# Changelog ## 1.1.2 * Update dependencies * Improve documentation ## 1.1.1 * Instantiate `dateTime` field of 'all-day' event relative to local timezone ## 1.1.0 * Add `allDay` flag to event data indicating whether or not an event is 'all-day' ([#3](https://github.com/msigwart/gatsby-source-google-calendar/issues/2)) * If an event is 'all-day', populate the event's `dateTime` field with the event's `date` taking the calendar's `timeZone` into account ## 1.0.1 * Moved package from @msigwart/gatsby-source-google-calendar to gatsby-source-google-calendar (used version 1.0.1 instead of 1.0.0 to avoid conflicting with previously published package) ## 0.2.1 * Fix error that was caused when an event does not have a description ([#1](https://github.com/msigwart/gatsby-source-google-calendar/issues/1)) ## 0.2.0 * Add support for multiple calendars ## 0.1.0 * First version of the plugin with the ability to source events from a single Google Calendar