1997.^nThe growth direction dictates the attitude of the cardinal area relative to the hinge, which does not therefore represent an independent character.^nCrudely put, if, viewed from a dorsal position, the umbo falls within the outer margin of the shell, growth is holoperipheral; if it falls outside the margin, it is mixoperipheral; if it falls exactly on the margin, it is hemiperipheral.^n^nFor the purposes of this analysis, we must treat polyplacophoran and brachiopod valves as potentially homologous. ^n^nIn brachiopods, the dorsal valve bears the lophophore, which arises from the anterior lobe of the larva [@Altenburger2013] -- indicating that the dorsal shell field is associated with the anterior lobe.^n^nIn polyplacophorans, the head valve arises from a shell field on the anterior (pre-prototroch) lobe of the larva [@Wanninger2002C], which we therefore treat as homologous with the brachiopod dorsal valve.^n^nIn support of this hypothesis, we note that the posterior (but not anterior) valves of chitons bear apophyses [@Schwabe2010;@Connors2012], which are most prominent in the ventral (but not dorsal) valves of brachiopods (Williams et al 1997, fig. 322), and which occur in the morph A shell of Oikozetetes, which is interpreted as the posterior valve of a halkieriid [@Paterson2009].^n^nAs the single posterior shell field of polyplacophorans subdivides to give rise to the six intermediate valves plus the tail valve [@Wanninger2002C], we prefer to consider the intermediate valves as representing "subdivisions" of a single valve rather than additional valves added to the body plan.'; TEXT CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Character 16 in @Sutton2012N. Length:width ratio of the primary valve. Coded ambiguous in marginal cases: for example, a length:width ratio of 1.02:1 might be coded ambiguous(elongate, equant).'; TEXT CHARACTER=141 TEXT='Character 10 in @Wagner1997. The dorsal valves of bivalves, scaphopods and rostroconchs are characterized by an anterior projection.'; TEXT CHARACTER=142 TEXT='After character 11 in @Wagner1997. An acute projection characterizes scaphopods and Conocardioid rostroconchs, whereas bivalves exhibit a blunt projection.'; TEXT CHARACTER=143 TEXT='Character 23 in @Wagner1997. An adapical projection with an angle of over sixty degrees is borne by the posterior of the valve in included Diasoma.'; TEXT CHARACTER=144 TEXT='Simplified from character 62 in @Wagner1997. The ''rostrum'' of @Pojeta1976 is an extension of the posterior portion of the shell.'; TEXT CHARACTER=145 TEXT='The bivalve ligament is a weakly calcified region of the shell that connects two calcified regions.'; TEXT CHARACTER=146 TEXT='In shells that grow by mixoperipheral growth, the triangular area subtended between each apex and the posterior ends of the lateral margins is termed the cardinal area. In shells with holoperipheral growth, a flattened surface on the posterior margin of the valve is termed a pseudointerarea [paraphrasing @Williams1997].^n^nIn order for this character to be independent of a shell''s growth direction, we do not distinguish between a "cardinal area", "interarea" or "pseudointerarea".^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=147 TEXT='It is possible for a cardinal area or pseudointerarea to be distinct from the anterior part of the shell, yet to remain curved in lateral profile.^n^nTaking an undifferentiated posterior margin as primitive, the primitive condition is curved -- flattening of the posterior margin represents an additional modification that can only occur once the posterior margin is differentiated.'; TEXT CHARACTER=148 TEXT='Following character 29 in @Williams2000, table 9 (which relates to pseudointerarea)'; TEXT CHARACTER=149 TEXT='A notothyrium is an opening in an interarea that accommodates the pedicle, and may be filled with plates.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=150 TEXT='A notothyrium is an opening in an interarea that accommodates the pedicle, and may be filled with plates.^n^nA simplification of character 5 in @Bassett2001.'; TEXT CHARACTER=151 TEXT='A notothyrium may be open or covered by a chilidium or two chilidial plates.^nNo included taxa exhibit more than one chilidial plate.^nTransformational as it is not self-evident whether the ancestral taxon had an open or closed notothyrium.'; TEXT CHARACTER=152 TEXT='After character 12 in @Bassett2001.^nThe presence or absence of a notothyrial platform, which often serves as an attachment point for the diductors in a similar fashion to the cardinal processes, is independent of the presence of a notothyrium.'; TEXT CHARACTER=153 TEXT='The dorsal valve of many taxa is exhibits a septum or process (or myophragm) along the medial line. See character 25 in @Benedetto2009.'; TEXT CHARACTER=154 TEXT='The hyolithid operculum is divided into a cardinal and conical shield [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid], separated by furrows corresponding to the position of the helens. See @Marek1976 (fig. 2) or @MartiMus2005 (fig. 1) for schematic.^n^nWith no obvious sites for muscle attachment, the shields are unlikely to be homologous to the notothyrial platform. '; TEXT CHARACTER=155 TEXT='After character 13 in @Bassett2001. See @MartiMus2005 for an illustration.^nCardinal processes are unlikely to be homologous with the notothyrial platform, even if their function is similar.'; TEXT CHARACTER=156 TEXT='Radially arranged teeth, separated by furrows, adorn the cardinal margin of the operculum of certain hyolithids [@Marek1963]. The absence of corresponding tooth sockets indicates that they do not serve to articulate the valves; @Marek1967 does not consider the teeth to be homologous with brachiopod cardinal teeth.'; TEXT CHARACTER=157 TEXT='Prominent symmetrical ridges on the inner surface of the hyolith operculum'; TEXT CHARACTER=158 TEXT='Usually the operculum of hyoliths has one pair of clavicles, but in some taxa of hyolithida there are more than one pair of clavicles, which can be divided into six types [@Marek1967]. The included taxa either exhibit a single pair of monoclavicles, or three pairs of clavicles.'; TEXT CHARACTER=159 TEXT='See Fig. 284 in @Williams1997 for depiction of terms.^n^nThe growth direction dictates the attitude of the cardinal area relative to the hinge, which does not therefore represent an independent character.^nCrudely put, if, viewed from a dorsal position, the umbo falls within the outer margin of the shell, growth is holoperipheral; if it falls outside the margin, it is mixoperipheral; if it falls exactly on the margin, it is hemiperipheral.'; TEXT CHARACTER=160 TEXT='In many brachiopods, the valves are closely similar in size; in others, the ventral valve is markedly larger than the dorsal, on account of being more convex. Marginal cases are treated as ambiguous for the relevant states.'; TEXT CHARACTER=161 TEXT='The aperture of many hyolithid hyoliths is characterised by a ligula, a tongue-like protruding shelf on the functionally ventral surface of conical shell [@MartiMus2005]. This can be recognized by an acute angle in the lateral profile of the commissure [see second figure on p. 91 of @Marek1966]. No brachiopods display an equivalent feature.'; TEXT CHARACTER=162 TEXT='In shells that grow by mixoperipheral growth, the triangular area subtended between each apex and the posterior ends of the lateral margins is termed the cardinal area. In shells with holoperipheral growth, a flattened surface on the posterior margin of the valve is termed a pseudointerarea [paraphrasing @Williams1997].^n^nIn order for this character to be independent of a shell''s growth direction, we do not distinguish between a "cardinal area", "interarea" or "pseudointerarea".^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=163 TEXT='@Balthasar2008 notes an inward-growing posterior margin of the pseudointerarea as potentially linking Mummpikia with the linguliform brachiopods.^n^nCoded as inapplicable in taxa without a differentiated posterior margin: the posterior margin can only grow inwards if it is differentiated from the anterior margin; else the entire shell would grow in on itself.'; TEXT CHARACTER=164 TEXT='It is possible for a cardinal area or pseudointerarea to be distinct from the anterior part of the shell, yet to remain curved in lateral profile.^n^nTaking an undifferentiated posterior margin as primitive, the primitive condition is curved -- flattening of the posterior margin represents an additional modification that can only occur once the posterior margin is differentiated.^n^nA flat and triangular interarea links Mummpikia with the Obolellidae[@Balthasar2008] -- but all included taxa have triangular interareas, so this is not listed as a separate character.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Distinguishes taxa whose ventral valve is essentially flat from those that are essentially conical'; TEXT CHARACTER=166 TEXT='A delthyrium is an opening in an interarea or pseudointerarea that accommodates the pedicle, and may be filled with plates.^n^nThe homology of the pedicle in the pseudointerarea of obolellids and botsfordiids with the umbonal pedicle foramen of acrotretids was proposed by @Popov1992, and seemingly corroborated by observations of @Ushatinskaya2016R, who note that the propareas of the Botsfordia ventral valve sometimes merge to form an elongate teardrop-shaped pedicle foramen.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=167 TEXT='A parallel-sided delthyrium links Mummpikia with the Obolellidae [@Balthasar2008].^n^nFollowing @Popov1992, the larval delthyrium of acrotretids and allied taxa is understood to be sealed in adults by outgrowths of the posterolateral margins of the shell. The resultant round or teardrop-shaped foramen corresponds the delthyrium.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=168 TEXT='@Chen2007 propose that an oval to rhombic foramen characterises the discinids (and Heliomedusa, though the foramen in this taxon has since been reinterpreted by @Zhang2009 as an impression of internal tissue).^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=169 TEXT='An open delthyrium links Mummpikia with the Obolellidae [@Balthasar2008].^n^nThe delthyrial opening can be covered by one or more deltidial plates, or a pseudodeltitium.^n^nInapplicable in taxa with a round delthiruym (generated by overgrowth of the delthyrial opening by posterolateral parts of the shell, per @Popov1992).^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=171 TEXT='This character has the capacity for further resolution (one or more deltidial plates), but this is unlikely to affect the results of the present study.^n^nThe pseudodelthyrium is also referred to as a homeodeltidium.^n^nThe antemucronal area of Polyplacophora is treated as equivalent to the brachiopod delthyrium, but is not depositionally distinct to the rest of the shell, so is coded with a distinct character state.'; TEXT CHARACTER=172 TEXT='A ridge-like (i.e. convex) pseudodeltitium unites Salanygolina with Coolinia and other Chileata [@Holmer2009, p. 6].'; TEXT CHARACTER=173 TEXT='After character 18 in @Bassett2001, "Hinge furrows on lateral sides of pseudodeltidium".'; TEXT CHARACTER=174 TEXT='Certain taxa, particularly those with a colleplax, exhibit a perforation at the umbo of the ventral valve. This opening is sometimes associated with a pedicle sheath, which emerges from the umbo of the ventral valve without any indication of a relationship with the hinge.^n^nIn contrast, the pedicle of acrotretids and similar brachiopods is situated on the larval hinge line, but is later surrounded by the posterolateral regions of the growing shell to become separated from the hinge line, and encapsulated in a position close to (or with resorption of the brephic shell, at) the umbo (see @Popov1992, pp. 407-411 and fig. 3 for discussion). In some cases, an internal pedicle tube attests to this origin -- potentially corresponding to the pedicle groove of lingulids. As such, the pedicle foramen of acrotretids and allies is not originally situated at the umbo; it is instead understood to represent a basally sealed delthyrium.'; TEXT CHARACTER=175 TEXT='The perforation in Cupitheca seems to have a distinct origin, arising through decollation; as such, the shape simply reflects the outline of the shell. This reflects a distinct origin of the perforation and is therefore provided as a separate state.'; TEXT CHARACTER=176 TEXT='In certain taxa, the umbo of the ventral valve bears a colleplax, cicatrix or pedicle sheath; @Bassett2008 consider these structures as homologous.'; TEXT CHARACTER=177 TEXT='@Chen2007 observe a median septum in what they interpret as the ventral valve of Heliomedusa, and the ventral valve of Discinisca, which they propose points to a close relationship.'; TEXT CHARACTER=178 TEXT='After character 11 in @Williams1998T. Coded as transformational as it is possible that maintaining a smooth shell without occasional prominent ridges requires greater secretory control.'; TEXT CHARACTER=179 TEXT='After character 11 in @Williams1998T'; TEXT CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Ridges radiating from umbo, i.e. ribs'; TEXT CHARACTER=181 TEXT='Mineralized or partly mineralized spines are observed in Heliomedusa and Acanthotretella'; TEXT CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Calcium carbonate nucleates either within or outside the epidermis.'; TEXT CHARACTER=184 TEXT='@Williams1996 identify glycoprotein-based organic scaffolds as distinct from those comprising glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), chitin and collagen. This character can only be scored for extant taxa.'; TEXT CHARACTER=185 TEXT='Phoronids and Yuganotheca aggulutinate particles into their sclerites.'; TEXT CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Hyolith conchs comprise two mineralized layers of fibrous bundles. Bundles are measure 5-15 um across; their constituent fibres are each 0.1-1.0 um wide. In the inner layer, the fibres are transverse; in the outer layer, the bundles are inclined towards the umbo, becoming longitudinal on the outermost margin.^n^nCoded as non-additive as there is no clear necessity to add layers sequentially: for example, three layers could arise by the addition of a void within a single pre-existing layer.^n^nStratiform laminae, shell-penetrating canals and other features above the scale of crystal organization are not considered as contributing to the mineralogical microstructure and are coded separately.^n^nInapplicable in taxa with a non-mineralized shell.'; TEXT CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Hyolith conchs comprise two mineralized layers of fibrous bundles. Bundles measure 5--15 μm across; their constituent fibres are each 0.1-1.0 um wide. In the inner layer, the fibres are transverse; in the outer layer, the bundles are inclined towards the umbo, becoming longitudinal on the outermost margin.^n^nStratiform laminae, shell-penetrating canals and other features above the scale of crystal organization are not considered as contributing to the mineralogical microstructure and are coded separately.^n^nThe pervasive (not just superficial) polygonal structures in Paterimitra are distinct, and characterize Askepasma, Salanygolina, Eccentrotheca and Paterimitra [@Larsson2014]^n^n@Williams2000 identify cross-bladed laminae as diagnostic of Strophomenata, with the exception of some older groups that contain fibres or laminar laths.'; TEXT CHARACTER=188 TEXT='In tommotiids, the shell simply comprises a stack of stratiform lamellae, each corresponding to a circumferential rib at the shell surface. This is particularly apparent in Dailyatia [@Skovsted2015] and Paterimitra [@Larsson2014].'; TEXT CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Laminae within, for example, Salanygolina are separated by voids that may originally have contained organic material [e.g. @Holmer2009T]. In contrast, tommotiids and paterinids exhibit stratification without voids, perhaps representing periodic fluctuations in phosphate availability [@Balthasar2009H].'; TEXT CHARACTER=190 TEXT='See character 37 in @Williams1998T. ^n"A distinct primary layer [...] is characterized by a polygonal ornament that is mineralized from the polygon walls inward, while the rest of the shell and/or sclerite is secreted by basal accretion" -- @Balthasar2009. Distinguished from epithelial cell moulds in lingulids, which do not form an integral part of the shell structure [@Balthasar2009].^nTreated as transformational as ancestral condition is ambiguous.'; TEXT CHARACTER=191 TEXT='A caniculate microstructure occurs in lingulids; canals are narrower (< 1 um) than punctae, may branch, and do not fully penetrate the shell, terminating just within the boundaries of a microstructural layer. See @Williams1997, p303ff, and @Balthasar2008, p273, for discussion.^n^nTubules described in hyoliths by @Kouchinsky2000 measure around 10 um in diameter, making them an order of magnitude wider than lingulid canals. ^n^nThis said, Balthasar (2008) considers the rod-like tubules within the columnar shell microstructure of Mickwitzia cf. occidens (1-3 um wide, Skovsted & Holmer 2003), acrotretides (1 um wide, see @Holmer1989, @Zhang2016) and lingulellotretids (100 nm wide, @Cusack1999) as equivalent to lingulid canals.^n^nMicrina exhibits both punctae and canals (@Harper2017), challenging Carlson''s contention (in @Williams2007) that the structures are potentially homologous as shell perforations.'; TEXT CHARACTER=192 TEXT='Punctae are 10-20 um wide canals created by multicellular extensions of the outer epithelium. They penetrate the full depth of the shell.^n^n@Balthasar2008 writes:^n^n"Vertical shell penetrating structures, such as punctae, pseudopunctae, extropunctae and canals, are common in many groups of brachiopods and are distinguished based on their geometry and size [@Williams1997]. Punctae are 10-20 um wide and represent multicellular extensions of the outer epithelium [@Owen1969]. Pseudopunctae and extropunctae are similar in diameter but, instead of canals, are vertical stacks of conical deflections of individual shell layers [@Williams1993]. None of these three types of vertical shell structure, all of which are confined to calcitic-shelled brachiopods, compares with the much smaller canals (< 1 um in diameter) of M. nuda. The only type of vertical structure that fits the size and nature of the canals of the Mural obolellids are the canals of linguliform brachiopods, which range in width from 180 to 740 nm and are occupied by proteinaceous strands in extant taxa [@Williams1992;@Williams1994;@Williams1997). In contrast to obolellid canals, however, linguliform canals are not known to penetrate the entire shell but terminate in organic-rich layers (Williams 1997). Based on these considerations it would, therefore, be misleading to call obolellid shells punctate (they are as much "punctate" as acrotretids or other linguliforms); rather their shell structure should be called canaliculate [@Williams1997]."'; TEXT CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Pseudopunctae are not punctae, but deflections of shell laminae. They characterise Strophomenata in particular.'; TEXT CHARACTER=194 TEXT='Regular polygonal compartments, around 10 um in diameter, characterise Paterimitra. Walls between compartments have the cross-section of an anvil. An external polygonal structure (possible imprints of epithelial tissue) occurs in Dailyatia, but it is a surface pattern, which is different from the polygonal prisms in the body wall of other paterinid-like groups.'; TEXT CHARACTER=195 TEXT='Following character 20 of @Vinther2017.'; TEXT CHARACTER=196 TEXT='Following @Hoare2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=197 TEXT='Following @VendrascoRunnegar2004'; TEXT CHARACTER=198 TEXT='Megalaesthetes are the large aesthete canals from which smaller chambers emerge. Character ''lin'' in @Vendrasco2008.'; TEXT CHARACTER=199 TEXT='Character 23 in @Vinther2017. Distinct from the umbonal perforation observed in some ventral valves on account of their subapical position. Also termed ''lacunae''.'; TEXT CHARACTER=200 TEXT='Character 30 in @Vinther2017. The articulamentum is a secondary layer of shell present in polyplacophorans.'; TEXT CHARACTER=201 TEXT='Character 27 in @Haszprunar1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=202 TEXT='Character 32 in @Haszprunar2000'; TEXT CHARACTER=203 TEXT='After character 31 in @Haszprunar1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=204 TEXT='After character 31 in @Haszprunar1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=205 TEXT='After character 30 in @Haszprunar1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=206 TEXT='After characters 1.61 and 2.54 in @SalviniPlawen1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=207 TEXT='After character 62 in @Haszprunar2000.'; TEXT CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Following @Carlson1995, character 7. This character is only possible to code in extant taxa. It is not considered independent of Carlson''s character 11, number of gametes released per spawning, as it is possible to produce more small eggs than large eggs -- thus this latter character is not reproduced in the present study. The same goes for Carlson''s character 12, gamete dispersal mode; brooders will tend to brood large eggs.'; TEXT CHARACTER=209 TEXT='After character 4.69 in @SalviniPlawen1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=210 TEXT='After @Carlson1995, character 9. Only possible to code in extant taxa.'; TEXT CHARACTER=211 TEXT='After character 41 in @Ponder1997'; TEXT CHARACTER=212 TEXT='Most spermatozoa have nuclei with an invagination; see character 50 in @Ponder1997'; TEXT CHARACTER=213 TEXT='A nuclear filament is an anterior extension of the nucleus that terminates at the acrosome, present in lepidopleurid chitons [@BucklandNicks2008, character 6]'; TEXT CHARACTER=214 TEXT='After character 160 in @Giribet2002. A fossa (latin: ditch) is a dent or impression.'; TEXT CHARACTER=215 TEXT='Sometimes fully termed the Acrosome vesicle'; TEXT CHARACTER=217 TEXT='@Hodgson1994 describe the Discinisca acrosome as having "an electron-lucent centre and an electron-dense outer region", and state that this trait is characteristic of inarticulate brachiopods. The interstitial granule of certain polyplacophorans represents a separate mode of acrosome differentiation. The subacrosomal granule and subacrosomal basal plate are treated separately, and are not considered to represent internal differentiation.'; TEXT CHARACTER=218 TEXT='Character 41 in @Ponder1997'; TEXT CHARACTER=219 TEXT='In certain taxa, the subacrosomal basal plate develops a subacrosomal granule [@BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Following @Hodgson1994'; TEXT CHARACTER=221 TEXT='Following character 3 in @BucklandNicks2008 and character 166 in @Giribet2002.'; TEXT CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Following @Hodgson1994'; TEXT CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Following character 9 in @BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT CHARACTER=224 TEXT='Following @Smith2012, after character 48 in @Ponder1997.'; TEXT CHARACTER=225 TEXT='After character 5 in @BucklandNicks2008; see also character 43 in @Ponder1997.'; TEXT CHARACTER=226 TEXT='After character 44 in @Ponder1997. Cristae are internal compartments formed by inner mitochondrial membranes.'; TEXT CHARACTER=227 TEXT='After @Smith2012; see also character 43 in @Ponder1997; character 164 in @Giribet2002'; TEXT CHARACTER=228 TEXT='Following @Hejnol2010. Blastomeres may undergo significant size differentiation, generating macromeres and micromeres of prominently different sizes.'; TEXT CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Following character 170 in @Giribet2002'; TEXT CHARACTER=230 TEXT='The "molluscan cross" and "annelid cross" cannot be systematically discriminated from one another, so are treated as a single state. ^nSee characters 127 & 128 in @Rouse1999; 1.49 in @SalviniPlawen1996;^ncharacter 34 in @Haszprunar1996; 35 in @Haszprunar2000; 172 in @Giribet2002.'; TEXT CHARACTER=231 TEXT='Following character 171 in @Giribet2002'; TEXT CHARACTER=232 TEXT='See characters 32-33 in @Haszprunar1996; character 1.48 in @SalviniPlawen1996; character 29 in @Glenner2004.'; TEXT CHARACTER=233 TEXT='After characters 32 in @Grobe2007 and 36-37 in @Glenner2004, which follow @Nielsen1998. "Phoronids, brachiopods and pterobranchs are archimeric, i.e., the body comprises three regions, each with one or a pair of coeloms [...] the mesoderm originates from the archenteron" [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT CHARACTER=234 TEXT='Character 8 in @Vinther2008'; TEXT CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Character 8 in @Haszprunar2008.'; TEXT CHARACTER=236 TEXT='Character 79 in @Glenner2004'; TEXT CHARACTER=237 TEXT='After character 3 in @Richter2010'; TEXT CHARACTER=238 TEXT='Character 1.43 in @SalviniPlawen1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=239 TEXT='Character 26 in @Haszprunar2000'; TEXT CHARACTER=240 TEXT='A possible synapomorphy of Pleistomollusca (=bivalves + gastropods) [@Kocot2011]. See @Wanninger2002M.'; TEXT CHARACTER=241 TEXT='The prototroch/velum muscle ring has been considered a possible synapomorphy of Pleistomollusca (=bivalves + gastropods) [@Kocot2011]. See @Wanninger2002M for details.'; TEXT CHARACTER=242 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015. Note that a separate character records the occurrence of enrolling musculature in adults.'; TEXT CHARACTER=243 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015. Note that a separate character records the occurrence of enrolling musculature in larvae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=244 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015. Note that a separate character records the occurrence of enrolling musculature in adults.'; TEXT CHARACTER=245 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015. Note that a separate character records the occurrence of enrolling musculature in larvae.'; TEXT CHARACTER=246 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015.'; TEXT CHARACTER=247 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015'; TEXT CHARACTER=248 TEXT='After @Scherholz2015'; TEXT CHARACTER=249 TEXT='"Diagnostic for mollusks and entoprocts alone is the medioventral intercrossing of parts of the dorso-ventral musculature" [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT CHARACTER=250 TEXT='Foot or neurotroch present in larval stage, whether or not it is also present in mature individuals. Following @Wingstrand1985.'; TEXT CHARACTER=251 TEXT='A pedal gland is considered evidence for homology between the molluscan and entoproct foot [@Haszprunar2008].'; TEXT CHARACTER=252 TEXT='Characters 1.13, 1.40 & 2.08 in @Scheltema1993; 114 in @Giribet2002; 1.53 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 9 in @Haszprunar1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Character 2.02 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT CHARACTER=254 TEXT='Character 1.03 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT CHARACTER=255 TEXT='Character 140 in @Rouse1999. See also character 2.66 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 153 in @Giribet2002.'; TEXT CHARACTER=256 TEXT='See characters 129 and 131 in @Rouse1999; 40 in @Haszprunar1996.^nA prototroch is the defining character of a trochophore larva; a metatroch is a secondary ciliary ring [@Rouse1999].^n^nThe metatroch is present in a subset of annelids; in Polygordius, it derives from the 3c and 3d micromeres, whereas in molluscs the secondary ciliary band derives frmo 2a, 2b and 2c [@Meyer2010]. As such, the structures may not be homologous between molluscs and annelids.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=257 TEXT='A posterior ciliary band. Character 136 in @Rouse1999.'; TEXT CHARACTER=258 TEXT='Character 132 in @Rouse1999'; TEXT CHARACTER=259 TEXT='Downstream-collecting ciliary bands of compound cilia on multiciliated cells. Character 31 in @Glenner2004.'; TEXT CHARACTER=260 TEXT='Upstream-collecting ciliary bands with single cilia on monociliated cells. Character 32 in @Glenner2004.'; TEXT CHARACTER=261 TEXT='Characters 1.50, 2.66 and 4.68 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 2 in @Vinther2008. See also characters 39 in @Haszprunar1996 and 153 in @Giribet2002.'; TEXT CHARACTER=262 TEXT='Following @Wanninger2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=263 TEXT='After @Lundin2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=264 TEXT='After @Lundin2009, table 1, which documents "ultrastructural characters of the ciliary apparatus on multiciliated epidermal cells" of adults.^n^nCilia of non-epidermal cells, such as sensory cilia, gut cilia, and the flagella of spermatozoa, may have derived morphologies that are less phylogenetically instructive [@Tyler1979], and are not considered herein. ^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=265 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. Fibres radiate from the distal end of the basal foot of the cilia in certain taxa.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=266 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. Also termed "dense plate".^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=267 TEXT='After @Lundin2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=268 TEXT='After @Lundin2009^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=269 TEXT='After @Lundin2009.^nThe ciliary necklace is defined by @Gilula1972 as "Well-defined rows or strands of membrane particles that encircle the ciliary shaft". It occurs immediately below the basal plate, and comprises three beaded circles of on the circumference of the cilia membrane.'; TEXT CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Character 4 in @Parry2019. Coded as present if compound cilia comprise multiple monociliate cells, even if monociliate cells do not occur individually.'; TEXT CHARACTER=271 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. Compound cilia are motile structures composed of 10--100 regular cilia used in locomotion or feeding^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Character 14 in @Glenner2004. Compound cilia can be produced by the aggregation of cilia from multiple monociliate cells, or from a single cell bearing multiple cilia [@Nielsen1987].'; TEXT CHARACTER=273 TEXT='After @Lundin2009^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=274 TEXT='After @Lundin2009^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=275 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. The vertical ciliary rootlet is also termed the posterior rootlet.'; TEXT CHARACTER=276 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. The vertical ciliary rootlet is also termed the posterior rootlet.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=277 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. The secondary ciliary rootlet is also termed the anterior ciliary rootlet.^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=278 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. The secondary ciliary rootlet is also termed the anterior ciliary rootlet.^n^n'; TEXT CHARACTER=279 TEXT='After @Lundin2009. The secondary ciliary rootlet is also termed the anterior ciliary rootlet.'; TEXT CHARACTER=280 TEXT='See characters 21 and 28 in @Haszprunar2000; 1.12 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT CHARACTER=281 TEXT='Pore cells. Character 20 in @Haszprunar2000.'; TEXT CHARACTER=282 TEXT='See character 4.46 in @SalviniPlawen1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Character 5 in @Parry2019'; TEXT CHARACTER=284 TEXT='Also termed cyrtocytes. Character 21 in @Grobe2007; 1.47 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 138 in @Rouse1999; 20 in @Haszprunar1996; 90 in @Glenner2004'; TEXT CHARACTER=285 TEXT='See characters 35 in @Rouse1999; 28 in @Haszprunar2000; 93 in @Glenner2004; 1.47 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 21 in @Grobe2007; 138 in @Rouse1999; 20 in @Haszprunar1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=286 TEXT='Character 1 in @Haszprunar1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=287 TEXT='Character 2 in @Haszprunar2008'; TEXT CHARACTER=288 TEXT='After @Borisanova2015'; TEXT CHARACTER=289 TEXT='After @Borisanova2015'; TEXT CHARACTER=290 TEXT='Character 1 in @Haszprunar2000.'; TEXT CHARACTER=291 TEXT='After @Borisanova2015'; TEXT CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Character 127 in @Parry2019'; TEXT CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Character 128 in @Parry2019. @Scherholz2015 suggest that the ring musculature that forms an element of aculiferan body wall musculature ancestrally formed a continuous muscle layer; it is thus treated as potentially homologous with the circular body wall musculature of annelids.'; TEXT CHARACTER=294 TEXT='Character 92 in @Lindgren2004, following @Haszprunar2000. "Gastropods and cephalopods share a ''hydrostatic muscular system'' [@Haszprunar1988: 405], wherein the extension of body parts occurs via muscle contraction rather than hemolymphatic pressure. @Shimek1997 believe the same is true for the dentalid scaphopod foot".'; TEXT CHARACTER=295 TEXT='Combines characters 20 and 21 in @Simone2009.'; TEXT CHARACTER=296 TEXT='After table 1 in @Wanninger2002M. Adult cephalic retractors denote a differentiated, retractable head. A single pair are found in scaphopods, gastropods and cephalopods.'; TEXT CHARACTER=297 TEXT='Character 19 in @Haszprunar1996; see also character 13 in @Haszprunar2000'; TEXT CHARACTER=298 TEXT='See character 18 in @Haszprunar1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=299 TEXT='Character 14 in @Haszprunar1996. Paired longitudinal nerve cords regularly interconnected by transversal commissures to form a rectangular pattern.'; TEXT CHARACTER=300 TEXT='Character 16 in @Haszprunar1996. The Gliointerstitial system interconnects the nervous and muscle systems.'; TEXT CHARACTER=301 TEXT='Corresponds to the molluscan osphradium, considered a conchiferan synapomorphy [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]; see @SalviniPlawen1996, character 30; @Ponder1997, character 100; @Giribet2002 character 143; @Haszprunar2000 character 56; @Sasaki2010 character 49; @Lindgren2004 character 101.'; TEXT CHARACTER=302 TEXT='Character 1.33 in @SalviniPlawen1996; 44 in @Lindgren2004; 99 in @Ponder1997; 55 in @Haszprunar2000.'; TEXT CHARACTER=303 TEXT='Character 147 in @Parry2016, 158 in @Parry2019.^nNuchal organs are chemosensory organs present in almost all polychaetes, and absent in clitellates. They occur as a dorsal pair of ciliated areas on the posterior prostomium [@Purschke2005]. @Purschke1997O points to a number of differences between the nuchal organs of sipunculans and polychaetes, whilst acknowledging the existence of some similarities; @Purschke1997R acknowledge that the case is not closed. We agree that homology between the nuchal organs of sipunculans and annelids is uncertain, but code the structures in a single transformation series to allow the analysis to test the hypothesis of homology.'; TEXT CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Proposed as a synapomorphy of Mollusca + Ectoprocta by @Haszprunar2008 (character 7b), following @Wanninger2007, but overlooking the presence of the structure in polychaetes. Also termed an oral, circumoral or oesophageal nerve ring [@Voronezhskaya2003].'; TEXT CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Character 7c in @Haszprunar2008, following @Wanninger2007. An pre-oral anterior nerve loop is present in aculiferans, Loxosomella and certain annelids [@Wanninger2007].'; TEXT CHARACTER=306 TEXT='Also termed suprarectal loop; viewed as an aculiferan synapomorphy [@Scheltema1993, character 21]. See also @SalviniPlawen1996 character 28; @Waller1998 character 2e.'; TEXT CHARACTER=307 TEXT='"The tetraneural nervous system, including the cerebral commissure, lateral and ventral nerve cords, and suprarectal commissure, is more heavily ganglionated in both neomenioids and chaetoderms than in chitons." [@Scheltema1993]'; TEXT CHARACTER=308 TEXT='Character 1.22 in @SalviniPlawen1996'; TEXT CHARACTER=309 TEXT='After character 13 in @Haszprunar1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=310 TEXT='After character 13 in @Haszprunar1996.'; TEXT CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Character 205 in @Parry2019, who write "a brain with four transverse commissures is present in numerous families of polychaetes and two commissures are present in Sipuncula"'; TEXT CHARACTER=312 TEXT='Following character 205 in @Parry2019, who write "a brain with four transverse commissures is present in numerous families of polychaetes and two commissures are present in Sipuncula". @Mayer2015 remark "it has been proposed that the ancestral state for [...] annelids is four cerebral commissures [but] the ancestral state in the number [of] commissures in annelids is still unclear". A single commissure characterizes Diasoma. '; TEXT CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Character 212 in @Parry2019'; TEXT CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Character 213 in @Parry2019'; TEXT CHARACTER=315 TEXT='See character 7 in @Haszprunar2008, and discussion in @Wanninger2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=316 TEXT='Medullary nerve cord are built by a core neuropil and covered by neuronal somata [@Faller2012]'; TEXT CHARACTER=317 TEXT='Character 80 in @Glenner2004; see also character 6 in @Vinther2008.'; TEXT CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Character 222 in @Parry2019.'; TEXT CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Character 223 in @Parry2019. Refers to commissures between the ventral cords.'; TEXT CHARACTER=320 TEXT='BC1 in @Sperling2011'; TEXT CHARACTER=321 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=322 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=323 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=324 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=325 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=326 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=327 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=328 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=329 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=330 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=331 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=332 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=333 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=334 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=335 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=336 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=337 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=338 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=339 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=340 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=341 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=342 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=343 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=344 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=345 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=346 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=347 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=348 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=349 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=350 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=351 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=352 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=353 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT CHARACTER=354 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; [Attribute comments] TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='The mineralized endoskeleton of Namacalathus is not interpreted as a sclerite.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='Molluscan valves are treated as potential homologues of brachiopod valves.'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='Halkieriid sclerites are interpreted as potentially homologous with those of Dailyatia and hence the brachiopods [@Zhao2017].'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='Hooks are present, though the absence of chitin or microvillar impressions indicates that they are not homologous with those of other lophotrochozoans.^n'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='Annelid setae are not considered to represent potential homologues with the brachiopod shell.'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='The scales of Wiwaxia are treated as homologous with the chaetae of annelids and brachiopods [@Butterfield1990;@Smith2014;@Zhang2015], rather than brachiopod shell.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='Molluscan valves are treated as potential homologues of brachiopod valves.'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=99 TEXT='The plate-like structures on the dorsal surface of Yilingia [@Chen2019] are plausibly interpreted as non-mineralized sclerites.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Holmer & Caron (2006) note the absence of brittle breakage, interpreted as indicating the absence of a material mineralized component to the shells. The preservation is strikingly different from that of other Burgess Shale brachiopods, ruling out a primarily calcitic or phosphatic composition. The two-dimensional nature of the preservation also differs from that of co-occurring aragonitic taxa (hyoliths; Holmer & Caron 2006 p. 273), indicating that any mineralization was minor at best.^n^nHolmer & Caron (2006, p. 286) suggest that it is more likely that a (minor) mineral component was present than that it was not, though without providing an uncontestable rationale. To be as conservative as possible, we therefore code this taxon as ambiguous.^n'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Identified as calcareous by preservational criteria, and description "primary^ncalcitic shells of M. nuda" (Balthasar 2008).'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='The extensive relief and association with pyrite framboids indicates original mineralization, but the identity of the biomineral remains uncertain [@Zhang2013].'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='"Shell originally organophosphatic, but may generally have been poorly mineralized" -- Williams et al. 2007 -- cf. ibid, p. 2889, "These strong similarities to discinoids in soft-part anatomy imply that the Heliomedusa shell was chitinous or chitinophosphatic, not calcareous."'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Confirmed in Trimerella by @Balthasar2011'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='"the original shell of Eoobolus contained small calcareous grains that were incorporated into organic-rich layers alongside apatite" (Balthasar 2007)'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='The absence of relief in Lingulosacculus rules out a phosphatic or calcitic composition, but co-occurring (and presumably aragonitic) hyolithids are preserved in the same fashion. Its constitution was thus either organic or aragonitic (Balthasar & Butterfield 2009E).'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Shell calcitic'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Reconstructed as aragonitic from microstructural fabrics [@Vendrasco2017]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Calcite and silica deemed diagenetic by Balthasar (2004).'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Phosphatic - hence the conventional placement within Linguliformea.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Original mineralogy unknown, but known to be mineralised and anticipated to be phosphatic (Holmer et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Trimerellids were probably aragonitic [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Coded as phosphatic by Zhang et al. (2014), but with no explanation.^nCracks within shells of Chengjiang specimens (e.g. Zhang et al. 2007N, fig. 3) demonstrate that the shells were originally mineralized, but not the identity of the original biomineral. This said, phosphatized material from Kazakhstan (Holmer et al. 1997) is attributed to the same species; presuming this phosphate to be original and the material to be conspecific, L. malongensis is coded as having phosphatic shells.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Ventral valve uncalcified in extant forms or sometimes thin (Williams et al., 2000), but coded as calcitic as calcite-mineralizing pathways are present.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='"The original composition of the shell cannot be determined with certainty", though it was "most probably entirely soft and organic" -- Zhang et al. 2011T'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Relief indicates original mineralization, presumably in calcium carbonate as the originally phosphatic biominerals retain their original composition in Burgess Shale palaeoscolecids [@Smith2015]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Calcareous [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Interpreted as aragonitic [@Bengtson1992]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Presumed calcareous'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Preserved as calcite, but interpreted as aragonitic [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='By analogy with close relative Protobalanus [@Vinther2012]'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Originally comprised spherulitic aragonite prisms [@Runnegar1983]'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Aragonite [@Li2017]'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Entirely aragonitic in Apotocardium [@Rogalla2003]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='"Essentially made of aragonite" [@AuzouxBordenave2010]'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=182 TEXT='Presumably non-mineralized, on account on the absence of equivalent features in the shelly fossil record.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The girdle elements of certain polyplacophorans are chitinous and secreted by microvilli [@Fischer1980;@Leise1982;@Leise1988]; it is therefore likely that they are homologous with the setae of other lophotrochozoans.^n^nThey are not homologous with the shell; they exhibit a distinct mode of secretion and have a different organic scaffold [@Treves2003, @Ehrlich2010].'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='Note that the setae do not obviously emerge from tubes, leading Holmer and Caron to question their homology with the setae of other taxa (Heliomedusa, Mickwitzia).^n^nBoth valves of Acanthotretella were covered by long spine-like and shell penetrating setae. The setae of A. decaius are usually preserved along anterior and anterolateral margins (Hu et al. 2010).'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The absence of chitin or microvillar lineations in sipunculan hooks argues against their interpretation as setae, but they are coded as conceivable homologues, with these characteristics treated separately.'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The teeth of the Bryozoan gizzard have been homologized with annelid setae [@Gordon1975].'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='A gizzard is not present in all bryozoans, and has not been reported in Flustra.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='Setal bundles interpreted as present in acrotretids by Ushatinskaya (2016P).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='Phosphatised setae emerge from hollow spines (Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='Not observed [@Moysiuk2017], despite suitable preservation'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='Sclerites likely correspond with lophotrochozoan setae [@Butterfield1990;@Smith2014;@Zhang2015]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='"Setae appear short, delicate, and are closely fringed with the entire^nmantle margin, hardly extending beyond the edge of shell" [@Zhang2005]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='"Adult craniids are without setae (a feature shared with the thecideides, the^nshells of which are also cemented)." -- Williams et al. 2007'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The sclerites of Orthrozanclus are interpreted as being homologous to those of Halkieria. ^n^nOrthrozanclus occurs in preservational regimes that preserve sclerites in annelids and Wiwaxia, so additional seta-like sclerites -- whose presence cannot be evaluated in Halkieria -- are taken to be genuinely absent.'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The nature of the spicules that constitute the Siphogonuchites shell is uncertain. We treat them here as homologous to chiton girdle elements, following @ConwayMorris1996, @Bengtson1992 and @Vinther2017.^n^nAn equivalence to halkieriid sclerites is not apparent: sclerites must have been added to the edge of the Siphogonuchitid shell during growth, requiring an increase in the number of sclerite ''rows''; and they do not follow a quincuncial arrangement in a straightforward manner.^n^nThe internal ornament of parallel lines [@Bengtson1992; @ConwayMorris1996] recalls the longitudinal chambers within microvillar-secreted setae, but occur on the inner surface of phosphatized chambers, so probably have a different origin.'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The girdle elements of aculiferan molluscs include chitinous material that is secreted by microvilli; following @Vinther2017, these are coded as potential homologues of setae.'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The spines that adorn the ridges [@Sutton2004] are interpreted as equivalent to polyplacophoran girdle elements.'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The girdle elements of aculiferan molluscs include chitinous material that is secreted by microvilli; following @Vinther2017, these are coded as potential homologues of setae.'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The spinose sclerites of multiplacophorans are generally considered to represent modified shell plates rather than girdle elements [@Vendrasco2004, @ConwayMorris2006].^n^n@Vinther2009 argues that the spines of Polysacos are homologous with polyplacophoran girdle elements. ^n^nHowever, aesthete canals form by the inclusion of the secretory mantle within the growing valve [@Baxter1987], which points to a fundamentally non-seta-like growth mechanism; rather than secretion by basal microvilli, multiplacophoran spines evidently grow by basal accretion without periodic replacement.^n^nAs such, the existence of girdle elements homologous to setae is not demonstrated by available fossil material.'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='The girdle elements of aculiferan molluscs include chitinous material that is secreted by microvilli; following @Vinther2017, these are coded as potential homologues of setae.'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='Reported by @Thomas2012'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='@Kaas1981'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=10 TEXT='@Leise1986'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=95 TEXT='Although "the possibility of a blind ending may not be completely eliminated [...] the weight of evidence [...] leads us to reject the possibility of a blind-ending intestine" -- Zhang et al. 2007R, p. 1399'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=95 TEXT='[@Devaere2014]'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=95 TEXT='Scored according to familial level feature.'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=95 TEXT='Interpreted as possessing a through gut'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=96 TEXT='"Five specimens have an exceptionally preserved digestive tract, dorsally curved, with a putative dorso-terminal anus located near the proximal end of a pedicle" -- Zhang et al. 2007R'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=96 TEXT='[@Devaere2014]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=96 TEXT='"In rhynchonelliforms, the gut curves somewhat into a C-shape and the (blind) anus becomes posteroventral in position." -- Williams et al. 2007, p. ^n2884'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=96 TEXT='The U-shaped gut of scaphopods arises by exaggeration of the dorsal surface, rather than migration of the anus [@Steiner1992]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=96 TEXT='Coded as ambiguous (straight / rear of pedal sole) as the pedal sole is secondarily lost in the group.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Coded as ambiguous for equivalve/ventral valve larger: the posterior embryonic shell field is treated herein as equivalent to the ventral valve'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Aside from hinge, valves similar in convexity and size (Balthasar 2008)'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Ventral valve larger than the dorsal valve (Zhang et al. 2009, p. 659)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Equivalve as juveniles, becoming "convexiplane" [@Williams2000, p. 187] as adults [@Hanken1985]'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='"Eoobolus is biconvex", but in his amended diagnosis, Balthasar (2009T) described it as "shell inequivalved, dorsibiconvex".'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='"Shell subequally biconvex" -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Ventral valve larger (see Williams et al. 2000, fig. 125.)'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Broadly equivalve - see Williams et al. (2000) fig. 508.2c '; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='After table 8 in Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='The ventral valve is somewhat, but not markedly, larger than the dorsal; as such, this character is coded ambiguous for equivalve/ventral valve larger'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Ventribiconvex (Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Subequally biconvex [@Williams2000, p. 192]'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Ventral valve larger (see Williams et al. 2000, fig. 126.)'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='The ventral valve is somewhat, but not markedly, larger than the dorsal; as such, this character is coded ambiguous for equivalve/ventral valve larger'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=160 TEXT='Dorsal valve slightly larger [@Kaas1994]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Uniformly distributed around girdle (though not within shell) with no serial repetition [@Vinther2005;@Leise1988].'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Throughout the shell -- see Williams et al. 2007 -- causing the pustulose appearance remarked upon by Chen et al. 2007'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Skovsted et al (2011) assumed the setae may have been present along the margin of the adapical opening, but there is no fossil evidence.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='At margin of shell [@Zhang2005]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='No zonation evident [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='No evidence of metamerism is evident [@Bengtson1992]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='@Sutton2012N'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Strictly, in transverse rows [@Sutton2004], but in view of the serial repetition this state is deemed appropriate.'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='No pattern apparent [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Girdle at margin of organism [@Hoare1986]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='@Checa2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='No obvious pattern or arrangement evident [@Leise1986]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='Repetition only evident in larvae [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=17 TEXT='In Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='There is no obvious way to homologise the attachment structure with the ventral pedicle of brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The attachment structure of Acanthotretella originates at the margin of the dorsal and ventral valves; although it emerges from the umbo of the ventral valve, the presence of an internal pedicle tube betrays its identity as a pedicle, rather than a pedicle sheath.^n^nThe pedicle of Acanthotretella emerges from a short extension of the umbo of the ventral valve. This extension is contiguous with the valve and presumably grew by accretion; its position and continuity with the valve suggest its interpretation as a pedicle sheath that is superseded as an attachment structure. On the other hand, its continuity with the internal pedicle tube suggests that is may represent an independent organ.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The prominent foramen between artificially articulated valves is taken to imply the presence of a pedicle [@Holmer2008]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The presence of a pedicle is indicated by the propensity of Micromitra to attach to hard substrates, such as sponge spicules [@Holmer2006A].'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The stalk is conceivably homologous with the brachiopod pedicle, but this possibility is impossible to test.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='"It seems unlikely that H. orienta possessed a pedicle that attached it to^nthe soft seafloor, like most other Chengjiang brachiopods." ...^n"The putative pedicle illustrated by Chen et al. (2007: Figs 4, 6, 7) in fact is the mold of a three-dimensionally preserved visceral cavity" -- Zhang et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Absent; there is no clear basis to homologise the larval attachment structure of certain sipunculans with a pedicle'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The absence of a pedicle is inferred from the absence of an internal pedicle tube, and the absence of a pedicle at the hinge.'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Attached apically by cementation'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The apex of Bactrotheca deleta is pointed (Novak, 1891).'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='"Paterimitra is interpreted to have attached to hard substrates via a pedicle that emerged through the small posterior opening" -- Skovsted et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Not possible to reconcile with decollation.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='An attachment structure is inferred based on the presence of an opening (Balthasar 2004); this is assumed to have been homologous with the brachiopod pedicle.'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Grows directly onto the substrate.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='A pedicle was presumably present, but only the foramen is preserved.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Pedicle foramen was not necessarily occupied by a pedicle (though it presumably was).'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The stalk corresponds to the molluscan foot, rather than a pedicle.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Presumed present, based on ventral foramen with colleplax.'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Uncertain: specimens in @Valent2015 do not unambiguously show apical termination'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Coded as ambiguous: @Liu2020 that the ''pedicle'' observed by @Sun2018H represents part of the shell. Subsidiary characters are coded as ambiguous for the observed state or inapplicable.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='Has a pedicle, rather than a pedicle sheath as in Kutorgina (Holmer et al. 2018E; Holmer et al. 2018T)'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=35 TEXT='The tube-bearing stalk of phoronids arises as an eversion of the metastomal sac, a markedly different origin from the brachiopod pedicle, which arises from a terminal attachment disc [@Young2002]; the structures are of dubious homology.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=41 TEXT='A coleomic canal is inferred based on the ease with which the pedicle is deformed (Holmer et al. 2018E), but its presence is not known for certain so is coded ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='"The pedicle surface is ornamented with pronounced annulated rings, disposed at intervals of about 0.2 mm"'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='"Pronounced concentric annular discs disposed at intervals of 0.6--1.0 mm" -- @Zhang2007Rhynchonelliformeanbrachiopods'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='"The emerging pedicle has a consistent shape in all the available specimens and is strongly annulated and distally tapering" -- Holmer et al. 2018E'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='Annulations present in median collar'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='Regularly annotated (see fig. 14.9 in Hou et al. 2017)'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='"It appears that the pedicle lacks a coelomic space and is distinctly annulated, with densely stacked tabular bodies" -- Zhang et al. 2011A'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='The "strong annulations" vary significantly in transverse thickness (Holmer et al. 2018E), so it is not clear whether these represent true annulations or wrinkles.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=42 TEXT='"The preserved pedicle has condensed annulations" -- Zhang et al. 2011T'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=38 TEXT='Holmer and Caron (2006) interpret the presence of a bulb as tentative; we score it as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=97 TEXT='"Presumed to terminate in a functional anus located near the proximal end of the pedicle." -- Zhang et al. 2007R'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Corresponding to the "neck" of the vase-shaped visceral cavity reported by Zhang et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Sipunculans express a buccal organ as larvae, which is lost after metamorphosis [@Rice1976; @Cutler1994, fig. 83]. The eversible proboscis is not homologous to the foregut.'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Prominent extension of dorsal visceral platform (Balthasar 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='The prominent anterior extension of the visceral area noted by Balthasar & Butterfield (2009E) is considered as potentially homologous with that of Heliomedusa (Zhang et al. 2009) and, by extension, Haplophrentis (Moysiuk et al. 2017)'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Possibly present, following interpretation of mouth (see fig. 2c, d in Zhang et al. 2014)'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='An anterior projection of the visceral area is noted by Williams et al. (2000) and considered equivalent to that observed in Lingulosacculus (Balthasar & Butterfield 2009E).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Prominent pharynx [@Robinson2014]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Not evident [@Vinther2017], and interpreted as absent based on position of radula'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Wirenia exhibits a retractable pharynx [@Scherholz2015], but this is not considered homologous.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='Pre-oral fold (velum) is not associated with the pharynx [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='''Prominence'' is perhaps arguable in Capitella.'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=84 TEXT='The interpretation of a possible pharynx has been contested [@EibyeJacobsen2004;@Parry2015], but is demonstrated by @Parry2019.'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='"This same arrangement occurs in L. nuda, with the looped dark line tracking the same course as the exceptionally preserved guts of Chengjiang lingulellotretids, including the median position of its posterior loop and the sharp right turn as it exits the posterior extension of the ventral valve" (Balthasar & Butterfield 2009E, p.310).'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='"Five specimens have an exceptionally preserved digestive tract, dorsally curved, with a putative dorso-terminal anus located near the proximal end of a pedicle" -- Zhang et al. 2007R'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='Anus remains on ventral surface. Arguably, rather than the anus migrating, the dorsal surface of the animal has become extended.'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='Anus remains on ventral surface. Arguably, rather than the anus migrating, the dorsal surface of the animal has become extended.'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='Opening to left in @Devaere2014, fig. 5A.'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='The identification of the "very poorly impressed possible anus at the lateral side of the anterior body wall" is not yet confident, so this character is coded as not presently available.'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='Opening to the right -- see figures 1, 3, and extended data 5 in Moysiuk et al. (2017). The text states in error that the anus is to the left of the midline.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='"finally terminating in an anal opening on the right anterior body wall" (Zhang et al. 2007N, p.66).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='"In rhynchonelliforms, the gut curves somewhat into a C-shape and the (blind) anus becomes posteroventral in position." -- Williams et al. 2007, p. ^n2884'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='"In the lingulids, the [intestine] follows an oblique course anteriorly to open at the anus on the right body wall." -- Williams et al. 1997, p. 89'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='"The intestine extends posteriorly, and then turns right to continue as a tortuous strand, finally terminating at the latero-median position of the anterior body wall" -- Zhang et al. 2007A^n'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=98 TEXT='An alternative interpretation would be that the posterior of the scaphopod has been extended to generate the relatively anterior position of the originally ventral anus.'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='The existence of a lophophore is speculative.'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Tentacles form almost complete circular crown'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Growing to encircle mouth in adults'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Two diverging arms of the lophophore are preserved (Balthasar & Butterfield 2009E)'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Ends of arms meet to form closed loop [@Temereva2016Thenervous]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Growing to encircle mouth in adults'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='@Nielsen1966'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='No specimens of Nisusia preserve the lophophore.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Two distinct, diverging arms reconstructed by Zhang et al. 2007A'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=56 TEXT='Two lophophore arms rather than a single continuous loop, but with tips close together to form functional loop [@Torrey1901]'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Namacalathus exhibits three layers, none of which have any obvious correspondence with those of brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='From periostracum inwards, Chiton bears three microstructural layers: fine-grained, nacreous, and regular crossed lamellar.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Balthasar (2008) considers the single mineralogical layer, which comprises phosphatic rods and laminae, to characterize Obolellata.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Identical to Mickwitzia and more derived linguliforms [@Holmer2011]'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Single layer of fibrous aragonite [@Porter2008]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='"The shells of both skeletal components show very similar structures and are composed of two layers" -- @Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='"Eoobolus shells exhibit the general characteristics of modern linguliform shells, i.e. they were composed of alternating sets of organic and apatite-rich layers that were separated by thin sheets of recalcitrant organic layers." -- Balthasar 2007'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Taxon known only from moulds [@Valent2012]'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Inner and outer layers [@Vendrasco2017]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='"the shell structure of Mickwitzia [...] is closely similar to the columnar shell of linguliform acrotretoid brachiopods as well as to the linguloid Lingulellotreta, in that it has slender columns in the laminar succession" -- Williams et al. 2007'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='General acrotretid structure taken from Zhang et al. (2016)'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='"Composed of a thin primary layer and a laminate secondary shell exhibiting baculate shell structure" -- Skovsted & Holmer (2005), with reference to Skovsted & Holmer 2003.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='"Orthodoxly secreted primary and secondary layers" -- Williams et al. 2004'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='At least three microstructures are evident, although it is not quite apparent whether these occur in separate layers or separate regions of the shell [@Li2017].'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Two layers are microstructrually differentiated; the ''inner'' layer is considered a sub-layer of the ''middle'' layer [@Rogalla2003]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='@Peebles2017'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='"Shell layers consisting of a thin periostracum, a dominant prismatic layer, and a thin internal nacreous layer" [@Mclean1979] ^n"Spherulitic aragonitic prisms beneath the organic periostracum" [@Runnegar1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='(In juveniles): tablets plus inner and outer prismatic layers [@AuzouxBordenave2010]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=186 TEXT='Aragonitic nacre, fibrous calcite prisms, and myostracum [@Gao2015]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Following the proposed homology model between the posterior valve of polyplacophorans and the ventral valve of brachiopods, the "posterior" surface of the polyplacophoran valve is taken to be the surface that would articulate with the anterior valve, which is anatomically anterior on the living organism.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Balthasar (2008) interprets a pseudointerarea as being present - e.g. p273, "Of particular interest is the vault that bridges the most anterior portion of the ventral pseudointerarea and raises it above the visceral platform."; "This pattern is reversed in the ventral valves of M. nuda, where the anterior projection of the pedicle groove is raised above the valve floor whereas the lateral parts of pseudointerarea are not". '; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Zhang et al. (2009) report a moderate to somewhat developed ventral pseudointerarea, confirmed by Williams et al (2007).'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='The region corresponding to the ventral (pseudo)interarea is described as a "trimerellid ventral cardinal area" by @Williams2000 (p.162), who code both an interarea and a pseudointerarea as absent in trimerellids.'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='The conical valve is interpreted as the ventral valve with an extended pseudointerarea.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='No clear delineation of posterior (functionally dorsal) surface'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Triangular notch and subapical flange'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='No evidence of differentiation; circular cross-section [@Vendrasco2017]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Termed an interarea by Balthasar (2004)'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Round in cross-section, with no clear delineation of posterior (functionally dorsal) surface [@Devaere2014]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Described by Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='"Ventral pseudointerarea, low, undivided, poorly defined" -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Following char 17 in table 15 of Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Lateral lines suggest differentiation of posterior surface, but difficult to discern a change in morphology of this region. Coded ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Though "all evidence of a pseudointerarea is lacking" -- Zhang et al. 2011T -- the region of the shell between the strophic hinge line and the colleplax (fig. 2 in Zhang et al. 2011T) is distinct from the rest of the shell; the ends of the strophic hinge line are marked by prominent nicks in the shell margin. Longtancunella is therefore coded as having a differentiated posterior surface.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='Interarea present.'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=162 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='The antemucronal area [@Schwabe2010] is treated as equivalent to the brachiopod delthyrium'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Origin modelled on Siphonobolus.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Opening inferred by Holmer et al. (2008)'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='See for example fig. 5 in Balthasar 2009T.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='A delthyrium is present in young individuals (Balthasar 2004).'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Following Popov (1992), the larval delthyrium is sealed in adults by outgrowths of the posterolateral margins of the shell.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='The homology of the triangular notch or groove in the pseudointerarea with the umbonal pedicle foramen of acrotretids was proposed by Popov (1992), and seemingly corroborated by observations of Ushatinskaya & Korovnikov (2016R), who note that the propareas of the Botsfordia ventral valve sometimes merge to form an elongate teardrop-shaped pedicle foramen.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Homeodeltidium absent (Williams et al. 2000, p. 153); deltidium is open (see Topper et al. 2013T, fig. 4)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='"Delthyrium and notothyrium open, wide" -- Cooper 1976'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Details of the hinge region are unclear due to the flattened and overprinted nature of fossil preservation.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Ontogeny presumed to resemble that of acrotretids.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='The listrum (pedicle opening) is interpreted as originating via a similar mechanism to that of acrotretids (Popov 1992), and hence corresponding to a basally sealed delthyrium.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=166 TEXT='Unclear: a narrow ridge that may correspond to a pseudodeltidium evident in fig 2a and sketched in fig. 2c is not discussed in the text of Zhang et al. 2011T, so the delthyrial region is coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='"Vertical shell penetrating structures, such as punctae, pseudopunctae, extropunctae and canals, are common in many groups of brachiopods and are distinguished based on their geometry and size (Williams 1997). Punctae are 10-20 um wide and represent multicellular extensions of the outer epithelium (Owen and Williams 1969). [...] None of these three types of vertical shell structure, all of which are confined to calcitic-shelled brachiopods, compares with the much smaller canals (< 1 um in diameter) of M. nuda. The only type of vertical structure that fits the size and nature of the canals of the Mural obolellids are the canals of linguliform brachiopods, which range in width from 180 to 740 nm and are occupied by proteinaceous strands in extant taxa (Williams et al. 1992, 1994; Williams 1997)." -- Balthasar 2008'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='Not evident despite excellent preservation; interpreted as absent [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='''Identical'' to those in Mickwitzia -- see Williams et al. 2007'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='"impunctate"'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='Taxon known only from moulds [@Valent2012]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='Coded as present to reflect that the chambers contained setae; following Carlson in Williams et al. 2007, the punctae may or may not be homologous as punctae, but are likely homologous as shell perforations; both these perforations and those of Micrina were associated with setae, even if their equivalence bay be with juvenile vs adult setal structures in modern brachiopods (Balthasar 2004, p. 397).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='The ''canals'' through the shell have a diameter of c. 20 um (Williams et al. 2004, text-fig. 2a), falling within the definition of punctae used herein.'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='The tubules within the centre of the bundles of hyolith shells (Kouchinsky 2000) are c. 10 um wide, making them an order of magnitude larger than the canals that characterize lingulid valves, and a similar scale to punctae. This said, they have only been reported in a putative allathecid, so the presence of equivalent structures in hyolithids has never been demonstrated.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='Endopunctae are relatively large canals, diameter vary greatly from 5-20 um.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='@Mclean1979'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=192 TEXT='@Gao2015'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Canal-like structures have been reported in Namacalathus (Zhuravlev et al. 2015), and interpreted as evidence for a Lophophorate affinity. Though the structures are not necessarily directly equivalent, the hypothesis of homology is followed here.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Aesthete canals do not fall within the definition of this character.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Acrotretid laminae bear characteristic columns (e.g. Zhang et al. 2016); a similar fabric has been reported, and assumed homologous, in Micrina (Butler et al. 2012).^n^nA similar columnar shell microstructure also occurs in the closely related Mickwitzia (Balthasar 2008).'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='The chambers in halkieriid sclerites do not correspond in morphology or dimension to the brachiopod-like canals documented by this character.'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Columns, replicated in phosphate and present in both layers of the shell, have been interpreted as potential homologues to acrotretid columns [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Taxon known only from moulds [@Valent2012]'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Orthogonal tubules [@Vendrasco2017]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Coded as present to reflect similarity of columnar microstructure remarked on by, among others, Balthasar (2008); Williams et al. (2007); Skovsted & Holmer (2003)'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Acrotretid laminae bear characteristic columns (e.g. Zhang et al. 2016).^n^nBalthasar (2008) considers these columns as homologous with tubules within the columnar shell microstructure Mummpikia, Mickwitzia and lingulellotretids'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Not evident in section presented by Skovsted & Holmer (2003).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='The ''canals'' through the shell have a diameter of c. 20 um (Williams et al. 2004, text-fig. 2a), falling within the definition of punctae (rather than canals) used herein.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='Preservational resolution not sufficient to evaluate'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='@Mclean1979'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=191 TEXT='@Gao2015'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='Williams et al. 2000, fig. 83.3'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='Covered by subaical flange, in part. '; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='See pl. 3 fig. 15 in Skovsted & Holmer (2005)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='Open (Topper et al. 2013T)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='Coded as open by Williams et al. (1998T)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='"Covered only apically by a small convex pseudodeltitium" - Holmer et al. 2018E'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=169 TEXT='A convex pseudodeltidium completely covers the delthyrium in Coolinia.^n'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=163 TEXT='Balthasar (2008) interprets an inward-growing posterior margin of the pseudointerarea - e.g. p273, "Of particular interest is the vault that bridges the most anterior portion of the ventral pseudointerarea and raises it above the visceral platform [...] An inward-growing posterior margin is otherwise known only from the pseudointerareas of linguliform brachiopods".'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=163 TEXT='See for example Skovsted & Holmer (2005), pl. 3.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=163 TEXT='See Topper et al. (2013R)'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=163 TEXT='Inward-growing; see Skovsted & Holmer (2005), pl. 4'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=163 TEXT='Transverse cross section of ventral pseudointerarea concave.'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=163 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Inapplicable insofar as reproduction occurs by budding; there is no evidence for a free-living larval stage. Nevertheless, the presence of a sexual reproductive phase in addition to asexual reproduction cannot be discounted.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='On hatching, the polyplacophoran larva lacks a shell field. ^n^nShell fields develop during the trochophore larva stage. The larva of the chiton Mopalia has two distinct shell fields: that anterior to the prototroch will develop into the first shell plate; the one posterior to the prototroch becomes the subsequent plates [@Wanninger2002C].^n^nThis disc-shaped posterior plate, whose position corresponds to the conchiferan shell field, bears a polygonal ornament and is subdivided by a series of grooves that prefigure the adult shell plates [@Wanninger2002C].'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='"The initial part of the conch appears to be a simple apex without clearly delineated protoconch" [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid], though it is not clear from illustrated figures whether an embryonic shell contiguous with the adult shell was present.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='The earliest shell is not described by @Hanken1985 or @Watkins2002.'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='[@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Described by Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Absent, with no possible equivalent [@Nielsen1966]'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Coded following Recilites [@Dzik1978], a fellow member of Pauxillitidae [@Marek1967]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Shell not secreted until after metamorphosis (Popov et al. 2010). Freeman & Lundelius (1999) report a Craniops-like larval shell in fossil "Crania", but observe that Quaternary [Novo]crania no longer exhibit a larval shell.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='The shell does not form until the trochophore larval stage, which has been exquisitely described in Antalis [@Wanninger2001].^nThis shell field is initially disc-like, subsequently expanding to fuse ventrally and produce the cylindrical protoconch. The prototroch is clearly delineated fro the telotroch in post-metamorphic juveniles [@Wanninger2001].'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Prodissoconch I probably demarcated by first growth line [@Runnegar1983]'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Present [@Nutzel2006]'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='@Pojeta1972'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='Not coiled, as stated in @Lemche1959, but bulbous [@Lindberg1985,@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='@AuzouxBordenave2010'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='@Kniprath1980'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=1 TEXT='@Chen2019'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='@Wanninger2002C'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Not clearly delineated [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid], so either inapplicable or undifferentiated'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Nick point indicated by arrows in fig. 1 of Balthasar (2009T).'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Prominent nick; see Freeman & Lundelius 1999, fig. 6A'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='There is a small ridge and a change in surface ornament at the end of the larval shell [@Dzik1980Ontogenyof]'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Prominent nick [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Prominent nick [@Wrona2003, figs 5G-H, 6a1]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Described by Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='No prominent nick in Recilites (Pauxillitidae) [@Dzik1978]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='No prominent nick point [@Holmer1997;@Li2004]'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='The flattened region at the umbo of the ventral valve in smaller specimens conceivably represents an embryonic shell, though it may alternatively represent a cicatrix or colleplax-like structure.'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='@Nutzel2006'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='"delimited from the surrounding adult shell by the innermost (first) concentric ridges of the periostracum" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='@AuzouxBordenave2010'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=3 TEXT='Prominent nick [@Martel2000]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Disc-like, subdivided by transverse grooves [@Wanninger2002C]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Subtriangular -- essentially round'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='The embryonic shell is more or less circular in outline -- see Freeman & Lundelius, 1999, fig. 6A'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='The impression of the larval shell on the operculum is flat and disc-like [@Skovsted2016]. The fusiform ''protoconch'' [@Sun2018H] likely represents a larval (rather than brephic) shell.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Trifoliate appearance results from prominent attachment rudiment and bunching of setal sacs (Balthasar 2009T).'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='[@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='The flat larval shell of Clupeafumosus resembles that of Micrina in outline (Topper et al. 2013R; cf. Holmer et al. 2011).'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Renoid -- see fig. 4B3 in Topper et al. 2013T'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Fusiform, following Recilites (Pauxillitidae) [@Dzik1978]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Disc-like [@Li2004]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='See e.g. fig 169 in Williams et al. (1997)'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='See fig. 159 in Williams et al. 1997'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='See fig. 3 in Bassett et al. 2017'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Flat and disc-like -- though bivalved [@Runnegar1983]'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='@Pojeta1972'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Appears cap-shaped and relatively flat in @Lindberg1985, but more bulbous in @Wingstrand1985.'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Subspherical [@AuzouxBordenave2010]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=2 TEXT='Flat (though split into two via non-mineralized ligament) [@Kniprath1980]'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='Absent [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='Four setal sacs'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='[@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='Setal bundles interpreted as present in acrotretids by Ushatinskaya (2016P).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='"One specimen shows fine capillae running laterally from the posterior tubercles on the dorsal valve (Pl. 3, fig. 5b). This is possibly the imprints of setae." -- Ushatinskaya & Korovnikov 2016R'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='Following Recilites (Pauxillitidae) [@Dzik1978]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=6 TEXT='Possible suggestion of setal sacs present on brephic shell [@Holmer1997;@Li2004], but outline inadequately preserved to code with confidence; treated as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='Lobe related to the attachment rudiment (Balthasar 2009T, fig. 2)'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='A pedicle is not inferred by @Skovsted2016, and is difficult to reconcile with the apical morphology documented by @Sun2018H.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='Note the posterior lobe related to the attachment rudiment in fig. 2 of Balthasar 2009T'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='[@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='The larval shell embraces the pedicle foramen, suggesting a larval attachment. See fig. 4 of Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='Interpreted as having planktotrophic (and thus non-attached) larvae (Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='Distal extension of Recilites (Pauxillitidae) has plausible similarity to pedicle [@Dzik1978], but deemed unlikely. Coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='The pedicle foramen intersects the brephic shell [@Holmer1997;@Li2004], suggesting larval attachment.'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=5 TEXT='@AuzouxBordenave2010'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='Absent in Micrina [@Holmer2011]'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='The internal canal associated with the pedicle is unique to the tomteluvids, and has an uncertain identity (Streng et al. 2016). It could conceivably correspond to an internalized pedicle sheath or an equivalent structure, so this feature is coded as ambiguous here.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='A cicatrix was reconstructed by Jin & Wang 1992 (figs 6b, 7), but has not been reported by later authors; possibly, as with the ''pedicle foramen'' of Chen et al. (2007), this structure represents internal organs rather than a cicatrix proper (Zhang et al. 2009); as such it has been recorded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='Paracraniops is "externally similar to Craniops, but lacking cicatrix" -- indicating that Craniops bears a cicatrix (Williams et al. 2000). Also coded as present in their table 15.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='The umbonal region of kutorginides "clearly lacks a pedicle sheath" (Holmer et al. 2018T)'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='The apical termination of the conical valve is not preserved [@Valent2012]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='Not reported by Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='The median collar or conical tube is conceivably homologous with the pedicle sheath.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='Coded as present in view of the attachment scar, which has been considered homologous with the "adult colleplax and foramen with attachment pad" in Salanygolina (Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='The pedicle is identified as such (rather than a pedicle sheath) by the internal pedicle tube.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='The flat apical termination of juvenile individuals possibly functioned as colleplax for attachment, but may simply represent the brephic shell; we treat it as ambiguous to reflect this potential homology.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=176 TEXT='A ring-like structure surrounding the pedicle is interpreted as a colleplax (Zhang et al. 2011T), though the authors make no comparison with the pedicle capsule exhibited by extant terebratulids (see Holmer et al. 2018E).'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Following Bactrotheca [@Dzik1980Ontogenyof]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='[@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Setal bundles interpreted as present in acrotretids by Ushatinskaya (2016P).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='A single pair of low tubercles are (Ushatinskaya & Korovnikov 2016R state "may be") located in the middle region of the dorsal and the ventral brephic valve; these are interpreted as a single pair of setal sacs, with the identity of the (dorsally unpaired) tubercles uncertain.^n'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Following Recilites (Pauxillitidae) [@Dzik1978]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Possible suggestion of setal sacs present on brephic shell [@Holmer1997;@Li2004], but outline inadequately preserved to code with confidence; treated as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Three pairs (Carlson 1995)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Three pairs (Carlson 1995)'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=7 TEXT='Lingulids'' larval setae are not arranged in bundles (Carlson 1995)'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='The sutural laminae correspond in function and position to brachiopod apophyses [@Connors2012], and so are coded as potentially homologous.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='No articulation structures are evident; instead, the propareas are rotated inwards (Balthasar 2008). The definition of Family Obolellidae in Williams et al. (2000) notes that articulation may be lacking or vestigial in the group.'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='Tomteluvids [...] lack articulation structures such as teeth and sockets (Streng et al. 2016)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='"Articulatory structure comprising ventral cardinal socket and dorsal hinge plate [...] The shape of the shell probably correlates strongly with the unique type of articulation, which consists of a dorsal hinge plate that fits tightly into a cardinal socket in the ventral valve, with a concave homeodeltidium in the center of the ventral interarea" -- @Williams2000, p.184, concerning order Trimerellida'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='Kutorginata don''t have teeth or dental sockets, but their shells are articulated by "two triangular plates formed by dorsal interarea, bearing oblique ridges on the inner sides" (Williams et al 2000, p. 211); this simple hinge mechanism is different from other rhynchonelliforms (Williams et al. 2000, p.208), but serves an equivalent purpose and is thus potentially homologous. We thus code kutorginids as present, using a subsequent character to capture difference in tooth morphology.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='Not reported by or evident in Balthasar (2004)'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='No articulating processes evident or reported by Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='"articulatory structures poorly developed" -- Williams et al. 2000, p. 192'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='"Strophic articulation with paired, ventral denticles, composed of secondary shell" -- definition of family Trematobolidae in Williams et al. 2000^n'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=124 TEXT='Kutorginata don''t have teeth or dental sockets, but their shells are articulated by "two triangular plates formed by dorsal interarea, bearing oblique ridges on the inner sides" (Williams et al 2000, p. 211); this simple hinge mechanism is different from other rhynchonelliforms (Williams et al. 2000, p.208), but serves an equivalent purpose and is thus potentially homologous. We thus code kutorginids as present, using a subsequent character to capture difference in tooth morphology.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=194 TEXT='The polygonal ornament reported in acrotretids by Zhang et al. (2016) is on the internal surface of the shell.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=194 TEXT='@Mclean1979'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=194 TEXT='@Gao2015'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='The inner and outer layer are foliated. The columnar inflections lack canals, and as such we do not consider them to bear any obvious homology with the hollow pillars of tommotiids and certain brachiopods, their superficial similarity to strophomenid pseudopunctae notwithstanding.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='@Balthasar2008 considers the single mineralogical layer, which comprises phosphatic rods and laminae, to characterize Obolellata.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Micrina exhibits polygonal imprints on the internal surfaces of successive second-order laminae, suggesting the existence of a polygonal organization of these layers [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Lamination present, with no imprints of presumed mantle cells [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Fibrous [@Zhang2018A]'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='No original structural details evident [@Streng2016]'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Laminated relict shell structure visible, indicating original constitution from "sheet-like laminae" [@Hanken1985]'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Lamination present, with no imprints of presumed mantle cells [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='[@Williams1997Introduction, fig. 249.1]'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Lamination absent [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Laminated [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Tabular laminae, not fibrous as previously thought [@Madison2017].'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Fibrous bundles [@Vendrasco2017]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Alternation of layers [@Balthasar2004]'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='"Composed of a thin primary layer and a laminate secondary shell exhibiting baculate shell structure" -- @Skovsted2005, with reference to @Skovsted2003.^n^n@Williams1998T[appendix 2] code lamination as present, with no imprints of presumed mantle cells.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Lamination present [@Balthasar2009H], with imprints of presumed mantle cells [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Lamination absent [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Laminated [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Orithidina have impunctate shells with a fibrous secondary layer [@Williams2000 p. 724]'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='"Apatitic crystals of varying shapes and dimensions" [@Holmer2009T]'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Cleaved stratified platy laminae, best preserved in canal walls [@Williams2004]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='@Parkinson2005'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Laminar secondary layer [@Parkinson2005]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Lingulid laminae are thicker than those of tommotiids or paterinids, but construed as homologous [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='@Dewing2004'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Spherulitic aragonitic prisms [@Runnegar1983]'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Spherulitic prisms are present in the outer layer of Apotocardium; crossed lamellae or prisms in the inner [@Rogalla2003]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='Crossed lamellar sandwiching spherulitic [@Peebles2017]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='"Shell layers consisting of a thin periostracum, a dominant prismatic layer, and a thin internal nacreous layer" [@Mclean1979]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=187 TEXT='(prismatic) [@AuzouxBordenave2010]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=8 TEXT='See fig. 2 in Balthasar 2009T'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=8 TEXT='Two pairs identified in acrotretids by Ushatinskaya (2016P).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=8 TEXT='"larval shell with one to three apical tubercles in ventral valve and two in dorsal valve" (Williams et al. 2000) -- if these correspond to setal sacs, then we interpret this as equivalent to one pair.^n^nIn B. minuta, the ventral valve bears a single medial tubercle (which in figured material seems to have two bilaterally symmetrical fields), whereas the dorsal valve bears two apical tubercles [@Li2004] -- supporting the interpretation of a single pair of setal sacs.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=8 TEXT='Two pairs of setal sacs (Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=8 TEXT='Three pairs (Carlson 1995)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=8 TEXT='Three pairs (Carlson 1995)'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Convex deltoid [@Holmer2008]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Gently convex (see Williams et al. 2000, fig. 83.3)'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Convex (Streng et al. 2016)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='"Narrow depressed homeodeltidium" -- @Hanken1985'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Difficult to determine based on material presented in Zhang et al (2007R), or indeed for other species in the genus (e.g. Williams et al. 2000; Skovsted & Holmer 2005; Holmer et al. 2018T)'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Gently convex (see Williams et al. 2000, fig. 83.1)'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Convex (Williams et al. 2000, fig. 508)'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Convex (see Balthasar 2004, fig. 4B)'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='"The presence of [...] a narrow delthyrium covered by a convex pseudodeltidium, places Salanygolinidae outside the Class Paterinata and strongly suggests affinity to the Cambrian Chileida" -- Holmer et al. 2009, p. 9'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='"concave pseudodeltidium with median plication" -- Williams et al. 2000^nCoded as "Pseudodeltidium: Covered by concave plate" by Bassett et al. (2001)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=172 TEXT='Convex in Nisusia (see Rowell and Caruso, 1985, fig. 8.4)'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='A linear hinge articulation does not exist between valves 1 and 2; nor would it exist between valves 1 and 8 were these adjacent [@Connors2012]. '; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Non-strophic: see @Holmer2008'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Non-strophic'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Coded as strophic in Williams et al (1998T)'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='"Tomteluvid taxa all have a strongly ventribiconvex, astrophic shell with a unisulcate commissure" -- @Streng2016, p5'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='The straight posterior margin of Gasconsia contributes to an overall resemblance with the Chileids [@Holmer2014O]'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Coded as astrophic in Williams et al (1998T); see also @Balthasar2009Thebrachiopod'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Astrophic: rounded posterior margin (see fig. 91 in Williams et al. 2000) '; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='@Williams1998T(appendix 2) and @Williams2000 (p. 208) consider the hinge of Kutorgina to be strophic, whereas @Bassett2001 argue for an astrophic interpretation -- whilst noting that the arrangement is prominently different from other astrophic taxa. We therefore code this taxon as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='@Skovsted2016'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Non-strophic'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Coded as dissociated in Williams et al. (1998T), appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Coded as strophic in Williams et al (1998T)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Coded as strophic in @Williams1998T'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Not evident from fossil material; the possibility of a short strophic hinge line (as in Longtancunella) is difficult to discount.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Coded as strophic in @Williams1998T; see @Holmer2009T'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='Craniides have a strophic posterior valve edge (Williams et al. 2007, table 39 on p. 2853): Novocrania''s "dorsal posterior margin" is "straight" (Williams et al. 2000, p. 171).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='"The strophic, articulated shells of the Kutorginata rotated on simple hinge mechanisms that are different from those of other rhynchonelliforms" [@Williams2000, p. 208]'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=118 TEXT='"Longtancunella has an oval to subcircular shell with a very short strophic hinge line" -- @Zhang2011T'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='Growth is hemiperipheral in the anterior valve of polyplacophorans and holoperipheral in the posterior valves [@Schwabe2010;@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000, 2007) reconstruct mixoperipheral growth in the ventral valve (though Chen et al. (2007) reconstruct the valves the other way round, i.e. it is the ventral valve that grows holoperipherally, and the dorsal mixoperipherally). '; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='"Both valves with growth holoperipheral" -- Williams et al. 2000, p. 164'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='The apical flange notwithstanding, the umbo of the S1 sclerite is posterior of the hinge line and the posterior edge of the lateral plate -- see Larsson et al. 2014, fig. 2a, c.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='Inferred from Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='Initially holoperipheral (Popov et al. 2009, p. 159), then on the brink of being mixoperipheral in adulthood, so coded as polymorphic.'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='Growth "mixoperipheral in both valves" in trimerellids [@Williams2000;@Popov1997]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=159 TEXT='In the absence of fully articulated specimens, the presence or absence of a ventral valve is not possible to establish.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Growth is hemiperipheral in the anterior valve of polyplacophorans and holoperipheral in the posterior valves [@Schwabe2010;@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='See @Holmer2008'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Interpretative drawings depict holoperipheral shells [@ConwayMorris1995]'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='"holoperipheral growth in dorsal valve" -- Williams et al. 2007.^n^nZhang et al. (2009) conclude that Chen et al. (2007) misidentify the dorsal valve as the ventral valve.'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='"Both valves with growth holoperipheral" -- Williams et al. 2000, p. 164'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='S2 and L sclerites are clearly holoperipheral. See Larsson et al. 2014, fig. 2.^n'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Appears hemiperipheral in fig. 3 in Topper et al (2013R), though bordering on holoperipheral, so scored as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Growth "mixoperipheral in both valves" in trimerellids [@Williams2000;@Popov1997]'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='The umbo is situated in the anterior half of the shell, but within the margin [@ConwayMorris2007]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Umbo in centre of valve [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='"The apex is situated 1/4 or less of the shell length from the margin." [@Bengtson1992]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='"All valves are mixoperipheral" [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Holoperipheral [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='All valves mixoperipheral [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Seemingly mixoperipheral [@Hoare1986]'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Holoperipheral [@Branson1942]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Mixoperipheral, though only just [@Menzies1962]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Holoperipheral in some species, hemiperipheral in others'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=139 TEXT='Holoperipheral, by analogy with rostroconchs'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='Streng et al (2016) observe "an internal tubular structure probably representing the ventral end of the canal within the posterior wall of the pedicle tube", but do not consider this tomteluvid dube to be homologous with the pedicle tube of acrotretids and their ilk, stating (p. 274) that it appears to be unique within Brachiopoda.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='There is "compelling evidence to demonstrate that the putative pedicle^nillustrated by Chen et al. (2007: Figs. 4, 6, 7) in fact is the mold of a three-dimensionally preserved visceral cavity." -- Zhang et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The apical termination of the fossil is unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The apical termination of the conical valve is not preserved [@Valent2012]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The presumed pedicle foramen is an opening between the S1 and S2 sclerites, neither of which are perforated (Skovsted et al. 2009).'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='Decollation generates open umbo, sealed secondarily with septum'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The umbo itself is imperforate (Balthasar 2004)'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The presumed pedicle foramen reported by Topper et al. (2013R) is at the ventral valve umbo. No evidence of an internal pedicle tube is present, but we follow Popov (1992) in inferring the encapsulation of the pedicle foramen.'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The B and C sclerites of Dailyatia bear small umbonal perforations (Skovsted et al 2015), but these are not considered to be homologous with the ventral valve, so this character is coded as inapplicable - though the possibility that the perforations are equivalent is intriguing.^n^nA1 sclerites typically have a pair of perforations, which are conceivably equivalent to the setal tubes of Micrina (Holmer et al. 2011). The A1 sclerite of D. bacata has a structure that is arguably similar to the ''colleplax'' of Paterimitra. But the homology of any of these structures to the umbonal aperture of brachiopods is difficult to establish.'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='The sclerites of Eccentrotheca form a ring that surrounds the inferred attachment structure; the attachment structure does not emerge from an aperture within an individual sclerite. Thus no feature in Eccentrotheca is judged to be potentially homologous with the apical perforation in bivalved brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=174 TEXT='Prominent subcircular perforation at umbo associated with an internal pedicle tube (Popov et al. 2009), thus presumed to share an origin with the acrotretid pedicle foramen.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=167 TEXT='An opening is incorporated at the base of the homeodeltidium when the organism switches from early to late maturity (fig. 10 in Balthasar 2004). This opening is conceivably homologous with the pedicle foramen of acrotretid brachiopods and their ilk. To reflect this possible homology, Mickwitzia is coded as polymorphic (triangular/round).'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=167 TEXT='Following the model of Popov (1992)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=167 TEXT='Prominently triangular (see Topper et al. 2013T, fig. 2)'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=171 TEXT='"Ventral valve convex with apsacline interarea bearing delthyrium, covered by a convex pseudodeltidium" [@Holmer2008]'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=171 TEXT='A homeodeltidium is illustrated by @Hanken1985'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=171 TEXT='Termed a homoedeltidium by Balthasar (2004)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=171 TEXT='No pseudodeltidium (Williams et al. 2000, p. 153)'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=171 TEXT='The subapical flange of the Paterimitra S1 sclerite has been homologised with the ventral homeodeltidium of Micromitra (Larsson et al 2014).'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=171 TEXT='Stated as "concave pseudodeltidium with median plication" -- Williams et al. 2000^nCoded as "Pseudodeltidium: Covered by concave plate" by Bassett et al. (2001)'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=170 TEXT='Remains somewhat open'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=170 TEXT='Completely covered (Williams et al. 2000, fig. 83.3)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=170 TEXT='A well-defined pseudo-deltidium [...] closes only the apical part of^n the delthyrium (Rowell & Caruso 1985)'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=36 TEXT='Biomineralized (Holmer et al. 2018E)'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=36 TEXT='Extant rhynconellid pedicles are massive, consisting of a thick outer chitinous cuticle, a pedicle epithelium, and a core composed of collagen fibres and cartilage-like connective tissue (Holmer et al. 2018E).'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=37 TEXT='A pedicle has not been observed in biomineralized material [@Williams1998T], indicating an originally non-mineralized constitution.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=37 TEXT='The tabular discs that make up the pedicle "clearly have a pronounced three-dimensional preservation and may have been partly mineralized." --@Holmer2018Theattachment'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=40 TEXT='Tapered pedicle sheath with holdfast.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=40 TEXT='The pedicle thickness gradually typering from the apex of the shell to the holdfast.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Absent [@Schwabe2010]'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Prominent ventral muscle scars - see e.g. Holmer et al 2008, fig. 1f'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Muscle scars are known from the Type A, but not Type B, morphs of the halkieriid Oikozetetes [@Paterson2009;@Jacquet2014].'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Not preserved in conchs, though likely present (by analogy with Maxilites) [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid].'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='"Muscle scars were not found" -- @Valent2012'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Scars absent; instead, cones ornament shell''s internal surface.'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='[Reference needed]'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Scars preserved on ventral valve [@Nikitin1984]'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=129 TEXT='Muscle scars scored based on Alisina comleyensis (Bassett et al. 2001)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='No mention of an adjustor muscle in Gasconsia or Trimerellida more generally on pp. 184-185 of @Williams2000, nor in discussion in @Williams2007 (p. 2850). Coded as absent.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='Scars absent; instead, cones ornament shell''s internal surface.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='Not known in any acrotretid (Williams et al. 2000); not evident in Clupeafumosus (Topper et al. 2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='Not described in Popov (1992)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='Following the interpretation of the musculature presented by Williams et al. (2000), fig. 81.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=131 TEXT='Muscle scars scored based on Alisina comleyensis (Bassett et al. 2001). The presence of an adjustor is marked as not presently available, as it is not clear that a scar, if present, could be distinguished from the diminutive muscle scars present.'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='It is unclear whether the paired muscle scars of Oikozetetes may be homologous to brachiopod adductors.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Williams et al. (1998T) code as "dispersed", but have a less divided scheme of character states and disagree with other sources in some codings (e.g. Bassett et al. 2001, in Kutorginates). Williams et al. (2000) do not describe Micromitra musculature and we were unable to find any reliable description of the scars, so we code as "not presently available".'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Distinct anterior and posterior fields (Chen et al. 2007); coded as "dispersed" by Williams et al. (2000) in table 15.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Following the coding of @Williams2000, table 15.'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='A pair of large oval muscle scars on the conical shield is complemented with smaller scars elsewhere on the operculum [@Marek1972;@MartiMus2005]'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Treatise'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Scars absent; instead, cones ornament shell''s internal surface.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Following reconstruction of Hadrotreta by Williams (2000), fig. 51, which exhibits distinct left and right fields.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Separate left and right fields, so radially arranged -- following the interpretation of the musculature presented by Williams et al. (2000), fig. 81.'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Scored as "dispersed" by Williams et al. (1998T) ... but then so is Kutorgina, which Bassett et al (2001) score as radial.^n^nWilliams et al. (2000) state, for superfamily Protorthida, "dorsal adductor scars probably linear", which fits in the category of "radial" employed herein -- so that''s what we follow.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='"The dorsal valve of Salanygolina has a radial arrangement of adductor muscle scars and the scars of posteromedially placed internal oblique muscles, which are also characteristic of paterinates and chileates" -- Holmer et al. (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Moysiuk et al. (2017) reconstruct distinct left and right attachment scars, consistent with general situation in hyoliths (see Dzik 1980); it is unclear whether additional smaller scars were present in a radial arrangement [as in e.g. Gompholites, @Marek1967] or whether unseen scars were dispersed, hence the partially ambiguous coding.'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Following coding with state 0 (dispersed) in table 15 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Discinids scored as "open, quadripartite" by Williams et al. (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Coded as "grouped, quadripartite" by Williams et al. (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Following Williams et al. (2000) table 15 (their character 54)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='Craniids scored as "open, quadripartite" by Williams et al. (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=132 TEXT='"radially arranged adductor scars" -- Bassett & Popov 2017, p1'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Not observable in Acanthotretella itself, so coded as ambiguous -- though it is likely based on the anticipated phylogenetic affinities of Acanthotretella that the muscles are absent.'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='It is unclear whether the paired muscle scars of Oikozetetes are homologous to brachiopod diductors.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Possible diductor scar could instead correspond to discinoid posterior adductors [@Williams1998T]; coded as uncertain.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Internal oblique muscles serve as diductors.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Not reported by Topper et al. (2013R), nor reconstructed in generic acrotretid by Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Possible diductor scar could instead correspond to discinoid posterior adductors [@Williams1998T]; coded as uncertain. Not reconstructed in the the interpretation of the musculature presented by Williams et al. (2000), fig. 81.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=136 TEXT='Internal oblique muscles present [@Nikitin1984] and taken to serve as diductors by analogy with Gasconsia.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=137 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='See discussion under Trimerellida in @Williams2000'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='"Eoobolus should have anterior and posterior adductors and a variety of oblique muscles which were probably arranged in criss-crossing pairs" -- Balthasar 2009T'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Scars absent; instead, cones ornament shell''s internal surface.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Following description of Popov (1992)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Following the interpretation of the musculature presented by Williams et al. (2000), fig. 81.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Musculature considered essentially equivalent to Lingula by Williams et al 2000, so Lingula coding followed here.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=133 TEXT='Not reported by Williams et al. (2000), nor Bassett & Popov (2017), nor explicitly by Dewing (2001).'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='A low notothyrial plate [@Williams1998T] conceivably correspond to the raised notothyrial platform of Askepasma; coded ambiguous accordingly.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='"Dorsal diductor scars impressed on floor of notothyrial cavity": Williams et al. 2000, regarding Kutorginata.^nBassett et al. (2001) score as absent in Table 18.1.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='Raised notothyrial platform [@Williams1998T]'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='Bassett et al. (2001) score as present in Table 18.1.'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='"Visceral platforms absent in both valves" [@Williams2000, p. 192]'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='Bassett et al. (2001) score as present in Table 18.1.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='Bassett et al. (2001) score as absent in Table 18.1.^n"Dorsal diductor scars impressed on floor of notothyrial cavity": Williams et al. 2000, regarding Kutorginata.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=152 TEXT='Referred to as the "posterior platform" in Dewing (2001)'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='Present [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='Narrow cardinal processes [@Marek1972]'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='"Narrow broadly diverging cardinal processes with subparallel edges" -- @Valent2012'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='Well-defined [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='Present [@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='Not reported by Topper et al. (2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='@Marek1966'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=155 TEXT='Not evident, and ought arguably to be discernable if present given the quality of preservation'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Tomteluvids [...] lack articulation structures such as teeth and sockets (Streng et al. 2016)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='"Articulatory structure comprising ventral cardinal socket and dorsal hinge plate" -- @Williams2000, p. 184'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Coded as present in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Not reported by or evident in Balthasar (2004)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Coded as absent in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='"bearing sockets, bounded by low ridges" -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=127 TEXT='Coded as absent in Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=128 TEXT='Tomteluvids [...] lack articulation structures such as teeth and sockets (Streng et al. 2016)'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=128 TEXT='Coded as present in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=128 TEXT='Coded as absent in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=128 TEXT='"bearing sockets, bounded by low ridges" -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=128 TEXT='Coded as absent in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Not evident or illustrated [@Hanken1985]'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Coded as present in Bassett et al. 2001 (table 18.1).'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Coded as absent in Bassett et al. 2001 (table 18.1).'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='The presence of this feature is impossible to determine based on the available material.'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Coded as present in Bassett et al. 2001 (table 18.1).'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=173 TEXT='Absent due to inapplicability of neomorphic character.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Essentially planar, though open in aspect [following Chiton in @Schwabe2010]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Essentially straight; see fig. 3.7 in Ushatinskaya 2016P'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Posterior surface cannot be flat if it is not differentiated.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Posterior surface cannot be flat if it is not differentiated.'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Essentially planar; see Balthasar (2009T), fig. 4a'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Approximately planar [@Marek1972]'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='The short aspect of the cardinal interarea [@Valent2012] makes it difficult to evaluate whether it is planar or curved.'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Curved [@Sun2018H]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Posterior surface cannot be flat if it is not differentiated.'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Difficult to establish from material figured in @Devaere2014 due to low elevation of operculum.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Truncated but essentially planar surface; see e.g. p196 of Topper et al. 2013R^n'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='"Curved pseudointerarea" -- Skovsted et al. 2017'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='The short interarea appears planar (see for example Popov et a. 2009 fig. 6A), but its short length makes it difficult to establish whether slight curvature is present.'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Not clear from published material'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Posterior surface cannot be flat if it is not differentiated.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Posterior surface cannot be flat if it is not differentiated.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Difficult to evaluate based on present material, given low nature of valve and compressed preservation'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Posterior face appears close to planar [@ConwayMorris2007; @Zhao2017]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Slight concavity of posterior surface [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=147 TEXT='Irregular but overall concave [@Hoare1986]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Absent [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Taxon known only from moulds [@Valent2012]'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Scored absent in data matrix of Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Scored absent in data matrix of Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Scored absent (in Eoorthis) in data matrix of Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='Scored absent in data matrix of Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='@Mclean1979'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=193 TEXT='@Gao2015'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='"ventral cardinal interarea low, apsacline, with narrow, poorly defined homeodeltidium" [@Williams2000, p. 186]'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='This taxon (see Williams et al. 2000, fig. 129; Popov 1992, fig. 1) comes close to expressing the deeply conical ventral valve that this character is intended to reflect, though this is not always so pronounced (e.g. Williams et al. 2000, fig. 125). It is therefore coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Though scored High in data matrix of Benedetto (2009), this taxon (see Williams et al. 2000, fig. 508) does not express the deeply conical ventral valve that this character is intended to reflect. It is charitably coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Often not prominently high (Skovsted & Holmer, 2003; Balthasar, 2004), though in some cases (e.g. Butler et al. 2015) the ventral valve approaches the conical shape that this character is intended to capture. Coded as polymorphic.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Entire valve length -- see schematic in Williams et al. (1997), fig. 286'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Scored ''Low'' for Eoorthis by Benedetto (2009); assumed same in Orthis.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Whereas Williams et al. (2000, p. 156) describe the ventral pseudointerarea as high, the shell lacks the deeply conical aspect that this character is intended to capture; we thus code the taxon as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Low cone'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='Scored as high in data matrix of Benedetto (2009), and depicted as such in Williams et al. (2000, fig. 125) and Popov (1992, fig. 1); but not high in all specimens (e.g. Williams et al. 2000, fig. 126). It is therefore coded as polymorphic.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=165 TEXT='See fig. 485 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='[@Schwabe2010]'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='ventral pseudointerareas are most similar to those found within the Order Siphonotretida'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Essentially planar; see fig. 6 in Ushatinskaya 2016P'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Posterior (functionally dorsal) surface is linear in adults (though slightly curving in juveniles) [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Some curvature retained'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Gently sinuous [@MartiMus2005]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Strongly curved in some species [@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='"Ventral pseudointerarea is gently procline and is flat in lateral profile". ---^n (Topper et al. 2013R)'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='See Skovsted & Holmer (2005), pl. 3, fig. 14.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='''Almost'' planar -- see Popov et al. (2009, fig. 4). Coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Dorsal surface essentially linear [@Moysiuk2017]'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Reconstructed as linear by @Marek1976.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Transverse cross section of ventral pseudointerarea concave.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Essentially linear.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='Flattened, reflecting the strophic hinge line'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=164 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='Chiton apophyses (sutural laminae) are accretions deriving from the ventral shell layer of the intermediate and tail valves [@Schwabe2010], so correspond to the deltidiodont situation in brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='The simple knob-like teeth of Micrina show no evidence of resprobtion or the hook-like shape that characterises Cyrtomatodont teeth.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='"Articulation characterized by two triangular plates formed by dorsal interarea, bearing oblique ridges on the inner sides" -- Williams et al 2000, p. 211'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='Coded as deltidiodont in Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='Coded as deltidiodont in Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='Coded as deltidiodont (in Eoorthis) in Benedetto (2009).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='Cyrtomatodont - see fig. 322 in Williams et al (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=125 TEXT='The ''teeth'' are formed by the distal lateral extensions from the ventral^npseudodeltidium fitting into the ''sockets'' on the inner side of the dorsal interarea (Holmer et al. 2018E). (Coded as "deltidiodont teeth absent" in Benedetto (2009).)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=126 TEXT='Coded ambiguous to reflect the possibility that the hinge plate in trimerellids is homologous to the dental plates of other taxa, and has replaced the teeth themselves as the primary articulatory mechanism (see @Williams2000, p. 184, for details of the articulation)'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=126 TEXT='Coded as present (well developed) in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=126 TEXT='Coded as absent in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=126 TEXT='Coded as present (short and recessive, in Eoorthis) in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=126 TEXT='Coded as absent in Benedetto (2009)'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=126 TEXT='Coded as present following Dewing (2001), who seems to use the term Strophomenoids to encompass Coolinia, and attests to the presence of dental plates.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='Lenticular chambers in siphonotretid shells interpreted as degraded GAG residue (Williams et al. 2004)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='Coded as GAGs, chitin and collagen in discinids by Williams et al (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='Coded as glycoprotein for terebratulids by Williams et al (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='Coded as glycoprotein for craniids by Williams et al (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='Coded as GAGs, chitin and collagen in lingulids by Williams et al (1996)'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='"The presence of sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the chitinous cuticle of Phoronis (Herrmann, 1997, p. 215) would suggest a link with linguliforms, as GAGs are unknown in rhynchonelliform shells (Fig. 1891, 1896)" -- Williams et al. 2007, p. 2830'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='"The organic matrix [..] is a mixture of proteins, glycoproteins, lipids, chitin and acidic polysaccharides" [@AuzouxBordenave2010] - no GAGs or collagen.'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=184 TEXT='Glycolytic domain containing proteins were observed (=glycoproteins?), whereas GAGs were not [@Gao2015].'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Poor preservation of minor muscle scars noted by Chen et al. (2007)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='@Williams2000 code an unpaired medial muscle scar as present in their table 13, but give no reference for this coding, which perhaps arises from their interpretation of the taxon as a trimerellid. @Hanken1985 (p. 249 and text-fig. 2) explicitly identify a pair of central muscles, so we code a levator ani as absent.'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='See fig. 90 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Following table 13 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Scars absent; instead, cones ornament shell''s internal surface.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Musculature considered essentially equivalent to Lingula by Williams et al 2000, so Lingula coding followed here.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Following table 13 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Following table 13 in Williams et al. 2000 (for Novocrania)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Following table 13 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=135 TEXT='Not reported in Dewing (2001)'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='V-shaped notch in anterior valve [@Schwabe2010]'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea present, following Siphonotretidae coding in Williams et al. (2000), table 6.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='"Information on the dorsal interarea is inconclusive [...] no obvious^ninterarea is recognisable; whether or not this is the primary state or a taphonomic artefact is difficult to assess" -- Balthasar 2008, p. 276'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='= Sellate sclerite duplicature [@Holmer2008]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='"Dorsal pseudointerarea usually well defined, low, anacline to catacline" - Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerea in ventral valve, but not dorsal valve (Williams et al. 2000, 2007)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Absent: the dorsal (branchial) pseudointerarea of G. schucherti is "reduced or obsolete"; that of G. worsleyi "short, virtually obsolete" [@Hanken1985]'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Unclear from fossil material.^n'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='"Only some craniopsids (Lingulapholis, Pseudopholidops [not Craniops]) have well-developed pseudointerareas." -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea.'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Shell flat.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea present; figured by Topper et al. (2013R), fig. 3j.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='"dorsal pseudointerarea vestigial, divided by median groove" - Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Well-defined pseudointerarea (Williams et al. 2000, p153)'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='A differentiated region is not obvious in fossil material or its reconstruction (Zhang et al. 2014), but the two-dimensional preservation style of Chengjiang material makes details of dorsal valve difficult to distinguish, and the possibility of a diminutive pseudointerarea cannot be excluded with confidence.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='"Dorsal pseudointerarea weakly anacline, undivided, elevated above the valve floor" -- Popov et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='A very short pseudointerarea appears to be present (Moysiuk et al. 2017)'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='@Marek1966'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Following table 15 in @Williams2000'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea present, following Williams et al. (2000), table 6.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Absent, following entry for Discinidae in Williams et al. (2000), table 6.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Interarea present'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Pseudointerarea present, following Williams et al. (2000), table 6.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present -- with reference to Holmer et al. (2018E).'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Zhang et al. (2011T) note that "all evidence of a pseudointerarea is lacking", but the two-dimensional preservation style of Chengjiang material makes details of dorsal valve difficult to distinguish, and the possibility of a diminutive pseudointerarea cannot be excluded with total confidence.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Cardinal area (interarea) present.'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Slight concavity of posterior surface [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='@Bengtson1992'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Not differentiated; essentially round [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='Slightly concave [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=146 TEXT='@Kaas1994'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='The dorsal pseudointerarea is poorly preserved, but appears to have a median groove (Holmer & Caron, 2006)'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='"A posteriorly protruding dorsal pseudointerarea with no median groove and no flexure lines" - Chen et al. 2007'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='Prominent medial groove (Balthasar 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='@Marek1972'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='Present; figured by Topper et al. (2013R), fig. 3j.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='"dorsal pseudointerarea vestigial, divided by median groove" -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='The dorsal pseudointerarea of S. priscus is undivided (Popov et al. 2009), but in other species it is divided by a "wide, poorly defined median groove" (Williams et al. 2000). Coded, therefore, as polymorphic.^n'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='Dorsal pseudointerarea with wide, concave median groove and short propareas" - Williams et al 2000'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='The mantle and protoconch fuse ventrally at an early stage of development [@Wanninger2002]; pre-suture, the valve exhibits a medial ''groove'' corresponding to the condition in the rostroconch valve.'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='The gap between the valves could arguably be described as a medial groove'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='Arguably the gap between the valves represents a medial groove'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=148 TEXT='The gap between the valves could arguably be described as a medial groove'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following Table 6, for Siphonotretidae, in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='"Poorly resolved" -- Balthasar 2008'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Described as saccate by Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate (Streng 2016).'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Described as pinnate by Jin & Wang (1992)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000, table 15) appear to use Palaeotrimerella (as drawn in Williams et al. 1997) as a model for Gasconsia, which pre-supposes a close relationship. We are not aware of any report of mantle canals from Gasconsia itself.'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2, and Williams et al (2000), table 8'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Baculate vascula media - Balthasar & Butterfield (2009E)'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Not reported from fossil material'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000) (for Neocrania).'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Not reported in Treatise (Williams et al. 2000).'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following Table 8 (for Acrotreta) in Williams et al. (2000), and the general pinnate condition for acrotretoids stated in Williams et al. (1997), p. 420.'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2, and Williams et al (2000), table 8'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Described as pinnate (at least in ventral valve) by Williams et al. (1998T, p. 250).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following appendix 2 (char. 21) in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Sacculate (sometimes digitate in dorsal valve) (Williams et al. 2000, p716)'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Coded uncertain in appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Interpreted as baculate, following Havlicek 1982'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following table 6 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following table 6, for Discinidae, in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='"In modern terebratulides, the vascula media are subordinate to the lemniscate or pinnate vascula genitalia" -- Williams et al. 1997'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following Table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000) (for Neocrania).'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following table 6 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Reported by Zhang et al. (2007A, 2011T) though the interpretation is tentative.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=50 TEXT='Not reported in Williams et al. 2000.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following table 8 (which records presence in Siphonotreta) in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='"Laurie (1987) has shown that arcuate vascula media were present in the mantles of both valves as were pouchlike vascula genitalia, especially in the ventral valve" -- Williams et al. 1997'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate (Streng 2016).'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Present: Williams et al. (2000); Jin & Wang (1992).'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000, table 15) appear to use Palaeotrimerella (as drawn in Williams et al. 1997) as a model for Gasconsia, which pre-supposes a close relationship. We are not aware of any report of mantle canals from Gasconsia itself.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Presence indicated in Table 8 (for Acrotreta) in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following Popov (1992)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='"Laurie (1987) has shown that arcuate vascula media were present in the mantles of both valves as were pouchlike vascula genitalia, especially in the ventral valve" -- Williams et al. 1997'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='= vascula genitalia'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Based on the figures and sketches in Zhang et al. 2014 (and supplementary material), the mantle canals are interpreted as lateral, with no clear vascula media present.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Noted in Siphonobolus by Williams et al. (2000), with reference to Havlicek (1982).'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Present (Williams et al. 2000).'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following Lochkothele (Discinidae), Fig. 43.4a in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='= vascula genitalia'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000) (for Neocrania), who write that "Holocene craniides have only a single pair of main trunks in both valves, corresponding to the vascula lateralia". Williams et al. (2007) reiterate this position (p. 2875), at least for the ventral valve.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=51 TEXT='Presence is possible but requires interpretation that is not unambiguous:^n^n"In the dorsal valve, there can be seen two baculate grooves that arise from the^nanterior body wall at an antero-lateral position. These two grooves (Figs 4H, 5D) could be taken to represent the vascula lateralia" -- Zhang et al 2007A'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 6 (for Siphonotretidae) in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Reported by Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate (Streng 2016).'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Present: Williams et al. (2000) p162, Jin & Wang (1992).'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000, table 15) appear to use Palaeotrimerella (as drawn in Williams et al. 1997) as a model for Gasconsia, which pre-supposes a close relationship. We are not aware of any report of mantle canals from Gasconsia itself.'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Fig. 5 in Balthasar 2009T.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following Hadrotreta schematic in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following Popov (1992, fig. 2)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 6 (for Paterinidae) in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Present and divergent (Williams et al. 2000).'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='From idealised morphology in Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Based on the figures and sketches in Zhang et al. 2014 (and supplementary material), the mantle canals are interpreted as lateral, with no clear vascula media present.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Noted in Siphonobolus by Havlicek (1982).'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 6 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 6 (for Discinidae) in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='"In modern terebratulides, the vascula media are subordinate to the lemniscate or pinnate vascula genitalia" -- Williams et al. 1997 p417'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000) write "Holocene craniides have only a single pair of main trunks in both valves, corresponding to the vascula lateralia" -- an observation reflected in their table 15 (for Neocrania). ^nBut in contrast, Williams et al. 2007, p. 2875, identify the dorsal valve''s canals as a vascula media in living cranidds (though both are lateralia in Ordoviian craniides). This character is therefore coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 6 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Following table 15 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=52 TEXT='Reported by Zhang et al. (2007A) though the interpretation is tentative.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Preservation not clear enough to score with certainty (Holmer & Caron 2006)'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Peripheral only (Williams et al. 1998T; Williams et al. 2000).'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Inferred from Jin & Wang (1992).'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Strong indication of medially directed vascula terminalia from vascula lateralia; see fig. 1.A1 in Balthasar & Butterfield 2009E'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Coded uncertain in appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Peripheral only (Williams et al. 1998T; Williams et al. 2000).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='See schematics in Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Coded uncertain in appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Not reported in Havlicek 1982 or Williams et al. 2000.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Not described in Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Following Lochkothele (Discinidae), fig. 43.4a in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Following idealised plectolophous terebratulid of Emig (1992).'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Interomedial vascula terminalia not reported by Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Peripheral only (Williams et al. 2000, p.158).'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=53 TEXT='Peripheral and medial for all Lingulata (Williams et al. 2000).'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=121 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=121 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=121 TEXT='Coded as rectimarginate in @Williams1998T, though note that the "ventral valve weakly to moderately sulcate" @Topper2013T; a similar description is provided by @Williams2000. Coded as ambiguous for these two states accordingly.'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=121 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=121 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=121 TEXT='"Anterior commissure rectimarginate to uniplicate" -- uniplicate in fig. 1425.1c of Williams et al. (2006).'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='No prominent ornamentat in Tonicella [@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Ridges in shell parallel, but are more prominent than, growth lines.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='@Zhang2013'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='The ornament on shell exterior is described as concentric fila (Chen et al., 2007, P.43), and also scored as it in Williams et al. (2000, pp.160-163).'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Surfaces of both valves covered with concentric growth lines [@Marek1972;@MartiMus2005]'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Both valves with fine growth lines only [@Valent2012].'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Broad symmetric ridges in some specimens [@Vendrasco2017]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Symmetric fila'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Both valves covered with concentric growth lines [@Devaere2014], but no further ornament [@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2.^nPustules are arranged along concentric growth lines (Skovsted & Holmer, 2005), so are not treated as a distinct ornamentation.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='More or less concentric ridges occur on Eccentrotheca sclerites (Skovsted et al. 2011)'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='A series of regularly spaced concentric ridges adorn both valves (Moysiuk et al. 2017); these are more pronounced than mere growth lines.'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Ventral side of ventral valve and whole dorsal valve covered with faint growth lines [@Valent2015].'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Only growth lines evident (Williams et al. 2000)'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Single ridge evident in Williams et al. (2006) fig. 1425.1a interpreted as interruption ot growth rather than inherent feature, so coded as absent (i.e. smooth).'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='A series of regularly spaced concentric ridges adorn the ventral valve; comparatively less regular lines ornament the operculum.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Irregular ridges externally (Williams et al. 2000)'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Concentric ridges in addition to growth lines [@ConwayMorris2007]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Prominent ridge in certain specimens [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='None evident [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='"Ornament of growth lines only" [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Concentric ridges, with additional pustules [@Hoare1986]'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Ornament, if present, is not concentric'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Some concentric ornament evident in some regions of the shell [@RogallaAmler2003]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='@Kaas1994'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='@Menzies1962'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Growth lines only'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=178 TEXT='Smooth [@Chen2019]'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='No obvious asymmetry, even if not obviously symmetric either [@Holmer2008]. Coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='See fig. 1715 in Williams et al. (2007)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Assymmetric [@Hanken1985, fig. 3]'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Symmetric fila (Balthasar 2004)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Clear asymmetry (Skovsted et al. 2015).'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Ornament, such as it is, is asymmetric, with prominent outer faces (Skovsted et al. 2011).'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Following appendix 2 in Williams et al. (1998T).'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Seemingly asymmetric (Williams et al. 2000, fig. 122.3c; Zhang et al. 2011A, Fig. 1)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Clear outer faces (Williams et al. 2000, fig. 100.2b)'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Preservation inadequate to determine'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='@Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='@Kaas1981'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=179 TEXT='Seemingly symmetric [@Menzies1962]'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Too small to observe given quality of preservation (Holmer & Caron 2006)'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Rhombic to oval -- seen as evidence for a discinid affinity (Chen et al. 2007)'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='The exact size and shape of the apical perforation is obscured by the emerging pedicle'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Based on p.92, fig.4B.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Taller than wide in some cases, but very nearly circular in others; see Topper et al. (2013R)'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Essentially circular (Holmer et al. 2009, fig. 4)'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Seemingly circular (Zhang et al. 2011A).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='"close to circular" (Holmer et al. 2018E)'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=175 TEXT='Bassett and Popov write "a dominant feature of the ventral umbo is a sub-oval perforation about 270 um long and 250 um wide": the width and height of this structure are almost identical, and we score it as (sub) circular.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Carbonaceous preservation confounds the identification of internal shell structures; it is possible that this feature is present, but not observable in the Burgess Shale material.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='"Some specimens also reveal that the vault had a slight median septum, which is now visible as a notch or a groove dividing the right from the left part" -- Balthasar 2008'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Ventral ridge characteristic of Micromitra (Skovsted & Peel 2010)'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Reported on ''ventral'' valve by Chen et al. (2007); we consider the ''ventral'' valve to be the dorsal valve.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Evident in moulds of ventral valve [@Hanken1985;@Watkins2002].'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Prominent median septum (fig. 4d, e in Balthasar 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='A short medial ridge (septum) is present in the ventral valve (Topper et al. 2013R).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Neither evident nor reported in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Present; see Popov et al. 2009, fig. 5J'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='The carina of H. carinatus is an angular elevation of the ventral valve surface, rather than a septum growing inward on the interior of shell.'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Following char. 42 in table 15 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Medial septum visible in ventral valve in Williams et al. (2000), fig. 34.1c'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Described as present in Discinisca by Chen et al. 2007; assumed present also in Pelagodiscus.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Valve thin and often unmineralized.'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=177 TEXT='Seemingly present in S. multa [@Bengtson1992, fig. 2], though this is not interpreted as a ventral valve.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='Aesthete canals penetrate the main valves of certain chitons, but are not equivalent to the shell-penetrating spines of brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='The ''spines'' reported by Chen et al. (2007) are pyritized spinelike setae -- see pp. 2580-2590 in Williams et al. (2007).'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='Neither evident nor reported in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='Bears numerous small, hollow spines (Williams et al. 2000)'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='Not evident [@ConwayMorris2007]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='No treated as homologous to those of brachiopods, due to their inferred homology with setae.'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=181 TEXT='Spines are processes of the shells, rather than penetrative [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Not described by Holmer & Caron (2006), but an unannotated linear feature corresponds to the position of a median septum. Without detailed study of the specimen, we opt to score this as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='See pl. 2 panel 6 in Balthasar (2008).'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Reported on ''ventral'' valve by Chen et al. (2007); we consider their ''ventral'' valve to be the dorsal valve. ^n^nThe structure is unambiguously figured (e.g. fig. 5.1 in Chen et al. 2007), contra its coding as absent in Williams et al. 2000 and its lack of mention in Williams et al. 2007 or Zhang et al. 2009.^n^n'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='A "median projection" is present (fig. 4g in Balthasar 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='It is not possible to determine, based on the material presented in Balthasar & Butterfield (2009E), whether the anterior projection of the visceral area in the dorsal valve corresponds to a medial septum in the underlying shell.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Absent - fig. 129.1f in Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Weakly developed septum evident in internal cast: Williams et al. 2000, fig. 508.2e'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Prominent process evident (Topper et al., 2013R)'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='"dorsal interior with narrow anterior projection extending to midvalve, bisected by median ridge" -- Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Neither evident nor reported in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Short medial process ("low median ridge", p. 724) present in dorsal valve; see Fig. 523.3b in Williams et al. (2000)^n'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='"Dorsal interior [...] bisected by a short median ridge." -- Popov et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='@Marek1966'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Following char 42 in table 15 in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Very weakly developed but seemingly present between muscle scars in Lingulellotreta, more prominent in Aboriginella (also Lingulellotretidae) (Williams et al. 2000, fig. 34).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Median process evident: Williams et al. (2000) fig. 100.2a, d'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=153 TEXT='Fig. 125 in Williams et al. (2000)'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='See fig. 1715 in Williams et al. (2007)'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='"Ornament of indistinct low radial ribs" [@Williams2000, p. 167]'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Very faint costellae in some specimens but coded absent.'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Lines radiate from the apex of the operculum [@Marek1972, pl.2 fig. 5] and ornament the conical valve [@Marek1972, pl. 2. fig. 3]'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, Appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='"Ornament of irregularly developed, concentric growth lamellae; microornament of irregularly arranged, polygonal pits" -- Williams et al. 2000, p153; figs on p.155'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='"Coarsely costate" - Williams et al. (2000, p710)'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='"Indistinct radial ribs accentuated by radial rows of tubercles" -- Popov et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Unornamented.'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='@ConwayMorris2007'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Radial structures interpreted as aesthete canals [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Radial ridges present on certain valves; particularly evident on tail valve [@Vendrasco2004].'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Radial arrangement of knobs [@Li2017]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='@Menzies1962'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Radial (apical to apertural) lineations present [@AuzouxBordenave2010]'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=180 TEXT='Smooth [@Chen2019]'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Though Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) state that these muscles are absent in all carbonate-shelled brachiopods, their existence cannot be discounted with certainty in this taxon, which is therefore coded not presently available.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) are uncertain about the presence of these muscles in the paterinates. Zhang et al. (2014) code absence in Paterinida, but without specifying evidence; we follow their coding here.'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Though Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) state that these muscles are absent in all carbonate-shelled brachiopods, their existence cannot be discounted with certainty in this taxon, which is therefore coded not presently available.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of @Williams2000 (p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Not remarked upon by Balthasar (2009T).'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods, and the coding for kutorginids in Zhang et al. (2014).'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='This character is coded based on the score of Acrotreta in Zhang et al. (2014), and statement in Williams et al. (2000, P.32).'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Implicitly taken as present in Popov (1992), though not marked in diagrams -- suggesting not strongly developed.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that the presence of these muscles in paterinates is uncertain'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Ventral musculature poorly constrained (Williams et al. 2000; Popov et al. 2009)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Musculature considered essentially equivalent to Lingula by Williams et al 2000, so Lingula coding followed here.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) state that these muscles are absent in all carbonate-shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='Following Zhang et al. (2014), and the statement of Williams et al. (2000) that such muscles are absent in all calcite-shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate- shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=134 TEXT='According to the statement of Williams et al. (2000, p. 32) that these muscle are absent in all carbonate-shelled brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='@BucklandNicks1988'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='c. 200 um in diameter [@Rice1988]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='"Mature eggs commonly measure about 200 um in diameter" [@Franzen1977]; the larva is a similar size [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='"Mature eggs commonly measure about 200 um in diameter" -- @Franzen1977'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='c. 50 um in Hydroides [@Miles2007]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Tiny [@Nielsen1966]'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='"the ventral brephic valve [was] 50 um across, [which] is close to the known lower limit of the brachiopod egg size" -- Popov et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Following coding for class in Carlson (1995) appendix 1, character 7.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Following coding for class in Carlson (1995) appendix 1, character 7.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Following coding for class in Carlson (1995) appendix 1, character 7.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Following coding for class in Carlson (1995) appendix 1, character 7.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Phoronis has planktotrophic larvae. indicating a small egg size (Ruppert et al. 2004). Carlson (1995) codes phoronids as polymorphic, as some members of the phylum have eggs of each size.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Egg size can vary from 60-200 um in scaphopods, but in Dentalium the eggs are large [@DufresneDube1983].'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='circa 100 um in diameter [@Todt2010]; coded as ambiguous'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='"Usually the mature eggs have an oblong cell body 220-320 um long and 130-190 um broad." [@Lemche1959]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='Up to 200 um long when fully developed [@Martin1983]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='>200 um in most species (though 50 um in some) [@Eckelbarger1983]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=208 TEXT='c. 30 um [@Humphreys1962]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Coelom [@Rice1989]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Ovicell [@Franzen1977]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Ovicell [@Franzen1977]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Following coding for class in Carlson (1995) Appendix 1, character 9.'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Ovaries (in Chiton) [@Cowden1961]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='In gonad [@Todt2010]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='@Lemche1959'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Compartments of the ovary wall [@Martin1983]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='"Most ultrastructural features of the eggs in the lateral region of the ovary are indistinguishable from those floating freely in the coelom, although the egg envelopes [...] undergo additional differentiation following ovulation [...] there is no indication that further maturation occurs before spawning" [@Eckelbarger1983]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=210 TEXT='Mature eggs within the ovary [@Humphreys1962]'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Preservation insufficient to evaluate (Holmer & Caron 2006)'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Tentacles seemingly occupy a single side of the lophophore [@Zhang2013]'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='"Each lophophoral arm bears a row of long, slender flexible tentacles" -- Zhang et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Both sides in tentacle-breathers such as Themiste [@Ruppert1995;@Adrianov2006]; only one side in Sipunculus [@Ruppert1995;@Adrianov2006].'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Preservation inadequate.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Tentacles "cannot be confidently demonstrated in the available specimens." -- Zhang et al. 2007R'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Single side [@Temereva2016Thenervous]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Both sides [@Schwaha2015;@Shunkina2015]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Single side [@Nielsen1966]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='"The tentacles are clearly visible, and closely arranged in a single palisade" -- Zhang et al. 2004N^n^n'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Following coding for higher group in Carlson 1995, appendix 1, character 36.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Following coding for higher group in Carlson 1995, appendix 1, character 36.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Preservation inadequate.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Following coding for higher group in Carlson 1995, appendix 1, character 36.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Following coding for higher group in Carlson 1995, appendix 1, character 36.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Preservation inadequate.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='Following coding for higher group in Carlson 1995, appendix 1, character 36.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=62 TEXT='On rim of basal lobe only [@Morton1959]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='[@Temereva2016Thenervous]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Inapplicable'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Inapplicable'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37. Also states in Williams et al. 2000, p. 158.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=63 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Preservation insufficient to evaluate (Holmer & Caron 2006)'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Additional row not evident [@Zhang2013]'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='"The lophophoral arms bear laterofrontal tentacles with a double row of cilia along their lateral edge, as in extant lingulid brachiopods" -- Zhang et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Preservation insufficient to evaluate'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Tentacles "cannot be confidently demonstrated in the available specimens." -- Zhang et al. 2007R'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='[@Temereva2016Thenervous]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='@Nielsen1966'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='"helical lophophore fringed with a single row of thick, widely spaced, parallel-sided and hollow tentacles" -- Zhang et al. 2014'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Single palisade (Zhang et al. 2004N)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=64 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 37.'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='@Nielsen1966'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=65 TEXT='Lophophore ontogeny presently unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 55.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 55.'; TEXT TAXON=76 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 55.'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 55.'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Following coding for higher taxon in Carlson (1995), appendix 1, character 55.'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=59 TEXT='Preservation not adequate to evaluate presence or absence of this muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Arms proceed anteriad before recurving.'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Cannot establish without distinguishing gut from anus'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Bryozoan arms reach in anal (i.e. posterior) direction [@Shunkina2015]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Bryozoan arms reach in anal (i.e. posterior) direction [@Shunkina2015]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Posterior (anal side) of lophophore has short stretch lacking tentacles.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Arms proceed anteriad before recurving.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='"converging anteriorly and coiling anterior to the body cavity" -- Zhang et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=58 TEXT='Coiling in direction of anus (i.e. posteriad)'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=149 TEXT='The deep V-shaped notch [@Schwabe2010, fig. 8] is positionally equivalent to the brachiopod notothyrium.'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=149 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=149 TEXT='@Marek1972'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=149 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=149 TEXT='No evidence or report of an opening at the hinge line in fossil material in Zhang et al. 2007A or Zhang et al. 2011T'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='"Individual muscle scars cannot be distinguished" -- Holmer & Caron 2006'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Posteriomedial muscle field (Williams et al. 1998T, text-fig. 6) treated as equivalent to posterolateral muscles.'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Musculature described in @Hanken1985, but location of mantle canals unknown'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='The ''laterals'' of Balthasar (2009T, fig. 5) are situated almost upon the vascula lateralia; they are interpreted as sitting posterolateral to them.'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='See fig. 89 in Williams et al. (2000).'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Following situation in Nisusia; see fig. 18.2 in Bassett et al. (2001)'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Coded following Hadrotreta, as illustrated in Popov (1992)'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Restricted to medial field, following the interpretation of the musculature presented by Williams et al. (2000), fig. 81.'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Posterolateral reflected by diductor attachments; see fig. 18.3.2 in Bassett et al. 2001.'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Not applicable: vascula lateralia not comparable to those of other taxa.'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Ventral musculature not clearly constrained (Holmer et al. 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Coded following general siphonotretid condition described by Popov (1992, p. 407)'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Internal anatomy not adequately preserved to evaluate [@Nikitin1984]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='See fig. 5 in Holmer et al. 1997E'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Inapplicable as vascular system not directly equivalent to the canonical; see. fig 6b in Balthasar (2009T).'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Following reconstruction of Gorjansky & Popov (1986)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Posterior adductor muscles attach posterolaterally to ventral mantle canal (Robinson 2014)'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=130 TEXT='Posterolateral diductors (fig. 18.2 in Bassett et al. 2001)'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Smooth (Holmer et al. 2011F)'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Pustolose in Paterinidae (Williams et al. 2000, table 6)'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Pitted (Williams et al. 2000, table 8)'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Polygonal texture present (Holmer et al. 2011F), as in the adult shell.'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Perfectly smooth [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='[@Wrona2003]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='"Larval shells on both valves [...] are covered by fine, shallow pits" -- Topper et al. 2013R'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Indented with hexagonal pits (Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2)'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Smooth (Holmer et al. 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='"Smooth brephic shell" -- Popov et al. 2009'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Essentially smooth in Recilites (Pauxillitidae) [@Dzik1978]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Smooth [@Holmer1997;@Li2004]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Smooth, following family-level codings of Williams et al. 2000, table 6'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='Smooth, following family-level codings of Williams et al. 2000, table 6'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='@Runnegar1983'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='@Nutzel2006'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='@AuzouxBordenave2010'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=4 TEXT='@Kniprath1980'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Balthasar (2008, p. 274) identifies a canal as a probable impression of a pedicle nerve.'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Coded as absent in Acrotretidae (Williams et al. 2000, table 6)'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Documented by Skovsted et al. 2017'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Not reported in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Following Williams et al. 1998T, appendix 2'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Coded as absent in Siphonotretidae (Williams et al. 2000, table 6)'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Coded as present in Lingulellotretidae (Williams et al. 2000, table 6)'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Coded as present in Discinidae (Williams et al. 2000, table 6)'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Not described by Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Present in many lingulids (Williams et al. 2000), and coded as present in Lingulidae (Williams et al. 2000, table 6).'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=43 TEXT='Not reported in Williams et al. 2000'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=168 TEXT='Wider than long: see fig. 10 in Balthasar 2004.'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=168 TEXT='Oval (Williams et al. 2000)'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='The intermediate shell plates arise by subdivision of the posterior shell field [@Wanninger2002C], and are thus treated as equivalent to the posterior valve rather than as distinct elements.^nThe girdle elements are homologous with annelid chaetae / brachiopod setae [@Leise1982], rather than sclerites.'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='Helens absent, with no possible insertion point [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='@Sun2018H treated helens as possible accessory sclerites. @SkovstedTBC has since argued that helens are derived from internal processes of the hyolith operculum, and they are treated as such herein.'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='L-sclerites (Skovsted et al. 2009T)'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='Helens never observed and considered absent [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='[Reference needed: not found, but does this necessarily mean that they were absent?]'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='@Sun2018H treated helens as possible accessory sclerites. @SkovstedTBC has since argued that helens are derived from internal processes of the hyolith operculum, and they are treated as such herein.'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='Helens were not found by @Valent2015 or @Marek1966, but reconstructed as present by @Marek1976.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='The scaphopod valve arises posterior of the prototroch and is thus homologous with the posterior valves of Chiton, assuming that molluscan shell fields are homologous features.'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='It is possible that two shell morphs exist and belonged to the same individuals; or that other aggregations of spicules represent additional shell fields [@Bengtson1992; @ConwayMorris1996]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='The spines are interpreted as homologous with the girdle elements of polyplacophorans, i.e. as setae.'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='The spines are interpreted as homologous with the girdle elements of polyplacophorans, i.e. as setae.'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=102 TEXT='The annulus of spines is considered to represent accessory sclerites homologous to the main valves; see discussion under ''adult setae''.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=101 TEXT='As larvae, polyplacophorans exhibit an anterior and a posterior shell field [@Wanninger2002C]; subsequent subdivision of the posterior field gives rise to the posterior seven valves. Tonicella is thus tentatively coded as ''bivalved'' to reflect the potential (if perhaps unlikely) homology with the paired elements of brachiopods.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='"One can distinguish two components in the acrosome, an apical and a basal granule" -- @BucklandNicks1988'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='No differentiation within acrosomal vesicle [@Rice1993]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='No evidence of internal differentiation [in Tubulipora; @Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='No evidence of internal differentiation [in Tubulipora; @Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='@Gherardi2011'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Not evident in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Following Discinisca tenuis, described in Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='"Along the inner and outer margins there are periodically banded layers, and between them there is a less dense layer" -- Afzelius & Ferraguti, 1978'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Clear differentiation of marginal area (Fukumoto 2003)'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Acrosome-like structure; no internal division or surrounding membrane, with possibility that much of the acrosome is secondarily lost (Reunov & Klepal 2004).'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Differentiated membrane only [@DufresneDube1983]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='The acrosome is a cone with subacrosomal granule and subacrosomal plate, but not interstital granule, following character 2 of @BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='The acrosome is a cone with subacrosomal granule, interstitial granule, and subacrosomal plate, following character 2 of @BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Not differentiated, following character 2 of @BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='In Epimenia, the acrosome is a cone with subacrosomal granule, interstitial granule, and subacrosomal plate, following character 2 of @BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Not consistently differentiated in Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='"The large acrosome granule contains two distinct components: (1) an ovoid electron-dense body in the anterior apex of the granule [...], and (2) a less dense, homogeneous material at the granule posterior." [@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Electron dense rings the the acrosome vesicle [@Eckelbarger1987]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=217 TEXT='Material lines acrosomal membrane [@Niijima1965]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Ring of five mitochondria around the central centriole [@Rice1993]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Two mitochondrial derivatives in Flustra [@Franzen1981;@Franzen1977]; four in Tubulipora [@Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Two mitochondrial derivatives in Flustra [@Franzen1981;@Franzen1977]; four in Tubulipora [@Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Five mitochondria in ring [@Gherardi2011]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='"The midpiece consists of two long mitochondrial rods connected with each other by a thin mitochondrial lamella" [@Franzen2000, in Loxosoma]; these are essentially a single organelle surrounding a central rod of electron-dense material. '; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Following Discinisca tenuis, described in Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Four mitochondria (Afzelius & Ferraguti, 1978)'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='The mitochondria fuse in the middle stage of spermiogenesis to become a pair of mitochondria (Reunov & Klepal 2004).'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='@DufresneDube1983'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Five mitochondria in Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Five mitochondria [@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Single ring-shaped mitochondrion [@Eckelbarger1987]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=220 TEXT='Five mitochondria [@Niijima1965]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='@BucklandNicks1988'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='[@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='[@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='The proximal centriole is parallel to the flagellum [@Gherardi2011].'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Following Discinisca tenuis, described in Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Two orthogonal centrioles (Afzelius & Ferraguti 1978)'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Following Hodgson & Reunov (1994).'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Only one centriole in spermatzoon (Reunov & Klepal 2004, p. 7), but centrioles are perpendicularly oriented in spermatogonia (ibid., p. 2)'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='@DufresneDube1983'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, fig. 1B'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, fig. 1D'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='Orthogonal [@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='At a 90° angle [@Eckelbarger1987]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=222 TEXT='@Niijima1965'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Vesicular [@BucklandNicks2008, character 2]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='A peaked disc in Phascolion [@Rice1993]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical [in Tubulipora; @Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical [in Tubulipora; @Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='@Gherardi2011'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical/cylindrical acrosome-like extension in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Pear-shaped (Hodgson & Reunov, 1994)'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Disc-shaped (in Kraussina) (Hodgson & Reunov, 1994)'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Needle-shaped (Afzelius & Ferraguti, 1978)'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Pear-shaped (Fukumoto 2003)'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Needle-shaped (Reunov & Klepal, 2004)'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Low conical aspect [@DufresneDube1983]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical [@BucklandNicks2008, character 2]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Vesicular [@BucklandNicks2008, character 2]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Vesicular [@BucklandNicks2008, character 2]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical [in Epimenia; @BucklandNicks2008, character 2]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical in Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical in gastropods [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=216 TEXT='Conical in Nucula [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=154 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=154 TEXT='@Marek1972'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=154 TEXT='No differentiation between the cardinal and conical shields'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=154 TEXT='Narrow cardinal shield [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=154 TEXT='No differentiation between cardinal shield and conical shield [@Wrona2003;@Devaere2014]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=157 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=157 TEXT='Single pair [@Marek1972]'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=157 TEXT='"No traces of clavicles" [@Skovsted2016]'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=157 TEXT='"Processes and clavicle-like structures are absent" -- @Devaere2014'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=157 TEXT='@Marek1966'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Proximal centriole fused lateral to distal centriole and offset [@BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Proximal centriole fused anterior to distal centriole'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Proximal centriole fused anterior to distal centriole'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Proximal centriole fused anterior to distal centriole'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Basal body in deep nuclear fossa'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Basal body in deep nuclear fossa'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Basal body in deep nuclear fossa'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Basal body in deep nuclear fossa'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Proximal centriole fused anterior to distal centriole [@DufresneDube1983]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Separate centrioles [@BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Separate centrioles [@BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Basal body in deep nuclear fossa [in Epimenia, @BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=223 TEXT='@Niijima1965'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=224 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=224 TEXT='Ten anchors or "satellite bodies" surround the distal centriole, two attaching to each mitochondrion [@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='"Typical cristae"; "Randomly oriented" -- @Franzen1984 (in Tubulipora)'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='"Typical cristae"; "Randomly oriented" -- @Franzen1984 (in Tubulipora)'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='Arranged in "a loose, radial pattern" in Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=226 TEXT='@Lewis1980'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='See @BucklandNicks1988'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='Rods [@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='Rods [@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='Elongate rods in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='[@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=225 TEXT='@Niijima1965'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='Short ring of five mitochondria around the central centriole [@Rice1993]. '; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='Long [@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='Long [@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='Five mitochondria surround the base of the flagellum in short midpiece, comparable to that of Sipunculus and Dentalium [@Gherardi2011]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='As long as the flagellum in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='[@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='Long cytoplasmic collar [@Eckelbarger1987]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=227 TEXT='@Niijima1965'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='@BucklandNicks1988'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Prominent in Phascolion [@Rice1993]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Present [in Tubulipora; @Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Present [in Tubulipora; @Franzen1984]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Absent: subacrosomal space does not impinge on nuclear envelope [@Gherardi2011]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Present in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Present in Discinisca tenuis (Hodgson & Reunov, 1994).'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='No anterior invagination [@Hodgson1994]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Nucleus "almost round" [@Reunov2004Ultrastructuralstudy]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='@DufresneDube1983'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Following Laevipilina in @Healy1995'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='@Lewis1980'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=214 TEXT='Deep "tubular passage through centre of nucleus" [@Niijima1965]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Profoundly elongated nucleus [@BucklandNicks1988]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Elongate [@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Elongate [@Franzen1981]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='@Gherardi2011'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Elongate in Loxosoma [@Franzen2000]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Elongate nucleus, 4-6 times longer than wide [@DufresneDube1983]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Only a little longer than wide in Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='At least three times longer than wide in the gastropods figured in @Healy1995'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=211 TEXT='Around five times longer than wide in Nucula [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=230 TEXT='The early embryology of chaetoderms has not been documented [@Okusu2002;@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=230 TEXT='Visible but indistinct cross-furrow in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=230 TEXT='"Cross-furrow" pattern [@Biggelaar1993]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=230 TEXT='@Meyer2010'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=230 TEXT='Absent in Acila, Nucula and Yoldia [@Zardus1998]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Equal, in all brachiopods [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Equal, in all brachiopods [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Equal, in all brachiopods [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Equal, in all brachiopods [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='"Cleavage is holoblastic and results in approximately equal sized, or adequal, blastomeres." -- @Pennerstorfer2012'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='The early embryology of chaetoderms has not been documented [@Okusu2002;@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Unequal in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='"The first two cleavages are equal" [@Biggelaar1993]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='@Meyer2010'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=229 TEXT='Unequal in Acila, Nucula and Yoldia [@Zardus1998]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=231 TEXT='The early embryology of chaetoderms has not been documented [@Okusu2002;@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=231 TEXT='Two polar lobes formed in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=231 TEXT='@Biggelaar1993'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=231 TEXT='Present in Acila, Nucula and Yoldia [@Zardus1998]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=232 TEXT='"While entoprocts are spiral cleavers, ectoprocts show a radial cleavage pattern" -- @Fuchs2008'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=232 TEXT='"While entoprocts are spiral cleavers, ectoprocts show a radial cleavage pattern" -- @Fuchs2008'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=232 TEXT='"The observed cleavage displays several characters consistent with the pattern of spiral cleavage" [@Pennerstorfer2012]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=232 TEXT='The early embryology of chaetoderms has not been documented [@Okusu2002;@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=232 TEXT='Cleavage is spiral in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='Prominent differentiation in Phascolosoma [@Adrianov2011]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='In Membranipora, "cleavage is slightly unequal resulting in little larger central^nblastomeres" [@Gruhl2010M]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='In Membranipora, "cleavage is slightly unequal resulting in little larger central^nblastomeres" [@Gruhl2010M]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='Uniform size [@Pennerstorfer2012]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='The early embryology of chaetoderms has not been documented [@Okusu2002;@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='Similar in size, with possible exception of macromere 1D, by incorporation of the polar lobe [in Epimenia; @Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='@Biggelaar1993'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=228 TEXT='@Meyer2010'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='The early embryology of chaetoderms has not been documented [@Okusu2002;@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Four to seven origins of mesoderm, all ectomesodermal [@Meyer2010]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=233 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=256 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=256 TEXT='Absent [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=256 TEXT='Prototroch only in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=256 TEXT='Absent [@Marlow2014]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=258 TEXT='Coronal cilia do not form a food groove [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=258 TEXT='Cyclostomes are covered in cilia but not arranged in food groove.'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=258 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=258 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=258 TEXT='Absent [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=258 TEXT='Not present in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='"Taxa such as Sipuncula [...] have a metatroch and do not have downstream larval-feeding" -- @Rouse2000'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='"Groups such as Sabellariidae [...] have evolved downstream-feeding without the aid of a metatroch" -- [@Rouse2000]In Chaetopterus [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='"The long, hollow ciliary root is oriented downwards, whereas the other one is short, compact and conical and runs opposite to the direction of beating" [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='In Littorina (Gastropoda) [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='In Chaetopterus [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=259 TEXT='In Crassostrea (Bivalvia) [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=260 TEXT='In Chaetopterus [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=260 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=260 TEXT='"The long, hollow ciliary root is oriented downwards, whereas the other one is short, compact and conical and runs opposite to the direction of beating" [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=260 TEXT='In Littorina (Gastropoda) [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=260 TEXT='In Chaetopterus [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=260 TEXT='In Crassostrea (Bivalvia) [@Glenner2004]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=262 TEXT='Nodular nerve ring underlies corona [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=262 TEXT='Present, following schematic in @Gruhl2016'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=262 TEXT='Detailed neural structures not detected by @Nielsen2007'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='[@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='Absent [@Zimmer2013]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='@Luter2000 contends that annelid larvae lack setae, but chaetae are present on day 16 of the larval development of Serpula [@Keay2007].'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='Following Recilites (Pauxillitidae) [@Dzik1978]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='Not bundled [@Leise1984]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='In transverse rows, with setae seeming to arise from papillae [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=9 TEXT='The spines that adorn the cephalic tentacles [@AuzouxBordenave2010] are conceivably homologous with setae.'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=257 TEXT='Absent; single ciliary field lacks telotroch equivalent [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=257 TEXT='Absent [@Zimmer2013]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=257 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=257 TEXT='@Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=257 TEXT='Present in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=257 TEXT='@DeVicose2007'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=234 TEXT='Median muscles extending from apical organ [@Gruhl2008]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=234 TEXT='Median muscles extending from apical organ [@Gruhl2008]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=234 TEXT='Not evident [@Santagata2004, fig. 2C]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=234 TEXT='Apical organ has disappeared before musculature is set in place [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=234 TEXT='None evident or noted [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=261 TEXT='@Nielsen2007'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=261 TEXT='@DeVicose2007'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=255 TEXT='Lecithotrophic [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=255 TEXT='Metamorphose almost immediately after release from gonozooid [@Zimmer2013]; most bryozoans are lecithotrophic [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=255 TEXT='"Released larvae are of the lecithotrophic creeping-type" [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=255 TEXT='Lecithotrophic [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=255 TEXT='@Jaeckle1989'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Not evident'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Elements of the Halkieria scleritome adhere to a quincunx arrangement, with different spacing of elements in each zone; there is no evidence of a metameric arrangement.'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to rule out the presence of serial repetition.'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to rule out the presence of serial repetition.'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to rule out the presence of serial repetition.'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Unknown whether sclerites are serially repeated, or whether metameres were present in underlying soft anatomy'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Serial repetition of six pairs of transverse muscle fibres [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to rule out the presence of serial repetition.'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Coded following Halkieria.'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Conceivably evident in soft tissue that is not preserved, e.g. gills.'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Repetition of ctenidia [@Caron2006]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Serial repetition of lobes and spine rows [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Not apparent in distribution of setae [@Thomas2012]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Present in larval stages only [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Serial repetition of seven pairs of muscle fibres in larvae [@Scherholz2015;@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Serially repeated gills'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=25 TEXT='Present [@Chen2019]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=239 TEXT='Coelomoducts absent [@Haszprunar2000]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=31 TEXT='Multiple ciliated ducts leading to a common gonopore [@Goodrich1945]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=31 TEXT='Two coelomoducts pass outwards, meet, and open by a common pore [@Goodrich1945]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=31 TEXT='"large coelomic funnels serving as genital ducts" [@Goodrich1945]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='No evidence of pairing [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Hypostegal coelom separated from principal (perigastric) body cavity in cheilostomata -- but this is not clearly equivalent to the paired coelom intended by this character. The coelom of Fredericella is not paired [@Gruhl2010F].'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=253 TEXT='Following figure 13 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=254 TEXT='Following figure 12 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=254 TEXT='Following figure 12 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=254 TEXT='Following figure 12 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=254 TEXT='Following figure 12 in @Scheltema1993'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=250 TEXT='@Wingstrand1985 considers the annelid neurotroch to be potentially homologous with the molluscan and entoproct foot'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=250 TEXT='@Wingstrand1985 considers the annelid neurotroch to be potentially homologous with the molluscan and entoproct foot'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=250 TEXT='A foot is present in the creeping-type larva of Loxosomella murmanica, though absent in L. atkinsae and the many other entoprocts that have swimming-type larvae [@Fuchs2008]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=250 TEXT='Fusion of mantle edges along ventral midline is interpreted to represent a vestige of the foot sole [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=250 TEXT='Ciliated foot present in larvae of Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=250 TEXT='The neurotroch [@Meyer2010] is a cilliated ventral ''foot''.'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='The ventral surface of Halkieria is unarmoured, but its soft anatomy is unknown.'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='The stalk may conceivably be homologous with the entoproct foot, but the evidence for homology is weak.'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=29 TEXT=' LISTED AS PRESENT IN @Smith2012: WHY? '; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='A gliding sole, with dorsoventral muscles that intercross above the pedal sole, is present in larvae and potentially homologous with the molluscan foot; see @Haszprunar2008.'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='@Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='@Caron2006'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='Foot and pedal groove lacking [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='Secondarily lost; represented by medial groove'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='Inferred fron musculature [@Runnegar1978]'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=29 TEXT='The associated ichnofossils contain transverse structures that are not consistent with production by a ventral foot [@Chen2019].'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Periodic marginal accretion implies that replacement does not occur.'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Whereas the primary valves grow by lateral accretion, the subsidiary sclerites are periodically shed and replaced (see main text).'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Larval shell present at tip of sclerites [@Holmer2011], indicating retention'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Periodic marginal accretion implies that replacement does not occur.'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Inferred by comparison with Halkieria'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Retained as set in shell matrix [@Bengtson1992]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='Valves grown by marginal accretion [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=100 TEXT='The broad size and interlocking nature of sclerites suggests that they are not periodically shed and replaced, consistent with the absence of any specimens lacking sclerites.'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Present in certain annelids [@Hausen2005]; not verified in Serpula'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Present [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Not observed [@Lundin1999]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Following table 1 in @Lundin2009'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=263 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following Harmothoe [@Holborow1969]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Present [@Lundin1999]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=264 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='Basal foot in Magelona is connected to cytoplasmic microtubules [@Bartolomaeus1995].'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='Present [@Lundin1999]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=265 TEXT='"Basal foot with continuous tubular fibres" in representative of class [@Lundin2009, table 1]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Blurry'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Broad and ''blurry'' in Magelona [@Bartolomaeus1995]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Thin to thick, but not blurry [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Blurry'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Blurry'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Thin [@Lundin1999;@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Blurry'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Thick/Blurry'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=266 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Thick'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Present [@Reed1982]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Absent [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=267 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=268 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=268 TEXT='Following Enchytraeus [@Reger1967], Magelona [@Bartolomaeus1995] and Harmothoe [@Holborow1969]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=268 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=268 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=268 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Not evident in Enchytraeus [@Reger1967], Magelona [@Bartolomaeus1995] or Harmothoe [@Holborow1969]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='[@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=269 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliary only in adult Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa = Ectoprocta) [@Gruhl2009]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliary only in adult Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa = Ectoprocta) [@Gruhl2009]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='@Nielsen1987'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='"The coelothelial cells of the metacoel are monociliated"; "even some epithelial muscle cells are monociliated" [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Monociliated [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=271 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='The epidermis lacks a glycocalyx and cuticle altogether, at least at the base of the tentacles in Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa = Ectoprocta) [@Gruhl2009]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Homogeneous [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=273 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Few'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='[@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Few'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Few'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Few'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record (''Few'') in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=274 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Details of ciliary ultrastructure are illustrated in @Nielsen1976'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Long [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=275 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Conical in Enchytraeus [@Reger1967] and Magelona [@Bartolomaeus1995] '; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Conical: tapering to a point [@Luter1995]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=276 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='@Lundin2001'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='@Lundin2001'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='@Lundin2001'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='@Lundin2001'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='Absent in class in adult stage [@Lundin2001]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=277 TEXT='Absent in class in adult stage [@Lundin2001]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=272 TEXT='Multiciliated epidermal cells observed in class [@Lundin2009]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=286 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=290 TEXT='"The inner side of the mantle margin is covered with a cuticle-like membrane [which] represents the extension of the shell periostracum" [@Ruthensteiner2010], and is therefore somewhat robust.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=252 TEXT='"Absent in adult Polyplacophora but present in early ontogenetic stages" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=252 TEXT='"Absent in adult Polyplacophora but present in early ontogenetic stages" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=252 TEXT='"Absent in adult Polyplacophora but present in early ontogenetic stages" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=252 TEXT='"Caudofoveata certainly lack [...] the pedal gland" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=252 TEXT='@Lemche1959'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Short in Enchytraeus [@Reger1967], Magelona [@Bartolomaeus1995] and Harmothoe [@Holborow1969]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='"Very small" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=278 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='@Reed1982'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Conical in Magelona [@Bartolomaeus1995]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Too small to evaluate'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=279 TEXT='Following class-level record in @Lundin2009, table 1'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=91 TEXT='Present, enlarged [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='In Bryozoa, myofibrils are "all striated" [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='In Bryozoa, myofibrils are "all striated" [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='In brachiopods, myofibrils "are striated on the frontal face and smooth on the abfrontal face" [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='In brachiopods, myofibrils "are striated on the frontal face and smooth on the abfrontal face" [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='In brachiopods, myofibrils "are striated on the frontal face and smooth on the abfrontal face" [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='In brachiopods, myofibrils "are striated on the frontal face and smooth on the abfrontal face" [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='"In P. australis [...] all the myofibrils belong to the smooth type" -- @Pardos1991'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=297 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=298 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=34 TEXT='See @Haszprunar2008'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=34 TEXT='Open circulatory system'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=34 TEXT='As Brachiopods, sipunculans and relatives [@Ruppert1983]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=34 TEXT='As Brachiopods, sipunculans and relatives [@Ruppert1983]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=34 TEXT='See @Haszprunar2008'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=34 TEXT='See @Haszprunar2008'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=88 TEXT='Ciliated ridge in oesophagus [@Torrey1901]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=89 TEXT='Present, but secondarily reduced'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=93 TEXT='[@Devaere2014]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=93 TEXT='Subdivided, presumably functionally, but with some ambiguity [@Smith2012M;Smith2014]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=93 TEXT='Subdivided, presumably functionally, but with some ambiguity [@Smith2012M;Smith2014]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=93 TEXT='Divided into three compartments: stomach, midgut sack and intestine [@Todt2013]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=93 TEXT='Uniform midgut [@Todt2013]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=93 TEXT='The gut is a straight tube with no obvious subdivision [@Parry2019]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=94 TEXT='Annex to midgut interpreted as a gland [@Smith2012M]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=94 TEXT='Annex to midgut interpreted as a gland [@Smith2012M]'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=52 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='@Smith2012M'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=56 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No candidate observed despite exceptional preservation'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='The radula has a high preservation potential in Wiwaxia, and is not evident only when it occurs at a different plane to the one that the fossil splits upon. As such, it is difficult to attribute the absence of a radula in Orthrozanclus to non-preservation.'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='@Smith2012M'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='No radula is preserved [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=71 TEXT='Seemingly absent [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=32 TEXT='Not preserved, though presumably present'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=32 TEXT='The posterior projections are interpreted as resembling the gill folds of solenogasatres [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=32 TEXT='"Branchiae" are present, but are not considered to be homologous with the gills of other polychaetes as they are extensions of the coelom rather than loops of the circulatory system [@HZ76;@Rouse1997C]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=32 TEXT='@Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='Present in serpulids [@Bartolomaeus2005]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='"In Brachiopoda, podocytes have never been observed" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='"In Brachiopoda, podocytes have never been observed" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='"In Brachiopoda, podocytes have never been observed" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='"In Brachiopoda, podocytes have never been observed" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='Present [@Storch1978]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=280 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=281 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=282 TEXT='"The excretory function of the metanephridia in Brachiopoda must be questioned" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=282 TEXT='"The excretory function of the metanephridia in Brachiopoda must be questioned" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=282 TEXT='"The excretory function of the metanephridia in Brachiopoda must be questioned" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=282 TEXT='"The excretory function of the metanephridia in Brachiopoda must be questioned" -- @Luter1995'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=282 TEXT='Presumed, due to presence of nephridiopores, and by analogy with polyplachophorans.'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=285 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=284 TEXT='@Merkel2015'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=284 TEXT='Tentative: no ultrastructural observations are available, but "kidney A very much resembles the ''protonephridial kidney'' of juvenile polyplacophorans in position and shape" [@Ruthensteiner2010]'; TEXT TAXON=2 CHARACTER=205 TEXT='Budding well documented [e.g. @Zhuravlev2015]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=207 TEXT='Brood pouches in abandoned lophophore'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=207 TEXT='External in Terebratalia [@Stricker1985]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=207 TEXT='External [@Nielsen1991]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=206 TEXT='Hermaphroditic [@Reed1988]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=209 TEXT='"Eggs have a loose consistency and are capable of changing form" [@Franzen1977]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=209 TEXT='"Eggs have a loose consistency and are capable of changing form" [@Franzen1977]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=209 TEXT='Eggs "are surrounded by a delicate fertilization membrane" [@Pennerstorfer2012]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=209 TEXT='Covered by a smooth egg hull [@Todt2010]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=209 TEXT='Surrounded by external gelatinous envelope, whose homology to the protective membrane of other taxa is uncertain -- hence coded ambiguous'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=209 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1983'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=300 TEXT='Glial cells are "abundant" [@Temereva2016Phoronida]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=300 TEXT='@Amsellem1976'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='@Parry2019 code chitons as lacking serial repetition in the nervous system, despite the orthogonal arrangement of nervous tissue.'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='@Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='@Parry2019 code chitons as lacking serial repetition in the nervous system, despite the orthogonal arrangement of nervous tissue.'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='@Parry2019 code chitons as lacking serial repetition in the nervous system, despite the orthogonal arrangement of nervous tissue.'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='Pedal cords with regular transverse connections [@Barlow1992]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='@Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='Few transverse commissures [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=299 TEXT='@Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Oral nerve ring present [@Kristof2008]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='@Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Coded as present in @Parry2019; circumoesophageal connective present [@Orrhage2005]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='A potential synapomorphy uniting Mollusca and Kamptozoa [@Wanninger2007;@Haszprunar2008]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Present [@Barlow1992]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Circumoesophageal connectives present [@Bhup1982]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Buccal commissure present, forming ring with cerebral commissure [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=304 TEXT='Coded as present in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=236 TEXT='"both the larval apical ganglion and the ventral ganglion must be retained as^nthe adult nervous system" [@HaySchmidt1992], but not necessarily as the brain'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=236 TEXT='Apical ganglion and anlage of cerebral ganglion present in early stages [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=236 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=236 TEXT='In Platynereis [@Marlow2014]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=236 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Glenner2004'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=237 TEXT='Cerebral ganglion present in early stages [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=237 TEXT='@Barlow1992'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=308 TEXT='"The cerebral ganglion in all bryozoans is formed as an invagination of a portion^nof epithelium" -- @Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=308 TEXT='"The cerebral ganglion in all bryozoans is formed as an invagination of a portion^nof epithelium" -- @Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='Present in phylum [@Nielsen2005]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='@Temereva2016T'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='Present in phylum [@Nielsen2005]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='Present in phylum [@Nielsen2005]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='We treat the dorsal ganglion, which is formed by two ends of the tentacular nerve ring [@Temereva2016P], as cerebral [contra @Nielsen2005]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='@Barlow1992'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='Present in phylum [@Nielsen2005]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=309 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=310 TEXT='@Temereva2016T'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=310 TEXT='@Barlow1992'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=310 TEXT='Relatively separate in Nucula, which is supposed to represent the basal condition for bivalvia [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=317 TEXT='@Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=317 TEXT='Separate, though fusing at posterior to form loop [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=317 TEXT='Linked but distinct pedal cords [@Barlow1992]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=317 TEXT='Separate, though meeting at visceral ganglion [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=70 CHARACTER=54 TEXT='The tentacular crown [@Zhang2013] is interpreted as a lophophore'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=54 TEXT='Palps present [@Parry2019]'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=54 TEXT='@Moysiuk2017'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=54 TEXT='The scaphopod captacula lacks tentacles of its own and has a distinctly different origin to the lophophore; compare @Wanninger2002M with e.g. @Santagata2004. It is difficult to see a case for treating these structures as homologous. Instead, the captacula has been tentatively homologised with the pre-oral tentacles of Monoplacophora and Gastropoda [@Steiner1992], or, based on musculature and late development, the molluscan foot [cf. cephalopod arms, @Wanninger2002M]).'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=54 TEXT='Palps absent [@Parry2019]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=54 TEXT='Palps present [@Parry2019]'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=103 TEXT='Following the reconstruction of @Skovsted2015'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=103 TEXT='Distinct dorsal and dorsolateral fields, albeit in phase [@Chen2019].'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=104 TEXT='@Skovsted2008'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=104 TEXT='@Chen2019'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=49 TEXT='Not impressed on valves, despite fine preservation of muscular attachment [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=49 TEXT='Not evident'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=49 TEXT='Not observed despite excellent preservation'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=49 TEXT='Not preserved along muscle scars [@Nikitin1984], presumably owing to quality of preservation rather than genuine absence.'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='New branches added at each lateral extreme, behind mouth [@Adrianov2006]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=66 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof -- though in larvae, tentacles are added at the tips of the developing lophophore.'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='Nerves present in tentacles, but not forming rings [@Fuchs2006]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='In Gryphus [@Temereva2017Thefirst]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='Probably only a single ring is present, but only available illustrations are 19th century sketches [@Luter2016]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='@Temereva2017Thefirst'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=67 TEXT='[@Temereva2017Innervationof]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof; only one tentacle nerve ring evident in @Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='"Most species of bryozoans have only the inner" nerve ring -- @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='Nerves present in tentacles, but not forming rings [@Fuchs2006]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='@Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='Probably only a single ring is present, but only available illustrations are 19th century sketches [@Luter2016]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='@Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=68 TEXT='@Temereva2017Thefirst'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='@Adrianov2006'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='The tentacles appear at metamorphosis, seemingly from below the corona (=prototroch) [@Young2002]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='Arising after metamorphosis [@Nielsen1971]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='Lophophore of Terebratalia arises post metamorphosis [@Young2002]; lophophore conceivably arising from vesicular bodies at base of apical lobe?'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='"At metamorphosis [....] the second pair of coelomic sacs develop small attachment areas at the edge of the dorsal valve and become the lophophore coelom" [@Nielsen1991]^n^n"The larval lobes are retained during the first steps of metamorphosis and are^nsubsequently remodeled to form the lophophore and other adult organs" -- @Altenburger2013'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='At the posterior of the head, at the late larval stage [@Santagata2004]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=55 TEXT='Prostomial palps [@Parry2019]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='@Rice1993'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='Following @Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='@Orrhage2005'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='Tentacle nerves originate laterally from the cerebral ganglion, branching three times and leading to a single nerve within each tentacle [@Fuchs2006]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='The captacula each bear an individual nerve fibre emanating from the cerebral ganglia, which is also associated with the circumoesophageal nerve ring [@SumnerRooney2015], recalling the situation in annelids and sipunculans.'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=60 TEXT='Palp innervation – @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='@Haszprunar2008'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='Collagenous [@Goffinet1978]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='Collagenous [@Schopf1967], though chitin is associated with the exoskeleton [@Hunt1972]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='Collagenous [@Schopf1967], though chitin is associated with the exoskeleton [@Hunt1972]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='Absent [@Haszprunar2008]. Chitin is occasionally present in certain species, perhaps in regions where rigidity is necessary [@Borisanova2015].'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='The brachiopod pedicle has a chitinous cuticle [@Williams1997Introduction;@MacKay1978], but the tentacles are associated with collagen [@Williams1997Introduction]; marked as polymorphic.'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='The brachiopod pedicle has a chitinous cuticle [@Williams1997Introduction;@MacKay1978], but the tentacles are associated with collagen [@Williams1997Introduction]; marked as polymorphic.'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='No (chitinous) pedicle, so only collagenous cuticle present [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='The brachiopod pedicle has a chitinous cuticle [@Williams1997Introduction;@MacKay1978], but the tentacles are associated with collagen [@Williams1997Introduction]; marked as polymorphic.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='Collagen fibres in tentacle cuticle [@Bartolomaeus2001U]; chitin only present in tubes [@Jeuniaux1971]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=287 TEXT='@Haszprunar2008'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=315 TEXT='@Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=315 TEXT='Tetraneury [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=315 TEXT='Tetraneury [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='@Temereva2016Thenervous'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Not evident in adults [@Faller2012] or larvae [@Wanninger2003], nor noted in @Wanninger2007.'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Present in polyplacophorans [@Wanninger2007]; presumably as the cerebrobuccal ring [@Faller2012]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Present in polyplacophorans [@Wanninger2007]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='"A pre-oral anterior nerve loop is present in aplacophorans" [@Wanninger2007], even if it is not evident in adults [@Faller2012]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='"A pre-oral anterior nerve loop is present in aplacophorans" [@Wanninger2007], even if it is not evident in adults [@Faller2012]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='The post-oral commissure and subradular ganglion are innerveted to form a loop, but this is post-oral. The buccal ganglia are more anterior, but are not connected to form a loop. But the cerebral ganglia are joined by an anterior loop; this is particularly prominent in Vema [@Wingstrand1985].'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Loop joins cerebral ganglia anterior to buccal loop [@Barlow1992]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Present [@Meyer2015]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=305 TEXT='Presumably represented by the cerebral commissure, by comparison with monoplacophorans [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Eight in Ischnochiton and Mopalia [@Wanninger2007]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Cluster of around eight cells, though not quite countable [@Wanninger2005]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Concentration of 30--40 serotonergic perikarya [in Fredericella; @Gruhl2010F]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Concentration of 30--40 serotonergic perikarya [in Fredericella; @Gruhl2010F]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Six to eight apical cells; eight peripheral cells [@Wanninger2007], indicating a probable equivalence to polyplacophorans [@Haszprunar2008]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Eight in Terebratalia [@Luter2016]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Four flask-shaped cells [@Altenburger2010]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Cluster of "numerous" serotonergic cells [@HaySchmidt1992;@Altenburger2010]; more than, but probably equivalent to, the flask-shaped cells of Terebratalia [@Luter2016]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Multiple shapes of cells present [@Santagata2002]; resembles the linguliform arrangement [@Altenburger2010]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Not searched for by @Nielsen2007'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='"As early as Day 5 of embryogenesis, whole-mount ICC revealed an unpaired median cell (UMC) and a bilateral pair of cells that are immunoreactive for serotonin in the anterior region of the animal. Each of the three cells sends one anterior projection and one central projection that forms a dense plexus of serotonergic neurites. By Day 7, a second pair of bilateral cells is added slightly medially and posteriorly to the first pair. [... At] the last larval stage [...] additional serotonergic neurons (usually two) [are] detected on each side of the five serotonergic cells." [@Marois1997] The cells are not obviously flask shaped.'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Two in Platynereis [@Marlow2014]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=235 TEXT='Four to five vase-shaped cells [@Voronezhskaya2008]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Fibrous collagen only [@BereiterHahn1984]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Microvilli in otherwise homogeneous epidermis [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Not evident in Notosaria [@BereiterHahn1984;@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Pedicle cuticle entirely homogeneous [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Outer layer seemingly fibrous [@BereiterHahn1984]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=288 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Fibrous collagen only [@BereiterHahn1984]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Microvilli in otherwise homogeneous epidermis [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Cuticle is homogeneous in Notosaria [@BereiterHahn1984;@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Pedicle cuticle entirely homogeneous [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Not evident [@BereiterHahn1984]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=289 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Fibrous collagen only [@BereiterHahn1984]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Microvillios inner epithelium in Discina [@Williams1997Introduction]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Present on outer epithelium [@BereiterHahn1984]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Following table 2 in @Borisanova2015.'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=291 TEXT='Ultrastructural observations unavailable.'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=11 TEXT='No evidence of microvillar secretion [e.g. @Schulze2005]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=11 TEXT='@Checa2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=11 TEXT='@Leise1986'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=11 TEXT='Glands, associated with papillae, "presumed to secrete the calcareous spicules" [@Nielsen2007]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=11 TEXT='Secreted from base in Epimenia [@Okusu2002], presumably by microvilli'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=11 TEXT='@Butterfield1990'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=14 TEXT='Enzymatic test for chitin proved negative [@Rice1993]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=14 TEXT='Presumed chitin due to preservational character'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=14 TEXT='"The spicules and scales [...] are composed of aragonite and a highly glycosylated proteinaceous organic matrix" [@Treves2003;@Checa2017]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=14 TEXT='Chitinous [@Leise1986]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=14 TEXT='Presumed chitin due to preservational character'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='Uniform [@Fischer1980;@Leise1982]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='No trend in microvillar size [@Gordon1975]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='Decreasing towards seta margin in Scolelepis [@Hausen2005] and Disoma [@Orrhage1971]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='Slight decrease towards margin in Discinisca [@Luter2003]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='Decreases towards margin in Terebratalia larvae [@Gustus1972]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='Widest in centre [@Luter2000]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='@Checa2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='@Leise1986'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=12 TEXT='Generally largest at core of shaft, with some additional differentiation within hooks and manubrium [@Schweigkofler1998]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Not evident [@Leise1988;@Fischer1980]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Not evident [@Gordon1975]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Present in Nereis [@Gustus1973]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Enamel layer apparent in Discina [@Williams1997Introduction, fig. 47.1]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Present in the terebratulid Calloria (and the Rhynchonellid Notosaria) [@Luter2000]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Not visible in TEM sections [@Leise1986]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=15 TEXT='Not evident [@Schweigkofler1998]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Cytoplasmic intrusion into a central cavity [@Gordon1975]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Hollow conical sclerites [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Profoundly hollow: deep basal invagination [@Bengtson1992; @ConwayMorris1996]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='The sclerites are described as blade-like [@Sutton2012N]; their concavo-convex shape presumably relates to the surface of the blade, rather than being intended to imply a deep basal cavity.'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='No indication of basal invagination [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Inadequately preserved to determine [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Seemingly without invagination'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='@Leise1986'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='@Scheltema1976'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='Sealed base, despite internal chamber, in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=19 TEXT='@Schweigkofler1998'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=158 TEXT='@Zhang2018Ahyolithid'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=158 TEXT='Three pairs of clavicles [@Marek1966]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=156 TEXT='Dorsal teeth figured in @MartiMus2005.'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=156 TEXT='Present [@Marek1966]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to determine the presence of a coelom.'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to determine the presence of a coelom.'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='"Adult ectoprocts differentiate true coelomic cavities" -- @Fuchs2008'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to determine the presence of a coelom.'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='"Adult entoprocts are acoelomate" -- @Fuchs2008'; TEXT TAXON=72 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='Internal cavities indicated by differentiation of internal organs [see @Moysiuk2017]'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='The soft anatomy of this taxon is unknown, so it is impossible to determine the presence of a coelom.'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=30 TEXT='@Temereva2017Innervationof'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=251 TEXT='"Absent in adult Polyplacophora but present in early ontogenetic stages" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=251 TEXT='Ciliated clef corresponds to position of foot [@Reed1982], but dedicated foot not present.'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=251 TEXT='"Absent in adult Polyplacophora but present in early ontogenetic stages" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=251 TEXT='"Absent in adult Polyplacophora but present in early ontogenetic stages" [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=251 TEXT='Lacking [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=251 TEXT='Pedal pit present in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=161 TEXT='"Very short" semicircular ligula [@Zhang2018Ahyolithid]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='Peripheral to main tentacle cavity [@Pilger1982]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='Peripheral muscle fibres [@Hanson1949]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='Outer main tentacle muscle; two pairs of inner longitudinal muscles [@Fuchs2006]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='"Inner coelomic epithelium underlain by muscle fibers, or in the tentacles, myoepithelial cells." -- @Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='"Inner coelomic epithelium underlain by muscle fibers, or in the tentacles, myoepithelial cells." -- @Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='"Inner coelomic epithelium underlain by muscle fibers, or in the tentacles, myoepithelial cells." -- @Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='"Inner coelomic epithelium underlain by muscle fibers, or in the tentacles, myoepithelial cells." -- @Williams1997Introduction'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='[@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=57 TEXT='Six to eight elongate muscle cells in core [@Shimek1988], surrounded by circular muscles [@Byrum1994]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='Surface smooth [@Sun2012]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='Discinisca sports individual peripheral spines [@Williams1997Introduction;@Luter2003].^nNote that the "embryonic" setae of Discinids correspond to the "larval setae" of other brachiopods, and the "larval setae" of juvenile discinids correspond to adult setae [@Luter2003].'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='Individual peripheral spines [in Calloria; @Luter2000]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='@Luter2000'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='@Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='@ConwayMorris1996'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='@Scheltema1976'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='In Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='Projections around hood [@Schweigkofler1998]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=23 TEXT='Marginal knobs and serrations [@Butterfield1990]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Round [@Fischer1980]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Polygonal [@Gordon1975]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Annelid setae are prominently round, with gaps between each microvillar chamber [@Orrhage1971]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='The loose spacing of pyrite infills of microvillar canals in Wiwaxia sclerites [@Smith2014] argues against a close-packed arrangement.'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Reported as hexagonal in Discina [@Luter2000]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Polygonal in Calloria [@Luter2000]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Polygonal [@Luter2000]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='@Checa2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='@Leise1986'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=13 TEXT='Predominantly round, though becoming close packed in places [@Schweigkofler1998]'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='It is conceivable that the rods [@Balthasar2008] correspond to the polygonal ornament observed in other taxa; coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Micrina exhibits polygonal imprints on the internal surfaces of successive second-order laminae, suggesting the existence of a polygonal organization of these layers [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Lamination present, with no imprints of presumed mantle cells [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='@Hanken1985'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Lamination present, with no imprints of presumed mantle cells [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='[@Williams1997Introduction, fig. 249.1]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Present [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Epithelial cell moulds present on inner shell layer in acrotretids [@Zhang2016E]'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Lamination present, with no imprints of presumed mantle cells [following @Williams1998T, appendix 2]'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Present [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Polygonal structures on external surface of sclerites only [@Skovsted2015]; not reported from other camenellans [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Present [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Prominently present [@Holmer2009T]'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='@Williams2004'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='@Williams1998C'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='@Parkinson2005'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='Absent in Lingula, though potentially equivalent, if superficial [@Balthasar2009H], features adorn Lingulella [@Curry1983]'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=190 TEXT='@Dewing2004'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='@Balthasar2007'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='Particularly apparent [@Larsson2014].'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='@Topper2013'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='Each lamina corresponds to a ridge on the surface [@Skovsted2015]'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='Laminae seem to terminate at superficial ridges [@Holmer2009T]'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='@Williams2004'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='@Williams1998C'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='@Parkinson2005'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=188 TEXT='@Dewing2004'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Seemingly contiguous [@Balthasar2008]'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Matrix filled chambers [@Balthasar2009H, fig. DR1]'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='@Hanken1985'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Essentially contiguous, notwithstanding occasional laminae of calcite/chlorite [@Balthasar2007]'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Coded following helen microstructure described in the similar material of ''Hyolithes'' [@MartiMus2007]'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='[@Williams1997Introduction, fig. 249.1]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Contiguous in some regions, but large internal cavities present [@Balthasar2009H; see fig. DR3]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='@Balthasar2004'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Acrotretid laminae are separated by column-supported voids'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='@Skovsted2003'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Contiguous [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Contiguous [@Skovsted2015, figs. 54-55]'; TEXT TAXON=48 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Contiguous [@Balthasar2009H]'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Polygonally-filled voids [@Holmer2009T]'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='@Williams2004'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='@Williams1998C'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='Not in Novocrania, though possibly present in Neoancistrocrania [@Parkinson2005]'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=189 TEXT='@Dewing2004'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=24 TEXT='@Scheltema1976'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=24 TEXT='Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=24 TEXT='@Schweigkofler1998'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='Inexact, correcting @Sun2018H'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='Articulated specimens unknown'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='@MartiMus2005'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='Operculum interpreted as sitting inside conical shell [@Marek1976]'; TEXT TAXON=71 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='"The width range of opercula matches that of the apertures" [@Sun2018H], but it is not possible to determine whether this is an exact match or whether the operculum may have been slightly smaller, and hence retractable, as anticipated for orthothecids.'; TEXT TAXON=69 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='"The diameter of orthothecid opercula is generally slightly smaller than the diameter of the conch aperture. This observation is confirmed [in Conotheca] and further supported by the recurrent presence of opercula preserved withdrawn inside the conch" -- @Devaere2014'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=120 TEXT='Following depiction in @Marek1976'; TEXT TAXON=39 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round [@Holmer2006A]'; TEXT TAXON=59 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Polygonal [@Balthasar2008]'; TEXT TAXON=57 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Mitral valve aperture essentially round [@Holmer2008]'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Anterior shell essentially triangular'; TEXT TAXON=42 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel, cf. Askepasma [@Robson2001]'; TEXT TAXON=74 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Polygonal [@Zhang2018A]'; TEXT TAXON=65 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Essentially round, sulcus notwithstanding [@Streng2016]'; TEXT TAXON=50 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round, hinge notwithstanding [@Hanken1985]'; TEXT TAXON=49 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Essentially triangular [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=54 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round [@Balthasar2009E]'; TEXT TAXON=47 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=53 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel [@Williams2000, fig. 125]; clear angular corners in K. chengjiangensis [@Holmer2018T]'; TEXT TAXON=68 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Operculum essentially round, though becoming flattened on functionally ventral surface [@Dzik1980Ontogenyof]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Broad posterior sinus: not directly comparable with brachiopod condition.'; TEXT TAXON=43 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel, cf. Askepasma [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=58 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round [@Balthasar2004]'; TEXT TAXON=45 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round [@Topper2013]'; TEXT TAXON=44 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Diverging lateral margins [@Li2004]'; TEXT TAXON=41 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel, cf. Askepasma [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=51 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel, cf. Askepasma [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=61 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Essentially round, hinge notwithstanding [@Williams2000, fig. 523]'; TEXT TAXON=67 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Polygonal [@Zhang2014]'; TEXT TAXON=63 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Short subparallel stretch of lateral sides of adult shell [@Holmer2009T, fig. 1a], recalling D-shaped profile of Askepasma'; TEXT TAXON=64 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Round [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=75 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Subtriangular [@Malinky1987]'; TEXT TAXON=66 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Essentially round, hinge notwithstanding [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=55 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Linear, diverging lateral margins [@Zhang2007N]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Essentially round [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=40 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Sub-triangular [@Zhang2011A]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Essentially round [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=60 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel, cf. Askepasma [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=46 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Lateral margins subparallel, cf. Askepasma [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=122 TEXT='Opening essentially polygonal (a rolled rectangle)'; TEXT TAXON=73 CHARACTER=123 TEXT='Initially diverging, becoming subparallel [@MartiMus2005]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=123 TEXT='Inapplicable, as commissure is circular [correcting error in @Sun2018H]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=16 TEXT='"Small, simple hairs" [@Leise1988]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=16 TEXT='The spines are ''probably aragonitic'' [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=16 TEXT='Spicules in medial bundles [@Leise1986] not considered equivalent.'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=16 TEXT='Aragonitic [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=106 TEXT='The S2 sclerite [@Skovsted2009] is treated as a prominent valve by virtue of its close affiliation with the S1 sclerite'; TEXT TAXON=38 CHARACTER=106 TEXT='Absent - coded as lacking a prominent dorsal valve'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=106 TEXT='Eight valves, including V7v and V7d as separate valves'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=106 TEXT='The two valves are considered to be a single valve, separated along the midline and joined by the ligament, following the conventional interpretation of rostroconchs.'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=106 TEXT='@Kaas1981'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=106 TEXT='No major valves [@Chen2019]'; TEXT TAXON=62 CHARACTER=107 TEXT='The S2 valve is treated as ventral valve as it is associated with a likely pedicle opening'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=117 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=117 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=116 TEXT='Small degree of morphological differentiation [@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=116 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=116 TEXT='No differentiated plate II, as in many polyplacophorans [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=116 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=116 TEXT='@Kaas1981'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=116 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=109 TEXT='Seven valves including head and tail [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=109 TEXT='Seven, counting V7d as separate from V7v [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=109 TEXT='Eight valves in total [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=109 TEXT='@Hoare1986'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=195 TEXT='Absent in primary valves; no evidence in accessory sclerites in this taxon.'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=195 TEXT='Per @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=195 TEXT='Coded present by @Vinther2017, who cite @Bengtson1992.^nThe incorporated sclerites conceivably correspond to aesthete precursors, but this cannot be decisively established: so coded as ambiguous.'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=195 TEXT='Present in spines only'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=195 TEXT='@Gao2015'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=72 TEXT='Many rows in e.g. Plawenia [@Scheltema2014]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=77 TEXT='Lateral and uncinical teeth, as in chitons [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=77 TEXT='All teeth bear multiple cusps'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=200 TEXT='Coded as absent by @Vinther2017.'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=200 TEXT='@Sutton2012N'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=200 TEXT='Absent [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=200 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=200 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=110 TEXT='Present in modern chitons [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=110 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=110 TEXT='Present in multiplacophorans [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=110 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=110 TEXT='Present in modern chitons [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=110 TEXT='Present in modern chitons [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=112 TEXT='Present [@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=112 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=112 TEXT='Present in multiplacophorans [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=112 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=113 TEXT='Slits with slit rays [@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=113 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=113 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=114 TEXT='Coded following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=114 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=115 TEXT='Coded following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=115 TEXT='Following @Vinther2017'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=115 TEXT='@Sigwart2015'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=44 TEXT='Absent: Mantle absent.'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=44 TEXT='Absent: Mantle absent.'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=46 TEXT='Extensive, open-faced mantle cavity surrounding foot [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=46 TEXT='Indirectly implied [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='@Smith2014'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='Absent, in contradistinction to Halkieria [@ConwayMorris1996]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='Seemingly absent [@Hoare1986]'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='No shaft evident [@Thomas2012]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='@Scheltema1976'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='Somewhat distinct in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='Shaft and hood [@Schweigkofler1998]'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=20 TEXT='@Butterfield1990'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=196 TEXT='Seemingly parallel to valve surface [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=196 TEXT='If the spines correspond to aesthetes, they are perpendicular to the valve surface. Inapplicable otherwise.'; TEXT TAXON=22 CHARACTER=196 TEXT='Following Diadeloplax; see @Vendrasco2004'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=197 TEXT='Consistently uniform [@Vendrasco2008]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=197 TEXT='No variation in size evident [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=197 TEXT='Non-uniform width [@Vendrasco2008]'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=48 TEXT='Prominent in some rostroconchs [@Runnegar1978]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=48 TEXT='Present, marking limit of nacreous layer [@Mclean1979]'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Approximately equant [@ConwayMorris1995]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Approximately equant [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Wider than long [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Slightly longer than wide [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=35 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Specimens of M. multa that fit into each of these categories exist [@Bengtson1992]. There is no a priori means to establish whether the shells correspond to dorsal or ventral valves, so shells are treated as dorsal to maximise the opportunity for homology.'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Wider than long [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Equant [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='Described as "semi-circular to elongate", but some figured material is almost wider than long [@Hoare1986]; coded as equant to transverse.'; TEXT TAXON=31 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='@Nutzel2006'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=140 TEXT='[@Sigwart2015]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=111 TEXT='Sharp jugal angle but no ridge'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=111 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=21 CHARACTER=111 TEXT='@Hoare1986'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Gently convex [@Connors2012]'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Convex [@ConwayMorris1995]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='@Williams2000'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='@Williams1997'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Convex [@Williams2000]'; TEXT TAXON=36 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Convex [@ConwayMorris2007]'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Seemingly convex [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='"Weakly convex" [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Convex [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='"Side slopes slightly convex, rounded" [@Sutton2012]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='@AuzouxBordenave2010'; TEXT TAXON=1 CHARACTER=105 TEXT='Seemingly convex in thin section [@Chen2019]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='Unclear [@Smith2014]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='Gills appear to have leaflets [@Caron2006]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='"More closely comparable to the ctenidia of caudofoveates" [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='The posterior projections are interpreted as resembling the gill folds of solenogasatres [@Sutton2004]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='"Gill folds" in solenogastres; true ctenidia in caudofoveates [@Sutton2004].'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='"Gill folds" in solenogastres; true ctenidia in caudofoveates [@Sutton2004].'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=33 TEXT='@Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=218 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=218 TEXT='Axial filament but not basal plate [@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=218 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=218 TEXT='Basal ring [@Niijima1965]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=215 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, character 1'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=215 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, character 1'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=215 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, character 1'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=215 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, character 1'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=215 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008, character 1'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=221 TEXT='[@BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=221 TEXT='Coded following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=221 TEXT='[@Lewis1980]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=221 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=221 TEXT='@Niijima1965'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='Present [@BucklandNicks2008]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='Absent [@BucklandNicks2008, fig. 2A]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='Prominent [@BucklandNicks2008, fig. 3D]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='@BucklandNicks2008'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='@Lewis1980'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=213 TEXT='@Niijima1965'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=212 TEXT='@BucklandNicks1988'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=212 TEXT='@Healy1995'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=212 TEXT='Following Laevipilina [@Healy1995]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=212 TEXT='Following gastropods illustrated in @Healy1995'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=212 TEXT='@Eckelbarger1987'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=306 TEXT='@Barlow1992'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='"A pair of small osphradia lie on the roof of the posterior part of the pallial groove of polyplacophorans" [@Ponder1997]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='@Purschke2005'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='@Purschke2005'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='"Osphradia are absent in monoplacophorans and scaphopods" [@Ponder1997]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='"A pair of small osphradia lie on the roof of the posterior part of the pallial groove of polyplacophorans" [@Ponder1997]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='"A pair of small osphradia lie on the roof of the posterior part of the pallial groove of polyplacophorans" [@Ponder1997]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='"Osphradia are absent in monoplacophorans and scaphopods" [@Ponder1997]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='Present [@Ponder1997]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='@Purschke2005'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=301 TEXT='Present [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=302 TEXT='Not observed in larvae [@HaySchmidt1989], and not reported in adults'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=302 TEXT='@OBrien2003'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=302 TEXT='"True statocysts are present in a small number of polychaete taxa", which do not include Serpula, Capitella, or Sipunculus [@Purschke2005].'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=302 TEXT='Present [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=47 TEXT='@Sutton2012N'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=47 TEXT='Indirectly interpreted as posterioventral [@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=47 TEXT='@Sutton2012N'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=47 TEXT='@Sutton2012N'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=28 TEXT='Present in larvae only [@Haszprunar2008], presumably equivalent to the neurotroch.'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=28 TEXT='@Sutton2012N'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=28 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=28 TEXT='Seemingly present, though foot unequivocally absent [@Sutton2012;@Sutton2012N]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=28 TEXT='Present and flanked by a distinct set of spicules in Epimenia [@Okusu2002]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=320 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=320 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=320 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=320 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=321 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=321 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=321 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=321 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=321 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=322 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=322 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=322 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=322 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=322 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=323 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=323 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=323 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=323 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=323 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=324 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=324 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=324 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=324 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=324 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=325 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=325 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=325 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=325 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=325 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=354 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=354 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=354 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=354 TEXT='@Sperling2011'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=353 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=353 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=353 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=353 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=353 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=352 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=352 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=352 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=352 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=352 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=351 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=351 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=351 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=351 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=351 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=350 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=350 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=350 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=350 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=350 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=349 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=349 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=349 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=349 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=349 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=348 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=348 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=348 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=348 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=348 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=347 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=347 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=347 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=347 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=347 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=346 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=346 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=346 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=346 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=346 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=345 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=345 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=345 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=345 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=345 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=344 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=344 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=344 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=344 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=344 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=343 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=343 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=343 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=343 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=343 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=342 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=342 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=342 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=342 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=342 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=341 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=341 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=341 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=341 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=341 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=340 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=340 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=340 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=340 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=340 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=339 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=339 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=339 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=339 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=339 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=338 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=338 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=338 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=338 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=338 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=337 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=337 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=337 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=337 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=337 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=336 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=336 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=336 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=336 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=336 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=335 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=335 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=335 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=335 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=335 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=334 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=334 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=334 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=334 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=334 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=333 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=333 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=333 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=333 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=333 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=332 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=332 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=332 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=332 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=332 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=331 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=331 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=331 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=331 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=331 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=330 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=330 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=330 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=330 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=330 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=329 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=329 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=329 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=329 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=329 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=328 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=328 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=328 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=328 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=328 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=327 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=327 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=327 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=327 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=327 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=326 TEXT='Following Phascolion [@Sperling2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=326 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=326 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=326 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=326 TEXT='@Sperling2009'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=73 TEXT='"That the teeth are held in place by a radular membrane is indicated by their stable relative positions" [@Scheltema2014]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=73 TEXT='"That the teeth are held in place by a radular membrane is indicated by their stable relative positions" [@Scheltema2014]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=73 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=73 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=73 TEXT='Present in caudofoveates [@Haszprunar2000]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=73 TEXT='Absent in Solenograstres [@Haszprunar2000]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=74 TEXT='Inferred to be present [@Smith2012M], but not observed, so coded as ambiguous'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=74 TEXT='Present [@Smith2012M]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=74 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=74 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=75 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=75 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=76 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=76 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=80 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=80 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=82 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=82 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=83 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=83 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=20 CHARACTER=79 TEXT='"exact number [of teeth in a row] is difficult to discern" [@Vinther2017]'; TEXT TAXON=18 CHARACTER=81 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=81 TEXT='Radula absent'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding for closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Multiciliary only in adult Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa = Ectoprocta) [@Gruhl2009]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Multiciliary only in adult Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa = Ectoprocta) [@Gruhl2009]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding for closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='All cells are monociliate [@Pardos1991]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding for closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding for closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Following coding for closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=270 TEXT='Epidermal cilia not described in family'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Five associated with posteriormost gills; sixth anterior to this; seventh lacking nephridiopore [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=283 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='Unknown [contra @Parry2019]; no soft tissue preservation'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='The sipunculan proboscis corresponds to the annelid prostomium [@Zhang2020]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='No evidence of subdivision'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='No evidence of subdivision'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='Fused prostomium and peristomium, following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=27 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Longitudinal muscle fibres in foot, but not in body [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='The Tryblidiacea completely lack [...] mm. longitudinales laterales [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=292 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='"Ring musculature is present in larvae of all three aculiferan subgroups" [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Circular musculature in foot, but not in body [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='"Ring musculature is present in larvae of all three aculiferan subgroups" [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='"Ring musculature is present in larvae of all three aculiferan subgroups" [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='"Ring musculature is present in larvae of all three aculiferan subgroups" [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='"Ring musculature is present in larvae of all three aculiferan subgroups" [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Absent [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=293 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=21 TEXT='Following coding of character 80 in @Capa2011; uncini scored as present by @Parry2016.'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=21 TEXT='Present in Notomastus (Capitellidae) [@Hausen2005, fig. 4]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=22 TEXT='Present in Notomastus (Capitellidae) [@Hausen2005, fig. 4]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=85 TEXT='The sipunculan buccal organ is lost after metamorphosis [@Rice1976;@Cutler1994]; the sipunculan ''proboscis'' is probably homologous to the prostomium [@Zhang2020].'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=85 TEXT='@Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=86 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=86 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=86 TEXT='@Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=303 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='@Temereva2016T'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Fused by a short, wide commissure [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Absent: Ganglia fused [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='"The cerebral ganglia are present in one whole as two large fused hemiganglia" [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Absent, notwithstanding anterior loop, subradular nerves, and commissure between pedal (labial) ganglia [@Wingstrand1985;@SchmidtRhaesa]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='The brain of Notomastus (Capitellidae) comprises two brain lobes joined by a commissure [@Meyer2015]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=311 TEXT='Joined by one cerebral commissure [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=37 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Absent [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=33 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Absent [@Wingstrand1985]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=313 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Absent [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Commissures occur between pedal retractor muscles, and are thus metameric; further serially repeated nerves emerge laterally from the lateral nerve cords in association with nephridiopores [@Wingstrand1985].'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=314 TEXT='Following closest relative in @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=318 TEXT='Following coding in @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='@SchmidtRhaesa2015'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=11 CHARACTER=319 TEXT='Coded following @Parry2019, who follow @Helm2018'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Downstream (?) - as in Sabella [@Nielsen1998], food is transported to a food groove before transfer to the mouth [@Maiorova2005].'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Upstream in ectoproct bryozoans such as Electra [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Upstream in ectoproct bryozoans such as Electra [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Downstream in Sabella (Sabellida) [@Nielsen1998].^nThe cilia on Sabellid tentacles arise independently from the larval ciliary bands, unlike those of entoprocts, suggesting an independent origin [@Nielsen1998].'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Downstream [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Upstream in Terebratalia [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=70 TEXT='Upstream [@Nielsen1998]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='Canals do not correspond to blood vessels [@Maiorova2005]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='@Nielsen1998'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='@Nielsen1998'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='@Nielsen1998'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='@Nielsen1998'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='@Nielsen1998'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=69 TEXT='@Nielsen1998'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=312 TEXT='Following @Parry2019'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=312 TEXT='@Temereva2016T'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=312 TEXT='Fused by a short, wide commissure [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=312 TEXT='Seemingly a single commissure [@Meyer2015]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=312 TEXT='Joined by one cerebral commissure [@SchmidtRhaesa2015]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=142 TEXT='@Wagner1997'; TEXT TAXON=29 CHARACTER=142 TEXT='@Wagner1997'; TEXT TAXON=27 CHARACTER=142 TEXT='@Wagner1997'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=142 TEXT='@Wagner1997'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Endoepithelial in polyplacophorans: shell fields enclosed by epidermis and epidermal cell processes [@Kniprath1980;@Haas1981]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Endoepithelial in polyplacophorans: shell fields enclosed by epidermis and epidermal cell processes [@Kniprath1980;@Haas1981]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Endoepithelial in polyplacophorans: shell fields enclosed by epidermis and epidermal cell processes [@Kniprath1980;@Haas1981]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Interpreted as endoepithelial [@Lemche1959]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Exoepithelial [@Weiss2002]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=183 TEXT='Exoepithelial [@Checa2000;@Weiss2002]'; TEXT TAXON=17 CHARACTER=138 TEXT='@Sutton2004'; TEXT TAXON=19 CHARACTER=138 TEXT='@Sutton2012P'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=138 TEXT='@Page2006'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Probably absent [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=240 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=14 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ in Sipuncula [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=9 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ''net'' underlying ciliated larval swimming organ in Ectoprocta [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=8 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ''net'' underlying ciliated larval swimming organ in Ectoprocta [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in phylum [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present [@Scherholz2015;@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=5 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ absent in Brachiopoda [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=6 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ absent in Brachiopoda [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ absent in Brachiopoda [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=4 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ absent in Brachiopoda [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=7 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ inferred (with question mark) in [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M;@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Prototroch muscle ring present [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in class [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Prototroch muscle ring present [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M;@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in phylum [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=241 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M;@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=16 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Reported as absent in class [@Wanninger2002M], though Wirenia bears vestibluar retractors, which retract the atrium, a cavity anterior to the mouth opening [@Scherholz2015].'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Present in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=296 TEXT='Absent in class [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=3 CHARACTER=242 TEXT='Nerve ring underlying ciliated larval swimming organ absent in Brachiopoda [@Wanninger2009]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=242 TEXT='@Wanninger2002M'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=242 TEXT='Paired [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=242 TEXT='Present [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=243 TEXT='Horseshoe-shaped, posteriorly open enrolling muscle [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=34 CHARACTER=243 TEXT='Some specimens are preserved partially enrolled, indicating the presence of an enrolling muscle.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=243 TEXT='@Wanninger2002M'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=243 TEXT='Circular [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=243 TEXT='Incorporated into the adult longitudinal muscle [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=243 TEXT='@Haszprunar2000W disputed the proposed homology of the ring muscle in the foot of Neopilina with that of Aculifera, though understanding of the origins of the enrolling muscles in entoprocts [@Merkel2015] and Wirenia [Scherholz2015] demonstrate the developmental plasticity of enrolling muscles, and thus leave the possibility of homology open.'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=244 TEXT='Not reported by @Wanninger2002M'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=244 TEXT='Prominent [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=244 TEXT='Prominent [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=245 TEXT='Retained to adulthood in class [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=245 TEXT='Not reported by @Wanninger2002M'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=245 TEXT='Retained to adulthood in class [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=245 TEXT='Retained to adulthood in class [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=245 TEXT='Not retained to adulthood [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=246 TEXT='Not evident or described in @Wanninger2002'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=246 TEXT='Paired [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=246 TEXT='Paired [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=246 TEXT='Paired lateral longitudinal muscles are possibly homologous? [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=247 TEXT='Not reported by @Wanninger2002M'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=247 TEXT='Single [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=247 TEXT='Single [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=247 TEXT='''Axochord'' present in Capitella [@Lauri2014], considered homologous [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='Part of the polychaete body plan [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='@Merkel2015'; TEXT TAXON=28 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='One to two sets (in adult) [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='Inner and outer set, serially arranged [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='Seven pairs, ultimately replaced by an outer layer of non-serially repeated dorsoventral muscles [@Scherholz2015]'; TEXT TAXON=26 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='Eight sets (in adults) [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=32 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='One set in adult [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='Part of the polychaete body plan [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=30 CHARACTER=248 TEXT='Three to eight sets (in adults) [@Wanninger2002M]'; TEXT TAXON=24 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=12 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Not intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=10 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=25 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=23 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=15 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; TEXT TAXON=13 CHARACTER=249 TEXT='Not intercrossing [@Merkel2015]'; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1 - 354; ENDBLOCK;