/*: * @plugindesc Allows developers to create their own map-based HUD through an in-game GUI window! * @author SumRndmDde * * @param Active Updating * @desc If 'true', then HUD pieces will automatically update whenever properties are changed in the editor. * @default false * * @param Show During Events * @desc Sets what happens to the HUD during event processing. * Choices are: hide - show - transparent * @default transparent * * @param Map Global Condition * @desc This is a condition that must be true for the map HUD to be visible and active. * @default * * @param Battle Global Condition * @desc This is a condition that must be true for the battle HUD to be visible and active. * @default * * @param Disable Delete Key * @desc If 'true', the Delete key will no longer delete the currently highlighted piece. * @default true * * @help * * HUD Maker * Version 1.42 * SumRndmDde * * * This plugin allows developers to create their own map-based HUD through * an in-game GUI window! * * * ============================================================================== * Image Installation * ============================================================================== * * All HUD images must be placed in: * * /img/SumRndmDde/hud/ * * * They need to be segmented into four folders: * - pictures * - numbers * - gauge_images * - gauge_backs * * * Each folder will be used to hold images for the corresponding pieces: * - Picture * - Image Numbers * - Image Gauge * * * ============================================================================== * End of Help File * ============================================================================== * * Welcome to the bottom of the Help file. * * * Thanks for reading! * If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check * out my YouTube channel! * * https://www.youtube.com/c/SumRndmDde * * * Until next time, * ~ SumRndmDde * */ /*:ja * @plugindesc 開発者がテストゲーム内のGUIウィンドウを介して独自のマップベースのHUDを作成できます。 * @author SumRndmDde * * @param Active Updating * @text 自動更新 * @type boolean * @on 有効 * @off 無効 * @desc エディタでプロパティが変更される度に、HUDのピースが自動的に更新 * 有効:true / 無効:false * @default false * * @param Show During Events * @text イベント時の表示 * @type select * @option 非表示 * @value hide * @option 表示 * @value show * @option 透過 * @value transparent * @desc イベント処理中のHUDの挙動 * 非表示:hide / 表示:show / 透過:transparent * @default transparent * * @param Map Global Condition * @text マップ表示条件 * @desc マップ上でHUDが表示される条件式 * trueを返すと表示 * @default * * @param Battle Global Condition * @text 戦闘表示条件 * @desc 戦闘でHUDが表示される条件式 * trueを返すと表示 * @default * * @param Disable Delete Key * @text Deleteキー無効化 * @type boolean * @on 表示 * @off 非表示 * @desc Deleteキーを押してもHUDを表示 * 表示:true / 非表示:false * @default true * * @help * 翻訳:ムノクラ * https://fungamemake.com/ * https://twitter.com/munokura/ * * 元プラグイン: http://sumrndm.site/hud-maker/ * * * HUD Maker * Version 1.42 * SumRndmDde * * * このプラグインを使用すると、 * 開発者がゲーム内のGUIウィンドウを介して独自のマップベースのHUDを * 作成することができます! * * このプラグインを使用するにはSRD_SuperToolsEngineが必要です。 * プラグイン管理でこのプラグインを * SRD_SuperToolsEngineの下側に配置してください。 * * テストプレイ中にF12を押してテストプレイエディタから使用します。 * * * ========================================================================== * 画像インストール * ========================================================================== * * 全てのHUD画像を下記に保存する必要があります。 * /img/SumRndmDde/hud/ * * ※サンプル画像が下記で配布されています。 * http://sumrndm.site/hud-maker/ * * * 4つのフォルダに分割する必要があります。 * - pictures * - numbers * - gauge_images * - gauge_backs * * * 各フォルダは、対応する画像を保存するために使用されます。 * - Picture * - Image Numbers * - Image Gauge * * * ========================================================================== * ヘルプファイルの終わり * ========================================================================== * * ヘルプファイルの終わりへようこそ。 * * 読んでくれてありがとう! * 質問があったり、このプラグインを楽しめたら、 * 私のYouTubeチャンネルを登録してください!! * * https://www.youtube.com/c/SumRndmDde * * * 次の機会まで * ~ SumRndmDde * */ var SRD = SRD || {}; SRD.HUDMaker = SRD.HUDMaker || {}; SRD.NotetagGetters = SRD.NotetagGetters || []; var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported["SumRndmDde HUD Maker"] = 1.42; var $dataMapHUD = []; var $dataBattleHUD = []; function MapHUD() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function BattleHUD() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function HUDManager() { throw new Error('Lol, what are you doing? HUDManager is a static class. Noob.'); } (function (_) { "use strict"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SRD.HUDMaker //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.isV150 = Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION && Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION >= '1.5.0'; _.alertNeedSuperToolsEngine = function (update) { if (update) { alert("The 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine' needs to be version 1.12 or greater to use the 'SRD_HUDMaker' plugin."); } else { alert("The 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine' plugin is required for using the 'SRD_HUDMaker' plugin."); } if (confirm("Do you want to open the download page to 'SRD_SuperToolsEngine'?")) { window.open('http://sumrndm.site/super-tools-engine/'); } }; if (!Imported["SumRndmDde Super Tools Engine"]) { _.alertNeedSuperToolsEngine(false); return; } else if (Imported["SumRndmDde Super Tools Engine"] < 1.12) { _.alertNeedSuperToolsEngine(true); return; } const params = PluginManager.parameters('SRD_HUDMaker'); _.active = String(params['Active Updating']).trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'; _.duringEvents = String(params['Show During Events']).trim().toLowerCase(); _.mapCondition = String(params['Map Global Condition']); _.battleCondition = String(params['Battle Global Condition']); _.deleteKey = !String(params['Disable Delete Key']).trim().toLowerCase() === 'true'; _.isPlaytest = SRD.SuperToolsEngine.isPlaytest; _.mapFile = "MapHUD.json"; _.battleFile = "BattleHUD.json"; _.trueColor = '#82f2be'; _.falseColor = '#f18181'; _.relativeColor = '#3385ff'; _.globalColor = '#e67300'; _.overlayColor = '#cc3399'; _.surrondColor = '#669900'; _.pad = function (value) { return (value < 10) ? "0" + value : value; }; _.convertHex = function (hex, opacity) { hex = hex.replace('#', ''); const r = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16); const g = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16); const b = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16); return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + opacity / 255 + ')'; }; _.blendNames = [ "Normal", "Add", "Multiply", "Screen", "Overlay", "Darken", "Lighten", "Color Dodge", "Color Burn", "Hard Light", "Soft Light", "Difference", "Exclusion", "Hue", "Saturation", "Color", "Luminosity" ]; _.getPicture = function (filename, hue) { return ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/SumRndmDde/hud/pictures/', filename, hue, false); }; _.getGauge = function (filename, hue) { return ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/SumRndmDde/hud/gauge_images/', filename, hue, false); }; _.getGaugeBack = function (filename, hue) { return ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/SumRndmDde/hud/gauge_backs/', filename, hue, false); }; _.getNumbers = function (filename, hue) { return ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/SumRndmDde/hud/numbers/', filename, hue, false); }; _.saveData = function () { if (SceneManager._scene.constructor === Scene_Map) { FileManager.saveData($dataMapHUD, _.mapFile); } else { FileManager.saveData($dataBattleHUD, _.battleFile); } }; _.checkDataExists = function () { if (!_.isPlaytest) return; FileManager.checkDataExists(_.mapFile); FileManager.checkDataExists(_.battleFile); }; _.getFileList = function (folder) { if (!_.isPlaytest) return ''; return FileManager.getFileList('hud', folder); }; _.getFirstFile = function (folder) { if (!_.isPlaytest) return ''; return FileManager.getFirstFile('hud', folder); }; _.checkDataExists(); _.checkForCC = function () { if (Imported["SumRndmDde Character Creator"] || Imported["SumRndmDde Character Creator EX"]) { Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.refreshBitmap = function () { this.bitmap.clear(); const color = _.convertHex(this["Background Color"], parseInt(this["Background Alpha"])); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, color); if (this._actor.hasSetImage()) { this.drawCustomFace(this._actor, 0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height); } else { this.drawFace(this._actor.faceIndex(), parseInt(this["Width"]), parseInt(this["Height"])); } this.setupSnaps(); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.drawCustomFace = function (actor, x, y, w, h) { const width = Window_Base._faceWidth; const height = Window_Base._faceHeight; w = w || width; h = h || height; const bitmap = Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.getCustomFace.call(this, actor); this.bitmap.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, x, y, w, h); }; } } SRD.NotetagGetters.push(_.checkForCC); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bitmap //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap.prototype.drawOval = function (x, y, width, height, color) { const context = this._context; context.save(); context.beginPath(); context.ellipse(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.fillStyle = color; context.fill(); context.restore(); this._setDirty(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WindowLayer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.WindowLayer_update = WindowLayer.prototype.update; WindowLayer.prototype.update = function () { if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) return; _.WindowLayer_update.apply(this, arguments); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MapHUD //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MapHUD.prototype = Object.create(Stage.prototype); MapHUD.prototype.constructor = MapHUD; Object.defineProperty(MapHUD.prototype, 'opacity', { get: function () { return this.alpha * 255; }, set: function (value) { this.alpha = value.clamp(0, 255) / 255; }, configurable: true }); MapHUD.prototype.initialize = function () { Stage.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._isActive = false; this.createHighlight(); }; MapHUD.prototype.createHighlight = function () { this._highlight = new Sprite_HUDCursor(); this.addChild(this._highlight); }; MapHUD.prototype.getHighlight = function () { return this._highlight; }; MapHUD.prototype.update = function () { this.updateActivity(); if (this._isActive || $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) { this.updateChildren(); if ($gameMap && $gameTemp) { this.updateVisibility(); } if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) { this.updateEditor(); } } }; MapHUD.prototype.updateActivity = function () { try { if (_.mapCondition) { this._isActive = !!eval(_.mapCondition); } else { this._isActive = true; } } catch (e) { this._isActive = true; console.log("Map HUD ERROR:" + e); } this.visible = this._isActive || $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud; }; MapHUD.prototype.updateVisibility = function () { if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) return; if ($gameMap.isEventRunning()) { switch (_.duringEvents) { case 'transparent': if (!this.cacheAsBitmap) this.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (this.opacity > 150) this.opacity -= 10; break; case 'hide': if (this.opacity > 0) this.opacity -= 10; break; } } else { switch (_.duringEvents) { case 'transparent': if (this.cacheAsBitmap) this.cacheAsBitmap = false; case 'hide': if (this.opacity < 255) this.opacity += 10; break; } } }; MapHUD.prototype.updateChildren = function () { this.children.forEach(function (child) { if (child.update) { child.update(); } }); }; MapHUD.prototype.updateEditor = function () { if (TouchInput.isReleased()) { this.refresh(); } }; MapHUD.prototype.refresh = function () { this._sortChildren(); }; MapHUD.prototype._sortChildren = function () { this.children.sort(this._compareChildOrder.bind(this)); this.removeChild(this._highlight); this.addChildAt(this._highlight, this.children.indexOf(HUDManager.getSprite()) + 1); }; MapHUD.prototype._compareChildOrder = function (a, b) { if (a.z !== b.z) { return a.z - b.z; } else if (a.y !== b.y) { return a.y - b.y; } else { return a.spriteId - b.spriteId; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BattleHUD //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BattleHUD.prototype = Object.create(MapHUD.prototype); BattleHUD.prototype.constructor = BattleHUD; BattleHUD.prototype.updateActivity = function () { try { if (_.battleCondition) { this._isActive = !!eval(_.battleCondition); } else { this._isActive = true; } } catch (e) { this._isActive = true; console.log("Battle HUD ERROR:" + e); } this.visible = this._isActive || $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud; }; BattleHUD.prototype.updateVisibility = function () { if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) return; if ($gameTroop.isEventRunning()) { switch (_.duringEvents) { case 'transparent': if (!this.cacheAsBitmap) this.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (this.opacity > 150) this.opacity -= 10; break; case 'hide': if (this.opacity > 0) this.opacity -= 10; break; } } else { switch (_.duringEvents) { case 'transparent': if (this.cacheAsBitmap) this.cacheAsBitmap = false; case 'hide': if (this.opacity < 255) this.opacity += 10; break; } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DataManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DataManager._testExceptions.push(_.mapFile, _.battleFile); DataManager._databaseFiles.push( { name: '$dataMapHUD', src: _.mapFile }, { name: '$dataBattleHUD', src: _.battleFile } ); if (!SRD.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded) { SRD.notetagsLoaded = false; SRD.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded; DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function () { if (!SRD.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.apply(this, arguments)) return false; if (!SRD.notetagsLoaded) { SRD.NotetagGetters.forEach(function (func) { func.call(this); }, this); SRD.notetagsLoaded = true; } return true; }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SceneManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.SceneManager_onKeyDown = SceneManager.onKeyDown; SceneManager.onKeyDown = function (event) { _.SceneManager_onKeyDown.apply(this, arguments); if ($gameTemp && $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) { this.onKeyDownHUDMaker(event); } }; SceneManager.onKeyDownHUDMaker = function (event) { if (!event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode === 46) { // Delete if (_.deleteKey && HUDManager._currentId >= 0) { HUDManager.onDelete(); } } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode === 83) { // Save if (!_.active && HUDManager._currentId >= 0) { HUDManager.refreshSprite(); } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BattleManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.BattleManager_isBusy = BattleManager.isBusy; BattleManager.isBusy = function () { return _.BattleManager_isBusy.apply(this, arguments) || $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MakerManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.MakerManager_onFinish = MakerManager.onFinish; MakerManager.onFinish = function () { _.MakerManager_onFinish.apply(this, arguments); if (this.mode === 'hud') { HUDManager.onFinish(); } }; _.MakerManager_assignWindow = MakerManager.assignWindow; MakerManager.assignWindow = function () { _.MakerManager_assignWindow.apply(this, arguments); this.window.window.HUDManager = HUDManager; }; _.MakerManager_getLauncherButtonsRaw = MakerManager.getLauncherButtonsRaw; MakerManager.getLauncherButtonsRaw = function () { const result = _.MakerManager_getLauncherButtonsRaw.apply(this, arguments); result.push(`${this.generateLauncherRow("HUD Maker", "Allows developers to create their own map-based HUD through an in-game GUI window.", "HUDManager.setupWindowHtml()", "#cca300")}`); return result; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDManager.typeNames = []; HUDManager.types = {}; HUDManager.nextId = 1; HUDManager.showPiecesType = true; HUDManager.setup = function (data, hud) { this._sprites = []; this._data = data; this._hud = hud; this._currentId = -1; this.setupData(); this.refreshLayers(); }; HUDManager.setupData = function () { for (let i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { const data = this._data[i]; if (!data) continue; this.rebuildSprite(data, i); if (data.id >= this.nextId) { this.nextId = data.id + 1; } } }; HUDManager.rebuildSprite = function (data, i) { let sprite = this.getRebuildSprite(data); sprite._originalX = data.x; sprite._originalY = data.y; sprite.setHighlight(this.getHighlight()); this._hud.addChild(sprite); this._sprites[i] = sprite; }; HUDManager.getRebuildSprite = function (data) { const type = this.types[data.type]; if (type) { return new type.class(data); } else { return null; } }; HUDManager.createWindow = function () { this.initHudMaker(); MakerManager.window.focus(); }; HUDManager.getSprites = function () { return this._sprites; }; HUDManager.getSprite = function () { return this._sprites[this._currentId]; }; HUDManager.getData = function () { return this._data[this._currentId]; }; HUDManager.refreshLayers = function () { this._hud.refresh(); }; HUDManager.getSpritesOnLayer = function (layer) { const result = []; this._sprites.forEach(function (sprite) { if (sprite.z === layer) { result.push(sprite.y); } }, this); return result; }; HUDManager.refreshHighlightZ = function () { const sprite = this.getSprite(); if (sprite) { this.getHighlight().z = sprite.z; this.refreshLayers(); } }; HUDManager.initHudMaker = function () { this._currentId = 0; this.refreshChoices(); this.onChange(); }; HUDManager.onChange = function () { if (!MakerManager.window) return; const doc = MakerManager.document; const id = parseInt(doc.getElementById('choices').value); if (!id && id !== 0) { doc.getElementById('settings').innerHTML = this.getBlankTableHtml(); return; } this.onChangeProperties(id); this._currentId = id; this.refreshHighlight(); }; HUDManager.onChangeProperties = function (id) { const data = this._data[id]; MakerManager.document.getElementById('settings').innerHTML = this.getTableHtml(data); }; HUDManager.onAnimateChange = function () { if (!MakerManager.window) return; const id = parseInt(MakerManager.document.getElementById('choices').value); this._currentId = id; this.setupAnimator(); this.refreshHighlight(); }; HUDManager.getTableHtml = function (data) { const type = this.types[data.type]; if (type) { return type.html(data); } else { return this.getBlankTableHtml(); } }; HUDManager.getHighlight = function () { return this._hud.getHighlight(); }; HUDManager.refreshHighlight = function () { this._sprites.forEach(function (sprite) { sprite.cancelAsTarget(); }); if (this._currentId || this._currentId === 0) { const spr = this.getSprite(); if (spr) { spr.setAsTarget(); this.getHighlight().setup(spr); } else { this.getHighlight().setup(null); } } this.refreshHighlightZ(); }; HUDManager.onCreate = function () { if (!MakerManager.window) return; const createType = String(MakerManager.document.getElementById('createSelect').value); this.createNew(createType); this.onChange(); }; HUDManager.createNew = function (kind) { const type = this.types[kind]; if (!type) return; const data = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(type.data); data.animateInfo = HUDManager.getAnimateInfo(); const sprite = new type.class(data); this._data.push(data); this.setupNewSprite(sprite); this.refreshChoices(); }; HUDManager.getAnimateInfo = function () { const data = {}; data.x = { spd: 0, loop: false, min: 0, max: 0 }; data.y = { spd: 0, loop: false, min: 0, max: 0 }; data.s = { spd: 0, loop: false, min: 1, max: 1 }; data.r = { spd: 0, loop: false, min: 0, max: 0 }; return data; }; HUDManager.setupNewSprite = function (sprite) { sprite._originalX = Graphics.boxWidth / 2; sprite._originalY = Graphics.boxHeight / 2; sprite.setHighlight(this.getHighlight()); this._hud.addChild(sprite); this._sprites.push(sprite); this._currentId = this._sprites.length - 1; this.refreshCurrentId(); this.getData().id = this.nextId; this.nextId++; }; HUDManager.refreshCurrentId = function () { if (this._sprites.length > 0) { for (let i = this._currentId; i >= 0; i--) { const s = this._sprites[i]; if (s && s._isActive) { this._currentId = i; return; } } for (let i = this._currentId; i < this._sprites.length; i++) { const s = this._sprites[i]; if (s && s._isActive) { this._currentId = i; return; } } for (let i = 0; i < this._sprites.length; i++) { const s = this._sprites[i]; if (s && s._isActive) { this._currentId = i; return; } } } }; HUDManager.refreshChoices = function () { if (!MakerManager.window) return; const doc = MakerManager.document; let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { const data = this._data[i]; const sprite = this._sprites[i]; if (!this.showPiecesType && !sprite._isActive) continue; let value = ''; const type = this.types[data.type]; if (type) { value = type.format(data); } result += ""; } doc.getElementById('choices').innerHTML = result; doc.getElementById('choices').value = String(this._currentId); }; HUDManager.refreshSprite = function () { if (!MakerManager.window) return; const sprite = this.getSprite(); const data = this.getData(); const tempActive = sprite._isActive; this.refreshSpriteAndData(sprite, data); sprite.refresh(true); sprite.update(); this.refreshHighlight(); this.refreshChoices(); if (!this.showPiecesType) { if (this._sprites.length > 0) { this.refreshCurrentId(); } else { this._currentId = null; this.getHighlight().setup(null); } this.refreshChoices(); this.onChange(); } this.refreshLayers(); }; HUDManager.refreshSpriteAndData = function (sprite, data) { const props = sprite.properties; for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; const value = String(MakerManager.document.getElementById(prop).value); sprite[prop] = value; data[prop] = value; } }; HUDManager.onDelete = function () { const sprites = []; const datas = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._sprites.length; i++) { if (this._currentId === i) { this._sprites[i].cancelAsTarget(); this._hud.removeChild(this._sprites[i]) continue; } sprites.push(this._sprites[i]); datas.push(this._data[i]); } this._sprites = sprites; this._data = datas; if (!this._sprites[this._currentId] || !this._sprites[this._currentId]._isActive) { if (this._sprites.length > 0) { this.refreshCurrentId(); } else if (!this.showPiecesType) { this._currentId = null; this.getHighlight().setup(null); } } if (this._sprites.length === 0) { this._currentId = null; this.getHighlight().setup(null); } this.refreshChoices(); this.onChange(); }; HUDManager.onClone = function () { const data = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(this.getData()); const type = data.type; this._data.push(data); const sprite = new this.types[type].class(data); this.setupNewSprite(sprite); this.refreshChoices(); this.onChange(); }; HUDManager.onSnapToggle = function () { const container = MakerManager.document.getElementById('SnapButton'); const button = MakerManager.document.getElementById('snapButtonToggle'); if (!this.snapMode) { container.innerHTML = ``; this.snapMode = true; this.getSprite().setupSnaps(); } else { container.innerHTML = ``; this.snapMode = false; this.getSprite().setupSnaps(); } }; HUDManager.onHighToggle = function () { const container = MakerManager.document.getElementById('HighButton'); const button = MakerManager.document.getElementById('highButtonToggle'); if (!this.highlightType) { container.innerHTML = ``; this.highlightType = true; this.getHighlight().refreshColor(); } else { container.innerHTML = ``; this.highlightType = false; this.getHighlight().refreshColor(); } }; HUDManager.onShowToggle = function () { const container = MakerManager.document.getElementById('ShowButton'); const button = MakerManager.document.getElementById('showButtonToggle'); if (this.showPiecesType) { container.innerHTML = ``; this.showPiecesType = false; } else { container.innerHTML = ``; this.showPiecesType = true; } if (this._sprites.length > 0) { this.refreshCurrentId(); } else { this._currentId = null; this.getHighlight().setup(null); } this.refreshChoices(); this.onChange(); }; HUDManager.forceUpdateOptions = function () { const container1 = MakerManager.document.getElementById('SnapButton'); const container2 = MakerManager.document.getElementById('HighButton'); const container3 = MakerManager.document.getElementById('ShowButton'); if (this.snapMode) { container1.innerHTML = ``; } else { container1.innerHTML = ``; } if (this.highlightType) { container2.innerHTML = ``; } else { container2.innerHTML = ``; } if (!this.showPiecesType) { container3.innerHTML = ``; } else { container3.innerHTML = ``; } }; HUDManager.onFinish = function () { this._spriteTarget = null; this.getHighlight().setup(null); this._sprites.forEach(function (sprite) { sprite.cancelAsTarget(); }); this.save(); SceneManager._scene.endHud(); }; HUDManager.save = function () { for (let i = 0; i < this._sprites.length; i++) { const spr = this._sprites[i]; if (!spr) continue; this._data[i].x = spr._originalX; this._data[i].y = spr._originalY; } if (SceneManager._scene.constructor === Scene_Map) { $dataMapHUD = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(this._data); } else { $dataBattleHUD = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(this._data); } _.saveData(); }; HUDManager.setupAnimator = function () { const doc = MakerManager.document; const data = this.getData().animateInfo; doc.getElementById('X').innerHTML = this.getAnimatorSection('X', data.x, 'X Offset'); doc.getElementById('Y').innerHTML = this.getAnimatorSection('Y', data.y, 'Y Offset'); doc.getElementById('Scale').innerHTML = this.getAnimatorSection('Scale', data.s); doc.getElementById('Rotation').innerHTML = this.getAnimatorSection('Rotation', data.r); }; HUDManager.onAnimateRefresh = function () { if (!MakerManager.window) return; const sprite = this.getSprite(); const data = this.getData(); this.refreshAnimationSpriteAndData(sprite, data); }; HUDManager.refreshAnimationSpriteAndData = function (sprite, data) { const props = sprite.properties; const doc = MakerManager.document; const titles = ['X', 'Y', 'Scale', 'Rotation']; const ends = ['spd', 'min', 'max', 'loop']; for (let i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < ends.length; j++) { const code = titles[i] + " " + ends[j]; const info = doc.getElementById(code).value; const dataCode = titles[i].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(); if (j === 3) { data.animateInfo[dataCode][ends[j]] = !!doc.getElementById(code).checked; } else { data.animateInfo[dataCode][ends[j]] = parseFloat(info); } } } this.getSprite().setupAnimationInfo(data.animateInfo); this.getSprite().refresh(true); }; HUDManager.returnToMaker = function () { this.onFinish(); MakerManager.setupWindowHtml(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager.createTitle = function (id, type) { return `

(ID: ${id}) ${type} Element

`; }; HUDManager.createHeader = function () { return ` Property Value `; }; HUDManager.createInput = function (id, value) { if (_.active) { return ` ${id}: `; } else { return ` ${id}: `; } }; HUDManager.createConditionInput = function (id, value) { let bool = true; try { if (value.length > 0) { bool = eval(value); } } catch (e) { console.log(value + " \n" + e); alert("There is an error with \"" + value + "\" Press F8 to see more!"); value = ''; } const color = (bool) ? _.trueColor : _.falseColor; if (_.active) { return ` ${id}: `; } else { return ` ${id}: `; } }; HUDManager.createSelect = function (id) { let result = ` ${id}: `; if (_.active) { result += ``; } for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { const info = arguments[i]; result += ''; } result += ` `; return result; }; HUDManager.createSelectArray = function (id, options) { let result = ` ${id}: `; if (_.active) { result += ``; } for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { const info = options[i]; result += ''; } result += ` `; return result; }; HUDManager.createColor = function (id, value, id2, value2) { if (_.active) { return ` ${id}:
Opacity: `; } else { return ` ${id}:
Opacity: `; } }; HUDManager.createFilelist = function (id, folder, value, includeNone) { const files = _.getFileList(folder); let select = ''; let result = ` ${id}: `; if (_.active) { result += ``; } if (includeNone) { if (value === "N\n\nONE") select = 'selected'; else select = ''; result += ''; } for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const file = files[i]; if (file === value) select = 'selected'; else select = ''; result += ''; } result += ` `; return result; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDManager.getMakerHtml = function () { const create = this.getHtmlCreateChart(); const focus = this.getHtmlFocusChart(); const options = this.getHtmlOptionsChart(); return `




`; }; HUDManager.getHtmlCreateChart = function () { const options = HUDManager.getHtmlCreateChartOptions(); return `
Create New Element
`; }; HUDManager.getHtmlFocusChart = function () { return `
Element Manager
`; }; HUDManager.getHtmlOptionsChart = function () { return `
`; }; HUDManager.getHtmlCreateChartOptions = function () { let result = ''; let select = 'selected'; HUDManager.typeNames.forEach(function (name) { result += ''; select = ''; }, this); return result; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDManager.createRefresh = function () { if (_.active) return ''; return ` Refresh: `; }; HUDManager.getBlankTableHtml = function () { return `

No Elements Exist!

${this.createHeader()} ${this.createRefresh()}
`; }; HUDManager.setupWindowHtml = function () { const scene = SceneManager._scene; if (!Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION || Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION < '1.3.0') { alert("HUD Maker requires your project to be at v1.3.0 or greater!"); } else if (scene.constructor === Scene_Map || scene.constructor === Scene_Battle) { MakerManager.style.innerHTML = this.getStyle(); MakerManager.window.title = "Super Tools Engine - HUD Maker | SumRndmDde"; MakerManager.mode = 'hud'; this.setupMakerHtml(); scene.startHud(); } else { alert("You must be on a map or in battle to use HUD Maker!") } }; HUDManager.topBar = function (type) { const active = ['', '', '', '']; active[type] = 'class="active"'; return ``; }; HUDManager.setupMakerHtml = function () { MakerManager.document.body.innerHTML = this.topBar(0) + this.getMakerHtml(); this.forceUpdateOptions(); this.refreshChoices(); this.onChange(); }; HUDManager.setupAnimatorHtml = function () { MakerManager.document.body.innerHTML = this.topBar(1) + this.getAnimatorHtml(); this.setupAnimator(); this.refreshChoices(); }; HUDManager.setupControlsHtml = function () { MakerManager.document.body.innerHTML = this.topBar(2) + this.getControlsHtml(); }; HUDManager.getAnimatorHtml = function () { return `

Current Element:

`; }; HUDManager.getAnimatorSection = function (type, data, name) { name = name || type; const chk = (data.loop) ? 'checked' : ''; return `


Property Value
`; }; HUDManager.getControlsHtml = function () { return `

Input Description
Left-Click While holding Left-Click, one can drag the HUD pieces around on the main screen.
CTRL While holding CTRL, all snapping will be disabled when moving HUD pieces.
Z While holding Z, the HUD piece will be locked to its current X coordinate.
X While holding X, the HUD piece will be locked to its current Y coordinate.
Arrow Keys Can be used to precisely place the HUD pieces in their desired locations; moves the selected piece 1 pixel in a specific direction.
Arrow Keys + SHIFT Moves the HUD pieces in intervals of 10 pixels.
Delete Deletes the currently selected HUD piece.
CTRL + S Saves the current piece's settings and refreshes it on the main window.

`; }; HUDManager.getStyle = function () { const colors = MakerManager.colors; const textColor = colors[0]; const baseColor = colors[1]; const hoverColor = colors[2]; const borderColor = colors[3]; const backgroundColor = colors[4]; const topMenuHighlight = colors[6]; const tableBorder = colors[8]; const offgridColor = colors[9]; const gridHoverColor = colors[10]; const buttonShadow = colors[11]; const pushedButtonShadow = colors[12]; const inputBackground = colors[13]; const inputBorder = colors[14]; const inputHighlight = colors[17]; return `table { font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td { border: 1px solid ${tableBorder}; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even){background-color: ${offgridColor};} tr:hover {background-color: ${gridHoverColor};} th { border: 1px solid ${tableBorder}; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: center; background-color: ${baseColor}; color: white; } button { display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 15px; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; outline: none; color: #fff; background-color: ${baseColor}; border: none; border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 0 4px ${buttonShadow}; } button:hover {background-color: ${hoverColor}} button:active { background-color: ${hoverColor}; box-shadow: 0 2px ${pushedButtonShadow}; transform: translateY(2px); } ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid ${borderColor}; background-color: ${backgroundColor}; } li { float: left; } li a { display: block; color: #666; text-align: center; padding: 14px 16px; text-decoration: none; } li a:hover:not(.active) { background-color: ${topMenuHighlight}; } li a.active { color: white; background-color: ${baseColor}; } textarea, select { background-color: ${inputBackground}; border-color: ${inputBorder}; color: ${textColor}; } input { border: 1px solid ${inputBorder}; background-color: ${inputBackground}; color: ${textColor}; } input[type=text]:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 5px ${inputHighlight}; border: 1px solid ${inputHighlight}; } #scrollStuff::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 1em; } #scrollStuff::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: ${gridHoverColor}; } #scrollStuff::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: ${borderColor}; outline: 1px solid slategrey; outline-offset: -1px; } #scrollStuff::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background-color: ${gridHoverColor}; }`; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDManager.checkInternet = function () { if (!_.isPlaytest) return; require('dns').lookup('www.google.com', function (err) { if (err && err.code == "ENOTFOUND") { this._internet = false; } else { this._internet = true; } this._checkComplete = true; this.checkForUpdates(); }.bind(this)); }; HUDManager.checkForUpdates = function () { if (!this._internet) return; this.getLog('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SumRndmDde/PluginUpdater/master/SRD_HUDMakerResources.json'); }; HUDManager.getLog = function (url) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/json'); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status < 400) { this.storeLog(xhr.responseText); } }.bind(this); xhr.onerror = function () { }; xhr.send(); }; HUDManager.storeLog = function (content) { this._log = JSON.parse(content.replace(/QUOTEHERE/g, '\\"')); }; HUDManager.openLink = function (url) { require('nw.gui').Shell.openExternal(url); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HUDManager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDManager.setupCreditsHtml = function () { if (!this._internet) { alert("No internet connection detected. Please check your connection and try again later."); return; } if (!this._checkComplete) { alert("Update data has not finished loading. Please try again in a bit."); return; } MakerManager.document.body.innerHTML = this.topBar(3) + this.getCreditsHtml(); }; HUDManager.getCreditsHtml = function () { return `

List of HUD Maker Packs
Here is a list of assets provided by tons of awesome people before and after the release of HUD Maker! Please be sure to download and enjoy if you wish! Be sure to credit the asset creators if you choose to use their work.

`; }; HUDManager.getLogList = function () { let result = ''; this._log.forEach(function (info) { result += `

by ${info[1]}


`; }, this); return result; }; HUDManager.initManager = function () { this.checkInternet(); }; HUDManager.initManager(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Temp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Game_Temp_initialize = Game_Temp.prototype.initialize; Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function () { _.Game_Temp_initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.isManipulatingHud = false; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Map //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Game_Map_isEventRunning = Game_Map.prototype.isEventRunning; Game_Map.prototype.isEventRunning = function () { return _.Game_Map_isEventRunning.apply(this, arguments) || $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_BattlerBase //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object.defineProperties(Game_BattlerBase.prototype, { // Max TP mtp: { get: function () { return this.maxTp(); }, configurable: true } }); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene_Map //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Scene_Map_start = Scene_Map.prototype.start; Scene_Map.prototype.start = function () { _.Scene_Map_start.apply(this, arguments); if (this._hud) { HUDManager.setup($dataMapHUD, this._hud); this._hud.refresh(); this.createHudUpperLayer(); } }; _.Scene_Map_createMapNameWindow = Scene_Map.prototype.createMapNameWindow; Scene_Map.prototype.createMapNameWindow = function () { _.Scene_Map_createMapNameWindow.apply(this, arguments); this.createHudLowerLayer(); }; Scene_Map.prototype.createHudLowerLayer = function () { if (_.isPlaytest) this.createHudBackground(); this.createHud(); }; Scene_Map.prototype.createHudUpperLayer = function () { if (_.isPlaytest) this.addHudLines(); if (this._fadeSprite) { this.removeChild(this._fadeSprite); this.addChild(this._fadeSprite); } }; Scene_Map.prototype.createHudBackground = function () { this._hudBackground = new Sprite(new Bitmap(Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight)); this._hudBackground.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)'); this._hudBackground.opacity = 0; this.addChild(this._hudBackground); }; Scene_Map.prototype.createHud = function () { this._hud = new MapHUD(); this.addChild(this._hud); }; Scene_Map.prototype.addHudLines = function () { const highlight = HUDManager.getHighlight(); this.addChild(highlight.getHorizontalLine()); this.addChild(highlight.getVerticalLine()); }; Scene_Map.prototype.startHud = function () { if (this._mapLoaded) { this._hudBackground.opacity = 255; HUDManager.createWindow(); $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud = true; } }; Scene_Map.prototype.endHud = function () { this._hudBackground.opacity = 0; $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud = false; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene_Battle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.Scene_Battle_start = Scene_Battle.prototype.start; Scene_Battle.prototype.start = function () { _.Scene_Battle_start.apply(this, arguments); if (this._hud) { HUDManager.setup($dataBattleHUD, this._hud); this._hud.refresh(); this.createHudUpperLayer(); } }; _.Scene_Battle_createSpriteset = Scene_Battle.prototype.createSpriteset; Scene_Battle.prototype.createSpriteset = function () { _.Scene_Battle_createSpriteset.apply(this, arguments); this.createHudLowerLayer(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createHudLowerLayer = function () { if (_.isPlaytest) this.createHudBackground(); this.createHud(); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createHudUpperLayer = function () { if (_.isPlaytest) this.addHudLines(); if (this._fadeSprite) { this.removeChild(this._fadeSprite); this.addChild(this._fadeSprite); } }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createHudBackground = function () { this._hudBackground = new Sprite(new Bitmap(Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight)); this._hudBackground.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, Graphics.boxHeight, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)'); this._hudBackground.opacity = 0; this.addChild(this._hudBackground); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.createHud = function () { this._hud = new BattleHUD(); this.addChild(this._hud); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.addHudLines = function () { const highlight = HUDManager.getHighlight(); this.addChild(highlight.getHorizontalLine()); this.addChild(highlight.getVerticalLine()); }; Scene_Battle.prototype.startHud = function () { this._hudBackground.opacity = 255; HUDManager.createWindow(); $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud = true; }; Scene_Battle.prototype.endHud = function () { this._hudBackground.opacity = 0; $gameTemp.isManipulatingHud = false; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDCursor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDCursor() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDCursor; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1); this.anchor.set(0.5); this._spriteTarget = null; this._speed = 8; this._size = 10; this.mode = ''; this.__isCursor = true; this.createHudLines(); }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.drawSquare = function (color) { const bit = this.bitmap; bit.fillRect(0, 0, bit.width, this._size, color); bit.fillRect(0, bit.height - this._size, bit.width, this._size, color); bit.fillRect(0, 0, this._size, bit.height, color); bit.fillRect(bit.width - this._size, 0, this._size, bit.height, color); }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.fillSquare = function (color) { const bit = this.bitmap; const size = this._size * 2; bit.fillRect(this._size, this._size, bit.width - size, bit.height - size, color); }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments); if (this._spriteTarget) { this.opacity += this._speed; if (this.opacity <= 100 || this.opacity >= 250) this._speed *= (-1); const ctrl = Input.isPressed('control'); const shift = Input.isPressed('shift'); if (ctrl && this.mode !== 'ctrl') { this.mode = 'ctrl'; this.refreshColor(); } if (!ctrl && this.mode !== '') { this.mode = ''; this.refreshColor(); } } }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.setup = function (spr) { if (spr) { if (!spr.bitmap.isReady() && spr.delayHilight) { spr.bitmap.addLoadListener(this.setupSprite.bind(this, spr)); } else { this.setupSprite(spr); } } else { this._spriteTarget = null; this.bitmap.clear(); } }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.setupSprite = function (spr) { const bit = this.bitmap; const w = (spr.width * spr._baseXScale) + (this._size * 2); const h = (spr.height * spr._baseYScale) + (this._size * 2); bit.resize(w, h); this._frame.width = w; this._frame.height = h; this._refresh(); this.refreshColor(); this._spriteTarget = spr; }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.refreshColor = function () { let color = '#f08080'; if (this.mode === 'ctrl') { color = '#80f080'; } this.bitmap.clear(); if (!HUDManager.highlightType) { this.drawSquare(color); } else { this.fillSquare(color); } }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.createHudLines = function () { this.horzLine = new Sprite(new Bitmap(Graphics.boxWidth, 2)); this.vertLine = new Sprite(new Bitmap(2, Graphics.boxHeight)); const temp = [this.horzLine, this.vertLine]; temp.forEach(function (sprite) { sprite.anchor.set(0.5); sprite.x = Graphics.boxWidth / 2; sprite.y = Graphics.boxHeight / 2; sprite.opacity = 0; }.bind(this)); this.horzLine.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, Graphics.boxWidth, 2, "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)"); this.vertLine.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, 2, Graphics.boxHeight, "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)"); }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.getHorizontalLine = function () { return this.horzLine; }; Sprite_HUDCursor.prototype.getVerticalLine = function () { return this.vertLine; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDObject //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDObject() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDObject.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDObject; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize = function (bitmap, data) { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this, bitmap); this.anchor.set(0.5); this.cancelAsTarget(); this.highlight = null; this.snapRange = 24; this.xSnaps = []; this.ySnaps = []; this._hasReset = true; this._isActive = false; this.setupAnimationInfo(data.animateInfo); }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.setupAnimationInfo = function (aniInfo) { //Dynamic Visibility this._condition = ''; this._isVisible = true; //X Animation this._xSpeed = aniInfo.x.spd; this._xLoop = aniInfo.x.loop; this._xMin = aniInfo.x.min; this._xMax = aniInfo.x.max; this._xDir = 1; this._xOffset = 0; //Y Animation this._ySpeed = aniInfo.y.spd; this._yLoop = aniInfo.y.loop; this._yMin = aniInfo.y.min; this._yMax = aniInfo.y.max; this._yDir = 1; this._yOffset = 0; //Scale Animation this._sSpeed = (aniInfo.s.spd) / (100); this._sLoop = aniInfo.s.loop; this._sMin = aniInfo.s.min; this._sMax = aniInfo.s.max; this._sDir = 1; this._scale = 1; this._sCheck = 1; this._baseXScale = 1; this._baseYScale = 1; //Rotation Animation this._rSpeed = (aniInfo.r.spd) / (360); this._rLoop = aniInfo.r.loop; this._rMin = (aniInfo.r.min) * (Math.PI / 180); this._rMax = (aniInfo.r.max) * (Math.PI / 180); this._rDir = 1; this.resetAnimations(); }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.resetAnimations = function () { this._xOffset = this._xMin; this._yOffset = this._yMin; this._scale = this._sMin; this._sCheck = this._sMin; this.scale.x = this._baseXScale + (this._sMin - 1); this.scale.y = this._baseYScale + (this._sMin - 1); this.rotation = this._rMin; this.updatePosition(); }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this.updateActivity(); this.updateCondition(); if (this._isActive || ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud && HUDManager.showPiecesType)) { if (this.isTarget) { this.updateMovement(); this.updateSnapLines(); this.updatePrecision(); this.updateLayers(); } this.updateAnimations(); this.updateHighlightPosition(); } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateHighlightPosition = function () { if (this.isTarget && this.highlight) { this.highlight.x = this._originalX; this.highlight.y = this._originalY; } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateMovement = function () { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { if (!Input.isPressed('ok')) this._originalX = TouchInput.x; if (!Input.isPressed('cancel')) this._originalY = TouchInput.y; if (!Input.isPressed('control')) this.updateSnap(); } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateLayers = function () { if (this.prevY !== this.y) { for (let i = 0; i < this.layerPeers.length; i++) { const y = this.layerPeers[i]; const sign1 = this.prevY - y > 0; const sign2 = this.y - y > 0; if (sign1 !== sign2) { HUDManager.refreshLayers(); break; } } this.prevY = this.y; } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateSnapLines = function () { if (!this.horzLine || !this.vertLine) return; const xLock = Input.isPressed('ok'); const yLock = Input.isPressed('cancel'); if (xLock) { this.vertLine.x = this._originalX; this.vertLine.opacity = 255; if (!this.vertLine.isLocked) { this.vertLine.isLocked = true; this.vertLine.setColorTone([255, 255, 0, 0]); } } else if (HUDManager.snapMode) { if (this.xSnaps.contains(this._originalX)) { this.vertLine.x = this._originalX; this.vertLine.opacity = 255; } else { this.vertLine.opacity = 0; } if (this.vertLine.isLocked) { this.vertLine.isLocked = false; this.vertLine.setColorTone([0, 0, 0, 0]); } } else { if (this._originalX === this.xSnaps[1]) { this.vertLine.x = this.xSnaps[1]; this.vertLine.opacity = 255; } else { this.vertLine.opacity = 0; } if (this.vertLine.isLocked) { this.vertLine.isLocked = false; this.vertLine.setColorTone([0, 0, 0, 0]); } } if (yLock) { this.horzLine.y = this._originalY; this.horzLine.opacity = 255; if (!this.horzLine.isLocked) { this.horzLine.isLocked = true; this.horzLine.setColorTone([255, 255, 0, 0]); } } else if (HUDManager.snapMode) { if (this.ySnaps.contains(this._originalY)) { this.horzLine.y = this._originalY; this.horzLine.opacity = 255; } else { this.horzLine.opacity = 0; } if (this.horzLine.isLocked) { this.horzLine.isLocked = false; this.horzLine.setColorTone([0, 0, 0, 0]); } } else { if (this._originalY === this.ySnaps[1]) { this.horzLine.y = this.ySnaps[1]; this.horzLine.opacity = 255; } else { this.horzLine.opacity = 0; } if (this.horzLine.isLocked) { this.horzLine.isLocked = false; this.horzLine.setColorTone([0, 0, 0, 0]); } } if (!xLock && !yLock) { if (this.horzLine.opacity > 0 || this.vertLine.opacity > 0) { if (!TouchInput.isPressed() || Input.isPressed('control')) { this.horzLine.opacity = 0; this.vertLine.opacity = 0; } } } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateSnap = function () { for (let i = 0; i < this.xSnaps.length; i++) { const snap = this.xSnaps[i]; if (Math.abs(this._originalX - snap) < this.snapRange) { this._originalX = snap; break; } } for (let i = 0; i < this.ySnaps.length; i++) { const snap = this.ySnaps[i]; if (Math.abs(this._originalY - snap) < this.snapRange) { this._originalY = snap; break; } } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updatePrecision = function () { const speed = (Input.isPressed('shift')) ? 10 : 1; if (Input.isRepeated('up')) { this._originalY -= speed; } if (Input.isRepeated('down')) { this._originalY += speed; } if (Input.isRepeated('left')) { this._originalX -= speed; } if (Input.isRepeated('right')) { this._originalX += speed; } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateAnimations = function () { this.updateAnimation('_xOffset', this._xSpeed, this._xLoop, this._xMin, this._xMax, '_xDir'); this.updateAnimation('_yOffset', this._ySpeed, this._yLoop, this._yMin, this._yMax, '_yDir'); this.updateAnimation('_scale', this._sSpeed, this._sLoop, this._sMin, this._sMax, '_sDir'); this.updateAnimation('rotation', this._rSpeed, this._rLoop, this._rMin, this._rMax, '_rDir'); this.updatePosition(); this.updateScale(); if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud) { if (!TouchInput.isPressed()) { if (this._hasReset) this._hasReset = false; } else if (!this._hasReset) { this._hasReset = true; this.resetAnimations(); } } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateCondition = function () { if (this._condition) { this._isVisible = this._isActive || ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud && HUDManager.showPiecesType); if (this.opacity > 0 && !this._isVisible) { this._originalOpacity = this.opacity; this.opacity = 0; } else if (this.opacity <= 0 && this._isVisible) { this.opacity = this._originalOpacity; this.refresh(true); } } }; // fix Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateAnimation = function (mainVar, spd, loop, min, max, dirVar) { if (spd) { if (!loop) { if (this[mainVar] <= min && this[dirVar] < 0) { this[mainVar] = min; this[dirVar] = 1; } if (this[mainVar] >= max && this[dirVar] > 0) { this[mainVar] = max; this[dirVar] = -1; } } else { if (this[mainVar] >= max) { this[mainVar] = min; } } const newVal = this[mainVar] + (spd * this[dirVar]); if (newVal < min) { this[mainVar] = min; } else if (newVal > max) { this[mainVar] = max; } else { this[mainVar] = newVal; } } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updatePosition = function () { this.x = this._originalX + this._xOffset; this.y = this._originalY + this._yOffset; }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateScale = function () { if (this._sCheck !== this._scale) { this._sCheck = this._scale; this.updateRealScale(); } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateRealScale = function () { this.scale.x = this._baseXScale + (this._sCheck - 1); this.scale.y = this._baseYScale + (this._sCheck - 1); }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.setHighlight = function (highlight) { this.highlight = highlight; this.horzLine = this.highlight.horzLine; this.vertLine = this.highlight.vertLine; }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.setAsTarget = function () { this.isTarget = true; this.setupSnaps(); this.layerPeers = HUDManager.getSpritesOnLayer(this.z); this.prevY = this.y; }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.cancelAsTarget = function () { this.isTarget = false; }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { if (!!refreshProperties) { this.refreshProperties(); } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { this.updateRealScale(); this._condition = this["Condition"]; this.updateActivity(); if (this.isTarget) { this.updateConditionInput(); } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateActivity = function () { if (this._condition === '') { this._isActive = true; } else { try { this._isActive = !!eval(this._condition); } catch (e) { console.log(this._condition + " \n" + e); alert("There is an error with \"" + this._condition + "\" Press F8 to see more!"); this._condition = 'false'; this._isActive = false; } } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.setProperty = function (property, value) { this[property] = value; this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.setupSnaps = function () { const width = this.width * this._baseXScale; const height = this.height * this._baseYScale; if (!HUDManager.snapMode) { this.xSnaps = [width / 2, Graphics.boxWidth / 2, Graphics.boxWidth - (width / 2)]; this.ySnaps = [height / 2, Graphics.boxHeight / 2, Graphics.boxHeight - (height / 2)]; } else { const sprites = HUDManager.getSprites(); this.xSnaps = []; this.ySnaps = []; sprites.forEach(function (sprite) { if (this !== sprite) { if (!this.xSnaps.contains(sprite.x)) { this.xSnaps.push(sprite.x); } if (!this.ySnaps.contains(sprite.y)) { this.ySnaps.push(sprite.y); } } }, this); } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.updateConditionInput = function () { if (MakerManager.window) { const element = MakerManager.document.getElementById('Condition Bla'); if (!element) return; let result = true; if (this._isActive) { element.innerHTML = `Condition: `; } else { element.innerHTML = `Condition: `; } } }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.postError = function (e) { console.log(e); alert('The "Image" input had an error. Check the console for more info.'); }; Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.resizeBitmap = function (bit, width, height) { if (bit.width !== width || bit.height !== height) { bit.resize(width, height); this._frame.width = 0; this._frame.height = 0; if (_.isV150) { this._refreshFrame = true; this._onBitmapLoad(bit); } else { this._onBitmapLoad(); } } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDText //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDText() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDText.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDText.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDText; Sprite_HUDText._label = "Text"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDText manipulation */ Sprite_HUDText.getHtml = function (data) { const value = data["Value"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const font = data["Font"]; const width = data["Max Width"]; const align = data["Align"]; const size = data["Font Size"]; const color = data["Text Color"]; const alpha = data["Text Alpha"]; const outlineColor = data["Outline Color"]; const outlineAlpha = data["Outline Alpha"]; const sele = ['', '', '']; if (align === 'left') sele[0] = 'selected'; else if (align === 'center') sele[1] = 'selected'; else if (align === 'right') sele[2] = 'selected'; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDText._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createInput("Value", value)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Font", font)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Max Width", width)} ${HUDManager.createSelect("Align", ["left", sele[0], "Left"], ["center", sele[1], "Center"], ["right", sele[2], "Right"])} ${HUDManager.createInput("Font Size", size)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Text Color", color, "Text Alpha", alpha)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Outline Color", outlineColor, "Outline Alpha", outlineAlpha)} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; //_.active /* * Register Sprite_HUDText within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDText._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDText._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDText, html: Sprite_HUDText.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDText._label, "Value": "Gold: ${$gameParty.gold()}", "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Font": "GameFont", "Max Width": "150", "Align": "left", "Font Size": "30", "Text Color": "#ffffff", "Text Alpha": "255", "Outline Color": "#000000", "Outline Alpha": "127" }, format: function (data) { let temp; try { temp = String(eval("`" + data["Value"] + "`")); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Text\n' + e); temp = "ERROR"; } if (temp.length > 15) temp = temp.substring(0, 15) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDText.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Layer", "Condition", "Max Width", "Font", "Align", "Font Size", "Text Color", "Text Alpha", "Outline Color", "Outline Alpha", "Value"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this._value = this.getNewValue(); this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDText.prototype.getNewValue = function () { let result; try { result = eval("`" + this["Value"] + "`"); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Text\n' + e); result = "ERROR"; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDText.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; const newValue = this.getNewValue(); if (this._value !== newValue) { this._value = newValue; this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_HUDText.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); this.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { this.bitmap.clear(); this.bitmap.drawText(this._value, 0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, this["Align"]); this.setupSnaps(); }.bind(this)); }; Sprite_HUDText.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const bit = this.bitmap; const width = parseInt(this["Max Width"]); const height = parseInt(this["Font Size"]) + 12; this.resizeBitmap(bit, width, height); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this.bitmap.fontFace = this["Font"]; this.bitmap.fontSize = parseInt(this["Font Size"]); this.bitmap.textColor = _.convertHex(this["Text Color"], parseInt(this["Text Alpha"])); this.bitmap.outlineColor = _.convertHex(this["Outline Color"], parseInt(this["Outline Alpha"])); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDTextEx //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDTextEx() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDTextEx; Sprite_HUDTextEx._label = "TextEx"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDTextEx manipulation */ Sprite_HUDTextEx.getHtml = function (data) { const value = data["Value"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const width = data["Width"]; const height = data["Height"]; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDTextEx._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createInput("Value", value)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Width", width)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Height", height)} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDTextEx within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDTextEx._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDTextEx._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDTextEx, html: Sprite_HUDTextEx.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDTextEx._label, "Value": "\\i[313] Icon", "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Width": "150", "Height": "36" }, format: function (data) { let temp = String(data["Value"]); if (temp.length > 15) temp = temp.substring(0, 15) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Layer", "Condition", "Width", "Height", "Value"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this.contents = this.bitmap; this._value = this.convertEscapeCharacters(this["Value"]); this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; const newValue = this.convertEscapeCharacters(this["Value"]); if (this._value !== newValue) { this._value = newValue; this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); this.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { this.bitmap.clear(); this.drawTextEx(this._value, 0, 0); }.bind(this)); }; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const bit = this.bitmap; const width = parseInt(this["Width"]); const height = parseInt(this["Height"]); this.resizeBitmap(bit, width, height); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this.setupSnaps(); }; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.resetFontSettings = function () { this.contents.fontFace = "GameFont"; this.contents.fontSize = 28; this.contents.textColor = "#FFFFFF" }; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.textColor = function (n) { if (this._textColorWin === undefined) this._textColorWin = new Window_Base(); return this._textColorWin.textColor(n); }; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.drawTextEx = Window_Base.prototype.drawTextEx; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters = Window_Base.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.actorName = Window_Base.prototype.actorName; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.textWidth = Window_Base.prototype.textWidth; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.partyMemberName = Window_Base.prototype.partyMemberName; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.processCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.processCharacter; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.processNormalCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.processNormalCharacter; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.processNewLine = Window_Base.prototype.processNewLine; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.processNewPage = Window_Base.prototype.processNewPage; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.obtainEscapeCode = Window_Base.prototype.obtainEscapeCode; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.obtainEscapeParam = Window_Base.prototype.obtainEscapeParam; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = Window_Base.prototype.processEscapeCharacter; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.processDrawIcon = Window_Base.prototype.processDrawIcon; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.makeFontBigger = Window_Base.prototype.makeFontBigger; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.makeFontSmaller = Window_Base.prototype.makeFontSmaller; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.calcTextHeight = Window_Base.prototype.calcTextHeight; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.drawIcon = Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.changeTextColor = Window_Base.prototype.changeTextColor; _.setupYEPMessageCore = function () { Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.textWidthEx = Window_Base.prototype.textWidthEx; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.setWordWrap = Window_Base.prototype.setWordWrap; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.convertExtraEscapeCharacters = Window_Base.prototype.convertExtraEscapeCharacters; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.actorClassName = Window_Base.prototype.actorClassName; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.actorNickname = Window_Base.prototype.actorNickname; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.partyClassName = Window_Base.prototype.partyClassName; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.partyNickname = Window_Base.prototype.partyNickname; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.escapeIconItem = Window_Base.prototype.escapeIconItem; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.obtainEscapeString = Window_Base.prototype.obtainEscapeString; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.checkWordWrap = Window_Base.prototype.checkWordWrap; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.saveCurrentWindowSettings = Window_Base.prototype.saveCurrentWindowSettings; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.restoreCurrentWindowSettings = Window_Base.prototype.restoreCurrentWindowSettings; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.clearCurrentWindowSettings = Window_Base.prototype.clearCurrentWindowSettings; Sprite_HUDTextEx.prototype.textWidthExCheck = Window_Base.prototype.textWidthExCheck; }; SRD.NotetagGetters.push(_.setupYEPMessageCore); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDShape //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDShape() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDShape.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDShape.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDShape; Sprite_HUDShape._label = "Shape"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDText manipulation */ Sprite_HUDShape.getHtml = function (data) { let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const shape = data["Shape"]; const width = data["Width"]; const height = data["Height"]; const fill = data["Fill Style"]; const blend = data["Blend"]; const color1 = data["Color 1"]; const color1A = data["Color 1 Alpha"]; const color2 = data["Color 2"]; const color2A = data["Color 2 Alpha"]; const size = data["Outline Size"]; const color3 = data["Outline Color"]; const color3A = data["Color 3 Alpha"]; const sele = ['', '']; if (shape === 'Rectangle') sele[0] = 'selected'; else if (shape === 'Circle') sele[1] = 'selected'; const sele2 = ['', '', '', '', '']; if (fill === 'solid') sele2[0] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'horizontal') sele2[1] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'vertical') sele2[2] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'radical') sele2[3] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'max radical') sele2[4] = 'selected'; const blendArray = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 16; i++) { blendArray.push([String(i), parseInt(blend) === i ? 'selected' : '', _.blendNames[i]]) } try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDShape._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()}
${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createSelect("Shape", ["Rectangle", sele[0], "Rectangle"], ["Circle", sele[1], "Circle"])} ${HUDManager.createInput("Width", width)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Height", height)} ${HUDManager.createSelect("Fill Style", ["solid", sele2[0], "Solid"], ["horizontal", sele2[1], "Horizontal Gradient"], ["vertical", sele2[2], "Vertical Gradient"], ["radical", sele2[3], "Radial Gradient"], ["max radical", sele2[4], "Max Radial Gradient"])} ${HUDManager.createSelectArray("Blend", blendArray)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Color 1", color1, "Color 1 Alpha", color1A)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Color 2", color2, "Color 2 Alpha", color2A)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Outline Size", size)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Outline Color", color3, "Color 3 Alpha", color3A)}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDShape within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDShape._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDShape._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDShape, html: Sprite_HUDShape.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDShape._label, "Layer": "0", "Condition": "", "Shape": "Circle", "Width": "75", "Height": "75", "Fill Style": "solid", "Blend": "0", "Color 1": "#ffffff", "Color 1 Alpha": "255", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 2 Alpha": "255", "Outline Size": "0", "Outline Color": "#000000", "Color 3 Alpha": "255" }, format: function (data) { let temp = String(data["Shape"] + " " + data["Fill Style"]); if (temp.length > 15) temp = temp.substring(0, 15) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDShape.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Layer", "Condition", "Shape", "Width", "Height", "Fill Style", "Blend", "Color 1", "Color 1 Alpha", "Color 2", "Color 2 Alpha", "Outline Size", "Outline Color", "Color 3 Alpha"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDShape.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); }; Sprite_HUDShape.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); this.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { const shape = this["Shape"]; const outline = parseInt(this["Outline Size"]); const width = parseInt(this["Width"]); const height = parseInt(this["Height"]); const w2 = this.bitmap.width / 2; const h2 = this.bitmap.height / 2; const fill = this["Fill Style"]; const color1 = _.convertHex(this["Color 1"], parseInt(this["Color 1 Alpha"])); const color2 = _.convertHex(this["Color 2"], parseInt(this["Color 2 Alpha"])); const color3 = _.convertHex(this["Outline Color"], parseInt(this["Color 3 Alpha"])); let color = color1; if (fill === 'vertical') { color = this.bitmap._context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height); } else if (fill === 'horizontal') { color = this.bitmap._context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, width, 0); } else if (fill === 'radical') { const biggest = (width > height) ? width : height; color = this.bitmap._context.createRadialGradient(w2, h2, 0, w2, h2, biggest); } else if (fill === 'max radical') { const smallest = (width < height) ? width : height; color = this.bitmap._context.createRadialGradient(w2, h2, 0, w2, h2, smallest); } if (fill !== 'solid') { color.addColorStop(0, color1); color.addColorStop(1, color2); } this.bitmap.clear(); if (shape === 'Rectangle') { if (outline) { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, color3); } this.bitmap.fillRect(outline, outline, width, height, color); } else if (shape === 'Circle') { if (outline) { this.bitmap.drawOval(w2, h2, this.bitmap.width / 2, this.bitmap.height / 2, color3); } this.bitmap.drawOval(w2, h2, width / 2, height / 2, color); } }.bind(this)); }; Sprite_HUDShape.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const bit = this.bitmap; const outlineSize = parseInt(this["Outline Size"]); const width = parseInt(this["Width"]) + (outlineSize * 2); const height = parseInt(this["Height"]) + (outlineSize * 2); this.resizeBitmap(bit, width, height); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this.blendMode = parseInt(this["Blend"]); this.setupSnaps(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDImage //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDImage() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDImage.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDImage.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDImage; Sprite_HUDImage._label = "Picture"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDText manipulation */ Sprite_HUDImage.getHtml = function (data) { const image = data["Image"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const scaleX = data["Scale X"]; const scaleY = data["Scale Y"]; const opacity = data["Opacity"]; const hue = data["Hue"]; const blend = data["Blend"]; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } const blendArray = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 16; i++) { blendArray.push([String(i), parseInt(blend) === i ? 'selected' : '', _.blendNames[i]]) } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDImage._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createFilelist("Image", 'pictures', image)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale X", scaleX)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale Y", scaleY)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Opacity", opacity)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Hue", hue)} ${HUDManager.createSelectArray("Blend", blendArray)} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDImage within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDImage._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDImage._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDImage, html: Sprite_HUDImage.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDImage._label, "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Image": _.getFirstFile('pictures'), "Scale X": "1", "Scale Y": "1", "Opacity": "255", "Hue": "0", "Blend": "0" }, format: function (data) { let temp = String(data["Image"]); if (temp.length > 15) temp = temp.substring(0, 15) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDImage.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(32, 32), info); this.delayHilight = true; this.properties = ["Layer", "Condition", "Image", "Scale X", "Scale Y", "Opacity", "Hue", "Blend"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDImage.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); }; Sprite_HUDImage.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); this.bitmap.addLoadListener(this.setupSnaps.bind(this)); }; Sprite_HUDImage.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const image = this["Image"]; if (image) { try { this.bitmap = _.getPicture(image, parseInt(this["Hue"])); } catch (e) { this.postError(e); this["Image"] = ''; this._value = ''; this.bitmap = null; return; } this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this._baseXScale = parseFloat(this["Scale X"]); this._baseYScale = parseFloat(this["Scale Y"]); this.updateRealScale(); this.opacity = parseInt(this["Opacity"]); this.blendMode = parseInt(this["Blend"]); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDCodeImage //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDCodeImage() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDCodeImage; Sprite_HUDCodeImage._label = "Picture EX"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDText manipulation */ Sprite_HUDCodeImage.getHtml = function (data) { const image = data["Image"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const scaleX = data["Scale X"]; const scaleY = data["Scale Y"]; const opacity = data["Opacity"]; const hue = data["Hue"]; const blend = data["Blend"]; try { eval(image); } catch (e) { data["Image"] = ''; image = ''; } try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } const blendArray = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 16; i++) { blendArray.push([String(i), parseInt(blend) === i ? 'selected' : '', _.blendNames[i]]) } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDCodeImage._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createInput("Image", image)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale X", scaleX)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale Y", scaleY)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Opacity", opacity)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Hue", hue)} ${HUDManager.createSelectArray("Blend", blendArray)} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDCodeImage within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDCodeImage._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDCodeImage._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDCodeImage, html: Sprite_HUDCodeImage.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDCodeImage._label, "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Image": "'Gold'", "Scale X": "1", "Scale Y": "1", "Opacity": "255", "Hue": "0", "Blend": "0" }, format: function (data) { let temp; try { temp = eval(data["Image"]); } catch (e) { temp = "ERROR"; } if (temp.length > 12) temp = temp.substring(0, 12) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(32, 32), info); this.delayHilight = true; this.properties = ["Layer", "Condition", "Image", "Scale X", "Scale Y", "Opacity", "Hue", "Blend"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this._value = this.getNewImage(); this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype.getNewImage = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Image"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Picture EX\n' + e); result = ''; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; let newValue = this._value; newValue = this.getNewImage(); if (this._value !== newValue) { this._value = newValue; this.refresh(true); } }; Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); if (this.bitmap) { this.bitmap.addLoadListener(this.setupSnaps.bind(this)); } }; Sprite_HUDCodeImage.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const image = this._value; if (image) { try { this.bitmap = _.getPicture(image, parseInt(this["Hue"])); } catch (e) { this.postError(e); this["Image"] = ''; this._value = ''; this.bitmap = null; return; } this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this._baseXScale = parseFloat(this["Scale X"]); this._baseYScale = parseFloat(this["Scale Y"]); this.updateRealScale(); this.opacity = parseInt(this["Opacity"]); this.blendMode = parseInt(this["Blend"]); } else { this.bitmap = null; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDGauge //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDGauge() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDGauge; Sprite_HUDGauge._label = "Gauge"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDGauge manipulation */ Sprite_HUDGauge.getHtml = function (data) { const value = data["Cur. Value"]; const max = data["Max Value"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const width = data["Width"]; const height = data["Height"]; const fill = data["Style"]; const color1 = data["Color 1"]; const color1A = data["Color 1 Alpha"]; const color2 = data["Color 2"]; const color2A = data["Color 2 Alpha"]; const size = data["Outline Size"]; const color3 = data["Outline Color"]; const color3A = data["Color 3 Alpha"]; const color4 = data["Back Color"]; const color4A = data["Color 4 Alpha"]; const sele2 = ['', '', '', '']; if (fill === 'left') sele2[0] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'right') sele2[1] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'up') sele2[2] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'down') sele2[3] = 'selected'; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDGauge._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()}
${HUDManager.createInput("Cur. Value", value)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Max Value", max)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Width", width)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Height", height)} ${HUDManager.createSelect("Style", ["left", sele2[0], "Left"], ["right", sele2[1], "Right"], ["up", sele2[2], "Up"], ["down", sele2[3], "Down"])} ${HUDManager.createColor("Color 1", color1, "Color 1 Alpha", color1A)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Color 2", color2, "Color 2 Alpha", color2A)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Back Color", color4, "Color 4 Alpha", color4A)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Outline Size", size)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Outline Color", color3, "Color 3 Alpha", color3A)}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDGauge within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDGauge._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDGauge._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDGauge, html: Sprite_HUDGauge.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDGauge._label, "Cur. Value": "$gameParty.leader().hp", "Max Value": "$gameParty.leader().mhp", "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Width": "150", "Height": "30", "Style": "left", "Color 1": "#ff8000", "Color 1 Alpha": "255", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 2 Alpha": "255", "Back Color": "#666666", "Color 4 Alpha": "255", "Outline Size": "1", "Outline Color": "#222222", "Color 3 Alpha": "255" }, format: function (data) { let temp; try { temp = String(eval(data["Cur. Value"])); temp += "/" + String(eval(data["Max Value"])); } catch (e) { temp = "ERROR"; } if (temp.length > 15) temp = temp.substring(0, 15) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Cur. Value", "Max Value", "Condition", "Layer", "Width", "Height", "Style", "Color 1", "Color 1 Alpha", "Color 2", "Color 2 Alpha", "Back Color", "Color 4 Alpha", "Outline Size", "Outline Color", "Color 3 Alpha"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this._value = this.getCurrentValue(); this._maxvalue = this.getMaxValue(); this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.getCurrentValue = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Cur. Value"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Gauge\n' + e); result = 0; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.getMaxValue = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Max Value"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Gauge\n' + e); result = 0; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; const newValue = this.getCurrentValue(); const newMax = this.getMaxValue(); if (this._value !== newValue || this._maxvalue !== newMax) { this._value = newValue; this._maxvalue = newMax; this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); if ((this._value || this._value === 0) && (this._maxvalue || this._maxvalue == 0)) { this.bitmap.clear(); const outline = parseInt(this["Outline Size"]); const width = this["Width"]; const height = this["Height"]; const color1 = _.convertHex(this["Color 1"], parseInt(this["Color 1 Alpha"])); const color2 = _.convertHex(this["Color 2"], parseInt(this["Color 2 Alpha"])); const outlineCol = _.convertHex(this["Outline Color"], parseInt(this["Color 3 Alpha"])); const backCol = _.convertHex(this["Back Color"], parseInt(this["Color 4 Alpha"])); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, width + (outline * 2), height + (outline * 2), outlineCol); this.bitmap.fillRect(outline, outline, width, height, backCol); const fillW = Math.floor(width * (this._value / this._maxvalue)) || 0; const fillH = Math.floor(height * (this._value / this._maxvalue)) || 0; const style = this["Style"]; if (style === 'up') { this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(outline, (height - fillH) + outline, width, fillH, color2, color1, true); } else if (style === 'down') { this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(outline, outline, width, fillH, color1, color2, true); } else if (style === 'left') { this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(outline, outline, fillW, height, color2, color1); } else if (style === 'right') { this.bitmap.gradientFillRect((width - fillW) + outline, outline, fillW, height, color1, color2); } } }; Sprite_HUDGauge.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const bit = this.bitmap; const outline = parseInt(this["Outline Size"]); const width = parseInt(this["Width"]) + (outline * 2); const height = parseInt(this["Height"]) + (outline * 2); this.resizeBitmap(bit, width, height); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this.setupSnaps(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDImageGauge //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDImageGauge() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDImageGauge; Sprite_HUDImageGauge._label = "Image Gauge"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDImageGauge manipulation */ Sprite_HUDImageGauge.getHtml = function (data) { const value = data["Cur. Value"]; const max = data["Max Value"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const scaleX = data["Scale X"]; const scaleY = data["Scale Y"]; const fill = data["Style"]; const main = data["Main Image"]; const back = data["Back Image"]; const sele2 = ['', '', '', '']; if (fill === 'left') sele2[0] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'right') sele2[1] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'up') sele2[2] = 'selected'; else if (fill === 'down') sele2[3] = 'selected'; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDImageGauge._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createInput("Cur. Value", value)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Max Value", max)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createFilelist("Main Image", 'gauge_images', main)} ${HUDManager.createFilelist("Back Image", 'gauge_backs', back, true)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale X", scaleX)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale Y", scaleY)} ${HUDManager.createSelect("Style", ["left", sele2[0], "Left"], ["right", sele2[1], "Right"], ["up", sele2[2], "Up"], ["down", sele2[3], "Down"])} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDImageGauge within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDImageGauge._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDImageGauge._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDImageGauge, html: Sprite_HUDImageGauge.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDImageGauge._label, "Cur. Value": "$gameParty.leader().hp", "Max Value": "$gameParty.leader().mhp", "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Scale X": "1", "Scale Y": "1", "Style": "left", "Main Image": _.getFirstFile('gauge_images'), "Back Image": _.getFirstFile('gauge_backs') }, format: function (data) { let temp; try { temp = String(eval(data["Cur. Value"])); temp += "/" + String(eval(data["Max Value"])); } catch (e) { temp = "ERROR"; } if (temp.length > 12) temp = temp.substring(0, 12) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Cur. Value", "Max Value", "Condition", "Layer", "Scale X", "Scale Y", "Style", "Main Image", "Back Image"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this._value = this.getCurrentValue(); this._maxvalue = this.getMaxValue(); this._gauge = new Sprite(); this._gauge.anchor.y = 0.5; this.addChild(this._gauge); this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.getCurrentValue = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Cur. Value"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Gauge\n' + e); result = 0; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.getMaxValue = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Max Value"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Gauge\n' + e); result = 0; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; const newValue = this.getCurrentValue(); const newMax = this.getMaxValue(); if (this._value !== newValue || this._maxvalue !== newMax) { this._value = newValue; this._maxvalue = newMax; this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); const style = this["Style"]; const horizontal = Boolean(style === 'left' || style === 'right'); if (this.bitmap) { this.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud && this.highlight) this.highlight.setup(this); if (horizontal) { this._gauge.y = 0; this._gauge.x = (this.bitmap.width / -2); this._gauge.anchor.x = 0; this._gauge.anchor.y = 0.5; } else { this._gauge.x = 0; this._gauge.y = (this.bitmap.height / -2); this._gauge.anchor.y = 0; this._gauge.anchor.x = 0.5; } this.setupSnaps(); }.bind(this)); } if ((this._value || this._value === 0) && (this._maxvalue || this._maxvalue == 0)) { this._gauge.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { if (horizontal) { this._gauge._frame.height = this._gauge.bitmap.height; this._gauge._frame.y = 0; this._gauge._frame.width = this._gauge.bitmap.width * (this._value / this._maxvalue); if (style === 'right') { this._gauge._frame.x = this._gauge.bitmap.width - this._gauge._frame.width; if (this.bitmap) this._gauge.x = (this.bitmap.width / -2) + this._gauge._frame.x; } else if (style === 'left') { this._gauge._frame.x = 0; if (this.bitmap) this._gauge.x = (this.bitmap.width / -2); } this._gauge._refresh(); if (!this.bitmap) { this._gauge.x = (this._gauge.bitmap.width / -2); this.setupSnaps2(); } } else { this._gauge._frame.width = this._gauge.bitmap.width; this._gauge._frame.x = 0; this._gauge._frame.height = this._gauge.bitmap.height * (this._value / this._maxvalue); if (style === 'down') { this._gauge._frame.y = this._gauge.bitmap.height - this._gauge._frame.height; this._gauge.y = (this.bitmap.height / -2) + this._gauge._frame.y; } else if (style === 'up') { this._gauge._frame.y = 0; this._gauge.y = (this.bitmap.height / -2); } this._gauge._refresh(); if (!this.bitmap) { this._gauge.y = (this._gauge.bitmap.height / -2); this.setupSnaps2(); } } }.bind(this)); } }; Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); const front = this["Main Image"]; const back = this["Back Image"]; if (front) { this._gauge.bitmap = _.getGauge(front); this._baseXScale = parseFloat(this["Scale X"]); this._baseYScale = parseFloat(this["Scale Y"]); this.updateRealScale(); } if (back && back !== "N\n\nONE") { this.bitmap = _.getGaugeBack(back); } else { this.bitmap = null; } }; Sprite_HUDImageGauge.prototype.setupSnaps2 = function () { const width = this._gauge.width * this._baseXScale; const height = this._gauge.height * this._baseYScale; this.xSnaps = [width / 2, Graphics.boxWidth / 2, Graphics.boxWidth - (width / 2)]; this.ySnaps = [height / 2, Graphics.boxHeight / 2, Graphics.boxHeight - (height / 2)]; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDImageText //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDImageText() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDImageText; Sprite_HUDImageText._label = "Image Numbers"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDText manipulation */ Sprite_HUDImageText.getHtml = function (data) { const value = data["Value"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const image = data["Image"]; const scaleX = data["Scale X"]; const scaleY = data["Scale Y"]; const opacity = data["Opacity"]; const hue = data["Hue"]; const blend = data["Blend"]; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } const blendArray = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 16; i++) { blendArray.push([String(i), parseInt(blend) === i ? 'selected' : '', _.blendNames[i]]) } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDImageText._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createInput("Value", value)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createFilelist("Image", 'numbers', image)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale X", scaleX)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Scale Y", scaleY)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Opacity", opacity)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Hue", hue)} ${HUDManager.createSelectArray("Blend", blendArray)} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDImageText within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDImageText._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDImageText._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDImageText, html: Sprite_HUDImageText.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDImageText._label, "Value": "$gameParty.gold()", "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Image": _.getFirstFile('numbers'), "Scale X": "1", "Scale Y": "1", "Opacity": "255", "Hue": "0", "Blend": "0" }, format: function (data) { let temp; try { temp = String(eval(data["Value"])); } catch (e) { temp = "ERROR"; } if (temp.length > 12) temp = temp.substring(0, 12) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Value", "Layer", "Condition", "Image", "Scale X", "Scale Y", "Opacity", "Hue", "Blend"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this._value = this.getValue(); this._textLength = String(this._value).length; this._oBitmap = null; this._numbers = []; this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.getValue = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Value"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Image Text\n' + e); result = 0; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; const newValue = this.getValue(); if (this._value !== newValue) { this._value = newValue; this.refresh(); } }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); this._oBitmap.addLoadListener(function () { const width = this._oBitmap.width / 10; const height = this._oBitmap.height; this._textLength = String(this._value).length; this.bitmap = new Bitmap(width * this._textLength, height); if (this._numbers.length !== this._textLength) { this.clearNumbers(); this.createNumbers(width); } this.applyNumbers(width, height); if ($gameTemp.isManipulatingHud && this.highlight) this.highlight.setup(this); this.setupSnaps(); }.bind(this)); }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.clearNumbers = function () { this._numbers.forEach(function (number) { this.removeChild(number); }, this); this._numbers = []; }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.createNumbers = function (width) { for (let i = 0; i < this._textLength; i++) { const sprite = new Sprite(this._oBitmap); sprite.anchor.set(0.5); sprite.blendMode = parseInt(this["Blend"]); this.addChild(sprite); this._numbers.push(sprite); sprite.x = (i * width) - (this.bitmap.width / 2) + (width / 2); } }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.applyNumbers = function (width, height) { const strValue = String(this._value); for (let i = 0; i < this._textLength; i++) { const num = parseInt(strValue[i]); this._numbers[i].setFrame(width * num, 0, width, height); } }; Sprite_HUDImageText.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this.clearNumbers(); this._value = this.getValue(); this._oBitmap = _.getNumbers(this["Image"], parseInt(this["Hue"])); this._baseXScale = parseFloat(this["Scale X"]); this._baseYScale = parseFloat(this["Scale Y"]); this.updateRealScale(); this.opacity = parseInt(this["Opacity"]); this._numbers.forEach(function (sprite) { sprite.blendMode = parseInt(this["Blend"]); }, this); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite_HUDFace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sprite_HUDFace() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HUDFace.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_HUDObject.prototype); Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HUDFace; Sprite_HUDFace._label = "Actor Face"; /* * Get HTML for Sprite_HUDText manipulation */ Sprite_HUDFace.getHtml = function (data) { const value = data["Actor ID"]; let condition = data["Condition"]; const layer = data["Layer"]; const width = data["Width"]; const height = data["Height"]; const color = data["Background Color"]; const alpha = data["Background Alpha"]; const mask = data["Mask"]; const sele = ['', '']; if (mask === '0') sele[0] = 'selected'; else if (mask === '1') sele[1] = 'selected'; try { eval(condition); } catch (e) { data["Condition"] = ''; condition = ''; } return `${HUDManager.createTitle(data.id, Sprite_HUDImageText._label)} ${HUDManager.createHeader()} ${HUDManager.createInput("Actor ID", value)} ${HUDManager.createConditionInput("Condition", condition)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Layer", layer)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Width", width)} ${HUDManager.createInput("Height", height)} ${HUDManager.createColor("Background Color", color, "Background Alpha", alpha)} ${HUDManager.createSelect("Mask", ["0", sele[0], "None"], ["1", sele[1], "Circle"])} ${HUDManager.createRefresh()}
`; }; /* * Register Sprite_HUDImageText within the HUDManager */ HUDManager.typeNames.push(Sprite_HUDFace._label); HUDManager.types[Sprite_HUDFace._label] = { class: Sprite_HUDFace, html: Sprite_HUDFace.getHtml, data: { "type": Sprite_HUDFace._label, "Actor ID": "$gameParty.leader().actorId()", "Condition": "", "Layer": "0", "Width": "144", "Height": "144", "Background Color": '#FFFFFF', "Background Alpha": "255", "Mask": "1" }, format: function (data) { let temp; try { temp = "Actor: " + String(eval(data["Actor ID"])); } catch (e) { temp = "ERROR"; } if (temp.length > 12) temp = temp.substring(0, 12) + "..."; return temp; } } Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.initialize = function (info) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(1, 1), info); this.properties = ["Actor ID", "Layer", "Condition", "Width", "Height", "Background Color", "Background Alpha", "Mask"]; for (let i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) { const prop = this.properties[i]; this[prop] = info[prop]; } this._value = this.getActorId(); this._actor = $gameActors.actor(this._value); this._curFace = this._actor.faceName(); this.refresh(true); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.getActorId = function () { let result; try { result = eval(this["Actor ID"]); } catch (e) { console.log('Error with Actor Face\n' + e); result = 1; } return result; }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this._isActive) return; const newValue = this.getActorId(); if (this._value !== newValue || this._curFace !== this._actor.faceName()) { this._value = newValue; this.refresh(true); } }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.refresh = function (refreshProperties) { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refresh.apply(this, arguments); this._oBitmap.addLoadListener(this.refreshBitmap.bind(this)); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.refreshBitmap = function () { this.bitmap.clear(); const color = _.convertHex(this["Background Color"], parseInt(this["Background Alpha"])); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, color); this.drawFace(this._actor.faceIndex(), parseInt(this["Width"]), parseInt(this["Height"])); this.setupSnaps(); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.drawFace = function (faceIndex, width, height) { width = width || Window_Base._faceWidth; height = height || Window_Base._faceHeight; var pw = Window_Base._faceWidth; var ph = Window_Base._faceHeight; var sx = faceIndex % 4 * pw + (pw - pw) / 2; var sy = Math.floor(faceIndex / 4) * ph + (ph - ph) / 2; this.bitmap.blt(this._oBitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, 0, width, height); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.refreshProperties = function () { Sprite_HUDObject.prototype.refreshProperties.apply(this, arguments); const bit = this.bitmap; const width = parseInt(this["Width"]); const height = parseInt(this["Height"]); this.resizeBitmap(bit, width, height); this.z = parseInt(this["Layer"]); this._value = this.getActorId(); this._actor = $gameActors.actor(this._value); this._curFace = this._actor.faceName(); this._oBitmap = ImageManager.loadFace(this._actor.faceName()); this.refreshMask(width, height); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.refreshMask = function (width, height) { if (this._maskSprite) this.removeChild(this._maskSprite); this.createMask(); this.refreshMaskBitmap(width, height); this.redrawMask(); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.createMask = function () { this._maskSprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap(1, 1)); this._maskSprite.anchor.set(0.5); this.mask = this._maskSprite; this.addChild(this._maskSprite); }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.refreshMaskBitmap = function (width, height) { const spr = this._maskSprite; spr.bitmap.resize(width, height); spr._frame.width = 0; spr._frame.height = 0; if (_.isV150) { spr._refreshFrame = true; spr._onBitmapLoad(spr.bitmap); } else { spr._onBitmapLoad(); } }; Sprite_HUDFace.prototype.redrawMask = function () { const bit = this._maskSprite.bitmap; bit.clear(); if (this["Mask"] === "0") { bit.fillRect(0, 0, bit.width, bit.height, "#ffffff"); } else { bit.fillRect(0, 0, bit.width, bit.height, "#000000"); const w2 = bit.width / 2, h2 = bit.height / 2; bit.drawOval(w2, h2, w2, h2, "#ffffff"); } }; })(SRD.HUDMaker);