#!@@PERL@@ # -*- perl -*- =head1 NAME memory - Plugin to monitor memory usage on AIX =head1 CONFIGURATION This script uses /usr/bin/svmon to monitor memory usage. svmon can only be executed by root, so you need the following configuration for this plugin: [memory] user root =head1 AUTHOR Developed 05/28/2003 by Mike Discenza =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 NOTES =head2 DESCRIPTION This will report back the amount of memory currently in use, pages pinned in memory, the amount of free memory, and the amount of swap space being used. It uses /usr/bin/svmon, /usr/sbin/lsps, and /usr/sbin/lsattr. =head2 RESTRICTIONS /usr/bin/svmon can only be executed by root. The other commands (lsps, lsattr) should be executable by everyone be defualt. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf =cut use strict; use POSIX; my($arg) = shift; if($arg eq "autoconf") { if(-e "/usr/bin/svmon" && -X "/usr/bin/svmon") { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } else { print "no\n"; exit 0; } } if($arg eq "config") { print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0 --vertical-label Bytes --upper-limit ".getTotalMemBytes()."\n"; print "graph_title Memory usage\n"; print "graph_order inuse free pinned swap\n"; print "graph_category system\n"; print "inuse.label inuse\n"; print "inuse.draw AREA\n"; print "free.label free\n"; print "free.draw STACK\n"; print "pinned.label pinned\n"; print "pinned.draw STACK\n"; print "swap.label swap\n"; print "swap.draw STACK\n"; exit 0 } my($totalSwap,$swapUsed) = getSwapSpace(); my($inUse,$free,$pinned) = findMemoryUsage(); print "swap.value $swapUsed\ninuse.value $inUse\nfree.value $free\npinned.value $pinned\n"; sub getTotalMemBytes { my($line,@memInfo,$item,$totalMem); open MEMLINE, "/usr/sbin/lsattr -El mem0|"; while($line = ) { @memInfo = split(/ +/,$line); if(lc($memInfo[0]) eq "size") {$totalMem = $memInfo[1];} } my($memInBytes) = ($totalMem * 1024) * 1024; return $memInBytes; } sub printArray { my($array,$spacer,$useNums,@labels) = @_; my($item,); my($count) = 0; foreach $item (@{$array}) { if($useNums == 1) {print $count.substr($spacer,0,length($spacer)-length($count)).$item."\n";} else {print $labels[$count].substr($spacer,0,length($spacer)-length($labels[$count])).$item."\n";} $count++; } } sub getSwapSpace { my($line,@lineArray,$amountUsed,$totalSpace); open SWAPINFO, "/usr/sbin/lsps -a|tail +2|"; while($line = ) { @lineArray = split(/ +/,$line); $totalSpace += (substr($lineArray[3],0,-2) * 1024) * 1024; $amountUsed += ((substr($lineArray[3],0,-2) * ($lineArray[4]/100)) * 1024) * 1024; } return (ceil($totalSpace),ceil($amountUsed)); } sub findMemoryUsage { my($line,@lineArray); my($inUse,$free,$pinned); open MEMINFO, "/usr/bin/svmon -G|tail +2|"; while($line = ) { @lineArray = split(/ +/,$line); if(lc($lineArray[0]) eq 'memory') { $inUse = ($lineArray[2] * 4) * 1024; $free = ($lineArray[3] * 4) * 1024; $pinned = ($lineArray[4] * 4) * 1024; } } return ($inUse,$free,$pinned); }