__NAMESPACE__ . '\\render_callback_simpletoc' ]); } add_action('init', 'register_simpletoc_block'); /** * Inject potentially missing translations into the block-editor i18n * collection. * * This keeps the plugin backwards compatible, in case the user did not * update translations on their website (yet). * * @param string|false|null $translations JSON-encoded translation data. Default null. * @param string|false $file Path to the translation file to load. False if there isn't one. * @param string $handle Name of the script to register a translation domain to. * @param string $domain The text domain. * * @return string|false|null JSON string */ add_filter('load_script_translations', function ($translations, $file, $handle, $domain) { if ('simpletoc' === $domain && $translations) { // List of translations that we inject into the block-editor JS. $dynamic_translations = [ 'Table of Contents' => __('Table of Contents', 'simpletoc'), ]; $changed = false; $obj = json_decode($translations, true); // Confirm that the translation JSON is valid. if (isset($obj['locale_data']) && isset($obj['locale_data']['messages'])) { $messages = $obj['locale_data']['messages']; // Inject dynamic translations, when needed. foreach ($dynamic_translations as $key => $locale) { if (empty($messages[$key]) || !is_array($messages[$key]) || !array_key_exists(0, $messages[$key]) || $locale !== $messages[$key][0] ) { $messages[$key] = [$locale]; $changed = true; } } // Only modify the translations string when locales did change. if ($changed) { $obj['locale_data']['messages'] = $messages; $translations = wp_json_encode($obj); } } } return $translations; }, 10, 4); /** * Sets the default value of translatable attributes. * * Values inside block.json are static strings that are not translated. This * filter inserts relevant translations i * * @param array $settings Array of determined settings for registering a block type. * @param array $metadata Metadata provided for registering a block type. * * @return array Modified settings array. */ add_filter('block_type_metadata_settings', function ($settings, $metadata) { if ('simpletoc/toc' === $metadata['name']) { $settings['attributes']['title_text']['default'] = __('Table of Contents', 'simpletoc'); } return $settings; }, 10, 2); /** * Filter to add plugins to the TOC list for Rank Math plugin * * @param array TOC plugins. */ add_filter('rank_math/researches/toc_plugins', function ($toc_plugins) { $toc_plugins['simpletoc/plugin.php'] = 'SimpleTOC'; return $toc_plugins; }); /** * Adds IDs to the headings of the provided post content using a recursive block structure. * @param string $content The content to add IDs to * @return string The content with IDs added to its headings */ function simpletoc_add_ids_to_content($content) { $blocks = parse_blocks($content); $blocks = add_ids_to_blocks_recursive($blocks); $content = serialize_blocks($blocks); return $content; } add_filter('the_content', 'simpletoc_add_ids_to_content', 1); /** * Recursively adds IDs to the headings of a nested block structure. * @param array $blocks The blocks to add IDs to * @return array The blocks with IDs added to their headings */ function add_ids_to_blocks_recursive($blocks) { foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (isset($block['blockName']) && ($block['blockName'] === 'core/heading' || $block['blockName'] === 'generateblocks/headline') && isset($block['innerHTML']) && isset($block['innerContent']) && isset($block['innerContent'][0])) { $block['innerHTML'] = add_anchor_attribute($block['innerHTML']); $block['innerContent'][0] = add_anchor_attribute($block['innerContent'][0]); } elseif (isset($block['attrs']['ref'])) { // search in reusable blocks (this is not finished because I ran out of ideas.) // $reusable_block_id = $block['attrs']['ref']; // $reusable_block_content = parse_blocks(get_post($reusable_block_id)->post_content); } elseif (!empty($block['innerBlocks'])) { // search in groups $block['innerBlocks'] = add_ids_to_blocks_recursive($block['innerBlocks']); } } return $blocks; } /** * Renders a Table of Contents block for a post * @param array $attributes An array of attributes for the Table of Contents block * @return string The HTML output for the Table of Contents block */ function render_callback_simpletoc($attributes) { $is_backend = defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST && 'edit' === filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'context'); $title_text = $attributes['title_text'] ? esc_html(trim($attributes['title_text'])) : __('Table of Contents', 'simpletoc'); $alignclass = !empty($attributes['align']) ? 'align' . $attributes['align'] : ''; $className = !empty($attributes['className']) ? strip_tags($attributes['className']) : ''; $title_level = $attributes['title_level']; $wrapper_enabled = apply_filters('simpletoc_wrapper_enabled', false) || get_option('simpletoc_wrapper_enabled') == 1 || get_option('simpletoc_accordion_enabled') == 1; $wrapper_attrs = get_block_wrapper_attributes(['class' => 'simpletoc']); $pre_html = (!empty($className) || $wrapper_enabled || $attributes['accordion'] || $attributes['wrapper']) ? '
' : ''; $post_html = (!empty($className) || $wrapper_enabled || $attributes['accordion'] || $attributes['wrapper']) ? '
' : ''; $post = get_post(); $blocks = !is_null($post) && !is_null($post->post_content) ? parse_blocks($post->post_content) : ''; $headings = array_reverse(filter_headings_recursive($blocks)); $headings = simpletoc_add_pagenumber($blocks, $headings); $headings_clean = array_map('trim', $headings); $toc_html = generate_toc($headings_clean, $attributes); if (empty($blocks)) { return get_empty_blocks_message($is_backend, $attributes, $title_level, $alignclass, $title_text, __('No blocks found.', 'simpletoc'), __('Save or update post first.', 'simpletoc')); } if (empty($headings_clean)) { return get_empty_blocks_message($is_backend, $attributes, $title_level, $alignclass, $title_text, __('No headings found.', 'simpletoc'), __('Save or update post first.', 'simpletoc')); } if (empty($toc_html)) { return get_empty_blocks_message($is_backend, $attributes, $title_level, $alignclass, $title_text, __('No headings found.', 'simpletoc'), __('Check minimal and maximum level block settings.', 'simpletoc')); } return $pre_html . $toc_html . $post_html; } /** * Generates an HTML message for empty blocks cases in the Table of Contents. * * @param bool $is_backend Indicates if the request is from the backend (i.e., the WordPress editor). * @param array $attributes An array of attributes for the Table of Contents block. * @param int $title_level The heading level for the Table of Contents title. * @param string $alignclass The CSS class for alignment of the Table of Contents block. * @param string $title_text The text for the Table of Contents title. * @param string $warning_text1 The first part of the warning message to be displayed. * @param string $warning_text2 The second part of the warning message to be displayed. * * @return string The HTML output for the empty blocks message. */ function get_empty_blocks_message($is_backend, $attributes, $title_level, $alignclass, $title_text, $warning_text1, $warning_text2) { $html = ''; if ($is_backend) { $html .= sprintf('%s', $title_level, $alignclass, $title_text, $title_level); $html .= sprintf('

%s %s

', $alignclass, $warning_text1, $warning_text2); } return $html; } /** * Adds page numbers to headings in the provided blocks array. * @param array $blocks The array of blocks to process. * @param array $headings The array of headings to add page numbers to. * @return array The modified headings array with page numbers added. */ function simpletoc_add_pagenumber($blocks, $headings) { $pages = 1; if (!is_array($blocks)) { return $headings; } foreach ($blocks as $block => $innerBlock) { // count nextpage blocks if (isset($blocks[$block]['blockName']) && $blocks[$block]['blockName'] === 'core/nextpage') { $pages++; } if (isset($blocks[$block]['blockName']) && $blocks[$block]["blockName"] === 'core/heading') { // make sure its a headline. foreach ($headings as $heading => &$innerHeading) { if ($innerHeading == $blocks[$block]["innerHTML"]) { $innerHeading = preg_replace("/(post_content); $arr = array_merge(filter_headings_recursive($e_arr), $arr); } } else { // search in groups $arr = array_merge(filter_headings_recursive($innerBlock), $arr); } } else { if (isset($blocks['blockName']) && ($blocks['blockName'] === 'core/heading') && $innerBlock !== 'core/heading') { // make sure it's a headline. if (preg_match("/(' . __('Support', 'simpletoc') . '')); $links = array_merge($links, array('' . __('Donate', 'simpletoc') . '')); $links = array_merge($links, array('' . __('Write a review', 'simpletoc') . ' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️')); } return $links; } /** * Adds an ID attribute to all Heading tags in the provided HTML. * @param string $html The HTML content to modify * @return string The modified HTML content with ID attributes added to the Heading tags */ function add_anchor_attribute($html) { // remove non-breaking space entites from input HTML $html_wo_nbs = str_replace(" ", " ", $html); // Thank you Nick Diego if (!$html_wo_nbs) { return $html; } libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML('' . "\n" . $html_wo_nbs, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD); // use xpath to select the Heading html tags. $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $tags = $xpath->evaluate("//*[self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3 or self::h4 or self::h5 or self::h6]"); // Loop through all the found tags foreach ($tags as $tag) { // if tag already has an attribute "id" defined, no need for creating a new one if (!empty($tag->getAttribute('id'))) { continue; } // Set id attribute $heading_text = trim(strip_tags($html)); $anchor = simpletoc_sanitize_string($heading_text); $tag->setAttribute("id", $anchor); } // Save the HTML changes $content = $dom->saveHTML($dom->documentElement); return $content; } /** * Generates a table of contents based on the provided headings and attributes * @param array $headings An array of headings to include in the table of contents * @param array $attributes An array of attributes to customize the output * @return string The generated table of contents as HTML */ function generate_toc($headings, $attributes) { $list = ''; $html = ''; $min_depth = 6; $initial_depth = 6; $align_class = isset($attributes['align']) ? 'align' . $attributes['align'] : ''; $styles = $attributes['remove_indent'] ? 'style="padding-left:0;list-style:none;"' : ''; $list_type = $attributes['use_ol'] ? 'ol' : 'ul'; $global_absolut_urls_enabled = get_option('simpletoc_absolute_urls_enabled', false); $absolute_url = $attributes['use_absolute_urls'] || $global_absolut_urls_enabled ? get_permalink() : ''; list($min_depth, $initial_depth) = find_min_depth($headings, $attributes); $item_count = 0; foreach ($headings as $line => $headline) { $this_depth = (int)$headings[$line][2]; $next_depth = isset($headings[$line + 1][2]) ? (int)$headings[$line + 1][2] : ''; $exclude_headline = should_exclude_headline($headline, $attributes, $this_depth); $title = trim(strip_tags($headline)); $customId = extract_id($headline); $link = $customId ? $customId : simpletoc_sanitize_string($title); if (!$exclude_headline) { $item_count++; open_list($list, $list_type, $min_depth, $this_depth); $page = get_page_number_from_headline($headline); $list .= "" . $title . "" . PHP_EOL; } close_list($list, $list_type, $min_depth, $attributes['min_level'], $attributes['max_level'], $next_depth, $line, count($headings) - 1, $initial_depth, $this_depth); } $html = add_accordion_start($html, $attributes, $item_count, $align_class); $html = add_hidden_markup_start($html, $attributes, $item_count, $align_class); $html = add_smooth($html, $attributes); // Add the table of contents list to the output if the list is not empty. if (!empty($list)) { $html_class = 'simpletoc-list'; if (!empty($align_class)) { $html_class .= " $align_class"; } $html_style = ''; if (!empty($styles)) { $html_style = " $styles"; } $html .= "<$list_type class=\"$html_class\"$html_style>\n$list"; } $html = add_accordion_end($html, $attributes); $html = add_hidden_markup_end($html, $attributes); // return an emtpy string if stripped result is empty if (empty(trim(strip_tags($html)))) { $html = ''; } return $html; } /** * Finds the minimum depth level of headings in the provided array and adjusts it based on the provided attributes * @param array $headings An array of headings to search through * @param array $attributes An array of attributes to adjust the minimum depth level * @return array An array containing the minimum depth level and the initial depth level */ function find_min_depth($headings, $attributes) { $min_depth = 6; $initial_depth = 6; foreach ($headings as $line => $headline) { if ($min_depth > $headings[$line][2]) { $min_depth = (int)$headings[$line][2]; $initial_depth = $min_depth; } } if ($attributes['min_level'] > $min_depth) { $min_depth = $attributes['min_level']; $initial_depth = $min_depth; } return [$min_depth, $initial_depth]; } /** * Determines if a given headline should be excluded based on the provided attributes * @param string $headline The headline to check for exclusion * @param array $attributes An array of attributes to use for exclusion * @param int $this_depth The depth level of the headline * @return bool True if the headline should be excluded, false otherwise */ function should_exclude_headline($headline, $attributes, $this_depth) { $exclude_headline = false; preg_match('/class="([^"]+)"/', $headline, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1]) && strpos($matches[1], 'simpletoc-hidden') !== false) { $exclude_headline = true; } return ($this_depth > $attributes['max_level'] || $exclude_headline || $this_depth < $attributes['min_level']); } /** * The open_list function appends a new list item to the global $list variable, adding necessary opening tags if needed to maintain the correct nesting of the list. * @param string &$list The global list variable to append the new list item to. * @param string $list_type The type of list to be created, either "ul" (unordered list) or "ol" (ordered list). * @param int &$min_depth The minimum depth of headings that should be included in the table of contents. * @param int $this_depth The depth of the current heading being processed. * @return void The function modifies the input $list variable directly. */ function open_list(&$list, $list_type, &$min_depth, $this_depth) { if ($this_depth == $min_depth) { $list .= "
  • "; } else { for ($min_depth; $min_depth < $this_depth; $min_depth++) { $list .= "\n<" . $list_type . ">
  • \n"; } } } /** * Closes an HTML list tag and updates the list string and minimum depth variable as necessary. * @param string $list A reference to the list string being built. * @param string $list_type The type of list tag being used (ul or ol). * @param int $min_depth A reference to the minimum depth variable. * @param int $min_depth Minimum depth setting, which is a low number like 1. * @param int $max_depth Maximum depth setting, which is a high number like 6. * @param int|null $next_depth The depth of the next list item, or null if this is the last item. * @param int $line The index of the current list item. * @param int $last_line The index of the last list item. * @param int $initial_depth The initial depth of the list. * @param int $this_depth The depth of the current list item. * @return void */ function close_list(&$list, $list_type, &$min_depth, $min_level, $max_level, $next_depth, $line, $last_line, $initial_depth, $this_depth) { if ($line !== $last_line) { $list .= PHP_EOL; if($next_depth < $this_depth) { // Next heading goes back shallower in the ToC! if($next_depth >= $min_level) { // Next heading is within min depth bounds and WILL get ToC'd // Close this item and step back shallower in the ToC. for ($min_depth; $min_depth > $next_depth; $min_depth--) { $list .= "
  • \n\n"; } } else { // SKIP CLOSING! Next heading won't be included in the ToC at all. } } elseif($next_depth === $this_depth) { // Next heading is exactly as deep. Not going shallower or deeper in the ToC hierarchy. // E.g. this is h3, next is h3 if ($next_depth < $min_level) { // E.g. this is h3, next is h3, min is h2 // This heading didn't open a ToC item. Nothing to close. } else { // SKIP CLOSING! Next heading will open a new sub-list in the ToC. $list .= "\n"; } } else { // Next heading is deeper in the ToC. if ($next_depth <= $max_level) { // Next deeper heading is within bounds and will open a new sub-list. Leave this one open. // E.g. this is h3, next is h4, min is h2, max is h5 } else { // Next heading is too deep and will be ignored. We'll close out coming up or finishing the ToC. // E.g. this is h3, next is h4, max is h3 } } } else { // This is the last line of the ToC. Close out the whole thing. // IMPORTANT NOTE: The overall ToC list will be wrapped in a list element and closed out. for ($initial_depth; $initial_depth < $this_depth; $initial_depth++) { $list .= "\n\n"; } } } /** * Adds smooth scrolling styles to the output HTML, if enabled by global option or block attribute. * @param string $html The HTML string to which the styles will be added. * @param array $attributes An array of block attributes. * @return string The modified HTML string with the added smooth scrolling styles. */ function add_smooth($html, $attributes) { // Add smooth scrolling styles, if enabled by global option or block attribute $isSmoothEnabled = $attributes['add_smooth'] || get_option('simpletoc_smooth_enabled') == 1; $html .= $isSmoothEnabled ? '' : ''; return $html; } /** * Enqueues the necessary CSS and JS files for the accordion functionality on the frontend. */ function enqueue_accordion_frontend() { wp_enqueue_script( 'simpletoc-accordion', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/accordion.js', array(), '6.4.3', true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'simpletoc-accordion', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'assets/accordion.css', array(), '6.4.3' ); } function add_hidden_markup_start($html, $attributes, $itemcount, $alignclass) { $isHiddenEnabled = $attributes['hidden']; if ($isHiddenEnabled) { $titleText = esc_html(trim($attributes['title_text'])) ?: __('Table of Contents', 'simpletoc'); $hiddenStart = '
    ' . $titleText . ''; $html .= $hiddenStart; } // If there are no items in the table of contents, return an empty string if ($itemcount < 1) { return ''; } return $html; } function add_hidden_markup_end($html, $attributes) { $isHiddenEnabled = $attributes['hidden']; if ($isHiddenEnabled) { $html .= '
    '; } return $html; } /** * Adds the opening HTML tag(s) for the accordion element and the table of contents title, if applicable. * @param string $html The HTML string to add the opening tag(s) to * @param array $attributes The attributes of the table of contents block * @param int $itemcount The number of items in the table of contents * @param string $alignclass The alignment class for the table of contents block */ function add_accordion_start($html, $attributes, $itemcount, $alignclass) { // Check if accordion is enabled either through the function arguments or the options $isAccordionEnabled = $attributes['accordion'] || get_option('simpletoc_accordion_enabled') == 1; $isHiddenEnabled = $attributes['hidden']; // Start and end HTML for accordion, if enabled $accordionStart = ''; if ($isAccordionEnabled) { enqueue_accordion_frontend(); $titleText = esc_html(trim($attributes['title_text'])) ?: __('Table of Contents', 'simpletoc'); $accordionStart = '

    '; } // Add the accordion start HTML to the output $html .= $accordionStart; // Add the table of contents title, if not hidden and not in accordion mode $showTitle = !$attributes['no_title'] && !$isAccordionEnabled && !$isHiddenEnabled; if ($showTitle) { $titleTag = $attributes['title_level'] > 0 ? "h{$attributes['title_level']}" : 'p'; $html_class = 'simpletoc-title'; if (!empty($alignclass)) { $html_class .= " $alignclass"; } $html = "<$titleTag class=\"$html_class\">{$attributes["title_text"]}\n"; } // If there are no items in the table of contents, return an empty string if ($itemcount < 1) { return ''; } return $html; } /** * Adds the closing HTML tag(s) for the accordion element if the accordion is enabled. * @param string $html The HTML string to add the closing tag(s) to * @param array $attributes The attributes of the table of contents block * @return string The modified HTML string with the closing tag(s) added */ function add_accordion_end($html, $attributes) { // Check if accordion is enabled either through the function arguments or the options $isAccordionEnabled = $attributes['accordion'] || get_option('simpletoc_accordion_enabled') == 1; if ($isAccordionEnabled) { $html .= '
    '; } return $html; } /** * Extracts the ID value from the provided heading HTML string. * @param string $headline The heading HTML string to extract the ID value from * @return mixed Returns the extracted ID value, or false if no ID value is found */ function extract_id($headline) { $pattern = '/id="([^"]*)"/'; preg_match($pattern, $headline, $matches); $idValue = $matches[1] ?? false; if ($idValue != false) { return $idValue; } } /** * Gets the page number from a headline string. * @param string $headline The headline string. * @return string The page number (in the format "X/") if it exists and is greater than 1, or an empty string otherwise. */ function get_page_number_from_headline($headline) { $dom = new \DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML('' . "\n" . $headline, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD); $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $nodes = $xpath->query('//*/@data-page'); if (isset($nodes[0]) && $nodes[0]->nodeValue > 1) { $pageNumber = $nodes[0]->nodeValue . '/'; return esc_html($pageNumber); } else { return ''; } }