#!/bin/sh -eu # -*- sh -*- : << =cut =head1 NAME internode_usage - Plugin to monitor quota usage of an Internode service The ideal usage is also used as an updated warning limit. =head1 CONFIGURATION [internode_usage] env.internode_api_login LOGIN env.internode_api_password PASSWORD You can display the graph on another host (e.g., the actual router) than the one running munin. To do so, first configure the plugin to use a different hostname. env.host_name router Then configure munin (in /etc/munin/munin-conf or /etc/munin/munin-conf.d), to support a new host. [example.net;router] address use_node_name no An optional 'env.internode_api_url' can be used, but should not be needed. It will default to https://customer-webtools-api.internode.on.net/api/v1.5. If multiple services are available, the plugin will automatically pick the first service from the list. To monitor other services, the plugin can be used multiple times, by symlinking it as 'internode_usage_SERVICEID'. =head1 CACHING As the API is sometimes flakey, the initial service information is cached locally, with a day's lifetime, before hitting the base API again. However, if hitting the API to refresh the cache fails, the stale cache is used anyway, to have a better chance of getting the data out nonetheless. =head1 CAVEATS * The hourly rate are a bit spikey in the -day view, as the API seems to update every 20 to 30 minutes; it is fine in the -month and more aggregated views * The daily rate is the _previous_ day, and does always lag by 24h. * Due to the way the API seems to update the data, values for the daily rate are missing for a short period every day. This may not play very well with spoolfetch. =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Mehani Copyright (C) 2019--2021 Olivier Mehani =head1 LICENSE SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later =cut # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "${MUNIN_LIBDIR:-.}/plugins/plugin.sh" CURL_ARGS='-s' if [ "${MUNIN_DEBUG:-0}" = 1 ]; then CURL_ARGS='-v' set -x fi if ! command -v curl >/dev/null; then echo "curl not found" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! command -v xpath >/dev/null; then echo "xpath (Perl XML::LibXML) not found" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! command -v bc >/dev/null; then echo "bc not found" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "${internode_api_url:-}" ]; then internode_api_url="https://customer-webtools-api.internode.on.net/api/v1.5" fi xpath_extract() { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local xpath="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local node="$(xpath -q -n -e "${xpath}")" \ || { echo "error extracting ${xpath}" >&2; false; } echo "${node}" | sed 's/<\([^>]*\)>\([^<]*\)<[^>]*>/\2/;s^N/A^U^' } xpath_extract_attribute() { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local xpath="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local node="$(xpath -q -n -e "${xpath}")" \ || { echo "error extracting attribute at ${xpath}" >&2; false; } echo "${node}" | sed 's/.*="\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/' } fetch() { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 curl -u "${internode_api_login}:${internode_api_password}" -f ${CURL_ARGS} "$@" \ || { echo "error fetching ${*} for user ${internode_api_login}" >&2; false; } } get_cached_api() { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local url=${1} # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local name=${2} # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local api_data='' # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local cachefile="${MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/$(basename "${0}").${name}.cache" if [ -n "$(find "${cachefile}" -mmin -1440 2>/dev/null)" ]; then api_data=$(cat "${cachefile}") else api_data="$(fetch "${url}" \ || true)" if [ -n "${api_data}" ]; then echo "${api_data}" > ${cachefile} else echo "using ${name} info from stale cache ${cachefile}" >&2 api_data=$(cat "${cachefile}") fi fi echo "${api_data}" } get_service_data() { # Determine the service ID from the name of the symlink SERVICE_ID="$(echo "${0}" | sed -n 's/^.*internode_usage_//p')" if [ -z "${SERVICE_ID}" ]; then # Otherwise, get the first service in the list API_XML="$(get_cached_api ${internode_api_url} API_XML)" if [ -z "${API_XML}" ]; then echo "unable to determine service ID for user ${internode_api_login}" >&2 exit 1 fi SERVICE_ID="$(echo "${API_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/services/service")" fi CURRENT_TIMESTAMP="$(date +%s)" SERVICE_USERNAME='n/a' SERVICE_QUOTA='n/a' SERVICE_PLAN='n/a' SERVICE_ROLLOVER='n/a' IDEAL_USAGE='' USAGE_CRITICAL='' SERVICE_XML="$(get_cached_api "${internode_api_url}/${SERVICE_ID}/service" SERVICE_XML \ || true)" if [ -n "${SERVICE_XML}" ]; then SERVICE_USERNAME="$(echo "${SERVICE_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/service/username")" SERVICE_QUOTA="$(echo "${SERVICE_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/service/quota")" SERVICE_PLAN="$(echo "${SERVICE_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/service/plan")" SERVICE_ROLLOVER="$(echo "${SERVICE_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/service/rollover")" SERVICE_INTERVAL="$(echo "${SERVICE_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/service/plan-interval" | sed 's/ly$//')" FIRST_DAY="$(date +%s --date "${SERVICE_ROLLOVER} -1 ${SERVICE_INTERVAL}")" LAST_DAY="$(date +%s --date "${SERVICE_ROLLOVER}")" BILLING_PERIOD="(${LAST_DAY}-${FIRST_DAY})" IDEAL_USAGE="$(echo "${SERVICE_QUOTA}-(${SERVICE_QUOTA}*(${LAST_DAY}-${CURRENT_TIMESTAMP})/${BILLING_PERIOD})" | bc -q)" USAGE_CRITICAL="${SERVICE_QUOTA}" fi } get_data() { DAILY_TIMESTAMP=N DAILY_USAGE=U HISTORY_XML="$(fetch "${internode_api_url}/${SERVICE_ID}/history" \ || true)" if [ -n "${HISTORY_XML}" ]; then DAILY_USAGE="$(echo "${HISTORY_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/usagelist/usage[last()-1]/traffic")" DAILY_DATE="$(echo "${HISTORY_XML}" | xpath_extract_attribute "internode/api/usagelist/usage[last()-1]/@day")" DAILY_TIMESTAMP="$(date -d "${DAILY_DATE} $(date +%H:%M:%S)" +%s \ || echo N)" fi SERVICE_USAGE='U' USAGE_XML="$(fetch "${internode_api_url}/${SERVICE_ID}/usage" \ || true)" if [ -n "${USAGE_XML}" ]; then SERVICE_USAGE="$(echo "${USAGE_XML}" | xpath_extract "internode/api/traffic")" fi } graph_config() { graph="" if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then graph=".$1" fi echo "multigraph internode_usage_${SERVICE_ID}${graph}" case "$graph" in .current) echo "graph_title Uplink usage rate (hourly)" echo "graph_info Username: ${SERVICE_USERNAME}; Service ID: ${SERVICE_ID}; Plan: ${SERVICE_PLAN}" echo 'graph_category network' # ${graph_period} is not a shell variable # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'graph_vlabel bytes per ${graph_period}' # XXX: this seems to be updated twice per hour; # the data from this graph may be nonsense echo 'graph_period hour' echo "hourly_rate.label Hourly usage" echo "hourly_rate.type DERIVE" echo "hourly_rate.min 0" ;; .daily) echo "graph_title Uplink usage rate (daily)" echo "graph_info Username: ${SERVICE_USERNAME}; Service ID: ${SERVICE_ID}; Plan: ${SERVICE_PLAN}" echo "graph_info Uplink usage rate (daily)" echo 'graph_category network' # ${graph_period} is not a shell variable # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'graph_vlabel bytes per ${graph_period}' echo 'graph_period day' echo "daily_rate.label Previous-day usage" echo "daily_rate.type GAUGE" ;; '') echo "graph_title Uplink usage" echo "graph_info Username: ${SERVICE_USERNAME}; Service ID: ${SERVICE_ID}; Plan: ${SERVICE_PLAN}" echo 'graph_category network' echo 'graph_vlabel bytes' echo 'graph_period hour' echo 'graph_order root_usage=usage.usage root_ideal=usage.ideal' echo "root_usage.label Total usage" echo "root_usage.draw AREA" echo "root_ideal.extinfo Quota rollover: ${SERVICE_ROLLOVER}" echo "root_ideal.label Ideal usage" echo "root_ideal.draw LINE2" echo "root_ideal.colour FFA500" ;; *) echo "graph_title Uplink usage" echo "graph_info Username: ${SERVICE_USERNAME}; Service ID: ${SERVICE_ID}; Plan: ${SERVICE_PLAN}" echo 'graph_category network' echo 'graph_vlabel bytes' echo 'graph_period hour' echo "usage.label Total usage" echo "usage.draw AREA" echo "ideal.extinfo Quota rollover: ${SERVICE_ROLLOVER}" echo "ideal.label Ideal usage" echo "ideal.draw LINE2" echo "ideal.colour FFA500" echo "usage.critical ${USAGE_CRITICAL}" echo "usage.warning ${IDEAL_USAGE}" ;; esac echo } graph_data() { graph="" if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then graph=".${1}" fi echo "multigraph internode_usage_${SERVICE_ID}${graph}" case "${graph}" in .current) echo "hourly_rate.value ${CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}:${SERVICE_USAGE:-U}" ;; .daily) echo "daily_rate.value ${DAILY_TIMESTAMP}:${DAILY_USAGE:-U}" ;; '') # Nothing to do: all values loaned from the traffic graph ;; *) echo "usage.value ${CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}:${SERVICE_USAGE:-U}" echo "ideal.value ${CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}:${IDEAL_USAGE:-U}" ;; esac echo } main() { case ${1:-} in config) if [ -n "${host_name:-}" ]; then echo "host_name ${host_name}" fi graph_config '' graph_config usage graph_config daily graph_config current ;; *) get_data graph_data '' graph_data usage graph_data daily graph_data current ;; esac } get_service_data main "${1:-}"