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Just use the CSV directly * * Added support for class exp tables. * 1.0 - Dec 16, 2015 * * Initial release */ /*: @title Exp Tables @author Hime --> HimeWorks (http://himeworks.com) @version 1.2 @date Jul 1, 2020 @filename HIME_ExpTables.js @url http://himeworks.com/2015/12/exp-tables-mv/ If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon! * https://www.patreon.com/himeworks If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at any of the following sites: * Main Website: http://himeworks.com * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/ * Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks * Tumblr: http://himeworks.tumblr.com/ @plugindesc v1.2 - Set up the amount of experience required to level using spreadsheets @help == Description == RPG Maker allows your actors to level up by reaching the amount of experience points required. The amount of exp required is determined by the actor's level for their current class, and the class' exp curve. Exp curves are generated using a pre-determined formula, and you only have the ability to adjust different parameters. In some cases, your desired exp curve is simply impossible to achieve with RPG Maker's own exp curves. With this plugin, you have full control over exp values requires for each level. For example, if you wanted to make it so that every level required 1000 EXP, you could simply set the exp required at intervals of 1000, without having to figure out how to adjust the curve. You can manage your exp tables in a spreadsheet as well, allowing you to take advantage of spreadsheet software to manage your data. == Terms of Use == - Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits - Contact me for commercial use == Change Log == 1.2 - Jul 1, 2020 * add support for "max level" concept 1.1 - Jun 8, 2016 * No longer uses JSON. Just use the CSV directly * Added support for class exp tables. 1.0 - Dec 16, 2015 * Initial release == Usage == In the plugin parameters, specify the names of the files that will hold your exp tables. If you don't want to use one, leave it blank. -- Getting Started with Actor Exp Tables -- Start by downloading the "template" CSV file that provides a sample exp table for the first 4 actors. Alternatively, you can also create your own CSV file. Here is an example you can copy into notepad or spreadsheet software: Level,Actor1,Actor2,Actor3,Actor6 1,0,0,0,0 2,100,100,100,150 3,200,200,200,300 4,300,300,300,400 The first row consists of the headers. This file is only for actors. Each actor is specified by writing "Actor", followed by their ID. Each row after indicates the level, and how much exp is required for each actor. Each value represents the total exp required to reach that level. This means that from level 2 to level 3, 100 EXP is required. -- Class Exp Tables -- You can use this plugin to manage exp tables for your classes. It is similar to the actor table, except instead of writing "Actor" you would write "Class" in the headers. Create a CSV file with the following format Level,Class1,Class2,Class3,Class6, ... 1,0,0,0,0 2,100,100,100,150 3,200,200,200,300 4,300,300,300,400 -- Max Level -- This plugin changes the way max level is handled. Let's say you wrote this Level,Class1,Class2 1,0,0 2,100,100 3,,200 4,,300 Basically: class 1 has exp values going up to level 2 class 2 has exp values going up to level 4 This determines the max levels for those classes: if your actor is class 1, it will be capped at level 2 If your actor is class 2, it will be capped at level 4 You shouldn't leave any gaps between levels because the plugin doesn't handle that since I didn't want to have to do extra error checks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @param Actor Exp Filename @desc Name of the file that holds Actor EXP @default actor_exp.csv @param Class Exp Filename @desc Name of the file that holds Class EXP @default class_exp.csv */ var Imported = Imported || {}; var TH = TH || {}; Imported.ExpTables = 1; TH.ExpTables = TH.ExpTables || {}; (function($) { $.params = PluginManager.parameters("HIME_ExpTables"); $.actorFilename = $.params["Actor Exp Filename"].trim(); $.classFilename = $.params["Class Exp Filename"].trim(); $.hasExpTable = function(obj) { return !!obj.expTable }; var TH_DataManager_loadDataFile = DataManager.loadDataFile; DataManager.loadExpTable = function(type, src) { if (src === "") { $.actorExpTableLoaded = true; return; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = 'data/' + src; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/csv'); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status < 400) { var data = xhr.responseText DataManager.onLoadExpTable(data); } }; xhr.onerror = function() { DataManager._errorUrl = DataManager._errorUrl || url; }; xhr.send(); }; DataManager.onLoadExpTable = function(data) { data = data.split("\n"); $.actorExpTableLoaded = true; // get headers var objs = []; var headers = data[0].split(","); for (var i = 1; i < headers.length; i++) { var header = headers[i].toUpperCase(); if (header.contains("ACTOR")) { var id = Math.floor(header.substring(5)); objs[i] = $dataActors[id] } else if (header.contains("CLASS")) { var id = Math.floor(header.substring(5)); objs[i] = $dataClasses[id] } } // get body for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { var entry = data[i].split(","); var level = Math.floor(entry[0]); for (var j = 1; j < entry.length; j++) { var obj = objs[j]; obj.expTable = obj.expTable || {}; var exp_to_next_level = entry[j].trim(); if (exp_to_next_level !== "") { obj.expTable[level] = Math.floor(exp_to_next_level); obj.maxLevel = level; } else { obj.expTable[level] = 0; } } } }; var TH_DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded; DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() { var res = TH_DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this); if (res) { if (!$.actorExpTableLoaded) { this.loadExpTable("actor", $.actorFilename); this.loadExpTable("class", $.classFilename); res = false; } } return res; }; var TH_ExpTables_GameActor_expForLevel = Game_Actor.prototype.expForLevel; Game_Actor.prototype.expForLevel = function(level) { // Actor tables takes priority var actor = this.actor(); if ($.hasExpTable(actor)) { return actor.expTable[level]; } // No actor exp table, check for class exp table else if ($.hasExpTable(this.currentClass())) { return this.currentClass().expTable[level]; } // No exp tables. Just use default else { return TH_ExpTables_GameActor_expForLevel.call(this, level); } }; var TH_ExpTables_GameActor_ixMaxLevel = Game_Actor.prototype.isMaxLevel; Game_Actor.prototype.isMaxLevel = function() { if (this.isMaxClassLevel()) { return true; } return TH_ExpTables_GameActor_ixMaxLevel.call(this); } // Returns true if the current level has reached the max class level Game_Actor.prototype.isMaxClassLevel = function() { return this._level >= this.maxClassLevel(this.currentClass().id); } // Max class level is basically the class' max level, or the actor's max level // Not used by default but may be used in class-related plugins Game_Actor.prototype.maxClassLevel = function(classId) { var maxLevel = $dataClasses[classId].maxLevel; if (maxLevel === undefined) { maxLevel = this.maxLevel(); } return maxLevel; } // some extra logic for Yanfly's class change core to support "class max level" // by default, it assumes the class max level is the actor's max level. if (Imported.YEP_ClassChangeCore) { // class level needs to be capped based on class max level or actor max level, // whichever is smallest Game_Actor.prototype.classLevel = function(classId) { if (Yanfly.Param.CCCMaintainLv) return this.level; if (this._exp[classId] === undefined) this._exp[classId] = 0; var maxLevel = Math.min(this.maxLevel(), this.maxClassLevel(classId)); var level = 1; for (;;) { if (level >= maxLevel) break; if (this.expForClassLevel(classId, level + 1) > this._exp[classId]) break; level++; } return level; }; Game_Actor.prototype.expForClassLevel = function(classId, level) { if ($.hasExpTable(this.currentClass())) { return $dataClasses[classId].expTable[level]; } }; } })(TH.ExpTables);