mu.codewith.editor.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0 Mu A simple Python editor for beginner programmers

Mu is a Python code editor for beginner programmers based on extensive feedback given by teachers and learners.

Mu is a simple code editor for beginner programmers based on the feedback given to and experiences of the Raspberry Pi Foundation's education team. Having said that, Mu is for anyone who wants to use a simple "no frills" editor.

Mu is a modal editor with modes for Adafruit's CircuitPython, the micro:bit's version of MicroPython, PyGame Zero and standard Python 3 (including a graphical debugger). Some of the modes make available a REPL (either running on the connected CircuitPython or MicroPython device or as a Jupyter based iPython session in Python3 mode).

Mu is written in Python and works on Windows, OSX, Linux and Raspberry Pi. mu-editor Nicholas H.Tollervey mu