#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin Munin Plugin for SGA memory components monitoring Author: Wilfred Chau Date: 2011-05-12 Version: 1.0 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Prerequistes: 1) env.ORACLE_HOME set in munin-node 2) rubygems 3) oci8 - DBI gem for connecting to Oracle * instruction of installing oci8 is available here: http://ruby-oci8.rubyforge.org/en/InstallBinaryPackage.html Usage: 1) copy this script to the munin install plugins directory (e.g. /usr/share/munin/plugins) 2) chmod to allow executable to others 3) create symbolic link in /etc/munin/plugins ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/oracle_orcl_sga.rb /etc/munin/plugins/oracle_orcl_sga.rb Parameters: autoconf config (required) Configurable variables: orauser : oracle user who has select privilege to query v$sgastat view orapass : password for the oracle user dbport : port used by the monitored instance (notice: numeric value) dbname : database to be monitored dbhost : host or ip address of db instance #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =end require 'rubygems' require 'oci8' orauser = 'munin' orapass = 'munin' dbport = 1522 dbname = 'orcl' dbhost = 'localhost' tnsname = "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = #{dbhost})(PORT = #{dbport})) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = #{dbname})))" def runQuery(name, query) rows = $conn.exec(query) puts "#{name}.value #{rows.fetch}" rows.close end # # Queries # shared_pool_query = "SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool, 'shared pool', decode(name, 'library cache',0, 'dictionary chace',0, 'free memory',0, 'sql area',0, (bytes)/(1024*1024)),0)),2)) pool_misc from V$SGASTAT" buffer_cache_query = "SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,NULL, decode(name, 'db_block_buffers', (bytes)/(1024/1024), 'buffer_cache',(bytes)/(1024*1024),0),0)),2)) sga_bufcache from V$SGASTAT" fixed_area_query = "SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,NULL, decode(name, 'fixed_sga', (bytes)/(1024*1024),0),0)),2)) sga_fixed from V$SGASTAT" java_pool_query = "SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool, 'java pool', (bytes)/(1024*1024),0)),2)) sga_jpool from V$SGASTAT" large_pool_query = "SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool, 'large pool', (bytes)/(1024*1024),0)),2)) sga_lpool from V$SGASTAT" log_buffer_query = "SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool, NULL, decode(name, 'log_buffer', (bytes)/(1024*1024),0),0)),2)) sga_lbuffer from V$SGASTAT" memory_components = { 'fixed_area' => fixed_area_query, 'buffer_cache' => buffer_cache_query, 'java_pool' => java_pool_query, 'large_pool' => large_pool_query, 'log_buffer' => log_buffer_query, 'shared_pool' => shared_pool_query } # # autoconf # case ARGV[0] when 'autoconf' if tnsname.length > 1 && orauser.length > 1 && orapass.length > 1 puts 'yes' else puts 'no' puts "Usage: #{__FILE__} autoconf|conf" end exit 0 # # config definition # when 'config' puts 'graph_args --base 1024k -r --lower-limit 0' puts "graph_title Oracle SGA from #{dbname}" puts 'graph_category db' puts 'graph_info This graph shows the SGA memory usage (in MB)' puts 'graph_vlabel MB' puts 'graph_scale no' puts 'graph_period second' memory_components.keys.each do |m| puts "#{m}.label #{m}" puts "#{m}.info SGA: #{m}" puts "#{m}.type GAUGE" # make sure fixed_area is at the bottom of the stack if m == 'fixed_area' puts "#{m}.draw AREA" else puts "#{m}.draw STACK" end end exit 0 end $conn = OCI8.new(orauser, orapass, tnsname) memory_components.each do |mc, query| runQuery(mc, query) end $conn.logoff