'use strict'; // ==UserScript== // @name Import Naxos Music Library releases to MusicBrainz // @namespace https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts // @author loujine // @version 2020.9.12 // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/naxos_library_importer.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/naxos_library_importer.user.js // @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png // @description Add a button to import Naxos Music Library releases to MusicBrainz // @compatible firefox+tampermonkey // @license MIT // @include http*://*naxosmusiclibrary.com/catalogue/item.asp* // @require lib/mbimport.js // @require lib/mbimportstyle.js // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); const url = document.URL.replace(/\/[^/].*naxos/, '/www.naxos'); const editNote = ` Imported from ${url} Warning: Track durations from Naxos Music Library can seldom be incorrect — GM script: "${GM_info.script.name}" (${GM_info.script.version}) `; const months = { January: 1, February: 2, March: 3, April: 4, May: 5, June: 6, July: 7, August: 8, September: 9, October: 10, November: 11, December: 12, }; function _clean(s) { return s .replace(' In ', ' in ') .replace('Minor', 'minor') .replace('Major', 'major') .replace('Op.', 'op. ') .replace(/No\. /g, 'no. ') .replace(/No\./g, 'no. ') .replace('-Flat', '-flat') .replace(' Flat', '-flat') .replace(' flat', '-flat') .replace('-Sharp', '-sharp') .replace(' Sharp', '-sharp') .replace(' sharp', '-sharp') .replace('1. ', 'I. ') .replace('2. ', 'II. ') .replace('3. ', 'III. ') .replace('4. ', 'IV. ') .replace('5. ', 'V. ') .replace('6. ', 'VI. ') .replace('7. ', 'VII. ') .replace('8. ', 'VIII. ') .replace('9. ', 'IX. ') .replace('10. ', 'X. ') .replace(' - ', ': ') .replace(' | ', ': ') .replace('K.', 'K. ') .replace('S.', 'S. '); } function extract_release_data() { function _setTitle() { return $('h2').text(); } function _setReleasePerformers() { const artists = $('td#left-sidebar a[href*="/artist"]').toArray(); const list = artists.map(function (artist) { return { artist_name: artist.textContent, joinphrase: ', ', }; }); list[list.length - 1].joinphrase = ''; return list; } function _setReleaseArtists() { const composers = $('td#left-sidebar a[href*="/composer/"]').toArray(); const list = composers.map(function (composer) { return { artist_name: composer.textContent, joinphrase: ', ', }; }); list[list.length - 1].joinphrase = '; '; return list.concat(_setReleasePerformers()); } let date = $('td#left-sidebar b:contains("Release Date")').parent().text().trim(); if (date) { date = date .split(': ')[1] .split(' ') .filter(i => i !== ''); } let label = $('td#left-sidebar b:contains("Label")').parent().text().trim(); label = label.split(': ')[1]; const $tracklist_node = $('td#mainbodycontent > table > tbody'); let discs = [], tracks = []; function extract_track_data(node, parentWork) { const numberfield = node.children[1].textContent; if (parseInt(numberfield) == 1) { // flush finished medium discs.push({ format: 'Digital Media', tracks: tracks, }); tracks = []; } let title = node.children[3].childNodes[0].textContent.trim(); if (title === '') { title = node.children[3].childNodes[1].textContent.trim(); } if (parentWork && title.trim().startsWith('»')) { title = `${parentWork}: ${title.replace('»', '')}`; } return { number: parseInt(numberfield), title: _clean(title), duration: node.children[5].textContent, }; } let parentWork; $tracklist_node.find('tbody > tr').each(function (idx, trnode) { if (trnode.children.length > 1) { if (trnode.children[1].innerHTML.replace(' ', '').trim() == '') { // work header parentWork = trnode.children[3].childNodes[1].textContent.trim(); } else { const track = extract_track_data(trnode, parentWork); tracks.push(track); } } }); // last medium discs.push({ title: '', format: 'Digital Media', tracks: tracks, }); // remove empty medium 0 discs = discs.splice(1); return { title: _setTitle(), artist_credit: _setReleaseArtists(), type: 'Album', status: 'Official', year: date[2], month: months[date[1]], day: date[0], labels: [ { name: label, catno: document.URL.split('?cid=')[1], }, ], urls: [], discs: discs, }; } // Insert links in page function insertMBSection(release) { const mbUI = $('


'); const mbContentBlock = $('
'); mbUI.append(mbContentBlock); // Form parameters const parameters = MBImport.buildFormParameters(release, editNote); // Build form + search button const innerHTML = `
${MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters)} ${MBImport.buildSearchButton(release)}
`; mbContentBlock.append(innerHTML); $('td#left-sidebar').append(mbUI[0]); $('#mb_buttons').css({ display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', }); $('form.musicbrainz_import').css({ width: '49%', display: 'inline-block' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import_search').css({ float: 'right' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import > button').css({ width: '100%', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' }); mbUI.slideDown(); } try { const release = extract_release_data(); insertMBSection(release); } catch (e) { console.log(e); throw e; }