function AngularBullet () { angular.module("angular-bullet",[]).factory("angularBullet", ["$timeout", Bullet]); function Bullet ($timeout) { "use strict"; var _self = {}, _events = {}; _self.on = function (event, fn, once) { if (arguments.length < 2 || typeof event !== "string" || typeof fn !== "function") return; var fnString = fn.toString(); // if the named event object already exists in the dictionary... if (typeof _events[event] !== "undefined") { // add a callback object to the named event object if one doesn't already exist. if (typeof _events[event].callbacks[fnString] === "undefined") { _events[event].callbacks[fnString] = { cb : fn, once : !!once }; } else if (typeof once === "boolean") { // the function already exists, so update it's 'once' value. _events[event].callbacks[fnString].once = once; } } else { // create a new event object in the dictionary with the specified name and callback. _events[event] = { callbacks : {} }; _events[event].callbacks[fnString] = {cb : fn, once : !!once}; } }; _self.once = function (event, fn) { _self.on(event, fn, true); }; = function (event, fn) { if (typeof event !== "string" || typeof _events[event] === "undefined") return; // remove just the function, if passed as a parameter and in the dictionary. if (typeof fn === "function") { var fnString = fn.toString(), fnToRemove = _events[event].callbacks[fnString]; if (typeof fnToRemove !== "undefined") { // delete the callback object from the dictionary. delete _events[event].callbacks[fnString]; } } else { // delete all functions in the dictionary that are // registered to this event by deleting the named event object. delete _events[event]; } }; _self.trigger = function (event, data) { if (typeof event !== "string" || typeof _events[event] === "undefined") return; function runCallbacks () { for (var fnString in _events[event].callbacks) { var callbackObject = _events[event].callbacks[fnString]; if (typeof callbackObject.cb === "function") callbackObject.cb(data); if (typeof callbackObject.once === "boolean" && callbackObject.once === true), callbackObject.cb); } } $timeout(runCallbacks); }; return _self; } } // check for AMD/Module support, otherwise call the Bullet function to setup the angular module. if (typeof define !== "undefined" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define (function() { "use strict"; return new AngularBullet(); }); } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = new AngularBullet(); } else { AngularBullet(); }