# GraphvizPreview—SublimeText Plugin Simply highlight a graphviz snippet in your file, and hit `super+shift+g` to view it. You can also click in the the body of a snippet. Easy! ![Example video of plugin](https://packagecontrol.io/readmes/img/376d256c225f965ec94ee25c42e66c60a98a55a7.gif) ## Install Install the package `GraphvizPreview` through [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/GraphvizPreview). Works with Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 Beta. ### Install Dependencies This package also requires `dot` to be installed. #### MacOS Install graphviz using [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/) ``` brew install graphviz ``` ## Installation (Manual) For windows: * Download and install GraphViz. * Add the GraphViz bin folder to the env PATH variable (C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz\bin) Common: * Download the zip. * Rename resulting folder to `GraphvizPreview`. * Place the folder in your Sublime Text Packages folder. ## Changelog ### Next release * Add Windows & Linux Support * Configurable hot key * Configurable `dot` binary location ### v0.1.1 * Added Sublime Text 3 Support ### v0.1.0 * Created preview plugin for Sublime Text 2 on Mac OS