let miniservers; let miniservers_used = []; let rooms; let rooms_used; let categories; let categories_used = []; let controls = []; let statsconfig; let statsconfigLoxone; let controlstable = ""; let elementTypes_used = []; let loxone_elements; let filters = {}; let hints_hide = {}; let filterSearchDelay; var filterSearchString = ""; let timer = false; let timer_interval = 7000; let getImportSchedulerReport_running = false; let imports = []; $(function() { // debugger; restore_hints_hide(); if(hints_hide?.hint_activatestatistics != true) { $("#hint_activatestatistics").show(); } miniservers = JSON.parse( $("#miniservers_json").text() ); loxone_elements = JSON.parse( $("#loxone_elements_json").text() ); getLoxplan(); // Create filter radio and select bindings $('.filter_radio, .filter_select').on( "change", function(event, ui){ var filter_parent = event.currentTarget.name; console.log( "filter_select", event, ui ); if( event.currentTarget.nodeName == "INPUT" ) { var filterval = $("input[name='"+filter_parent+"']:checked").val(); } if( event.currentTarget.nodeName == "SELECT" ) { var filterval = $("#"+filter_parent+" option:selected").val(); if( filterval != "all" ) $(event.currentTarget.parentNode).addClass('filter-highlight'); else $(event.currentTarget.parentNode).removeClass('filter-highlight'); } console.log("Filter parent", filter_parent, filterval); filters[filter_parent] = filterval; // After changing the filter, recreate the table saveFilters(); updateTable(); updateReportTables(); }); // Create S4L Stat change bindings (Detail View) jQuery(document).on('change focusout keyup','.s4lchange',function (event, ui) { console.log( ".s4lchange binding entered"); if( typeof event.keyCode !== "undefined" && event.keyCode != 13) // NOT pressed Enter return; target = event.target; uid = $(target).closest('table').data("uid"); msno = $(target).closest('table').data("msno"); var control = controls.find( obj => { return obj.UID === uid && obj.msno == msno }) var stat = statsconfigLoxone.find(obj => { return obj.uuid === control.UID && obj.msno == control.msno }) // Validations and changes of dependent inputs if( target.id == "LoxoneDetails_s4lmeasurementname" ) { // s4lmeasurementname MUST be defined var measurementname = $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lmeasurementname").val(); measurementname = validateMeasurementname( measurementname, msno, uid ); $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lmeasurementname").val( measurementname ).textinput("refresh"); } if( target.id == "LoxoneDetails_s4lstatactive" ) { // Stats active checkbox was pressed console.log( "LoxoneDetails_s4lstatactive pressed", $(target).is(":checked") ); if( $(target).is(":checked") ) { // Activated if( ( $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val() ) == "" ) { // Fill a number to the interval $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val("5").textinput("refresh"); } // Activate interval field $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").prop( "disabled", false ).textinput("refresh"); $('[name="LoxoneDetails_s4loutput"]').prop( "disabled", false ); // Enable "Default" setting only when nothing else is activated if( !stat ) { // This element does not exist in stats.json yet, therefore enable "Default" on activation $('[name="LoxoneDetails_s4loutput"][value="Default"').prop( "checked", true ); } } else { // Disable interval field and outputs $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").prop( "disabled", true ).textinput("refresh"); $('[name="LoxoneDetails_s4loutput"]').prop( "disabled", true ); } } else if ( target.id == "LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval" ) { // Interval was changed console.log( "LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval changed" ); var interval = parseInt( $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val() ); if ( isNaN( interval ) || interval <= 0 ) { // Not a number $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val( "5" ).textinput("refresh"); } } else if ( target.name == "LoxoneDetails_s4loutput" ) { // Checkboxes of outputs were changed console.log( "LoxoneDetails_s4loutput changed" ); } // Now collect latest data of inputs var stat_active = $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatactive").is(":checked") ? "true" : "false"; var measurementname = $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lmeasurementname").val(); var stat_interval = parseInt($("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val()) * 60; // Collect checkboxes var stat_outputs = []; $('[name="LoxoneDetails_s4loutput"]:checked').each(function(){ stat_outputs.push($(this).val()); }); var output_labels = []; console.log("stat details data to send", control, stat_active, stat_interval, stat_outputs); // Post data $.post( "ajax.cgi", { action : "updatestat", name : control.Title, description :control.Desc, uuid : uid, msno : msno, type : control.Type, category : control.Category, room: control.Place, active: stat_active, measurementname: measurementname, interval: stat_interval, outputs : stat_outputs.join(','), outputlabels : control.outputlabels ? control.outputlabels.toString() : "", outputkeys : control.outputkeys ? control.outputkeys.toString() : "", minval : control.MinVal, maxval : control.MaxVal, unit : control.Unit }) .done(function(data){ // Find internal key of statistic element var statkey = statsconfigLoxone.findIndex(obj => { return obj.uuid === control.UID && obj.msno == control.msno }) // Enable the Import button if a stats.json entry exists now, and Loxone Stats are active if( control.StatsType != 0 ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton") .removeClass("ui-disabled"); } if( statkey != -1 ) { // If element found in internal data // Update internal statsconfigLoxone with ajax result statsconfigLoxone[statkey] = data; } else { // Not found in internal data - add object to array statsconfigLoxone.push( data ); } // We should have found the element in the table updateTable(); updateReportTables(data); }); }); // Bind on Search text box $("#filter_search").on( "input", function(event, ui){ window.clearTimeout(filterSearchDelay); filterSearchString = $(event.target).val(); filters["filter_search"] = filterSearchString; saveFilters(); // console.log("Text filter", filterSearchString); filterSearchDelay = window.setTimeout(function() { updateTable(); updateReportTables(); }, 500); }); $("#filter_search").on( "change", function(event, ui){ if( $(event.target).val() == "" ) { // $('#filter_search').css({'backgroundColor':'white'}); $('#filter_search').removeClass('filter-highlight'); $('#filter_search').attr("data-clear-btn", false); window.clearTimeout(filterSearchDelay); filterSearchString = $(event.target).val(); filters["filter_search"] = filterSearchString; saveFilters(); updateTable(); updateReportTables(); } else { // $('#filter_search').css({'backgroundColor':'#FFFF99'}); $('#filter_search').addClass('filter-highlight'); $('#filter_search').attr("data-clear-btn", true); } }); // Bind Loxone Details button jQuery(document).on('click', '.btnLoxoneDetails', function(event, ui){ target = event.target; uid = $(target).closest('tr').data("uid"); msno = $(target).closest('tr').data("msno"); popupLoxoneDetails(uid, msno); }); // Bind Import Now button jQuery(document).on('click', '#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton', function(event, ui){ target = event.target; uid = $(target).data("uid"); msno = $(target).data("msno"); scheduleImport(msno, uid); }); }); function getLoxplan() { $("#popupProgress").popup("open"); var msupdateTextPre = "Fetching Loxone Config from Miniservers..."; $("#progressState").html(msupdateTextPre); // Get elements of all Miniservers var async_request=[]; var responses=[]; for (msno in miniservers) { async_request.push( $.post( "ajax.cgi", { action : "getloxplan", msno : msno }, function(data){ console.log(data); responses.push(data); }) ); } async_request.push( $.post( "ajax.cgi", { action : "getstatsconfig" }, function(data){ try { statsconfig = data; statsconfigLoxone = Object.values( statsconfig.loxone ); } catch(e) { // $("#progress_errors").append( "

Could not get stats.json data. Assuming empty stats.json

"); // $("#box_progress_errors").fadeIn(); console.log( "statsconfigLoxone seems to be empty" ); statsconfigLoxone = []; } }) ) $.when.apply( null, async_request).done( function(){ $("#progressState").html("Preparing controls..."); consolidateLoxPlan( responses ); $("#progressState").html("Generating display..."); updateTable(); $("#popupProgress").popup("close"); $("#progressState").html(""); setTimer(); getImportSchedulerReport(); }); } function consolidateLoxPlan( data ) { for (const [key, msobj] of Object.entries(data)) { if( data[key]?.error ) { console.log( "Error", data[key] ); $("#progress_errors").append( "


" ); $("#box_progress_errors").fadeIn(); } rooms = $.extend( rooms, data[key].rooms ); rooms_used = $.extend( rooms_used, data[key].rooms_used ); categories = $.extend( categories, data[key].categories ); categories_used = $.extend( categories_used, data[key].categories_used ); miniservers_used = $.extend ( miniservers_used, data[key].miniservers ); elementTypes_used = elementTypes_used.concat( data[key].elementTypes ); if( typeof data[key].controls !== "undefined" ) { console.log( "controls from key", key, Object.keys(data[key].controls).length ); var objarr = Object.values( data[key].controls ); controls = controls.concat( objarr ); } } // Sort controls by Title controls = controls.filter ( control => control.msno > 0 ); // Filter controls not on an MS in LoxBerry controls.sort( dynamicSortMultiple( "Title" ) ); // Uniquify elementTypes_used elementTypes_used = elementTypes_used.filter( function(item, pos) { return elementTypes_used.indexOf(item) == pos; }) elementTypes_used.sort(); // Uniquify categories_used // categories_used = categories_used.filter( function(item, pos) { // return categories_used.indexOf(item) == pos; // }) miniservers_used = Object.values( miniservers_used ); miniservers_used = miniservers_used.filter( item => item.msno > 0 ); // Filter MS that are not in LoxBerry miniservers_used.sort( dynamicSort( "msno" ) ); // console.log("controls array", controls); // console.log("Controls", controls); var rooms_tmp = []; for (var roomid in rooms) { if(! roomid in rooms_used ) continue; rooms_tmp.push([rooms[roomid], roomid]); } rooms = rooms_tmp.sort(); var cat_tmp = []; for (var catid in categories) { if(categories_used.includes(catid)) { cat_tmp.push([categories[catid], catid]); } } categories = cat_tmp.sort(); generateFilter(); } function generateFilter() { // Add Miniservers to options for( const [key, msobj] of Object.entries(miniservers_used) ) { $('#filter_miniserver').append( ``); } // Add used rooms to options for( obj of rooms ) { // console.log(obj); $('#filter_room').append( ``); } // Add used categories to options for( obj of categories ) { // console.log(obj); $('#filter_category').append( ``); } // Add used elements to options in native language var elementsArr = []; for( var key in elementTypes_used ) { var ucKey = typeof elementTypes_used[key] !== "undefined" ? elementTypes_used[key].toUpperCase() : "undefined"; elementsArr.push( [ ucKey, typeof loxone_elements[ucKey]?.localname !== "undefined" ? loxone_elements[ucKey]?.localname : ucKey ] ); } elementsArr.sort(function(a, b) { a=a[1]; b=b[1]; return a b ? 1 : 0); }); for( obj of elementsArr ) { // console.log(obj); $('#filter_element').append( ``); } restoreFilters(); } function updateTable() { console.log("updateTable called"); controlstable = ""; createTableHead(); createTableBody(); createTableEnd(); $("#loxonecontrolstablediv").html( controlstable ); $("#loxonecontrolstablediv").removeClass("datahidden"); } function createTableHead() { controlstable += ` `; } function createTableEnd() { controlstable += `
MS Name (Type) Location Statistics Import
`; } function createTableBody() { var filterSearchStr_lc = filterSearchString.toLowerCase(); for( elementno in controls ) { element = controls[elementno]; // // Filter section // // Miniserver filter if( typeof filters["filter_miniserver"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_miniserver"] != "all" && filters["filter_miniserver"] != element.msno ) continue; // Room filter if( typeof filters["filter_room"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_room"] != "all" && filters["filter_room"] != element.Place ) continue; // Category filter if( typeof filters["filter_category"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_category"] != "all" && filters["filter_category"] != element.Category ) continue; // Element filter if( typeof filters["filter_element"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_element"] != "all" && filters["filter_element"] != element.Type.toUpperCase() ) continue; // Loxone Visu filter if( typeof filters["filter_loxvisu"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_loxvisu"] != "all") { if( filters["filter_loxvisu"] == "on" && element.Visu != "true" ) continue; if( filters["filter_loxvisu"] == "off" && element.Visu == "true" ) continue; } // Loxone Stat filter if( typeof filters["filter_loxstat"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_loxstat"] != "all") { if( filters["filter_loxstat"] == "on" && element.StatsType == 0 ) continue; if( filters["filter_loxstat"] == "off" && element.Visu > 0 ) continue; } // S4L Stat filter var statmatchkey = statsconfigLoxone.findIndex(obj => { return obj.uuid === element.UID && obj.msno == element.msno }) var statmatch = statsconfigLoxone[statmatchkey]; if( typeof filters["filter_s4lstat"] !== "undefined" && filters["filter_s4lstat"] != "all") { if( filters["filter_s4lstat"] == "on" && ( typeof statmatch === "undefined" || statmatch.active !== "true" ) ) continue; if( filters["filter_s4lstat"] == "off" && typeof statmatch !== "undefined" && statmatch.active === "true" ) continue; } // Text filter (filterSearchString) if( filterSearchStr_lc != "" ) { if ( element.Title?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterSearchStr_lc) == -1 && element.Desc?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterSearchStr_lc) == -1 && element.UID?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterSearchStr_lc) == -1 ) continue; } // // Create row section // controlstable += ``; // Miniserver controlstable += `${element.msno}`; // Name (Type) controlstable += `${element.Title}`; if(typeof element.Desc != "undefined" && element.Desc != "" ) controlstable += `
${element.Desc}`; var TypeLocal = loxone_elements[element.Type.toUpperCase()]?.localname; if(typeof TypeLocal == "undefined") TypeLocal = element.Type.toUpperCase(); controlstable += `
${TypeLocal}`; // Location controlstable += `${element.Place}
${element.Category} `; // Statistics controlstable += ``; var checkedImg = ``; var uncheckedImg = ``; var statDisplay; if (statmatch?.active === "true" ) { statDisplay = ""; s4l_interval = statmatch.interval/60; } else { statDisplay = "display:none;"; s4l_interval = ""; // controlstable += "Not enabled"; } controlstable += `
`; // controlstable += "Statistics enabled"; controlstable += checkedImg; controlstable += ` ${s4l_interval} minutes`; controlstable += `
`; controlstable += ``; // Import section controlstable += ` `; // Button section controlstable += ` Settings `; // End of row controlstable += ``; } } function popupLoxoneDetails( uid, msno ) { $("#popupLoxoneDetails").popup("option","positionTo","window"); $("#popupLoxoneDetails").popup("open"); if(hints_hide?.hint_importbutton != true) { $("#hint_importbutton").show(); } //$("#contentLoxoneDetails #valuesLoxoneDetails").empty(); var control = controls.find( obj => { return obj.UID === uid && obj.msno == msno }) // Set data properties to tables $(".data-uidmsno").data("uid", control.UID).data("msno", control.msno); $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton").data("uid", control.UID).data("msno", control.msno); updateReportTables(); // Fill popup title $("#LoxoneDetails_titletitle").text(control.Title); $("#LoxoneDetails_titledesc").text(control.Desc); // Fill popup properties $("#LoxoneDetails_uid").val(control.UID); $("#LoxoneDetails_placelabel").text(loxone_elements['PLACE'].localname); $("#LoxoneDetails_place").html(control.Place ? control.Place : " " ); $("#LoxoneDetails_categorylabel").text(loxone_elements['CATEGORY'].localname); $("#LoxoneDetails_category").html(control.Category ? control.Category : " "); $("#LoxoneDetails_typelabel").text("Type"); var TypeLocal = loxone_elements[control.Type?.toUpperCase()]?.localname; if(typeof TypeLocal == "undefined") TypeLocal = control.Type?.toUpperCase(); $("#LoxoneDetails_type").text(TypeLocal); $("#LoxoneDetails_typehover").prop("title", control.Type); $("#LoxoneDetails_miniserver").text(miniservers[control.msno].Name+' ('+control.msno+')'); $("#LoxoneDetails_pagelabel").text(loxone_elements['PAGE'].localname); $("#LoxoneDetails_page").html( control.Page ? control.Page : " " ); // Icons var isLoxVisu = control.Visu === "true" ? true : false; var checkedImg = ``; var uncheckedImg = ``; $("#LoxoneDetails_visu").html(isLoxVisu ? checkedImg : uncheckedImg); $("#LoxoneDetails_loxstat").html(control.StatsType > 0 ? checkedImg : uncheckedImg); // S4L Settings var statmatch = statsconfigLoxone.find(obj => { return obj.uuid === control.UID && obj.msno == control.msno }) if( statmatch?.outputs ) { console.log("outputs", statmatch.outputs ); } console.log("s4lstats checkboxes", statmatch); if( statmatch?.active == "true" || statmatch?.active == true ) { console.log("active = true"); $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatactive") .prop('checked', true) .prop('disabled', false) .checkboxradio('refresh'); $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval") //.addClass("s4l_interval_highlight") .prop('disabled', false) .textinput( "refresh" ); } else { console.log("active = false"); $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatactive") .prop('checked', false) .prop('disabled', true) .checkboxradio('refresh'); $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval") .prop('disabled', true) //.removeClass("s4l_interval_highlight") .textinput( "refresh" ); } if( statmatch?.measurementname ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lmeasurementname").val(statmatch?.measurementname); } else { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lmeasurementname").val( validateMeasurementname( control.Desc ? control.Desc : control.Title, msno, uid) ); } if( statmatch?.interval ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val(statmatch?.interval / 60); } else { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatinterval").val(""); } // Import now button if( statmatch ) { var importobj = imports.find(obj => { return obj.data?.msno == msno && obj.data?.uuid == uid && obj.data?.status?.status == "running" }) if( importobj ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton") .addClass("ui-disabled"); } else { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton") .removeClass("ui-disabled"); } } else { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton") .addClass("ui-disabled"); } if( control.StatsType == 0 ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton") .addClass("ui-disabled"); } // Live Data from Miniserver $("#valuesLoxoneDetailsLive_title").html("Updating data..."); liveTable = $("#valuesLoxoneDetailsLive_table"); liveTable.empty(); $.post( "ajax.cgi", { action : "lxlquery", uuid : uid, msno : control.msno, }) .done(function(data){ console.log("Response from ajax lxlquery", data); var dataStr; if( data.error == null && data?.code == "200" ) { $("#valuesLoxoneDetailsLive_title").html(`Live Data from Miniserver ${miniservers[control.msno].Name}`); // Get mapping for this control type var typeMappings = typeof data.mappings[control.Type.toUpperCase()] != "undefined" ? data.mappings[control.Type.toUpperCase()] : data.mappings["Default"]; console.log("Mappings for "+control.Type, typeMappings); for( var key in data.response ) { console.log("Output loop", key, data.response[key]); var outputKey = data.response[key].Key; var outputName = data.response[key].Name; // Find mapping for outputKey var mapKey = typeMappings.findIndex( element => element.lxlabel == outputName ); data.response[key].mapString = mapKey != -1 ? (parseInt(typeMappings[mapKey].statpos)+1) : ""; data.response[key].mapImg = data.response[key].mapString != "" ? `` : ""; // Special string for Default output if( outputKey == "Default" ) { data.response[key].localdesc = data.response[key].Unit ? data.response[key].Unit + " " : ""; data.response[key].localdesc += "(Decimal accuracy possibly limited. Use AQ/Q instead if available.)"; } else { try { data.response[key].localdesc = loxone_elements[control.Type?.toUpperCase()]?.OL[outputName]; } catch { data.response[key].localdesc == undefined; } data.response[key].localdesc = data.response[key].localdesc != undefined ? data.response[key].localdesc : ""; } data.response[key].statChecked = statmatch?.outputs?.includes(outputKey) ? "checked" : ""; data.response[key].statDisabled = statmatch?.active === "true" ? "" : "disabled"; console.log("Output loop result", key, data.response[key]); } // All elements now have added metadara in the array, now we loop the array again var LoxOutputs = data.response; control.outputlabels = LoxOutputs.map( a => a.Name ); control.outputkeys = LoxOutputs.map( a => a.Key ); for( var key in LoxOutputs ) { var dataStr = ` ${data.response[key].mapString}${data.response[key].mapImg}  ${LoxOutputs[key].Name} ${LoxOutputs[key].Value} ${LoxOutputs[key].localdesc} `; liveTable.append(dataStr); } // Table is finished // Finally, activate the active checkbox // Background: If active=true, you always can disable the fetching // But if active=false, we need to wait for the Loxone Outputs, otherwise we get empty outputs on save if( statmatch?.active != "true" && statmatch?.active != true ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatactive") .prop('disabled', false) .checkboxradio('refresh'); } // Done } else { console.log("LiveView done with error", data); liveTable.html( popupLoxoneDetails_LiveViewError(data) ); } $("#valuesLoxoneDetails").html(dataStr); }) .fail(function(data){ console.log("LiveView fail", data); liveTable.html( popupLoxoneDetails_LiveViewError(data) ); }); } // This function returns an error html if Detail Live data have errors function popupLoxoneDetails_LiveViewError( data ) { $("#valuesLoxoneDetailsLive_title").html(`Error getting Live data`); dataStr = ""; dataStr = `InformationCould not query Live data. Possibly S4L has no permissions to this block, or the block isself has no data to return.`; if( data.code ) { dataStr += `Error${data.code}`; } if( data.response ) { dataStr += `Original response${data.response}`; } console.log("popupLoxoneDetails_LiveViewError", data); return dataStr; } // Saves all filter properties function saveFilters() { localStorage.setItem("s4l_loxone_filters", JSON.stringify(filters)); // console.log("saveFilters", filters, localStorage.getItem("s4l_loxone_filters")); } function restoreFilters() { // console.log("restoreFilters", localStorage.getItem("s4l_loxone_filters")); try { filters = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("s4l_loxone_filters") ); for( const [key, value] of Object.entries(filters)) { checkboxes = $(`input[type="radio"][id="${key}_${value}"]`); selects = $(`select[name="${key}"]`); // console.log("restore", key, value, checkboxes, selects); // console.log(key, value); if( checkboxes.length > 0 ) { // console.log("INPUT", checkboxes); $(checkboxes).attr("checked", "checked"); $(`input[type="radio"][name="${key}"]`).checkboxradio("refresh"); } else if( selects.length > 0 ) { // console.log("SELECT", $(selects), value); $(selects).val(value).selectmenu("refresh"); if(value != "all") $(selects).closest('.ui-btn').addClass('filter-highlight'); } else if( key == "filter_search" ) { $(`#${key}`).val( value ); filterSearchString = value; if (filterSearchString != "") { // $('#filter_search').css({'backgroundColor':'#FFFF99'}); $('#filter_search').addClass('filter-highlight'); $('#filter_search').data("clear-btn", true); } else { // $('#filter_search').css({'backgroundColor':'white'}); $('#filter_search').removeClass('filter-highlight'); $('#filter_search').data("clear-btn", false); } } } } catch(e) { console.log("restoreFilters Exception catched (filters possibly empty)"); filters = { }; } } function scheduleImport( msno, uid ) { var control = statsconfigLoxone.find(obj => { return obj.uuid === uid && obj.msno == msno }) console.log("scheduleImport", msno, uid, control ); if( control ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_s4lstatimportbutton") .addClass("ui-disabled"); // Element found in internal data $.post( "ajax.cgi", { action : "scheduleimport", importtype : "full", uuid : uid, msno : msno, category : control.category, description: control.description, name : control.name, room: control.room, type : control.type, }) .done(function(data){ console.log(data); }) .always(function(data){ getImportSchedulerReport(); }); } else { throw `scheduleImport: ${msno} and ${uid} not found in internal list`; } } function getImportSchedulerReport() { if( !timer ) { return; } if( getImportSchedulerReport_running == true ) { return; } getImportSchedulerReport_running = true; $.post( "ajax.cgi", { action : "import_scheduler_report", }) .done(function(data){ // console.log("import_scheduler_report done", data); imports = Object.keys(data.filelist) .map(key => ({file: key, data: data.filelist[key]})); updateReportTables(data); }) .fail(function(data){ console.log("import_scheduler_report fail", data); }) .always(function(data){ getImportSchedulerReport_running = false; }); } function updateReportTables(data) { // Get IDs for Detail View Import status var detail_msno = $(".LoxoneDetails_table").data("msno"); var detail_uuid = $(".LoxoneDetails_table").data("uid"); $("#LoxoneDetails_importstatus").empty(); // List view generation for( imp of imports ) { var data = imp.data; var status = imp.data?.status; var state = data.status?.status; var msno = data.msno; var uuid = data.uuid; // console.log("updateReportTables", msno, uuid, state, status); // Find var target_tr = $(`tr[data-uid=${uuid}][data-msno=${msno}]`); var target = target_tr.find('.importInfo'); // console.log("target", target); // $(target).html("Found!"); var endtime_dt = new Date(Math.round(status?.endtime*1000)); var endtime = endtime_dt.toLocaleString(); var finished_percent; var estimatedTimeLeft_min; var progress_html; var html = ""; switch(state) { case "running": finished_percent = Math.round (status?.stats?.record_count_finished / (status?.stats?.record_count_finished + status?.stats?.estimate_records_left) * 100 ); finished_percent = !isNaN(finished_percent) ? finished_percent : 0; estimatedTimeLeft_min = status?.stats?.estimate_time_left_secs ? "("+Math.ceil((status?.stats?.estimate_time_left_secs/60)).toString()+" min. left)" : "Calculating..."; progress_html = `
${estimatedTimeLeft_min}`; html+= progress_html; break; case "finished": html+= ` Finished ${endtime}`; break; case "error": case "dead": html+= ` Finished with error ${endtime}`; break; case "scheduled": html+= ` Queued`; break; } // Update Detail View Import status if( detail_msno == msno && detail_uuid == uuid ) { $("#LoxoneDetails_importstatus").html(html); } $(target).html(html); } } // Validates a measurementname and returns a suggestion if not valid // measurementname is the string to verify // selfIndex is the index key in statsconfigLoxone of itself (otherwise it may find itself) function validateMeasurementname( measurementname, msno, uid ) { // Find own array index in statsconfigLoxone var selfIndex = statsconfigLoxone.findIndex( obj => { return obj.uuid === uid && obj.msno == msno }) if( typeof measurementname === 'undefined' || measurementname == "" ) { // Check if statsconfigLoxone already knows name or description // console.log( "1st try: measurementname is undefined" ); measurementname = statsconfigLoxone[selfIndex]?.description ? statsconfigLoxone[selfIndex].description : statsconfigLoxone[selfIndex]?.name; } console.log("measurementname", measurementname); var measurementnameDefault = measurementname; if( typeof measurementname === 'undefined') { console.log( "2st try: measurementname is undefined" ); throw "measurementname is empty. Must be defined for validation."; } // Retrying different things var counter =-1; while(1) { counter++; // console.log("----------------", counter, "---------------"); switch(counter) { case 0: break; case 1: if( statsconfigLoxone[selfIndex]?.name && measurementname == statsconfigLoxone[selfIndex].name) measurementname = statsconfigLoxone[selfIndex].name; else continue; break; case 20: throw `Could not find an alternative measurementname after ${counter} tries`; default: measurementname = measurementnameDefault+"_"+counter.toString(); } // Check if measurementname is already defined var foundIndex = statsconfigLoxone.findIndex( function(obj, index) { // console.log("findIndex", measurementname, selfIndex, obj["measurementname"], index); if(selfIndex == index) { return false }; if(obj["measurementname"] != measurementname) { return false; } return true; }) // console.log("Try", counter, measurementname, foundIndex); if(foundIndex == -1) { break; } } // console.log("foundIndex", foundIndex); return measurementname.trim(); } function clearTimer() { console.log("Timer cleared"); window.clearInterval(timer); timer = false; } function setTimer() { console.log("Timer set"); timer = window.setInterval(getImportSchedulerReport, timer_interval); } function restore_hints_hide() { try { hints_hide = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("s4l_loxone_hints_hide") ); if( hints_hide == null ) { hints_hide = { }; } } catch(e) { console.log("restore_hints_hide", e); hints_hide = { }; } } function hint_hide(hintid) { hints_hide[hintid] = true; $("#"+hintid).fadeOut(); localStorage.setItem("s4l_loxone_hints_hide", JSON.stringify(hints_hide)); } // Sort function for arrays of objects // https://stackoverflow.com/a/4760279/3466839 // Usage: arrayOfObjects.sort(dynamicSortMultiple("Name", "-Surname")); function dynamicSort(property) { var sortOrder = 1; if(property[0] === "-") { sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1); } return function (a,b) { /* next line works with strings and numbers, * and you may want to customize it to your needs */ var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; } } function dynamicSortMultiple() { /* * save the arguments object as it will be overwritten * note that arguments object is an array-like object * consisting of the names of the properties to sort by */ var props = arguments; return function (obj1, obj2) { var i = 0, result = 0, numberOfProperties = props.length; /* try getting a different result from 0 (equal) * as long as we have extra properties to compare */ while(result === 0 && i < numberOfProperties) { result = dynamicSort(props[i])(obj1, obj2); i++; } return result; } } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/22581382/3466839 function copyToClipboard(elem) { // create hidden text element, if it doesn't already exist var targetId = "_hiddenCopyText_"; var isInput = elem.tagName === "INPUT" || elem.tagName === "TEXTAREA"; var origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd; if (isInput) { // can just use the original source element for the selection and copy target = elem; origSelectionStart = elem.selectionStart; origSelectionEnd = elem.selectionEnd; } else { // must use a temporary form element for the selection and copy target = document.getElementById(targetId); if (!target) { var target = document.createElement("textarea"); target.style.position = "absolute"; target.style.left = "-9999px"; target.style.top = "0"; target.id = targetId; document.body.appendChild(target); } target.textContent = elem.textContent; } // select the content var currentFocus = document.activeElement; target.focus(); target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length); // copy the selection var succeed; try { succeed = document.execCommand("copy"); } catch(e) { succeed = false; } // restore original focus if (currentFocus && typeof currentFocus.focus === "function") { currentFocus.focus(); } if (isInput) { // restore prior selection elem.setSelectionRange(origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd); } else { // clear temporary content target.textContent = ""; } return succeed; }