/*:ja * @target MZ MV * @title Counter After Hit * @author Hime --> HimeWorks (http://himeworks.com) * @date Nov 30, 2015 * @filename HIME_CounterAfterHit.js * @url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/munokura/HIME-MV-plugins-jp/master/HIME_CounterAfterHit.js * * @plugindesc 攻撃を回避せずに反撃をするように反撃の仕様を変更します。 * @help * 翻訳:ムノクラ * https://fungamemake.com/ * https://twitter.com/munokura/ * * 元プラグイン: * http://himeworks.com/2015/11/counter-after-hit/ * * * == 説明 == * * Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bWZAdDSjaQ * * デフォルトでは、対象が正常に反撃すると、 * 対象は自動的に攻撃者のアクションを回避し、通常の攻撃で反撃します。 * このプラグインは、対象が自動的に回避しないように変更し、 * その後、反撃を実行します。 * * * == 利用規約 == * - クレジットを表示する非営利プロジェクトでの使用は無料 * - 商用プロジェクトでの使用は、連絡してください * * * == Change Log == * * Nov 30, 2015 - initial release * * == 使用法 == * * プラグインをプロジェクトへ入れるだけです。 * */ /* * あなたが私の仕事を楽しんでいるなら、 * パトレオンで私への支援を検討してください! * * * https://www.patreon.com/himeworks * * ご質問や懸念がある場合、 * 次のサイトのいずれかで私に連絡できます。 * * * Main Website: http://himeworks.com * * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/ * * Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks * * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks * * Tumblr: http://himeworks.tumblr.com/ * */ /*: @title Counter After Hit @author Hime --> HimeWorks (http://himeworks.com) @date Nov 30, 2015 @filename HIME_CounterAfterHit.js @url http://himeworks.com/2015/11/counter-after-hit/ If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon! * https://www.patreon.com/himeworks If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at any of the following sites: * Main Website: http://himeworks.com * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/ * Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks * Tumblr: http://himeworks.tumblr.com/ @plugindesc Changes counterattack system so that target may get hit before they counterattack. @help == Description == Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bWZAdDSjaQ By default, when a target successfully counterattacks, they would automatically evade the attacker's action, and then respond with a normal attack. This plugin changes it so that the target does not evade automatically, and will perform the counter attack afterwards. == Terms of Use == - Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits - Contact me for commercial use == Change Log == Nov 30, 2015 - initial release == Usage == Plug and play. */ var Imported = Imported || {}; var TH = TH || {}; Imported.CounterAfterHit = 1; TH.CounterAfterHit = TH.CounterAfterHit || {}; (function($) { /* Request a counterattack after the normal attack */ var TH_BattleManager_invokeCounterAttack = BattleManager.invokeCounterAttack; BattleManager.invokeCounterAttack = function(subject, target) { this.invokeNormalAction(subject, target); this._logWindow.push('performCounterAfterHit', BattleManager.invokeCounterAfterHit, this, subject, target); }; BattleManager.invokeCounterAfterHit = function(subject, target) { if (target.canCounter()) { TH_BattleManager_invokeCounterAttack.call(this, subject, target); } }; Game_Battler.prototype.canCounter = function() { return this.canMove(); }; /* Perform a counterattack */ Window_BattleLog.prototype.performCounterAfterHit = function(method, caller, subject, target) { method.call(caller, subject, target) }; })(TH.CounterAfterHit);