#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX qw(strftime); use IO::Handle; use IPC::Open3; use Digest::MD5; ## Date: 20171119 ## Desc: Called from omnibus external procedure to send data to Splunk via HEC for ITSI integrations ## Auth: jslay@splunk.com | @rolltide ## Example curl call: ## curl -k -H "Authorization: Splunk a507ef56-d3a4-457b-a59a-b1df20d47e89" ## ## -d '{"sourcetype": "mysourcetype", "event": ## ##{"event_id": "a507ef56-d3a4-457b-a59a-b1df20d47e89", "key": "value", "an integer": 2}}' my $command = "/usr/bin/curl"; my $timeout = 10; my $logfile = "/tmp/itsi_integration.log"; my $token = "6A6E2442-7EAB-4C99-B71D-B8E7F78BA6B3"; my $splunkHEC = "https://heregoesthenameofyoursplunkserver:8088/services/collector/event"; my $ignoreHTTPSCerts = 1; my $sourcetype = "netcool_event"; my $ts = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'; my $lguid = uc sprintf("%x",$$.time); my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->add($lguid); my $guid = $md5->hexdigest; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { my $msg = @_; _log("Fatal error: $msg"); exit(5); }; open(LOGFILE, '>>', $logfile) || die "Cannot open logfile: $logfile: $!"; LOGFILE->autoflush(1); _log("START"); if ( ($#ARGV + 1) % 2 == 1 ) { die "Odd number of args passed to script...Must pass even number for proper formatting" } my %data = @ARGV; _log("Invoked with ARGV: " . join(' ', @ARGV)); _log(Dumper(\%ENV)); _log(Dumper(\%data)); sub _log { my $msg = shift; my $ts_str = POSIX::strftime($ts, localtime); print LOGFILE "\[$ts_str\] $lguid $msg\n"; } sub main { my $cmd = parse_input($command => { token => "\"Authorization: Splunk $token\"", HEC => $splunkHEC, sourcetype => $sourcetype, }); #print "@$cmd\n"; run_curl($cmd); } sub parse_input { my $curl = shift; my $event = shift; my $cmd = [ $curl, '-k', ## Should make this configurable with the #ignore HTTPSCerts var '-H', $event->{token}, $event->{HEC}, '-d', qq/'{"sourcetype": "$event->{sourcetype}",/ , qq/"event": {"event_id": "$guid",/ ]; push(@$cmd, sprintf('"netcool_source": "%s"', 'NETCOOL')); foreach (keys %data) { s/\!/\./g; s/('|")//g; $data{$_} =~ s/\!/\./g; $data{$_} =~ s/('|")//g; push(@$cmd, ",\"$_\": \"$data{$_}\""); } push(@$cmd, '}}\''); return $cmd; } sub run_curl { my $cmd = shift; my $pid; my $exit_code; my $run_in; my $run_out; my $run_err; _log(sprintf('Running: %s', join(' ', @$cmd))); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'timeout'; }; alarm $timeout; $pid = open3($run_in, $run_out, $run_err, join(' ', @$cmd)) || die $?; close($run_in); waitpid($pid, 0); $exit_code = $? >> 8; alarm 0; }; alarm 0; if ($@) { _log("Error: $@"); } else { _log(sprintf('Command completed (%d) with exit code: %d', $pid, $exit_code)); } } main(); _log("END"); close(LOGFILE); exit(0);