#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME jmx_tomcat_dbpools - Plugin to monitor the database connection pools of a Tomcat application server via JMX =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Tested with Tomcat 5.5/6.0 on Sun JVM 6. Please use this plugin as a template for other application-server specific monitoring. Any JVM that supports JMX should in theory do. =head1 CONFIGURATION [jmx_tomcat_dbpools*] env.ip env.port 5400 env.username monitorRole env.password SomethingSecret # The critical and warning levels are in % of the pool size env.critical 90 env.warning 70 env.JRE_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre Needed configuration on the Tomcat side: add -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5400 \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false to CATALINA_OPTS in your startup scripts. Replace authenticate=false with -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=/etc/tomcat/jmxremote.password \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.access.file=/etc/tomcat/jmxremote.access ...if you want authentication. jmxremote.password: monitorRole SomethingSecret jmxremote.access: monitorRole readonly =head1 BUGS No encryption supported in the JMX connection. =head1 AUTHORS =encoding UTF-8 Code written by Jimmy Olsen, Redpill Linpro AS. This code also uses code written by Mo Amini, Diyar Amin and Younes Hajji, Høgskolen i Oslo/Oslo University College. Previous work on JMX plugin by Aleksey Studnev. Support for authentication added by Ingvar Hagelund, Redpill Linpro AS. =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=manual =cut use strict; my $beans="Catalina:type=DataSource,class=javax.sql.DataSource,name=*"; my $munin_jar='@@JAVALIBDIR@@/munin-jmx-plugins.jar'; my $java='@@JAVARUN@@'; my $ip=$ENV{'ip'} || ""; my $port=$ENV{'port'} || "5400"; if($ENV{'JRE_HOME'}) { $java="$ENV{'JRE_HOME'}/bin/java"; } sub config() { open(CMD, "-|", $java, "-cp", $munin_jar, "org.munin.plugin.jmx.Beans", $beans, "maxActive") or die "Error: could not run \"$java -cp $munin_jar org.munin.plugin.jmx.Beans maxActive\": $!"; print "graph_title Tomcat database pool overview\n"; print "graph_vlabel current connections\n"; print "graph_info Shows the number of connections used for every pool in a Tomcat instance\n"; print "graph_category appserver\n"; while(my $line = ) { chomp($line); if($line =~ /^[^\t]+,name="([^\t"]+)"\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)$/) { my $max = $3; my $label = $1; my $field = "v" . $label; # Prefix with a known good char, as field names can't start with a number $field =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g; print "$field.label $label\n$field.max $max\n"; if(defined $ENV{'critical'}) { print "$field.critical " . ($max * $ENV{'critical'} / 100), "\n"; } if(defined $ENV{'warning'}) { print "$field.warning " . ($max * $ENV{'warning'} / 100), "\n"; } } } close(CMD); } sub fetch() { # Fetch bean values (through jmx) via the command line. We basically run the class "org.munin.plugin.jmx.Beans" # with the parameters and , the being a bean pattern to fetch (in this case # "Catalina:type=DataSource,class=javax.sql.DataSource,name=*", and being "numActive" (the single field # we're actually interested in). We can fetch multiple fields by listing them all as parameters, or list all fields # by not supplying a filter (only a bean). open(CMD, "-|", $java, "-cp", $munin_jar, "org.munin.plugin.jmx.Beans", $beans, "numActive") or die "Error: could not run \"$java -cp $munin_jar org.munin.plugin.jmx.Beans maxActive\": $!"; while(my $line = ) { chomp($line); if($line =~ /^[^\t]+,name="([^\t"]+)"\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)$/) { my $num = $3; my $field = "v" . $1; # Prefix with a known good char, as field names can't start with a number $field =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g; print "$field.value $num\n"; } } close(CMD); } $ENV{'ip'} = $ip; $ENV{'port'} = $port; if(defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { config(); } else { fetch(); }