#!/bin/sh # # Plugin for Munin 1.4.5 for counting and graph all the earthquakes above 4 and 5 magnitude. # Plus a Wolf Number ( index of the solar activity ) to see if any correlations. # Vik Banev, 2011 # http://www.ulitka.com # # # data channels provided by USGS abd NOAA M25EQ="http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/catalogs/eqs7day-M2.5.txt" CWN="ftp://ftp.swpc.noaa.gov/pub/latest/SRS.txt" # # counting all the earthquakes with magnitude 4 and up M4PLUS=`curl -s $M25EQ | grep -v Datetime | awk -F"," {'print $9'} | awk '$1 > 3.9 { n++ }; END { print n+0 } '` # # counting all the earthquakes with magnitude 5 and up M5PLUS=`curl -s $M25EQ | grep -v Datetime | awk -F"," {'print $9'} | awk '$1 > 4.9 { n++ }; END { print n+0 } '` # # counting all the sun spots SSPOTS=`curl -s $CWN | sed -n '/Mag/,/IA/p' | grep "^[0-9].**" | awk '{sum += $7;} END {print sum;}'` # # counting all the nonempty groups SSGROUPS=`curl -s $CWN | sed -n '/Mag/,/IA/p' | grep "^[0-9].**" | wc -l` # # the Wolf Number math WN=`echo "$SSPOTS+$SSGROUPS*10" | bc` # # tests and actual graphing # case $1 in config) cat <<'EOM' graph_title M4+, M5+ earthquakes and WN in past 7 days graph_vlabel M4+ / week, M5+ / week, WN eq5.label M5+ earthquakes eq5.warning 50 eq5.critical 70 eq4.label M4+ earthquakes eq4.warning 100 eq4.critical 120 wn.label Solar activity (Wolf Number) wn.warning 110 wn.critical 130 EOM exit 0;; esac # echo -n "eq5.value " echo $M5PLUS echo -n "eq4.value " echo $M4PLUS echo -n "wn.value " echo "$WN"