/*: * @plugindesc Allows players to create their own custom characters. * @author SumRndmDde * * @param Layers * @desc This is the list in which layers are placed in the image. These are based off of the actual Folder names. * @default Tail Part2, Wing Part2, Body, Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth, Rear Hair Part1, Front Hair Part2, Rear Hair Part2, Clothing, Accessory A, Glasses, Front Hair Part1, Beast Ears, Accessory B, Tail Part1, Wing Part1 * * @param Order * @desc This is the order of the sections listed in the Section Command Window. * @default Body, Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth, Clothing, Front Hair, Rear Hair, Accessory A, Accessory B, Glasses, Beast Ears, Wing, Tail * * @param Mandatory * @desc These are sections that MUST be filled before the Character Creation is closed. * @default Body, Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth * * @param Mandatory Color * @desc This is the color of text for sections that are mandatory. * @default #FFFF44 * * @param Print to Console * @desc If 'true', then whenever a character is created, code to replicate that character will be logged. * @default false * * @param == Visual Options == * @default * * @param Use Fade Transition * @desc If 'true', then there will be a fade transition when going from the map to the character creator. * @default true * * @param Use Piece Background * @desc If 'true', the pieces will be given backgrounds depending on their style! * @default true * * @param Use Scene Background * @desc If 'true', then the "Background" image will be used. Otherwise, the scene will simply overlap the map. * @default true * * @param Background X Scroll * @desc The X speed of the background's scrolling. Set to 0 in order to disable! * @default 1 * * @param Background Y Scroll * @desc The Y speed of the background's scrolling. Set to 0 in order to disable! * @default 0 * * @param Small Piece Cols * @desc The amount of columns when using small pieces. * (More specifically, pieces less than 100px). * @default 3 * * @param Big Piece Cols * @desc The amount of columns when using small pieces. * (More specifically, pieces greater than 100px). * @default 1 * * @param == Dialogues == * @default * * @param Leave Dialogue * @desc The dialogue that asks the player whether they're sure they wish to leave the character creator. * @default Are you sure you want\n to save this character? * * @param Mandatory Dialogue * @desc The dialogue that shows when the player tries to leave the character creator without completeing all the mandatories. * @default You need to have all the mandatory sections \nfilled out before exiting. * * @param == Size Options == * @default * * @param Character Width * @desc This is the width of each character frame created with the Character Creation. * @default 48 * * @param Character Height * @desc This is the height of each character frame created with the Character Creation. * @default 48 * * @param SV Char Width * @desc This is the width of each character frame created with the Character Creation (for side-view battlers). * @default 64 * * @param SV Char Height * @desc This is the height of each character frame created with the Character Creation (for side-view battlers). * @default 64 * * @param Face Width * @desc This is the width of each face image created with the Character Creation. * @default 144 * * @param Face Height * @desc This is the height of each face image created with the Character Creation. * @default 144 * * @help * * Character Creator EX * Version 1.03 * SumRndmDde * * * This is a plugin that allows players to create their own custom characters * in game. * * A menu system in which the player can create a character can be called * upon at any time and assigned to an Actor. Once an Actor has been assigned * a custom character, that character will be used on the map and in side- * view battles. * * * In order to modify the properties of the sections and pieces, one must * use the Super Tools Engine. Simply go to: * * Database EX > Custom Editors > Character Creator Editor * * With this, you'll be able to easily customize the various properties * that exist within the sections! * * * ========================================================================== * Setting up Files * ========================================================================== * * In order to set up the "generator" pieces, you need to create a new * folder in the "img" folder called "character-creator". * * So the file location should be: * * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/ * * Within this folder, you need a folder for each section, for example: * * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Body/ * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Mouth/ * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Nose/ * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Glasses/ * etc... * * Within each of these folders, you'll also need 4 more folders: * * /walk/ * /dead/ * /face/ * /sv/ * * As you can probably guess, each of those folders will contain the * corresponding walking, dead, face, and side-view parts of the * parent folder. * * * For example, in order to store the "Face" parts of the "Body" section * you would place them in: * * /img/character-creator-ex/Body/face/ * * * ========================================================================== * Other Images * ========================================================================== * * Finally, you're also going to need a couple required images placed in: * * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/ * * These images are: * * Background.png * CustomCharacter.png * CustomFace.png * Walk-Background.png * Dead-Background.png * Face-Background.png * SV-Background.png * * * The "Background" image will be used as a background for the character * creator if you choose to use it. * * The "CustomCharacter" and "CustomFace" will be used in scenarios where * a custom character's Character or Face image cannot be loaded. * * The "____-Background" images are used as piece backgrounds in the * editor itself. * * * ========================================================================== * Opening the Character Creator * ========================================================================== * * In order to set up the Character Creator, use the Plugin Command: * * OpenCharacterCreator [actorId] * * Set "actorId" to the Actor ID of the Actor you wish to create images for. * * * For example: * * OpenCharacterCreator 3 * OpenCharacterCreator 7 * OpenCharacterCreator 26 * * * ========================================================================== * Showing Dead Custom Character * ========================================================================== * * Use the following Plugin Command to make an Actor use their "dead" * custom character image: * * SetDeadCustomCharacter [actorId] [true/false] * * This will set it so the Actor defind by "actorId" will have their * dead image turned on or off. * * * For example: * * SetDeadCustomCharacter 3 true * SetDeadCustomCharacter 8 false * SetDeadCustomCharacter 12 true * * * ========================================================================== * Setting Event to use Custom Character * ========================================================================== * * If you wish for an event to use a custom character image, simply use * the event notetag: * * * * This will set the event to use the custom image of the actor specified * through the "actorId" input. * * * You can also set an event to use a dead custom character using: * * * * * Examples: * * * * * * ========================================================================== * Showing Custom Face in Show Text * ========================================================================== * * If you wish to have a character's custom face used in a "Show Text", * here's what you need to do: * * * 1) Make sure there is a face image selected for the "Show Text" event. * It can be any face image, it just needs to be there. * * * 2) Use the following notetag in the "Show Text" box: * * * * Set "id" to the ID of the Actor who has the Custom Face you wish to use. * * * ========================================================================== * Disabling the Custom Images * ========================================================================== * * In order temporarily distable the custom images set up for an Actor, use * the Plugin Command: * * DisableCharacterCreatorImages [actorId] * * Of course, simply set "actorId" to the Actor ID you wish to disable * custom character images for. * * * EnableCharacterCreatorImages [actorId] * * This would enable the character creator images again. * * * For example: * * DisableCharacterCreatorImages 12 * EnableCharacterCreatorImages 8 * * * ========================================================================== * Custom Colors * ========================================================================== * * While most of the properties that can be manipulated in the * "Character Creator Editor" in the Super Tools Engine are pretty * self explanatory, the color-customization section... is a bit more * difficult. * * The colors are set up using JSON arrays, meaning: * * [info for color 1], * [info for color 2], * ... * [info for last color] * * * As you can see, each "color" is separated into its own brackets. * Every color is followed by a comma except for the last one. * * * Now within these colors, you may customize the: * * - Name * - Hue * - Saturation * - Brightness * - Grayscale * * For example: * * ["Blue", 100, 0, 1, 0.5] * * * This would set: * * - Name: Blue * - Hue: 100 * - Saturation: 0 * - Brightness: 1 * - Grayscale: 0.5 * * * You are not forced to fill out all of the properties however. In fact, * the less you fill out, the better. For a simple Hue shift, all one * needs to do is: * * ["Green", 200] * * This will create a simple color called Green that shifts the hue by 200. * * * The limits that may be defined through the properties are as follows: * * - Hue [0 ~ 360] * - Saturation [-1 ~ 1] * - Brightness [0 ~ 1] * - Grayscale [0 ~ 1] * * * ========================================================================== * End of Help File * ========================================================================== * * Welcome to the bottom of the Help file. * * * Thanks for reading! * If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check * out my YouTube channel! * * https://www.youtube.com/c/SumRndmDde * * * Until next time, * ~ SumRndmDde * */ /*:ja * @plugindesc (要SRD_SuperToolsEngine) プレイヤーは自分だけのカスタムキャラクターを作成することができます * @author SumRndmDde * * @param Layers * @text レイヤー * @desc 画像の中にレイヤーが配置されているリスト * 実際のフォルダ名に基づきます * @default Tail Part2, Wing Part2, Body, Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth, Rear Hair Part1, Front Hair Part2, Rear Hair Part2, Clothing, Accessory A, Glasses, Front Hair Part1, Beast Ears, Accessory B, Tail Part1, Wing Part1 * * @param Order * @text 順番 * @desc セクション コマンドウィンドウに表示されているセクションの順番 * @default Body, Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth, Clothing, Front Hair, Rear Hair, Accessory A, Accessory B, Glasses, Beast Ears, Wing, Tail * * @param Mandatory * @text 必須項目 * @desc キャラクター作成が終了する前に必ず記入しなければならないセクション * @default Body, Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Mouth * * @param Mandatory Color * @text 必須項目色 * @desc 必須セクションの文字の色 * @default #FFFF44 * * @param Print to Console * @text コンソールへの記録 * @type boolean * @on 記録有効 * @off 記録無効 * @desc キャラクタが作成される度に、そのキャラクタを複製するコードをログに記録 * @default false * * @param == Visual Options == * @text -- ビジュアル・オプション -- * @default * * @param Use Fade Transition * @text フェードを使用 * @type boolean * @on フェード有効 * @off フェード無効 * @desc マップからキャラクター作成に移動する際にフェード再生 * フェード有効:true / フェード無効:false * @default true * * @param Use Piece Background * @text ピースの背景を使用 * @type boolean * @on 背景を有効 * @off 背景を無効 * @desc 作品のスタイルに応じて背景を使用 * 背景を有効:true / 背景を無効:false * @default true * * @param Use Scene Background * @text シーンの背景を使用 * @type boolean * @on 背景画像を有効 * @off 背景画像を無効 * 有効:true / 無効:false * @desc 背景画像を使用。 * 使用しない場合、シーンはマップに重なります * @default true * * @param Background X Scroll * @text 背景 X スクロール * @type number * @desc 背景のXスクロール速度 * 無効にするには0 * @default 1 * * @param Background Y Scroll * @text 背景 Y スクロール * @type number * @desc 背景のYスクロール速度 * 無効にするには0 * @default 0 * * @param Small Piece Cols * @text スモールピース列数 * @type number * @desc スモールピースを使用したときの列数 * (具体的には100px以上のピース) * @default 3 * * @param Big Piece Cols * @text ビッグピース列数 * @type number * @desc スモールピースを使用しているときの列数 * (具体的には100px以上のピース) * @default 1 * * @param == Dialogues == * @text -- 対話 -- * @default * * @param Leave Dialogue * @text 確認ダイアログ * @desc キャラクタークリエーターを辞めてもいいかどうかを問うダイアログ * @default 本当にこのキャラを\n保存しますか? * * @param Mandatory Dialogue * @text 未完了ダイアログ * @desc 全ての必須条件をクリアしないままキャラクタークリエーターを終了しようとした場合に表示されるダイアログ * @default 完了するには、\n全ての必須項目を記入する必要があります。 * * @param == Size Options == * @text -- サイズオプション -- * @default * * @param Character Width * @text キャラクター幅 * @type number * @desc キャラクタ作成で作成された各キャラクタフレームの幅 * @default 48 * * @param Character Height * @text キャラクター高 * @type number * @desc キャラクタ作成で作成された各キャラクタフレームの高さ * @default 48 * * @param SV Char Width * @text SVキャラクター幅 * @type number * @desc キャラクター作成で作成した各キャラクター枠の幅 * @default 64 * * @param SV Char Height * @text SVキャラクター高 * @type number * @desc キャラクター作成で作成した各キャラクター枠の高さ * @default 64 * * @param Face Width * @text 顔の幅 * @type number * @desc キャラクタ作成で作成された各顔画像の幅 * @default 144 * * @param Face Height * @text 顔の高さ * @type number * @desc キャラクタ作成で作成した各顔画像の高さ * @default 144 * * @help * 翻訳:ムノクラ * https://fungamemake.com/ * https://twitter.com/munokura/ * * 元プラグイン: http://sumrndm.site/character-creator-ex/ * * Character Creator EX * Version 1.03 * SumRndmDde * * * プレイヤーが自分だけのカスタムキャラクターを作成できるようにする * プラグインです。 * * このプラグインを使用するにはSRD_SuperToolsEngineが必要です。 * プラグイン管理でこのプラグインを * SRD_SuperToolsEngineの下側に配置してください。 * * プレイヤーがキャラクターを作成することができるメニューシステムで、 * いつでも呼び出してアクターに割り当てることができます。 * アクターにカスタムキャラクターを割り当てると、 * そのキャラクターはマップ上やSV戦闘で使用されます。 * * セクションとピースのプロパティを変更するには、 * スーパーツールエンジンを使用する必要があります。 * 次のページにアクセスしてください。 * * Database EX > Custom Editors > Character Creator Editor * * これを使えば、セクション内に存在する様々なプロパティを * 簡単にカスタマイズすることができます! * * ========================================================================== * ファイルの設定 * ========================================================================== * * ジェネレーター'のピースを設定するには、 * 'img'フォルダ内に'character-creator'というフォルダを * 新たに作成する必要があります。 * * なので、ファイルの場所は下記になります。 * * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/ * * このフォルダ内には、例のようにセクション毎にフォルダが必要です。 * * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Body/ * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Mouth/ * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Nose/ * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/Glasses/ * etc... * * フォルダの中には、さらに4つのフォルダが必要です。 * * /walk/ * /dead/ * /face/ * /sv/ * * それぞれのフォルダには、親フォルダの対応する * 歩行キャラ、倒れキャラ、顔、戦闘キャラの部分が含まれています。 * * 例えば、'Body'セクションの'Face'部位を配置します。 * * /img/character-creator-ex/Body/face/ * * * ========================================================================== * その他の画像 * ========================================================================== * * 最後に、必要な画像をいくつか配置する必要があります。 * * /img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/ * * 以下の画像です。 * * Background.png * CustomCharacter.png * CustomFace.png * Walk-Background.png * Dead-Background.png * Face-Background.png * SV-Background.png * * * 'Background'画像を選択した場合、 * 作られたキャラクターの背景として使用されます。 * * 'CustomCharacter'と'CustomFace'は、 * カスタムキャラクターのキャラクター画像や顔画像が読み込めないシナリオで * 使用されます。 * * "____-Background"画像は、エディタ自体がピースの背景として使用しています。 * * * ※サンプル画像がプラグイン配布元とフォーラムからダウンロードできます。 * http://sumrndm.site/character-creator-ex/ * https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/77641/#post-726450 * * ========================================================================== * キャラクタークリエーターを開く * ========================================================================== * * キャラクタークリエーターを設定するには、プラグインコマンドを使用します。 * * OpenCharacterCreator [actorId] * * 'actorId'に、画像を作成したいアクターのアクターIDを設定します。 * * * 例 * * OpenCharacterCreator 3 * OpenCharacterCreator 7 * OpenCharacterCreator 26 * * * ========================================================================== * カスタム倒れキャラの表示 * ========================================================================== * * アクターにカスタムカスタム倒れキャラ画像を使用させるには、 * 以下のプラグインコマンドを使用します。 * * SetDeadCustomCharacter [actorId] [true/false] * * "actorId"で指定したアクターの倒れキャラ画像をON/OFFするように設定します。 * * * 例 * * SetDeadCustomCharacter 3 true * SetDeadCustomCharacter 8 false * SetDeadCustomCharacter 12 true * * * ========================================================================== * カスタムキャラクターを使用するための設定イベント * ========================================================================== * * イベントでカスタムキャラクター画像を使用したい場合、 * イベントのメモタグを使用してください。 * * * * "actorId"で指定されたアクターのカスタム画像を使用するように * イベントを設定します。 * * カスタム倒れキャラを使うイベントを設定することもできます。 * * * * * 例 * * * * * * ========================================================================== * テキスト表示でカスタムフェイスを表示する * ========================================================================== * * キャラクターのカスタム顔画像を'文章の表示'で使用させたい場合、 * 以下のようにします。 * * * 1) '文章の表示'イベントで顔画像が選択したことを確認してください。 * どのような顔画像でも構いません。 * * * 2) '文章の表示'入力欄には、以下のメモタグを使用してください。 * * * * 'id'には、使用したいカスタム顔画像を持っているアクターのIDを設定します。 * * * ========================================================================== * カスタム画像を無効にする * ========================================================================== * * アクターに設定されているカスタム画像を一時的に無効にするには、 * プラグインコマンドを使用します。 * * DisableCharacterCreatorImages [actorId] * * "actorId"をカスタムキャラクター画像を無効にしたいアクターIDに設定します。 * * * EnableCharacterCreatorImages [actorId] * * そうすることで、 * キャラクタークリエーターの画像を再度作成できるようになります。 * * * 例 * * DisableCharacterCreatorImages 12 * EnableCharacterCreatorImages 8 * * * ========================================================================== * カスタム色 * ========================================================================== * * Super Tools Engine の'Character Creator Editor'で操作できるプロパティは、 * ほとんどが自己紹介的なものですが、 * 色のカスタマイズの部分は...ちょっと難しいですね。 * * 色はJSON配列を使って設定しています。 * * [info for color 1], * [info for color 2], * ... * [info for last color] * * * それぞれの'color'はそれぞれの括弧で区切られています。 * 全て色の後には、最後色を除いてカンマが続きます。 * * * 下記の色の中で、カスタマイズすることができます。 * * - Name * - Hue * - Saturation * - Brightness * - Grayscale * * 例 * * ["Blue", 100, 0, 1, 0.5] * * * これは設定されているでしょう。 * * - Name: Blue * - Hue: 100 * - Saturation: 0 * - Brightness: 1 * - Grayscale: 0.5 * * * 全てのプロパティが必須入力ではありません。 * 実際には、記入する項目は少ない方が良いでしょう。 * 色相は、全てに必須入力です。 * * ["Green", 200] * * これにより、色相が200シフトするGreenと呼ばれる単純な色が作成されます。 * * * プロパティを通して定義できる範囲は以下の通りです。 * * - Hue [0 ~ 360] * - Saturation [-1 ~ 1] * - Brightness [0 ~ 1] * - Grayscale [0 ~ 1] * * * ========================================================================== * ヘルプファイルの終わり * ========================================================================== * * ヘルプファイルの終わりへようこそ。 * * 読んでくれてありがとう! * 質問があったり、このプラグインを楽しめたら、 * 私のYouTubeチャンネルを登録してください!! * * https://www.youtube.com/c/SumRndmDde * * * 次の機会まで * ~ SumRndmDde * */ var SRD = SRD || {}; SRD.CharacterCreatorEX = SRD.CharacterCreatorEX || {}; var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported["SumRndmDde Character Creator EX"] = 1.03; var $gameCharacterCreations = null; function Scene_CharacterCreator() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Window_CharacterCreator_FileList() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Window_CharacterCreator_Preview() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Game_CharacterCreations() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Sprite_DisplayCharacter() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Window_HueSelector() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } (function (_) { "use strict"; _.alertNeedSuperToolsEngine = function () { alert("The 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine' plugin is required for using the 'SRD_CharacterCreatorEX' plugin."); if (confirm("Do you want to open the download page to 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine'?")) { window.open('http://sumrndm.site/super-tools-engine/'); } }; if (!Imported["SumRndmDde Super Tools Engine"]) { _.alertNeedSuperToolsEngine(); return; } _.alertGetRidOfCharacterCreator = function () { alert("Please get rid of the 'SRD_CharacterCreator' plugin in order to use 'SRD_CharacterCreatorEX'!"); }; if (Imported["SumRndmDde Character Creator"]) { _.alertGetRidOfCharacterCreator(); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SRD.CharacterCreator //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const params = PluginManager.parameters('SRD_CharacterCreatorEX'); _.isNodeJs = Utils.isNwjs(); _.fileInfoStuff = {}; _.path = 'img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/'; _.priorities = String(params['Layers']).split(/\s*,\s*/); _.order = String(params['Order']).split(/\s*,\s*/); _.mandatory = String(params['Mandatory']).split(/\s*,\s*/); _.mandatoryColor = String(params['Mandatory Color']); _.console = String(params['Print to Console']).trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'; _.fade = String(params['Use Fade Transition']).trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'; _.pieceBackground = String(params['Use Piece Background']).trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'; _.background = String(params['Use Scene Background']).trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'; _.xScroll = parseInt(params['Background X Scroll']); _.yScroll = parseInt(params['Background Y Scroll']); _.smallCols = parseInt(params['Small Piece Cols']); _.bigCols = parseInt(params['Big Piece Cols']); _.leaveDialogue = String(params['Leave Dialogue']).replace(/\\n/g, '\n'); _.mandatoryDialogue = String(params['Mandatory Dialogue']).replace(/\\n/g, '\n'); _.width = parseInt(params['Character Width']); _.height = parseInt(params['Character Height']); _.fileWidth = _.width * 3; _.fileHeight = _.height * 4; _.svWidth = parseInt(params['SV Char Width']); _.svHeight = parseInt(params['SV Char Height']); _.svFileWidth = _.svWidth * 9; _.svFileHeight = _.svHeight * 6; _.faceFileWidth = parseInt(params['Face Width']); _.faceFileHeight = parseInt(params['Face Height']); _.xOffset = 40; _.getRealFilePath = function (p) { const path = require('path'); const base = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename); return path.join(base, p); }; _.getFilePathData = function () { var path = require('path'); var base = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename); return path.join(base, 'data/'); }; _.getFolderListNodeJs = function () { const result = []; const fs = require('fs'); const location = this.getRealFilePath(this.path); const files = fs.readdirSync(location); for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const file = location + files[i]; const stat = fs.statSync(file); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { result.push(files[i]); } } return result; }; _.getFileListNodeJs = function (folder) { const result = []; const fs = require('fs'); const location = this.getRealFilePath(this.path) + folder + 'walk/'; const files = fs.readdirSync(location); for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const file = location + files[i]; const stat = fs.statSync(file); if (!stat) continue; if (!stat.isDirectory() && _.isImageFile(files[i])) { const f = files[i].replace('.png', ''); result.push(f); } } return result; }; _.saveFileInfoStuff = function () { const folds = this.getFolderListNodeJs(); this.fileInfoStuff.folders = folds; for (let i = 0; i < folds.length; i++) { const fold = folds[i] + '/'; this.fileInfoStuff[fold] = this.getFileListNodeJs(fold); } const data = LZString.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(this.fileInfoStuff)); const fs = require('fs'); const dirPath = this.getFilePathData(); const filePath = dirPath + 'cc-info.sumrndmdde'; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, data); }; _.loadSaveInfoFile = function () { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = 'data/cc-info.sumrndmdde'; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status < 400) { this.fileInfoStuff = JSON.parse(LZString.decompressFromBase64(xhr.responseText)); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { }; xhr.send(); }; _.getFolderList = function () { return this.fileInfoStuff.folders; }; _.getFileList = function (folder) { return this.fileInfoStuff[folder]; }; _.isImageFile = function (filename) { return !!(filename.match(/\.png/i)); }; _.cache = new CacheMap(_); _.loadImage = function (filename, hue) { const key = filename; let bitmap = this.cache.getItem(key); if (!bitmap) { bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/SumRndmDde/character-creator-ex/', filename, hue, true); this.cache.setItem(key, bitmap); } return bitmap; }; _.loadImageWPath = function (path, filename, hue) { const key = filename + path; let bitmap = this.cache.getItem(key); if (!bitmap) { bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap(path, filename, hue, true); this.cache.setItem(key, bitmap); } return bitmap; }; _.preloadCharacterPieces = function () { const folders = this.getFolderList(); _._ccex_loads = 0; _._ccex_files = -1; let tempFiles = 0; const increaseLoads = function () { _._ccex_loads++; } for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { const files = this.getFileList(folders[i] + '/'); for (let j = 0; j < files.length; j++) { this.loadImageWPath(this.path + folders[i] + '/walk/', files[j]).addLoadListener(increaseLoads.bind(this)); this.loadImageWPath(this.path + folders[i] + '/dead/', files[j]).addLoadListener(increaseLoads.bind(this)); this.loadImageWPath(this.path + folders[i] + '/face/', files[j]).addLoadListener(increaseLoads.bind(this)); this.loadImageWPath(this.path + folders[i] + '/sv/', files[j]).addLoadListener(increaseLoads.bind(this)); tempFiles += 4; } } _._ccex_files = tempFiles; this.loadImage('CustomCharacter'); this.loadImage('CustomFace'); this.loadImage('Background'); this.loadImage('Walk-Background'); this.loadImage('Dead-Background'); this.loadImage('SV-Background'); this.loadImage('Face-Background'); }; if (_.isNodeJs) { _.saveFileInfoStuff(); } else { _.loadSaveInfoFile(); } _.checkFileExists = function () { FileManager.checkDataExists("CharacterCreator.json", `{ "Body":{"label":"","direction":0,"source":"Face","color":false,"condition":"true","colors":[["White",0],["Tan",0,0.8,0],["Brown",24,-1,0.5],["Black",24,-1,0.3],["Gray",24,0,0,0.35],["Blue",0,0,0.5,0.5]]}, "Clothing":{"label":"","direction":0,"source":"Walk","color":false,"condition":"true","colors":[]}, "Rear Hair":{"label":"","direction":3,"source":"Walk","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[["Blonde",0],["Brown",-27,-0.5,0.8],["Black",-27,-1,0.3],["White",0,0,1,0.5],["Gray",0,0,0.5,0.5],["Green",60],["Teal",120],["Blue",180],["Purple",240],["Red",300]]}, "Tail":{"label":"","direction":3,"source":"Walk","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[]}, "Wing":{"label":"","direction":3,"source":"Walk","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[]}, "Eyebrows":{"label":"","direction":1,"source":"Face","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[["Blonde",0],["Brown",-27,-0.5,0.8],["Black",-27,-1,0.3],["White",0,0,1,0.5],["Gray",0,0,0.5,0.5],["Green",60],["Teal",120],["Blue",180],["Purple",240],["Red",300]]}, "Nose":{"label":"","direction":0,"source":"Face","color":false,"condition":"true","colors":[["White",0],["Tan",0,0.8,0],["Brown",24,-1,0.5],["Black",24,-1,0.3],["Gray",24,0,0,0.35],["Blue",0,0,0.5,0.5]]}, "Mouth":{"label":"","direction":0,"source":"Face","color":false,"condition":"true","colors":[["White",0],["Tan",0,0.8,0],["Brown",24,-1,0.5],["Black",24,-1,0.3],["Gray",24,0,0,0.35],["Blue",0,0,0.5,0.5]]}, "Eyes":{"label":"","direction":0,"source":"Face","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[["Blue",0],["Purple",60],["Red",120],["Yellow",180],["Green",240],["Teal",300],["Orange",180,1,0.8],["Sky Blue",0,1,1,0.35]]}, "Front Hair":{"direction":0,"source":"Walk","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[["Blonde",0],["Brown",-27,-0.5,0.8],["Black",-27,-1,0.3],["White",0,0,1,0.5],["Gray",0,0,0.5,0.5],["Green",60],["Teal",120],["Blue",180],["Purple",240],["Red",300]],"label":""}, "Accessory A":{"direction":0,"source":"SV","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[],"label":""}, "Accessory B":{"direction":0,"source":"SV","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[],"label":""}, "Glasses":{"direction":0,"source":"SV","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[],"label":""}, "Beast Ears":{"direction":0,"source":"SV","color":true,"condition":"true","colors":[],"label":""} }`); }; _.checkFileExists(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DataManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DataManager._testExceptions.push("CharacterCreator.json"); DataManager._databaseFiles.push({ name: '$dataCharacterCreator', src: "CharacterCreator.json" }); _.DataManager_createGameObjects = DataManager.createGameObjects; DataManager.createGameObjects = function () { _.DataManager_createGameObjects.call(this); $gameCharacterCreations = new Game_CharacterCreations(); _.preloadCharacterPieces(); }; _.DataManager_makeSaveContents = DataManager.makeSaveContents; DataManager.makeSaveContents = function () { const contents = _.DataManager_makeSaveContents.apply(this, arguments); contents.characterCreations = $gameCharacterCreations; return contents; }; _.DataManager_extractSaveContents = DataManager.extractSaveContents; DataManager.extractSaveContents = function (contents) { _.DataManager_extractSaveContents.apply(this, arguments); $gameCharacterCreations = contents.characterCreations; }; _.DataManager_makeSavefileInfo = DataManager.makeSavefileInfo; DataManager.makeSavefileInfo = function () { const info = _.DataManager_makeSavefileInfo.apply(this, arguments); info.srd_cc_chars = $gameParty.charactersForSavefile2(); return info; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DataManagerEX //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DataManagerEX._characterCreatorSection = _.order[0]; _.DataManagerEX_getCustomInfo = DataManagerEX.getCustomInfo; DataManagerEX.getCustomInfo = function () { const result = _.DataManagerEX_getCustomInfo.apply(this, arguments); result.push(['Character Creator Editor', 'DataManagerEX.getCharacterCreatorHtml']); return result; }; DataManagerEX.getCharacterCreatorHtml = function () { const data = $dataCharacterCreator[_.order[0]]; let colorStuff = JSON.stringify(data.colors); colorStuff = colorStuff.substring(1, colorStuff.length - 1); colorStuff = colorStuff.replace(/\],\[/img, '],\n['); return `


Parameter Input
In-Game Name
Display Type
Colors ["ColorName", Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Grayscale]

`; }; DataManagerEX.getCharacterCreatorHtmlOptions = function () { let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < _.order.length; i++) { result += `\n`; } return result; }; DataManagerEX.updateCharacterCreator = function () { const doc = MakerManager.document; this._characterCreatorSection = doc.getElementById('SectionSelect').value; const data = $dataCharacterCreator[this._characterCreatorSection]; if (data) { doc.getElementById('label').value = data.label; doc.getElementById('source').value = data.source; doc.getElementById('direction').value = String(data.direction); doc.getElementById('condition').value = data.condition; let colorStr = JSON.stringify(data.colors); colorStr = colorStr.substring(1, colorStr.length - 1); doc.getElementById('colors').value = colorStr.replace(/\],\[/img, '],\n['); } else { doc.getElementById('label').value = ''; doc.getElementById('source').value = ''; doc.getElementById('direction').value = ''; doc.getElementById('condition').value = ''; doc.getElementById('colors').value = ''; } }; DataManagerEX.saveCurrentCharacterCreator = function () { const doc = MakerManager.document; const data = $dataCharacterCreator[this._characterCreatorSection]; if (data) { data.label = doc.getElementById('label').value; data.source = doc.getElementById('source').value; data.direction = parseInt(doc.getElementById('direction').value || '0'); data.condition = doc.getElementById('condition').value; data.colors = JSON.parse('[' + doc.getElementById('colors').value + ']'); FileManager.saveData($dataCharacterCreator, "CharacterCreator.json"); } }; _.DataManagerEX_initOldDatas = DataManagerEX.initOldDatas; DataManagerEX.initOldDatas = function () { _.DataManagerEX_initOldDatas.apply(this, arguments); this._oldCharacterCreator = JsonEx.stringify($dataCharacterCreator); }; _.DataManagerEX_requestRestartCondition = DataManagerEX.requestRestartCondition; DataManagerEX.requestRestartCondition = function () { return _.DataManagerEX_requestRestartCondition.apply(this, arguments) || this._oldCharacterCreator !== JsonEx.stringify($dataCharacterCreator); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BattleManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.BattleManager_setup = BattleManager.setup; BattleManager.setup = function (troopId, canEscape, canLose) { _.BattleManager_setup.apply(this, arguments); this.customFaceCache = []; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Temp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize; Game_System.prototype.initialize = function () { _.Game_System_initialize.call(this); this.characterCreatorColorIndex = []; }; Game_System.prototype.colorIndexSaves = function () { return this.characterCreatorColorIndex[$gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId]; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Character //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game_Character.prototype.hasSetImage = function () { return false; }; Game_Character.prototype.needsCustomUpdate = function () { return false; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Event //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Game_Event_initialize = Game_Event.prototype.initialize; Game_Event.prototype.initialize = function (mapId, eventId) { _.Game_Event_initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.setupCustomCharacter(); }; Game_Event.prototype.setupCustomCharacter = function () { const note = this.event().note; if (note.match(//im)) { this._customCharacterId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); this._customCharacterActor = $gameActors.actor(this._customCharacterId); this._needsCustomCharacterUpdate = true; } else if (note.match(//im)) { this._customCharacterId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); this._customCharacterActor = $gameActors.actor(this._customCharacterId); this._isCustomDeadCharacter = true; this._needsCustomCharacterUpdate = true; } }; Game_Event.prototype.hasSetImage = function () { return !!this._customCharacterId && this._customCharacterActor.hasSetImage(); }; Game_Event.prototype.setNeedsCustomUpdate = function (update) { this._needsCustomCharacterUpdate = update; }; Game_Event.prototype.needsCustomUpdate = function () { return !!this._needsCustomCharacterUpdate; }; Game_Event.prototype.isDeadCustomCharacter = function () { return !!this._isCustomDeadCharacter; }; Game_Event.prototype.getCreatorBitmap = function () { const actor = $gameActors.actor(this._customCharacterId); return actor && actor.getCreatorBitmapChar(); }; Game_Event.prototype.getCreatorBitmapDead = function () { const actor = $gameActors.actor(this._customCharacterId); return actor && actor.getCreatorBitmapDead(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Player //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game_Player.prototype.hasSetImage = function () { const actor = $gameParty.leader(); return actor && actor.hasSetImage(); }; Game_Player.prototype.getCreatorBitmap = function () { const actor = $gameParty.leader(); return actor && actor.getCreatorBitmapChar(); }; Game_Player.prototype.getCreatorBitmapDead = function () { const actor = $gameParty.leader(); return actor && actor.getCreatorBitmapDead(); }; Game_Player.prototype.isDeadCustomCharacter = function () { const actor = $gameParty.leader(); return actor && actor._isDeadCustomCharacter; }; Game_Player.prototype.needsCustomUpdate = function () { const actor = $gameParty.leader(); return actor && actor._neededCustomUpdate; }; Game_Player.prototype.setNeedsCustomUpdate = function (update) { const actor = $gameParty.leader(); actor._neededCustomUpdate = update; }; Game_Player.prototype.setAllNeedsCustomUpdate = function () { this.setNeedsCustomUpdate(true); this._followers.forEach(function (follower) { follower.setNeedsCustomUpdate(true); }, true); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Follower //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game_Follower.prototype.hasSetImage = function () { const actor = this.actor(); return actor && actor.hasSetImage(); }; Game_Follower.prototype.getCreatorBitmap = function () { const actor = this.actor(); return actor && actor.getCreatorBitmapChar(); }; Game_Follower.prototype.getCreatorBitmapDead = function () { const actor = this.actor(); return actor && actor.getCreatorBitmapDead(); }; Game_Follower.prototype.isDeadCustomCharacter = function () { const actor = this.actor(); return actor && actor._isDeadCustomCharacter; }; Game_Follower.prototype.needsCustomUpdate = function () { const actor = this.actor(); return actor && actor._neededCustomUpdate; }; Game_Follower.prototype.setNeedsCustomUpdate = function (update) { const actor = this.actor(); if (actor) { actor._neededCustomUpdate = update; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Actor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Game_Actor_initialize = Game_Actor.prototype.initialize; Game_Actor.prototype.initialize = function (actorId) { _.Game_Actor_initialize.call(this, actorId); this._characterCreatorDisabled = false; this._isDeadCustomCharacter = false; this._neededCustomUpdate = true; }; Object.defineProperty(Game_Actor.prototype, 'character-creator', { get: function () { return this._characterCreatorDisabled; }, set: function (value) { return this._characterCreatorDisabled = value; }, configurable: true }); Game_Actor.prototype.hasSetImage = function () { return $gameCharacterCreations.hasInfo(this.actorId()) && !this._characterCreatorDisabled; }; Game_Actor.prototype.getCreatorBitmap = function () { return $gameCharacterCreations.buildBitmapSv(this.actorId()); }; Game_Actor.prototype.getCreatorBitmapChar = function () { return $gameCharacterCreations.buildBitmap(this.actorId()); }; Game_Actor.prototype.getCreatorBitmapDead = function () { return $gameCharacterCreations.buildBitmapDead(this.actorId()); }; Game_Actor.prototype.getCreatorBitmapFace = function () { return $gameCharacterCreations.buildBitmapFace(this.actorId()); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Party //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game_Party.prototype.charactersForSavefile2 = function () { return this.battleMembers().map(function (actor) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { return $gameCharacterCreations.getInfo(actor.actorId()); } else { return null; } }); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Interpreter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand; Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) { _.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.apply(this, arguments); if (command.trim().toLowerCase() === 'opencharactercreator') { $gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId = parseInt(args[0]); SceneManager.push(Scene_CharacterCreator); } else if (command.trim().toLowerCase() === 'setdeadcustomcharacter') { const actor = $gameActors.actor(parseInt(args[0])); actor._isDeadCustomCharacter = (args[1].trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'); actor._neededCustomUpdate = true; } else if (command.trim().toLowerCase() === 'disablecharactercreatorimages') { const actor = $gameActors.actor(parseInt(args[0])); actor["character-creator"] = true; actor._neededCustomUpdate = true; } else if (command.trim().toLowerCase() === 'enablecharactercreatorimages') { const actor = $gameActors.actor(parseInt(args[0])); actor["character-creator"] = false; actor._neededCustomUpdate = true; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_CharacterCreations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.initialize = function () { this._data = []; this._dataDd = []; this._dataSv = []; this._dataFace = []; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.addInfo = function (info, id, type) { type = type || ''; if (type === '') { this._data[id] = info; } else if (type === 'dead') { this._dataDd[id] = info; } else if (type === 'sv') { this._dataSv[id] = info; } else if (type === 'face') { this._dataFace[id] = info; } }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.addInfos = function (id, info, info2, info3, info4) { this._data[id] = info; this._dataDd[id] = info2; this._dataSv[id] = info3; this._dataFace[id] = info4; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.getInfo = function (id, type) { type = type || ''; if (type === 'dead') { return this._dataDd[id]; } else if (type === 'sv') { return this._dataSv[id]; } else if (type === 'face') { return this._dataFace[id]; } return this._data[id]; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.hasInfo = function (id, type) { type = type || ''; if (type === 'dead') { return !!this._dataDd[id]; } else if (type === 'sv') { return !!this._dataSv[id]; } else if (type === 'face') { return !!this._dataFace[id]; } return !!this._data[id]; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.buildBitmap = function (id, info) { if ($gameTemp.charConstructor === undefined) { $gameTemp.charConstructor = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.fileWidth, _.fileHeight); $gameTemp.charConstructor._sprite.x = 0; $gameTemp.charConstructor._sprite.y = 0; } const data = info || this.getInfo(id); if (!data) return null; $gameTemp.charConstructor.setInfo(data); const bit = Bitmap.snapSprite($gameTemp.charConstructor._sprite, _.fileWidth, _.fileHeight); return bit; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.buildBitmapFromInfo = function (info, type) { if (!info) return null; type = type || ''; if (type === '') { return this.buildBitmap(0, info); } else if (type === 'dead') { return this.buildBitmapDead(0, info); } else if (type === 'face') { return this.buildBitmapFace(0, info); } else if (type === 'sv') { return this.buildBitmapSv(0, info); } }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.buildBitmapDead = function (id, info) { if ($gameTemp.deadConstructor === undefined) { $gameTemp.deadConstructor = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.fileWidth, _.height); $gameTemp.deadConstructor._sprite.x = 0; $gameTemp.deadConstructor._sprite.y = 0; } const data = info || this.getInfo(id, 'dead'); if (!data) return null; $gameTemp.deadConstructor.setInfo(data); const bit = Bitmap.snapSprite($gameTemp.deadConstructor._sprite, _.fileWidth, _.height); const result = new Bitmap(_.fileWidth, _.fileHeight); result.blt(bit, 0, 0, bit.width, bit.height, 0, 0); result.blt(bit, 0, 0, bit.width, bit.height, 0, _.height * 1); result.blt(bit, 0, 0, bit.width, bit.height, 0, _.height * 2); result.blt(bit, 0, 0, bit.width, bit.height, 0, _.height * 3); return result; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.buildBitmapSv = function (id, info) { if ($gameTemp.svConstructor === undefined) { $gameTemp.svConstructor = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.svFileWidth, _.svFileHeight); $gameTemp.svConstructor._sprite.x = 0; $gameTemp.svConstructor._sprite.y = 0; } const data = info || this.getInfo(id, 'sv'); if (!data) return null; $gameTemp.svConstructor.setInfo(data); const bit = Bitmap.snapSprite($gameTemp.svConstructor._sprite, _.svFileWidth, _.svFileHeight); return bit; }; Game_CharacterCreations.prototype.buildBitmapFace = function (id, info) { if ($gameTemp.faceConstructor === undefined) { $gameTemp.faceConstructor = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.faceFileWidth, _.faceFileHeight); $gameTemp.faceConstructor._sprite.x = 0; $gameTemp.faceConstructor._sprite.y = 0; } const data = info || this.getInfo(id, 'face'); if (!data) return null; $gameTemp.faceConstructor.setInfo(data); const bit = Bitmap.snapSprite($gameTemp.faceConstructor._sprite, _.faceFileWidth, _.faceFileHeight); return bit; }; Bitmap.snapSprite = function (stage, width, height) { var bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); var context = bitmap._context; var renderTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(width, height); if (stage) { Graphics._renderer.render(stage, renderTexture); stage.worldTransform.identity(); var canvas = null; if (Graphics.isWebGL()) { canvas = Graphics._renderer.extract.canvas(renderTexture); } else { canvas = renderTexture.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.canvas; } context.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0); } else { } renderTexture.destroy({ destroyBase: true }); bitmap._setDirty(); return bitmap; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene_Boot //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Scene_Boot_isReady = Scene_Boot.prototype.isReady; Scene_Boot.prototype.isReady = function () { return _.Scene_Boot_isReady.apply(this, arguments) && _._ccex_files === _._ccex_loads; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene_Map //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (_.fade) { _.Scene_Map_needsSlowFadeOut = Scene_Map.prototype.needsSlowFadeOut; Scene_Map.prototype.needsSlowFadeOut = function () { return (_.Scene_Map_needsSlowFadeOut.apply(this, arguments) || SceneManager.isNextScene(Scene_CharacterCreator)); }; _.Scene_Map_needsFadeIn = Scene_Map.prototype.needsFadeIn; Scene_Map.prototype.needsFadeIn = function () { return (_.Scene_Map_needsFadeIn.apply(this, arguments) || SceneManager.isPreviousScene(Scene_CharacterCreator)); }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene_CharacterCreator //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype = Object.create(Scene_MenuBase.prototype); Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.constructor = Scene_CharacterCreator; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.initialize = function (actorId) { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.initialize.call(this); if (!$gameSystem.characterCreatorColorIndex[$gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId]) { $gameSystem.characterCreatorColorIndex[$gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId] = {}; } this._loadedStuff = 0; this._combinedMode = false; this._mandatories = {}; for (let i = 0; i < _.mandatory.length; i++) { this._mandatories[_.mandatory[i]] = true; } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.create = function () { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.create.call(this); this.createFolderList(); this.createFileList(); this.createPreviewFaceWindow(); this.createPreviewWindow(); this.createPreviewDeadWindow(); this.createPreviewSvWindow(); this.createHueWindow(); this.checkForAlreadyMandatory(); this.createMessageWindow(); this.createConfirmBackground(); this.createConfirmerWindow(); this.createTexterWindow(); }; if (_.fade) { Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.start = function () { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.start.call(this); this.startFadeIn(this.fadeSpeed(), false); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.stop = function () { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.stop.call(this); this.startFadeOut(this.slowFadeSpeed(), false); }; } Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.terminate = function () { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.terminate.call(this); $gamePlayer.setAllNeedsCustomUpdate(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createBackground = function () { this._backgroundSprite = new TilingSprite(); if (_.background) { this._backgroundSprite.bitmap = _.loadImage('Background'); } else { this._backgroundSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.backgroundBitmap(); } this._backgroundSprite.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height); this.addChild(this._backgroundSprite); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.update = function () { Scene_MenuBase.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._isMessageActive) { if (this._isMessageActive === 1) { if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) { this._isMessageActive = false; this._folderList.activate(); } } } this.updateBackground(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.updateBackground = function () { if (this._backgroundSprite) { if (_.xScroll) this._backgroundSprite.origin.x += _.xScroll; if (_.yScroll) this._backgroundSprite.origin.y += _.yScroll; } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createFileList = function () { this._fileList = new Window_CharacterCreator_FileList(this._folderList); this._fileList.setHandler('ok', this.onFileListOK.bind(this)); this._fileList.setHandler('cancel', this.onFileListCancel.bind(this)); this._fileList.deselect(); this._fileList.deactivate(); this.addWindow(this._fileList); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createFolderList = function () { this._folderList = new Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList(this._mandatories); this._folderList.setHandler('ok', this.onFolderListOK.bind(this)); this._folderList.setHandler('combined', this.onFolderListCombined.bind(this)); this._folderList.setHandler('cancel', this.onFolderListCancel.bind(this)); this._folderList.activate(); this._folderList.select(0); this.addWindow(this._folderList); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createPreviewFaceWindow = function () { this._previewWindowFace = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.faceFileWidth, _.faceFileHeight, 'face'); this._previewWindowFace.x = (((Graphics.boxWidth - this._fileList.x - this._fileList.width) - this._previewWindowFace.width) / 2) + this._fileList.width + this._fileList.x + _.xOffset; this._previewWindowFace.y = (Graphics.boxHeight - this._previewWindowFace.height) / 2; this.addWindow(this._previewWindowFace); if ($gameCharacterCreations.hasInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId, 'face')) { this._previewWindowFace.setInfo($gameCharacterCreations.getInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId, 'face')); this._loadedStuff++; } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createPreviewWindow = function () { this._previewWindow = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.width, _.height, 'char'); this._previewWindow.x = ((this._previewWindowFace.width - (this._previewWindow.width * 2)) / 2) + this._previewWindowFace.x; this._previewWindow.y = this._previewWindowFace.y + this._previewWindowFace.height; this.addWindow(this._previewWindow); if ($gameCharacterCreations.hasInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId)) { this._previewWindow.setInfo($gameCharacterCreations.getInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId)); this._loadedStuff++; } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createPreviewDeadWindow = function () { this._previewWindowDead = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.width, _.height, 'dead'); this._previewWindowDead.x = this._previewWindow.x + this._previewWindow.width; this._previewWindowDead.y = this._previewWindowFace.y + this._previewWindowFace.height; this.addWindow(this._previewWindowDead); if ($gameCharacterCreations.hasInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId, 'dead')) { this._previewWindowDead.setInfo($gameCharacterCreations.getInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId, 'dead')); this._loadedStuff++; } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createPreviewSvWindow = function () { this._previewWindowSv = new Window_CharacterCreator_Preview(0, 0, _.svWidth, _.svHeight, 'sv'); this._previewWindowSv.x = (((Graphics.boxWidth - this._fileList.x - this._fileList.width) - this._previewWindowSv.width) / 2) + this._fileList.width + this._fileList.x + _.xOffset; this._previewWindowSv.y = this._previewWindowDead.y + this._previewWindowDead.height; this.addWindow(this._previewWindowSv); if ($gameCharacterCreations.hasInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId, 'sv')) { this._previewWindowSv.setInfo($gameCharacterCreations.getInfo($gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId, 'sv')); this._loadedStuff++; } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createHueWindow = function () { this._hueWindow = new Window_HueSelector(0, 0, this._fileList, this); this._hueWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onHueWindowOk.bind(this)); this._hueWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onHueWindowCancel.bind(this)); this._hueWindow.x = (((Graphics.boxWidth - this._fileList.x - this._fileList.width) - this._hueWindow.width) / 2) + this._fileList.width + this._fileList.x + _.xOffset; this._hueWindow.y = (Graphics.boxHeight - this._hueWindow.height) / 6; this.addWindow(this._hueWindow); this._hueWindow.openness = 0; this._hueWindow.deactivate(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.checkForAlreadyMandatory = function () { if (this._loadedStuff === 4) { for (let i = 0; i < _.mandatory.length; i++) { this._mandatories[_.mandatory[i]] = false; } this._folderList.refresh(); } else { for (let i = 0; i < _.mandatory.length; i++) { let condition = ''; if ($dataCharacterCreator[_.mandatory[i]]) { condition = $dataCharacterCreator[_.mandatory[i]].condition; } else { condition = true; } this._mandatories[_.mandatory[i]] = eval(condition); } } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createMessageWindow = function () { this._messageWindow = new Window_Message(); this.addWindow(this._messageWindow); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createConfirmBackground = function () { this._confirmBack = new Sprite(new Bitmap(Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight)); this._confirmBack.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'); this._confirmBack.opacity = 0; this._confirmBack.opacitySpeed = 0; this._confirmBack.updateAlias = this._confirmBack.update; this._confirmBack.update = function () { this.updateAlias.apply(this, arguments); if ((this.opacitySpeed > 0 && this.opacity < 255) || (this.opacitySpeed < 0 && this.opacity > 0)) { this.opacity += this.opacitySpeed; } else if (this.opacitySpeed !== 0) { this.opacitySpeed = 0; } }; this.addChild(this._confirmBack); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createConfirmerWindow = function () { this._confirmer = new Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation(); this._confirmer.setHandler('yes', this.exitDaScene.bind(this)); this._confirmer.setHandler('no', this.deconfirm.bind(this)); this.addChild(this._confirmer); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.createTexterWindow = function () { this._texter = new Window_Base(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth / 2, this._confirmer.fittingHeight(2)); this._texter.openness = 0; this._texter.createContents = function () { this.contents = new Bitmap(this.contentsWidth(), this.contentsHeight()); this.resetFontSettings(); this.drawTextEx(_.leaveDialogue, 0, 0); }; this._texter.createContents(); this.addChild(this._texter); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onFolderListOK = function () { this._combinedMode = false; this.goToFiles(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onFolderListCombined = function () { this._combinedMode = true; this.goToFiles(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.goToFiles = function () { this._fileList.setCombinedMode(this._combinedMode); this._fileList.activate(); this._fileList.select(0); if (this.getHueUsage()) { const section = this._fileList.currentSection(); this._hueWindow.open(section); } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.checkMandatories = function () { for (let i = 0; i < _.mandatory.length; i++) { if (this._mandatories[_.mandatory[i]]) { return true; } } return false; }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onFolderListCancel = function () { if (this.checkMandatories()) { $gameMessage.add(_.mandatoryDialogue); this._isMessageActive = 1; } else { this._confirmBack.opacitySpeed = 16; this._confirmer.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this._confirmer.width) / 2; this._confirmer.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this._messageWindow.height - this._confirmer.height; this._texter.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this._texter.width) / 2; this._texter.y = this._confirmer.y - this._texter.height; this._confirmer.activate(); this._confirmer.select(0); this._confirmer.open(); this._texter.open(); } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.exitDaScene = function () { if (_.console) { console.log("var id = 0;\n$gameCharacterCreations.addInfos(id, " + JSON.stringify(this._previewWindow.info()) + ", " + JSON.stringify(this._previewWindowDead.info()) + ", " + JSON.stringify(this._previewWindowSv.info()) + ", " + JSON.stringify(this._previewWindowFace.info()) + ");"); } const id = $gameCharacterCreations._tempActorId; $gameCharacterCreations.addInfo(this._previewWindow.info(), id); $gameCharacterCreations.addInfo(this._previewWindowDead.info(), id, 'dead'); $gameCharacterCreations.addInfo(this._previewWindowSv.info(), id, 'sv'); $gameCharacterCreations.addInfo(this._previewWindowFace.info(), id, 'face'); this.popScene(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.deconfirm = function () { this._confirmBack.opacitySpeed = -16; this._confirmer.close(); this._texter.close(); this._confirmer.deselect(); this._confirmer.deactivate(); this._folderList.activate(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.getHueUsage = function () { const data = $dataCharacterCreator[this._fileList.currentSectionNoPart()]; return data ? data.colors.length > 0 : false; }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onFileListOK = function () { this.saveCurrentSelection(); if (this.getHueUsage()) { this._fileList.deactivate(); this._hueWindow.activate(); this._hueWindow.select(0); } else { this._fileList.activate(); } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onHueWindowCancel = function () { this._hueWindow.deselect(); this._hueWindow.deactivate(); this._fileList.activate(); this._fileList.reselect(); const section = this._fileList.currentSection(); $gameSystem.colorIndexSaves()[section] = this._hueWindow._colorIndex; //Here //this._hueWindow._colorIndex = 0; this._hueWindow.refresh(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onHueWindowOk = function () { this._hueWindow.deselect(); this._hueWindow.deactivate(); this._fileList.activate(); this._fileList.reselect(); this.saveCurrentSelection(); this._hueWindow.refresh(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.saveCurrentSelection = function () { if (!this._combinedMode) { this._previewWindow.addImage(this._fileList.currentFilePath(), this._fileList.currentSection(), this._fileList.currentFile()); this._previewWindowDead.addImage(this._fileList.currentFilePathDead(), this._fileList.currentSection(), this._fileList.currentFile()); this._previewWindowSv.addImage(this._fileList.currentFilePathSv(), this._fileList.currentSection(), this._fileList.currentFile()); this._previewWindowFace.addImage(this._fileList.currentFilePathFace(), this._fileList.currentSection(), this._fileList.currentFile()); } else { const combines = this._folderList.combines(); for (let i = 0; i < combines.length; i++) { this._previewWindow.addImage(_.path + combines[i] + '/walk/', combines[i], this._fileList.currentFile()); this._previewWindowDead.addImage(_.path + combines[i] + '/dead/', combines[i], this._fileList.currentFile()); this._previewWindowSv.addImage(_.path + combines[i] + '/sv/', combines[i], this._fileList.currentFile()); this._previewWindowFace.addImage(_.path + combines[i] + '/face/', combines[i], this._fileList.currentFile()); } } if (this._mandatories[this._fileList.currentSection()]) { this._mandatories[this._fileList.currentSection()] = false; } this._folderList.refresh(); }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.shiftCurrentSelection = function (index) { const section = this._fileList.currentSection(); const colorSec = this._fileList.currentSectionNoPart(); let color; if ($dataCharacterCreator[colorSec]) { color = $dataCharacterCreator[colorSec].colors[index]; } else { color = [0]; } if (!this._combinedMode) { this._previewWindow.setColor(section, color); this._previewWindowDead.setColor(section, color); this._previewWindowSv.setColor(section, color); this._previewWindowFace.setColor(section, color); } else { const combines = this._folderList.combines(); for (let i = 0; i < combines.length; i++) { this._previewWindow.setColor(combines[i], color); this._previewWindowDead.setColor(combines[i], color); this._previewWindowSv.setColor(combines[i], color); this._previewWindowFace.setColor(combines[i], color); } } }; Scene_CharacterCreator.prototype.onFileListCancel = function () { this._fileList.deselect(); this._fileList.deactivate(); this._folderList.activate(); this._hueWindow.close(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Character //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Sprite_Character_isImageChanged = Sprite_Character.prototype.isImageChanged; Sprite_Character.prototype.isImageChanged = function () { return (_.Sprite_Character_isImageChanged.apply(this, arguments) || this._character.needsCustomUpdate()); }; _.Sprite_Character_setCharacterBitmap = Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacterBitmap; Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacterBitmap = function () { if (!this._character.hasSetImage()) { _.Sprite_Character_setCharacterBitmap.call(this); } else { if (this._character.isDeadCustomCharacter()) { this.bitmap = this._character.getCreatorBitmapDead(); } else { this.bitmap = this._character.getCreatorBitmap(); } this._character.setNeedsCustomUpdate(false); this._isBigCharacter = true; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_Actor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite_Actor.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateBitmap.call(this); const name = this._actor.battlerName(); if (this._battlerName !== name) { this._battlerName = name; if (!this._actor.hasSetImage()) { this._mainSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(name); } else { this._mainSprite.bitmap = this._actor.getCreatorBitmap(); } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_DisplayCharacter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite_DisplayCharacter.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_DisplayCharacter.prototype.constructor = Sprite_DisplayCharacter; Sprite_DisplayCharacter.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._stepCounter = 1; this._stepDirection = 1; this._directionCounter = 0; this._directions = [0, 1, 3, 2]; this._specificCounter = 0; this.visible = false; this.refresh(); }; Sprite_DisplayCharacter.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this._specificCounter++; if (this._specificCounter % 10 === 0) { this._stepCounter += this._stepDirection; if (this._stepCounter === 2 || this._stepCounter === 0) this._stepDirection *= (-1); this.refresh(); } if (this._specificCounter % 120 === 0) { this._directionCounter++; if (this._directionCounter > 3) this._directionCounter = 0; this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_DisplayCharacter.prototype.refresh = function (reset) { if (reset) { this._stepCounter = 1; this._stepDirection = 1; this._directionCounter = 0; this._specificCounter = 0; } this.setFrame(_.width * this._stepCounter, _.height * this._directions[this._directionCounter], _.width, _.height); if (!this.visible) this.visible = true; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter.prototype.constructor = Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter; Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.visible = false; this.refresh(); }; Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter.prototype.refresh = function () { this.setFrame(0, 0, _.width, _.height); this.visible = true; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter.prototype.constructor = Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter; Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter.prototype.refresh = function () { }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter.prototype.constructor = Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter; Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._stepCounter = 0; this._stepDirection = 1; this._currentRow = 0; this._currentColumn = 0; this._specificCounter = 0; this.visible = false; this.refresh(); }; Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this._specificCounter++; if (this._specificCounter % 10 === 0) { this._stepCounter += this._stepDirection; if (this._stepCounter === 2 || this._stepCounter === 0) this._stepDirection *= (-1); this.refresh(); } if (this._specificCounter % 120 === 0) { this._currentRow++; if (this._currentRow > 5) { this._currentRow = 0; this._currentColumn++; if (this._currentColumn > 2) { this._currentColumn = 0; } } this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter.prototype.refresh = function (reset) { if (reset) { this._stepCounter = 0; this._stepDirection = 1; this._currentRow = 0; this._currentColumn = 0; this._specificCounter = 0; } this.setFrame((_.svWidth * this._stepCounter) + (_.svWidth * 3 * this._currentColumn), _.svHeight * this._currentRow, _.svWidth, _.svHeight); if (!this.visible) this.visible = true; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_Base //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_Base.prototype.drawCustomCharacter = function (actor, x, y, bitmap) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { bitmap = actor.getCreatorBitmapChar(); } else { bitmap = _.loadImage('CustomCharacter', 0); } const big = true; const pw = bitmap.width / (big ? 3 : 12); const ph = bitmap.height / (big ? 4 : 8); const n = 0; const sx = (n % 4 * 3 + 1) * pw; const sy = (Math.floor(n / 4) * 4) * ph; this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph); }; Window_Base.prototype.drawCustomCharacterFromInfo = function (info, x, y) { let bitmap = $gameCharacterCreations.buildBitmapFromInfo(info); if (!bitmap) { bitmap = _.loadImage('CustomCharacter', 0); } const pw = bitmap.width / 3; const ph = bitmap.height / 4; const n = 0; const sx = (n % 4 * 3 + 1) * pw; const sy = (Math.floor(n / 4) * 4) * ph; this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph); }; _.Window_Base_drawActorCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.drawActorCharacter; Window_Base.prototype.drawActorCharacter = function (actor, x, y) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { this.drawCustomCharacter(actor, x, y); } else { _.Window_Base_drawActorCharacter.apply(this, arguments); } }; Window_Base.prototype.drawCustomFace = function (actor, x, y, w, h) { const width = Window_Base._faceWidth; const height = Window_Base._faceHeight; w = w || width; h = h || height; const bitmap = this.getCustomFace(actor); this.contents.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, x, y, w, h); }; Window_Base.prototype.getCustomFace = function (actor) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { if (BattleManager.customFaceCache[actor.actorId()]) { return BattleManager.customFaceCache[actor.actorId()]; } else { var bitmap = actor.getCreatorBitmapFace(); BattleManager.customFaceCache[actor.actorId()] = bitmap; return bitmap; } } else { return actor.getCreatorBitmapFace(); } } else { return _.loadImage('CustomFace', 0); } }; _.Window_Base_drawActorFace = Window_Base.prototype.drawActorFace; Window_Base.prototype.drawActorFace = function (actor, x, y, width, height) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { this.drawCustomFace(actor, x, y, width, height); } else { _.Window_Base_drawActorFace.apply(this, arguments); } }; Window_Base.prototype.drawCharacterFromBitmap = function (bitmap, x, y) { if (!bitmap) { bitmap = _.loadImage('CustomCharacter', 0); } const big = true; const pw = bitmap.width / (big ? 3 : 12); const ph = bitmap.height / (big ? 4 : 8); const n = 0; const sx = (n % 4 * 3 + 1) * pw; const sy = (Math.floor(n / 4) * 4) * ph; this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph); }; Window_Base.prototype.drawFaceFromBitmap = function (bitmap, x, y, w, h) { const width = Window_Base._faceWidth; const height = Window_Base._faceHeight; w = w || width; h = h || height; if (!bitmap) { bitmap = _.loadImage('CustomFace', 0); } this.contents.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, x, y, w, h); }; Window_Base.prototype.drawSvActorFromBitmap = function (bitmap, x, y) { if (!bitmap) return; var pw = bitmap.width / 9; var ph = bitmap.height / 6; var sx = 0; var sy = 0; this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_Message //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Window_Message_drawMessageFace = Window_Message.prototype.drawMessageFace; Window_Message.prototype.drawMessageFace = function () { const text = (this._textState) ? this._textState.text : ''; if (text.match(//i)) { this._textState.text = text.replace(//i, ''); const id = parseInt(RegExp.$1); this.drawCustomFace($gameActors.actor(id), 0, 0); } else { _.Window_Message_drawMessageFace.apply(this, arguments); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_SavefileList //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_SavefileList.prototype.drawPartyCharacters = function (info, x, y) { if (info.characters) { for (let i = 0; i < info.characters.length; i++) { if (info.srd_cc_chars && info.srd_cc_chars[i]) { const data = info.srd_cc_chars[i]; this.drawCustomCharacterFromInfo(data, x + i * _.width, y); } else { const data = info.characters[i]; this.drawCharacter(data[0], data[1], x + i * 48, y); } } } }; if (Imported.YEP_SaveCore) { Window_SaveInfo.prototype.drawPartyGraphics = function (dy) { if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 0) return dy; dy = eval(Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyY); var length = this._saveContents.party.maxBattleMembers(); var dw = this.contents.width / length;; dw = Math.floor(dw); var dx = Math.floor(dw / 2); for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var actorId = this._saveContents.party._actors[i]; var member = this._saveContents.actors._data[actorId]; if (member) { const cc = this._saveContents.characterCreations; if (cc.hasInfo(actorId)) { if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 1) { var bitt = cc.buildBitmap(actorId); this.drawCharacterFromBitmap(bitt, dx, dy); } else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 2) { var fh = Window_Base._faceHeight; var fw = Window_Base._faceWidth; var fx = dx - Math.floor(Math.min(fh, dw) / 2); var dif = Math.floor(Math.max(0, dw - fw) / 2); var name = member.faceName(); var index = member.faceIndex(); var bitt = cc.buildBitmapFace(actorId); this.drawFaceFromBitmap(bitt, fx - dif, dy - fh, dw, fh); } else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 3) { var bitt = cc.buildBitmapSv(actorId); this.drawSvActorFromBitmap(bitt, dx, dy); } } else { if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 1) { var name = member.characterName(); var index = member.characterIndex(); this.drawCharacter(name, index, dx, dy); } else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 2) { var fh = Window_Base._faceHeight; var fw = Window_Base._faceWidth; var fx = dx - Math.floor(Math.min(fh, dw) / 2); var dif = Math.floor(Math.max(0, dw - fw) / 2); var name = member.faceName(); var index = member.faceIndex(); this.drawFace(name, index, fx - dif, dy - fh, dw, fh); } else if (Yanfly.Param.SaveInfoPartyType === 3) { this.drawSvActor(member, dx, dy); } } } dx += dw; } return dy; }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_RowFormation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Imported.YEP_RowFormation) { _.Window_RowFormation_getImage = Window_RowFormation.prototype.getImage; Window_RowFormation.prototype.getImage = function (actor) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { let result; if (Yanfly.Param.RowMapSprite) { result = actor.getCreatorBitmapChar(); } else { result = actor.getCreatorBitmap(); } console.log(actor.name()) return result; } else { return _.Window_RowFormation_getImage.apply(this, arguments); } }; _.Window_Base_drawSvActor = Window_Base.prototype.drawSvActor; Window_Base.prototype.drawSvActor = function (actor, x, y) { if (actor.hasSetImage()) { const bitmap = actor.getCreatorBitmap(); const pw = bitmap.width / 9; const ph = bitmap.height / 6; const sx = 0; const sy = 0; this.contents.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x - pw / 2, y - ph); } else { _.Window_Base_drawSvActor.apply(this, arguments); } }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_BattleStatus //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Imported.YEP_BattleStatusWindow) { Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawCustomFace = function (actor, x, y, w, h) { const width = Window_Base._faceWidth; const height = Window_Base._faceHeight; w = w || width; h = h || height; const bitmap = this.getCustomFace(actor); this._faceContents.bitmap.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, x, y, w, h); }; _.Window_BattleStatus_drawStatusFace = Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawStatusFace; Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawStatusFace = function (index) { var actor = $gameParty.battleMembers()[index]; if (actor.hasSetImage()) { const rect = this.itemRect(index); const ww = Math.min(rect.width - 8, Window_Base._faceWidth); const wh = Math.min(rect.height - 8, Window_Base._faceHeight); const wx = rect.x + rect.width - ww - 6; const wy = rect.y + 4; Window_Base.prototype.drawActorFace.call(this, actor, wx, wy, ww, wh); } else { _.Window_BattleStatus_drawStatusFace.apply(this, arguments); } }; Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawAllFaces = function () { for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.battleMembers().length; ++i) { var member = $gameParty.battleMembers()[i]; var bitmap; if (member.hasSetImage()) { bitmap = ImageManager.loadFace(member.faceName()); } else { bitmap = this.getCustomFace(member); } if (bitmap.width <= 0) return setTimeout(this.drawAllFaces.bind(this), 5); } this._faceContents.bitmap.clear(); for (var i = 0; i < this.maxItems(); ++i) { this.drawStatusFace(i); } }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype); Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.constructor = Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.initialize = function (mandatories) { this._combines = {}; this._mandatories = mandatories; Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.currentName = function () { return this._list[this.index()].name; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.currentFolder = function () { if (this._combines[this._list[this.index()].name]) { return this._combines[this._list[this.index()].name][0]; } return this._list[this.index()].name; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.combines = function () { return this._combines[this._list[this.index()].name]; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.makeCommandList = function () { const images = _.getFolderList(); for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (images[i]) { const fold = images[i]; if (fold.match(/Part(\d+)/)) { const id = parseInt(RegExp.$1); const fold2 = fold.replace(/\s*Part\d+\s*/, ''); if (id === 1) { let condition = ''; if ($dataCharacterCreator[fold2]) { condition = $dataCharacterCreator[fold2].condition; } else { condition = 'true'; } if (eval(condition)) this.addCommand(fold2, 'combined'); this._combines[fold2] = []; this._combines[fold2].push(fold); } else { if (!this._combines[fold2]) this._combines[fold2] = []; this._combines[fold2].push(fold); } } else { let condition = ''; if ($dataCharacterCreator[fold]) { condition = $dataCharacterCreator[fold].condition; } else { condition = 'true'; } if (eval(condition)) this.addCommand(fold, 'ok'); } } } this.reorder(); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.drawItem = function (index) { const rect = this.itemRectForText(index); const align = this.itemTextAlign(); let name = this._list[index].name; if (this._mandatories[name]) { this.changeTextColor(_.mandatoryColor); } if ($dataCharacterCreator[name] && $dataCharacterCreator[name].label) { name = $dataCharacterCreator[name].label; } this.changePaintOpacity(this.isCommandEnabled(index)); this.drawText(name, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, align); this.resetTextColor(); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FolderList.prototype.reorder = function () { const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < _.order.length; i++) { const o = _.order[i]; for (let j = 0; j < this._list.length; j++) { if (o === this._list[j].name) { result.push(this._list[j]); continue; } } } this._list = result; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_CharacterCreator_FileList //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype); Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.constructor = Window_CharacterCreator_FileList; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.initialize = function (folderWindow) { this._folderWindow = folderWindow; this._folder = this._folderWindow.currentFolder(); this._combinedMode = false; this._createStuff(); Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype._createStuff = function () { this._list = []; this.makeCommandList(); const section = this._folderWindow.currentName().trim(); const file = this._list[0].name; let dir; let source; if ($dataCharacterCreator[section]) { dir = $dataCharacterCreator[section].direction; source = $dataCharacterCreator[section].source; } else { dir = 0; source = 'Walk'; } let filePath = ''; const sizes = []; if (source.match(/Walk/i)) { filePath = this.currentFilePath(); sizes[0] = _.width; sizes[1] = _.height; } else if (source.match(/Dead/i)) { filePath = this.currentFilePathDead(); } else if (source.match(/SV/i)) { filePath = this.currentFilePathSv(); sizes[0] = 0; sizes[1] = 0; } else if (source.match(/Face/i)) { filePath = this.currentFilePathFace(); sizes[0] = 0; sizes[1] = 0; } const bit = _.loadImageWPath(filePath, file); let wid = bit.width / 3; let hei = bit.height / 4; let xOff = 0; let yOff = 0; if (source.match(/Walk/i)) { xOff = -5; } else if (source.match(/Dead/i)) { wid = bit.width / 3; hei = bit.height; } else if (source.match(/SV/i)) { wid = bit.width / 9; hei = bit.height / 6; } else if (source.match(/Face/i)) { wid = bit.width; hei = bit.height; } this._allInfo = [filePath, sizes[0], sizes[1], wid, hei, xOff, yOff, dir]; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.lineHeight = function () { return this.itemHeight(); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.itemWidth = function () { return this._allInfo[3]; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.itemHeight = function () { return this._allInfo[4]; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return (this.itemWidth() * this.maxCols()) + (this.standardPadding() * 2) + (this.spacing() * (this.maxCols() - 1)); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.maxCols = function () { return (this._allInfo[3] > 100) ? _.bigCols : _.smallCols; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.setCombinedMode = function (combinedMode) { this._combinedMode = combinedMode; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentFile = function () { return this._list[this.index()].name; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentSection = function () { return this._folder; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentSectionNoPart = function () { let result = this._folder; if (result.match(/\s*(.*)part\d+\s*/i)) { result = String(RegExp.$1).trim(); } return result; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentFolder = function () { return this._folder + '/'; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentFilePath = function () { return _.path + this.currentFolder() + 'walk/'; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentFilePathDead = function () { return _.path + this.currentFolder() + 'dead/'; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentFilePathSv = function () { return _.path + this.currentFolder() + 'sv/'; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.currentFilePathFace = function () { return _.path + this.currentFolder() + 'face/'; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.update = function () { Window_Command.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._folder !== this._folderWindow.currentFolder()) { this._folder = this._folderWindow.currentFolder(); this.refresh(); this.select(-1); } }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.refreshX = function () { this.x = this._folderWindow.x + this._folderWindow.width; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.refreshY = function () { this.y = this._folderWindow.y; }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.refreshWidth = function () { this.width = Math.min(this.windowWidth(), Graphics.boxWidth); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.refreshHeight = function () { this.height = Math.min(this.windowHeight(), Graphics.boxHeight); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.refresh = function () { this.clearCommandList(); this._createStuff(); this.refreshWidth(); this.refreshHeight(); this.refreshX(); this.refreshY(); this.createContents(); Window_Selectable.prototype.refresh.call(this); }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.makeCommandList = function () { const images = _.getFileList(this.currentFolder()); for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (images[i]) { this.addCommand(images[i], 'ok'); } } }; Window_CharacterCreator_FileList.prototype.drawItem = function (index) { const section = this._folderWindow.currentName().trim(); const rect = this.itemRectForText(index); const file = this._list[index].name; let dir; let source; let background; if ($dataCharacterCreator[section]) { dir = $dataCharacterCreator[section].direction; source = $dataCharacterCreator[section].source; background = $dataCharacterCreator[section].background; } else { dir = 0; source = 'Walk'; } if (_.pieceBackground) { const back = _.loadImage(source + '-Background'); this.contents.blt(back, this._allInfo[1], this._allInfo[2] * this._allInfo[7], this._allInfo[3], this._allInfo[4], rect.x + this._allInfo[5], rect.y + this._allInfo[6]); } const bit = _.loadImageWPath(this._allInfo[0], file); this.contents.blt(bit, this._allInfo[1], this._allInfo[2] * this._allInfo[7], this._allInfo[3], this._allInfo[4], rect.x + this._allInfo[5], rect.y + this._allInfo[6]); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_CharacterCreator_Preview //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype); Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.constructor = Window_CharacterCreator_Preview; Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, width, height, type) { Window_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, x, y, width + (this.standardPadding() * 2), height + (this.standardPadding() * 2)); this._spritePieces = {}; this._spriteFilters = {}; this._pieces = {}; this._formattingClass; if (!type) { this._formattingClass = Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter; } else if (type === 'char') { this._formattingClass = Sprite_DisplayCharacter; } else if (type === 'dead') { this._formattingClass = Sprite_DisplayDeadCharacter; } else if (type === 'sv') { this._formattingClass = Sprite_DisplaySvCharacter; } else { this._formattingClass = Sprite_DisplayBlankCharacter; } this._sprite = new Sprite(); this._sprite.x = this.standardPadding(); this._sprite.y = this.standardPadding(); this.addChild(this._sprite); }; Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.info = function () { return this._pieces; }; Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.setInfo = function (info) { for (let key in this._spritePieces) { this._sprite.removeChild(this._spritePieces[key]); } this._spritePieces = {}; this._spriteFilters = {}; this._pieces = info; this.refresh(); }; Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.addImage = function (imagePath, section, file) { let newColor = [0]; if (this._pieces[section] && this._pieces[section].color) { newColor = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(this._pieces[section].color); } this._pieces[section] = { path: imagePath, file: file, color: newColor }; this.refresh(); }; Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.setColor = function (section, hsl) { if (this._spritePieces[section]) { this._spriteFilters[section].hue(0); if (hsl[4]) this._spriteFilters[section].greyscale(hsl[4], true); if (hsl[3]) this._spriteFilters[section].brightness(hsl[3], true); if (hsl[2]) this._spriteFilters[section].saturate(hsl[2], true); if (hsl[1]) this._spriteFilters[section].hue(hsl[1], true); this._pieces[section].color = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(hsl); } }; Window_CharacterCreator_Preview.prototype.refresh = function () { for (let i = 0; i < _.priorities.length; i++) { const section = _.priorities[i]; if (this._pieces[section]) { if (!this._spritePieces[section]) { const info = this._pieces[section]; this._spritePieces[section] = new this._formattingClass(); this._spriteFilters[section] = new PIXI.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(); this._spritePieces[section].filters = [this._spriteFilters[section]]; if (info.color) { this.setColor(section, info.color); } const bit = _.loadImageWPath(info.path, info.file, 0, true); bit.addLoadListener(function () { if (this._spritePieces[section]) { this._spritePieces[section].bitmap = bit; this._spritePieces[section].refresh(true); } }.bind(this)); } else { const info = this._pieces[section]; const bit = _.loadImageWPath(info.path, info.file, 0, true); bit.addLoadListener(function () { if (this._spritePieces[section]) { this._spritePieces[section].bitmap = bit; this._spritePieces[section].refresh(true); } }.bind(this)); } } else { if (this._spritePieces[section]) this._sprite.removeChild(this._spritePieces[section]); this._spritePieces[section] = undefined; } } for (let i = 0; i < _.priorities.length; i++) { const section = _.priorities[i]; if (this._spritePieces[section]) { this._sprite.removeChild(this._spritePieces[section]); this._sprite.addChild(this._spritePieces[section]); } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_HueSelector //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_HueSelector.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype); Window_HueSelector.prototype.constructor = Window_HueSelector; _.Window_HueSelector_initialize = Window_HueSelector.prototype.initialize; Window_HueSelector.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, fileWindow, scene) { this._colorIndex = 0; _.Window_HueSelector_initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.select(-1); this._fileWindow = fileWindow; this._characterCreator = scene; this._colors = $dataCharacterCreator[this._fileWindow.currentSectionNoPart()].colors; }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return 240; }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.windowHeight = function () { return this.fittingHeight(1) + 16; }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.itemHeight = function () { return this.contentsHeight(); }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.maxItems = function () { return 1; }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.update = function () { Window_Command.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments); if (!_.isNodeJs) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) { this.cursorRight(); } } }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.cursorRight = function (wrap) { if (this._colorIndex < this._colors.length - 1) { this._colorIndex++; this.refreshEveything(); SoundManager.playCursor(); } }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.isCurrentItemEnabled = function () { return true; }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.playOkSound = function () { SoundManager.playOk(); }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.cursorLeft = function (wrap) { if (this._colorIndex > 0) { this._colorIndex--; this.refreshEveything(); SoundManager.playCursor(); } }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.refreshEveything = function (wrap) { this.refresh(); this._characterCreator.shiftCurrentSelection(this._colorIndex); }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.drawItem = function (index) { const rect = this.itemRectForText(index); this.resetTextColor(); this.contents.fontSize = 16; this.contents.fontItalic = true; this.drawText("Color", rect.x, rect.y - 7, rect.width, 'center'); this.contents.fontItalic = false; this.contents.fontSize = 22; if (this._colors && this._colors[this._colorIndex]) this.drawText(this._colors[this._colorIndex][0], rect.x, rect.y + 18, rect.width, 'center'); this.resetFontSettings(); this.contents.fontSize = 32; this.drawText("<", rect.x, rect.y + 8, rect.width, 'left'); this.drawText(">", rect.x, rect.y + 8, rect.width, 'right'); }; Window_HueSelector.prototype.open = function (section) { const index = $gameSystem.colorIndexSaves()[section]; this._colorIndex = index || 0; this._colors = $dataCharacterCreator[this._fileWindow.currentSectionNoPart()].colors; this.refresh(); Window_Command.prototype.open.call(this); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype); Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype.constructor = Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation; Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype.initialize = function () { Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, 0); this.updatePlacement(); this.openness = 0; }; Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype.windowWidth = function () { return 240; }; Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype.itemTextAlign = function () { return 'center'; }; Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype.updatePlacement = function () { this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2; this.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this.height - 96; }; Window_CharacterCreatorConfirmation.prototype.makeCommandList = function () { // this.addCommand("Yes!", 'yes'); // this.addCommand("Nope", 'no'); this.addCommand("はい", 'yes'); this.addCommand("いいえ", 'no'); }; })(SRD.CharacterCreatorEX);