#!/bin/bash # # Plugin to monitor Memory usage inspired by cpubyuser # # Usage: Place in /etc/munin/plugins/ (or link it there using ln -s) # Add this to your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node: # [membyuser] # user root # required if /proc can't be read from by any user! ## 2012-05-23 Sebastien Campion # changed on 2019-08-30 by pcy : # - change category from 'memory' to 'system' (so it appears next to cpubyuser) # - use rss instead of vsz # - more robust username enumeration USERS="$(ps ax --format uname | tail +2 | sort -u | grep -v -e '^root$')" if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ -n "$USERS" ]; then echo "yes" else echo "\$USERS not defined." fi exit fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_args --base 1024" echo "graph_title Memory usage, by user" echo "graph_category memory" echo "graph_info This graph shows memory usage, for monitored users." echo "graph_vlabel Bytes" echo "graph_period second" _USERS=${USERS//[-.]/_} echo "graph_order $_USERS others" FIRSTUSER=1; for USER in $USERS "others"; do _USER=${USER//[-.]/_} echo "${_USER}.label $USER" echo "${_USER}.info Memory used by user $USER" echo "${_USER}.type GAUGE" echo "${_USER}.draw AREASTACK" done exit fi ps -e -o rss,user | \ awk -v USERS="$USERS" ' { if ($2 != "USER") MEM_USER[$2]+=$1 } END { others_sum = 0 for (user in MEM_USER) { m = match(USERS,user) if (m != 0) { _user=user gsub(/[-.]/,"_", _user); print _user".value", (MEM_USER[user] * 1024) } else others_sum += (MEM_USER[user] * 1024) } print "others.value", others_sum; }'