import datetime class Animal(): ''' This is an Animal class, used to store information about animals in the ZOO. Or for characters in the Madagascar movies. ''' def __init__(self, kind, name, to_zoo='', area=100, staff=1): ''' Initialize the object Building. ''' self.kind = kind = name self.brought_to_zoo = to_zoo self.required_area = area # required area [m2] # required number of staff members per animal; can be fraction, e.g. 0.2 means one # zookeeper can take care of 5 animals self.required_staff = staff return def set_name(self, name): ''' Set animal's name. ''' = name return def set_kind(self, kind): ''' Set animal's kind. ''' self.kind = kind return def set_arrive_to_zoo(self, to_zoo): ''' Set animal's date delivered to the ZOO. ''' self.brought_to_zoo = to_zoo return def set_required_area(self, area): ''' Set average required area by single a animal. ''' self.required_area = area return def set_number_keepers(self, num): ''' Set the number of ZOO keepers required by a single animal. ''' self.required_staff = num return def get_name(self): ''' Return animal's nick name. ''' return def get_kind(self): ''' Return animal's kind. ''' return self.kind def get_arrive_to_zoo(self): ''' Return animal's date delivered to the ZOO. ''' return self.brought_to_zoo def get_required_area(self): ''' Return average required area by single animal. ''' return self.required_area def get_number_keepers(self): ''' Return the number of ZOO keepers required by a single animal. ''' return self.required_staff def days_in_zoo(self): ''' Return the number of days the animal is in the zoo. ''' if self.brought_to_zoo == '': print("ERROR: the date when {0} arrived to ZOO is empty. Set the date.".format( return -1 try: # convert string 'YYYY-MM-DD' into three strings, that are used do create a date # object when animal arrived to the zoo y, m, d = self.brought_to_zoo.split("-") brought_in =, int(m), int(d)) except ValueError: print("ERROR: current date {0} is in wrong format. The correct format is YYYY-MM-DD.".format(self.brought_to_zoo)) return -1 # finally all is OK and we can compute number of days today = # this gives us 'timedelta' object days_in_zoo = today - brought_in return days_in_zoo.days class Zebra(Animal): def __init__(self, name): ''' Initialize Zebra class. All we need now is the animal nick name. ''' # fill in missing code # this calls initialization of Animal class and setting the animal to given 'name' super().__init__(self, name) # in lines below we defined attribute values for lions self.kind = 'zebra' self.required_area = 100 self.required_staff = 1 return class Penguin(Animal): def __init__(self, name): ''' Initialize Zebra class. All we need now is the animal nick name. ''' # fill in missing code # this calls initialization of Animal class and setting the animal to given 'name' super().__init__(self, name) # in lines below we defined attribute values for lions self.kind = 'penguin' self.required_area = 300 self.required_staff = 0.5 return class Lion(Animal): ''' This is a Lion class, used to store information about lions. ''' def __init__(self, name): ''' Initialize Lion class. All we need now is the animal nick name. ''' # this calls initialization of Animal class and setting the animal to given 'name' super().__init__(self, name) # in lines below we defined attribute values for lions self.kind = 'lion' # this class is only for lions, so we can define animal 'kind' as lion # default required area: ENTER VALUE (arbitrary one or one you used in Day 19 in-class assignment) self.required_area = 600 # set default number of ZOO keepers for lions: ENTER VALUE (arbitrary one or one you used in Day 19 in-class assignment) self.required_staff = 2 return