v0.11.2 (August 2021) --------------------- This is a minor release that addresses issues in the v0.11 series and adds a small number of targeted enhancements. It is a recommended upgrade for all users. - |Docs| A paper describing seaborn has been published in the `Journal of Open Source Software `_. The paper serves as an introduction to the library and can be used to cite seaborn if it has been integral to a scientific publication. - |API| |Feature| In :func:`lmplot`, added a new `facet_kws` parameter and deprecated the `sharex`, `sharey`, and `legend_out` parameters from the function signature; pass them in a `facet_kws` dictionary instead (:pr:`2576`). - |Feature| Added a :func:`move_legend` convenience function for repositioning the legend on an existing axes or figure, along with updating its properties. This function should be preferred over calling `ax.legend` with no legend data, which does not reliably work across seaborn plot types (:pr:`2643`). - |Feature| In :func:`histplot`, added `stat="percent"` as an option for normalization such that bar heights sum to 100 and `stat="proportion"` as an alias for the existing `stat="probability"` (:pr:`2461`, :pr:`2634`). - |Feature| Added :meth:`FacetGrid.refline` and :meth:`JointGrid.refline` methods for plotting horizontal and/or vertical reference lines on every subplot in one step (:pr:`2620`). - |Feature| In :func:`kdeplot`, added a `warn_singular` parameter to silence the warning about data with zero variance (:pr:`2566`). - |Enhancement| In :func:`histplot`, improved performance with large datasets and many groupings/facets (:pr:`2559`, :pr:`2570`). - |Enhancement| The :class:`FacetGrid`, :class:`PairGrid`, and :class:`JointGrid` objects now reference the underlying matplotlib figure with a `.figure` attribute. The existing `.fig` attribute still exists but is discouraged and may eventually be deprecated. The effect is that you can now call `obj.figure` on the return value from any seaborn function to access the matplotlib object (:pr:`2639`). - |Enhancement| In :class:`FacetGrid` and functions that use it, visibility of the interior axis labels is now disabled, and exterior axis labels are no longer erased when adding additional layers. This produces the same results for plots made by seaborn functions, but it may produce different (better, in most cases) results for customized facet plots (:pr:`2583`). - |Enhancement| In :class:`FacetGrid`, :class:`PairGrid`, and functions that use them, the matplotlib `figure.autolayout` parameter is disabled to avoid having the legend overlap the plot (:pr:`2571`). - |Enhancement| The :func:`load_dataset` helper now produces a more informative error when fed a dataframe, easing a common beginner mistake (:pr:`2604`). - |Fix| |Enhancement| Improved robustness to missing data, including some additional support for the `pd.NA` type (:pr:`2417`, :pr:`2435`). - |Fix| In :func:`ecdfplot` and :func:`rugplot`, fixed a bug where results were incorrect if the data axis had a log scale before plotting (:pr:`2504`). - |Fix| In :func:`histplot`, fixed a bug where using `shrink` with non-discrete bins shifted bar positions inaccurately (:pr:`2477`). - |Fix| In :func:`displot`, fixed a bug where `common_norm=False` was ignored when faceting was used without assigning `hue` (:pr:`2468`). - |Fix| In :func:`histplot`, fixed two bugs where automatically computed edge widths were too thick for log-scaled histograms and for categorical histograms on the y axis (:pr:`2522`). - |Fix| In :func:`histplot` and :func:`kdeplot`, fixed a bug where the `alpha` parameter was ignored when `fill=False` (:pr:`2460`). - |Fix| In :func:`histplot` and :func:`kdeplot`, fixed a bug where the `multiple` parameter was ignored when `hue` was provided as a vector without a name (:pr:`2462`). - |Fix| In :func:`displot`, the default alpha value now adjusts to a provided `multiple` parameter even when `hue` is not assigned (:pr:`2462`). - |Fix| In :func:`displot`, fixed a bug that caused faceted 2D histograms to error out with `common_bins=False` (:pr:`2640`). - |Fix| In :func:`rugplot`, fixed a bug that prevented the use of datetime data (:pr:`2458`). - |Fix| In :func:`relplot` and :func:`displot`, fixed a bug where the dataframe attached to the returned `FacetGrid` object dropped columns that were not used in the plot (:pr:`2623`). - |Fix| In :func:`relplot`, fixed an error that would be raised when one of the column names in the dataframe shared a name with one of the plot variables (:pr:`2581`). - |Fix| In the relational plots, fixed a bug where legend entries for the `size` semantic were incorrect when `size_norm` extrapolated beyond the range of the data (:pr:`2580`). - |Fix| In :func:`lmplot` and :func:`regplot`, fixed a bug where the x axis was clamped to the data limits with `truncate=True` (:pr:`2576`). - |Fix| In :func:`lmplot`, fixed a bug where `sharey=False` did not always work as expected (:pr:`2576`). - |Fix| In :func:`heatmap`, fixed a bug where vertically-rotated y-axis tick labels would be misaligned with their rows (:pr:`2574`). - |Fix| Fixed an issue that prevented Python from running in `-OO` mode while using seaborn (:pr:`2473`). - |Docs| Improved the API documentation for theme-related functions (:pr:`2573`). - |Docs| Added docstring pages for all methods on documented classes (:pr:`2644`).