import logging import os import os.path import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple logger = logging.getLogger("installer") MIN_REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION = (3, 8, 0) sdk_path = Path("~/multiversx-sdk").expanduser().resolve() def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--exact-version", help="the exact version of mxpy to install") parser.add_argument("--from-branch", help="use a branch of multiversx/mx-sdk-py-cli") parser.add_argument("--not-interactive", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", default=False) parser.set_defaults(modify_path=True) args = parser.parse_args() exact_version = args.exact_version from_branch = args.from_branch interactive = not args.not_interactive verbose = args.verbose log_level = logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) if get_operating_system() == "windows": print(""" IMPORTANT NOTE ============== Windows support is limited and experimental. """) confirm_continuation(interactive) guard_non_root_user() guard_python_version() migrate_v6(interactive) # In case of a fresh install: sdk_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) create_venv()"Installing the necessary dependencies...") install_mxpy(exact_version, from_branch, verbose) run_post_install_checks() if interactive: guide_system_path_integration() def guard_non_root_user(): logger.debug("Checking user (should not be root).") operating_system = get_operating_system() if operating_system == "windows": return if os.getuid() == 0: raise InstallError("You should not install mxpy as root.") def guard_python_version(): python_version = (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro) logger.debug("Checking Python version.") logger.debug(f"Python version: {format_version(python_version)}") if python_version < MIN_REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION: raise InstallError(f"You need Python {format_version(MIN_REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION)} or later.") def format_version(version: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> str: major, minor, patch = version return f"{major}.{minor}.{patch}" def get_operating_system(): aliases = { "linux": "linux", "linux1": "linux", "linux2": "linux", "darwin": "osx", "win32": "windows", "cygwin": "windows", "msys": "windows" } operating_system = aliases.get(sys.platform) if operating_system is None: raise InstallError(f"Unknown platform: {sys.platform}") return operating_system def migrate_v6(interactive: bool): nodejs_folder = sdk_path / "nodejs" if nodejs_folder.exists(): print(f""" In previous versions of the SDK, the "wasm-opt" tool was installed in the "nodejs" folder. This is no longer the case - now, "wasm-opt" is a separate module. The following folder will be removed: {nodejs_folder}. You may need to reinstall wasm-opt using `mxpy deps install wasm-opt`. """) confirm_continuation(interactive) shutil.rmtree(nodejs_folder) global_testnet_toml = sdk_path / "testnet.toml" if global_testnet_toml.exists(): global_testnet_toml.unlink() def create_venv(): require_python_venv_tools() venv_folder = get_mxpy_venv_path() venv_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logger.debug(f"Creating virtual environment in: {venv_folder}.") import venv builder = venv.EnvBuilder(with_pip=True, symlinks=True) builder.clear_directory(venv_folder) builder.create(venv_folder) logger.debug(f"Virtual environment has been created in: {venv_folder}.") def require_python_venv_tools(): operating_system = get_operating_system() try: import ensurepip import venv logger.debug(f"Packages found: {ensurepip}, {venv}.") except ModuleNotFoundError: if operating_system == "linux": python_venv = f"python{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}-venv" raise InstallError(f'Packages [venv] or [ensurepip] not found. Please run "sudo apt install {python_venv}" and then run mxpy-up again.') else: raise InstallError("Packages [venv] or [ensurepip] not found, please install them first. See") def get_mxpy_venv_path(): return sdk_path / "mxpy-venv" def install_mxpy(exact_version: str, from_branch: str, verbose: bool): logger.debug("Installing mxpy in virtual environment...") if from_branch: package_to_install = f"{from_branch}.zip" else: package_to_install = "multiversx_sdk_cli" if not exact_version else f"multiversx_sdk_cli=={exact_version}" venv_path = get_mxpy_venv_path() return_code = run_in_venv(["python3", "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"], venv_path, verbose) if return_code != 0: raise InstallError("Could not upgrade pip.") return_code = run_in_venv(["pip3", "install", "--no-cache-dir", package_to_install], venv_path, verbose) if return_code != 0: raise InstallError("Could not install mxpy.") logger.debug("Creating mxpy shortcut...") shortcut_path = sdk_path / "mxpy" try: shortcut_path.unlink() logger.debug(f"Removed existing shortcut: {shortcut_path}") except FileNotFoundError: logger.debug(f"Shortcut does not exist yet: {shortcut_path}") pass shortcut_content = get_mxpy_shortcut_content() shortcut_path.write_text(shortcut_content) st = os.stat(shortcut_path) os.chmod(shortcut_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)"You have successfully installed mxpy.") def get_mxpy_shortcut_content(): operating_system = get_operating_system() venv_path = get_mxpy_venv_path() if operating_system == "windows": return f"""#!/bin/sh . "{venv_path / 'Scripts' / 'activate'}" && python3 -m multiversx_sdk_cli.cli "$@" && deactivate """ return f"""#!/bin/sh . "{venv_path / 'bin' / 'activate'}" && python3 -m multiversx_sdk_cli.cli "$@" && deactivate """ def run_in_venv(args: List[str], venv_path: Path, verbose: bool): env = os.environ.copy() if "PYTHONHOME" in env: del env["PYTHONHOME"] env["PATH"] = str(venv_path / "bin") + ":" + env["PATH"] env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = str(venv_path) if verbose: process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env) else: process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return process.wait() def run_post_install_checks(): multiversx_sdk_path = Path("~/multiversx-sdk").expanduser() logger.debug("Running post-install checks...") if multiversx_sdk_path.exists(): logger.debug("~/multiversx-sdk exists OK") else: logger.warning("~/multiversx-sdk exists NOK") if (multiversx_sdk_path / "mxpy").exists(): logger.debug("~/multiversx-sdk/mxpy shortcut created OK") else: logger.warning("~/multiversx-sdk/mxpy shortcut created NOK") def guide_system_path_integration(): interactive = True operating_system = get_operating_system() if operating_system == "windows": print(f""" ############################################################################### On Windows, for the "mxpy" command shortcut to be available, you MUST ADD the directory "{sdk_path}" to the system PATH. You can do this by following these steps: ############################################################################### Do you UNDERSTAND the above? ############################################################################### """) confirm_continuation(interactive) return old_export_directive = f'export PATH="{Path("~/elrondsdk").expanduser()}:$PATH"\t# elrond-sdk' new_export_directive = f'export PATH="${{HOME}}/multiversx-sdk:$PATH"\t# multiversx-sdk' profile_files = get_profile_files() if not profile_files: print(f""" ############################################################################### No shell profile files have been found. The "mxpy" command shortcut will not be available until you add the directory "{sdk_path}" to the system PATH. ############################################################################### Do you UNDERSTAND the above? """) confirm_continuation(interactive) return profile_files_formatted = "\n".join(f" - {file}" for file in profile_files) profile_files_contents = [profile_file.read_text() for profile_file in profile_files] any_old_export_directive = any(old_export_directive in content for content in profile_files_contents) any_new_export_directive = any(new_export_directive in content for content in profile_files_contents) if any_old_export_directive: # We don't perform the removal automatically (a bit risky) print(f""" ############################################################################### It seems that the old path "~/elrondsdk" is still configured in shell profile. Please MANUALLY remove it from the shell profile (now or after the installer script ends). Your shell profile files: {profile_files_formatted} The entry (entries) to remove: {old_export_directive} ############################################################################### Make sure you UNDERSTAND the above before proceeding further. ############################################################################### """) confirm_continuation(interactive) if any_new_export_directive: # Note: in some (rare) cases, here we'll have false positives (e.g. if the export directive is commented out). print(f""" ############################################################################### It seems that the path "~/multiversx-sdk" is already configured in shell profile. To confirm this, CHECK the shell profile (now or after the installer script ends). Your shell profile files: {profile_files_formatted} The entry to check (it should be present): {new_export_directive}. ############################################################################### Make sure you UNDERSTAND the above before proceeding further. ############################################################################### """) confirm_continuation(interactive) return print(f""" ############################################################################### In order to use the "mxpy" command shortcut, you have to manually extend the PATH variable to include "~/multiversx-sdk". In order to manually extend the PATH variable, add the following line to your shell profile file upon installation: export PATH="${{HOME}}/multiversx-sdk:${{PATH}}" Your shell profile files: {profile_files_formatted} Upon editing the shell profile file, you may have to RESTART THE USER SESSION for the changes to take effect. """) confirm_continuation(interactive) def get_profile_files() -> List[Path]: files = [ Path("~/.profile").expanduser().resolve(), Path("~/.bashrc").expanduser().resolve(), Path("~/.bash_profile").expanduser().resolve(), Path("~/.zshrc").expanduser().resolve() ] return [file for file in files if file.exists()] class InstallError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str): super().__init__(message) def confirm_continuation(interactive: bool): if not interactive: return answer = input("Continue? (y/n)") if answer.lower() not in ["y", "yes"]: print("Confirmation not given. Will stop.") exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as err: logger.fatal(err) sys.exit(1) print(""" ############################################################################### Installer script finished successfully. ############################################################################### For more information go to For support, please contact us at ############################################################################### """)