/*: * @plugindesc Alternative Menu Screen: has a command menu on the bottom and a 2 by 2 Actor selector. * @author SumRndmDde * * @param Gold Position * @desc The position of the gold window. * You can choose: 'top' or 'bottom' * @default bottom * * @param Command Columns * @desc The max amount of columns in the command selector within the menu. * @default 4 * * @param Command Rows * @desc The amount of visible rows in the command selector within the menu. * @default 2 * * @param Face Position * @desc The position of the face images in the menu. * You can choose: 'top', 'middle', or 'bottom'. * @default middle * * @param Y Offset * @desc The distance between each row of information within the Actor Menu Status thingies. * @default 30 * * @help * * * Alternative Menu Screen: Down * Version 1.01 * SumRndmDde * * * Changelog (v1.01): Fixed Shop Choices * * * Gives your game an alternative menu screen. * * This one has a command menu on the bottom and a * 2 by 2 Actor selector. * * * Until next time, * ~ SumRndmDde */ /*:ja * @plugindesc 代替メニュー画面。2x2のアクター表示の下にコマンドメニューが表示されます。 * @author SumRndmDde * * @param Gold Position * @text 所持金ウィンドウ位置 * @type select * @option 上 * @value top * @option 下 * @value bottom * @desc 所持金のウィンドウの位置 * 上:top / 下:bottom * @default bottom * * @param Command Columns * @text コマンド列数 * @type number * @desc コマンドの列数 * @default 4 * * @param Command Rows * @text コマンド行数 * @type number * @desc コマンドの行数 * @default 2 * * @param Face Position * @text 顔画像の位置 * @type select * @option 上 * @value top * @option 中央 * @value middle * @option 下 * @value bottom * @desc メニューの顔画像の位置 * 上:top / 中央:middle / 下:bottom * @default middle * * @param Y Offset * @text ステータスの行高 * @type number * @desc アクターメニューの各ステータスの行高 * @default 30 * * @help * 翻訳:ムノクラ * https://fungamemake.com/ * https://twitter.com/munokura/ * * 元プラグイン: http://sumrndm.site/5-alternative-menu-screens/ * * Alternative Menu Screen: Down * Version 1.01 * SumRndmDde * * Changelog (v1.01): Fixed Shop Choices * * * 別のメニュー画面になります。 * 2x2のアクター表示の下にコマンドメニューが表示されます。 * * * 次の機会まで * ~ SumRndmDde */ (function () { var sumGoldPos = String(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_AltMenuScreen_Down')['Gold Position']).trim().toLowerCase(); var sumColumns = Number(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_AltMenuScreen_Down')['Command Columns']); var sumRows = Number(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_AltMenuScreen_Down')['Command Rows']); var sumFacePos = String(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_AltMenuScreen_Down')['Face Position']).trim().toLowerCase(); var sumYOffset = Number(PluginManager.parameters('SRD_AltMenuScreen_Down')['Y Offset']); var _Scene_Menu_create = Scene_Menu.prototype.create; Scene_Menu.prototype.create = function () { _Scene_Menu_create.call(this); if (sumGoldPos === 'top') { this._goldWindow.y = 0; this._statusWindow.x = 0; this._statusWindow.y = this._goldWindow.height; this._commandWindow.y = this._statusWindow.y + this._statusWindow.height; } else { this._statusWindow.x = 0; this._statusWindow.y = 0; this._goldWindow.y = this._statusWindow.height; this._commandWindow.y = this._goldWindow.y + this._goldWindow.height; } }; Scene_Menu.prototype.createGoldWindow = function () { this._goldWindow = new Window_Gold2(0, 0); this._goldWindow.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this._goldWindow.height; this.addWindow(this._goldWindow); }; Window_MenuCommand.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return Graphics.width; }; Window_MenuCommand.prototype.maxCols = function () { return sumColumns; }; Window_MenuCommand.prototype.numVisibleRows = function () { return sumRows; }; Window_MenuStatus.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return Graphics.width; }; Window_MenuStatus.prototype.windowHeight = function () { return Graphics.height - 180; }; Window_MenuStatus.prototype.numVisibleRows = function () { return 2; }; Window_MenuStatus.prototype.maxCols = function () { return 2; }; Window_MenuStatus.prototype.drawItemImage = function (index) { var actor = $gameParty.members()[index]; var rect = this.itemRect(index); this.changePaintOpacity(actor.isBattleMember()); if (sumFacePos === 'top') { this.drawActorFace(actor, rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, Window_Base._faceWidth, Window_Base._faceHeight); } else if (sumFacePos === 'bottom') { this.drawActorFace(actor, rect.x + 1, rect.y + (rect.height / 4) + 8, Window_Base._faceWidth, Window_Base._faceHeight); } else { this.drawActorFace(actor, rect.x + 1, rect.y + rect.height / 8, Window_Base._faceWidth, Window_Base._faceHeight); } this.changePaintOpacity(true); }; Window_MenuStatus.prototype.drawItemStatus = function (index) { var actor = $gameParty.members()[index]; var rect = this.itemRect(index); var x = rect.x + 162; var y = rect.y; var yOffset = sumYOffset; var width = rect.width - (Window_Base._faceWidth + 30); this.drawActorName(actor, x, y, width); this.drawActorLevel(actor, x, y + yOffset, width); this.drawActorIcons(actor, x, y + (yOffset * 2), width); this.drawActorClass(actor, x, y + (yOffset * 3), width); this.drawActorHp(actor, x, y + (yOffset * 4), width); this.drawActorMp(actor, x, y + (yOffset * 5), width); }; function Window_Gold2() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Window_Gold2.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype); Window_Gold2.prototype.constructor = Window_Gold2; Window_Gold2.prototype.initialize = function (x, y) { var width = this.windowWidth(); var height = this.windowHeight(); Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height); this.refresh(); }; Window_Gold2.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return Graphics.width; }; Window_Gold2.prototype.windowHeight = function () { return this.fittingHeight(1); }; Window_Gold2.prototype.refresh = function () { var x = this.textPadding(); var width = this.contents.width - this.textPadding() * 2; this.contents.clear(); this.drawCurrencyValue(this.value(), this.currencyUnit(), x, 0, width); }; Window_Gold2.prototype.value = function () { return $gameParty.gold(); }; Window_Gold2.prototype.currencyUnit = function () { return TextManager.currencyUnit; }; Window_Gold2.prototype.open = function () { this.refresh(); Window_Base.prototype.open.call(this); }; })();