// Last time updated: 2017-07-03 1:56:26 PM UTC // _______________ // Canvas-Designer // https://github.com/muaz-khan/Canvas-Designer 'use strict'; (function() { var is = { isLine: false, isArrow: false, isArc: false, isDragLastPath: false, isDragAllPaths: false, isRectangle: false, isQuadraticCurve: false, isBezierCurve: false, isPencil: false, isMarker: true, isEraser: false, isText: false, isImage: false, set: function(shape) { var cache = this; cache.isLine = cache.isArrow = cache.isArc = cache.isDragLastPath = cache.isDragAllPaths = cache.isRectangle = cache.isQuadraticCurve = cache.isBezierCurve = cache.isPencil = cache.isMarker = cache.isEraser = cache.isText = cache.isImage = false; cache['is' + shape] = true; } }; function addEvent(element, eventType, callback) { if (eventType.split(' ').length > 1) { var events = eventType.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { addEvent(element, events[i], callback); } return; } if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(eventType, callback, !1); return true; } else if (element.attachEvent) { return element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, callback); } else { element['on' + eventType] = callback; } return this; } function find(selector) { return document.getElementById(selector); } var points = [], textarea = find('code-text'), lineWidth = 2, strokeStyle = '#6c96c8', fillStyle = 'white', globalAlpha = 1, globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over', lineCap = 'round', font = '15px "Arial"', lineJoin = 'round'; function getContext(id) { var canv = find(id), ctx = canv.getContext('2d'); canv.setAttribute('width', innerWidth); canv.setAttribute('height', innerHeight); ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle; ctx.font = font; return ctx; } var context = getContext('main-canvas'), tempContext = getContext('temp-canvas'); window.canvasElementToBeRecorded = context.canvas; // either use "tempContext.canvas" or "context.canvas" context._clearRect = context.clearRect; context.clearRect = function(x, y, width, height) { context._clearRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); fillStyle = 'white'; context.fillRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); // fill white background }; var common = { updateTextArea: function() { var c = common, toFixed = c.toFixed, getPoint = c.getPoint, isAbsolutePoints = find('is-absolute-points').checked, isShortenCode = find('is-shorten-code').checked; if (isAbsolutePoints && isShortenCode) c.absoluteShortened(); if (isAbsolutePoints && !isShortenCode) c.absoluteNOTShortened(toFixed); if (!isAbsolutePoints && isShortenCode) c.relativeShortened(toFixed, getPoint); if (!isAbsolutePoints && !isShortenCode) c.relativeNOTShortened(toFixed, getPoint); }, toFixed: function(input) { return Number(input).toFixed(1); }, getPoint: function(pointToCompare, compareWith, prefix) { if (pointToCompare > compareWith) pointToCompare = prefix + ' + ' + (pointToCompare - compareWith); else if (pointToCompare < compareWith) pointToCompare = prefix + ' - ' + (compareWith - pointToCompare); else pointToCompare = prefix; return pointToCompare; }, absoluteShortened: function() { var output = '', length = points.length, i = 0, point; for (i; i < length; i++) { point = points[i]; output += this.shortenHelper(point[0], point[1], point[2]); } output = output.substr(0, output.length - 2); textarea.value = 'var points = [' + output + '], length = points.length, point, p, i = 0;\n\n' + drawArrow.toString() + '\n\n' + this.forLoop; this.prevProps = null; }, absoluteNOTShortened: function(toFixed) { var tempArray = [], i, point, p; for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { p = points[i]; point = p[1]; if (p[0] === 'pencil') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } if (p[0] === 'marker') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } if (p[0] === 'eraser') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } if (p[0] === 'line') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } if (p[0] === 'text') { tempArray[i] = [this.strokeOrFill(p[2]) + '\ncontext.fillText(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ', ' + point[2] + ');']; } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { tempArray[i] = ['drawArrow(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ', ' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ', \'' + p[2].join('\',\'') + '\');']; } if (p[0] === 'arc') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath(); \n' + 'context.arc(' + toFixed(point[0]) + ',' + toFixed(point[1]) + ',' + toFixed(point[2]) + ',' + toFixed(point[3]) + ', 0,' + point[4] + '); \n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } if (p[0] === 'rect') { tempArray[i] = [this.strokeOrFill(p[2]) + '\n' + 'context.strokeRect(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ',' + point[2] + ',' + point[3] + ');\n' + 'context.fillRect(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ',' + point[2] + ',' + point[3] + ');']; } if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ');\n' + 'context.quadraticCurveTo(' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ', ' + point[5] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { tempArray[i] = ['context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + point[0] + ', ' + point[1] + ');\n' + 'context.bezierCurveTo(' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ', ' + point[5] + ', ' + point[6] + ', ' + point[7] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2])]; } } textarea.value = tempArray.join('\n\n') + this.strokeFillText + '\n\n' + drawArrow.toString(); this.prevProps = null; }, relativeShortened: function(toFixed, getPoint) { var i = 0, point, p, length = points.length, output = '', x = 0, y = 0; for (i; i < length; i++) { p = points[i]; point = p[1]; if (i === 0) { x = point[0]; y = point[1]; } if (p[0] === 'text') { x = point[1]; y = point[2]; } if (p[0] === 'pencil') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'marker') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'eraser') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'line') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'text') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ point[0], getPoint(point[1], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[2], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'arc') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), point[2], point[3], point[4] ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'rect') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[4], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[5], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { output += this.shortenHelper(p[0], [ getPoint(point[0], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[1], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[2], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[3], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[4], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[5], y, 'y'), getPoint(point[6], x, 'x'), getPoint(point[7], y, 'y') ], p[2]); } } output = output.substr(0, output.length - 2); textarea.value = 'var x = ' + x + ', y = ' + y + ', points = [' + output + '], length = points.length, point, p, i = 0;\n\n' + drawArrow.toString() + '\n\n' + this.forLoop; this.prevProps = null; }, relativeNOTShortened: function(toFixed, getPoint) { var i, point, p, length = points.length, output = '', x = 0, y = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { p = points[i]; point = p[1]; if (i === 0) { x = point[0]; y = point[1]; if (p[0] === 'text') { x = point[1]; y = point[2]; } output = 'var x = ' + x + ', y = ' + y + ';\n\n'; } if (p[0] === 'arc') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.arc(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ', ' + point[2] + ', ' + point[3] + ', 0, ' + point[4] + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'pencil') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'marker') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'eraser') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'line') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.lineTo(' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { output += 'drawArrow(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ', ' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ', \'' + p[2].join('\',\'') + '\');\n'; } if (p[0] === 'text') { output += this.strokeOrFill(p[2]) + '\n' + 'context.fillText(' + point[0] + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[2], y, 'y') + ');'; } if (p[0] === 'rect') { output += this.strokeOrFill(p[2]) + '\n' + 'context.strokeRect(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ', ' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.fillRect(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ', ' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ');'; } if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.quadraticCurveTo(' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ', ' + getPoint(point[4], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[5], y, 'y') + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { output += 'context.beginPath();\n' + 'context.moveTo(' + getPoint(point[0], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[1], y, 'y') + ');\n' + 'context.bezierCurveTo(' + getPoint(point[2], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[3], y, 'y') + ', ' + getPoint(point[4], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[5], y, 'y') + ', ' + getPoint(point[6], x, 'x') + ', ' + getPoint(point[7], y, 'y') + ');\n' + this.strokeOrFill(p[2]); } if (i !== length - 1) output += '\n\n'; } textarea.value = output + this.strokeFillText + '\n\n' + drawArrow.toString(); this.prevProps = null; }, forLoop: 'for(i; i < length; i++) {\n' + ' p = points[i];\n' + ' point = p[1];\n' + ' context.beginPath();\n\n' // globals + ' if(p[2]) { \n' + '\tcontext.lineWidth = p[2][0];\n' + '\tcontext.strokeStyle = p[2][1];\n' + '\tcontext.fillStyle = p[2][2];\n' + '\tcontext.globalAlpha = p[2][3];\n' + '\tcontext.globalCompositeOperation = p[2][4];\n' + '\tcontext.lineCap = p[2][5];\n' + '\tcontext.lineJoin = p[2][6];\n' + '\tcontext.font = p[2][7];\n' + ' }\n\n' // line + ' if(p[0] === "line") { \n' + '\tcontext.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);\n' + '\tcontext.lineTo(point[2], point[3]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // arrow + ' if(p[0] === "arrow") { \n' + '\tdrawArrow(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], p[2]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // pencil + ' if(p[0] === "pencil") { \n' + '\tcontext.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);\n' + '\tcontext.lineTo(point[2], point[3]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // marker + ' if(p[0] === "marker") { \n' + '\tcontext.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);\n' + '\tcontext.lineTo(point[2], point[3]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // text + ' if(p[0] === "text") { \n' + '\tcontext.fillText(point[0], point[1], point[2]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // eraser + ' if(p[0] === "eraser") { \n' + '\tcontext.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);\n' + '\tcontext.lineTo(point[2], point[3]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // arc + ' if(p[0] === "arc") context.arc(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], 0, point[4]); \n\n' // rect + ' if(p[0] === "rect") {\n' + '\tcontext.strokeRect(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3]);\n' + '\tcontext.fillRect(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // quadratic + ' if(p[0] === "quadratic") {\n' + '\tcontext.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);\n' + '\tcontext.quadraticCurveTo(point[2], point[3], point[4], point[5]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // bezier + ' if(p[0] === "bezier") {\n' + '\tcontext.moveTo(point[0], point[1]);\n' + '\tcontext.bezierCurveTo(point[2], point[3], point[4], point[5], point[6], point[7]);\n' + ' }\n\n' // end-fill + ' context.stroke();\n' + ' context.fill();\n' + '}', strokeFillText: '\n\nfunction strokeOrFill(lineWidth, strokeStyle, fillStyle, globalAlpha, globalCompositeOperation, lineCap, lineJoin, font) { \n' + ' if(lineWidth) { \n' + '\tcontext.globalAlpha = globalAlpha;\n' + '\tcontext.globalCompositeOperation = globalCompositeOperation;\n' + '\tcontext.lineCap = lineCap;\n' + '\tcontext.lineJoin = lineJoin;\n' + '\tcontext.lineWidth = lineWidth;\n' + '\tcontext.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;\n' + '\tcontext.fillStyle = fillStyle;\n' + '\tcontext.font = font;\n' + ' } \n\n' + ' context.stroke();\n' + ' context.fill();\n' + '}', strokeOrFill: function(p) { if (!this.prevProps || this.prevProps !== p.join(',')) { this.prevProps = p.join(','); return 'strokeOrFill(\'' + p.join('\', \'') + '\');'; } return 'strokeOrFill();'; }, prevProps: null, shortenHelper: function(name, p1, p2) { var result = '[\'' + name + '\', [' + p1.join(', ') + ']'; if (!this.prevProps || this.prevProps !== p2.join(',')) { this.prevProps = p2.join(','); result += ', [\'' + p2.join('\', \'') + '\']'; } return result + '], '; } }; function drawArrow(mx, my, lx, ly, options) { function getOptions(opt) { opt = opt || {}; return [ opt.lineWidth || 2, opt.strokeStyle || '#6c96c8', opt.fillStyle || 'transparent', opt.globalAlpha || 1, opt.globalCompositeOperation || 'source-over', opt.lineCap || 'round', opt.lineJoin || 'round', opt.font || '15px "Arial"' ]; } function handleOptions(opt, isNoFillStroke) { opt = opt || getOptions(); context.globalAlpha = opt[3]; context.globalCompositeOperation = opt[4]; context.lineCap = opt[5]; context.lineJoin = opt[6]; context.lineWidth = opt[0]; context.strokeStyle = opt[1]; context.fillStyle = opt[2]; context.font = opt[7]; if (!isNoFillStroke) { context.stroke(); context.fill(); } } var arrowSize = 10; var angle = Math.atan2(ly - my, lx - mx); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(mx, my); context.lineTo(lx, ly); handleOptions(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(lx, ly); context.lineTo(lx - arrowSize * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 7), ly - arrowSize * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 7)); context.lineTo(lx - arrowSize * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 7), ly - arrowSize * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 7)); context.lineTo(lx, ly); context.lineTo(lx - arrowSize * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 7), ly - arrowSize * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 7)); handleOptions(); } function endLastPath() { var cache = is; if (cache.isArc) arcHandler.end(); else if (cache.isQuadraticCurve) quadraticHandler.end(); else if (cache.isBezierCurve) bezierHandler.end(); drawHelper.redraw(); if (textHandler.text && textHandler.text.length) { textHandler.appendPoints(); textHandler.onShapeUnSelected(); } textHandler.showOrHideTextTools('hide'); } var copiedStuff = [], isControlKeyPressed; function copy() { endLastPath(); dragHelper.global.startingIndex = 0; if (find('copy-last').checked) { copiedStuff = points[points.length - 1]; setSelection(find('drag-last-path'), 'DragLastPath'); } else { copiedStuff = points; setSelection(find('drag-all-paths'), 'DragAllPaths'); } } function paste() { endLastPath(); dragHelper.global.startingIndex = 0; if (find('copy-last').checked) { points[points.length] = copiedStuff; dragHelper.global = { prevX: 0, prevY: 0, startingIndex: points.length - 1 }; dragHelper.dragAllPaths(0, 0); setSelection(find('drag-last-path'), 'DragLastPath'); } else { dragHelper.global.startingIndex = points.length; points = points.concat(copiedStuff); setSelection(find('drag-all-paths'), 'DragAllPaths'); } } // marker + pencil function hexToR(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(0, 2), 16) } function hexToG(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(2, 4), 16) } function hexToB(h) { return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(4, 6), 16) } function cutHex(h) { return (h.charAt(0) == "#") ? h.substring(1, 7) : h } function clone(obj) { if (obj === null || typeof(obj) !== 'object' || 'isActiveClone' in obj) return obj; if (obj instanceof Date) var temp = new obj.constructor(); //or new Date(obj); else var temp = obj.constructor(); for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { obj['isActiveClone'] = null; temp[key] = clone(obj[key]); delete obj['isActiveClone']; } } return temp; } function hexToRGB(h) { return [ hexToR(h), hexToG(h), hexToB(h) ] } var drawHelper = { redraw: function() { tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); context.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); var i, point, length = points.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { point = points[i]; if (point && point.length && this[point[0]]) { this[point[0]](context, point[1], point[2]); } // else warn } }, getOptions: function(opt) { opt = opt || {}; return [ opt.lineWidth || lineWidth, opt.strokeStyle || strokeStyle, opt.fillStyle || fillStyle, opt.globalAlpha || globalAlpha, opt.globalCompositeOperation || globalCompositeOperation, opt.lineCap || lineCap, opt.lineJoin || lineJoin, opt.font || font ]; }, handleOptions: function(context, opt, isNoFillStroke) { opt = opt || this.getOptions(); context.globalAlpha = opt[3]; context.globalCompositeOperation = opt[4]; context.lineCap = opt[5]; context.lineJoin = opt[6]; context.lineWidth = opt[0]; context.strokeStyle = opt[1]; context.fillStyle = opt[2]; context.font = opt[7]; if (!isNoFillStroke) { context.stroke(); context.fill(); } }, line: function(context, point, options) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[0], point[1]); context.lineTo(point[2], point[3]); this.handleOptions(context, options); }, marker: function(context, point, options) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[0], point[1]); context.lineTo(point[2], point[3]); this.handleOptions(context, options); }, arrow: function(context, point, options) { var mx = point[0]; var my = point[1]; var lx = point[2]; var ly = point[3]; var arrowSize = arrowHandler.arrowSize; if (arrowSize == 10) { arrowSize = (options ? options[0] : lineWidth) * 5; } var angle = Math.atan2(ly - my, lx - mx); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(mx, my); context.lineTo(lx, ly); this.handleOptions(context, options); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(lx, ly); context.lineTo(lx - arrowSize * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 7), ly - arrowSize * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 7)); context.lineTo(lx - arrowSize * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 7), ly - arrowSize * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 7)); context.lineTo(lx, ly); context.lineTo(lx - arrowSize * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 7), ly - arrowSize * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 7)); this.handleOptions(context, options); }, text: function(context, point, options) { this.handleOptions(context, options); context.fillStyle = textHandler.getFillColor(options[2]); context.fillText(point[0].substr(1, point[0].length - 2), point[1], point[2]); }, arc: function(context, point, options) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], 0, point[4]); this.handleOptions(context, options); }, rect: function(context, point, options) { this.handleOptions(context, options, true); context.strokeRect(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3]); context.fillRect(point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3]); }, image: function(context, point, options) { this.handleOptions(context, options, true); var image = imageHandler.images[point[5]]; if (!image) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { var index = imageHandler.images.length; imageHandler.lastImageURL = image.src; imageHandler.lastImageIndex = index; imageHandler.images.push(image); context.drawImage(image, point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4]); }; image.src = point[0]; return; } context.drawImage(image, point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4]); }, quadratic: function(context, point, options) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[0], point[1]); context.quadraticCurveTo(point[2], point[3], point[4], point[5]); this.handleOptions(context, options); }, bezier: function(context, point, options) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[0], point[1]); context.bezierCurveTo(point[2], point[3], point[4], point[5], point[6], point[7]); this.handleOptions(context, options); } }; var dragHelper = { global: { prevX: 0, prevY: 0, ismousedown: false, pointsToMove: 'all', startingIndex: 0 }, mousedown: function(e) { if (isControlKeyPressed) { copy(); paste(); isControlKeyPressed = false; } var dHelper = dragHelper, g = dHelper.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; g.prevX = x; g.prevY = y; g.pointsToMove = 'all'; if (points.length) { var p = points[points.length - 1], point = p[1]; if (p[0] === 'line') { if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0], point[1])) { g.pointsToMove = 'head'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[2], point[3])) { g.pointsToMove = 'tail'; } } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0], point[1])) { g.pointsToMove = 'head'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[2], point[3])) { g.pointsToMove = 'tail'; } } if (p[0] === 'rect') { if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0], point[1])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-first'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0] + point[2], point[1])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-second'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0], point[1] + point[3])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-third'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0] + point[2], point[1] + point[3])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-last'; } } if (p[0] === 'image') { if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[1], point[2])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-first'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[1] + point[3], point[2])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-second'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[1], point[2] + point[4])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-third'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[1] + point[3], point[2] + point[4])) { g.pointsToMove = 'stretch-last'; } } if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0], point[1])) { g.pointsToMove = 'starting-points'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[2], point[3])) { g.pointsToMove = 'control-points'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[4], point[5])) { g.pointsToMove = 'ending-points'; } } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[0], point[1])) { g.pointsToMove = 'starting-points'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[2], point[3])) { g.pointsToMove = '1st-control-points'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[4], point[5])) { g.pointsToMove = '2nd-control-points'; } if (dHelper.isPointInPath(x, y, point[6], point[7])) { g.pointsToMove = 'ending-points'; } } } g.ismousedown = true; }, mouseup: function() { var g = this.global; if (is.isDragLastPath) { tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); context.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); this.end(); } g.ismousedown = false; }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop, g = this.global; drawHelper.redraw(); if (g.ismousedown) { this.dragShape(x, y); } if (is.isDragLastPath) this.init(); }, init: function() { if (!points.length) return; var p = points[points.length - 1], point = p[1], g = this.global; if (g.ismousedown) tempContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,85 ,154,.9)'; else tempContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,85 ,154,.4)'; if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0], point[1], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[2], point[3], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[4], point[5], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0], point[1], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[2], point[3], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[4], point[5], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[6], point[7], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); } if (p[0] === 'line') { tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0], point[1], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[2], point[3], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0], point[1], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.arc(point[2], point[3], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); } if (p[0] === 'text') { tempContext.font = "15px Verdana"; tempContext.fillText(point[0], point[1], point[2]); } if (p[0] === 'rect') { tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0], point[1], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0] + point[2], point[1], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0], point[1] + point[3], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[0] + point[2], point[1] + point[3], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); } if (p[0] === 'image') { tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[1], point[2], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[1] + point[3], point[2], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[1], point[2] + point[4], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); tempContext.beginPath(); tempContext.arc(point[1] + point[3], point[2] + point[4], 10, Math.PI * 2, 0, !1); tempContext.fill(); } }, isPointInPath: function(x, y, first, second) { return x > first - 10 && x < first + 10 && y > second - 10 && y < second + 10; }, getPoint: function(point, prev, otherPoint) { if (point > prev) { point = otherPoint + (point - prev); } else { point = otherPoint - (prev - point); } return point; }, getXYWidthHeight: function(x, y, prevX, prevY, oldPoints) { if (oldPoints.pointsToMove == 'stretch-first') { if (x > prevX) { oldPoints.x = oldPoints.x + (x - prevX); oldPoints.width = oldPoints.width - (x - prevX); } else { oldPoints.x = oldPoints.x - (prevX - x); oldPoints.width = oldPoints.width + (prevX - x); } if (y > prevY) { oldPoints.y = oldPoints.y + (y - prevY); oldPoints.height = oldPoints.height - (y - prevY); } else { oldPoints.y = oldPoints.y - (prevY - y); oldPoints.height = oldPoints.height + (prevY - y); } } if (oldPoints.pointsToMove == 'stretch-second') { if (x > prevX) { oldPoints.width = oldPoints.width + (x - prevX); } else { oldPoints.width = oldPoints.width - (prevX - x); } if (y < prevY) { oldPoints.y = oldPoints.y + (y - prevY); oldPoints.height = oldPoints.height - (y - prevY); } else { oldPoints.y = oldPoints.y - (prevY - y); oldPoints.height = oldPoints.height + (prevY - y); } } if (oldPoints.pointsToMove == 'stretch-third') { if (x > prevX) { oldPoints.x = oldPoints.x + (x - prevX); oldPoints.width = oldPoints.width - (x - prevX); } else { oldPoints.x = oldPoints.x - (prevX - x); oldPoints.width = oldPoints.width + (prevX - x); } if (y < prevY) { oldPoints.height = oldPoints.height + (y - prevY); } else { oldPoints.height = oldPoints.height - (prevY - y); } } return oldPoints; }, dragShape: function(x, y) { if (!this.global.ismousedown) return; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); if (is.isDragLastPath) { this.dragLastPath(x, y); } if (is.isDragAllPaths) { this.dragAllPaths(x, y); } var g = this.global; g.prevX = x; g.prevY = y; }, end: function() { if (!points.length) return; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); var point = points[points.length - 1]; drawHelper[point[0]](context, point[1], point[2]); }, dragAllPaths: function(x, y) { var g = this.global, prevX = g.prevX, prevY = g.prevY, p, point, length = points.length, getPoint = this.getPoint, i = g.startingIndex; for (i; i < length; i++) { p = points[i]; point = p[1]; if (p[0] === 'line') { points[i] = [p[0], [ getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]) ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { points[i] = [p[0], [ getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]) ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'text') { points[i] = [p[0], [ point[0], getPoint(x, prevX, point[1]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[2]) ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'arc') { points[i] = [p[0], [ getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]), point[2], point[3], point[4] ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'rect') { points[i] = [p[0], [ getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]), point[2], point[3] ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'image') { points[i] = [p[0], [ point[0], getPoint(x, prevX, point[1]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[2]), point[3], point[4], point[5] ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { points[i] = [p[0], [ getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[4]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[5]) ], p[2] ]; } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { points[i] = [p[0], [ getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[4]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[5]), getPoint(x, prevX, point[6]), getPoint(y, prevY, point[7]) ], p[2] ]; } } }, dragLastPath: function(x, y) { var g = this.global, prevX = g.prevX, prevY = g.prevY, p = points[points.length - 1], point = p[1], getPoint = this.getPoint, getXYWidthHeight = this.getXYWidthHeight, isMoveAllPoints = g.pointsToMove === 'all'; if (p[0] === 'line') { if (g.pointsToMove === 'head' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[0] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]); point[1] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'tail' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[2] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]); point[3] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'arrow') { if (g.pointsToMove === 'head' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[0] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]); point[1] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'tail' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[2] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]); point[3] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'text') { if (g.pointsToMove === 'head' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[1] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[1]); point[2] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[2]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'arc') { point[0] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]); point[1] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]); points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'rect') { if (isMoveAllPoints) { point[0] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]); point[1] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-first') { var newPoints = getXYWidthHeight(x, y, prevX, prevY, { x: point[0], y: point[1], width: point[2], height: point[3], pointsToMove: g.pointsToMove }); point[0] = newPoints.x; point[1] = newPoints.y; point[2] = newPoints.width; point[3] = newPoints.height; } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-second') { var newPoints = getXYWidthHeight(x, y, prevX, prevY, { x: point[0], y: point[1], width: point[2], height: point[3], pointsToMove: g.pointsToMove }); point[1] = newPoints.y; point[2] = newPoints.width; point[3] = newPoints.height; } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-third') { var newPoints = getXYWidthHeight(x, y, prevX, prevY, { x: point[0], y: point[1], width: point[2], height: point[3], pointsToMove: g.pointsToMove }); point[0] = newPoints.x; point[2] = newPoints.width; point[3] = newPoints.height; } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-last') { point[2] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]); point[3] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'image') { if (isMoveAllPoints) { point[1] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[1]); point[2] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[2]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-first') { var newPoints = getXYWidthHeight(x, y, prevX, prevY, { x: point[1], y: point[2], width: point[3], height: point[4], pointsToMove: g.pointsToMove }); point[1] = newPoints.x; point[2] = newPoints.y; point[3] = newPoints.width; point[4] = newPoints.height; } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-second') { var newPoints = getXYWidthHeight(x, y, prevX, prevY, { x: point[1], y: point[2], width: point[3], height: point[4], pointsToMove: g.pointsToMove }); point[2] = newPoints.y; point[3] = newPoints.width; point[4] = newPoints.height; } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-third') { var newPoints = getXYWidthHeight(x, y, prevX, prevY, { x: point[1], y: point[2], width: point[3], height: point[4], pointsToMove: g.pointsToMove }); point[1] = newPoints.x; point[3] = newPoints.width; point[4] = newPoints.height; } if (g.pointsToMove === 'stretch-last') { point[3] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[3]); point[4] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[4]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'quadratic') { if (g.pointsToMove === 'starting-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[0] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]); point[1] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'control-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[2] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]); point[3] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'ending-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[4] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[4]); point[5] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[5]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } if (p[0] === 'bezier') { if (g.pointsToMove === 'starting-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[0] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[0]); point[1] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[1]); } if (g.pointsToMove === '1st-control-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[2] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[2]); point[3] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[3]); } if (g.pointsToMove === '2nd-control-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[4] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[4]); point[5] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[5]); } if (g.pointsToMove === 'ending-points' || isMoveAllPoints) { point[6] = getPoint(x, prevX, point[6]); point[7] = getPoint(y, prevY, point[7]); } points[points.length - 1] = [p[0], point, p[2]]; } } }; var pencilHandler = { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; // make sure that pencil is drawing shapes even // if mouse is down but mouse isn't moving tempContext.lineCap = 'round'; pencilDrawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], pencilDrawHelper.getOptions()]; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; }, mouseup: function(e) { this.ismousedown = false; }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.lineCap = 'round'; pencilDrawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], pencilDrawHelper.getOptions()]; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; } } } var pencilLineWidth = document.getElementById('pencil-stroke-style').value, pencilStrokeStyle = '#' + document.getElementById('pencil-fill-style').value; var pencilDrawHelper = clone(drawHelper); pencilDrawHelper.getOptions = function() { return [pencilLineWidth, pencilStrokeStyle, fillStyle, globalAlpha, globalCompositeOperation, lineCap, lineJoin, font]; } var markerHandler = { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; // make sure that pencil is drawing shapes even // if mouse is down but mouse isn't moving tempContext.lineCap = 'round'; markerDrawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], markerDrawHelper.getOptions()]; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; }, mouseup: function(e) { this.ismousedown = false; }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.lineCap = 'round'; markerDrawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], markerDrawHelper.getOptions()]; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; } } } var markerLineWidth = document.getElementById('marker-stroke-style').value, markerStrokeStyle = '#' + document.getElementById('marker-fill-style').value, markerGlobalAlpha = 0.7; var markerDrawHelper = clone(drawHelper); markerDrawHelper.getOptions = function() { return [markerLineWidth, markerStrokeStyle, fillStyle, markerGlobalAlpha, globalCompositeOperation, lineCap, lineJoin, font]; } var eraserHandler = { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; tempContext.lineCap = 'round'; drawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], drawHelper.getOptions()]; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; }, mouseup: function(e) { this.ismousedown = false; }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.lineCap = 'round'; drawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], drawHelper.getOptions()]; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; } } }; var textHandler = { text: '', selectedFontFamily: 'Arial', selectedFontSize: '15', onShapeSelected: function() { tempContext.canvas.style.cursor = 'text'; this.x = this.y = this.pageX = this.pageY = 0; this.text = ''; }, onShapeUnSelected: function() { this.text = ''; this.showOrHideTextTools('hide'); tempContext.canvas.style.cursor = 'default'; if (typeof this.blinkCursorInterval !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(this.blinkCursorInterval); } }, getFillColor: function(color) { color = (color || fillStyle).toLowerCase(); if (color == 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' || color == 'transparent' || color === 'white') { return 'black'; } return color; }, writeText: function(keyPressed, isBackKeyPressed) { if (!is.isText) return; if (isBackKeyPressed) { textHandler.text = textHandler.text.substr(0, textHandler.text.length - 1); textHandler.fillText(textHandler.text); return; } textHandler.text += keyPressed; textHandler.fillText(textHandler.text); }, fillText: function(text) { if (!is.isText) return; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, tempContext.canvas.width, tempContext.canvas.height); var options = textHandler.getOptions(); drawHelper.handleOptions(tempContext, options); tempContext.fillStyle = textHandler.getFillColor(options[2]); tempContext.font = textHandler.selectedFontSize + 'px "' + textHandler.selectedFontFamily + '"'; tempContext.fillText(text, textHandler.x, textHandler.y); }, blinkCursorInterval: null, index: 0, blinkCursor: function() { textHandler.index++; if (textHandler.index % 2 == 0) { textHandler.fillText(textHandler.text + '|'); } else { textHandler.fillText(textHandler.text); } }, getOptions: function() { var options = { font: textHandler.selectedFontSize + 'px "' + textHandler.selectedFontFamily + '"', fillStyle: textHandler.getFillColor(), strokeStyle: '#6c96c8', globalCompositeOperation: 'source-over', globalAlpha: 1, lineJoin: 'round', lineCap: 'round', lineWidth: 2 }; font = options.font; return options; }, appendPoints: function() { var options = textHandler.getOptions(); points[points.length] = ['text', ['"' + textHandler.text + '"', textHandler.x, textHandler.y], drawHelper.getOptions(options)]; }, mousedown: function(e) { if (!is.isText) return; if (textHandler.text.length) { this.appendPoints(); } textHandler.x = textHandler.y = 0; textHandler.text = ''; textHandler.pageX = e.pageX; textHandler.pageY = e.pageY; textHandler.x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft - 5; textHandler.y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop + 10; if (typeof textHandler.blinkCursorInterval !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(textHandler.blinkCursorInterval); } textHandler.blinkCursor(); textHandler.blinkCursorInterval = setInterval(textHandler.blinkCursor, 700); this.showTextTools(); }, mouseup: function(e) {}, mousemove: function(e) {}, showOrHideTextTools: function(show) { this.fontFamilyBox.style.display = show == 'show' ? 'block' : 'none'; this.fontSizeBox.style.display = show == 'show' ? 'block' : 'none'; this.fontSizeBox.style.left = this.x + 'px'; this.fontFamilyBox.style.left = (this.fontSizeBox.clientWidth + this.x) + 'px'; this.fontSizeBox.style.top = this.y + 'px'; this.fontFamilyBox.style.top = this.y + 'px'; }, showTextTools: function() { if (!this.fontFamilyBox || !this.fontSizeBox) return; this.unselectAllFontFamilies(); this.unselectAllFontSizes(); this.showOrHideTextTools('show'); this.eachFontFamily(function(child) { child.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); textHandler.showOrHideTextTools('hide'); textHandler.selectedFontFamily = this.innerHTML; this.className = 'font-family-selected'; }; child.style.fontFamily = child.innerHTML; }); this.eachFontSize(function(child) { child.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); textHandler.showOrHideTextTools('hide'); textHandler.selectedFontSize = this.innerHTML; this.className = 'font-family-selected'; }; // child.style.fontSize = child.innerHTML + 'px'; }); }, eachFontFamily: function(callback) { var childs = this.fontFamilyBox.querySelectorAll('li'); for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { callback(childs[i]); } }, unselectAllFontFamilies: function() { this.eachFontFamily(function(child) { child.className = ''; if (child.innerHTML === textHandler.selectedFontFamily) { child.className = 'font-family-selected'; } }); }, eachFontSize: function(callback) { var childs = this.fontSizeBox.querySelectorAll('li'); for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { callback(childs[i]); } }, unselectAllFontSizes: function() { this.eachFontSize(function(child) { child.className = ''; if (child.innerHTML === textHandler.selectedFontSize) { child.className = 'font-size-selected'; } }); }, onReturnKeyPressed: function() { if (!textHandler.text || !textHandler.text.length) return; var fontSize = parseInt(textHandler.selectedFontSize) || 15; this.mousedown({ pageX: this.pageX, // pageY: parseInt(tempContext.measureText(textHandler.text).height * 2) + 10 pageY: this.pageY + fontSize + 5 }); drawHelper.redraw(); }, fontFamilyBox: document.querySelector('.fontSelectUl'), fontSizeBox: document.querySelector('.fontSizeUl') }; var arcHandler = { global: { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, prevRadius: 0, isCircleDrawn: false, isCircledEnded: true, isClockwise: false, arcRangeContainer: null, arcRange: null }, mousedown: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; g.prevX = x; g.prevY = y; g.ismousedown = true; }, mouseup: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if (g.ismousedown) { if (!g.isCircleDrawn && g.isCircledEnded) { var prevX = g.prevX, prevY = g.prevY, radius = ((x - prevX) + (y - prevY)) / 3; g.prevRadius = radius; g.isCircleDrawn = true; g.isCircleEnded = false; var c = (2 * Math.PI * radius) / 21, angle, xx = prevX > x ? prevX - x : x - prevX, yy = prevY > y ? prevY - y : y - prevY; angle = (xx + yy) / (2 * c); points[points.length] = ['arc', [prevX + radius, prevY + radius, radius, angle, 1], drawHelper.getOptions()]; var arcRange = g.arcRange, arcRangeContainer = g.arcRangeContainer; arcRangeContainer.style.display = 'block'; arcRange.focus(); arcRangeContainer.style.top = (y + canvas.offsetTop + 20) + 'px'; arcRangeContainer.style.left = x + 'px'; arcRange.value = 2; } else if (g.isCircleDrawn && !g.isCircleEnded) { this.end(); } } g.ismousedown = false; this.fixAllPoints(); }, mousemove: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var ismousedown = g.ismousedown, isCircleDrawn = g.isCircleDrawn, isCircleEnded = g.isCircledEnded; if (ismousedown) { if (!isCircleDrawn && isCircleEnded) { var prevX = g.prevX, prevY = g.prevY, radius = ((x - prevX) + (y - prevY)) / 3; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, 2000, 2000); drawHelper.arc(tempContext, [prevX + radius, prevY + radius, radius, Math.PI * 2, true]); } } }, fixAllPoints: function() { var toFixed = this.toFixed; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { var p = points[i], point; if (p[0] === 'arc') { point = p[1]; points[i] = ['arc', [toFixed(point[0]), toFixed(point[1]), toFixed(point[2]), toFixed(point[3]), point[4]], p[2] ]; } } }, init: function() { var markIsClockwise = find('is-clockwise'), g = this.global; g.arcRangeContainer = find('arc-range-container'); g.arcRange = find('arc-range'); addEvent(markIsClockwise, 'change', function(e) { g.isClockwise = markIsClockwise.checked; g.arcRange.value = arcHandler.toFixed(g.arcRange.value); g.arcRange.focus(); arcHandler.arcRangeHandler(e); if (!points.length) return; var p = points[points.length - 1], point = p[1]; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); drawHelper.arc(tempContext, [point[0], point[1], point[2], point[3], point[4]]); }); var arcRange = g.arcRange; addEvent(arcRange, 'keydown', this.arcRangeHandler); addEvent(arcRange, 'focus', this.arcRangeHandler); }, arcRangeHandler: function(e) { var g = arcHandler.global, arcRange = g.arcRange; var key = e.keyCode, value = +arcRange.value; if (key == 39 || key == 40) arcRange.value = (value < 2 ? value : 1.98) + .02; if (key == 37 || key == 38) arcRange.value = (value > 0 ? value : .02) - .02; if (!key || key == 13 || key == 39 || key == 40 || key == 37 || key == 38) { var range = Math.PI * arcHandler.toFixed(value); var p = points[points.length - 1]; if (p[0] === 'arc') { var point = p[1]; points[points.length - 1] = ['arc', [point[0], point[1], point[2], range, g.isClockwise ? 1 : 0], p[2] ]; drawHelper.redraw(); } } }, toFixed: function(input) { return Number(input).toFixed(1); }, end: function() { var g = this.global; g.arcRangeContainer.style.display = 'none'; g.arcRange.value = 2; g.isCircleDrawn = false; g.isCircleEnded = true; drawHelper.redraw(); } }; arcHandler.init(); var lineHandler = { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; }, mouseup: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { points[points.length] = ['line', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], drawHelper.getOptions()]; t.ismousedown = false; } }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); drawHelper.line(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); } } }; var arrowHandler = { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, arrowSize: 10, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; }, mouseup: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { points[points.length] = ['arrow', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y], drawHelper.getOptions()]; t.ismousedown = false; } }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); drawHelper.arrow(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x, y]); } } }; var rectHandler = { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; }, mouseup: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { points[points.length] = ['rect', [t.prevX, t.prevY, x - t.prevX, y - t.prevY], drawHelper.getOptions()]; t.ismousedown = false; } }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); drawHelper.rect(tempContext, [t.prevX, t.prevY, x - t.prevX, y - t.prevY]); } } }; var quadraticHandler = { global: { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, controlPointX: 0, controlPointY: 0, isFirstStep: true, isLastStep: false }, mousedown: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if (!g.isLastStep) { g.prevX = x; g.prevY = y; } g.ismousedown = true; if (g.isLastStep && g.ismousedown) { this.end(x, y); } }, mouseup: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if (g.ismousedown && g.isFirstStep) { g.controlPointX = x; g.controlPointY = y; g.isFirstStep = false; g.isLastStep = true; } }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var g = this.global; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); if (g.ismousedown && g.isFirstStep) { drawHelper.quadratic(tempContext, [g.prevX, g.prevY, x, y, x, y]); } if (g.isLastStep) { drawHelper.quadratic(tempContext, [g.prevX, g.prevY, g.controlPointX, g.controlPointY, x, y]); } }, end: function(x, y) { var g = this.global; if (!g.ismousedown) return; g.isLastStep = false; g.isFirstStep = true; g.ismousedown = false; x = x || g.controlPointX || g.prevX; y = y || g.controlPointY || g.prevY; points[points.length] = ['quadratic', [g.prevX, g.prevY, g.controlPointX, g.controlPointY, x, y], drawHelper.getOptions()]; } }; var bezierHandler = { global: { ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, firstControlPointX: 0, firstControlPointY: 0, secondControlPointX: 0, secondControlPointY: 0, isFirstStep: true, isSecondStep: false, isLastStep: false }, mousedown: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if (!g.isLastStep && !g.isSecondStep) { g.prevX = x; g.prevY = y; } g.ismousedown = true; if (g.isLastStep && g.ismousedown) { this.end(x, y); } if (g.ismousedown && g.isSecondStep) { g.secondControlPointX = x; g.secondControlPointY = y; g.isSecondStep = false; g.isLastStep = true; } }, mouseup: function(e) { var g = this.global; var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if (g.ismousedown && g.isFirstStep) { g.firstControlPointX = x; g.firstControlPointY = y; g.isFirstStep = false; g.isSecondStep = true; } }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var g = this.global; tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); if (g.ismousedown && g.isFirstStep) { drawHelper.bezier(tempContext, [g.prevX, g.prevY, x, y, x, y, x, y]); } if (g.ismousedown && g.isSecondStep) { drawHelper.bezier(tempContext, [g.prevX, g.prevY, g.firstControlPointX, g.firstControlPointY, x, y, x, y]); } if (g.isLastStep) { drawHelper.bezier(tempContext, [g.prevX, g.prevY, g.firstControlPointX, g.firstControlPointY, g.secondControlPointX, g.secondControlPointY, x, y]); } }, end: function(x, y) { var g = this.global; if (!g.ismousedown) return; g.isLastStep = g.isSecondStep = false; g.isFirstStep = true; g.ismousedown = false; g.secondControlPointX = g.secondControlPointX || g.firstControlPointX; g.secondControlPointY = g.secondControlPointY || g.firstControlPointY; x = x || g.secondControlPointX; y = y || g.secondControlPointY; points[points.length] = ['bezier', [g.prevX, g.prevY, g.firstControlPointX, g.firstControlPointY, g.secondControlPointX, g.secondControlPointY, x, y], drawHelper.getOptions()]; } }; var zoomHandler = { scale: 1.0, up: function(e) { this.scale += .01; this.apply(); }, down: function(e) { this.scale -= .01; this.apply(); }, apply: function() { tempContext.scale(this.scale, this.scale); context.scale(this.scale, this.scale); drawHelper.redraw(); }, icons: { up: function(ctx) { ctx.font = '22px Verdana'; ctx.strokeText('+', 10, 30); }, down: function(ctx) { ctx.font = '22px Verdana'; ctx.strokeText('-', 15, 30); } } }; var FileSelector = function() { var selector = this; selector.selectSingleFile = selectFile; selector.selectMultipleFiles = function(callback) { selectFile(callback, true); }; function selectFile(callback, multiple) { var file = document.createElement('input'); file.type = 'file'; if (multiple) { file.multiple = true; } file.accept = 'image/*'; file.onchange = function() { if (multiple) { if (!file.files.length) { console.error('No file selected.'); return; } callback(file.files); return; } if (!file.files[0]) { console.error('No file selected.'); return; } callback(file.files[0]); file.parentNode.removeChild(file); }; file.style.display = 'none'; (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(file); fireClickEvent(file); } function fireClickEvent(element) { var evt = new window.MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, button: 0, buttons: 0, mozInputSource: 1 }); var fired = element.dispatchEvent(evt); } }; var imageHandler = { lastImageURL: null, lastImageIndex: 0, images: [], ismousedown: false, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, mousedown: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; t.prevX = x; t.prevY = y; t.ismousedown = true; }, mouseup: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { points[points.length] = ['image', [imageHandler.lastImageURL, t.prevX, t.prevY, x - t.prevX, y - t.prevY, imageHandler.lastImageIndex], drawHelper.getOptions()]; t.ismousedown = false; } }, mousemove: function(e) { var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; var t = this; if (t.ismousedown) { tempContext.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight); drawHelper.image(tempContext, [imageHandler.lastImageURL, t.prevX, t.prevY, x - t.prevX, y - t.prevY, imageHandler.lastImageIndex]); } } }; var tools = { line: true, arrow: true, pencil: true, marker: true, dragSingle: true, dragMultiple: true, eraser: true, rectangle: true, arc: true, bezier: true, quadratic: true, text: true, image: true, zoom: true }; if (params.tools) { try { var t = JSON.parse(params.tools); tools = t; } catch (e) {} } function setSelection(element, prop) { endLastPath(); hideContainers(); is.set(prop); var selected = document.getElementsByClassName('selected-shape')[0]; if (selected) selected.className = selected.className.replace(/selected-shape/g, ''); if (!element.className) { element.className = ''; } element.className += ' selected-shape'; } /* Default: setting default selected shape!! */ is.set(window.selectedIcon); window.addEventListener('load', function() { var toolBox = document.getElementById('tool-box'); var canvasElements = toolBox.getElementsByTagName('canvas'); var shape = window.selectedIcon.toLowerCase(); var firstMatch; for (var i = 0; i < canvasElements.length; i++) { if (!firstMatch && (canvasElements[i].id || '').indexOf(shape) !== -1) { firstMatch = canvasElements[i]; } } if (!firstMatch) { window.selectedIcon = 'Pencil'; firstMatch = document.getElementById('pencil-icon'); } setSelection(firstMatch, window.selectedIcon); }, false); (function() { var cache = {}; var lineCapSelect = find('lineCap-select'); var lineJoinSelect = find('lineJoin-select'); function getContext(id) { var context = find(id).getContext('2d'); context.lineWidth = 2; context.strokeStyle = '#6c96c8'; return context; } function bindEvent(context, shape) { if (shape === 'Pencil' || shape === 'Marker') { lineCap = lineJoin = 'round'; } addEvent(context.canvas, 'click', function() { if (textHandler.text.length) { textHandler.appendPoints(); } if (shape === 'Text') { textHandler.onShapeSelected(); } else { textHandler.onShapeUnSelected(); } if (shape === 'Pencil' || shape === 'Marker') { lineCap = lineJoin = 'round'; } dragHelper.global.startingIndex = 0; setSelection(this, shape); if (this.id === 'drag-last-path') { find('copy-last').checked = true; find('copy-all').checked = false; } else if (this.id === 'drag-all-paths') { find('copy-all').checked = true; find('copy-last').checked = false; } if (this.id === 'image-icon') { var selector = new FileSelector(); selector.selectSingleFile(function(file) { if (!file) return; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { var index = imageHandler.images.length; imageHandler.lastImageURL = image.src; imageHandler.lastImageIndex = index; imageHandler.images.push(image); }; image.src = event.target.result; }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } if (this.id === 'pencil-icon' || this.id === 'eraser-icon' || this.id === 'marker-icon') { cache.lineCap = lineCap; cache.lineJoin = lineJoin; lineCap = lineJoin = 'round'; } else if (cache.lineCap && cache.lineJoin) { lineCap = cache.lineCap; lineJoin = cache.lineJoin; } if (this.id === 'eraser-icon') { cache.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; cache.fillStyle = fillStyle; cache.lineWidth = lineWidth; strokeStyle = 'White'; fillStyle = 'White'; lineWidth = 10; } else if (cache.strokeStyle && cache.fillStyle && typeof cache.lineWidth !== 'undefined') { strokeStyle = cache.strokeStyle; fillStyle = cache.fillStyle; lineWidth = cache.lineWidth; } }); } var toolBox = find('tool-box'); toolBox.style.height = (innerHeight /* - toolBox.offsetTop - 77 */ ) + 'px'; function decorateDragLastPath() { var context = getContext('drag-last-path'); var x = 10, y = 6, line = "line", points = [ [line, x, y, x + 5, y + 27], [line, x, y, x + 18, y + 19], [line, x + 17, y + 19, x + 9, y + 20], [line, x + 9, y + 20, x + 5, y + 27], [line, x + 16, y + 22, x + 16, y + 31], [line, x + 12, y + 27, x + 20, y + 27] ], length = points.length, point, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { point = points[i]; if (point[0] === "line") { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[1], point[2]); context.lineTo(point[3], point[4]); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } } context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Last', 18, 12); bindEvent(context, 'DragLastPath'); } if (tools.dragSingle === true) { decorateDragLastPath(); } else document.getElementById('drag-last-path').style.display = 'none'; function decorateDragAllPaths() { var context = getContext('drag-all-paths'); var x = 10, y = 6, line = "line", points = [ [line, x, y, x + 5, y + 27], [line, x, y, x + 18, y + 19], [line, x + 17, y + 19, x + 9, y + 20], [line, x + 9, y + 20, x + 5, y + 27], [line, x + 16, y + 22, x + 16, y + 31], [line, x + 12, y + 27, x + 20, y + 27] ], length = points.length, point, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { point = points[i]; if (point[0] === "line") { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[1], point[2]); context.lineTo(point[3], point[4]); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } } context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '10px Verdana'; context.fillText('All', 20, 12); bindEvent(context, 'DragAllPaths'); } if (tools.dragMultiple === true) { decorateDragAllPaths(); } else document.getElementById('drag-all-paths').style.display = 'none'; function decorateLine() { var context = getContext('line'); context.moveTo(10, 15); context.lineTo(30, 35); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Line', 16, 12); bindEvent(context, 'Line'); } if (tools.line === true) { decorateLine(); } else document.getElementById('line').style.display = 'none'; function decorateArrow() { var context = getContext('arrow'); var x = 10; var y = 35; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 20, y - 20); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + 15, y - 5); context.lineTo(x + 20, y - 20); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + 5, y - 15); context.lineTo(x + 20, y - 20); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Arrow', 5, 12); bindEvent(context, 'Arrow'); } if (tools.arrow === true) { decorateArrow(); } else document.getElementById('arrow').style.display = 'none'; function decoreZoomUp() { var context = getContext('zoom-up'); zoomHandler.icons.up(context); addEvent(context.canvas, 'click', function() { zoomHandler.up(); }); } function decoreZoomDown() { var context = getContext('zoom-down'); zoomHandler.icons.down(context); addEvent(context.canvas, 'click', function() { zoomHandler.down(); }); } if (tools.zoom === true) { decoreZoomUp(); decoreZoomDown(); } else { document.getElementById('zoom-up').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('zoom-down').style.display = 'none'; } function decoratePencil() { function hexToRGBA(h, alpha) { return 'rgba(' + hexToRGB(h).join(',') + ',1)'; } var colors = [ ['FFFFFF', '006600', '000099', 'CC0000', '8C4600'], ['CCCCCC', '00CC00', '6633CC', 'FF0000', 'B28500'], ['666666', '66FFB2', '006DD9', 'FF7373', 'FF9933'], ['333333', '26FF26', '6699FF', 'CC33FF', 'FFCC99'], ['000000', 'CCFF99', 'BFDFFF', 'FFBFBF', 'FFFF33'] ]; var context = getContext('pencil-icon'); context.lineWidth = 5; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.moveTo(35, 20); context.lineTo(5, 35); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Pencil', 6, 12); bindEvent(context, 'Pencil'); var pencilContainer = find('pencil-container'), pencilColorContainer = find('pencil-fill-colors'), strokeStyleText = find('pencil-stroke-style'), pencilColorsList = find("pencil-colors-list"), fillStyleText = find('pencil-fill-style'), pencilSelectedColor = find('pencil-selected-color'), pencilSelectedColor2 = find('pencil-selected-color-2'), btnPencilDone = find('pencil-done'), canvas = context.canvas, alpha = 0.2; // START INIT PENCIL pencilStrokeStyle = hexToRGBA(fillStyleText.value, alpha) pencilSelectedColor.style.backgroundColor = pencilSelectedColor2.style.backgroundColor = '#' + fillStyleText.value; colors.forEach(function(colorRow) { var row = ''; colorRow.forEach(function(color) { row += ''; }) row += ''; pencilColorsList.innerHTML += row; }) // console.log(pencilColorsList.getElementsByTagName('td')) Array.prototype.slice.call(pencilColorsList.getElementsByTagName('td')).forEach(function(td) { addEvent(td, 'mouseover', function() { var elColor = td.getAttribute('data-color'); pencilSelectedColor2.style.backgroundColor = '#' + elColor; fillStyleText.value = elColor }); addEvent(td, 'click', function() { var elColor = td.getAttribute('data-color'); pencilSelectedColor.style.backgroundColor = pencilSelectedColor2.style.backgroundColor = '#' + elColor; fillStyleText.value = elColor; pencilColorContainer.style.display = 'none'; }); }) // END INIT PENCIL addEvent(canvas, 'click', function() { hideContainers(); pencilContainer.style.display = 'block'; pencilContainer.style.top = (canvas.offsetTop + 1) + 'px'; pencilContainer.style.left = (canvas.offsetLeft + canvas.clientWidth) + 'px'; fillStyleText.focus(); }); addEvent(btnPencilDone, 'click', function() { pencilContainer.style.display = 'none'; pencilColorContainer.style.display = 'none'; pencilLineWidth = strokeStyleText.value; pencilStrokeStyle = hexToRGBA(fillStyleText.value, alpha); }); addEvent(pencilSelectedColor, 'click', function() { pencilColorContainer.style.display = 'block'; }); } if (tools.pencil === true) { decoratePencil(); } else document.getElementById('pencil-icon').style.display = 'none'; function decorateMarker() { function hexToRGBA(h, alpha) { return 'rgba(' + hexToRGB(h).join(',') + ',' + alpha + ')'; } var colors = [ ['FFFFFF', '006600', '000099', 'CC0000', '8C4600'], ['CCCCCC', '00CC00', '6633CC', 'FF0000', 'B28500'], ['666666', '66FFB2', '006DD9', 'FF7373', 'FF9933'], ['333333', '26FF26', '6699FF', 'CC33FF', 'FFCC99'], ['000000', 'CCFF99', 'BFDFFF', 'FFBFBF', 'FFFF33'] ]; var context = getContext('marker-icon'); context.lineWidth = 9; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = 'green'; context.moveTo(35, 20); context.lineTo(5, 25); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Marker', 6, 12); bindEvent(context, 'Marker'); var markerContainer = find('marker-container'), markerColorContainer = find('marker-fill-colors'), strokeStyleText = find('marker-stroke-style'), markerColorsList = find("marker-colors-list"), fillStyleText = find('marker-fill-style'), markerSelectedColor = find('marker-selected-color'), markerSelectedColor2 = find('marker-selected-color-2'), btnMarkerDone = find('marker-done'), canvas = context.canvas, alpha = 0.2; // START INIT MARKER markerStrokeStyle = hexToRGBA(fillStyleText.value, alpha) markerSelectedColor.style.backgroundColor = markerSelectedColor2.style.backgroundColor = '#' + fillStyleText.value; colors.forEach(function(colorRow) { var row = ''; colorRow.forEach(function(color) { row += ''; }) row += ''; markerColorsList.innerHTML += row; }) // console.log(markerColorsList.getElementsByTagName('td')) Array.prototype.slice.call(markerColorsList.getElementsByTagName('td')).forEach(function(td) { addEvent(td, 'mouseover', function() { var elColor = td.getAttribute('data-color'); markerSelectedColor2.style.backgroundColor = '#' + elColor; fillStyleText.value = elColor }); addEvent(td, 'click', function() { var elColor = td.getAttribute('data-color'); markerSelectedColor.style.backgroundColor = markerSelectedColor2.style.backgroundColor = '#' + elColor; fillStyleText.value = elColor; markerColorContainer.style.display = 'none'; }); }) // END INIT MARKER addEvent(canvas, 'click', function() { hideContainers(); markerContainer.style.display = 'block'; markerContainer.style.top = (canvas.offsetTop + 1) + 'px'; markerContainer.style.left = (canvas.offsetLeft + canvas.clientWidth) + 'px'; fillStyleText.focus(); }); addEvent(btnMarkerDone, 'click', function() { markerContainer.style.display = 'none'; markerColorContainer.style.display = 'none'; markerLineWidth = strokeStyleText.value; markerStrokeStyle = hexToRGBA(fillStyleText.value, alpha); }); addEvent(markerSelectedColor, 'click', function() { markerColorContainer.style.display = 'block'; }); } if (tools.marker === true) { decorateMarker(); } else document.getElementById('marker-icon').style.display = 'none'; function decorateEraser() { var context = getContext('eraser-icon'); context.lineWidth = 9; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.moveTo(35, 20); context.lineTo(5, 25); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Eraser', 6, 12); bindEvent(context, 'Eraser'); } if (tools.eraser === true) { decorateEraser(); } else document.getElementById('eraser-icon').style.display = 'none'; function decorateText() { var context = getContext('text-icon'); context.font = '22px Verdana'; context.strokeText('T', 15, 30); bindEvent(context, 'Text'); } if (tools.text === true) { decorateText(); } else document.getElementById('text-icon').style.display = 'none'; function decorateImage() { var context = getContext('image-icon'); var image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { context.drawImage(image, 4, 4, 32, 32); bindEvent(context, 'Image'); }; image.src = ''; } if (tools.image === true) { decorateImage(); } else document.getElementById('image-icon').style.display = 'none'; function decorateArc() { var context = getContext('arc'); context.arc(20, 20, 16.3, Math.PI * 2, 0, 1); context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Arc', 10, 24); bindEvent(context, 'Arc'); } if (tools.arc === true) { decorateArc(); } else document.getElementById('arc').style.display = 'none'; function decorateRect() { var context = getContext('rectangle'); context.strokeRect(5, 5, 30, 30); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Rect', 8, 24); bindEvent(context, 'Rectangle'); } if (tools.rectangle === true) { decorateRect(); } else document.getElementById('rectangle').style.display = 'none'; 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context.stroke(); } function decorateLineWidth() { var context = getContext('line-width'); tempStrokeTheLine(context, 2, 5, 15, 35, 15); tempStrokeTheLine(context, 3, 5, 20, 35, 20); tempStrokeTheLine(context, 4, 5, 26, 35, 26); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Line', 8, 12); context.fillText('Width', 6, 38); var lineWidthContainer = find('line-width-container'), lineWidthText = find('line-width-text'), btnLineWidthDone = find('line-width-done'), h1 = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0], canvas = context.canvas; addEvent(canvas, 'click', function() { hideContainers(); lineWidthContainer.style.display = 'block'; lineWidthContainer.style.top = (canvas.offsetTop + 1) + 'px'; lineWidthContainer.style.left = (canvas.offsetLeft + canvas.clientWidth) + 'px'; lineWidthText.focus(); }); addEvent(btnLineWidthDone, 'click', function() { lineWidthContainer.style.display = 'none'; lineWidth = lineWidthText.value; }); } decorateLineWidth(); function decorateColors() { var context = getContext('colors'); context.fillStyle = 'red'; context.fillRect(5, 3, 30, 10); context.fillStyle = 'green'; context.fillRect(5, 15, 30, 10); context.fillStyle = 'blue'; context.fillRect(5, 27, 30, 10); var colorsContainer = find('colors-container'), strokeStyleText = find('stroke-style'), fillStyleText = find('fill-style'), btnColorsDone = find('colors-done'), h1 = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0], canvas = context.canvas; addEvent(canvas, 'click', function() { hideContainers(); colorsContainer.style.display = 'block'; colorsContainer.style.top = (canvas.offsetTop + 1) + 'px'; colorsContainer.style.left = (canvas.offsetLeft + canvas.clientWidth) + 'px'; strokeStyleText.focus(); }); addEvent(btnColorsDone, 'click', function() { colorsContainer.style.display = 'none'; strokeStyle = strokeStyleText.value; fillStyle = fillStyleText.value; }); } decorateColors(); function decorateAdditionalOptions() { var context = getContext('additional'); context.fillStyle = '#6c96c8'; context.font = '35px Verdana'; context.fillText('ยป', 10, 27); context.fillStyle = 'Gray'; context.font = '9px Verdana'; context.fillText('Extras!', 2, 38); var additionalContainer = find('additional-container'), btnAdditionalClose = find('additional-close'), h1 = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0], canvas = context.canvas, globalAlphaSelect = find('globalAlpha-select'), globalCompositeOperationSelect = find('globalCompositeOperation-select'); addEvent(canvas, 'click', function() { hideContainers(); additionalContainer.style.display = 'block'; additionalContainer.style.top = (canvas.offsetTop + 1) + 'px'; additionalContainer.style.left = (canvas.offsetLeft + canvas.clientWidth) + 'px'; }); addEvent(btnAdditionalClose, 'click', function() { additionalContainer.style.display = 'none'; globalAlpha = globalAlphaSelect.value; globalCompositeOperation = globalCompositeOperationSelect.value; lineCap = lineCapSelect.value; lineJoin = lineJoinSelect.value; }); } decorateAdditionalOptions(); var designPreview = find('design-preview'), codePreview = find('code-preview'); // todo: use this function in share-drawings.js // to sync buttons' states window.selectBtn = function(btn, isSkipWebRTCMessage) { codePreview.className = designPreview.className = ''; if (btn == designPreview) designPreview.className = 'preview-selected'; else codePreview.className = 'preview-selected'; if (!isSkipWebRTCMessage && window.connection && connection.numberOfConnectedUsers >= 1) { connection.send({ btnSelected: btn.id }); } else { // to sync buttons' UI-states if (btn == designPreview) btnDesignerPreviewClicked(); else btnCodePreviewClicked(); } }; addEvent(designPreview, 'click', function() { selectBtn(designPreview); btnDesignerPreviewClicked(); }); function btnDesignerPreviewClicked() { codeText.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; optionsContainer.style.display = 'none'; hideContainers(); endLastPath(); } addEvent(codePreview, 'click', function() { selectBtn(codePreview); btnCodePreviewClicked(); }); function btnCodePreviewClicked() { codeText.parentNode.style.display = 'block'; optionsContainer.style.display = 'block'; codeText.focus(); common.updateTextArea(); setHeightForCodeAndOptionsContainer(); hideContainers(); endLastPath(); } var codeText = find('code-text'), optionsContainer = find('options-container'); function setHeightForCodeAndOptionsContainer() { codeText.style.width = (innerWidth - optionsContainer.clientWidth - 30) + 'px'; codeText.style.height = (innerHeight - 40) + 'px'; codeText.style.marginLeft = (optionsContainer.clientWidth) + 'px'; optionsContainer.style.height = (innerHeight) + 'px'; } var isAbsolute = find('is-absolute-points'), isShorten = find('is-shorten-code'); addEvent(isShorten, 'change', common.updateTextArea); addEvent(isAbsolute, 'change', common.updateTextArea); })(); function hideContainers() { var additionalContainer = find('additional-container'), colorsContainer = find('colors-container'), markerContainer = find('marker-container'), markerColorContainer = find('marker-fill-colors'), pencilContainer = find('pencil-container'), pencilColorContainer = find('pencil-fill-colors'), lineWidthContainer = find('line-width-container'); additionalContainer.style.display = colorsContainer.style.display = markerColorContainer.style.display = markerContainer.style.display = pencilColorContainer.style.display = pencilContainer.style.display = lineWidthContainer.style.display = 'none'; } var canvas = tempContext.canvas, isTouch = 'createTouch' in document; addEvent(canvas, isTouch ? 'touchstart mousedown' : 'mousedown', function(e) { if (isTouch) e = e.pageX ? e : e.touches.length ? e.touches[0] : { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }; var cache = is; if (cache.isLine) lineHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isArc) arcHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isRectangle) rectHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isQuadraticCurve) quadraticHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isBezierCurve) bezierHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isDragLastPath || cache.isDragAllPaths) dragHelper.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isPencil) pencilHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isEraser) eraserHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isText) textHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isImage) imageHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isArrow) arrowHandler.mousedown(e); else if (cache.isMarker) markerHandler.mousedown(e); drawHelper.redraw(); preventStopEvent(e); }); function preventStopEvent(e) { if (!e) { return; } if (typeof e.preventDefault === 'function') { e.preventDefault(); } if (typeof e.stopPropagation === 'function') { e.stopPropagation(); } } addEvent(canvas, isTouch ? 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'touchmove mousemove' : 'mousemove', function(e) { if (isTouch) e = e.pageX ? e : e.touches.length ? e.touches[0] : { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }; var cache = is; if (cache.isLine) lineHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isArc) arcHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isRectangle) rectHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isQuadraticCurve) quadraticHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isBezierCurve) bezierHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isDragLastPath || cache.isDragAllPaths) dragHelper.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isPencil) pencilHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isEraser) eraserHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isText) textHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isImage) imageHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isArrow) arrowHandler.mousemove(e); else if (cache.isMarker) markerHandler.mousemove(e); preventStopEvent(e); }); var keyCode; function onkeydown(e) { keyCode = e.which || e.keyCode || 0; if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 46) { if (isBackKey(e, keyCode)) { // back key pressed } return; } if (e.metaKey) { isControlKeyPressed = true; keyCode = 17; } if (!isControlKeyPressed && keyCode === 17) { isControlKeyPressed = true; } } function isBackKey(e, keyCode) { var doPrevent = false; var d = e.srcElement || e.target; if ((d.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'INPUT' && ( d.type.toUpperCase() === 'TEXT' || d.type.toUpperCase() === 'PASSWORD' || d.type.toUpperCase() === 'FILE' || d.type.toUpperCase() === 'SEARCH' || d.type.toUpperCase() === 'EMAIL' || d.type.toUpperCase() === 'NUMBER' || d.type.toUpperCase() === 'DATE') ) || d.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'TEXTAREA') { doPrevent = d.readOnly || d.disabled; } else { doPrevent = true; } if (doPrevent) { e.preventDefault(); } return doPrevent; } addEvent(document, 'keydown', onkeydown); function onkeyup(e) { if (e.which == null && (e.charCode != null || e.keyCode != null)) { e.which = e.charCode != null ? 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