#!/usr/bin/ruby @dummyvar = <<-'=cut' =head1 NAME tomcat_ - Munin plugin to monitor tomcat servers. =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Tomcat 5.0 or higher with the default tomcat manager webapp. =head1 USAGE Needs access to http://:@localhost:8080/manager/status?XML=true (or modify the address for another host). A munin-user in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml should be set up for this to work. Tip: To see if it's already set up correctly, just run this plugin with the parameter "autoconf". If you get a "yes", everything should work like a charm already. tomcat-users.xml example: =head1 CONFIGURATION The following environment variables are used by this plugin: =over 4 =item host Destination host =item port Connector post number (legacy parameter, use connector instead) =item timeout Connection timeout =item request Override default status-url =item user Manager username =item password Manager password =item connector Connector to query, defaults to "http-".$port =back =head2 CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE [tomcat_*] env.host env.port 8080 env.request /manager/status?XML=true env.user munin env.password pass env.timeout 30 env.connector jk-8009 =head1 AUTHORS Based on plugins by Rune Nordboe Skillingstad Rewrite and expansion in ruby: laxis 2008.05 Converted to rexml and integrated as default tomcat plugin by Erik Inge Bolsoe 2009.09 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =cut require 'net/http' require 'rexml/document' @host = ENV.member?('host') ? ENV['host']: "" @port = ENV.member?('port') ? ENV['port']: 8080 @request = ENV.member?('request') ? ENV['request']: "/manager/status?XML=true" @user = ENV.member?('user') ? ENV['user']: "munin" @password = ENV.member?('password') ? ENV['password']: "munin" @timeout = ENV.member?('timeout') ? ENV['timeout']: 30 @connector = ENV.member?('connector') ? ENV['connector']: "http-#{@port}"; # hash w = { "jvm" => { "max" => "U", "free" => "U", "used" => "U", "OldGenMax" => "U", "OldGenUsed" => "U" }, "threads" => { "busy" => "U", "idle" => "U", "max" => "U" }, "maxtime" => { "maxtime" => "U" }, "avgtime" => { "avgtime" => "U" }, "access" => { "accesses" => "U", "errors" => "U" }, "volume" => { "volume" => "U", "volumein" => "U" } } # http request def getstat() Net::HTTP.start(@host, @port) do |http| http.open_timeout = @timeout req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(@request) req.basic_auth @user, @password response = http.request(req) response.value() return response.body end rescue begin return false end end def autoconf() begin if getstat() puts "yes" return 0 else puts "no (could not connect to #{@host}#{@request} on port #{@port})" return 0 end rescue puts "no (#{$!})" return 1 end end if ARGV[0] == "autoconf" autoconf() exit 0 end if ARGV[0] == "suggest" exit 1 if !getstat() w.each { |k, v| print "#{k}\n" } exit end # open stderr e = IO.new(2, "w") mode = $0.gsub /.*\/tomcat_/, "" if mode =~ /tomcat/ then e.puts "Invalid mode" exit 1 end # munin config request if ARGV[0] == "config" case mode when "jvm" puts "graph_title Tomcat JVM memory" puts "graph_category appserver" puts "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0" puts "graph_vlabel Bytes" puts "graph_order used free max OldGenUsed OldGenMax" puts "free.label free bytes"; puts "free.draw STACK"; puts "used.label used bytes"; puts "used.draw AREA"; puts "max.label maximum bytes"; puts "max.draw LINE2"; puts "OldGenMax.label Old Gen maximum bytes"; puts "OldGenMax.draw LINE2"; puts "OldGenUsed.label Old Gen used bytes"; puts "OldGenUsed.draw LINE1"; when "access" puts "graph_title Tomcat accesses" puts "graph_category appserver" puts "graph_args --base 1000" puts "graph_order accesses errors" puts "graph_vlabel accesses / ${graph_period}" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.type DERIVE" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw AREA" if k == "accesses" puts "#{k}.draw LINE2" if k != "accesses" } when "volume" puts "graph_title Tomcat volume" puts "graph_category appserver" puts "graph_args --base 1000" puts "graph_vlabel bytes in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period}" puts "graph_order volumein volume" puts "volume.label bytes" puts "volume.type DERIVE" puts "volume.min 0" puts "volume.max 1000000000" puts "volume.negative volumein" puts "volumein.label bytes" puts "volumein.type DERIVE" puts "volumein.min 0" puts "volumein.max 1000000000" puts "volumein.graph no" when "maxtime" puts "graph_title Tomcat max processing time for a request" puts "graph_category appserver" puts "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0" puts "graph_vlabel ms" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw LINE2" } when "avgtime" puts "graph_title Tomcat average processing time / request" puts "graph_category appserver" puts "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0" puts "graph_vlabel ms / request (avg)" w[mode].each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{k}" puts "#{k}.min 0" puts "#{k}.draw LINE2" } when "threads" puts "graph_title Tomcat threads" puts "graph_category appserver" puts "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0" puts "graph_vlabel threads" puts "graph_order busy idle max" puts "busy.label busy threads" puts "busy.draw AREA" puts "idle.label idle threads" puts "idle.draw STACK" puts "max.label max threads" puts "max.draw LINE2" end exit 0 end # XML parsolasa begin doc = REXML::Document.new(getstat()) end rescue begin e.puts "Parse error" exit 1 end # root element kivalasztasa root = doc.root if root.name != "status" e.puts "Invalid XML" exit 1 end # copy jvm memory datas to hash node = REXML::XPath.first(doc, '//status/jvm/memory') w["jvm"]["max"] = node.attributes["max"] w["jvm"]["used"] = node.attributes["total"].to_i - node.attributes["free"].to_i w["jvm"]["free"] = node.attributes["free"] node = REXML::XPath.first(doc, "//status/jvm/memorypool[contains(@name,' Old Gen')]") w["jvm"]["OldGenMax"] = node.attributes["usageMax"] w["jvm"]["OldGenUsed"] = node.attributes["usageUsed"] # copy connector datas to hash node = REXML::XPath.first(doc, "//status/connector[@name='" + @connector + "']/threadInfo") if node w["threads"]["max"] = node.attributes["maxThreads"] w["threads"]["idle"] = node.attributes["currentThreadCount"].to_i - node.attributes["currentThreadsBusy"].to_i w["threads"]["busy"] = node.attributes["currentThreadsBusy"] end node = REXML::XPath.first(doc, "//status/connector[@name='" + @connector + "']/requestInfo") if node w["maxtime"]["maxtime"] = node.attributes["maxTime"] w["avgtime"]["avgtime"] = sprintf "%.2f", (node.attributes["processingTime"].to_f / node.attributes["requestCount"].to_f / 1000) w["access"]["accesses"] = node.attributes["requestCount"] w["access"]["errors"] = node.attributes["errorCount"] w["volume"]["volumein"] = node.attributes["bytesReceived"] w["volume"]["volume"] = node.attributes["bytesSent"] end # print result w[mode].each do |k, v| printf "#{k}.value %s\n", v end # XML Output: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #