_____ _ _____ _ _| |___ _____ _____ ___ ___ _| |___ ___ | | | | --| . | | | .'| | . | -_| _| |_|_|_|___|_____|___|_|_|_|_|_|_|__,|_|_|___|___|_| ------------------ muCommander v1.1.0 ------------------ muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface. It runs on any operating system with Java support (macOS, Windows, Linux, *BSD, Solaris...). Please visit the muCommander project page on GitHub (https://github.com/mucommander) to ask questions, suggest features, report a bug or browse documentation. Your feedback is always welcome! Official website: https://www.mucommander.com Requirements ------------ A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11 or later is required to run muCommander. Java 17 is recommended, you can download it from https://adoptium.net/temurin. If you're having problems launching muCommander, make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the directory where your Java runtime is installed. What's new since v1.0.1 ? ----------------------- New features: - Support SMBv2. - Support RAR 5+. - New archive formats: RPM, cpio. - New 'Toggle terminal' action (defaults to F12) that shows/hides a new terminal view. Improvements: - Symbolic links are extracted properly from zip archives to the local file system. - Local symbolic links are packed properly into zip and tar archives. - Unpacking of 7z archives is now faster and more reliable using a newer native library. - The filename cell is rendered differently when renaming a file to reflect that the filename is editable when no text is selected. - Keyboard shortcuts on macOS better align with the default keyboard shortcuts in Safari. - The 'About' dialog indicates when the portable version is used. - Commands that are executed from the 'Run command' dialog are now typed within a terminal that recognizes shell aliases. - When referencing an SMB server (smb:///), its accessible shares are listed. - Bonjour services are initialized asynchronously in order to accelerate startup time. - Quick search accepts diacritics that are typed using ALT+letter (like in Polish Programmer keyboard layout). Localization: - Bug fixes: - 'Move' action does not get stuck when an external file is dragged and dropped to the application. - Symbolic links are extracted from archive files to the right location rather than to the destination base folder. - Fix detection of the 'skopeo' binary that is used to connect to container registries. - When extracting an item from an archive file to the archive file's parent folder, the archive file remains presented. Known issues: - Some translations may not be up-to-date. - SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE. - 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted). - Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server. - Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning. - Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7077696 - Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf. - macOS: issues with browsing Documents/Desktop/Downloads may be solved by resetting Security and Privacy settings. See https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/wiki/Reset-Security-&-Privacy-Settings-on-macOS for more details. - macOS: muCommander may not start on older versions of macOS due to incompatibility of the bundled JRE. - macOS: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled. - macOS: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts. License ------- muCommander is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please refer to the 'license.txt' file bundled with muCommander. muCommander uses the following great third party works : - the Gradle library released under the Apache License. Gradle can be found at http:/gradle.org . - Apache Commons libraries released under the Apache License. Apache Commons can be found at http://commons.apache.org . - Apache Hadoop released under the Apache License. Apache Hadoop can be found at http://hadoop.apache.org . - the Furbelow library released under the GNU LGPL. Furbelow can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/furbelow . - the ICU4J library released under the ICU License. the ICU project can be found at http://icu-project.org . - the JSCH library released under the BSD license. JSCH can be found at http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/ . - the 7-Zip-JBinding library released under the GNU LGPL. 7-Zip-JBinding can be found at http://sevenzipjbind.sourceforge.net . - the jCIFS library released under the GNU LGPL. jCIFS can be found at http://jcifs.samba.org . - the JetS3t library released under the Apache License. JetS3t can be found at http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html . - the JmDNS library released under the GNU LGPL. JmDNS can be found at http://jmdns.sourceforge.net . - the JNA library released under the GNU LGPL. JmDNS can be found at http://jna.dev.java.net . - the JUnRar library released as Freeware. JUnRar can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/java-unrar . - the Yanfs library released under the BSD license. Yanfs can be found at http://yanfs.dev.java.net . - the JCommander library released under the Apache License. JCommander can be found at http://jcommander.org . - the ICEpdf library released under the Apache License. ICEpdf can be found at http://www.icesoft.com/icepdf . - the Unix4j library released under the MIT License. Unix4j can be found at http://unix4j.org/. - the FlatLaf library released under the Apache License. FlatLaf cab be found at https://www.formdev.com/flatlaf. - Icons by Mark James released under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Mark James can be found at http://famfamfam.com . Credits ------- Core developers: - Maxence Bernard - Nicolas Rinaudo - Arik Hadas - Mariusz Jakubowski Contributors: - Ivan Baidakov - Vassil Dichev - Karel Klic - David Kovar - Joshua Lebo - LeO - Xavier Martin - Alejandro Scandroli - Alexander Yerenkow - Johann Schmitz - Thomas Uebel - Tomer Gabel Translators: - Frank Berger and Tony Klüver (German) - Marcos Cobeña and Xavi Miró (Spanish) - Jaromír Mára and Peter Vasko (Czech) - Kent Hsu (Traditional Chinese) - Jioh L. Jung (Korean) - Andrzej Kosiński (Polish) - György Varga and Tamás Balogh-Walder (Hungarian) - 4X_Pro and Evgeny Morozov (Russian) - whiteriver and Woodie (Simplified Chinese) - Joze Kovacic (Slovenian) - Catalin Hritcu (Romanian) - Roberto Angeletti (Italian) - Cristiano Duarte (Brazilian Portuguese) - Pieter Kristensen (Dutch) - Ján Ľudvík (Slovak) - Jonathan Murphy (British English) - Nardog (Japanese) - Jakob Ekström (Swedish) - Jeppe Toustrup (Danish) - Mykola Bilovus (Ukrainian) - ChArLoK_16 (Arabic) - vboo (Belarusian) - Ingrid Amundsen (Norwegian) - Emre Aytaç (Turkish) - Jordi Plantalech (Catalan) Special thanks: - Semyon Filippov (muCommander icon) - Stefano Perelli (former muCommander icon) Many thanks to all of you who suggested new features, reported bugs, sent warm emails or generously donated to the project ! Command Line Interface ---------------------- muCommander comes with a few command line switches. The following options are available: -a FILE, --assoc FILE Load associations from FILE. -b FILE, --bookmarks FILE Load bookmarks from FILE. -c FILE, --configuration FILE Load configuration from FILE -C FILE, --commandbar FILE Load command bar from FILE. -e FOLDER, --extensions FOLDER Load extensions from FOLDER. -f FILE, --commands FILE Load custom commands from FILE. -i, --ignore-warnings Do not fail on warnings (default). -k FILE, --keymap FILE Load keymap from FILE -p FOLDER, --preferences FOLDER Store configuration files in FOLDER -S, --silent Do not print verbose error messages -s FILE, --shell-history FILE Load shell history from FILE -t FILE, --toolbar FILE Load toolbar from FILE -u FILE, --credentials FILE Load credentials from FILE -h, --help Print the help text and exit -v, --version Print the version and exit -V, --verbose Print verbose error messages (default) -w, --fail-on-warnings Quits when a warning is encountered during the boot process. In addition to these, muCommander will interpret anything that comes after the last switch as a URI and load it in its windows. So for example: mucommander -b ~/.bookmarks.xml ftp://user@myftp.com ~/dev http://slashdot.org Will: - read bookmarks from ~/bookmarks.xml - load a connection to myftp.com in the left panel of the main window - load ~/dev in the right panel of the main window - open a second window and load http://slashdot.org in its left panel - load the default directory in the second window's fourth panel Documentation ------------- Documentation on how to use, customize and extend muCommander is available at: https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/wiki