title: Exploitation Indicators Of CVE-2023-20198 id: 2ece8816-b7a0-4d9b-b0e8-ae7ad18bc02b status: experimental description: Detecting exploitation indicators of CVE-2023-20198 a privilege escalation vulnerability in Cisco IOS XE Software Web UI. references: - https://sec.cloudapps.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-sa-iosxe-webui-privesc-j22SaA4z - https://www.thestack.technology/security-experts-call-for-incident-response-exercises-after-mass-cisco-device-exploitation/ author: Lars B. P. Frydenskov (Trifork Security) date: 2023/10/20 tags: - attack.privilege_escalation - attack.initial_access - attack.t1114 - detection.emerging_threats - cve.2023.20198 logsource: product: cisco service: syslog definition: 'Requirements: Cisco IOS XE system logs needs to be configured and ingested' detection: keyword_event: - '%WEBUI-6-INSTALL_OPERATION_INFO:' - '%SYS-5-CONFIG_P:' - '%SEC_LOGIN-5-WEBLOGIN_SUCCESS:' keyword_user: - 'cisco_tac_admin' - 'cisco_support' - 'cisco_sys_manager' condition: keyword_event and keyword_user falsepositives: - Rare false positives might occur if there are valid users named "cisco_tac_admin" or "cisco_support", which are not created by default or CISCO representatives level: high