#!/bin/bash # satellite_setup.sh # mschreie@redhat.com # setting up a satellite for demo purposes # mainly following Adrian Bredshaws awsome book: http://gsw-hammer.documentation.rocks/ # up to now this script has a very narrow prerequisits # it is meant to work exactly for my demo server # maybe it's a starting point for a more flexible script # perhaps it would be better to go for the REST API with that..... # http://gsw-hammer.documentation.rocks/content_views/defining_content_views.html logfile=$(basename $0 .sh).log donefile=$(basename $0 .sh).done touch $logfile touch $donefile exec > >(tee -a "$logfile") 2>&1 echo "###INFO: Starting $0" echo "###INFO: $(date)" # read configuration (needs to be adopted!) . ./satenv.sh doit() { echo "INFO: doit: $@" >&2 cmd2grep=$(echo "$*" | sed -e 's/\\//' | tr '\n' ' ') grep -q "$cmd2grep" $donefile if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "INFO: doit: found cmd in donefile - skipping" >&2 else "$@" 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: cmd was unsuccessfull RC: $? - bailing out" >&2 exit 1 } echo "$cmd2grep" >> $donefile echo "INFO: doit: cmd finished successfull" >&2 fi } # get /etc/hosts right doit sed -is '$a\ '"$MYIP $MYNAME" /etc/hosts doit satellite-installer --scenario satellite --foreman-proxy-dhcp true --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface eth1 --foreman-proxy-dhcp-range "$RANGEFROM $RANGETO" --foreman-proxy-dhcp-nameservers "$DNSSERVER" --foreman-proxy-dns true --foreman-proxy-dns-forwarders "$DNSFORWARDERS" --foreman-proxy-dns-interface $SATINTERFACE --foreman-proxy-dns-zone "$DNSDOMAIN" --foreman-proxy-dns-reverse "$DNSREVERSDOM" --foreman-proxy-tftp true --katello-proxy-url=http://proxy.coe.muc.redhat.com --katello-proxy-port=3128 --enable-foreman-plugin-openscap --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-openscap mkdir -p /root/.hammer 2>/dev/null hammercredentials=$(foreman-rake permissions:reset | awk ' { print $NF } ' ; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0) cat >/root/.hammer/cli_config.yml <&2 exit 1 fi doit yum install puppet-foreman_scap_client -y echo "INFO: changeing /etc/resolv.conf" cat </etc/resolv.conf # # resolver configuration file... # options timeout:1 attempts:8 rotate domain example.com search example.com nameserver EOF cat /etc/resolv.conf doit hammer organization create --name "${ORG}" doit hammer location create --name "${LOC}" # doit hammer subscription upload --organization "${ORG}" --file /root/manifest_fdb1909e-da83-4d5e-9d5b-f717d157c16e.zip doit wget http://file.rdu.redhat.com/~rjerrido/manifests/Satellite_61_Generated_27_Jul_2016.zip doit hammer subscription upload --organization "${ORG}" --file /root/Satellite_61_Generated_27_Jul_2016.zip doit hammer repository-set enable --organization "${ORG}" --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \ --name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (Kickstart)" --releasever "7.2" --basearch "x86_64" doit hammer repository-set enable --organization "${ORG}" --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \ --name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs)" --releasever "7Server" --basearch "x86_64" doit hammer repository-set enable --organization "${ORG}" --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \ --name "Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMs)" --basearch "x86_64" doit hammer repository-set enable --organization "${ORG}" --product "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" \ --name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - RH Common (RPMs)" --releasever "7Server" --basearch "x86_64" doit hammer product synchronize --name "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" --organization "${ORG}" doit hammer lifecycle-environment create --name "$LE1" --description "QA testing for the App guys" \ --organization "${ORG}" --prior "Library" doit hammer lifecycle-environment create --name "$LE2" --description "Production Environment" \ --organization "${ORG}" --prior "$LE1" doit hammer content-view create --name "${CV1}" --description "Our initial first content view" \ --organization "${ORG}" ids=$(hammer repository list --organization "${ORG}" | grep -v Kickstart | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 } ' | paste -sd,) doit hammer content-view update --repository-ids $ids --name "${CV1}" --organization "${ORG}" doit hammer content-view publish --name "${CV1}" --organization "${ORG}" hammer architecture list | grep x86_64 || { x86_64 architecture missing - bailing out exit 1 } # the domain the sat-server resides is created during install - maybe just add this domain to the location and organization # we want to manage a subdomain which needs to be created separately (if satellite server is in other domain) hammer domain list | grep "$DNSDOMAIN" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then # domain allready exists doit hammer domain update --name "$DNSDOMAIN" --locations $LOC --organizations "$ORG" else # domain does not exist jet doit hammer domain create --name "$DNSDOMAIN" --locations $LOC --organizations "$ORG" fi doit hammer content-view version promote --content-view ${CV1} --from-lifecycle-environment Library \ --to-lifecycle-environment $LE1 --organization "${ORG}" doit hammer activation-key create --name "${AK1}" --content-view "${CV1}" --lifecycle-environment $LE1 \ --organization "${ORG}" doit hammer activation-key update --release-version "7Server" --organization "${ORG}" --name "${AK1}" subid=$(hammer --csv subscription list --organization "$ORG" | egrep -v 'HPC|ARM|SAP|Disaster|ATOM|Hyperscale' | awk -F, '/Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server with Smart Management, Premium \(Physical or Virtual Nodes\)/ { print $1 ; exit } ') if [ "$subid" == "" ] ; then subid=$(hammer --csv subscription list --organization "$ORG" | egrep -v 'HPC|ARM|SAP|Disaster|ATOM|Hyperscale' | awk -F, '/Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server with Smart Management,.*\(Physical or Virtual Nodes\)/ { print $1 ; exit } ') fi if [ "$subid" == "" ] ; then subid=$(hammer --csv subscription list --organization "$ORG" | egrep -v 'HPC|ARM|SAP|Disaster|ATOM|Hyperscale' | awk -F, '/Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server with Smart Management,.*/ { print $1 ; exit } ') fi if [ "$subid" == "" ] ; then subid=$(hammer --csv subscription list --organization "$ORG" | egrep -v 'HPC|ARM|SAP|Disaster|ATOM|Hyperscale' | awk -F, '/Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server.*/ { print $1 ; exit } ') fi if [ "$subid" == "" ] ; then subid=$(hammer --csv subscription list --organization "$ORG" | egrep -v 'HPC|ARM|SAP|Disaster|ATOM|Hyperscale' | awk -F, '/Employee SKU/ { print $1 ; exit } ') fi if [ "$subid" == "" ] ; then echo "Did not find a valid subscription for the activation key - bailing out" exit 2 fi akid=$(hammer activation-key list --organization "${ORG}" | awk '/'$AK1'/ { print $1 } ') doit hammer activation-key add-subscription --id ${akid} --subscription-id ${subid} if [ $(hammer subnet list | grep '^[0-9]' | wc -l) -eq 0 ] ; then # create new subnet proxyid=$(hammer proxy list | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 }') dnsdomainid=$(hammer domain list | awk '/ '"$DNSDOMAIN"'/ { print $1 }') doit hammer subnet create --dhcp-id $proxyid --dns-id $proxyid --tftp-id $proxyid \ --network "$NETWORK" --mask "$NETMASK" --gateway "$ROUTER" \ --dns-primary $DNSSERVER --domain-ids $dnsdomainid --from "${RANGEFROM}" --to "${RANGETO}" \ --name "${NETWORK}/${CIDRNM}" doit hammer subnet update --name "${NETWORK}/${CIDRNM}" --locations "${LOC}" --organizations "${ORG}" else echo not defined how to deal with existing subnet exit 2 fi # to automate things would need to be sophisticated as the approach is # 1) look up the right objet # 2) check the settings of the object # 3) add missing settings, if necessary # nothing to do with the provisioning templates - they are associated to $ORG and $LOC wnd my operationg system (RHEL 7.2) without me interfering # http://gsw-hammer.documentation.rocks/configure_the_server_for_provisioning/provisioning_templates.html # nothing to do with Operationg system either, partition tables, default templates, architecture and installation media are set properly: # hammer os list # hammer os info --id 2 osid=$(hammer os list | awk '/RedHat 7.2/ { print $1 } ') # medium needed tweeking mediumid=$(hammer medium list | awk '/Red_Hat_Server/ { print $1 } ') hammer medium info --id $mediumid | grep "$ORG" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { doit hammer organisation add-medium --medium-id $mediumid --name "${ORG}" } hammer medium info --id $mediumid | grep "$LOC" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { doit hammer location add-medium --medium-id $mediumid --name "${LOC}" } cv1id=$(hammer content-view list --organization "$ORG" | awk '/'"$CV1"'/ { print $1 } ' ) orglabel=$(hammer organization list | awk -F'|' '/'"$ORG"'/ { print $3 } '| tr -d ' ' ) # env1name=$(echo "KT_${orglabel}_${LE1}_${CV1}_${cv1id}" | sed -e 's/-/_/g') env1name=production doit hammer hostgroup create --name "$HG1" --architecture "x86_64" --domain "$DNSDOMAIN" \ --operatingsystem-id $osid --partition-table "Kickstart default" --puppet-ca-proxy-id $proxyid --puppet-proxy-id $proxyid \ --subnet "${NETWORK}/${CIDRNM}" --content-source-id $proxyid --medium-id $mediumid \ --organizations "${ORG}" --locations "${LOC}" --lifecycle-environment "$LE1" --content-view "${CV1}" #### --environment "$env1name" \ doit hammer hostgroup set-parameter --hostgroup "$HG1" --name "kt_activation_keys" --value "${AK1}" # # Puppet env does not exist :-( - it should though # doit hammer environment create --name "$env1name" --organizations "$ORG" --locations "$LOC" # doit hammer hostgroup update --name "$HG1" --environment "$env1name" # env "production" does exist doit hammer environment update --name "$env1name" --organizations "$ORG" --locations "$LOC" doit hammer hostgroup update --name "$HG1" --environment "$env1name" # capsule was not in Location Europe capsuleid=$(hammer capsule list | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 }') doit hammer capsule update --locations "${LOC}","Default Location" --id $capsuleid # domain was not managed via capsule doit hammer domain update --dns-id $proxyid --id $dnsdomainid # create syncplan synctimestring=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %T" --date "$SYNCTIME tomorrow"` doit hammer sync-plan create --name "dailysync" --enabled yes --interval daily --sync-date "$synctimestring" --organization "$ORG" syncplanid=$(hammer sync-plan list --organization "$ORG" | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 }') doit hammer product set-sync-plan --sync-plan-id=$syncplanid --name='Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server' --organization "$ORG" # Enable Access insights doit yum install redhat-access-insights -y doit redhat-access-insights --register doit yum update python-requests -y # yust someinternal things: # https://mojo.redhat.com/docs/DOC-1043937 doit sed -ie 's/:enable_telemetry_basic_auth : false/:enable_telemetry_basic_auth : true/' /etc/redhat_access/config.yml doit systemctl restart httpd echo "Do not forgett to set credentials in Access Insights -> Manage." echo "Insights is not workingyet :-(" # not working yet # Enabling OpnSCAP doit foreman-rake foreman_openscap:bulk_upload:default # import puppet-classes (e.g. OpenScap) to environments doit hammer proxy import-classes --id $proxyid puppetenvid=$(hammer environment list | awk '/'"$env1name"'/ { print $1 } ') pupclassids=$(hammer --csv puppet-class list | awk -F, ' /access_insights_client$/ { print $1 } /foreman_scap_client$/ { print $1 } /foreman_scap_client::params$/ { print $1 }' | xargs | tr ' ' ,) doit hammer proxy import-classes --id $proxyid --environment-id $puppetenvid doit hammer hostgroup update --name "$HG1" --puppet-class-ids $pupclassids echo "###INFO: Finished $0" echo "###INFO: $(date)"