#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME bdf - Munin plugin to monitor disk inode usage on an HP-UX machine =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Any HP-UX system with commands '/usr/bin/bdf' and '/usr/sbin/fstyp' =head1 CONFIGURATION The plugin must be run as the root user to be able to determine the filesystem type (VXFS, HFS, etc.): [bdf*] user root =head1 INTERPRETATION The plugin shows disk inode usage on HP-UX systems as reported by the command 'bdf'. Only locally mounted VXFS or HFS filesystems are reported. The plugin aims to be a functional equivalent to the Linux df_inode plugin. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 BUGS None known =head1 AUTHOR Chris Gardner =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut use Munin::Plugin; use strict; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin'; if(defined($ARGV[0]) and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { if(-x '/usr/bin/bdf' && -x '/sbin/fstyp') { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } else { print "no (no bdf and/or fstyp executable)\n"; exit 0; } } # `bdf -i` --> [0]=Filesystem, [1]=kbytes, [2]=used, [3]=avail, [4]=%used, [5]=iused, [6]=ifree, [7]=%iuse, [8]=Mounted on # Just 1 round of `bdf` is simpler but picks up CDFS cruft. bdf can't accept multiple FS types in 1 command. my @bdf_hfs = `/usr/bin/bdf -ilt hfs`; shift(@bdf_hfs); my @bdf_vxfs = `/usr/bin/bdf -ilt vxfs`; shift(@bdf_vxfs); push(my @bdf, (@bdf_hfs, @bdf_vxfs)); # Recombine `bdf` for each FS type. my $i = 0; foreach(@bdf) { chomp; my @cols = split(/\s+/); if($#cols == 0) { # `bdf` line wraps if device name > 18 chars. This restores 1 array element per filesystem. chomp($_ .= $bdf[$i+1]); splice(@bdf, $i+1, 1); } $i++; } my $maxlabel = 20; if(defined($ARGV[0]) and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { print "graph_title Inode usage in percent\n"; print "graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0\n"; print "graph_vlabel %\n"; print "graph_category disk\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows disk usage on the machine.\n"; foreach(@bdf) { (my $fs, my $mount) = (split(/\s+/))[0,8]; # See top comment for array slice description. chomp(my $fs_type = `/sbin/fstyp $fs`); (my $name = $fs) =~ s|/|_|g; print "$name.label "; if(length($mount) > $maxlabel) { print "..." . substr($mount, -$maxlabel+3) . "\n"; } else { print "$mount\n"; } print "$name.info $mount ($fs_type) -> $fs\n"; print "$name.warning 92\n"; print "$name.critical 98\n"; } exit 0; } foreach(@bdf) { (my $fs, my $pct_used) = (split(/\s+/))[0,7]; (my $name = $fs) =~ s|/|_|g; $pct_used =~ s/%//g; print "$name.value $pct_used\n"; }