#!/bin/sh -u # -*- sh -*- # shellcheck shell=dash : << =cut =head1 NAME ssl-certificate-expiry - Plugin to monitor Certificate expiration on multiple services and ports =head1 CONFIGURATION [ssl-certificate-expiry] env.services www.service.tld blah.example.net_PORT foo.example.net_PORT_STARTTLS PORT is the TCP port number STARTTLS is passed to openssl as "-starttls" argument. Useful for services like SMTP or IMAP implementing StartTLS. Current known values are ftp, imap, pop3 and smtp PORT is mandatory if STARTTLS is used. To set warning and critical levels do like this: [ssl-certificate-expiry] env.services ... env.warning 30: env.proxy PROXYHOST:PORT # optional, enables openssl operation over proxy env.checkname yes # optional, checks if used servername is covered by certificate env.skip_cert_hashes 2e5ac55d # optional, skip check of certs with those hashes (2e5ac55d is DST Root CA X3, cross-signing Let's Encrypt certs, but expiring on 2021-09-30) env.timeout 60s # optional, sets a timeout for openssl operations. This is useful when the remote server might not be available. Alternatively, if you want to monitor hosts separately, you can create multiple symlinks named as follows. ssl-certificate-expiry_HOST_PORT For example: ssl-certificate-expiry_www.example.net ssl-certificate-expiry_www.example.org_443 ssl-certificate-expiry_192.0.2.42_636 ssl-certificate-expiry_2001:0DB8::badc:0fee_485 ssl-certificate-expiry_mail.example.net_25_smtp =head2 Cron setup To avoid having to run the SSL checks during the munin-update, it is possible to run it from cron, and save a cachefile to be read during the update, This is particularly useful when checking a large number of certificates, or when some of the hosts are slow. To do so, add a cron job running the plugin with cron as the argument: * * * /usr/sbin/munin-run/ssl-certificate-expiry cron should be the user that has write permission to the MUNIN_PLUGSTATE. should be a number between 0 and 59 when the check should run every hour. If, for any reason, the cron script stops running, the script will revert to uncached updates after the cache file is older than an hour. =head1 AUTHORS * Pactrick Domack (ssl_) * Olivier Mehani (ssl-certificate-expiry, skip_cert_hashes) * Martin Schobert (check for intermediate certs) * Arndt Kritzner (hostname verification and proxy usage) * Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick Domack * Copyright (C) 2017, 2019, 2021 Olivier Mehani * Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Schobert =head1 LICENSE =cut # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091 . "${MUNIN_LIBDIR}/plugins/plugin.sh" if [ "${MUNIN_DEBUG:-0}" = 1 ]; then set -x fi HOSTPORT=${0##*ssl-certificate-expiry_} CACHEFILE="${MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/$(basename "${0}").cache" if [ "${HOSTPORT}" != "${0}" ] \ && [ -n "${HOSTPORT}" ]; then services="${HOSTPORT}" fi # Read data including a certificate from stdin and output the (fractional) number of days left # until the expiry of this certificate. The output is empty if parsing failed. parse_valid_days_from_certificate() { local input_data local valid_until_string local valid_until_epoch local now_epoch local input_data input_data=$(cat) if echo "$input_data" | grep -q -- "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; then cert_data=$(echo "$input_data" | openssl x509 -noout -subject_hash -enddate) # Skip certificate if its hash is in env.skip_cert_hashes hash="$(echo "${cert_data}" | head -n 1)" echo "${skip_cert_hashes:-}" | grep -iqwF "${hash}" && return valid_until_string=$(echo "$cert_data" \ | grep "^notAfter=" | cut -f 2 -d "=") if [ -n "$valid_until_string" ]; then # FreeBSD requires special arguments for "date" if uname | grep -q ^FreeBSD; then valid_until_epoch=$(date -j -f '%b %e %T %Y %Z' "$valid_until_string" +%s) now_epoch=$(date -j +%s) else valid_until_epoch=$(date --date="$valid_until_string" +%s) now_epoch=$(date +%s) fi if [ -n "$valid_until_epoch" ]; then # calculate the number of days left echo "$valid_until_epoch" "$now_epoch" | awk '{ print(($1 - $2) / (24 * 3600)); }' fi fi fi } print_expire_days() { local host="$1" local port="$2" local starttls="$3" # Wrap IPv6 addresses in square brackets echo "$host" | grep -q ':' && host="[$host]" local s_client_args='' [ -n "$starttls" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -starttls $starttls" [ -n "${proxy:-}" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -proxy $proxy" [ -n "${checkname:-}" ] && [ "$checkname" = "yes" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -verify_hostname $host" # If timeout is configured, setup the command to call. # Use `--preserve-status` to still get the returncode of openssl, not the # one of timeout. local timeout_call='' [ -n "${timeout:-}" ] && timeout_call="timeout --preserve-status ${timeout}" # We extract and check the server certificate, # but the end date also depends on intermediate certs. Therefore # we want to check intermediate certs as well. # # The following cryptic lines do: # - invoke openssl and connect to a port # - print certs, not only the server cert # - extract each certificate as a single line # - pipe each cert to the parse_valid_days_from_certificate # function, which basically is 'openssl x509 -enddate' # - get a list of the parse_valid_days_from_certificate # results and sort them local openssl_call local openssl_response # shellcheck disable=SC2086 openssl_call="s_client -servername $host -connect ${host}:${port} -showcerts $s_client_args" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 openssl_response=$(echo "" | ${timeout_call} openssl ${openssl_call} 2>/dev/null) if echo "$openssl_response" | grep -qi "Hostname mismatch"; then echo "<>" else echo "$openssl_response" | \ awk '{ if ($0 == "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") cert="" else if ($0 == "-----END CERTIFICATE-----") print cert else cert=cert$0 }' | \ while read -r CERT; do (printf '\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n%s\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n' "$CERT") | \ parse_valid_days_from_certificate done | sort -n | head -n 1 fi } my_clean_fieldname() { # if a domain starts with a digit, or its an IP address, prepend '_' clean_fieldname "$(echo "$@" | sed -E 's/^([0-9])/_\1/')" } main() { for service in $services; do if echo "$service" | grep -q "_"; then host=$(echo "$service" | cut -f 1 -d "_") port=$(echo "$service" | cut -f 2 -d "_") starttls=$(echo "$service" | cut -f 3 -d "_") else host=$service port=443 starttls="" fi fieldname="$(my_clean_fieldname "$service")" valid_days=$(print_expire_days "$host" "$port" "$starttls") extinfo="" [ -z "$valid_days" ] && valid_days="U" if [ "$valid_days" = "<>" ]; then extinfo="Error: hostname mismatch, " valid_days="-1" fi printf "%s.value %s\\n" "$fieldname" "$valid_days" echo "${fieldname}.extinfo ${extinfo}Last checked: $(date)" done } case ${1:-} in config) echo "graph_title SSL Certificates Expiration" echo 'graph_args --base 1000' echo 'graph_vlabel days left' echo 'graph_category security' echo "graph_info This graph shows the numbers of days before certificate expiry" for service in $services; do fieldname=$(my_clean_fieldname "$service") echo "${fieldname}.label $(echo "${service}" | sed 's/_/:/')" print_thresholds "${fieldname}" warning critical done exit 0 ;; cron) UPDATE="$(main)" echo "${UPDATE}" > "${CACHEFILE}" chmod 0644 "${CACHEFILE}" exit 0 ;; esac if [ -n "$(find "${CACHEFILE}" -mmin -60 2>/dev/null)" ]; then cat "${CACHEFILE}" exit 0 fi main