#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin Plugin to monitor the number of connections blocked by moblock. Requirements: Moblock up and running with generated log files going to /var/log/moblock Parameters supported: config autoconf Configurable variables logfile - Override default moblock logfile Magic markers #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =end # # Initialize vars # $logfile = ENV['logfile'] || '/var/log/moblock.log' # # Configure generated graph # def config puts 'graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0' puts 'graph_title Moblock' puts 'graph_vlabel Blocked Connections' puts 'graph_category fw' puts 'graph_info This graph shows the number of connections blocked by Moblock' puts 'blocked_in.label Blocked In' puts 'blocked_in.draw LINE1' puts 'blocked_in.info Number of blocked incoming connections' puts 'blocked_in.type GAUGE' puts 'blocked_out.label Blocked Out' puts 'blocked_out.draw LINE1' puts 'blocked_out.info Number of blocked outgoing connections' puts 'blocked_out.type GAUGE' puts 'blocked_total.label Total Blocked' puts 'blocked_total.draw LINE1' puts 'blocked_total.info Total Number of blocked connections' puts 'blocked_total.type GAUGE' end # # Grep moblock logs for stats # def fetch(_debug = false) num_in = `cat #{$logfile} | grep --extended-regexp 'IN: ' | wc -l` num_out = `cat #{$logfile} | grep --extended-regexp 'OUT: ' | wc -l` num_total = num_in.to_i + num_out.to_i puts "blocked_in.value #{num_in}" puts "blocked_out.value #{num_out}" puts "blocked_total.value #{num_total}" end # # If moblock executable on path then allow autoconfiguration # def autoconf moblock_path = `which moblock` if moblock_path.index('moblock') puts 'yes' else puts 'no' end end # # Handle command line args # case ARGV.first when 'config' config when 'debug' fetch true when 'autoconf' autoconf else fetch end