class ZOO(): ''' Class for ZOO object. ''' def __init__(self, name): ''' Initialize the ZOO object. ''' # name of the ZOO = name # we are using dictionaries for animals and personnel self.animals = {} self.zookeepers = {} return def add_animal(self, animal): ''' Adds an animal to the zoo. ''' # we use animal's name as a key in the dictionary name = animal.get_name() self.animals[name] = animal return def add(self, animal): ''' Shorter name of function to add animals to the ZOO. ''' self.add_animal(animal) return def get_animals(self): ''' Return all animals in the zoo.''' return self.animals def remove(self, name): ''' Remove animal from the ZOO for given name. If the name does not exist, error is printed. ''' if name in self.animals: # yes, animal with given name is in the ZOO del self.animals[name] else: print("Animal with given name is not in",, "ZOO.") return def get_animal_names(self, sort=False): ''' Return animal names in the ZOO. Return sorted names if parameters sorted==True''' names = [] for key in self.animals.keys(): # get animal names and store them into list names.append(self.animals[key].get_name()) if sort == True: # we have to return sorted names; so sort the names names = sorted(names) return names def number_animals(self): ''' Return number of animals in the ZOO.''' return len(self.animals) def total_area(self): ''' Return the total ZOO area to host all animals defined in the object. ''' area = 0 for key in self.animals: # get area for all animals in the zoo area += self.animals[key].get_required_area() return area def add_person(self, person): ''' Adds a person to the zoo. ''' # we use person's name as a key in the dictionary name = person.get_name() self.zookeepers[name] = person return def number_zookeepers(self): ''' Return number of zookeepers in the zoo.''' return len(self.zookeepers) def get_zookeepers(self): ''' Return zookeepers in the zoo.''' return self.zookeepers def get_person_names(self, sort=False): ''' Return personnel names in the ZOO. Return sorted names if parameters sorted==True''' names = [] for key in self.zookeepers.keys(): # get persons names and store them into list names.append(self.zookeepers[key].get_name()) if sort == True: # we have to return sorted names; so sort the names names = sorted(names) return names